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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Clair nodded and walked with her.
"My borrowed room? aren't we still sharing a room?" She asked but continued with the brainstorm anyway
"That all sounds great, should we add some function to them as well, like pouches or maybe make them reversible? oh perhaps a system to make them more mobile in case of emergency?" she suggested.

Ethel placed a hand to her chin in thought.
"Well I would certainly like to be ready for combat, as for colours, perhaps pink and black, no reason really, I don't have house colours so it doesn't really matter" She explained.

Clair would indeed use the sqawkers to get a leg up with the fabrics by asking her parents, once they had everything figured out that is.
Calla grimaced. "Ruby, Clair's right. Until I hear differently from your mother or my father, you two are still sharing a room." She cleared her throat. "Be that as it may; the plan is sound enough. I appreciate the help at getting my supplies. As a lady knight, I have to do my own sewing. Amethyst had to, and many rules for our knights are the same as Cordonia's."

As the designs for Ruby and Clair would take shape, with Ruby asking for lace around her collar, bottom hemline and sleeves, one thing became clear. They needed 30 yards of satin for the three dresses, before adding pouches and a sheath pouch for Calla's rapier.

Mrs. Handler would soon realize she'd need to squawk to her daughter. The royal fabric room had more than enough, but the bolts came in 20 yard bolts, and by thinking ahead, Clair's team would get there first, but depending on how much lace Ruby wanted (which wouldn't be much, I would estimate half a bolt, which is 5 yards).

Depending on how much fabric for pouches Clair wanted, would it equal the rest of the bolt (10 yards)? They already needed at least half of each of the four bolts for the colour scheme.
Clair nodded to Calla, a bit relieved she had not forgotten something, and also that they would have more time to work together as they shared a room, even if it was when they were going to sleep they could brainstorm some more.

Getting the squawk from her mother Clair would reply to her mother, asking for the colours they need and a little extra of the bolts then she calculated, just in case, she could always think of a use for them after she has the materials.
Olivia and Ethel - Parlour

Kenna knocked on the door gently with her foot, and when Olivia answered, she was surprised who brought their fabrics. "Queen Kenna...?!"

"Serge de Nimes¹, hemp and linen. Serge de Nimes only came in black, I'm afraid, so you lucked out there. The red and pink, I found easily enough in hemp. Save your off white additions, like your sheathes and lining for the linen. I could only get you a bolt (20 yards) of linen." She came in and laid the fabric bolts out, with the black Serge de Nimes in a 30 yard bolt. "Whatever you ladies are planning, be smart about your design. You're up against a formidable team of my daughter and the inventor. They're also designing Dame Calla's ballgown. She has to wear a sheath, somehow on it, as I've already told her, ball or no, she's on duty as the princess's bodyguard."

Team Cordonia (Clair, Ruby and Calla)

Clair would find that silk was actually stronger between satin and itself, but mother knew best, bringing the four bolts (20 yards each) of red, green, slate blue and grey velvet for the girls' gowns, as well as a bolt of lace for Ruby and half bolt (10 yards) of gold silk for the sheath and pouches, reminding Ruby without saying anything, that velvet was one of the preferred fabrics of nobility. "I'm sorry, Clair, I wasn't thinking. I honestly forgot about velvet and didn't know silk is actually stronger than satin²."

Everyone of the teams now had all their ingredients; they just had to sew them.

1 - Today's denim started as Serge de Nimes in the 1600s; considering we've already stretched things for the inventions, I felt it fair for denim to be invented about 200-225 years earlier also.

2- It's true! Between silk and satin, not only is silk shinier, it's more durable! But velvet with the gold silken pockets, or pouches, and sheath for Calla is a winning fashion statement. So thanks "Mom"!
Olivia and Ethel - Parlour

Ethel listened to what she had to say and nodded, thinking about the wrist-hidden blade she had used.
"Right, we will need to think outside the box, include sheaths ourself and come up with other features as well if we want to win. But why are you helping us, warning us against your own daughter?" Ethel asked


Team Cordonia (Clair, Ruby and Calla)

Clair hugged her mother as she had arrived.
"It's okay mama, thanks for helping, we can work with this just fine. You are the best"

Once her mother left she turned to the others and rolled up her sleeves.
"Okay, our plans are all drawn up, time to get to work"

Queen Kenna looked at Ethel with the beginnings of a smirk playing on her face, her eyes twinkling. "Because this is a competition, and even allies compete in games. Ruby needs to learn there's nothing wrong with rivalries amoung allies, as long as it stays friendly. This will make her a better monarch in the future. After all, if the child is a girl, Ruby will still be next in line as the older sister. I'll leave you ladies to it. Good luck."

