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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

As they all looked at the light, Clair had a similar look to the others when Cassandra spoke up, getting her face to light up before it was immediately shut down by Gregor and Kenna. However this did not stop Clair from making some notes on this coloured glass experiment, adding additional notes to test other light and glass tests.

Clair was a little disappointed but seemed to accept the wait, but aside to Cassandra.
"Definitely next Yule, I already have an idea how to stain the glass" She whispered.
Cassandra raised an eyebrow and smirked, giving a nod once to let Clair know she had heard; before she could reply farther, or even out loud, Gregor called everyone into the dining hall for dinner, which consisted of roast pheasant, vegetables and a maroon coloured side that Aurora, curious, actually sniffed. "Interesting." She asided to Calla, Ethel and Olivia. "Steamed and pureed beets. Thought that was a Cordonian delicacy. If it's so, you're all in for a treat."

Arden raised his eyebrows as the dish was placed in front of him, and sided to his seat neighbor (one of Clair's parents, you pick), "Might not be as good as real Cordonian pureed beets, but a good effort, most other allied countries do their best, but can't get the spices just right. Ask me or Aurora for the correct recipe, as this is served at most formal dinners you will be expected to host as the newest Viscount and Countess of the country. Most countries also forget the Cordonian Ruby apples, likely Dunwyn isn't one of them."

Arden would prove to be right, in fact the apple and spices ratio to the beets would be the closest any Cordonian had ever tasted, and Kenna, Aurora and Ruby gave compliments to Gregor to pass on to his chef. Arden himself, would grin and nod to his seat neighbor.

Ruby would go one better, reaching over and squeezing Clair's arm, "Good, huh? But in reality... What do you think?" She asked Clair's opinion.
Ethel nodded.
"Right, one thing that does seem to consistently improve over time is food. at least, always ready to try some tasty grub."

Mr Handler asided back.
"It's very good, but if you have an improvement or a more official way of making it, we would sure appreciate the recipe."
After it seemed to be confirmed, Mr. Handler nodded in response.

Clair would turn to look at Ruby as she had her arm squeezed.
"Hmm? Oh, yes, delicious, Oh I like it lots. I am afraid I am not too familiar with the dish of origin for comparison's sake." She replied after she had swallowed her food.
"I am afraid I am a bit too used to eating for sustenance over pleasure, so I don't often stop to relish in the food I am consuming, something I am sure will change now that my diet will have less bread and water meals."
Ruby was shocked to learn fully that Clair only ate mostly bread and water.

"Are you kidding me?! But+but-but-but..." She sputtered. "You guys are merchants, and you're an inventor! A GOOD one! I HAVE to wed you so I can take care of you!" She said it a little bit louder than she intended, and she drew attention to them from others at the table including their parents (Mr., Mrs. Handler and Kenna), the king himself, and both Crimson Avenger and Cinnamon.

Kenna raised an eyebrow at Ruby, "Is that what you really want? You're not even 17 until February 14th. You don't REALLY have to be married until 21." She looked at Mr and Mrs Handler almost pleadingly to help talk Ruby out of it... But if Ruby really wanted Clair as a consort, she'd agree, because of her deep love for her daughter. She would promise Ruby anything, including this, to keep her happy.

Cinnamon cleared her throat as Avenger gave Clair a sympathetic look. Cinnamon stated, "Do I have to intercede and moderate for you, too, Crowned Princess of Cordonia? Because I will."

Ruby, realizing what she said, turned red as some of the ornaments that hung on the Christmas tree in the foyer, bit her bottom lip, and sunk slightly in her seat. She didn't and couldn't answer.
"Huh? oh, umm it's fine. It was convenient to eat while working is all" She answered back, much quieter before realizing everyone was now looking at them and hearing kenna speak up. Clair went quiet and red, embarrassed by the attention they had gathered; if she could sink into her chair, she would.

Mrs. Handler spoke up after a brief pause of silence.
"Surely Ruby just got a little over excited, let's not all lose our heads over a dramatic spew of emotion between two young ladies." She tried to soften the blow.

