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Like a Deborah Anastasia novel (AsBloodTurnsIcecolfXEtheresl) [NSFWIMAGES]

“No it’s not. And if you want to feel better I like antiques.” Lucy could not help but comment back. Age was nothing but a number but she was trying not so come on too at least. It was funny when he tried to twist her words but she couldn’t help but make comments back at least she enjoyed the banter very much.

“Trust me your hands could be so much fuller if you let yourself go and stop thinking of me as too young I’m old enough you know.” For a moment just a moment she pulled out all the stops and let it out teasing him a bit more forcefully. He was so cute when he blushed she wanted to poke his cheek but she refrain from doing so only smiling at him and looking a bit smug.

“I’m Happy you don’t hate mint and yes chocolate is romantic I guess it depends on what you’re licking it off of. not that I would know I’m sweet and innocent.” that was a bold face lie if he ever heard one. She would steal some of his ice cream but would offer some of hers even though it was rude to steal his she wouldn’t let that stop her she would lick some of his ice cream with a victory smile.

“You no small venues are quite personal and I love them I can meet fans and talk to them and get to know them bigger venues are so impersonal as much as I love them it’s a bit much I like to perform in smaller places it gives me better memories and I feel like people remember me better.” Lucy explained herself and she had a feeling he would understand her sentiment. Did Kurt understand how sweet he was? His boards made her smile and the fact that he would come made her feel a lot better. “I’m happy you’ll come I promise you’ll get a good show. If you’re lucky I’ll show you backstage.” He could take that as sweet or as lewd as he would like hopefully his mind would be a bit dirty as she was trying to bring out some of his naughty side playfully at least.
"I'll accept that. Would you say I'm more of a garage sale antique or a Louvre antique?" playing into it.

He blushed a little bit again "Goodness. Definitely young enough to beat this old man in the innuendo department! Are your song lyrics this filthy?" he winked not minding the cheek pokes. Ah she really was a fun one. He would take a few bites of his ice-cream "I don't think I've ever been told a lie that egregious since my parents told me Santa Claus didn't exist." he joked around with her. Oh she was anything but innocent and that much was clear. The older man adjusted himself though the image of her covered in chocolate did briefly barge its way into his otherwise clean though. It was a good thing he was no longer a teenage boy. He just had a humor of one.

"I understand that and I imagine your fanbase quite appreciates the dedication." he said. Fans did tend to appreciate the closeness of their stars though at the same time it was nice to be bigger. He nodded "A backstage pass too? You are far too nice to the guy you're paying to utterly ruin an expensive guitar." he tapped his shoulder against her.

"Still I am looking forward to it I guess. I am sure you'll show this old fuddy duddy an interesting scene." he said "I warn you though, I've been at this for a long time so I am hard to please. I expect at least absolutely dangerous pyrotechnic to go off."
Lucy would pretend to think really carefully before she would look at him seriously while holding her ice cream before responding; “Louvre antique. 100% that especially with how you carry yourself and you are a work of art I would expect nothing less.” She would honestly flatter him but she spoke the truth since she couldn’t help flatter him especially since she found him quite attractive.

Kurt had the most adorable blush and she was living for it. He could see the wheels in her head turning and she gave up on having her some tea as she licked her ice cream. “No. My song lyrics are not that filthy trust me. Only I’m that filthy when A handsome gentleman like yourself catches my attention. Trust me my innuendos are not the only thing that’s dirty…” she would create a dramatic pause before she would continue. “My mind of course! It makes me wonder what you were thinking.” Lucy said with a giggle. To be honest she could not help herself but playfully poke his cheek yet again. It was an excuse to touch him and she wasn’t going to shy away from that.

Taking a moment to eat more ice cream. She tilted her head and looked him over before offering him playful for wink back. “I really do hope you accept my backstage pass. For talented guy like yourself I might even open up my back door.” She honestly wonder and maybe he would blush red more as she was trying to add shock value and would see if he caught the offer. It was a joke but she was wondering if you would catch it even though she was joking his reactions were just too cute.