After the queen left, Olivia got to work measuring out the serge first. "Ethel, I think it was the war for her too. Gregor is still a lot more cordial, but as far as neighboring countries go, I wouldn't want to be under anyone else's rule except her. Telling us to challenge her own daughter? The crowned princess of Cordonia? For her own good?" She shook her head. "I wish my king had half her intelligence, and used it." She got right to measuring and remeasuring. "Looks like it's plan B with two different fabrics. A full ball-length skirt and a nice open blazer in serge, and a blouse in hemp."

Ethel would watch Olivia measure out each piece: front, and back, sleeves for the blazer, twice, before finally cutting the fabric.

Team Cordonia (Clair, Ruby and Calla)

After Mrs Handler left, Ruby said with a head shake. "Fashion isn't like inventions. At least with those, we can have detailed information down to the millimetre written out on the plans. We don't have that luxury with patterns. We don't have Millie or Olivia to say this, but they'll agree. Fabric is much more expensive and hard to come by, so we need to measure at least twice and cut once. Personally, since we have to wear these gowns in about 10 days, we should measure thrice and make double sure our measurements are right. I've worn velvet before. It has to be even more precise than any other measurement."

Calla raised an eyebrow. "You've also been speaking with Aurora and Diana. Measuring thrice sounds exactly like something our physician would say, and with all the wisdom of the Amazon princess."
Ethel nodded along as she listened.
"Right, not all leaders have that foresight, and thank you, though this is more about imagination and talent than luck" She gave a respectful nod in return as she left.

Ethel chuckled.
"Yeah, it's rare to see a leader with a head on their shoulders, it's sad but true, especially with the monocracy system, being born into a certain position is no proof of ability to lead" Ethel replied as she took the measured cloth and started to work on the next step of lining them up.


Team Cordonia (Clair, Ruby and Calla)

Clair nodded.
"Well technically that is triple-checking but I agree, there is no harm in being extra sure, especially with limited materials. Though depending on the invention a miss-measurement could mean the whole thing doesn't work as intended, so it can be very important. But umm yes, we are all in agreement on measuring three times."
(Fast forward)


Olivia fussed with a hem on the bottom of Ethel's new serge skirt. "For someone with a tomboy daughter, Gregor sure is adamant about every female being in gowns for this ball." She stuck a pin in the fabric and stood back up, and pulled on the sheath she had sewn into Ethel's skirt. "Did you just hear him get on Amethyst, as they went by?" She then imitated the King's baritone: "I don't care that you'll be on duty. You are a lady knight, Amethyst, I want you in a ballgown. MAKE your sheath and sword work in your ensemble. You're the royal bodyguard for Cinnamon. Your life for her life, remember?" Back to regular voice: "That's how it was when Calla was princess, too." She shook her head, before nodding to Ethel. "Thank stars we decided to sew each other's outfit for this competition. Step out of your skirt, so I can fix those where I marked after I model my skirt and you can check for alterations on mine. Especially the one place I'm keeping a dagger at my hip. I'll do the top also you have it ready. I, unfortunately, do not have your top ready."

Team Cordonia (Clair Ruby and Calla)

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the only thing Clair had to really check with their ballgowns were the pouches and how Calla's sheath hung on her hip as it attached to the skirts of her gown.

Unfortunately, because Calla was not the most perfect model, being antsy during her fitting... Even though she trusted Clair not to stick her with the pins.

Ruby got exasperated with her bodyguard, as she watched Clair. "Dame Calla, will you please stand still? I swear! I pity every tailor and seamstress that ever had you over for a fitting! Your empty silken sheath is flopping around and almost hit Clair twice now! How can either of us hope to check if it's in the right place?"

"Why couldn't I just have pouches like you two?" Calla bemoaned, although she already knew that reason. As the bodyguard to Ruby she had to have her sword at the ready.

