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Jedi X Family (The Corsair and Xana)

Damn, he had to be Jedi. For the will power required to pull away from her cock-sucking, nothing less would be possible. She could taste his effort in the kiss, consuming her as much as it consumed her. The shower stream plastered her hair to the head, drenching them both in an imitation of a downpour. Two lovers, eager to be reunited, heedless of the deluge.

He gasped as he broke for air. "Right now," he demanded. Begged. "I want my tongue in you cunt and my dick in your mouth."

His demand gave her a moment to catch her breath, foreheads pressed together to remain touching. "Okay," she managed, before taking another kiss. "I want that– I want you." More kisses followed as she followed him down. He bit as her lips as she tried to pull away, and the act nearly made her abandon the plan, to crawl upon his hips and ride him with abandon. But, she once had trained to be a Jedi, and she too possessed an iron will. Iron will enough to leave him on his back, as she crawled over him, positioning her cunt over his mouth. And his thick, proud cock just before her lips.

She meant to tease him, barely brushing her lips along the smooth skin and swollen head, but when he captured her clit between his lips, she lost nearly all control, just barely hardly back her climax. "No, you don't–" she challenged, before swallowing shaft.
In one sense, this was not his best idea. The master shower was big enough for two - something the brochure had hinted obliquely at - but that didn’t quite apply to lying down. His knees had to be bent, and his neck was at an awkward angle.

On the other hand? Well, as he snaked his arms around her thighs and squeezed the slick flesh of her rear end? And as warm water cascaded down the cleft of her ass to mingle with the slick heat of her bare sex as he explored her with his tongue? Yeah. It was a pretty good idea.

“No you don’t-“ Kaydia growled, her whole body shuddering as he opened her with the tip of his tongue and sucked gently at the flesh of her clit. The shaking tension of her struggle not to climax sent a thrill of hungry pride through him. And then it was his turn to go rigid with effort as her hot, skilled lips wrapped around and swallowed his shaft.

“Fuck,” he breathed before tracing her lips with his tongue. When she swallowed him again he felt his sensitive head press against her throat, and in response he dug his fingers into her ass and covered her cunt with his mouth. Moaning into her sex, he pushed his tongue into her depths.

“Fuck,” he moaned again, head falling back as he arched his hips to offer -her - to demand that she take - more of his meat. “I can taste myself in you.” His hips bucked again, making her breasts slip over his abdomen as she swallowed him once more.

Raising his head once more, he found her cunt with his mouth. His tongue explored her, caressing her inner walls his moans sending a faint vibration through her. His hips began to jerk, a primal need for release rising in him, and his hands gripped tighter.

“AH!” he cried out, eyes screwed tight with the effort of not climaxing. And then he grinned. “You said… we should get… dirty… before we… we… clean up..?” As he spoke, his right hand crawled closer and closer to the cleft of her ass. “How’s… how’s this?”

As his lips found her clit once more, his middle finger pressed against her sphincter. Slick from the cascade of water he pressed against her, gently opening the tight muscle until the first knuckle penetrated her ass.
Kaydia greedily swallowed Quenitn's shaft, greedily swallowed inch after thick inch. Took everything he offered, until her throat bulged with his throbbing head.

He disarmed her with his on her hips, and his finger prodding her ass, pushing past her tight muscles. Now, it was her turn to speak, to moan out her growing pleasure, "Oh, fuck."

Filled by him, his tongue in her cunt, his finger in her anus, he pushed out her thoughts, leaving only ecstasy in its wake. Trembling, on the edge of rapture, Kaydia dug her nails into his strong thighs, fighting to regain control.

Again, she swallowed him, desperation mounting. Mewling cries slid over his cock, following the trail of her tongue. Then, as she could no longer hold back her bliss, she swallowed his thickening shaft, letting herself go lightheaded as she gave in.
Thought was gone. The world - the universe - had contracted to sensation alone. Smooth tile and steam and water. Kaydia’s slick flesh gliding over his own. The sting of her nails and the heat of her mouth on his shaft and the flavor of her cunt coating his lips and tongue. He sought more, craved more, needed more.

