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Phoenix Fire University (Jacqueline Vile and Sour Diesel)

Sara had gotten turned around during the day and was almost late twice today as is. She was in a hurry to get to her locker. Henry could see a very tall woman with long pointed ears hustle in his direction and open the locker besides his.

“Oh no no no. If I’m late again Ms. Milgrave will have my ears.” She spoke frantically switching things out in her locker. “What’s after lunch? Focus atunement? Ritual training? Ugh! I can’t remember!” She sounded like she was getting frustrated. “Where’s that stupid intro guide?” She rifled around. It was only the first day of class and half her things were already in loose sheets. Her organization skills were appalling.


Winter listened to the teacher’s instructions. What kind of fool uses magic while intoxicated? The murmuring behind him suggested to Winter that some mages were in fact that foolish. He looked behind him and noticed the older brother. He was tan and handsome. From his size he had to be another MMA student.

“Tricked by his own illusions, how quaint.” Winter spoke softly in his femme voice. He wasn’t trying to make friends. Henry taught him yesterday he should only focus on his next lesson. Friends were a waste of time. Winter just couldn’t ignore the human need for companions even if he was hopeless in the pursuit.
Henry looked in her direction as he approached his locker. "You new as well?" He asked as he set his duffel down and started pulling his tools and books he'd need to grab between classes. Advanced Alchemy, Crystals, Metals, and Energy . . . "It's Alchemy and Transmutation review." He sighed. "Never thought I'd be doing highschool work again, but at least once it's done it's done."
Claire rolled her eyes, "yeah right? still funny as hell to watch though."
"Winter" The teacher called, looking over and pushing up her glasses. "Your turn. Come here."
Claire's brother could be heard whispering "she's got a nice ass" which was answered with a punch to his gut., making him weeze. "Really Tyler? At least wait till she's out of earshot."
Sara lifted herself up from crouching at her locker. She towered over Henry. Now he felt how Winter did. She had to be over six feet, easy.

“High-school? Sounds prestigious,” she said. Sara wasn’t sure if he was really talking to her though. “Did you say Alchemy and Transmutation? I think i have that class too.” She said and rifled through her loose papers.

“Father told me last minute I was attending college. I barely had time to pack much less prepare.” She found her schedule at last. “Oh, you are correct.” She smiled at Henry.

“My name is Sara. Sara Smile. Do you know where our class is located?” She clenched her jaw hoping she could follow her fellow freshman.


Winter nodded and stepped forward at his teacher’s beckon. He heard Tyler’s comment and almost said something. He chose to focus on the task at hand instead.

He took the wand and held it out straight. He relaxed his shoulders and took a deep breath. He started to concentrate on his target. The tip of the wand started sparking then crackled with a hint of flames. The femboy fired a fast ball of fire straight at the target, where it exploded and dissipated into the ether. Winter smiled and twirled the wand in his hand.

“Easy enough. Any fool can handle one of these.” Winter spoke proudly and stepped out of line.
"Henry King, a pleasure to meet you, miss Smile." He said, holding out his hand. "I'm majoring in Artifice as well." He knew better than to get upset with an Elf about their attitudes. They were all snobby and he didn't much care for them -- except for those who shared his interest in Artificial Magic. Just remind them who invented the practice.
"Highschool is basically college for kids. Everything you learned being tutored is taught there. Of course that also means we get to deal with drama and people with superiority complexes as soon as we're out of diapers." He closed up his locker and hoisted his duffel bag. "I can show you to the classroom if you want. You just about ready?"
the teacher nodded. "not bad. However, your grip is too loose. While you don't want to break it, you also want to avoid the chance of being disarmed." She gently guided Winter's fingers. "This also reduces the delay in casting. Now, try again."

Tyler snickered and pointed his own wand towards Winter, but just behind his sister so it wasn't obvious.
"bro, what are you doing?" Claire whispered.
"Don't worry about it."
"You better not . . ."
The teacher frowned and gestured with her fingers for them to zip it.
The high elf found the human handshake to be quaint. She took his hand and bowed gracefully as was more traditional elf greeting.

“The pleasure is mine. I rarely get to experience other cultures, so everything is exciting and new. This high school sounds interesting. Man-apes, sorry, humans, all packed together from childhood into adulthood. Just like my fat little babies.” She spoke and looked down.