As Olivia worked on her she did the same for Olivia, Luckily her current smaller form would need less fabric than her previous one so it was kind of good that it happened. Her current smaller fingers also more adapted to the fine needlework allowed her to move quickly but efficiently.
"Yes, it's not one of his better qualities, but if you are looking for a perfect leader I'm afraid you'll need to check your dreams for a fairytale. He is better than most in this age, and things are slowly improving in general so we take what we can get." She explained as she had sown hers together in full.
"Yours is ready to be tried on, though we will likely need to make some small adjustments once you are wearing it"


Clair was mostly quiet as they worked, her mind in focus, though spoke up as her name was mentioned.
"Oh, it's okay, though I am surprised someone used to combating with swords, and throwing themselves down stories of height would be this nervous around some little needles." Clair continued to work on the more, unique additions to their dresses.

"So, speaking of why you need a sheath, you are a bodyguard, and need access to your weapon, though in combat all this fabric would also get in the way, and since we will want you performing at your best if you do need to act I added a extra feature, see this ribbon here, if you grab it and pull across this way you can pull off the bulky gown dress, leaving a more combat style dress hidden underneath which should be just as easy to fight in as your Avenger clothes if not easier. Though there is virtually no protective armour, so you need to be more careful of any attacks that come at you." She explained, talking like she was explaining an invention, which is always when she sounded the most sure and confident.

Clair continued.
"For us Ruby, we may not need to battle, but we may need to run and hide or even try and defend ourselves in a worst-case scenario, so we have a similar system but we pull these ummm, floods, that look decorative and it will pull all the material close to our bodies, we can run but won't be as mobile, however, in exchange, we get like a sudo armour, though it will only really help against slashing things, I wanted to add an under layer of a tougher substance like leather or metal, but we would overheat very quickly. However, I used the hidden blade design and added a launcher, it's a bit difficult to make it fire since we don't want it doing so by accident, but in an emergency just point your wrist and release it."
Olivia tried on the serge gownlike skirt and the hemp top, and made a thinking frown. "Hmmm, I wonder... These two fabrics cannot be easily sewn together, but what if we make it look that way? The top tails are long enough..." She tucked the top tails inside the waist of the skirt, and turned to see her profile in the full length mirror. "No visible lines, fabric not bunched up. Interesting, very interesting." She nodded to Ethel. "How's it look? Any skirt or top alterations needed, do it with the top tucked in like this. I need to get your top finished and dagger holsters sewn in yours. "You want one on each arm, like how I asked you make mine, correct?"

Calla frowned. "The Snowflake Ball is on Christmas Eve. It's been my experience here in Dunwyn, anyway, that the bad guys never attack on Christmas Eve." She thought about that. "There has been some major blizzards on Christmas Eve, however. Including last year, when I was stranded in village, and we were basically, in effect, snowed in. I actually was stuck at your general store, Clair." Actually her folks store, but she was correctly remembering the blizzard. "If I recall correctly, you asked me Christmas Day what I was doing there so early, or on Christmas, I hadn't seen you Christmas Eve, when I handed my rapier in to be realigned because of that smart-ass ogre and it's hard as a rock head." She looked at wide-eyed Ruby. "Bent my poor sword in three places trying to behead the brute. If I recall right, Tuxford finally did. He never let me as Avenger forget I needed bailed out, either." No, it was one of Mr Handler's fellow retired knights, Sir Binghamton that finally beheaded the ogre. Tuxford had to have his sword realigned also. Calla DID have the other part right. Tuxford good-naturedly rubbed her needing bailed out in Calla's face every time he saw her as Avenger for nearly three months after that.
Ethel took up and down.
"Not bad, might be what we need to do, perhaps we can even use an asymmetric pattern, that will hide any imperfections and allow us to be a bit more creative with material use." She suggested.
"Oh and yes, same daggers for mine, thanks"


Clair nodded.
"Oh, I remember that, yeah I was in my workshop in the back for pretty much all of Christmas Eve, and only came out Christmas morning since my parents say we need to spend the morning together at least. I umm, spend most of my time in my shop, this festival has actually been the longest I have spent without actually working on things, even though I have been working on things it has not been for nearly as much of my time as usual." She admitted, all the while still working on the dress additions.
"But that is actually perfect, because the extra layer will be extra warm if there is a weather situation and it's cold, plus the way the extra parts of the dress are removed it can be used as a blanket if need be."

Olivia shrugged as she got Ethel's approval on the outfit. "With the blazer matching our skirts, I doubt Gregor will say anything. He knows hemp can't be sewn onto serge all that well. Dunwyn knights, to my knowledge, tend to shy from this new fabric, when it's pretty much as durable as leather armour. It's not near as bulky as metal armour, and this serge has one advantage those in metal armour lack. Serge is rustproof."