Did he climax first? Did she? Did it matter? He thrashed and bucked beneath her, helpless cries of pleasure joining his tongue in filling her cunt. Pulling her tighter into him, craving the feel of flesh on flesh, of strong thighs gripping his skull and sleek ass filling his hands. Offering her more of his iron-rigid shaft as his seed gushed out in ecstatic release.

“Ohhhh…. fffffuuuck,” he managed eventually as he sank heavily against the slick tile. Even now, spent and exhausted, he could feel his still-hard shaft pulse once more. His hot breath caressed the dripping lips of her cunt. “Ffuuck,” he breathed, nipping at her inner thigh as he slowly pulled his finger from her ass. Then he jerked as she did something he couldn’t see with her mouth, and a low moan of sated pleasure escaped him.

“Did we get dirty enough,” he asked, grinning.
"Filthy," Kaydia answered in a weak laugh, motioning with her hands to stop the shower. Warm supersonics started, filling the bathroom with a pleasant, drying heat. Heat made even more pleasant as she shift to lay against Quentin, until their bodies dried. Then it was a languid journey into the bedroom, filled with teasing kisses and playful touches. There was no awkward concern about sides or space as they lay together. Just the inviting warmth of Quentin's arm, and soothing lullaby of his heartbeat.


Mom and Dad said they'd meet her for breakfast, but they weren't anywhere to be found as she entered the main living space of their suite. Were they still sleeping? Without hesitation she entered their bedroom, and found them still asleep, and cuddled into one another.

"Dad! Mom! It's time for breakfast!" Mara announced, standing at the foot of their bed. They jolted up, Quentin bare chested and Kaydia clutching the blanket to her body. "What are you guys doing? I thought you'd be up and dressed by now!"

After a moment, realization kicked in and Mara gasped loudly. So that's what they were up to. "You guys decided to have a baby after all! Of course, it makes so much sense! Anybody, even a Jedi, could pretend to be married. You have to really commit to the act, to convince everyone that's you're really in love, and that why you're having a baby!"

Mara jumped up and down, unable to contain the excitement within. Well, she probably could, if she tried really hard and recited the code while mediating, but that was Jedi stuff, and she was just supposed to be a kid. A kid really excited to be a big sister!

"Is it going to be a boy or a girl? Oh, do you have a name picked out yet? Can I help come up with a name?"

"Mara," Kaydia –Mom interrupted, holding up one hand. Mara stopped long enough to listen. "We're not having a baby."

"But, why not? And why else would you guys have sex?"
He really couldn’t blame Mara. It was 6:30 in the morning, which meant that by the girl’s standards she’d really let them sleep in. The Temple maintained an “early to bed, early to rise” schedule after all. But an overly-excited Mara gushing about babies while he and Kaydia were both stark naked was a little hard to face.

“But, why not? And why else would you guys have sex?"

“That,” he sighed, “is a great question. But, before I answer it, may I ask you something?”

“Yes!” Mara exclaimed.

“Please step out of the room and close the door.”

Mara hesitated. “Why?”

“So we can put some clothes on.”

The girl blinked, and then started giggling. The giggle continued as she darted from the room. Quentin watched the door slide shut, then flopped back onto the mattress. “This is not,” he groaned, “how I wanted to wake up.”

Resisting the urge to nuggle back down, he sat up and pulled on a t-shirt and workout pants. “Any thoughts on how to handle this?” he asked, stretching as he stood up. “I never expected to have to handle questions like this, and I suspect that we shouldn’t be telling a small child that one of the reasons adults have sec is because it feels amazing.”

He flashed Kaydia a grin. “Which it did, by the way. In case I hadn’t made that abundantly clear.”
Kaydia giggled as she pulled a bra dn panties out of her luggage. "I guess we can tell her it is another part of our cover. That we decided to actually fall in love with one another to better sell our disguises as a happily maried couple."

"And while having a baby might actually be perfect camouflage, it is, admittedly, wildly impractical at the moment." With another small laugh, she pulled on a pair of skin tight workout pants "Still, maybe Mara can get her wish to be a sister."