Mr. Handler spoke up next with another idea.
"Perhaps we should discuss other matters."
The King nodded, "Right, then, Sir Handler. Let's discuss how everyone fared in the tree hunt, which includes decorating it and the foyer." He cleared his throat. "Diana of Amazona and her team got 500 points for finding the best tree, and helping each other bring it in, as well as their part of the decorating."

Cassandra gave a knowing smirk. "You're bound to be first now, sister, you were only 50 points out of first, and because of the doctor, Clair's team will have a poor showing." She whispered for Diana's hearing only.

Ethel's team finished in second place with 475 points, but got 50 point bonuses apiece for sprucing up the second place tree for a possible win next year."

Clair, having had the full ratings, if she had paid attention to it, would realize 70 points separated Diana from Amanda Butcher on Ethel's team. The extra 25 points over 500 would keep Diana almost 50 points ahead of Amanda, yet.

Gregor sighed and gave Clair the second apologetic look she had received in the last five minutes. "And Clair's team finished last with 350 points."

Sapphire and Avenger's hands shot straight up as they glared the King's way.

"Hold your questions, girls, Clair's team also got some bonuses. 50 apiece for sprucing up the sad looking tree, and 50 more points for Doctor Service, who put every team member's health over finding the best tree, and Clair earned an additional 50 points for her wise addition to the candles lighting the tree. The season totals will be mentioned tomorrow at breakfast, you ladies have the rest of the night to decide who you desire for a baking and cooking partner to make desserts for Christmas."

Cinnamon looked between Diana and Clair, hoping against hope that SOMEHOW, SOME WAY, Clair managed to hold onto the lead. That would be the ONLY way she could be picked by who she wanted, after all, who wouldn't want to make desserts with the Baroness of Pastries who was now the Princess of Dunwyn?
Mr. Handler nodded and assisted the King with the announcements.

Diana looked to her team with a smile and arms crossed satisfied with their performance, but shushed Cassandra gently and whispering.
"We can discuss after the announcements are done"

Ethel stayed quiet and gave a congratulatory nod toward Diana's team.
Diana saw the nod and returned a nod of her own.

Clair would be paying attention and taking notes as usual, doing the math needed and keeping track of each person's score. As Clair received her own points and the apologetic look she seemed less disappointed and more focused on her notes and math. She looked up as the others raised their hands but looked back at her notes as Gregor mentioned more points were to be awarded.

Clair went to her team once they were let go to discuss partners for the next game. Diana and Ethel also joined as the girls started to gather together, Ethel being the first to approach Cinnamon.
"So you are going to be a hot commodity for this next one huh? have any one you are hoping picks you up?"

Clair went to her team.
"Good job everyone, look at all the bonus points we got"

Diana looked to Cassandra.
"So you were saying? the inventor managed to get a good amount of bouns points, not the first time she did poor in the actual event but made something that is game changing."
Cassandra couldn't say anything, as she was biting her tongue. She couldn't point out that Diana had probably at least tied Clair; which would be true.

Cinnamon sighed, but still gave Ethel a warm smile. "I know, and who I really want to bake with is Clair. With her moving to the mainland after the Snowflake Ball..." Another sigh, showing her disappointment. "Ethel, I just became Princess, and not from being born into the royal family. Gregor hasn't had a chance for my coronation yet, to become the CROWNED Princess. The yuletide parade was just to introduce me as the new princess, and heiress to the kingdom. Who am I to tell Princess Diana not to pick me for a partner for the desserts?" Even she believed Diana had passed Clair for sole position of first place. I'm probably the best baker here." She shook her head. "I will do my utmost to help whoever picks me, because that's who I am... I just wish it would be Clair."

Ruby pouted as Clair met up with them one last time. "I may love our newest doctor, and Avenger's girlfriend,,"

Calla Avenger grunted, folded her arms and gave her princess a sour look.

Ruby was undeterred. "Oh, please, Avenger, it's been obvious since you were allowed to rejoin us after your surgery. It looked like it was between me and Clair. Now, my dear bodyguard, you seem to only have eyes for Doc Aurora. You even begged to be a CORDONIAN Knight, and for mother to be the one to knight you."

