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Like a Deborah Anastasia novel (AsBloodTurnsIcecolfXEtheresl) [NSFWIMAGES]

"French Risks sounds like quite a cool band name." he chuckled though taking note of what it was she'd like before they told it to their server. He would look to her "This early? That I quite like." and with her order he'd order Two nice glasses of Châteauneuf-du-Pape to go along with it. He didn't seem to mind spending wanting to make sure she had a nice time with them here and was his usual spot.

"Bah business for that can be rather slow this time of year you know? I was just doing other work for the time being so I had plenty of room." he was glad she seemed to like he design and so he'd keep that in mind Though there was a small blush on his face as she praised him. He chuckled a little bit as he gently put his phone away "Goodness a pretty girl's praise can make even an old man blush."

Kurt gave her all his attention as she spoke of her tour "I guess that explains how you ended up in a small place like this." he hummed leaning against the comfortable but rather hard leader seats. He could only shrug at her question "Sometimes." he said "A lot of the time the concert scene isn't much my speed. Most Pits. Bad for my old body." joking a bit since he was in good health and not old but he did sort of grow out of that phase awhile ago. He wasn't so much into the hyper parts of music anymore.
“If I ever change bands I’ll insist on that name.” Lucy couldn’t help giggle to herself. “Wine I find easier to have early since I honestly don’t drink to get drunk. I never saw pleasure in that kind of culture. Most assume bands party hard but it’s just not something I like. I don’t think I’m missing out.” She hoped her explanation helped. Lucy wasn’t the type to order the most expensive anything since she made her own money and she was here for his company most of all.

The blush didn’t go unnoticed but she wasn’t going to bring it up. It was endearing and she liked that he was the type to show emotion. When he mentioned it she felt it was okay to finally comment. “You look devilishly handsome when you blush. Maybe I should make you do it more. I also only give praise when praise is due. Your work is amazing. I’m just fortunate that you had time to take in my guitar.” This town was well worth the stop especially since it brought her to Kurt and his hidden artistry.

“We do have pits on occasion but in this town no. Ordinances and all. Not fun. I hope you to drop buy. We do have seats for older gentleman like yourself.” She teased. “This town is a bit different from most other bigger halls. More of a performance element to it. I think you’d survive this one if you decided to come or I might just be kind enough to give you a private back stage show. You’ll make the locals jealous if they found out.” Flirting was fun but that invitation was a real one if he didn’t want to brave the onslaught of rabid fans.
"A Guitarist who doesn't drink themselves into a stupor every evening? Color me impressed." he chuckled but he did quite enjoy some wine one those quiet days. He didn't mind drinking, but between those rare beautiful days he was a clean sort. He had seen partying, alcohol, and more rob he talent from so many gifted folk he had slowed himself down and promised never to speed up. He didn't mind sharing a little wine with a pretty girl though. That was okay.

"Ha. Well flattery won't get you a discount but maybe it will get you a more discerning look." he winked at her though he did have the time he did feel the need to really make sure she was satisfied with her new decorated guitar. Pretty, smart, and kind. it wouldn't be gentlemanly of him not to render the best of the best in terms of service now would it? He looked to the side "Careful, might make this old man think you have a crush on him."

He chuckled "Good, can't keep up with the young ones." he smiled and nodded his head "Ah yeah not so much a chaotic scene here, but it is nice for you all to stop by." he hummed before chuckling "I might take you up on that. Its not quite my scene all that goth stuff but I'm sure your musician ship is wonderful." he said and leaned back.
Lucy couldn’t help but chuckle. “Not all guitarist get blackout drunk every evening. I myself like my liver and keeping myself healthy. Shocking o know.” Offering the last comment with a wink. She knew most bands had alcohol issues and she wasn’t into drinking to the point of no return. Not only that but she didn’t want to ruin her voice and gifts but she wasn’t going to say that aloud.

Quirking an eyebrow when he mentioned that flattery wouldn’t get hers discount before playfully sticking her tongue out at him when he winked. “I wouldn’t dream of asking another artist for a discount. It’s an unspoken rule to actually pay for services.” Lucy knew he was joking but wished to relay her feelings.

The moment he joked about her being careful about how she might make him think that she had a crush on him Lucy unconsciously blushed and pushed some loose strands of raven hair behind her ear. “Keep being a sweet gentleman and I might develop more of a crush than I already have.” She said though not mentioning it any further and letting any thoughts linger in the air about it.

“I wouldn’t mind if you dropped by. I’ll even reserve you a seat. In the least you’d get an idea of how your masterpiece will be used in my hand.” Perhaps she should’ve thought about phrasing but she didn’t before lifting her glass of water to take a much needed sip.
"Goodness you really are full of surprises. You sure you're in a band?" he teased a bit but it was impressive how.....settled she seemed to be. She really could have been wild like any other band guitarist he knew but she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders and that really was impressive to him. He had to admit, a gorgeous and smart young woman was a nice change of pace from the drunks and druggies who normally solicited his services.