Inside a handmade hemp satchel was a bundle of woodchips and a furry fat rodent popped out his head. It was all orange and made noises like a pig.

“This is Fallafel! Your kind calls them Guinea pigs, yes?” She got so caught up in showing her chubby cheeked pet that she forgot about class.

“Oh right! Let’s go with haste, King Henry.” She addressed him. Did she really think he was royalty or had she given him a nickname? She would follow him straight to class.


Winter was a little annoyed. His technique was fine, he thought. He decided to humor the lady and get another chance at shooting fireballs. He took position again and focused intently on his target, squeezing the wand a little tighter. When he gave something full attention all other noise and stimuli vanished from perception. It was a trait he picked up listening to footfalls.

The wand erupted with a much larger ball of fire that scorched the stone wall black and burned some of the grass as well. Winter marveled at the sight of his blast with awe.
"Please, just call me Henry.* He said as he guided the way through the hall, weaving carefully between the various students that filled it up, stepping over a tiefling's tail, ducking under an Orc arm, and finally pushed into the door, beckoning Sara over.
Once inside he quickly found a seat and set his bag down under the desk before taking a seat. Standing in front of the whiteboard was the teacher, who proceeded to write *Professor Amundahk* across it before turning around to face the class. "Just in time. Good afternoon students. I am Professor Amundahk." He pronounced it *amun-dock* "Before we proceed I am going to read off names to make sure everyone is present, so . . . " He began, going down a list, everyone saying "present" as their names were called.
"Very good. Everyone in attendance. Now, as you know, this class is officially known as Alchemy and Transmutation Review, but we do a little more than simple review. Today I will not only go over what you do know, but I'll be sharing the pieces you were never taught in highschool or tutoring. Before I proceed however, do any of you have questions?"
As soon as the flash disappeared, Winter's clothes poofed out of existence, revealing his naked body to anyone paying attention -- though it felt to him as if he was still completely clothed. Students gasped and covered their eyes. Tyler gawked and started laughing, along with a few other students. Claire turned and smacked her brother in the face. "you asshole!" She pointed her wand at Winter and made his clothes reappear.
The teacher frowned, "Tyler!"
He shoved his sister. "What the fuck sis? why'd you do that?"
"Oh shut up" Claire said. "You deserved that for embarrassing her."
"Are you for real? Nah nah there's no way you're pinning this on me sis. I saw you cast that spell on him. You're a real sneaky pervert."
"Detention, for both of you." the teacher said. But everyone saw. Tyler had successfully humiliated Winter and got himself and his sister in trouble.
Sara’s ears drooped once she sat down and noticed that their professor was a dwarf. His desk was made of old oak. The nerve, hurting a tree, but dwarves were old enemies of her kind for that reason and many more. Sara herself tried to be amicable though she kept her mouth shut. She pulled out a case containing her artifacer tools, the most notable being a small silver hammer that would glow at the head. It was very ornate, and clearly elvish craftsmanship. She had much to learn about this cutting-edge program.


Winter felt clothed, but once everyone was staring at his naked body he looked down and saw. His eyes went big and he covered his tiny, exposed privates. His face was beat red and his eyes filled with tears. He saw Tyler get hit by his sister. The face of the laughing jerk was burned into the femboy’s memory. Having his clothes restored by Claire did little to comfort him. Winter was completely embarrassed and ran off before the tears came.

