"My brother?" The woman's face falls. For a moment, she forgets to work the pedals to Zeona's machine, giving her some respite. "His experiments, no - well, yes, but - it - it was complicated."
She blinks rapidly and takes a deep breath. It seems to help, and she regains her composure before she starts to work the pedals again - but far less severely, now. "My mother is...without wasting time on details, she is politically ambitious - enough so for Szass Tam to exile her from Thay. Everyone and everything is a tool to her, including Ossimar and my brothers and I. But Kandik wasn't the tool she wanted. He was a deeply intelligent wizard and researcher, but he had no interest in courtly intrigue and subterfuge. He couldn't and wouldn't play the political games she wanted from him. That made him more useful as a sacrifice than an asset."
She scowls bitterly, but it's not directed at Zeona, and the machine's dildos remain merciful. "Again, without wasting time on the details, my mother can earn goodwill and sympathy from various nations if a Cormyran assassin slaughters her own family in her own city. If that family is inconvenient to her, so much the better, in her mind."
She sighs softly before continuing with Zeona's other questions. "My given name is Azara. I never had any others - none that would give my mother pause. I won't take your place on the gallows, but you could wear my face as an illusion. It won't fool her for long, though. She mastered wizardry before I was born - she'll know the magic when she sees it. But I'm a mage myself, and I have agents loyal to me. We'll strike when she's distracted."
She thinks for a moment, touching a knuckle to her lips. "Your clothes from the ball? It will be unusual, but I can arrange for you to be wearing them on the gallows, so long as they provide - " She grimaces slightly. " - access to your body. Your ring and the money will be among them. You're sure a hundred gold will be enough for ship's passage?"
Resting a little as the movements of the wooden dildos stopped, Zeona tried to clear her head and think. "I really hope I could slip away and find the ship I already found. That much gold would have to be enough, can't just carry around more, and passed to me secretly, unless you add some platinum coins, gems, or jewelry... My clothes I exchanged for the ball gown that got lost in my ordeal should be good enough, they are travelling clothes... I shouldn't have to wear them on stage, just be at hand for when I flee. Feel free to find something distracting of your own, and a hooded cloak over them... How else can we play at being it being you there? ... I also have to get a better look at you, Azara, one your mother would surely have. The longer this little play is distracting her, the easier your thing will be with your help. Oh, and by the way, I heard there is possibly to raise the dead, so maybe you can bring him back? If you get it done fast, he could be another surprise.... And of course if you can not do that, animating his body, or just putting someone else as him... even an illusion... could serve us right."
The half-elf was having serious doubts about the plan, some even about Azara, but if she wanted to get away, there wouldn't be another chance if they wanted to kill her. Shuddering at the rape on stage idea, that one she could at least offer up to her patron, and who knows, maybe she would even like it, like she was this contraption and torture... Azara definitely wasn't too heavy handed with it.
"Platinum coins." Azara raises her eyebrows thoughtfully. "They're not commonly used, but I can access some. I'll provide gold and platinum both. "Clothing is no trouble. We have everything you had when you were captured, and can provide a cloak. If you don't want them on stage, I will arrange for it to be nearby, but there is the risk you will be unable to retrieve it as you flee. The people of Ossimar think of you as your enemy. You must assume everyone you see is against you, so don't dally in leaving the city.
"I cannot raise my brother before your execution tomorrow." Azara goes quiet and sighs morosely. "There is no one in the city strong enough in that magic. Even if there were, they would not act against her. She must die before he can live again. But an illusion may be possible. That would give her pause."
She cocks her head to the side slightly, giving Zeona a probing look. "What do you mean, a better look at me?"
"As naked as I would be... or as I am now. After all, if I want to capture the Matron Mother's attention, there should be flawless copy of you being there in place of the 'enemy of people of Ossimar'... Get that mage who put up that false picture of me to show it again with a little more exaggerated, to make the difference all the more evident... I can provide that outlook too, maybe my real one will be less obvious." Zeona counted on making a distinct enough difference between the hated idea and her fleeing self so no one would give her a pause after she duck out of sight.
"If it counts for anything I can retell the truth to how it happened, if you get someone here who can cast a spell you will believe. I wanted to offer all the help to your family to get the real killers, but as it seems your mother stands behind it all, I give this to you, if you want to." the half-elf offered, thinking how one step further would be something out of stories she read about far away places. But no, she wouldn't offer to be the dead's wife, just to accompany him on his way to the afterlife... nor did she wanted to be the slave of his in the other side. Still hoping to have the interesting young man back in life for his sister's sake, Zeona wasn't feeling ready for marriage.