Well, rust resistant anyway, is Olivia forgetting already, the rivet like fasteners for closing trousers and skirts? Or the zippers? The new material is not rustproof, no fabric with metal (including zippers) was that.

Cordonia guest chambers

Ruby grinned sheepishly, with a blush. "I'm for one, glad you joined court this year. You've enriched my life for knowing you."

Calla sighed and smiled sadly as she changed out of her gown. "A couple of Father's lady knights, as well as Olivia, would probably love for this confounded ballroom rule to be relaxed, though. I wonder if Amethyst has the same issue she did as last year. Ballroom dress while on duty. Remember the opening ball, Clair? The meet and greet? She was dolled up all fancy for work. I think she might have was looking for the assignment to protect your parents. She practically begged me and used Igthorne's insane taxes and the threat at the general store earlier in the afternoon as an excuse."

Was Calla at the same ball as Clair? Amethyst definitely wanted to be of use to the Handlers, but she was most assuredly not begging the then princess to send her to town to escape the ball. Besides, Calla had been legit afraid for the Handlers herself.

(Want to fast forward again a few days to the tree hunt with everyone? My fault, I can't wait to play "Doc Aurora" again. Down time is nice, but we have an ensemble cast, lol. If it's okay, can you start that morning? It'll still be dark, and likely Ethel will "prowl around" first. I'd like her and Amethyst to finally have a chance to talk. Amethyst's guarding the princesses' {Cinnamon and Ruby} chambers, although, technically, Clair isn't a princess, she's just in Ruby's chambers; Ruby hasn't begged her mother yet)
Ethel nodded a long but did indeed decide to correct her statement.
"The Serge yes, but remember we have other metal components in it that aren't so, don't go leaving it outside overnight." She warned.


Cordonia guest chambers

Clair nodded along as she spoke, pausing before she would reply.
"I recall, though umm, begging might be a stong word I see what you are saying, and yes, I agree I think many of the girls would be happy to have more options of what to wear to the ball." She paused again at the idea of herself and her parents needing the guard.
"And I am worried too, scared, I have never been like, threatened before, then I was targeted for that attack, and now we need guards, it's all new and a little frightening for me to be truthful" She admitted.


Morning of the day of the Tree Hunt

The Sun had yet to even rise as morning approached, as most remained asleep Amethyst stood guard in front of the door to the room Princess Ruby and Cinnamon as well as the Inventor Clair shared. As she did though, a long eventless night had passed with nothing but silence and the gentle sound of the girls asleep in the room to keep her company before, suddenly and silently Ethel appeared beside her.
"Stab, you're dead" She said delivering a gentle poke with her fingers between segments of her armour.
Amethyst could only smirk. "Why would you slay an ally? At least your appearance has been a welcome one. These long nights in the winter are murder for a guard." She whispered. "I wonder how and why Queen Kenna was okay with Dom's death. And why Ruby and Clair are still being needing protection if the threat to them is over?" She looked over. "I must say you have held up quite well in court, in spite of your profession. Technically, I shouldn't be so surprised. If Mercenary was a viable noble rank, it would easily be in my rank of Knight. Advisors are usually Knights or Scholars, someone of political or military ties. How did someone as young as you manage to be so well rounded when your mother was military and crucial to the liberation of Cordonia and specifically Stormholt?"

Amethyst was genuinely curious as she banged on the door behind her. "Up and at 'em princesses and inventor! Breakfast is in thirty minutes!"

Amethyst and Ethel would both hear Cinnamon grumble, "About time! I'm so used to getting up between four and five that these last few days of lying awake for over an hour is driving me ca-razy!"

Amethyst rolled her eyes. "Get used to the extra sleep, princess!" A smirk and aside to Ethel. "Bakers, amirite?"
Ethel shrugged,
"Sometimes war causes nasty business, as for my well-roundedness, a mercenary develops all sorts of skills, especially when you use techniques that disguise you in multiple types of roles. That plus dealing with plenty of nobles helped to learn how to act"

Clair was still getting ready.
"Be out soon!" She had tried to get some extra time in on her other inventions in the morning and got a little distracted, though would be ready soon.

