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homura (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

She nodded and helped Mitsuri walk to the safe haven set up for the surviving villagers, reuniting Mitsuri with the rest of her kakushi, who were over the moon to see her safe.
Once there both Mitsuri and Yuko got the medical treatment they needed for their minor wounds, and once patched up sent to another area to recover.
Yuko tried to have conversation with Genya, who seemed beyond flustered and uncomfortable to be near a girl, but he relaxed when she shared stories with him about her time with Sanemi. He was pleasant, despite his stiffness, and Yuko became fond of him right away.
Back at the Butterfly estate, Ebisu had just returned from a mission, and was getting treatment for a twisted ankle. She was glad to have an excuse to visit, having gone weeks since the last time she saw Akatsuru.
Akatsuru had changed a lot since Shinobu took her under her wing, no pun intended. She donned the medical uniform they all wore and even kept it modest. She even wore the signature butterfly hair piece: red and gold butterfly wings kept her double braided crown secure to her head and out of the way.
"Honestly, Ebi, you should be more careful." Akatsuru scolded playfully, wrapping Ebisu's ankle.
Ebisu looked more than happy despite being treated in the hospital. “Yeah, but if I was too careful, I’d never get to come see you.”
Ebisu smiled softly and shook her head. “I’m sorry I was gone so long, work has me going all over lately; I almost spend more time traveling.”
She nodded, "Yes, yes, covering mostly for your master, I feel...his recovery has been very well, he's almost fully adapted to the loss of his eye and arm."
“Ah, that’s good to hear, I was worried that he’d struggle, but I guess that was foolish considering it is Master Tengen.” She said with a smile.
Ebisu put her foot down and gave a firm nod. “It feels better already.” She praised. “Thanks, Akatsuru.”
Ebisu smiled more, leaning forward and placing a kiss on her forehead. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
“Well,” Ebisu shifted on the bed and crossed her legs. “I have some time before I have to leave again, why don’t we spend the rest of the afternoon together?”
Ebisu gave a nod and a soft hum. “How does a walk and a picnic sound? I can stop by the kitchens and make some food for us before we go.”
She nodded. “I was thinking onigiri, why don’t you come with me so you can pick out what fillings you’d want and I can make them.”
Ebisu looped her arm with Akatsuru’s, smiling like a fool the whole way to the kitchen. “I think I might choose pickled plums for mine, what do you think?”
“Oh, tuna sounds delicious.” She agreed, stomach now growling a bit from all the talk about food.
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