"Oh my goodness to think Satan's daughter would be such a goody two-shoes." he winked. He understood her intentions but her reactions were quite entertaining. He was surprised at this point she wasn't a teetotaler. That wouldn't be a first but with her aesthetic and line of work it would have been unexpected.

He laughed at her next joke but the silence was definitely palpable of course the next joke had him nodding his head. A little bit of a child-like snicker escaped him "My masterpiece in our hand huh? That sound like a good time. I can tell they're very capable." he winked before sitting back taking a sip of his drink as well. The food would eventually arrive placed gently on the table in front of them by the older woman who would nod to them and leave them to eat. Kurt clapped his hand "Lets dig in then. See if I picked a place you'll enjoy like a good guide." she said sitting up straight.
“I get that more than you think. Believe it or not I’m not that destructive only look like I am.” Lucy chuckled taking another sip of water to keep her throat cool. “I’m not perfect but I take care of myself. Im actually classically trained i music and studied opera. My parents think it’s bit of a waste to do this but I’m learning myself. They haven’t disowned me….yet…” she explained and offered a sweet smile.

The blush on her face was still visible as she sipped on the cool water first before even thinking of touching the wine since she was more focused on the pairing with food. “Satan’s daughter can’t wait to use your masterpiece in public. I’m a bit of an Exhibitionist.” Lucy let that thought linger as their food arrived and she looked it over with wide eyes.

“This looks fantastic! Satan’s Daughter already approves of your sacrifice.” She complimented before finally picking up her fork and taking her first bite.
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"Well I think thats a treat." the older man complemented. She really did seem quite gifted and full of surprises. Kurt tilted his head a little, rubbing his fingers through a beard slowly being taken over by greying hairs. Her couldn't hide his interest not at all "Beautiful. Well trained. Smart. Your parents would be foolish to disown a gem." he said returning her smile. He had to admit she had him beat on accomplishment. He was just an comic artist who got tasked to detail guitars. He wasn't jealous though, not at all...he was much too old for that.

"Well when you've got the good...."he let it linger in the air a moment to take a sip of his own wine, a single glance thrown up and down her for before it left his lips and to the table " want to show them of right?" giving an impish grin.

"Well make sure to tell them that. I'm sure they'll adore hearing it." he said before taking a bit of his own meal. He hummed in pleasure "I think I made the right choice." he said but he knew that. He wouldn't have brought her there if he wasn't confident in the place's ability to wow. What type of man would take the chance with such a pretty woman?
“Foolish? Perhaps, but they expected me to be a doctor or lawyer or someone in a suit. I do like what I do and maybe someday they’ll come around….” Taking a bite and chewing it thoroughly before swallowing as she paired it with wine making soft but happy sighs of contentment with the meal. “You know I’m going to have to come back here. I honestly would not have ventured in on my own. They’ve gained another loyal patron who may ask you to join me her for dinner another day. Only if you’re willing to let me pay for the next round.” Lucy put the offer out but didn’t expect an answer at all just let the offer linger in the air.

Watching him stroke his beard and talk was a treat and Kurt was wonderful company. Unlike her band mates he was more than willing to enjoy siting in a quiet restaurant without being sarcastic. “I hope you’ll humor this beautiful, well trained, smart and strange hell gem by coming to a practice run through with your talented creation layer. You really do boost my confidence. I may consider you my good luck charm.” Lucy said with her trademark mischievous grin. “You did make the right choice bringing me here. But unluckily for you Satan’s daughter very much enjoys your company. I hope you take it as a good thing…”
"I imagine with all the money you've invested taking another route is not an option." it was, after all, not common to spend so much of a rare guitar like she had and not be serious about it. He couldn't say his parents were all too thrilled with his choice either way back when, but those times were long past him. Benefit of age, poor memories just became funny thoughts. Kurt smiled, glad she liked the place but as expected he didn't give her an definitive on allowing her to pay. He just brought his glass up to his lips and took a sip, savoring it before saying "They'll be real glad for it." a small hum next as he refused to give her an answer.

"I suppose I'd be willing." she told her with a genuine smile "Well, as long as you don't plan to sacrifice me on the alter but if you are I do prefer to be nude." he joked with her but he was sure it'd be an interesting time still wasn't his style of thing. The overuse of black, the overly heavy chords, the melancholy lyrics, all that type of stuff. Kurt was a square by all means but he did think it'd be neat could he turn down such an offer from such a cute woman?