Ethel chuckled.
"Many of the trades, farmers are in that lot as well, fishers as well more often then not" She nodded.
Amethyst made a face. "Point. Fishers and farmers are more often than no Merchants themselves. Lowest of the nobility and not one of hereditary or legacy nobles like Lord, Baron, Count, Earl, Duke and the like."

Cinnamon opened the door a few minutes later, as Princess Ruby offered her arm to Clair to be escorted to the dining hall and breakfast. "Are you my unneeded escort to breakfast?" Cinnamon sighed a bit despondent.

Amethyst shook her head, "Don't sound so discouraged. You're a lot more important now, Cinnamon, then you were as the Baroness of Pastries. A whole kingdom is counting on you now, not just a village." She offered her arm, and specifically the crook of her elbow for Cinnamon to lightly hold. "And it is my pleasure and privilege to now be your escort to your meals."

Aurora joined the group as they would make their way to the stairs leading down. "Hey, Ethel, you ready to hunt for the best fir tree in the realm, just to watch it slowly die over the course of the next week or two? Don't get me wrong, I love the Yuletide; I never really understood or much cared about chopping a perfectly healthy tree just to drag it inside and doll it up."

It sounded like Aurora had some interesting issues with a Christmas tradition.
Clair was ready and headed out with Ruby, taking her arm while she looked at Cinnamon as Amethyst spoke to her. After hearing what she said she wanted to say something, but instead stayed quiet.

Ethel nodded.
"Right, I don't really see the point of this tree collection, seems like a waste to me, I didn't grow up with these traditions so it was a bit odd to hear of" She replied, seeming to agree with Auroras view.
"But the whole thing seems odd to me to be honest"
Aurora sighed. "This tree decorating only started in the last few years in Germania. Avenger's Teutonic teacher came to Cordonia and here looking for her. He brought this idea with him. You ask me, it should have STAYED in Germania. Germania is a neighbor and ally of Stormholt, thus Cordonia, and likewise a teacher of Avenger, so an ally to Gregor."

She held up a hand. "Let me say it for you, Ethel, because you're most likely thinking it. Being an ally doesn't mean Gregor and Kenna should accept these strange customs of Germania. Because I agree. Wholeheartedly. I'm not putting my all into this tree hunt. I hope you're not saddled with me on your team."

Aurora must have known something most the others wouldn't be privy to: And Ethel would soon find out Aurora DID know something.

At the breakfast table, Gregor tapped his fork against his goblet for attention. "Clair is still leading, by only fifty points, the season rankings so she will have first choice among you available ladies for her team. The other two are second in season rankings, Princess Diana of Amazona, and the one with the most points since returning from the war in Neverland, Ethel. Those two are your other captains for the tree hunt. The three captains will choose their teams after breakfast. That is all."

This is the list of the remaining ladies the three will choose from:

Amanda Butcher
Dr. Aurora Service
Millicent Umberto
Ariel Mendez
Princess Cinnamon Baker
Clara Princeton
Princess Ruby Rhys
Crimson Avenger
Princess Cassandra of Amazona
Calla Grovershire
Olivia Nevrakis
Princess Sapphire

Each team would have five ladies. The Captains and the four they pick.
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Ethel simply nodded along as Aurora spoke, raising an eyebrow as Aurora raised a hand to her. She didn't need to say a word, as it seemed Aurora was having her own conversation with Ethel as a sounding board.

As they ate breakfast all three girls would be thinking about who they would pick, both Ethel and Diana thinking of the skillsets and abilities of the girls, whereas Clair was more worried that she might hurt someone's feelings by not picking them, or by picking people in the wrong order.

Clairs mother could see Clair's frustration and asked her at breakfast about it after she walked over and asked Gregor a question getting an okay in response before returning to Clair.
"So I asked the King if you could pick all your partners at once, that way you don't need to stress about the order and only who," Mrs. Handler told her in a whisper.
"Oh, umm, thanks, that does make things a bit easier."

As they went to Pick, lair would nervously, stumble over her words before her mother would once again assist her from the sidelines and explain that she got permission to pick her whole team at once, getting a scoff from Diana under her breath, was this favortisum, it wasn't exactly fair given she picks first. Diana would then ask that this permission be allowed for her as well.