Quentin turned to face her she put her shirt on, and she couldn't help her blush. "A few years back, I got pregnant. Though it came as a surprise and I wasn't even sure who the father was, a part of me wanted to have that child. Wanted to raise that child.

"I made preparations to leave my position. To start a new chapter, as a mother. But it got too dangerous to step away. I wasn't sure I would have been able to protect my child, and I didn't want to risk leaving her an orphan, of something happened to me.

"I sought out someone who could keep her safe, and made contact with a monk of the Dai Bendu. They assured me the child would be safe. My... my daughter."

Kaydia wiped away the tear filling her eye. "Maybe I could go back there, find her. Be the mother she deserved, for all those years. She'd be close to Mara's age, by now."
“All right,” Quentin nodded. “We’ll go find her.”

Noticing her quizzical expression, he smiled a lopsided grin. “I’m an initiate into the Dai Bendu as well. My master appreciated their aesthetic philosophy, and would visit their monasteries periodically as a retreat.” He chuckled. “It sort of rubbed off.”

For an instant he was lost in memories of happier times. Before the Clone Wars. Before the Empire. Then he shook it off. “Anyway, if we can get to one of their monasteries, I should be able to persuade them to check their records.”


Mara bounced on the soles of her feet, staring at the door to Master Quentin and Miss Kaydia… no, no, to dad and mom’s room. It was important to get the details right, because they were under cover! Just like it had been important to have an explanation for Elia’s mom when she’d asked why she was up at 6 am exercising.

But dad and mom had sex! Which meant they were a real couple, right? And that meant they could be a real family, and maybe she’d have a little brother or sister! The holos she’s watched made that look fun, and he’d always liked playing with the babies at the Temple. They were cute!

The door opened, and Mara bounced excitedly. “So?” she asked, excited. “You have to want a baby, right? I thought about it, and why else would you have sex? I mean, isn’t it icky?”
That question couldn't even wait for that first cup of coffee? Kaydia sighed, realizing that the line between being a mother and playing the role of mother was thin to nonexistent. But, this was what she she'd wanted, wasn't it?

"Sex is not just for procreation." Okay, yeah. Be honest with her, in an age appropriate way. A deep breath, and she continued. "Often, that's not the intention at all. Consider it a form of, uh, pair bonding, among adults. It can strengthen the connection between a couple."

"Pair bonding, okay." Mara nodded, brows furrowed in thought. "So, is it just part of the act for you two, or…" A smile spread over her face as the thought processed, "Or are you two really a couple?"

"I, uh, well…" Kaydia searched for a noncommittal answer, but Mara's animated grin disarmed her. With her own laugh, she confessed, "Well yes. I have come to love Quentin. And to love you, like a daughter. I've come to love you both, Like a real family."

Mara's responded with wet eyes and bitten lips, just holding back her tears as she threw her arms around Kaydia's neck. "I love you too, Mom" Again, tears stung Kaydia's eyes, and all she could do was hold the girl close and stroke her hair. Once the sniffles subsides, they pulled apart.

"But, is that okay?" Mara's gaze turned towards Quentin now, mostly composed, but a little concerned. "I mean Jedi aren't supposed to love, are they?"
“Wow,” Quentin laughed, pouring two cups of coffee. “Ask the hard questions, why don’t you?”

“I’m sorry,” Mara replied. “I didn’t mean…”

“No, no, I was joking,” Quentin assured her, handing a mug to Kaydia and taking a seat. “It’s actually a really good question. Can you recite the Code for me?”

Sipping his coffee, he watched Mara think hard. “Uhm… There is no, uhm… no ignorance, just… knowledge.” She glanced up at him, and he nodded. “Uhm… there is no cows, there is… uhm… harmony? There is no passion, there is calmness. There is no death, there is the Force.”

“Good enough,” Quentin assured her. “You’ve got the idea, even if the wording isn’t perfect. But do you know why the Code exists?”

Mara nodded. “It’s actually a tells us how to behave, right?”

“Sort of, yes.” Taking a drink, he leaned a little closer. “See, it dates back to the Jedi Civil War.”

“With Ulic qel-Droma and Exar Kun?” Mara’s eyes went wide. “Wow.”

