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Strangelove (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She eventually ground against him, gasping and crying out. “F-Fuck, baby~! F-Fuck I can’t take it~!!”
He moaned again, loving the praise as much as a dog would, and tried to do more for her as a reward.
She was squirming against him, her face twisting in a grin and furrowed brows, her eyes shut tight. “F-Fuck I’m close already~!”
Her thighs were shaking against his head, she was gasping and crying out over and over. “F-Fuck, gonna cum~!!”
She squeezed his head tight in her thighs as she suddenly gripped his hair tight. She lulled her head back and let out a series of loud, low moans that quickly grew into screams as she climaxes hard.
He didn't stop, he kept working her to help her ride it out, and if she came again then he was more than happy with himself.
He moaned into her before he forced himself to set her down, moving to kiss and bite over her shoulder, careful not to leave any marks.
She panted hard, shuddering as she struggled to stand. “J-Jesus baby, I’m sad I didn’t set up a camera~”
"Whatever makes you happy, baby, I'm for it~" He moaned, "We should probably actually wash, though~"
He moved to wash her with her loofa and her fancy soap, making sure to get everywhere and try not to get her off again.
She wasn’t making it easy, she was bent against the shower wall, squirming and making weak noises.
She moved to “help” him as best she could, genuinely trying to wash him, but now too far gone to focus on anything but cock.
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