He ran straight to the dorm since he knew nobody would be there and crashed into his bed. He covered himself and sat in the dark crying his eyes out. The whole class saw him naked. He knew it was a mistake coming here in that moment. So far school was hell and he was better off stealing scrolls and teaching himself.
A few students raised their hands. Henry didn't however. One thing he learned was oftentimes, the first most obvious questions to pop into mind were the most likely to be asked in the beginning of the class. Amundahk called on the student, a Gnome who had to stand up in his chair to be seen. "Y-you said that these p-pieces were not taught to us in highschool. w-why is that?"
Amundahk sat down in his chair and folded his hands together. "I think what you want to know is, why teach you a part of the whole. the truth is, a lot of magical knowledge is not legal to teach to children. But to get further into that, I would recommend the library. Now, what are the four main elements?"
Henry's arm shot up, making Amundahk smile and point at him.
Henry then stood and cleared his throat. "Professor, forgive me, but I have taken the time to do a bit of research and I have come to learn that there are six."
Amundahk nodded. "Continue."
Henry rubbed his chin and complied. "We know about fire, water, stone, and air, which are the base elements that make up everything physical, but the other two are miruhk -- or as it's commonly known as; magic, and soul."
Amundahk stood up and again and nodded. "Indeed, very good, Mr King."
Henry sat down as Amundahk turned to write the element names down and drew a diagram.
Claire knocked on the door and waited patiently for an answer.
Sara was impressed with Henry’s extensive knowledge of this craft. She clapped her hands quick and lightly in a very royal way. “Well said, King Henry,” Sara mused. Even if he didn’t like the nickname she thought it was appropriate. She saw him as her senior even though they attended the same class. “Most of this is new to me. I’m afraid I’m better with transmutation magic than the actual physical craft.” She probably didn’t know that students weren’t supposed to chat amongst themselves during a lecture.


Winter was crying when he heard a knock at the door. Who could it be, a TA coming to check on him? A cop would be better. The boy felt violated. He wiped his eyes and sniffed, then went to the door.

He looked up and saw Claire, the girl partly responsible for his humiliation. He looked shocked and then slammed the door shut.

“Leave me alone!” Winter yelled through the door. The bullying was just going to continue now that they knew where his dorm was located. Her brother was probably behind her waiting to beat his ass. For all of his planning he didn’t consider being trapped in the tiny dorm room until now. He sat against the door with it locked. He started to cry again.
The students around her shushed her. "Miss Smile, I understand you were tutored, and understand that you are new to public schooling but if you wish to speak, you must raise your hand and be called upon. Chatting among your fellow students is not allowed during class." Amundahk smiled. He didn't get Elves in his class often, and to see one so excited to learn the craft, made him more patient with her than he normally would be. Once he finished drawing up the diagram, he continued.
"the four elements you know are able to combine with eachother, but with limitations. fire and water cannot combine without stone or air to bridge the gap. What sets Magic and Soul apart from the other four is their virsatility. The same laws that govern the four, also govern Magic and Soul. Can anyone tell me Sardonus's Law?"
Claire stood there for a moment. "Tyler's not here. I skipped detention cuz I thought you needed someone to talk to."
After a moment of quiet she leaned her forehead against the door. "Need a hug?"
Sara’s shoulders raised and she hid her face in her notebook. This was very different from her schooling which involved much group socializing. She muttered under her breath, “It’s Lady Sara, jckllaykn,” she cursed in Elven.

Then class continued and the professor asked another question. Feeling the need to prove herself in this game of trivia she raised her hand and stood up quickly.

“Sardonus's Law states that elements cannot be created or destroyed, but are transformed or transferred.” She let out a breath she’d been holding and smiled. She didn’t know how long she should be standing for, but her height blocked two back rows.


Winter didn’t believe her. He could’ve told her what to say. The door was his safety for the moment.

“Why don’t you go naked in front of the whole class? Will a hug help you?” He spoke sarcastically. If her brother was there he would get angry hearing him talk like this. “I was violated by you bitches. I’d love to catch either of you alone in an alley. You won’t be laughing then!”

He huddled his legs under his arms and pounded on the door with his fist. He made it clear he wasn’t going to open the door.
Amundahk frowned, but nodded. "Yes, Miss Smile. That is correct. next time, please wait until you are called upon. Continuing on however, yes, this too applies to Souls and Magic. Knowing this has helped us gain a much better understanding of how the world came to be, as well as the Hethliandr -- the very beings that many still believe created the universe and all within. Now, why is this important to know? It's the fundamental basis of modern magic. In the old days, we relied on the teachings of the Hethliandr as well as trying our best to mimic nature to expand our usage of magic, but now through knowledge of it's function, we have been able to invent spells and even ease it's usage for those who are unable to tap into their own magic, which is why anyone can turn on a light by flipping a switch."
A Hobgoblin passed a note to Sara when Amundahk wasn't looking.
Claire looked both ways down the dorm hall. "I'm sorry for Tyler being a perverted prick." she kneeled down and pulled out her wand, sliding it under the door handle first. "here, this is my wand. I'm not gonna do anything to you okay?"
Sara sat down feeling rather sourly about the teacher’s further scolding of her conduct. She was just trying to immerse herself in the culture and this man was making her feel guilty for doing it. It’s not like she chose to come here or anything.