Avenger's look relaxed.

Ruby continued her thought, "I'm just a little upset with her, because she cost us at least 50 points as a team for the actual hunt."

Clair could console Ruby by explaining Aurora had actually done the best thing for the team, even if it cost Clair to be in a tie for first with Diana.
Diana aside to Cassandra.
"Right, now you have some time to talk about what you wished to speak of, the announcements are done."

Ethel nodded.
"Ahh, I see, got a bit of a sweet tooth for the inventor huh? I don't think you are the only one, she seems to be quite popular for such a revered girl" She placed a hand on Cinnamon's shoulder.
"Just tell her that you want to be her partner, and if you want to be real clever about it, do it where Diana can hear you" She suggested.

Clair looked to Ruby as she made her confession.
"Oh Dr. Aurora?" She seemed confused as Ruby professed her love for the doctor but then turned and said that she was also upset with her.

Clair paused a moment before replying thinking about her response.
"Well, the Doctor was just trying to keep our team healthy, it's why I picked her, for the other two members on our team that needed it."
Cassandra shook her head. "Bonuses rescued her. You had 500 to her 350. That would have put you squarely in front if not for Gregor's bonus points amendment. You're probably tied with Clair." Cassandra didn't realize, or maybe forgot, that in that same rule amendment, the one who tied the incumbent points leader got first choice... Meaning Diana would pick first.

Cinnamon hadn't forgotten. She nodded to Ethel. "Very astute, Ethel, as the princess, if I make known I want to work with a certain player, in the hearing of everyone, the points leader is obligated by the rules of good sportsmanship to allow that person to choose the princess if that person is in the top five... Clair could only have fallen to second."

Cinnamon walked over to Clair, knowing the rules were on her side ONLY because she was the princess of the realm, and said loudly, which got even Gregor, Kenna and the Handlers' attention. "I wish my dessert making partner to be you, Clair!"

Calla Avenger did a double take, she hadn't had a chance to explain to Cinnamon about that loophole. "Wait a minute! That's right, the princess of the realm CAN do that! How'd you know, Cinnamon? I didn't get a chance to tell you that, yet!"

Gregor gave a shrug, glancing to Ethel. "Mayhaps my trusted advisor? I thought I remembered that rule from somewhere else, and put it in my own courtship rules about 20 years ago."
Diana nodded.
"I think you might be right, I should make sure I get this next one, perhaps I'll ask Cinnamon to be my partner, she has the most experience with making after all." She suggested just before the announcement was made.

Clair blushed at the very public declaration and the explanation Calla and Gregor gave.
"Oh I umm, well, I don't know about these rules, but I didn't even realize we were picking yet, and umm, are you sure you want to partner with me, I just kinda bombed the last game" She admitted, nervous.

Ethel didn't say anything and instead crossed her arms and shrugged, not wanting to take credit for the idea.
Cassandra frowned as she heard Cinnamon's proclamation, and turned as Clair made her remark. She glanced over to the Jewel Kingdom princess. "You still might, Diana. Sapphire is sure to know some great Grecian desserts, and we have seen ourselves, she's just as adept with a sword when she isn't fearing for her life and taken unawares, like what Igthorne pulled. She didn't have a lot of games in the courtly contest, but the ones she did showed how well rounded she is."

Cinnamon shook her head, whispering low for Clair's hearing only. "That's because of one teammate, who forgot who the leader of the team was, although physicians DO tend to take over the lead to look after their patients. You were also Doc Aurora's patient, you are just more recovered than Avenger and the Jewel Kingdom princess. I think she forgot that. Please, Clair, it's the last chance I'll get to work with you in a team setting unless you return from the mainland next season. I've already made known publicly. Although you weren't out much, we're both Dunwynian villagers. Just, y'know, nobility."
Diana nodded.
"Right, it's a shame that Amazonia never really prided themselves in desserts, I sadly would not have much to offer in assistance" She nodded, thinking now to go with Sapphire.