Hearing that he would come made Lucy smile brightly from ear to ear. “Oh you are no fuddy duddy. You don’t give yourself enough credit for being amazing. Don’t you worry we do have some nice pyrotechnics going on. If you sit close enough to the front you’ll definitely get a shower but don’t worry I will give you your own personalized backstage tour. I do worry if I’ll wear you out or will it be me eating crow when you beat me at that game.” Lucy kept up the same conversation as she ate more ice cream and even offered him a bite if he’s so desired.
"Oh goodness I expected at least a downgrade. Maybe a local hometown art gallery! I think I'd look quite nice next to Jared's weird coke-bottle cat bust." he chuckled though her flattery was definitely noticed and appreciated. He couldn't help himself but he did get the sense that Lucy was as genuine was they came even within this little game of theirs. It was a breath of fresh air.

"I don't think I had enough time to think there." the older man not minding the touches at all. What man would? She really was getting him though as the next innuendo was definitely enough to cause Kurt to pause and almost choke on his ice cream "Good King George!" he'd vocalize a little bit as a joke but that was, as the kids might say, a critical strike in terms of the dirty jokes Lucky had made so far. He had to pat his chest as his laughter mixed with the cold of the ice-cream before recovering and taking a deep breath "I do think you have me beaten. If we were betting money I'd be out a cool something."

"I'm not quite sure I want a pyrotechnic shower. I think I'd rather have my clothes intact. I was to loose those I'd rather it be in the bedroom." he winked at her though he shook his head "I don't think I can beat you at that game at this point." he chuckled "Seeing you backstage though does seem fun. Touch base on the last bit of the guitar work and make sure I didn't accidentally ruin a wonderful woman's baby." she said.

"I might even lend you one of my cheesy movie dvds as a reward unless there is something else you've got in mind. I don't carry gold coins however."
When Kurt mentioned to downgrade it only made Lucy chuckle. He was really charming but he had to know that right? “Don’t cell yourself short you are quite an attractive specimen I am sure many famous places would want you I know I do but I don’t think I am as famous as I should be and I probably can’t afford you.” She couldn’t help but tease him knowing that he didn’t hold back with his own words. Lucy was indeed genuine and she appreciated that he was too it was rare to find someone like him anywhere these days. With her luxe most men really try to just get her attention and here he was holding conversations and joking he was the most real person she had met in a while.

Her hands would find any chance to playfully poke him or tease him nothing to overtly but she was being quite playful and it seemed like he was enjoying her every poke and prod. Lucy had her small victory when he choked on his ice cream and she chuckled but would make sure he was all right. “ Careful there. I don’t wanna choke you too early and besides isn’t it your job to choke me?” She figured she would throw that one in there just to throw him off and see his reaction. She had a quick wit and wasn’t afraid to use it but it seemed like he probably had more hidden in his arsenal and she would have to be careful of that but then again where is the harm in letting him win a little bit?

The mention of having his clothing intact made her grin a cute Cheshire cat smile. “Don’t worry I’ll make sure you keep your clothing intact unless it’s in the privacy of a back room or a bedroom or anywhere where it’s just the two of us.” This was a fun game and she was definitely playing it and he probably had a feeling she wasn’t joking about getting him alone the question was what he allow it?

“My baby it’s in your capable hands I have a feeling you’ll do a great job with my guitar and anything else your hand decided to grace with its talent…” she did not have to outright say it but he was smart enough to figure out she meant her body in his hands but she could easily play the long game.

She would lick her ice cream and eat a bit more of it making sure to not let it melt too much when he mentioned lending her one of his cheesy DVDs and he could see her mood brightened even more. “I would really like that and if I may place stipulations on that…. perhaps we can watch together I would really like to watch a movie with you.” She was very genuine about the movie and even if nothing happened after the movie she would be fine with that but watching a movie like that with him would be its own reward. Then the moment came when he mentioned her having something else in mind and that made her give him a devious look up and down.

“ I have many things in mind especially with now the question is what you want me to take the lead? I promise to make it worth your while after the movie only if you desire it. I already trust those magnificent hands of yours with my guitar… I already know you would take great care of my farm as well…” Lucy would lean in and whisper that last part in his ear wondering if she could get him to react or get goosebumps when she decided to get a bit bold and nibble his earlobe before pulling back.
"Have you seen my prices? I'm definitely cheap." he chuckled. His prices were pretty affordable for the work he did but he prided himself on customer service but he did appreciate it. Lucy really as a complementary type of woman and frankly she could make anyone gentleman feel quite young! He would shrug a bit with her words "Well some day you'll be where you belong you know? Name in the lights. Stuck on a smell tour bus!" he grinned at her but he was sure Lucy had the will to continue with everything she needed to do and he believed that. It was a rough road.