Azara hesitates. "My mother has not seen see naked for years - nor anyone else in this city. But...no, of course. We must leave as little as possible to chance."
She flushes red and avoids eye contact with Zeona as her slightly shaking hands move to undo her robe. After a moment, she pulls it aside and lets it drop off her shoulders to the floor. She wears nothing underneath. She has little to no muscle tone, but is slim, all gentle curves. Her skin is milky pale, her pink nipples distinctive and visibly stiffening in the open air. Her pubes are neatly trimmed - unusual for a red wizard, who typically shave their entire bodies.
"Is this...enough?" Azara lifts her arms above her head and blushes beet red. "No...obviously. Sorry."
She turns around to give Zeona a look at her back. "Anyway," she says, her voice quavering, "y-yes. Tell me what happened. No spells necessary. And, while you're at it, tell me exactly what you plan for tomorrow, just so I know we're in agreement."
Eyeing the naked woman Zeona hums a little, trying to put what she is seeing to memory. "Do you have any birthmarks? ... Does anyone know you did not bother to shave? But it would be obvious because of your hair... Thank you the opportunity to see... I wouldn't mind able to touch either." the half elf slyly tried to make Azara think about it and at least blush more and be bothered about it, or who knows, maybe flush and be curious about how that would feel...
"When I was introduced to the room, and walked in with my entourage, I overheard something from above. It was Lord Kandik, as later I realized, and your mother....
"Must I stay the entire night, mother? What's the point of talking with these people? Look at them. Look at their empty eyes. Half of them are already drunk."
"There's more out there in the world than your studies, Kandik. Maybe you'll even meet a girl. You can't just sleep with the servants forever."
"Can't you just arrange a marriage for me? My experiments - "
"Are already being taken care of. Go, Kandik. Do it for me. I promise, you won't be missed."
So of course I tried to welcome him when he came down with a lift of my first glass to the success of his experiments, before disappearing into the crowd, you know, just to make it more interesting for him. Now, as I try to remember, I realize that while my girls was conversing mostly with others of their position or lower, Safira chatted with a very interested looking young noble man dressed in Sembian fashion. Hm. Anyway, it was several minutes before who was introduced as your brother managed to catch up with me and say hello, asking for a dance that just started. I liked his smile...Of course, it is always a honor to dance with the host ... even more so if he looks like a prince. I said that too, trying to keep his attention away from my meager dancing skills... Then we danced and conversed, he spoke about his studies, and how even his clothes was chosen by his mother, and that he knew that she was working with foreigners to set all of it up including the arrangements... It is really unfortunate that his divinations did not spoke to him about what would follow. By the way, maybe they did. You should check his notes or journal, he must have kept some notes for himself, even if his tutor could know something too. ... He kept monologuing, getting more and more inebriated. That must be why he grabbed my derriere, which earned him a light slap. I also left him there at the focus of the crowd, leaving the parket, but wanted to turn back for him on the side... But that is when he was shot in the neck. Must have been to stop him from casting or shouting... the next arrow got him in the back. And a dozen or so more starting hitting people all around. I went to the floor too, trying to get close to him, to see if I could help, but it was no use. My dear Carran came for me to protect and get me to safety."
Zeona's eyes glass over with the bad memory, her voice turns monotone as she sags in her manacles. "Sara, lying on the floor with an arrow sticking out of her ribs, calling out for us... Carran urging me towards the door none the less... A woman stepping into view on the second floor, overlooking the door, resting her hands on the banister."Stop!"she commands, her voice authoritative. Carran stops, staring up at her... It was some kind of magic." Zeona shakes her head, trying to clear her mind. "She commanded her to kneel, and Carran fallen to her knees, the shield falling with her, as the attackers started spreading out the ballroom itself. They killed her and Sara too. Caught Minara and made her kneel next to the half-elf boy who was manning the door. Then Safira came forward and made it obvious she was with the attackers, and not just some henchwoman either. She stopped them taking advantage of their upper hand over me, shouting that nobody would be paid if I wasn't still a virgin when they got me where they wanted to take me. Of course I fled when I could, and was trying to leave the city, after it became obvious they made me the main enemy." She does not say that it was the Matron Mother or not orchestrating the capture, but it definitely wasn't Safira up on the balcony.
