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Penny's Dungeons and Dragons: Hard Bargains

Gehenna's eyes momentarily flit to Zeona before looking back at the man, but she doesn't otherwise respond to the apology. The man doesn't seem to notice at all.

Zeona's attention to Gehenna's tail doesn't get a reaction, but when her hand reaches her ass, the tiefling shifts slightly, as if encouraging Zeona's hand to slip deeper between her legs. When it reaches her pussy, she releases his testicle and moans softly. Turning to face her, she places a finger on Zeona's chin and guides her into a kiss. This time, her tongue invades Zeona's mouth eagerly, seeking out her own, while her hand moves from her chin to one breast, her thumb teasing the nipple with circular movements.

The kiss doesn't last long. "Alright, that's enough!" The man grabs both of them by the hair, holding Zeona in place while he yanks Gehenna back to his cock. She grunts in pain, but looks up at him longingly, his shaft pressing lengthwise against her cheek. "Get back to work."

"Yes, sir."
Gehenna reaches up with one hand and grips the shaft gently, her fingers stroking it slowly. Her eyes move to Zeona. "Place watch closely."

Her lips slip over the tip of his cock, suckling the head for a moment before slipping further down. Her head moves up and down, but slowly advances until about the halfway point, where she seems to stay. The man chuckles, looking down at her, but he still has a tight grip on her hair. He gives Zeona a leer, then a wicked grin, then - with no other warning - grips Gehenna's head with both hands and forces his full length into her mouth. Gehenna's bulge and she makes a muffled choking, gagging sound, but the man begans to thrust violently, forcing her head back until it is pressed against the edge of the bed.

"Fucking finally!" Gehenna instinctively puts her hands on his legs, trying to push him away, but when he proves too strong, she stops resisting. Even so, he growls in frustration. "Useless whore. Not even the best throat I've fucked today."

Without pausing his thrusts, he looks over at Zeona. "You paying attention? Get to work."
Zeona is indeed watch closely, so she flinches at the force of the man pulling Gehenna's head onto his cock. She has to bite her lips not to say anything, but with her hand between Gehenna's legs, she tries to feel if the tiefling was in any distress, more than pleased with her 'work'... The noble half-elf was ready to use her newly gained magic to do something... but that something would make this encounter with this man a conflict.

Unless Zeona tried to do her best and try to give him head, and maybe somehow succeed... Maybe she could placate him, maybe even charm him somehow... But the thoughts that she wanted to bite off his cock was foremost in her mind. What she had done to her handmaiden, and now was dping to Gehenna, Zeona was ready to make the man hurt, bleed, and maybe even die.

Of course this was also a good opportunity to find her own capabilities and limits... and to offer the experience to her Patron.

So, Zeona get to work when that cock gets free of Gehenna's mouth. She even takes hold of his hands, and puts them in her hair, before she pushes her lips around the thick shaft, and tries to do her best with her tongue. Steeling herself and getting ready to have her head forced down on the rod, and get her throat fucked. It is not like she could do more or better than be there for the cock... But that did not meant that she didn't try working her lips and tongue, and gulping, even flexing and relaxing her neck.

Zeona trembled, as she looked up into the man's eyes, trying to show him the Abyss, and the endless torment of his soul - but also giving his body pleasure, as long as he had it - which would be a very short time to the endless times of pain and suffering for his soul.
Whatever pleasure Gehenna was getting from Zeona's hands ends when the man shoves his cock down her throat. Every muscle in her body seems to clench at once, and while she relaxes somewhat after she stops fighting, she still does not react to whatever stimulation Zeona gives her. As Zeona watches, tears blaze black trails down the tiefling's cheeks; she must have avoided getting her face wet in the baths. Her face grows red, then begins to transition to purple before the man pulls his cock from her mouth, slick with thick saliva and smeared lipstick. Gehenna immediately begins coughing violently and uncontrollably. It sounds painful and wrong, and her hand goes to her throat as she desperately intersperses the coughs with swallows, as if trying not to vomit. A strand of mucousy spit dangling from her lips is halfway to the floor when the man reaches down and grips her throat, forcing her chin back to look up at him.

"Love to see the damage on a whore's face," he growls in satisfaction. "Makes me feel like I'm getting my money's worth."

