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Grimm Legacy (LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Natalie woke up when he alarm went off and she go dressed for the day. thankfully there were a couple other fifth years who agreed to show here where the classes and such were
Aris was just looking up as her phone went off before she was sleepily getting to her feet and getting dressed for the day. Nope she was just kind of zombie walking at that point in time and just mumbling a greeting to some of the other people that were around her.
Natalie left her bird in the room as she didn't think that having Kaen with her would be a good idea while in class unless it was the care of magical creatures class then she would bring her with
Aris was heading off to her first class for the day which so happened to be Herbology. Not that she knew where she was going, but she would eventually figure it out she was sure.
Natalie had charms first and she walked with some of her classmates to the room holding her books close as someone had told her what classes they had that day.

Clark walked over to Aris and spoke “would you like me to show you where we are going?”
Kailee spotted Natalie and was wandering over next to her shyly before she questioned, "Umm... Can I show you where classes are? We have the same classes together...."

Aris was looking up for a moment before she spoke, "That would be absolutely fantastic actually." Snickers was just meowing at her as she bolted over and jumping up into the bag that Aris had hanging over her shoulders, just for the cat.
Natalie nodded her head and smiled at her before making a motion for her to take the leave.

Clark smiled and then guided her to the first class of the day
Kailee was smiling before gesturing for her to follow after her, just talking to her a bit about the school and pointing out various different places. Although after a bit she was just apologizing for talking too much.

Aris followed after him to class, keeping her books to her chest at that point in time. Snickers was just looking around contently before the cat was giving a meow. 'There are a lot of animals here.' "I know Snickers. I hope you will become close friends with them. It'll be nice to have other animals for you to play with other than just Kaen." Aris was speaking out loud, not even concerned about it seeming like she was crazy.
Natalie assured her she didn’t mind her talking and telling her what she was she was hopping that the teachers would be understanding about her not talking

Clark watched her and figured she had a gift with animals since she was talking to her cat
Kailee was just smiling then spoke, "If you want... Before class I can go up with you and explain to the teachers that you are mute - they don't need to know the full details at all. If you would like." Nope she was just trying to be friendly and helpful, and didn't have any bad intentions whatsoever.

Aris was just smiling a bit before she was walking into the classroom - although it was definitely getting pretty tense when it was discovered that Liliana was in that class - as this was a class that they had with Hufflepuff. And she was a Hufflepuff. Liliana was sitting with her friends and obviously mocking people as they came in, especially Aris when she came in. This just had Aris smiling before she was cooing, "Kings and Queens don't keep their thrones forever. Eventually they are taken away from them - for varying reasons."
Natalia nodded her head in agreement and then walked with her into their charms class heading over to the teacher to let them know she was mute but had created her own system for casting spells. Natalia had flashcards of every spell and the wrist movements she would use for them. when she was asked to see them she showed them to the teacher.

Clark looked at Liliana "she is right if you keep acting like you are you will lose your throne" Clark hated her and ignored her more often then not but on the rare time he did speak to her he was always harsh
Kailee walked over to the teacher with Natalie and was explaining to the teacher that she was mute. She also asked if there was a chance that they could sit next to each other, this way if Natalie was asked a question, she could write down the answer and Kailee could just read it for her. The teacher didn't seem to care at all and was gesturing for them to go sit down.

Liliana was just scoffing after a moment in time, not believing that he was speaking to her like that. "As if I would lose my title to somebody like that.... a no life that didn't get their acceptance until their fifth year." This had Aris looking over before she spoke, "Actually no I got my acceptance letter when I was eleven just like everybody else. Then a month before we were suppose to start school, while sitting at the dinner table... dark wizards broke into my home, and killed my parents right in front of my sister and I. The last thing our father was able to do before he was killed was send us away to a family friend - and we have been too traumatized to come to school since then. We just finally managed to feel more comfortable with what happened in the past to come to school, and learn magic like our parents wanted for us." Nope she didn't care if others heard this store, and she was even teared up as she spoke about it. Yet while some of it was real, some of it was for show. No Liliana had pissed her off and now people were going to see Liliana as a terrible person for making the new girl talk about some tragic on her first day.
Clark glared at her "seriously" Clark then guided Aris to sit next to him and then looked at her "sorry about her she things she is all high and mighty since she masters second and third year spells in her first year but hasn't mastered any new ones since" Clark seriously hated the girl and even more now that she made Aris talk about something she didn't need to.

Natalie smiled and then sat next to Kailee and wrote down that she was looking forward to class
Aris was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "It isn't your fault at all. And it is fine. It still causes me sadness about what happened with my parents but at the same time... I just knocked her down a peg."

Kailee was smiling before she was nodding her head and commenting that she was as well.
"that you did the school gossip is in the class with us" Clark pointed to the person he was talking about who was already hard at work talking to others as they came in about what happened and soon the whole class was glaring at her.

Natalia looked over when the teacher started to lecture and she went to work on writing her notes down
"Oh I do so much love gossip." Aris was commenting before she as actually giving a grin and was soon enough getting up and going over to the people. "So what's the gossip over here?" she questioned almost as though she didn't know anything. Nope she was very curious as to what they were saying about the story she had told.
the gossip had kept true to the event that had happened and how she had cried as the female didn't like spreading lies so she was careful to only spread the truth and when Aris asked the girls would replay with what had actually happened and nothing more
Aris was just looking for a moment before she was speaking in a soft voice, "But please... Make sure that people don't bring it up around my sister. It affects her far more than it has me. I worry for her mental health.... she is... after all, all I have left." With that she was getting up and going back over towards Clark, but she was giving a little wink towards Liliana, unseen by others.
the girls nodded their head as they all remembered the girl who had arrived with her who had carried a board which made them wonder how much losing their parents had hurt the girl and what kind of damage the trama had left behind. Clark looked at her when she returned and spoke "this will spread fast you know and soon the whole school will know"
Aris was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "For me that is fine. I'll revel in the chaos that is going to be caused, especially when people try to question me about it. I'm not the quiet one like my sister. Not even close."
Aris was just looking over before she spoke, "She is a selective mute from what happened." With that she was stretching a bit before starting to take notes when the teacher came in and started the lesson.
"oh ok" Clark then paid attention to the teacher taking notes while he had another quill going copying down his notes from the start of the year from this class for her
Aris was paying attention to what was being said and raising her hand, asking questions as needed and even answering questions as they were asked. Herbology was pretty easy peasy... although she was resisting the urge to correct the teacher on some things.
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