Clair nodded.
"Right, I would love to work with you, I didn't mean to imply otherwise, I am just-" She paused.
"Nevermind, sure, when it comes down to it, when we are to pick our partners if I can I'll choose you" She agreed.
The next day, as breakfast was finishing up with Scottish hotcakes and ground meat patties, and the girls' choice of fruit purees for toppings, Gregor clinked the juice glass in front of him for attention.

"Ladies, quiet down, and listen to the running totals. With only the dessert and Snowflake Ball we had even more ladies still in contention for the win of the courtship games. Although it's pretty clear Avenger has already made her decision, you can still propose if you have someone here you care about and would like to make a public declaration after the Snowflake Ball."

Clearing his throat, he continued, reading off the parchment in front of him. "I will only read those still in the running. With 1000 possible points with the regular games remaining, most of you are still in it, however there is a minimum amount of points you can get.

Princess Diana of Amazona 5605 -
Clair Handler 5605 -
Amanda Butcher 5555 -40
Princess Ruby Rose Rhys 5430 -175
Princess Cinnamon Baker 5365 -240
Doctor Aurora Service 5360 -245
Millicent Umberto 5295 -310
Ariel Mendez 5285 -320
Clara Princeton 5215 -390
Princess Cassandra of Amazona 5170 -435
Crimson Avenger 5080 -525
Ethel 5025 -580.

That ends those still in it.

Olivia Nevrakis has 4850 points, 750 behind first place, but still able to get a top five showing.
Calla Grovershire has 4785, 815 behind first but can mathematically make it in the top ten.
Princess Sapphire of the Jewel Kingdom didn't do too bad for half a season with 3715. I can't imagine what you could have done with a full one."

Grovershire arose. "No, I cannot get in the top ten, because I'm going to focus on my duties as one of your military, King Gregor. I'll be here for the Snowflake Ball, just in case one of you was interested in that way." She nodded to each, put her linen napkin on her plate, and excused herself.

Gregor seemed a bit at a loss for words and since Cinnamon wasn't sure of the protocol, an awkward silence filled the dining hall. Someone needed to speak. Just to stop the awkwardness.
Everyone stopped to listen to Gregor speak.

The silence stayed for a moment before Ethel of all people spoke up.
"Well, ladies, with the announcements made, it's anyone's game! And someone already made a claim for the inventor there, perhaps we should already be discussing whom would work with whom" She mostly did it to break the silence, but also kind of wanted to see if she could cause a little havok if people started to fight over each other.
Cassandra gave a thinker's frown and finally said, "5450. Sorry, Cinnamon, Ruby."

Cinnamon gave Diana a puzzled look, and if Clair would think about it, she'd realize Cassandra had figured the first games that Sapphire missed, but if the law of averages (and Sapphire's prowess in the games she participated in) were ANY indication, Cassandra would be wrong by 100 points. Sapphire's score would be comparable to her's, Diana's and Amanda's. The four of them would only be separated by 55 points. No wonder Gregor had wondered what if!

As for the other girls, Ethel wouldn't get the fight that she had hoped, as several of the ladies not in the top five, Olivia included, were now glaring daggers at each other.

Ruby took the initiative of approaching Ethel, however, "Hey, look, the Princess of Dunwyn has already laid claim to my Clair, so if neither of us are picked by Diana or Amanda Butcher, would you like to bake a couple of Cordonian specialties with me?" Basically, Cordonian Ruby Apple Pies.

All that was needed now was for Diana to get the ball rolling and select her dessert making partner; if she chooses Sapphire, the two warrior princesses would be making the Jewel Kingdom's award winning baklava.

Cinnamon's plan was to begin the tradition that would continue to this day, but her recipe would go through major changes over the centuries to become the most reviled dessert in all the Yule: Fruitcake... But in 1377, it'll be a novelty of a treat, and not full of all those preservatives.