He looked at her and almost spilled his icecream at her next joke "At the risk of sound like my are incorrigible!" he playfully retorted. She really was a curious specimen. Her wit really was quick and frankly she was clearly able to surprise and outpace him at times. He chuckle "But why would I choke you? I'd rather hear you loud and clear~!" he winked and clicked his tongue as his own retort to her playful flirting.

He whistled "Just the two of us huh? And here I was thinking you liked a crowd." he smiled.

"I don't see a problem with that" he said in regards to seeing a movie with her. She was genuinely good company so there was no reason to be opposed to that at all. He was sure they'd find some good time to watch a nice movie together even if it was that night. The she, of course, got bolder. He listened and blinked "Wow...well I don't mind a woman taking a lead but not sure if I can totally lose my cred on that." he said "But tell you want. A movie and some snacks and we could see." he chuckled quietly "Goodness you are a devious one but luckily...I happen to like devious women." he winked.

For now they could enjoy their treats and then later...find something cheesy and silly to watch.
“Your prices are fair. I’m an artist just in a different way I believe we should pay for good quality work and your work is amazing and I heard about you through word of mouth and once I seen your work I had to have it you are definitely worth the price. I honestly should be paying you more you were charging way too low do I have to revamp your prices?” Lucy couldn’t help but rave about his work he was an artist and an amazing one at that and she hoped he knew that. She could least tell she was being quite honest and she wasn’t just boosting his ego she was really excited about her guitar and she wouldn’t trust it to anyone else. When he spoke about having her name the lights she nodded and that was something she dreamed about but if she didn’t go big she didn’t mind she was enjoying life as it came. “If I make it big I make it back but if I don’t like to be funny. I’m enjoying all the moments big and small especially this one.” Was that her flirting again? Yes it was! “I’d invite you on my small tour bus if you would take the invitation.” She would playfully nudge him with her elbow just lightly.

When he nearly spilled his ice cream she burst into quite an amused laughter and she couldn’t help herself but she was happy he didn’t drop the ice cream and it was no lie that she was very incorrigible! The common about why would he choke her when he could hear her actually made her blush and stumble a bit it was her turn to look flustered! “Only choke me for round two or three then you can hear me scream for the first round.” She managed to get herself a quick come back and hopefully it wasn’t too late since he saw her get flustered at his quick witted comments.

“Oh I like the crowd when I’m on stage but backstage I prefer one on one time and hopefully I’ll get back with you.” Offer him a playful wink wondering how he would react to that. It was nice to have him agree to the movie but when he mentioned losing street cred she brought her hand to her lips and chuckled. “Don’t worry if anyone asks I’ll say you took the lead I don’t mind and besides I’ll have to let you top me sometime. And lucky for me do you like devious women but I also do like movies. I’d really like a break and just spend time with you it’s very rare that someone captivate my attention as much as you have today. Why can’t more men in society be like you?” To that question she was not expecting answers she was just speaking and letting her thoughts roam free without a filter.

This time she didn’t have a little break as she would eat some more for ice cream letting them both enjoy each other’s company and a little bit of silence though what she did was lean over and place her head on his shoulder and she wondered how long he would let her keep it there.
"I'll have you know my prices are perfectly geared towards my addiction to cheap and silly romance films." another joke but it was true enough that he kept them low on purpose. She really was one to complement and it did make him feel nice. He was a little bit too old to feel giddy about such things but no age would make it impossible to feel appreciated especially with the words of such a pretty young woman. He chuckled though "Gotta appreciate the big and small moments." he nodded his head though with her mentioning the tour bus he laughed "Ah nooo. I like to sleep nude" joking but he didn't quite like tour buses. They were cramped and smelly and usually involved a lot of drugs. He didn't imagine her bus was like least the drug part but cramped and smelly? Well that was unavoidable!