“Yep. See, before the Jedi Civil War there wasn’t a Jedi Order. There were different types of Jedi - Healers, and Guardians, and Beastmasters, and Sentinels, and so on. Each of them had similar rules, and the Council had a Master from each Order that helped them all work together.” He grinned at Mara’s wide-eyed expression. “But the Jedi Civil War nearly wiped all of the Orders out, and the new Council wanted to keep that from happening again. So they wrote the Code.”

Mara screwed up her face, thinking. “And so… they decided that Jedi can’t fall in love… so they wouldn’t… kill each other?” A moment passed. “That’s stupid! People who are in love don’t kill each other!”

The comment brought a flash of memory, a brunette woman lunging at him with a lightsaber. Quentin decided to gloss over that particular statement. “That’s not what the Code says, though. It just says you shouldn’t let your emotions - your passions - make you do something stupid or forget your duty.”

“Oh.” Mara frowned. “Then why…?”

Quentin drained his cup. “Because it’s easier to tell someone to not do something than it is to teach them how to do something.”

“That… what?” Mara looked over to Kaydia. “What does dad mean?”
Kaydia sipped at her coffee, to give herself a moment to think. "Rules are good, but wisdom is better. However, wisdom can't be taught, only gained through experience. And rules can serve as guideposts, as one gains wisdom."

Mara nodded solemnly, quietly absorbing concept that may have been a bit over her head. But she came to some kind of conclusion as a cheeky grin spread over her face. "So, once I am wise enough, I won't have to follow the rules anymore?"

Kaydia shared a laugh, "Once you're wise enough, you'll understand which rules are worth following, and which are not."

"Woah…" Mara stopped at the edge of the cafeteria, eyes wide as she surveyed the breakfast offerings.

Meals at the Jedi temple were generally a tame affair. Simple, healthy dishes that were easy to whip up in large batches. Very occasionally there would be a sweet treat, or an exotic new flavor, but mostly it was the same thing, day in, day out. Eating was a mean of refueling one's body, not an activity unto itself.

Breakfast on the cruiser was a smorgasbord of overwhelming choices. Fluffy sweet breads and even cakes, nearly every kind of fruit she could imagine, variety of fried meats, a dozen options for eggs, and a dozen more options for their preparation.

Mom must have sense her choice paralysis. "Pace yourself. We are on the ship all week, you will have time to try it all. Or, almost it all."

Mara settled on a square of sweet bread, with uniform indentations that were just perfect for filling with fruit. Oh, and dollop of fluffy whipped cream! And some thin fried meat that was both crunchy and chewy. Dad insisted on a small portion of cooked egg, with veggies mixed in. It did smell pretty good too, just not as good as everything else.

As Mara carried her tray to a table near the corner of the bustling cafeteria, something caught her eye. A man sitting alone at the far end of the room was scanning the crowd with a little too much interest. And he wasn't even eating? Why would you even come to the cafeteria if you weren't going to eat?

Realization hit Mara suddenly, enough that she nearly gasped. He wasn't a regular passenger, like every else on board. He was looking for someone. He was a bounty hunter. She considered this, slowly chewing on a forkful of fruit and sweet bread.

Mom and Dad said there might be bounty hunter after them. That was the whole point of being a family, because the bounty hunters weren't looking for a family. But they were smart, right? They knew that the Jedi weren't going to be Jedi openly. They had to know that the Jedi would be pretending, just like they were pretending now!

The man scanned towards them now, and Mara looked down, focusing on her food to avoid his gaze. Could he tell they weren't a family, just by looking? Mom and Dad were talking about something, and laughing. Flirting, like a real mom and dad would.

Okay, it was up to her then. She too could protect the family from the bounty hunter. Mom had said a lot of being a spy was observing, and gathering information. Dad too, as he had her watch holo-vids, to learn how a regular little girl acts. So she just had to watch the bounty hunter. Study him, then she'd know how to take care of him!
“Did you have a good time last night?” Quentin asked, looking at Mara. The young girl, distracted by watching the rest of the patrons, didn’t respond. “Mara?”

She jerked a little, startled. “Huh?”

“I asked if you had a good time,” Quentin repeated with a chuckle.