"I think I'll consider it lucky. I've never been very religious, I'd accept a nice what lord of hell himself if he brought me tea really or if he could nicely fill out a short skirt." he chuckled "Apologies." before taking another sip of his wine.
“I feel very cold out when you say that and it’s very true with how much I spent on that guitar I’m pretty serious about what I’m doing. Serious and I’m happy. Not many people can say that about what they've chosen to do.” She was focusing on what he was saying that she didn’t notice there was silence when she mentioned that she was going to pay next time in her mind she thought she would be able to beat him to the bill. Lucy was not one to conform to gender norma and she didn’t want him to think that he always had to pay. Either way she wasn’t going to argue about it now. For the time being she was going to enjoy this wonderful time and great food.

I think her last to take another sip and Kurt said he would be willing he could see her smirk that’s the class left her lips and she swallowed. “Oh no my darling…. if I were going to sacrifice you I’d wait until you weren’t worried about it. I wasn’t planning on doing it this time.” She could not help but some work at the thought and at least she knew Kurt would not take her seriously on that threat. “We’d both have to be nude for that sacrifice and I’m sure you might not mind of you even if it would be the last thing you be seeing.” With that she gave him a playful wink before bringing her her lips and taking another tiny sip savoring the taste that rolled on her tongue.

Portable that she was silent and the offer for him to watch her practice was still there perhaps she keeps attention but she did like his company and wouldn’t mind him critiquing how she sounded and how she played even if it might not be his cup of tea. “For now you've humored the dark Lord by Keeping his daughter out of trouble and giving her something quite attractive to look at.” Lucy might have been at awkward flirt but she was enjoying his company and he didn’t seem to mind. It was very endearing when he apologized and it made his dark-haired lunch date giggle. “No need to apologize. I fear you’re going to think that I’m not cool once I tell you that you’ve been the most fun I’ve had in town outside of playing gigs and practicing. Makes me wonder does a small town have a special Kurt?” She quirked an eyebrow and assumed the answer would be no unless The matrix had a Kurt program.
"That is true. You've got more direction than most your age." though not that he said that out loud he had to admit it was odd how this beautiful young woman was spending her time with him. She didn't have the snowy decorations he did though that had, thankfully, concentrated mostly on his beard which he had to say looked more dignified. He had to consider himself quite lucky. He was also quite glad she wasn't arguing on the bill. Kurt was quite set on paying for the simple of his raising and of course what gentlemen wouldn't want to lay out some cash for such a beauty? Kurt would move fast for it.

"A surprise huh?" he chuckled though of course it was just banter "Oh certainly not!" smirking "Seeing you in the buff even without a dagger over your head? I think that'd be quite the look....though I'd like to see it a little longer." returning her playful wink before savoring his own wine. Lucky indeed. He chuckled and looked around "I'm afraid this town could only handle one Kurt." motioning out the window.

"Seems fate brought us together for a little a movie." making a reference to a circumstance contained in those films he did quite like watching though it wasn't quite a romance and he could do without the silly breakups. He hummed "But if you're having a good time then I'm being a good host now all I've gotta do is take you on a walk by a lake and to you hotel and you can give me five stars." he joked.
“Well I might have more direction than most my age but I know what I want to do. I’m pretty hard headed you know.” She said as she took another sip of her wine. Savoring the taste and enjoying his company. This did feel like something out of a movie especially with the gap in age and how they seem to connect so well it almost feels surreal. Though she did hope that she could steal him away again if he allowed it. After all she would have to see him again to pick up her guitar. This would not be the first or last time but at least the next time she would pay for his dinner or something else. “Hmm two Kurt’s I would love to handle that I have a feeling you’d wear me out. I still try though.” She didn’t continue on that topic but she let the sentiment linger.

When he mentioned surprise she chuckled. “You would not be my first or last sacrifice but considering how I get my victims I’m sure I can charm you into offering yourself to me. Perhaps the promise of being nude in the process would be a good incentive.” Now she was flirting in her own odd way. Lucy was glad he had not run for the hills. She very much enjoyed his company and hoped he was enjoying hers just as much. giving him a look over before she would lift her glass to her lips once again taking a sip. Swish in the wine in her mouth taking all the sweet flavors. He chose a very good wine. “Oh I’d savor you more than this wine..” and now she was shamelessly flirting. There is no need to be shy especially with her way of thinking. Why play games might as well enjoy life.

