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Random Fact About You.

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That's not what I meant. I mean.. I'm standing behind what I said, because that's just how I am. And, if you didn't get that it was a joke.. then.. sor-ry.
angelicxdream said:
Trygon said:
angelicxdream said:
No. Remember how I said I wanted to beat this guy up for writing an article? It was one where Twilight [the series.] ranked number two overrated things, and then he put Hollister as number three. So, he really wants to die. I don't know him. But.. I shall find him, and make him wish he hadn't had written it. :]
Wow, you're a bitch. How dare someone not like the same overhyped crap you do?

Stop running your mouth, you aren't going to do anything and everyone knows it.
You're mean. And, many people think the same way I do. So, yes, I'm standing behind what I said.

Master, it's this american apparel store.
Yes, I'm mean. Yes, many people think like you do.

Do you really want me to list some historical events that have had majority support? I should hope even a subintelligent twit like you could see how that could go very badly for your case very quickly.

Here's an idea! Why not ask yourself what kind of image you portray by threatening violence over pop culture? You're either someone who would assault another over your masturbation rag of a book and your shitty overpriced store, or you're someone who would LIE about assaulting another over your masturbation rag of a book and shitty overpriced store.
It wouldn't be over-rated if no one liked it. Who cares if he thinks it's over-rated? How about the fact that during Bella's transformation, she talks about how weird it is to not have to breathe, and then a few pages later she was holding her breath? It's because Stephenie Meyer put more time into developing a taboo romance than a well written plot and story. I don't have a problem with people that like it, but obsession is unhealthy, no matter what the subject. Get over it. Some people hate Twilight.

...A lot of people. Hate Twilight.
Yes, I'm mean. Yes, many people think like you do.

Do you really want me to list some historical events that have had majority support? I should hope even a subintelligent twit like you could see how that could go very badly for your case very quickly.

Here's an idea! Why not ask yourself what kind of image you portray by threatening violence over pop culture? You're either someone who would assault another over your masturbation rag of a book and your shitty overpriced store, or you're someone who would LIE about assaulting another over your masturbation rag of a book and shitty overpriced store.

No thanks. And, it's not a masturbation rag of a book. I don't know where masturbation came from. Also, it was a freakin' joke.
Veras said:
It wouldn't be over-rated if no one liked it. Who cares if he thinks it's over-rated? How about the fact that during Bella's transformation, she talks about how weird it is to not have to breathe, and then a few pages later she was holding her breath? It's because Stephenie Meyer put more time into developing a taboo romance than a well written plot and story. I don't have a problem with people that like it, but obsession is unhealthy, no matter what the subject. Get over it. Some people hate Twilight.

...A lot of people. Hate Twilight.
And a lot of people like it. I'm not obsessing over it. I didn't think about it after my first class, when I was reading the newspaper. Just something I was thinking about now. Or, am I not allowed to do that?
To side with trygon here for just a moment.

Twilight has often, often, often, been referred to as 'pornographic' but not in the typical sense.
-goes to look up the quote-
Well then don't threaten someone either truthfully or falsely. You didn't make it sound like a joke. It sounded like you were literally upset.
I thought the first Twilight was okay.

The second one however, made me want to go play hopscotch in a mine field.
Fact: Its happened they can make cartoon characters real!

fact: Spring time is here at last for me though!! Complete those people in florida are complaining about sixty degrees being to cold! they don't know cold. Ack i'm ranting.

Fact: I've always wanted to write a space opera, but could never really evolve the details in my head.
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