Zeona is too lost in the past and the horrific memories to think and speak of the future or any kind of plan.
"Birthmarks?" Azara sighs testily, flushing deeper. "I'm already naked. What you see is what you have. And it's not that I don't bother! ...I just like my hair. My mother is Thayan, but I was born here on the Sword Coast. Anyway, no one knows besides my handmaidens, but that's enough."
She gives Zeona an annoyed look. "How could you touch? You're chained up. I'm supposed to be torturing you, remember." Suddenly reminded, she puts her foot on the pedal and pushes the dildo into Zeona, though not harshly.
She keeps pumping the dildo as Zeona recounts her story, maintaining a steady and not unpleasant rhythm. It soon becomes clear that she's doing it without thinking, because Zeona's story makes her too angry to think about anything else. Embarassment over her nakedness disappears; her flushed cheeks remained, but it's clearly the result of burning fury.
"It's not enough that she killed him," she mutters. "She had to mock him! You won't be missed, she said. She's wrong and she'll die for it. Shot in the neck...the cowards. Craven, clever cowards."
She takes a deep, slow breath to calm herself...slightly. "I don't know Safira or this Sembian. They may be involved with the Waterdhavian. As for my mother, I'm sure she wasn't there for the massacre. She doesn't do her own work anymore. She's old and out of practice, which is the only reason we have a chance. She's still an elite wizard - strong enough to conquer this city decades ago. The same for her personal bodyguard. Some of the family guard is loyal to me, but he answers only to her.
"Here's my plan. We have to convince the crowd that my mother must die. If you can disguise yourself as me, then we can pretend she is disguised as well, and trying to kill the Charr family. In the confusion, we can launch a surprise attack on my mother and her bodyguard, and you can slip away. You must get away unnoticed so that no one can tell that you aren't actually me. Do you understand so far?"
"If only..."Zeona murmured when Azara flushed, making her eyes follow the reddening of skin spreading on the speaking woman. "Oh, I could find a way if you would step closer, my tongue is very agile..." she teased, but then the restarting of the dildos helped her focus on her story. While her mind was away in the past as she retold what happened, her body shook with the opposing sensations and feelings, the only common ground being the heat that burned with the various sources of fire - making her flushed and ready for anything, reaching for the fires that was hotter than the material plane, to the fires of hell that could stroke lust, hate, and burn the very soul to cinders...
Then Azara's 'plan' helped Zeona focus on something else than the past and present, planning for the future. "I can look like you, maybe even act like you, but I do not know your words and what would you say. Care to coach me, Azara? Or instruct me to what is to your liking? But come closer, better nobody hears your full plan just I... Come, sit on my lap, it would be torture to feel you and not able to touch with my hands..."
Zeona tried to invoke her Patron mistress with her thoughts, hoping that Azara would get close enough to embrace with the otherwordly leathery wings of lust for revenge. She knew that her meager new knowledge and few magic tricks wouldn't make it possible to do the get away unnoticed part without some serious luck or help.
Azara hesitates, shocked out of her anger, then blushes deeper and looks away. "Save your tongue. You'll need all its agility tomorrow."
She crosses her arms over her chest. "I can't teach you all my words in the time I have. I can't stay for long - I shouldn't even be here. Best you say as little as possible. But it must be enough to convince the crowd..." She sighs. "I've never had my mother's skill with words. What do we tell them?"
If you want to persuade Azara to do get closer or do anything else in particular, please roll Persuasion. If you have any other abilities that can help, go ahead! Be creative!
"I won't loose my tongue, but if you rather let loose my arms..." Zeona looked at Azara with lustful eyes, her body covered with a sheen of perspiration as her various arousal turned to more than pleasure. It was her imagination or supernatural reality, but she felt almost like back in hell with her Patron watching them - and Zeona wanted to please both so badly she squirmed on the two wooden dildo in her bondage. "I shouldn't be here either, but at least I got to meet you and this wondrous torture..." she licked her lips and almost willed her captor to step closer.
"Tell them the truth. Our love and lust for your brother, his coming of age to take over from your mother, and her being jealous. Also, her being zealous in following Thay's orders for the city, to put all of them in chains of slavery in life and death... for money and power of course. Or at least in bondage like she would put her own daughter, aka me... She would have to make a show of ordering them to rape me of course before that. Showing off the animated body of your poor brother wouldn't hurt either, I hope that he would still want to come back in his raising after that..."