Clair Team:
Princess Ruby Rhys
Crimson Avenger
Princess Sapphire
Dr. Aurora Service

Diana's Team:
Millicent Umberto
Princess Cassandra of Amazona
Olivia Nevrakis
Calla Grovershire

Ethel's Team: (by default)
Ariel Mendez
Princess Cinnamon Baker
Clara Princeton
Amanda Butcher
Cinnamon was surprised Diana and Clair left her off their picks, relegating her to Ethel's. After everyone was sorted, she said offhanded to Ethel. "She's sweet on the Cordonian princess, knows Avenger personally, and feels like she may owe the Grecian princess, so it sort of makes sense. Of course she'll grab the doc for her team because she took Avenger who's a walking wounded, and I don't think Doc Aurora ever fully cleared Princess Sapphire after whatever got a hold of her in Scotland."

Cinnamon sighed. "Best eagle eye in court is Millie. Everyone knows that. And Avenger is second to her, but high end everything else when she's full strength, but Diana has really stacked her team with the big players. I can help you check the best tree, Ethel, but that's about it. If we pick the best tree, how are you going to cut it down quickly and efficiently?"

Amanda Butcher sidled up to the new princess. "Cinnamon, have you forgotten I'm the butcher's daughter? I can tag team on Ethel for hewing purposes. No problem." She nodded to Ethel.

When the trumpet was blown to start the hunt for the best tree, King Gregor had given only two stipulations. The tree chosen had to be at least fifteen feet high, and full bodied.

Aurora stuck close to Avenger and Sapphire due to them both technically under her management and care, not really looking at the trees. Something she had already told Ethel she wasn't interested in paying attention to anyone but Sapphire, but would Diana also notice Aurora being lackadaisical in her search? Her two tree spotters, Millicent and Cassandra already took off to spot the best.

Within seven minutes, Millie and Cassandra were stationed at a full needled grand tree of twenty-two and a half feet in height, and likely the best as far as healthy and robust. It was definitely the tallest. Unless Ethel and/or Cinnamon found a more fuller needled tree (they wouldn't find a taller one), quicker than the (seemingly) record time the Monterissan and blonde Amazon laid claim to their tree, Diana's team would score first blood, or rather sap, in points.
Ethel looked to her as she seemed to try and reason why she was left out.
"Don't feel bad, based off what I have seen of that group it's probably not personal, that last minute ruling really changed things up" she replied.

Ethel continued.
"Don't worry, I have plenty of experience finding and cutting down trees, I have built log cabins, though purposely going after the largest tree seems a little wastefully, cutting down a tree that has lived long enough to grow that large."

Once out and about Ethel nodded to the large found tree.
"I think we can find a more full tree, let's find it, plan out it's fall path, ensure others aren't in the way and get to work"

Diana would follow the expertise in her group, knowing why she picked them and using them to their strength.

Clair would be more concerned about her group then the tree, though when it came to the tree she would focus in the quality of the wood.
Team Clair

Aurora looked over the tree Sapphire and Avenger found for their team, and although it was probably the most decent in their area, it was still a sad looking one, barely making the required height of fifteen feet. It had branches and boughs that were no where near thick enough to decorate well.

She quipped just as King Gregor came over to inspect it. "Of all the Charlie Brown looking trees in this forest, this HAS to be the most Charlie Browniest¹!" The tree seemed to wilt a little, like it got it's feelings hurt.

Gregor was taken back by the physician's obvious insult. Puzzled he looked first to Princess Sapphire, then Princess Ruby, then Avenger, before asiding to Clair, "Uhhh, who's Charlie Brown?"

Team Diana

Millie and Cassandra were already helping Olivia with preparations of cutting the tree down, but Olivia knew Gregor had not come to see it yet.

Olivia glowered at Cassandra especially. "You should know better, Princess, you're an Amazon! Never put the cart before the horse!" She turned a pleading look to Diana. "You're her flesh and blood sister; back me up here!"

Grovershire groaned and facepalmed. "Oh, God bless us, everyone.²" She sighed.

Team Ethel

Cinnamon was as good as her word and even better³. She helped Ethel find the second best tree, but only because it was more full than Millie and Cassandra's, but not from their lack of trying.

"Begging the captain's pardon, ma'am," Amanda began, contritely, "but Gregor has to see our tree first. The first part of this is how well we work together and follow his instructions on finding the tree. We definitely have the height, and I think we have a better looking tree than Diana's team, but we can't fell it until he judges and okays it."