“Oh. Oh, yeah!” Mara shoveled another portion of waffle into her mouth. “We watched cartoons, and played dolls, and it was really fun!” She ate more waffle. “Can I have a sister? Please?”

He laughed again, glancing over at Kaydia as he did. “Not right now,” he replied. Should we tell her about your daughter? he asked through the Force as he did. “But even if we did, she’d be a baby. Not a…”

“Dad.” The single word was a long-suffering sound. “I know she’d be a baby. But babies are cute and cuddly and…”

“And a lot of work,” Quentin countered.

“For you and mom.” Mara replied sweetly. “Not me.”

Rolling his eyes, Quentin looked back at Kaydia. “I don’t know where she gets it from,” he sighed dramatically. “I was the very model of obedient and silent when I…”

“M-Grampa Valis told me you set a new record for getting in trouble in the… at school!” Mara protested.

Quentin offered a dramatic sigh. “And honest. Very, very honest. Not like my daughter at all.”

“He said you broke into the library and stole resk… rust… uhm, books you weren’t supposed to have!” Mara protested, scandalized.
Kaydia hadn't missed how Mara's gaze kept returning to the lone man at far end of the dining hall. Quentin hadn't missed it either, but since his back was to the man, he trusted her to evaluate the target while he distracted Mara with genial conversation.

Sinking her perception into the force, she determined he wasn't carrying a weapon. Not even his data was modified with a stun function, or gas pocket, a fairly common modification. And his posture was relaxed, not prepared for the split second reactions of highly skilled or sensitive quarry.

Almost certainly a bounty hunter, but not a serious threat. He wasn't geared to take down a target that would fight back– Even Mara could prove a challenge for him, alone. She needed more reconnaissance to determine if he had a partner—or worse, a team. A group could be dangerous, especially if a seasoned hunter was among them. Taking down her and Quentin wouldn't be a job for just anyone—it would take professionals."

Meanwhile, Mara grinned, triumphant at having tattled on her father's youthful misdeeds. "Grampa Valis said you got caught because you fell asleep in the secret hidey-hole you made behind the archives."

Kaydia blinked, then let out a surprised laugh, caught off guard by Mara's gleeful revelation. An image she could immediately place, given the hundreds of hours she spent in the archives as a youth. To think, Quentin was only a few years older than her. They might have been in the temple library, at the same time.

"Alright, enough embarrassing stories. Let's save a couple for dinnertime, and finish up our breakfast," she teased Mara, while her thoughts whispered against Quentin's, Mara found someone alright, but he's not looking for us. Doesn't even register us. Probably hunting a soft target. Considering the makeup of the ship, I imagine a white collar criminal.
Quentin examined the mental picture Kaydia provided along with her observation. Might not even be a bounty hunter, he replied. Maybe a process server. I think you’re right about him, though.

“May we join you?”

He glanced up to see Helena Kane and her husband. Their daughter was already excitedly chattering with Mara. “Of course,” Quentin replied, rising.

“We’re gonna go play!” Mara exclaimed.

“Have fun,” Quentin grinned, taking his seat as the Kanes sat. “I hope she wasn’t too much of a handfull.”

“Not at all,” Herna assured him. “She was a delight.”

“A touch unusual,” her husband murmured.

Quentin tensed. “How do?”

“I would say disciplined, myself,” Helena corrected. “She was awake at 5:30 this morning, exercising while her minder reviewed… ethics. I believe. When I told her she should go back to bed, she said you always exercise with her in the morning.”


“What do you want to do,?” Elia gushed. “We could go swimming, or go to the play place on level four, or… huh?”

The last word came out as a surprised squeak when Mara grabbed her hand and pulled her back behind a serving table. “Shhh!” she hissed, a finger on her lips as she peered around the table. “He almost saw us!”

“Who?” Elia’s eyes were wide.

“That guy,” Mara whispered, pointing. “He’s a bounty hunter, and…” she looked around before whispering dramatically, “he’s after my mom and dad!”

Elia covered her gasp with both hands. “Oh no! What… should we tell security?”

“No.” Mara’s voice was resolute. “Not until we find proof that he’s a bad guy!”
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