Persuasion: 19
Nothing else without Somatic component...
Azara eyes Zeona's arms for a long moment, then shakes her head. "No - not your arms. It's too dangerous. I don't know the knots, and if the guards realized I loosed you...even for a moment..."
She closes her eyes, then steps forward and gently cups the side of Zeona's face with one hand. "I'm sorry. You don't deserve this. If I could ease your suffering..." Her eyes drift down Zeona's body to the dildo lodged inside of her."...even if this torture is wondrous for you."
She frowns. "I don't think that plan would work. The people are loyal to my mother, not to me or my brother or the system. She pays her enforcers well - almost all of them are mercenaries from elsewhere, without ties to this land. The rest of the people fear her. They wouldn't turn against her for love of my brother, nor me.
"But you have an outsider's perspective. Do you see something that I don't?"
"Would be better if it was just about the two of us, then I wouldn't mind your attention even like this..." Zeona leans her head into the hand cupping her face, then sighs.
"Unfortunately I do not see what your Matron gets out of this, as neither of you two seems like a danger to her power... Do she have a favorite third child? Or a promise to some power so she would need to have the heavy lead in the city? I did not hear about a husband, so I imagine she is the lawful ruler of the land at this time?" the half elf prisoner tried to wriggle closer to the hot naked body standing there, nuzzling and kissing the hand, arm, and maybe would be able reach something else...
"A loving mother would be still in power, so there is something else in play seeing that she killed him and you plan against her... Are you sure she is who she says she is? Didn't she change in her demeanor or methods some time back?"
Azara studies Zeona for a moment, then takes a half-step back and puts a foot on one pedal, pushing the dildo into Zeona. "I'm afraid you're not my type. But you're welcome to enjoy my attention."
The hand on Zeona's cheek trails down the side of her neck to one breast. Her thumb brushes back and forth over a nipple as her foot continues to work the dildo. "I do have another brother, but not in the city. He wanders far north from here, seeking secrets in Icewind Dale." She gives a bitter smirk. "I thought he was foolish to go, but it seems I was wrong. He'll be safer there than here. "I can't see into my mother's mind...but I think I know her reasons. She wants us to be her legacy, and my brother never could. He was intelligent - brilliant - in magic, but he lacked her political hunger. Or cold-bloodedness. He was not...useful for her." She sighs angrily through her nose. "But I am more like my mother, enough to know how she thinks. I don't know what she's planning, but she probably needs justification for it - like an attack on her family, in her city. She may specifically want reason to retaliate against Cormyr, which gives you more reason to help me."
She puts a finger to the side of her jaw, thoughtfully. "There may be another reason. I know little of demonology, but I've seen hints of it around the manor...I know they trade in concepts. The betrayal itself may have bought her power."
Gritting her teeth, Zeona hissed in disappointment, but tried to disguise it as her reaction to the dildo. "If she has plans against Cormyr, she would loose, as would her demons... Unfortunately for the whole city and your family, there is no winning if she tries either one... You would be safer to disappear too, as you said you can't really win against her... if you are not becoming what she wanted you to become... And what kind of man is your type then, Azara?"
Gasping a little and crying out in utter hopelessness, Zeona shuddered as she tried to shake off the manacles of the situation from her soul, emotions and mind - even if she could not free her body after all. "Give me a name, Azara, who is your mother's intended patron? ... Would you be amicable making your own deal with an otherworldly force to help against her? ... That would be more betrayal after all... Unless you are ready to do some closer deals with someone who is not necessary your type... even if there are possible surprises for you later."
The half-elf intended to do some scheming in the background, even trying to get something going behind the prime material plane, if she could...
"Not open war with Cormyr," Azara says thoughtfully. She grabs Zeona's other breast with her free hand, squeezing them both gently but firmly. Zeona feels the dildo push deeply into her as Azara pinches her nipples between thumb and forefinger. "She has only a city on the far side of Faerûn. But I know she resents your kingdom, almost as much as she does Szass Tam himself. She wouldn't waste the chance to leverage this against you."
She leans forward and slips a hand downward over Zeona's belly and waist until her fingers probe tantalizingly close to Zeona's clit. She presses into the skin just above for a moment before her fingers split, tracing down on each side of Zeona's vagina, squeezing her on the dildo.
