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Penny's Dungeons and Dragons: Hard Bargains

She would grunt if she could, but even gulping is problematic. The worst of it that it seems to have turned from sexual to survival? Zeona wasn't any good in either of those a couple of days before, but now at least she could do something with the good part... Being choked without fun was not something she ever wanted to do anything with.

Now, even Gehenna was getting into danger on her behalf... So, Zeona tried one thing she could, she croaked out a *command* "Release!" but she did add some less powerful words next to that, like "me... or else... no fun... you haven't paid for this... you will pay through your nose..." She still struggled, but now in earnest trying to wriggle free.

Command was a spell...
Trying to get free with dex: 23 (7 if with disadvantage, but it is not an attack, but a counter?)
Gehenna runs past Zeona and the man towards the thrown dagger. The man looks over his shoulder and shouts, "You fucking touch that dagger again and I'll shove it up your cunt!"

With his attention divided, Zeona is finally able to twist out of the headlock, though some damage is already done - even after she's freed, her heart pounds in her ears and she can barely swallow.

"Fuck!" The man looks back at Zeona. Though she's free of his grip, he still looms over her. Rather than trying to grab her again, he simply throws a fist down at her head, and Zeona is sure that a day ago, he would have hit her square in the skull and knocked her out. Now, however, his aim wavers at the last second, only brushing by her temple, and somehow Zeona is sure it is the power of her pact with Malcanthet that swayed his hand.

Attempting to escape the grab with an Acrobatics check is an action, so you could either do that or cast Command. The Acrobatics check was successful, so I interpreted that as you doing that instead of casting Command, so you didn't spend a spell slot.
As Zeona's struggling seemed to be successful - but her throat choked and hurting - she did not pushed the power that much behind her words. Crab walking away from the man, she tried to kick him. Mostly to keep him away from her to stand up, and possibly Gehenna if he tried for the Tiefling instead, but it wouldn't hurt to really hurt him either. Gulping a couple of times, she got ready to order him to stop, if she had to, hoping that she could when it was needed.

Will use Hamete to roll for that kick, and will try to stand up from movement. would roll for initiative too. Next turn Command..
"Unf!" the man grunts as Zeona's kick lands true. While she is not especially strong or skilled at unarmed combat, she knows she at least hurt him. Her kick is not enough to stop him, though, and as she crab-walks away, he reacts with a kick of his own - hitting her in the ribs, much, much harder.

This does provide enough time for Gehenna to charge the man, swinging his own dagger. The man brings up an arm to defend himself, but with no armour or clothes, the blade opens a long, scarlet wound on his forearm.

Unfortunately, the man got an attack of opportunity on Zeona as she crab-walked away, and hit for 10 bludgeoning damage. If that reduces Zeona to zero hit points, he knocks her out rather than killing her; if not, then she's out of his melee range and may act as she chooses.
The returned kick came fast and with force Zeona was not ready for. On her way climbing to her feet, she could not even utter a word when the naked foot slams against her own naked body, ribs definitely cracking - at least one of them. It pushed her into unconsciousness not just because of the pain, but all strength and willpower to fight was gone too. After all, there was no way to take it like something done in the heat of sex, it was pure destructive force, easily as hard as a kick back from a horse with its hind legs together.
When Zeona wakes, she doesn't know how long she was out, only a vague idea that it was a long time. She has vague impressions of hands on her skin and rough movement, but that is all.

When Zeona awakes, she finds herself in a dungeon. She is surrounded by stone walls and a low ceiling that suggests she's underground. She's in darkness; even her elven darkvision only makes her surroundings dimly visible. She's bound to a strange, wooden frame; her arms to beams that extend out to her sides, and her legs to a seat and knee rest similar to a kneeling chair. The wood is hard, unpadded, and uncomfortable. She can squirm and move her head, but only that, and any movement reveals something else; attached to the frame is a wooden dildo lodged in her vagina, and from what she can tell, another dildo pressed against the entrance to her ass.