The moment he mentioned it being like the movies she smiled and nodded. “If fate did indeed bring us together. We shouldn’t look that gift horse in the mouth. Why not give fate a show? Perhaps you’ll end up with us taking a walk and you buying me a rose surprising me or winning me some sort of cute carnival stuffed toy. With how charming you are I couldn’t resist it and invite you back to my hotel. The question is would you take my invitation or politely bow out like a gentleman? If you did decide to join me I would definitely give you a five star rating because I have a feeling….” Lucy paused for a small moment. “…that you are the type surprise any lady you get for the evening…”
"Not a bad quality until it is of course but I create comics so I'm in no position to judge." tapping his glass with his finger. He was sure they both did plenty of disappointing their parents but a path was a path. Kurt set his glass down to eat more of his meal looking up as she returned fire on yet another one of his flirts. She really was quite the quick-witted rocker wasn't she? He could only laugh and with a quick jerk of his head he'd show his impression. She could have that one as he just chewed through, a glint in his eyes that said her word definitely had an effect. She was, in all honesty, a delight and the older man could hardly believe how quickly she went along with it. He was quite sure most women her age would have been more displeased with the amorous old man.

"A naked woman leading me to my demise? My mother warned me about that." tapping the side of his head for a moment "I've never been the smartest son." he chuckled but damn if she didn't put a good image into his head. He was enjoying it. He was too old to be off put by some flirting rather...he welcomed it. He was unmarried so he was more than free to exchange some lusty words. He was just surprised she was so willing to put up with it. She was shameless and he quite liked that he had to admit. He chuckled "Oh? The wine is probably as old." he joked "I'd give you plenty to savor."

"This your way of subtly saying I should ask you on a real date?" he teased a bit "I'm not sure about surprises but an evening to remember? Well that I can do." he said he hummed letting it linger for a good moment while he focused on his food. It was getting cold but he had a feeling this little outing wouldn't be the only moment he'd be sharing with Lucy. That walk did sound pretty nice.
Lucy did not realize her food was getting cold as she focus more on her drinks and Kurt sitting across from her. Taking another sip of her wine she would sit down on the table before she would focus a bit more on her food not that she was afraid to eat she was totally engrossed in a conversation and a very fun banter. most women her age would not focus on older men but Kurt had a personality and caught her attention in so many ways. He was treating her like a person unlike the fans of her group which she loved and was happy for the support but having can treat her like a person and have a conversation was definitely the key to a woman’s attention.

They didn’t really have any lulls in conversation only as they took a moment to eat. “You have a brother? I would say I’d like to meet him but I think I have the best choice sitting across from me. Your mother was right women like me or dangerous especially without clothing on.” She let herself stay silent for a small bit only to let him think about what she just said. “Old In my mind is an adjective just a descriptor. The line is finally aged just like you. I don’t see why people have problems with age especially when good things come with it.” She let her voice draw out of the word come on purpose she let her eyes linger and watch his reaction.

Kurt mentioned the date she quirked an eyebrow. “In that case maybe I should break the social norms and ask him out on a date first. Trust me I won’t get upset if you say no; disappointed perhaps but not angry. Would you accept it if I asked you on a date which I am. Would you like to go on a date with me Kurt? I would really like that and I find that one lunch together is enough time for me to enjoy your company. You are a very talented and interesting work of art in my eyes. I would not be opposed to a night I’ll remember for eternity.” With that she left the ball in his court if you wish to say yes or no but she had no bearing her interest with him. Perhaps he would welcome it but there was a chance Maybe he wanted to play the gentleman but she hoped that she didn’t overstep anything. “ I’d like to take a walk with you and see where things lead if they lead to the beach or even my hotel room….. I’m just happy to spend some more time with you specially since you intrigue me in the way no one has caught my attention in a long time. I don’t worry I’m not drunk at all I’m seeing the whole picture quite clearly and I’m liking what I see…” with that she picked up her wine and took another sip leave in just a little bit in there to help her finish her meal.
"Oh no. I'm not sure my mother could have handled the potential. She could hardly keep her blood pressure low with me around." he chuckled "Though if I did have a brother I'd definitely be the handsomest one." but alas Kurt was the only child and hardly looked to be continuing the family line, at least, with any haste but that was fine. He was content with his life as a bachelor for the most part especially because it meant he could exchange nice words with a beauty like Lucy. He chuckled more at her kind words "Well people like to grow old together. I'm already part way there." he smiled not really too pressed on the thought. He was having his fun, and living quite the life though he sensed it was going to a little more interesting. That was a stroke of silly cosmic luck.

"Well since you're offering." he'd be a fool to turn it down really. He smiled "Lets finish our meal then Lucy and go for a nice walk.' he chuckled "Maybe I'll show you my collection of low-budget romance movie dvds." but it did look like it was a date and they'd be getting to know each other more though it was somewhat of a shock. It wasn't an unpleasant one so he focused on finishing up food and making smaller conversation with his soon-to-be-date.