"Know this," she whispers. "My mother is powerful, but not invincible. With my allies and surprise, we can kill her, but I need you to make her vulnerable. That way I keep this city - perhaps even revive my brother, as you've said. Don't you want that? To slay a red wizard and enemy of Cormyr?"
One foot shifts to another pedal, and Zeona feels the dildo against her ass press more insistently against her, though not pushing inside. "As for my taste in men? One not of the nine Hells. I'm in no hurry to sell my soul. It would only trade one sword over my head for another." She shakes her head. "I know nothing of fiends anyway, even of whatever my mother deals with - if anything."
Biting her lips and pushing herself into the caressing hands, Zeona shuddered with her building pleasure. Panting and looking at Azara with lust, she lazily replies "I am not a killer, wouldn't want anyone dead who is not wanting to kill me or my loved ones... But the law of the land should come for evildoers... Just have no idea about the law of this land." trembling on the edge, she pushed her ass against the prodding other dildo as much as she could.
"It would take me some time and experience to be the perfect lover to you, Mistress Azara, but I hope we will have time to explore the possibilities together now and later... I would do everything in my power to distract whoever you say, just have no idea how how else I could do that than like this... Are you distracted enough, Azara?" Zeona focused on forming the words, whispering back, while she tried to keep herself on the edge of the coming wave of pleasure, wanting to give the other young woman the pleasure to be the one pushing her over with her next move - or to keep her on the edge if she wanted to.
"This law of this city says that evil is punished," Azara whispers bitterly. Her fingers pinch hard on Zeona's nipple for a moment. "But my mother writes the law, and there is no higher here. This is the Sword Coast, not Cormyr - or even Thay. There are no kings or queens here. This city is a nation alone."
She leans in close, to the side of Zeona's head, until she feels Azara's breath. The tip of her tongue brushes Zeona's ear for the briefest instant as she readies herself to speak. "But know this: she will kill you. I don't know what was planned for you by the Waterdhavian, but now my mother has made you this city's enemy. She's already announced you've fallen into her grasp. Tomorrow, your corpse will hang from the gallows - unless she falls first."
Her lips travel down to Zeona's neck. "Fortunately, you are distracting. Enough to be worth my effort. I have no physical desire for you - and if not you, then no woman, surely. But if you desire me, enough that I am the price for your trust, then..."
Zeona groaned, shivering under Azara's ministration. "I am fucked either way, but your way is more fun than getting dead... Let us hope that she is distractable, and maybe even have some of the Waterdhavian's people turn against her ... or turn up to join the chaos if they still want me. So, tell me, how to keep the Matron Mother's attention?" the brunette on fire almost enough to combust the wooden apparatus turned towards Azara, trying to steal a little kiss, but she desired a long deep one more...
The amorous half elf knew that she wouldn't even spare a glance back at Azara if she could get away somehow, but if she ever learned enough of magic to create something to turn male, then she would be back to look up the other woman... Maybe she would return for her anyway, after gaining enough experience to ignite that physical desire... but for now, she had to focus on the coming orgasm to rest a little before she was carried away into another situation.
And Zeona still could not be sure that the ship from before would be still there for her to leave if she somehow could get away and through the crowd.
"It will have to be fast," Azara whispers, her lips craning back up towards Zeona's ear. "Use your illusions. Reveal yourself on me as the gallows at an opportune moment. it will confuse my mother and the crowd both. I'll have those loyal to me accuse my mother of being an imposter. We will attack before she knows what's happening, before the people can overcome their confusion. The violence will be furious but quick.
"You will disappear in the confusion. I'll hide a cloak, footwear, and clothes nearby, but your first priority is to leave quickly. Make your way to the docks, where your things will be hidden. I'll mark them with a purple dragon so you can find them. I'll leave you money to find place on some ship. It will take you from the city. I advise neither you nor your country return her for some time...but if I inherit this city, perhaps Cormyr will gain an ally on the Sword Coast before long."
She pulls back far enough to make eye contact with Zeona, smirking just the tiniest bit. Her fingertips finally move to Zeona's clitoris, stroking it in slow, circular motions. "Any questions? Any concerns?"
Shaking her head as she is helped to her orgasm by the clit circling fingers, Zeona only wishes to curse Azara to cum when she does... Now, and from now on always, even from far apart. It is very possible that the pleasure she pushes into her wish and feels divided just goes to her Patron, but the lusty half-elf gladly offers what she is feeling to the Succubus Queen. While she would very much love to pull the woman with her to the lusty layers of the Abyss, she knows that she have to offer more and learn more before she can fulfill these kind of wishes.