Ariel shook her head. "What IS this? A tree hunt, or a tree beauty contest? Which is very chauvinistic, I must say.⁴"

1 Shout out to A Charlie Brown Christmas, which won't air on TV for 600 years from the time of our RP!
2,3 Shout out to Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol Not to be written for another 450 years, give or take a decade.
4 Ariel is pointing out, with a quip, that they are too focused on the apparent cuteness of the tree, than it's functionality later during decorating, and as the needles begin to be shed.
Team Clair

Clair shrugged.
"I have no idea, maybe it's someone Aurora knows?" She suggested.
"But maybe we should look some more, the wood in this tree isn't of the greatest quality" she said knocking on the side of the tree and and listening to the noise.

Team Diana

Diana nodded.
"She is right, we should ensure this is the tree want before moving forward, plus I believe we are supposed to wait for the King to give his two copper on the matter."

Team Ethel

Ethel looked to her and the rest of the team before shrugging.
"If those are the rules I do suppose we should wait, but if it's a beauty contest, why not use our extra time to pretty up the tree a bit, remove some of it's imperfections" she suggested.

Avenger gave a thinker's frown. "I'm afraid the doc is right in one thing. I mean look around... We picked a lousy place to set up camp."

Gregor sighed. "We won't have time to come back for a second look, anyway, Clair. One of the first parts of this game is teamwork. If you give this tree a little TLC, it might be in better condition next year." He turned to look at Aurora. "Where's your bedside manner that Avenger and Sapphire told me about? You stood there and berated the poor tree. By the by, who IS Charlie Brown?"

Aurora hung her head. "Sad sack intern before me. Dr. Arden can tell you more about him. One day listening to him mope and I wanted to give MYSELF a lobotomy!"

"Weeellll, alrighty then¹." Sapphire quipped wide-eyed, shaking her head.

"Clair, when your team has spruced up this Scots pine, you can go ahead and head back to the castle and get ready for part three. Only one team will be doing part two. The one with the best tree. You five are by no means out of this, though, so chin up and stiff upper lip." Gregor stated fatherly.

Gregor saw Ethel's team, finishing doing some prettying as she had suggested. "Nice full tree, you five. Good show." He noticed Diana's tree and team about fifty metres along and up a hill.

He walked over just in time to catch Cassandra's retort to Olivia. "Blast it, Olivia! I thought I left Mother in Themiscyra!" She shot her sister a huffy glare.

"What's all this then?" He looked up to the top of the tree, and then back to Ethel's and frowned slightly. "Really hate there can be only one winner, but in spite of what appears to be a bit of a kerfuffle amongst teammates, I declare Diana's tree the winner. Who will chop it down?"

Olivia gave a side-eye to Cassandra as she nodded to Diana. Grovershire, Diana and I will take turns with Grovershire making the first cut and Diana and I on opposite sides of it for an even fell."

"I'm STILL against that idea! Diana could topple this in a few seconds!"

Gregor again went fatherly on one of the ladies of the court. "Cassandra. Cutting evenly on opposite sides of the tree ensures not only an even fell but less chance of one of you getting splinters while towing it back to the castle. And I thought Dame Dunwyn had poor discernment."

He turned back to Ethel, "Helping the tree by beautifying it, may help it win next year or the year after. You and Clair have both earned bonuses for planning for next year even if neither of you will be here for the results. Come. Back to the castle and get ready for part three."

1 Bonus points to any reader if you knew that quip from Jim Carrey movies like Ace Ventura and The Mask if not mistaken.

Clair nodded in reply to Gregor.
"Oh umm yes King sire, umm I mean King Gregor, sire" Clair stumbled over her response, having been distracted and not noticing the King's presence until he had spoken up.

Diana nodded and followed the procedure that was needed, moving on to the next step once her team was declared the winner, and followed the plan that they had finally agreed upon.

Ethel nodded and looked at her team.
"Well good try team, but despite our fierce competition, we did well, hold your head high and let us finish our work here and head back."


Once they were back and preparing for the next step Clair approached Cinnamon.
"Hey umm Cin, umm princess Cinnamon, sorry I couldn't pick you for my team, wanted to, but I knew Sapphire and Avenger both should have Aurora on their team, and Ruby would have been very hurt had I not picked her, and after all that I was out of spots," She explained.

Ethel walked up to Olivia.
"So how was it on team Amazon? congrats on the win, by the way, I suppose it's good I didn't win every event I participated in, I wouldn't want to get an inflated ego" She teased playfully.
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