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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

As they all looked at the light, Clair had a similar look to the others when Cassandra spoke up, getting her face to light up before it was immediately shut down by Gregor and Kenna. However this did not stop Clair from making some notes on this coloured glass experiment, adding additional notes to test other light and glass tests.

Clair was a little disappointed but seemed to accept the wait, but aside to Cassandra.
"Definitely next Yule, I already have an idea how to stain the glass" She whispered.
Cassandra raised an eyebrow and smirked, giving a nod once to let Clair know she had heard; before she could reply farther, or even out loud, Gregor called everyone into the dining hall for dinner, which consisted of roast pheasant, vegetables and a maroon coloured side that Aurora, curious, actually sniffed. "Interesting." She asided to Calla, Ethel and Olivia. "Steamed and pureed beets. Thought that was a Cordonian delicacy. If it's so, you're all in for a treat."

Arden raised his eyebrows as the dish was placed in front of him, and sided to his seat neighbor (one of Clair's parents, you pick), "Might not be as good as real Cordonian pureed beets, but a good effort, most other allied countries do their best, but can't get the spices just right. Ask me or Aurora for the correct recipe, as this is served at most formal dinners you will be expected to host as the newest Viscount and Countess of the country. Most countries also forget the Cordonian Ruby apples, likely Dunwyn isn't one of them."

Arden would prove to be right, in fact the apple and spices ratio to the beets would be the closest any Cordonian had ever tasted, and Kenna, Aurora and Ruby gave compliments to Gregor to pass on to his chef. Arden himself, would grin and nod to his seat neighbor.

Ruby would go one better, reaching over and squeezing Clair's arm, "Good, huh? But in reality... What do you think?" She asked Clair's opinion.
Ethel nodded.
"Right, one thing that does seem to consistently improve over time is food. at least, always ready to try some tasty grub."

Mr Handler asided back.
"It's very good, but if you have an improvement or a more official way of making it, we would sure appreciate the recipe."
After it seemed to be confirmed, Mr. Handler nodded in response.

Clair would turn to look at Ruby as she had her arm squeezed.
"Hmm? Oh, yes, delicious, Oh I like it lots. I am afraid I am not too familiar with the dish of origin for comparison's sake." She replied after she had swallowed her food.
"I am afraid I am a bit too used to eating for sustenance over pleasure, so I don't often stop to relish in the food I am consuming, something I am sure will change now that my diet will have less bread and water meals."
Ruby was shocked to learn fully that Clair only ate mostly bread and water.

"Are you kidding me?! But+but-but-but..." She sputtered. "You guys are merchants, and you're an inventor! A GOOD one! I HAVE to wed you so I can take care of you!" She said it a little bit louder than she intended, and she drew attention to them from others at the table including their parents (Mr., Mrs. Handler and Kenna), the king himself, and both Crimson Avenger and Cinnamon.

Kenna raised an eyebrow at Ruby, "Is that what you really want? You're not even 17 until February 14th. You don't REALLY have to be married until 21." She looked at Mr and Mrs Handler almost pleadingly to help talk Ruby out of it... But if Ruby really wanted Clair as a consort, she'd agree, because of her deep love for her daughter. She would promise Ruby anything, including this, to keep her happy.

Cinnamon cleared her throat as Avenger gave Clair a sympathetic look. Cinnamon stated, "Do I have to intercede and moderate for you, too, Crowned Princess of Cordonia? Because I will."

Ruby, realizing what she said, turned red as some of the ornaments that hung on the Christmas tree in the foyer, bit her bottom lip, and sunk slightly in her seat. She didn't and couldn't answer.
"Huh? oh, umm it's fine. It was convenient to eat while working is all" She answered back, much quieter before realizing everyone was now looking at them and hearing kenna speak up. Clair went quiet and red, embarrassed by the attention they had gathered; if she could sink into her chair, she would.

Mrs. Handler spoke up after a brief pause of silence.
"Surely Ruby just got a little over excited, let's not all lose our heads over a dramatic spew of emotion between two young ladies." She tried to soften the blow.

Mr. Handler spoke up next with another idea.
"Perhaps we should discuss other matters."
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