Gasping for air after her orgasm, body still shuddering tied and impaled on the wooden contraption, Zeona finally realizes that she had been keeping eye contact the whole time, and this makes her smile. "Would you have time for your own pleasure? I loathe to leave you without release..."
"No," Azara says, shaking her head as she steps back. "No, we've - I've already spent too long here. I can't be discovered - not like this."
She pulls on her robe and gives Zeona one more look. "I don't know who or what you are. But whatever reason the Cormyran crown had to trust you - prove them right. You'll need all of your cleverness tomorrow. Rest as best you can tonight - my mother's thugs will not make it easy."
She takes a moment to catch her breath, then holds her head high and marches out of the room, leaving Zeona alone.
"Really, the Crown has nothing to do with me being here, at least I wasn't told... I came looking for opportunities and friendship for the Alsevir family and myself ... We got invited by the Charr House, after all, even if not by name, but as Cormyrian nobility. And see, how you handle guests... It seems there is truth in the old adage, never trust the Thayans." Zeona relaxes on her still uncomfortable wooden 'throne', head cast down, but eyes almost burning at the leaving woman.
She needs more time to catch her breath and composure, and that time the wooden dildos no longer welcomed by her cooling down body. She is not a priest, and knows no prayers to help her, but she still prays for Tymora, seeking her luck. On the other hand, she does not forget the Succubus Queen, and for strength she is recalling all of the things she was shown and taught by her Patron. On the remaining time she tries to sleep, but starts to not feel her arms, and her movements - voluntary and natural inside ones - kind of hurt on the verge of discomfort and pain. She likes her comforts, and this is not it.
But she had fun like never before, and have to get ready for more torture.
Azara pauses on the way out the door, looking back over her shoulder. "You may be right. My mother is Thayan. But I am not."
Once she leaves, Zeona can hear faint voices from outside the room. The walls are too thick for her to hear every word, but she is able to broadly that Azara commands the guards to leave Zeona alone for the rest of the night, so that her suffering will be greater on the gallows tomorrow. The night on the wooden contraption is unpleasant, but tolerable, and throughout the night, she has only one guest.
With no windows or other indications of time, it's not clear when it happens. She's not even sure whether it's a dream. But at some point, she feels a presence behind her. Hot hands close on her shoulders, then stroke up the sides of her neck until their fingers bury themselves in her hair. They pull her head back as her vagina throbs around the dildo.
"What a snarl of deception you've brought to me," Malcanthet whispers in Zeona's ear. Leathery wings close around her, trapping her in warmth. Her vagina pulses, the dildo's pressure inside her suddenly pleasurable. "But will it be yours?"
Zeona feels a hand slip down the front of her body, fingertips stroking over her clitoris. The other hand strokes over her sheek, delicately brushing her lip before, abruptly, two fingers push firmly into her mouth. "Do not disappoint me."
She it not sure when it starts, nor when it ends. Her captivity in the dungeon is timeless until she hears the door unlock. After a few seconds of work - barely enough to cast a few spells - the door opens and four armed and armoured humans enter, dressed in the black uniforms of Ossimar's guards. Wordlessly, they undo her ropes and pull her off the contraption before two grab her roughly by the upper arm and march her forward.
Apply the benefits of a long rest. Remember that Zeona is level 2 now, if you haven't updated your sheet. Let me know if you want to cast any spells, like any illusions, before the guards see you!
The noble half elf did not look that noble sitting on the wooden contraption, body impaled on dildos. The remaining of the night was long, and her body would let itself go - if not before, then as she was lifted off, and it wasn't just her happy juices like before she was left alone. No wonder she wasn't ready to walk all soiled and legs trembling, if not cramping from the position she was forced to spend the night.
Of course her mind was rested, but as her hands was tied above her, she was unable to cast any spells needing gestures, and when they got her free, her arms was weak and they grabbed them anyway. She would have liked to cast *Comprehend Languages* but there was no way to get salt and soot, unless by some miracle. The other thing she planned on and did was maybe possible, as it was now her gift to cast *Disguise Self* any time - jet, she had to intone and gesture the proper components for it.