"This is not what I expected from you, kitten." Zeona feels hot fingertips tracing across her skin as Malcanthet steps into view from behind her. Her dress and eyes are brilliant red even in the darkness - which should not be possible in her darkvision. She places the fingertips that had been on Zeona's skin to her lips, the tip of tongue briefly slipping between her lips to touch them before the succubus gave a wide, toothy smile. "Is this what you forsaw when you struck our bargain?"
After Zeona realized that her eyes was already open and muscles flexing, thus pretending to be still out was a fools errand. So,she slowly rolled her head and neck, looking around, while consciously flexing her muscles to get a feel of any lingering pain or more serious damage...

The voice and touch made her twitch in surprise at first, but then she sighed in reply. "Kind of... Was trying to get away from anything like this before we met... but with you now here with me, I kinda feel like I am somehow running towards this kind of thing?" Meanwhile Zeona was trying to slowly reach the very obvious dildo in her wriggling, which started at her toes and fingers, but after her conversation with the Succubus Queen, she kind of tries to feel more good than bad from the wooden shaft she is speared onto. The one at her ass is not something she want to try taking in without greater arousal, and preferably some kind of lubrication.

"Where am I, ... is Gehenna okay?" she asked, and these questions would be said out loud even if the previous ones happened in her head.

Spending HD to heal if she can, but that would need a short rest...
Also rolling for perception, to get more about her situation. - While disadvantage (or -5) because the dim light, she does try to use all her senses...
Also, a wisdom saving throw to keep her composure (or possibly feel arousal instead of fear)
Consider Zeona to have undergone a full rest. As she regains her senses, she gets the sense she's been out for a while.

"Who?" Malcanthet looks bored. "I don't concern myself with such trifling minutiae. I'm here for you, kitten."

She steps forward and grips Zeona's chin with her thumb and forefinger, gazing into her eyes. "I am pleased with you - very pleased. Rarely have I bargained with a virgin who proved so keen, and so quickly. Scarcely hours after our deal is struck, you surrender yourself to the pleasure of your own handmaiden's rapist, all in pursuit of your vengeance!"

She licks her lips. "So decisive." Her hand moves to Zeona's throat, not quite cutting off her airway but firm enough to force her head back a degree. "So depraved."

She kisses Zeona, her tongue pushing past her lips without hesitation. It roams inside the half-elf's mouth long enough to fully explore it before Malcanthet leans back. Her hand slips down across Zeona's skin until it cups her right breast.

"A pity he was not stupider," she says with some disappointment. "Now you're in the grips of those who seek their own vengeance upon you. A false vengeance - but no less cruel for it." She emphasizes her point by pinching Zeona's nipple painfully between her thumb and forefinger.
"Trifling Tiefling... And I thought you would be kind of like a demonic grandmother to her, more so as you told me I claimed her for you somehow?" Zeona mumbled, not too loud, if there was anyone else near by, but enough for her Mistress Malcanthet to hear it. She trembles with flush and goosebumps spreading allover her body, staring into her Patron's eyes, with that enticing-punishing hand holding her head.

Gulping when the hand moves to her throat, but then losing herself into the kiss mumbling and moaning, the half elf panting with her ignited arousal and arching her body to push her boob into that palm... only for the words to fall over Zeona like cold water, clearing her head. When her nipples is pinched, she does not cry out, but bites her lip, electrified body makes her pussy clench on the wooden dildo, as she shudders with pleasure from the little pain. "I was stupid too, and weak... But who has me now? The attackers, the vengeful part of the family or the ones who planned it?"

