She really tried to match her looks with what the guards touched, even if she had to re-cast her disguise multiple times. Thankfully, she did it for free from her pact... Letting them touch her was making her remaining nobility tremble and fret inside her heart and mind, but she tried to get it out of her system as the very possibility to be killed, and be dead finally turned up its reality.
Zeona's heart turned more sour at the sight of Gehenna being included, and it was enough to loose her own trembling and fear. While she did not love the Tiefling, now she had to think about more than her self and maybe the family name... But at least she looked like they thought she looked like, not really what was the truth. She tries to hiss to her entertainer "Take it like they paid for it already." without being too loud or obvious.
And she really had to find a passable Azara voice, because just her looks wouldn't be good enough for long enough. Then it is time...
"Lies! There is nobody to hear the truth?! Zeona Alsevir should get justice like the innocent noble she is! She is no commoner, and no Charr should have power over her unless she let them! I call you out, Naxara Charr, you are the betrayer, you are the enemy of Ossimar, killer of prince Kandik, and now, killing Azara too!" - and Zeona tries to modulate her voice to be passable for her nighttime visitors, while concentrating on her comely shape to put it on with the disguise spell - "But I would suffer for her, like she suffered for Kandik, her betrothed!"
If her looks did not got the matron to pause enough, she hoped that her words would spread questions and maybe some dissent. If nothing else, at lest there would be the lookalike of the supposed princess to be fucked in front of the crowd, and that kind of made the punishment worth it, before her death...
(again, some rolls in HVDRO)