Once it was finished he'd of course put down the money first "There is a nice lake trail nearby we can walk to. Good place to start don't you think?"
When he mentioned how his mother couldn’t handle the potential Lucy couldn’t help but snicker. She didn’t bother hiding it at all as she finished her last bite of food and lifted her glass with the last two sips of wine. “I shan’t argue with you. I am definitely enjoying my view right now.” With her glass held she brought it to her lips and took her second to last sip and swallowed as she swirled the last sip in her glass letting the aroma return nostrils. It was nice to have someone to banter with even though her bandmates were fun Kurt was a different sort of entertainment. He was quite easy to talk to and the flirting definitely was a nice buffer. “ I would say that you are well aged I would not call you old. How about leveled up?” She couldn’t help but tease him because she enjoyed seeing what reactions he would give her.

Lucy was very much offering and it brought a smile to her face when he took her up on that offer. With that she took her last sip of wine letting it linger in her mouth and swallowed before placing her glass down very carefully on the table with a graceful motion and flick of her wrist. “ I would very much enjoy your walk only if you let me buy the ice cream along the way.” He was paying for lunch so she figured it was only natural for her to pay for desserts. This place had to have an ice cream shop and if they did Kurt would probably know where one was on the way. The offered movies was something she was looking forward to but some thing she would never tell her band mates or friends that she enjoyed. “ I would love to see your collection considering I don’t have any and if I did I would have to hide it because you know if anyone caught me with such DVDs I’d be outers an imposter and lose my edgy appeal.” Was she being serious perhaps but she wouldn’t have anything to offer in the DVD collection so she would gladly use his.

Lucy decided not to fight him when he put the money on the table especially since she had a feeling he would probably protest but it was a nice gesture and she hope she could pay it back later. She was a bit progressive and didn’t want him to feel like he had to pay for everything. Kurt was very sweet and quite the gentleman so she excepted. When he mentioned a walk and a nice lake trail he could see her dark brown eyes light up with excitement. “ That sounds very relaxing and I’m looking forward to that. I’ll let you lead the way. Besides I should work off my lunch I gotta keep up my good looks somehow. Lead the way handsome I’ll follow you wherever you go.” With that she gave him a playful wink letting him know that she was definitely up for an adventure!
"Leveled up? Ah I wonder what my class would be? Bard? I do quite like spooning." he joked though even he knew that was incredibly cheesy. The aged artist shrugged "Fine fine. I'm sure if I rejected another offer you'd hit me with a club and then lord the bill over my face." he smiled figuring he could at least allow that much. That did mean a detour but what was a nice detour with a pretty lady? He nodded his head "Oh well we can't have that! I'll be your terrible romance movie connoisseur." glad she didn't protest too much about him placing the money down. Instead a nice dinner and once that was done he'd call the lovely owners over to let them know they were finished. A nice series of complements and a promise to return later before he rose out of the seat and walked Lucy out.

"Lets first." he started to walk with her "Got a nice parlor on the way with a homemade sort of style to it. Family who runs it in as sweet as their treats though you have to be careful...the Patriarch of the family will talk your ear off about his latest and greatest recipe." and it really was a nice town. The type of place you could pretty much walk anywhere if you wanted though of course there were cars on the street. People coming and going and a few Kurt recognized. The man stretched a little, admiring the somewhat cool air. A nice day.

"Sure this place isn't as Awe-inspiring as your home. Wherever that is." he motioned to it "But I'm sure the turnout for the show is gonna be interesting. Theater is actually down that way. I hope you don't burn it down."
When he mentioned about being a bard it made Lucy chuckle and she didn’t dispute it. “ How did you know I liked bards the most? I guess when you think about my job and what I do for a living of course I’m gonna like the bard they have the most fun.” She love the fact that he was a bit nerdy and she hope that he didn’t mind that she got the joke but she wasn’t about to tell them she liked dungeons and dragons quite yet! Upon him mentioning her hitting him over to help the club if he protested made her giggle snort when she tried to hide as delicately as she could by bringing her petite hand to her lips. “Now with you giving me ideas maybe I should…” perhaps it sounded a little ominous but she wasn’t going to do it though she would let him think that she would. At least she will probably be able to pay for dessert. For now he was able to pay without too much of a fuss and she would also think the establishment owners for the very lovely food and this place Lucy would commit to memory because she liked the food and the atmosphere as well as the fact that they didn’t turn their nose up at it how she looked. Once finished she let him walk her out and she stayed close by she even dare to wrap an arm and interwove it with his if he allowed it. She was testing the waters and being flirtatious because she liked his company and a part of her was seeing how far she could get with her personality and actions. Besides she loved how he reacted!

“ I have a feeling you settled in this town because this is like a romance movie. A cheesy one with homemade ice cream which I’m quite partial to especially since homemade ice cream is the best. A part of me thinks this town was based off of the book. And I bet you dollars to donuts that the book title had Fabio on it or you.” She couldn’t help but tease him again but the excitement for ice cream put a pep in her step.