Zeona did not say it, but she kind of hoped to have all of them be present, and maybe there would be some infighting... and of course she wished to have all of them go to hell, to be slaves of her Mistress if she so wished it too.
"You claimed her pleasure for me," Malcanthet says, sounding even more bored. "You do remember our terms. The carnal pleasure you share with another, yours and theirs, belongs to me. I was amused that the first so claimed was one of my own, but such a thing is easy. Uninteresting. Mundane. And I've no interest in tracking her after, especially if she's so dull as to pass beneath my notice despite my touch within her."

The hand around her throat slips to the back of Zeona's head, grabbing a handful of her hair. She holds Zeona with a firm grip, gazing into her eyes, and steps forward until their fronts press together. The succubus's wings spread, then fold around them both, enclosing Zeona in an embrace of warm skin and hot breath.

"Finally, we talk of something interesting." Malcanthet's red lips smile widely, inches from Zeona's face. "Do not let despair overcome your rage, kitten. Many stupider and weaker than you have done much with my power. And the answer to your last question..."

She leans forward and whispers in Zeona's ear, the tip of her tongue tickling her. " yesss."
"Then fuck them!" Zeona moaned as she shuddered from the closeness of her carnal Mistress. She felt her pussy throbbing around the wooden dildo, squirming in her bondage, breasts aching with hard, pointy nipples. She pulled on her arms - less about seeking her freedom, more that she wanted to hug and caress the leathery wings and the feminine body that was comforting and arousing her.

Then she tried to concentrate on her now innate power to change her form with illusion - preferably double layered or at least getting ready to put up another similar look if the first instance was gone... If she could do it with hands kind of tied, that is. She formed her looks after the one they had presented of her looks out in the open at the square she witnessed, a little exaggerated, and definitely an idealized for some people... And she was ready to present a different one with her Disguise Self magic, one that was definitely different from that, but just a little bit different from her normal one... It could be said that she wanted to keep up the guise of a paid slut conforming to the wishes of her guests, and definitely not the noble guest from Cormyr at all.

Deception rolls in the dice roller: 7 / 15
Zeona attempts to cast her spell, but with her arms bound, she can't even wield the necessary magic to do so. Malcanthet pulls back from the half-elf's ear and examines her face without making eye contact. After a moment, her hands leave Zeona's body and she crosses her arms, smirking to herself in satisfaction.

"Yes, kitten," she whispers, walking past Zeona. She looks at her from the corner of her eye as she steps out of view. "That's right."

Suddenly, Zeona hears muffled voices and boots on stone. They are coming from outside the room, but the walls are thick enough that it's difficult to tell their exact distance. After a few moments, however, they become clearer, and Zeona can tell they're just outside the room's door.

"My lady," a man's voice says. "I say this with utmost respect, and only to serve you as best I know how. I must caution you of the danger in doing this. Your mother has already - "

"I understand the risks."
A young woman's voice answers. It is confident and resolute. "My mother and the city will have its justice, I promise that. But I am owed and will take at least a token of my vengeance. I cannot allow this to pass without it. Now open the door."

Zeona hears a key slide into a lock. A moment later, the door opens to reveal a figure holding a lantern high, disguised by the dazzle of the lantern's sudden light.
Letting her muscles relax and eyes close just before the door opens, Zeona keeps in the moan at the sensations of hanging by her wrists and being fully impaled by the now very slick wooden dildo - even if the other one pokes her ass a little painfully. She tries to radiate the painfully kicked and then put on the torture rack damsel in distress, and the innocence she could muster. But her hard nipples kind of showing off how she feels after the recent visit of her Patron.

She awaits the new arrival, and if anyone accompanies her, only her mind trying to come up with a name or a face of who her visitor could be. Without looking up, of course, maybe her voice could help too - but it is more about her memory and knowledge of the family and the guests of the ball. Was there a younger sister to the murdered young man? Zeona should remember at least a name, if not the personality.

Only later, when her visitor announces her presence with force somehow, would Zeona look up, blinking and groaning, and using the most awful local whiny accent with the common words "Who are you? Where am I? What do you want from me?".

<there are some rolls in Hamete>
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