He releases Gehenna, leaving her to attempt to recover her composure, and lets Zeona take his hands. The feel of his cock in her mouth is new and strange, and she knows she's tasting Gehenna as much as she's tasting him. He moans is satisfaction as her tongue explores him, but he wastes little time before he forcing his cock back until it presses against her throat and beyond. He is not as forceful with that first thrust as he was with Gehenna; apparently, it's not as fun for him if it's not a surprise. Instead, he pushes into her throat slowly and steadily, enjoying every millimeter as it forces its way into a passage it shouldn't be. Malcanthet's blessings prevent him from damaging Zeona's throat in any serious way...but it still hurts.

His head lolls back as she works his cock, giving a low groan of pleasure every time she swallows around him. After a few times, he grabs Gehenna's hair and forcibly pulls her face within an inch of Zeona's. "That's how you work a cock, whore. Ain't she supposed to be learning from you?"

"I'm sorry, sir,"
Gehenna whispers.

The man sneers at her, then looks into Zeona's eyes for the first time since he entered her throat. After a moment of eye contact, he pushes harder, fucking her throat harder. "Love those eyes," he mutters. "Twice in one day. Fuck, what a day!"

His grunts become louder, heavier, breathier. His thrusts into Zeona's throat intensify in kind, forcing her head against the side of the bed as hard as he had Gehenna before her. Finally he forces his full length into her mouth, his fists clenching handfuls of her hair hard enough to threaten pulling it out. She feels his cock pulse before he ejaculates down her throat, holding her against him for several seconds before he is finally finished. Only then does he withdraw from, staring down at her with glassy eyes and grinning widely.

"That's a good little slut," he chuckles, but is so out of breath that the words stumble clumsily out of his mouth. He grabs Zeona's and Gehenna's hair in a hand apiece and forces their faces together. "Give the devilblood a taste. We're not done yet, though. Get up on the bed, on all fours, asses out."
It does not go the way Zeona thought it would. She is kind of inexperienced to know better, but she hates seeing Gehenna in pain. Zeona is surprised when she gets trapped against the bed, her throat impaled with cock... it is painful, but it is like her virginity before... Her first time, and she thinks she would hate this, but ... who knows. She hates the man more.

Her eyes wide open and staring somewhere behind the man, the half-elf coughs too, then gulps, burps a little... but then the forced kissing with Gehenna returns her to the time and place to do it right. After all, the tiefling kind of belongs to her, even if for just that night.

"Do we do this, Mistress?" Zeona whispers questioning Gehenna, collecting herself to send the man to sleep, hopefully, if needed. But she wants to follow through in her seek of new experiences, even if this one is turning out to be a bad one.
"You're asking me?" Gehenna's voice is unexpectedly flat as she gives Zeona a confused look. After a second, she blushes and her voice resumes its previous, breathy whisper. "For tonight, I am yours. If you want me to yourself, I am yours alone, but if you want to share me with him, then you may. Women and men are both beautiful to me..."

She kisses Zeona deeply, but more gently than befits their circumstances. "...even though you have a beauty he doesn't."

"The fuck are you waiting for?"
The man sneers down at Zeona and Gehenna. "Get on the bed. You cunts need a good fucking and I've had a crazy day. Not that you'd care. You never care."
"Oh, but we do care! Or haven't you heard, we are paid for our time, and that includes hearing you out too?" Zeona pulls Gehenna up on the bed as she tries to copy her breathy, lustful voice. Maybe this man wants to speak, to lift the weight from his soul, to try to come to terms of some things he learned and tries to turn his head around the truth... Or at least about things that are too heavy for him to carry silently.

The half elf shakes her behind at the man. "Come on, tell us a story, but go more easy on our body, so that we can last longer..."

The cormyrian noble in hiding was trying to pull his attention on her curves, and really hoped that the tiefling was more wise and intelligent than the sellsword. Also, maybe sharing some experience together would help Gehenna start considering her more than just a paying customer to be subservient to. Secretly Zeona hoped that the other two would rub off on each other a little, making the slut more forceful and the harsh man a little subdued.

Zeona would try to get him to feel good and comfortable with being less sadistic, and telling his tale too.

Performance: 18
Persuasion: 11
Gehenna follows Zeona's lead onto the bed. On her elbows and knees, she lifts her hips into the air and puts her head on the bedcovers, looking at Zeona.

"That's more like it." The man grins and strokes each woman's buttocks with one hand. His penis, wrinked and limp beneath his legs since coming down Zeona's throat, slowly begins to engorge and rise. Zeona feels his hand slip between her legs, two fingers exploring her nether lips before finding and rubbing her clitoris. Something else - probably his thumb - presses against her anus, but instead of rubbing there, it simply applies steady pressure, threatening to penetrate but never actually doing so.