Amanda had plans of her own. Her partner and her would be making a different Yuletide mainstay, that would be just right coming from a butcher's daughter. Mincemeat pie, with real meat, sweetened just right.
Clair paused and thought to herself hearing Casssandra.
"Is that the score you think Sapphire would have if she was here from the start? I am honestly more worried about that Ethel Girl, she came in after Sapphire and still broke five thousand, plus was absent for even some after she joined as well. But I suppose what ifs aren't going to really get us anywhere"

Ethel looked at Ruby then glanced over to Clair and the others before nodding.
"Sure, that must have really ticked you off though, you seem pretty attached to the inventor girl. I think Cinnamon, oh, princess Cinnamon might have a sweet spot for her as well. They grew up in the same town, right? maybe they have a history. Ehh, no matter, we should discuss our dessert, admittedly it's a rather new concept but I have some experience with it."

Diana knew she had to act before all the girls with cooking ability would be taken, so she approached Sapphire.
"I heard you have an award winning baking skills, want to join forces to win this thing?"
Ruby could only shrug. "I don't think the princess is that type, even if some of us are, but yeah, I think they might've known each other. Her family owns the bakery and, well, Clair's parents, until meeting Queen Kenna? Sold stuff. For all we know, Cinnamon was a regular to their shop."

Got it in one, Ruby, wow!

Sapphire smiled at Diana, and knowing the Amazona Queen spoke the same language, said in Greek, "<You have heard of the Jewel Kingdom and our baklava? Wonderful, we are partners for the baking. Let us get a start on everyone else, as the phyllo is particularly hard to make. I can show you how thin we need to do this.>" She paused and added in English, for Diana's hearing only, "Botheration. I DO hope Gregor has dried grapes.. they are almost as important as the walnuts."

Cinnamon smiled, "Come along, Clair, to the kitchens! Let's make my own culinary invention a reality!" Although it had not quite reached England, Cinnamon would learn as the contest continued, that her "invention" of fruitcake had been around a very long time. Her addition of dried fruits and cherries were the only difference, besides the way she made her cake batter. Would Ethel clue her in?

Amanda picked Olivia to help and explained she was making a sweetmeat style and could definitely use the help of the Lythikan for carving the cooked meat off the bone.

Finally, Ruby and Ethel could pair up and meet in the kitchens and begin the preparation of the Cordonian Apple Pies that many had already tested, but not seasoned or prepared by a true Cordonian, and the Princess herself.
Ethel smirked at Ruby.
"Wow, look at you, not immediately being jealous, well done." She patted her on the back.

Diana nodded replying in kind.
"<Right, we can get started right away>"

Clair paused.
"Oh right, umm I suppose we should get started soon, though no one said it had started yet"

Once she and Ethel were planning their pie Ethel looked to Ruby.
"Hey, do you use cinnamon in your dessert? if not it could be a good addition"
The four pairs that got started before they were told to get started, showed initiative and would be awarded bonuses, later: Diana and Sapphire, 50. Cinnamon and Clair, 40. Amanda and Olivia, 35. and Ruby and Ethel, 25. Although the King nodded and smiled to them, they would not know about the bonuses until after the judging. They would also be the only ones allowed in the kitchens for the first wave, as only eight could go at a time, although Avenger and Millicent had also already paired up, and planned to make a tiramisu.

Gregor put his hands on his hips, tutting at those four remaining. "What are the rest of you waiting on? Christmas? That's a week away, yet, pair up and plan your desserts like Avenger and Lady Umberto. You knew we were doing this, why didn't you take initiative like the four pairs already in the kitchens, and AT LEAST pair up?"
Sapphire and Diana, at their station, prepared their counter before Sapphire spoke up. "We need wheat flour, salt finely ground,water, olive oil and white wine vinegar, oh, and if this Kingdom has it, some cornstarch. We'll do the dough first."

They would also need walnuts, molasses, dried grapes (raisins), and honey for the filling later.
Cinnamon turned to Clair. "We're going to need a lot of ingredients to make this, so we'll take turns gathering ingredients. Can you get the 450 grams mixed dried fruit, 110 grams ground almonds, and 225 grams each of glacé cherries and candied orange peel?"