But if she somehow succeed, then what figure they would present to the crowd was nothing else, than the illusory form that the matron mother already had shown the people of the town. It would have looked like they wanted, an idealized look, maybe a little bit like her real self, but mostly a second skin, showing her to be in a better state - more human and with bigger boobs - than she had.
This image she wanted to change later, when it was the right time, and again, when she had a chance to get away.
For now, she let herself be manhandled, and secretly trying to get soot from some streak of a fallen torch or un-swept tracks of a cleaned fireplace. Salt she did had on her from her perspiration having dried, but maybe she would have other sources. Staying hidden in her castings would be foremost in her mind.
During the night, Zeona would find the ropes have enough slack to allow limited movements - presumably to allow some bloodflow and prevent permanent damage, but also enough for her to just barely perform the somatic components of her spells.
She has no access to soot and salt while bound, but Disguise Self doesn't require material components, so she can cast it before the guards enter.
Zeona might find her soiled condition humiliating, but the guards seem unperturbed. She is probably not the first prisoner they have retrieved in this condition. They march - or drag - her to a chamber with a water-filled basin and a washcloth. Two guards hold her up while another wipes away the bulk of her unhappy juices, though the clean is not thorough enough to remove all of her dried sweat. The washcloth and their bare hands touch her up, down, and between her legs, but there is not even a hint of eroticism in their movements. This is only a job to them, and they get it done quickly and efficiently.
At no point do they speak to her. Nor, for that matter, to each other; they are obviously thoroughly familiar with every step of this task.
After cleaning her, the guards haul her forward again, leading her out of the room and into another long hallway. Doors on either side of her remain unexplored, but at one point she passes close enough to a stone wall for Zeona to stretch her arm - draped over a guard's shoulder - and drag her fingertips along the stone wall under a torch sconce. The guards wordlessly shift over, keeping her in the center of the hallway, but not before she dirties her fingertips with soot. None of them seem to have noticed.
The guards carry torches, but even so, the sunlight is dazzling when they haul Zeona out of the dungeon. It's a beautifully bright and sunny day, hardly a cloud in the azure sky. Standing in the sunlight is Ossimar's gallows - the same raised platform where Zeona watched a town crier call for her death the previous day. The gallows are surrounded by a shouting, jeering, and cheering crowd, pumping fists in the air. The guards march her naked towards the gallows, and as the crowd catches sight of her, they extend their hateful cries to her as well.
Standing on the gallows are several armed men and women, dressed in Ossimar's guard uniforms and armour. Three nooses hang expectantly from the crossbeam above the platform. As the guards march her up the steps, she sees the other two prisoners: Gehenna, the tiefling escort from the brothel, and the male thug she recognized from the ball and who fought her at the brothel. Both are naked and have their hands bound behind their backs.
"Please!" Gehenna screams, tears streaming down her face, as one man grabs ahold of her hips and another grabs her hair. Both have their trousers open, erections standing tall in the open air. "I didn't do anything! Don't do this, please!"
The man holding her hair slaps her hard across the face. Zeona sees red on her lips as he forces her down and shoves his cock into her throat. Zeona hears her scream again, but muffled, as the other man forces his erection into her pussy from behind. The crowd shouts and laughs.
The man from the ball is on his knees, his face pressed to the gallows' wooden platform and his ass up in the air, being raped by yet another man in half an Ossimar uniform. It looks like they got to work on him before Gehenna. Zeona notices heavy bruising on the lower half of his face - it looks like his jaw was broken.
"And here!" The crier she'd seen yesterday - the one calling for her death - is here again. Yesterday, he'd been intense, but now he looks all but feral: face red, eyes bulging, spittle flying with the intensity of his screaming fury. "The betrayer! The whore of Cormyr! The murderer of your prince, Kandik Charr - Zeona Alsevir!"
The crowd roars, though now that Zeona has the chance to look, she sees that some are decidedly more enthusiastic than others. Many of the crowd look like they'd rather be anywhere else, even as they half-heartedly call for her death. A lot of this crowd is probably not here by choice.
"No one escapes the justice of Naxara Charr!" the crier continues. "See what comes to Ossimar's enemies, noble or slave! Witness as the hands of Ossimar take your revenge on the whore of Cormyr!"
Zeona feels a hand grab her hair and force her head back, presenting her naked body to the crowd. And over it all watches the red-robed form of Naxara Charr, red wizard of Thay, and the black-spiked-armour-clad knight beside her.