Gehenna moans, low and slow, and extends an open hand towards Zeona. "Please, sir," she whispers, though the angle makes it impossible for her to make eye contact with the man. "Tell us everything. Lighten your - ahh!"

Gehenna gasps as Zeona feels the man's fingers push into her and stroke at her vaginal walls. Gehenna's breath quickens and she rocks in time to the man's slow, steady movements inside of Zeona, suggesting he's doing the same to her. His thumbtip stays pressed against her anus, mostly motionless but the movements of his hand varying its pressure.

"Can't tell you everything," the man chuckles. "Part of the job. Don't get greedy. But I can tell you I made good money. I'll make it worth your while to do everything I want."

He frowns to himself, though his movements inside of Zeona don't stop. "Boss had all sorts of fucking rules. Yeah, it's a special job, but didn't have to be such a hardass. Fucker."

The man seemed more impressed by Zeona's performance than he was persuaded, but in his drunken and horny state, he's pretty suggestible. Still, Zeona should continue to make checks if she wants to tease more information out of him, especially anything it might be wiser for him not to say. Assume the DC is 10 for everything to go off without a hitch, but even if she fails to meet that DC, it won't necessarily mean Zeona is found out, just that she didn't convince him to spill anything confidential.
Taking hold of Gehenna's hand, Zeona tries to give her strength - but needing some for herself too. She squirms a little and tries to send her sensations to her patron, almost wordlessly praying, but not really... After all she does not gives thanks or asks for anything, just shares herself... and maybe Gehenna is in there somewhere too.

But the half elf is wet, her body easily aroused, and soon ready for not just the fingers, but maybe more. The very undercover noble - now on the covers of the bed - goes with what feels good to her, and following the lead of the tiefling, moving a little forward and back, trying to tantalize the bad man behind them.

"Oh... Do we have to follow those rules too? ... I always have problem following rules... What you have to follow, and did you succeed? Did you give the hardass the finger? Maybe went against his orders?" Zeona shakes her ass a little, hoping that her pun does not went over the man's head. And maybe get at least that out of him if it was a him or a her bossing them around... Secretly Zeona thinks that maybe this is some kind of ploy from the family itself - or one of their member -, but that is just her hunch, a feeling, have nothing factual - except that they are from Thay.

Performance (another for sexual prowess): 14 (22)
Persuasion (another if it helps teasing him): 18 (24)
"Fuck no," the man says firmly. "If he pays my price, I follow his orders. That's the job and I'm fucking good at it."

He chuckles. "But now I'm paying. So you better get good at following rules. There's no hard ass here..."

His fingers slip out of Zeona, his hand leaving her for a second before slapping her ass with a smack. She hears the same thing happen to Gehenna, who squeaks slightly at the slap. The hand returns to Zeona's ass and squeezes one cheek, hard.

"...but I'll give you the finger." Without hesitation, the hand travels across Zeona's cheek and slips a middle finger into her asshole. Lubricated by her own juices, its full length plunges into her, then begins to pump in and out. Gehenna gasps beside her, then whimpers lustfully in time to the pumps, against suggesting that he's doing the same thing to her.

"Besides..." the man drawls, "...the job had its perks. Had to be real careful setting up, but once everything was in place, it went smooth. Once we took care of the target, we got to play with the leftovers. And fuck, it was a party, after all.

"Anyway, which of you whores is gonna service my cock first?"
Glancing towards Gehenna, Zeona tries to get a feeling of what Gehenna really feels, and if she is only acting liking it... Mostly because she has her own conflicts of how and what she should do. At the end she lets her body react freely, curious if this is something she likes - and Gehenna being such a slut next to her surely helps with her own reactions.

She was still holding the tiefling's hand too, so the half-elf gave her a small squeeze, trying to both convey that she is there with her - but also to be the first to show her how it is done.

"Tell us more... we love to party, but rarely even get the leftovers... Was there food? Dancing? Music? Fucking?" Zeona purred, as she tried to help the professional girl service the client's cock. She was trying to get both Gehenna more pleased, and to make it look more hot for the man, as she stroked the other girl, and even kissed her, and if their position let it, she would gladly lick her all over, playing with her horns and tail too.
Gehenna faces forward, her face in profile to Zeona. She whimpers in time to the finger pushing in and out of Zeona's ass - and if Zeona looks, she can confirm the same is being done to the tiefling - but the half-elf gets the impression that Gehenna's responses are fake, a performance to heighten the desire of Zeona, the man, or both. When Zeona squeezes her hand, though, the tiefling squeezes back, and after a moment, her eyes move to meet Zeona's.