When Clair returned Cinnamon would fetch the tea, butter, wheat flour, nutmeg and baking powder, and a chef would bring them cane molasses, lemon juice, sherry and eggs.
Amanda got right to work with Olivia, gathering beef, apple cider, Granny Smith apples, currants, dried grapes (raisins), sour cherry preserves, candied mixed fruit peel, butter, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, salt, sour cherries, wheat flour, eggs, water, and heavy cream.
Ruby smirked as she watched the others gathering so many ingredients. "We might be able to do this without rushing, because did you hear that list of ingredients just for the filling? Diana and Sapphire had the right idea. Something simple. We need the wheat flour, eggs, water, salt and honey for our crust, and only Cordonian Ruby apples, nutmeg, additional honey, brandy , and very very little cinnamon. True Cordonian Ruby Apple Pie has a bite to it, you understand, but is still sweet. The English made ones didn't have enough nutmeg, they also skimped on the brandy. I'll show you how we Cordonians make it."
Diana nodded along as the ingredients were mentioned and quickly moved to get them plus the additional ones they would need, and some extras they may or may not include
"This should be all we need and then some, grab some extra things, like fruits and whatnot."


Clair would, as usual, take notes and gather the ingredients needed, quickly bringing them back.
"Okay, here they are. I have already organized them in the order we will need them and pre-set the quantities they are supposed to be in."


Ethel nodded.
"Okay princess, you are on lead here, so as you say, I'll get what we need you start on the prep" She stated and moved to gather the needed ingredients, bringing them all over and placing them on a counter.
"Right so just let me know what you need me to do"
Sapphire taught Diana how to knead the dough, and roll it until it was parchment thin, asking Clair for a blank sheet from her notebook to show Diana how thin each layer had to be. They did this fifteen times, before starting on the filling for their pastry. Once they had the baklava finished and baking, Sapphire relaxed and asked more questions that her family hadn't told her. "Was my great grandmother a good warrior before she came to the Jewel Kingdom? I really know nothing about Grandmother Cassiopeia."

Sapphire had already shown in the battle because of Laird Princeton, she was every bit Cassiopeia's descendant. She just wanted to learn more about the Amazon way.
Ruby and Ethel didn't need to knead their pie dough near as much, so while Ruby worked rolling the dough, she instructed Ethel into how to carve the core from the apples, dice them, and add the other ingredients, as well as how much, to the filling, save the 120 millilitres of brandy.

"We add it to the filling last, just before we put the fillings in our pies, to culture it." Ruby explained. "Alcohol Culturing is a big part of most European fruit desserts. Cinnamon gets it. She has sherry as one of her ingredients for the cake she's baking."

Had Ethel learned something new, or did the Cordonian Princess only assume she didn't know? She was also nearby to see the batter Cinnamon was making and the ingredients being used to know Cinnamon was baking a fruitcake... Definitely not a new concept, just because no one in England (including Cinnamon, who thinks she's inventing a new dessert) had even heard of it yet.
Cinnamon smiled and nodded as Clair set up the ingredients for her. She started the tea steeping before returning and mixing the ingredients for the cake batter. "I didn't really say it was in that order, Clair, but thanks, that's a great idea. Whilst I beat the lumps out of the batter, could you set the spices closer to me, and start combining the different fruits and nuts in a separate bowl, add the sherry when you're finished, please? We need those to culture in the alcohol, before adding them to this batter, thanks. This cake batter needs to be just right before I can add the fruit and nuts mixture; a baker's thing." She gave a warm smile.
Clair didn't want to tear a page from her notebook, but did have loose paper handy and pulled one from her satchel for her to use.

Diana would follow along and smile as they cooked.
"Right, well I can tell you everything I know about it at leat" She said before telling her what she knew.


Ethel nodded, listening to her despite knowing already how to core an apple with a knife, though there was some subtle differences in technique she took note of. However, the curing was something she had not come across before.
"Oh, what an interesting use of alcohol. I have seen recipes similar to this before, but this is a little different."


Clair blushed and nodded.
"Oops, heh, I guess just a habit of how I craft things. Oh! I have this, She said, pulling out a few odd-shaped metal devices in odd shapes." They were a series of devices she then used to quickly and efficiently cut the fruits into their needed shapes quickly and efficiently. She of course also wrote down all she needed to do and followed her own instructions, being methodical with each step.
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