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Strangelove (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She managed to focus long enough to finish up, even if she did take some time to worship his throbbing cock after he had rinsed.
He was wound up tight, ready and willing to throw her against any surface at this point. He didn't bother getting dressed, just towelled off and waited.
She dried off and exited, moving to kiss him gently. A mistake, but something she clearly did with intent.
She melted and moaned lowly as she raked her nails gently down his arms. She hit the bed and gasped as she fell back onto it.
He moved over her and trapped her, pulling her legs around his waist as he teased her with the head of his cock.
She gasped and whined as she tilted her head down to watch. “F-Fuck, baby p-please don’t make me wait~”
She moaned weakly and nodded as she squirmed beneath him, trying to tease him. “I-I know you want it just as bad~” she said.
“Th-Then do it already~ I-I only got one load out of you in the shower, I need more~” she moaned out, still squirming over his tip, coating it heavily in her hot juices.
Jesus, the things he did for her. Knowing he'd have to go out and spend another forty bucks on a Plan B, he was sure they were keeping the whole company afloat at this point. Not that he really minded.
He gripped her hips and pushed into her without looking, stretching her full with his massive cock, growling lowly at the feel of her.
Her cries caught in her throat, her head lulling back as her mouth hung slack. “Th-There… i-it is~!” She managed.
He shifted, lifting her hips just a bit to drive deeper into her, grunting roughly as he slammed into her just the way she liked.
He growled and moaned, loving how hot and wet she was, how tight she fit around him, "Fuck, you're dangerous, baby."
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