“I’m really happy that my fans suggested this town. It’s definitely nothing like where I grew up but I like it. Maybe I’ll share some information with you once you let me pay for ice cream and I’ll tell you about my hometown.” Now she was leaving tidbits that he was welcome to either go after later or he would give in and let her pay for the desert to get information which she was privy to sharing. The way her eyebrow quirked when he mentioned not burning down the venue Got her to be silent for a moment. “ I’m excited for the turnout and trust me I won’t put it down though I might try and see if I can get a whole new following here. I like the change of pace with this town. This is the first smallish venue I’ve played and I think it’ll be quaint and it gives me a chance to actually interact with my fans more. I really do hope you show up and see what I’m all about and maybe I can convert you into my kind of music or at least give you a glimpse into my world…”
Kurt chuckled a little bit "Ah definitely a bard. I could probably go with sorcerer then no armor and barely a reason a wear clothes." joking with her still and clearly not minding that she was likely a bit or very nerdy. Music types tended to be very nerdy people in his experience given the amount of times he was asked to detail guitars with popular characters. He didn't appear to mind that she was nerdy at all. He was older, not lame...well...mostly not lame. He tilted his head at her "Careful it might not work! Mother always said I had a thick skull....maybe that's why I excelled at Rugby." he joked though she wasn't joking about the rugby playing.

He hummed at her thought "Settled here because its nice and quiet." he said "After awhile you get tired of going to all the parties, the drama, seeing a guitar you've detailed being used for some illegal activity and just want to get away from it.' he said and clicked his tongue "And the Ice-cream." he assured her so it didn't get too heavy. He would tap his chest though "I wish I had Fabio's chest. No slouch myself but the ability to look like a bronzed god? Boy that'd make a childhood dream come true. Bit late for it though." wagging his finger. He was fine with his age though Lucy's flirting was quite entertaining. She was right of course as the man did have an interest in cheesy romance. He had missed out on his chance for one of course but he was too old to care that is wasn't so typically manly to enjoy the silliness of a good 1 hour and thirty minute film about a man and a woman meeting up, getting into hijinks, and then conquering love despite their superficial differences.

"You are relentless about paying eh?" he grinned "Fine fine fine. I won't fight you on it." he said and looked out over it "I have no doubt you'll get a loyal fanbase here actually." he said "And I might come see that show indeed. See how well you handle it." and he pointed "But first? Ice-cream." showing her the store as he sped up to the door to open it before she got to it and let her inside the somewhat cold establishment.
Kurt was really easy to be around and she was happy that she chose his store to stop by and get her work done. “With all this talk about you being a sorcerer or a bard I’m just imagining the outfit you could pull off.” Just the idea of him in a very funny sorcerers outfit made her laugh a bit too loud. Lucy did not have to hide her nerdy self with him and he wasn’t judging her that was the best part about him lots of people judged her by her own appearance or what she liked but not him. When he joked about his thick skull and rugby it made her quirk an eyebrow at him. “Rugby you say? I’ve never been very good with ball sports but I used to be a gymnast.” She let that thought linger and wondering what he would say about her sport or if he would believe her or not. She wasn’t lying about being a gymnast but most people didn’t believe she was especially since she chose to be more of a musician instead of keeping up with a sport and her mom so desperately wanted.

This place is very nice but quiet though Lucy did not mind the quiet. “I can see that.” What he said made sense for now she enjoyed the parties but she couldn’t really do them all the time like she used to especially trying to connect with people it was so hard. Lucy would’ve said more but he hurt his tongue click and then he mentioned ice cream that completely changed her train of thought especially since she herself had a massive sweet tooth. Lucy looked him over and imagined him with Fabio’s chest and a Cheshire cat like grin came across her face. “Oh darling I like your body as it is even though I haven’t seen it naked but I’d like to have seen clothed.” She was sure he did not need the eco-boost but she couldn’t help herself especially with her flirting. Lucy was lucky he wasn’t rebuffing all of her flirting especially since she was very serious about it and the fact that it was and had been a long time since someone kept her attention this long that wasn’t at her concert.

The topic came up again about her paying for the sweets and she nodded. “You’ll learn that about me Kurt I get my way. I may not get it all the time but let me pay this time I’m all for equal opportunities. As much as I love my romance novels and movies I don’t mind paying for some fun out especially if the company is worth my attention.” In a nutshell she was just trying to say he was worth her attention and she at least wanted to show that it didn’t matter who paid she was still wanted to stick around. When he relented she stuck out her tongue playfully even though he let her win but she was happy for the win!

