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Strangelove (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She melted snd moaned lowly. “F-Fuck you wanna put a baby in me so bad don’t you~?” She asked, grinding gently against him as best she could.
She cried out, arching as best she could. “H-How much do you daydream about waiting nine months just to start it again~?”
“Y-You’d have to~ J-Just nine months of build up, all while my ass gets fatter and my tits get bigger~?” She gasped.
"I couldn't wait, I'd fuck you anytime you wanted to. Anytime that ass looked too good, I'd abuse the fuck out of you." He hissed.
His breath hitched and he slammed into her suddenly, grunting lowly as he dumped a massive load inside her. He panted hard and went back to it, pinning her legs against her chest, "G-Guess so, huh...~?"
She arched hard and cried out, her vision blurring. “F-Fuck I didn’t know you were so close~!!”
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