While the two are not close enough for Zeona to lick her, she can stroke Gehenna's hair and horns. At her touch, Gehenna closes her eyes and leans her head towards her, making a small, pleased sound.

"Oh, all four," the man chuckles, "but not all at once. First, music and dancing, but we didn't get any of that. Too good for us, obviously. Fuckin' rich cunts. But then we got to work, and after that, all that food just there for the taking, and..."

Zeona feels something press at her from behind, but only for a moment before the man's cock pushes into her without warning. He groans in satisfaction as his hips smack against her backside. "Same for the fucking." He vigorously thrusts in and out of her, his breaths coming as passionate growls, the finger in her ass mirroring his cock's movements. "Had to handle the primary targets out right away, but they let us do what we wanted with the others, just as long as they all gone done in the end. Except that one, anyway."
Gasping from the surprise of him pushing not into her ass, Zeona shudders as she lets the heat of the moment take her to a better place... With Gehenna getting a little bit of happiness from her closeness, the half-elf lets the bad man's attention please her body... It was a sensation she really had not much experience with. She was so new to the sex, but just as new to the spycraft and investigation, that Zeona could only hope and pray that her moans and begging for "Tell me more!" would work. Meanwhile she takes what he gives in the fast and almost furious fucking, her body stimulated, and her mind hungry for even the smallest bits of new information.

She only wish that she could somehow share what really happened to the angry woman from before, and any other real investigators, and hopes to somehow be able to get this man put into their hands. But that would come later, as he would come first, if his erratic movements was anything to go by. Zeona was not that far behind, letting her body react with all the lust of her patron, enticing more out from the man that he would otherwise give.

And that meant both in his story, and his cum. She wanted to punish him, but she needed to get more out of him, accepting her role as the paid slut, but thinking herself as his jury and executioner too. She just had to think about more punishment for him later, for this time fucking him until he was raw and unable to give more was a soundly good idea.
The man's thrusts speed up, the full length of his cock plunging into Zeona's pussy again and again, his scrotum flinging forward to slap against her clit. He is clearly losing control, the thumb in her ass moving erratically if at all - but still, she can feel the pressure of it inside her. Gehenna shifts closer to Zeona, risking but not earning the man's reprisal, and puts her hot lips to the side of the half-elf's neck where it meets her shoulder.

"Gods, if I could'a fucked that blue-blooded cunt!" the man gasps, his voice clumsy with drink and desire. "Half-elf whore from Cormyr. Perfect tits, fuck! But boss wanted his virgin. Cut off her arms and legs if we had'ta, but don't touch that cunt!"

He growls in frustration, but cuts it off with a barking laugh. "Fuck'er anyway! Nobles're cold fish anyway, every one of 'em. Don't know how to work for their money. Get yer hands on the servants - got one'a the handmaidens and the greeter - they knew how'ta suck a cock - "

Without warning, the thumb pulls out of Zeona's ass. Gehenna flinches slightly, suggesting the same is true for her. An instant later, the man grabs a fistful of Zeona's hair and yanks back hard enough to lift her head and upper body off the bed. His other hand comes around and grabs her by the throat under her chin, sqeezing hard enough to cut off her breath. With his arms, he lifts her until she is upright, her back against him, his cock still thrusting furiously into her from below.

"Take it, whore," he whispers viciously into her ear. "Take it like your life depends on it!"
Gasping, with her eyes bulging out, Zeona slams herself down on his cock. She grabs his hands and tries to pull them to her tits, hoping to distract the man from tearing out her hair or choking her to death. If she finally could gasp some air, she would even pant out a "Thank you..." as he was groping her *perfect tits*. She curiously found herself able to pardon the low life. "Cold fish your ass!" she would whimper if she could cum from their encounter, but that needed her gifts from her Patron to work their charm on her poor abused body.

Then of course she had to try putting him to sleep with her spell mostly unnoticed, to tie him up and confer with Gehenna. She wanted to know more about his boss, and wanted to get more out of him, this time with the women in charge.

"Lets roleplay a little..." Zeona would start when he came to all tied up - or down. "Think of me as this noble of yours, and she is my handmaiden here... Your boss would surely kill you or worse now... Sou you better be useful for me, stud."
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