When he did say he would come to her show most likely that put more of a pep in her step when he open the door to the ice cream establishment. “I’d really like it… if you came to the show I know it might not be your cup of tea but I appreciate it. Now let’s get you some delicious treats inside of you. Who knows maybe I’m paying because I want to watch do you use that tongue of yours.” She whispered the last comment before she took one step over the threshold at the ice cream shop and looking around at all the different flavors they had.
"What sort of outfits I could pull off eh? Hrm I wonder if I could get away with some sort of evil mystical thong." he joked.
Her mentioned of her sports activity did pique his interest a little bit "Gymnast huh? You look like the flexible type." though he wasn't making much of a comment on anything inappropriate he could see it. That would just be a bonus in his eyes but his mind refrained from going anywhere dirty at clearly the best moment for it to do so.

He took her next complement "You sure know how to make an old man feel young." he waved his hand. He really did not need that Ego boost but he sure would take it moving into the store as she told him that she always got her way. The older man would wiggle his fingers "Very Crimelordy." he teased her "Fine fine I already told you I won't argue on this." though he was sure if he did she'd keep up with it. There was a difference between being stubborn and being annoyingly stubborn and she clearly wanted to return the favor in some way. He would just suck it up and find some other way to deny her later.

"I'll come and sit in the shadows away from the Moshpits and the questionable-smelling dancers. I happen to know the drinks will be cheap and taste horribly...which is perfect." he laughed letting her looks things over. Kurt had plans to get the salted caramel but he'd wait around and see what sort of flavor tickled his new friends fancy. He could imagine her either being very simple and picking something insanely basic or being really out there and making an odd request. She was a curious thing to him indeed. She might have been the most exciting thing to come to that boring little town in awhile in his estimation so he definitely wanted to know more about what made the out-of-towner tick.
Hearing her talk about what kind of outfit he could pull off made her smile and her imagination go a little crazy since he was quite an attractive man. Most women her age probably wouldn’t think to look beyond someone in their age rage but she was an equal opportunity one and he was extremely nice. She felt we were telling him about her gymnastics past but it was something that was a part of her and her parents want her to do and she was very good at it the music was more her calling.

When he mentioned about her behind the flexible type she chuckled and she actually made a comment and let it linger. “Oh i’m still just as flexible maybe someday I’ll find out if you’re lucky.” She wasn’t shy about saying what she meant and since he didn’t go that far if she decided she would. He was a gentleman so she assumed that he would enjoy the commentary but she had no idea he would act on anything even though she kind of wanted to but would not say that out loud.

“ I don’t consider that old and you like fine wine aged very well. I just like lines more than beers so of course I’m going to enjoy you California can figure out how to pop your cork.” he could take that in anyway he’s so desired but she winked at him after she said it. Kurt was quite the character and his impressions were cute he really didn’t use her more so than the groupies that constantly followed her around. He was decent conversation and he made her smile most men did not realize that mean girl smile meant everything even more so if you can make them laugh.

“I’m Really happy to hear that you’ll come sit in the shadows. I look forward to it. You don’t need to go in the other mosh pits trust me I don’t go in them. As fun as they are I don’t want to break a nail.” It wasn’t about her nails she just knew the men would get very touchy if she jumped in and she didn’t want to deal with that. She wasn’t going to outright say that was the reason but she wouldn’t mind if he stayed out of it because she did and understood why they were in a bit crazy.

“Don’t worry The bar does offer wine but nobody really orders that except for me and maybe one bandmate because I guess we’re weird. I am honored that you will stop by.” Now at the ice cream shop she wasn’t sure what to get there were so many flavors she chose a Oreo mint chocolate chip which was a bit odd but she also got a small cup of the cookie dough to cleanse your palate something so strong and flavorful. She would obviously try to take a bit of his to taste it if he would allow her or indulge her. She at least proved him right by picking something so random that not many people would pick Oreo and mint chocolate chip it was a crazy flavor and a crazy color but it did a giveaway that she loved trying new things or go against the grain.
He chuckled at her responses very very strange girl but he liked strange. He just kept to himself a little bit while she picked her flavor though she still had her little quips. He shook his head "That sounds like old to me but less mean." he joked but chose not to take it further. Goodness youth was something wasn't it? He considered himself quite active but this one could keep up quite well. He was impressed he had to admit.

"I'd rather no break any bones!" he said "I might have done rugby but a metalhead could likely turn me to dust at any moment." playing it out as a joke for a second though he let it be. The thought of doing all that really didn't sit well with him. He wasn't that in reality but when you had grey hairs on your head? And in your beard? You let the young men and women have their put. It was about time to bow out of that.