"Oh my! Mother warned me about girls like you." he waved his spoon at her in fake outrage "Thank goodness she was right." he returned.

She had pretty much dropped all pretenses now but he didn't shove her away or anything "Well I'm old enough to have done the whole 'who do I wanna be?' bit so all thats left is an old man in a small town." he chuckled but it was true enough. He didn't have the time to worry about these things. He was fairly done with the whole self discovery bit and now? He was just living his life. He appreciated beauty and all the fun one could have and it seemed Lucy did too in a strange way. He didn't find many women like her but if he had? He'd have maybe been married but just was what it was now and he was fine with that. He was sure some guy would enjoy it one day when she found a guy to really hold onto.

When she rested her head on his shoulder? He let it happen and just enjoyed the silence and cool air. It was pretty nice.

They'd eventually have to separate of course but well...his door was always open.
“Oh? I’m definitely not complaining about your prices or your company to be honest you’re the best part of this town you’re one of the best parts of this town. I like small and quaint and you definitely made this a bit of a Hallmark movie for me.” He was different than most people she met and very down to earth and even if she was more for than she usually would’ve been she didn’t mind his cute reactions they were endearing. Lucy still took her time with her ice cream even though it was melting but she was enjoying every bit of this impromptu date well not date since it was just hanging out.

When he mentioned sleeping nude it made her chuckle as she licked the ice cream from her spoon and lowered it back into the cup. “Nothing wrong with that honestly in the summer sleeping nude is the best. On the tour bus not the best idea since I tend to scare my roadies. I don’t mind tour buses but it’s nice to actually have a hotel room for once and I’m not complaining I like the space.” She was being completely honest but he wasn’t wrong about the tour bus at least as mine and yes he was very right on the no drugs part that one occasion they was drinking.

The moment he waved his spoon at her saying that his mother warned him about girls like her she would lean over at nudge him gently with her shoulder as if silently telling him that his mother was correct. The fact that he dropped everything and they could be honest it meant she could be too without this song and dance. She didn’t have to put on a fake mask for Kurt she could just be herself and right now her self was not scaring him away.

Now with her head on his shoulder as she relaxed and just enjoyed everything about this moment since time on the road was fleeting she wasn’t gonna let this moment pass her by. “You don’t give yourself enough credit for being a fun person to hang out with. I know my band members are out doing their own thing and I mean if you wanna come back to the tour bus you can I don’t think I have the amount of movies you do but I do have Netflix and no I’m not asking Netflix and chill unless you want to I would love to watch a movie since it is my day off and just relax. To be honest I don’t really get to relax much. Only if you put up with me and my bad jokes for a little longer I don’t want this to end anytime soon. I’ll even buy you dinner if you accept bribes.” She spoke softly letting the offer linger in the air but for now she was just enjoying his wonderful company and ice cream.
"Haha, well speaking of cheap and silly romance films." he grinned at her after the Hallmark comments. What better way to really visualize this silly cute meeting than comparing it to one of those silly little things. He couldn't complain at all! Lucy was quite special. The older man was quite happy that she had wandered her way into his shop looking for his services. It was a definite spot of luck to meet someone worth having around that way. He couldn't complain either. Lucy definitely made this day more interesting than it had any right to be and to do all this with someone his age? How silly.

"Ah yeah, a good band is like a family. I wouldn't want to see my sister naked." he joked with her again.

Kurt chuckled "Well surprisingly I don't have a netflix myself. I'm pretty sure I still have a few blockbuster cases." he said "But I don't think you could scare me off at this point...frankly if it was that easy I'd have already had a heart attack." he assured her. He wasn't moving away at all. He did not seem nervous. He really was too told for that sorta thing. This was just a little fun with a woman who wouldn't be around forever. He thought "Well how about you bring your laptop or whatever you watch Netflix on over to my place? I suppose we can exchange movies while I work on your baby." he said.

"Tour buses are cramped and hardly private. I don't think your bandmates really need to see us watching Magic Ordinary Days." one more joke at least but it was growing late so if she wanted to go to the bus and get her stuff she knew where to find him. His door was open of course and at least in the privacy of his little home there was no change they'd be interrupted in the middle of a movie. Dinner...he could just cook.
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