"No worries like I said. I gotta see how my work look while your preforming. Beauty for beauty aye?" he smiled at her and then she ordered. Oreo mint. It wasn't odd and out there but it was definitely funny to see "Oh my! A rare Mint really are a rarity." he laughed though it took all his effort to not pull his wallet out to pay but well...he'd let it pass before she decided to shove the cone in his eye just for a chance to spend some money. The owners were nice of course and diligent so they could have it however they wanted and once they had it in their hand it was just up to her to pay.

With the Ice-cream gotten they could go for that nice little walk together by the lake. He would open the door for her of course and lead the way "So any new music to be debuted here in this small town or is it all your greatest hits?"
Lucy had no problems being perceived as strange especially since that’s how she made her living. She had never been normal per se and she never hit her true self from others especially since what was the point? If they didn’t like her for her she was there was no reason to be friends with them.

When Kurt made his comment she snickered again. “Nope. I don’t find it old I would say cultured and most men my age are not cultured and I know quite a few my age.” She alluded to her dating life but she did not outright say it. With how he kept up with her she figured he would be the one to give her a run for her money and maybe actually wear her out. Lucy was helpful but she didn’t count your chickens before they hatch since she was just enjoying his company.

When he mentioned not breaking any bones she agreed and understood why he would not want to be in a mosh pit. “You have no idea how hard it is for me not to comment after you saying that I’ll behave though I don’t want you thinking any less of me.” She left it at that she was going to behave especially since they were getting ice cream. “Rugby? In that case I guarantee you can tackle me very easily.” That moment she could not pass up and let her fun humor slip out.

I hope you can see how your work looks on stage because I heard so much about your skills and I just had to have something personal from you. Do you realize how many people talk about how good you are.?” This time she was mentioning his art and skills but it was true word of mouth and other musicians spoke highly of him and she cannot pass up the chance especially being in the same town. When Kurt commented on her choice of mint she raised an eyebrow and looked him over. “Don’t knock it Until you try it unless you are a mint hater.” It didn’t bother her if he was but she was going to tease him anyway!

She at least got a regular flavor just in case and when it came time to pay she was very happy he didn’t try because she would’ve fought him off in the typical Asian fashion but he let her pay for both of them especially since he bought lunch it was only fair. Lucy was very equal opportunity so she hoped he didn’t mind but at least she agreed to it instead of fighting her about it.

With ice cream in hand it meant they could go on their excursion. He open the door like a true gentleman and she smiled at him and you ain’t getting treated like a lady instead of being stared at like a freak because most people thought the golf girl might be a bit scary. “ if you play your cards right I’ll let you lick it.” No that sounded very dirty but in all honesty she was talking about her ice cream nothing more. She had no idea if he would try her mint ice cream but she would try and steal a bit of his.

When he brought up new music she nodded and he could see how that got her more excited to speak especially since she was going to debut some new songs. “Actually yes! I know the town is small but I made it a point to debut some new songs here and it brought some of the long-term fans into town just for this event and getting your guitar to debut them it’s going to be a beautiful display I really hope you get a chance to come down I would love for you to give me your honest opinion even if it might not be your thing.”
Kurt laughed "Cultured is how you say old but at least you probably went to school." he teased though he knew she was trying to complement him. It was just a bit fun to twist her words a little bit. Kurt was fine with his age and so was fine joking about it. He was an older man. He had lived and seen various things and all that sort of inspiration stuff old people told themselves to feel less terrible about being old. He just wasn't ancient. That good enough for him honestly.

"I don't think I could think less of you." he assured her before she mentioned him tackling her "I feel like I have my hands full already!" of course there was a wealth of jokes he could make but he decided to be fair and avoid every single one of them. Surely a joke about carrying balls wouldn't play well with a woman her age but the kid in Kurt sure did want to make it. He just decided to tell the little thing to be quiet for a time.

Kurt blushed a little bit surprisingly but he'd brush it off "So I have them to blame." though he was glad his work got around. He wondered if he should start a website but Kurt rather hated working so impersonally. This was a very personal process of course because a guitar, at least in his view, was an extension of someone's creativity and the last thing he wanted to do was write as things could be lost in the weeds more easily than normal reaction.

"I'm no Mint hater I just find chocolate more romantic."

He held the door open but of course she had another suggestive push for him and he laughed "Ah you're killing me." he said showing her the way to the park where he enjoyed his cup of "world greatest chocolate" which was a bit of an exaggeration but it was cute enough that he just found it entertaining. He would let her steal some though cover it for a moment "Rude!" he smiled though didn't touch hers.

"Oh thats nice. Most people don't put in so much effort for small venues so the kids having that memory is practically worth the eventual clean-up duty." he chuckled though rolled his eyes "I'm coming I'm coming I already said I would attend." he chuckled "I'm sure it'll be fine. No one with a guitar that expensive wouldn't be serious about putting out good music." he was joking but he did imagine she was quite good.
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