The note being passed to her piqued the girl’s interest, but she definitely didn’t want to give the teacher more excuses to yell at her. She very nonchalantly put the note on top of her notebook and folded it open while she was taking notes. The lesson was very interesting and she wanted to take in as much information as she could.


Winter felt the wand nudge him through the door and he pulled it into his hands. The girl had given him the tools needed to exact his revenge. She probably did it to show him that she wasn’t a threat. Now he could zap her if he wanted to. He still didn’t open the door but he felt like he could talk at least.

“This school is the worst. First my roommate threatens me, and now the whole class knows my secret. I just wanted to learn some magic. Why do people care so much what’s under the skirt?”
The Hobgoblin snickered as he eyed Sara opening the note, which wasn't very flattering to put it lightly . . .
*Your ancestors will never acknowledge your existence*
Henry saw and frowned, mouthing *don't react* hoping she would see. Amundahk wasn't looking, and was continuing to speak as he wrote on the whiteboard.

Claire sat down against the door. "Tell me about it. So much for our parent's saying, 'You should further your education' or 'We only want what's best for you' and then they send us off to a shithole full of dumb golems. It's like noone aged past eight, like my brother." She looked down both ways, tapping the floor nervously. "Hey" She side eyed the door "How's this? You lemme in so bitches don't find me and drag me off to the Dean's office, and I give you all the dirty you need to know about this school? My older sister, Gail, is here on her fourth year. We've kept in contact since she started here, so I swear you can trust me."
After a moment she added. "And if I prove I'm lying, you got my wand and can do whatever the fuck you want in revenge. Sound like a deal?"
The elf shot the hobgoblin a glare and flared her nostrils at him. She stuffed the note into her coat pocket and continued listening to the lecture. She glanced towards Henry and gave him a pleading look like she wanted badly to do something about it.


The door opened softly and Winter peered through while holding the wand. He looked scared with red cheeks streaked with black mascara. Winter looked like he could break down again at any second.

“Thank you…” he said. So far Claire was the only person who showed him any kindness here. He didn’t ask but he looked like he needed that hug. The femboy stepped away from the door to let Claire inside.
The Hobgoblin grinned and chuckled under his breath. holding a hand down low, a tiefling slapping it with his tail. Henry knew what they were trying to do. A new elf in the classroom was an easy target because of their upbringing and heritage. He'd seen it in highschool when elven transfer students would come in. It was bad enough their parents held high expectations while the rest of the family most likely belittled and chastised them for "stooping so low" seeking to continue their education among the "lesser" races. It set them up for quick tempers and a lot of tears. School shootings were more commonly done by elves because of the amount of pressure they had to live with.
It was one of the reasons Henry wasn't so quick to judge. The hard part was teaching an elf to be patient and not react -- seeing as a reaction was exactly what they wanted.
After another 30 minutes or so of the lecture, Amundahk had finally finished. "Homework submission is due by next week. Class dismissed."
Claire opened her arms. "Alright, bring it in sis." She approached and pulled her in, wrapping her arms around the sad femboy. "That was pretty humiliating, wasn't it?" She pulled back and looked him up and down. "At least it was just an illusion spell. He could have set your clothes on fire." She looked around the room and spied the telescope thing. "huh, you have an Artificer as a room -- oh what did you mean when you said your roommate threatened you? They're not some sorta psychopath or rapist, right?"
Sara sat and listened stoically. Then after the professor dismissed class she marched straight over to his desk and pulled the note out of her pocket.

“The hobgoblin passed this note to me during your lecture, sir.” She said. She was worried about reprisal but Sara knew it was better to get the administration involved than try to get revenge. Her upbringing lended her towards using the system to her advantage.

She watched to see where Henry was going once class dismissed. She kind of hoped he would back her up but he didn’t have to. She barely knew the man.


Winter hugged Claire back and dried his eyes on her blouse. He couldn’t remember the last hug he received. She tried making him feel better about the whole thing. Claire could tell Winter was very sensitive.

“No… it was kind of my fault. I was messing with his stuff and gave him attitude when he misgendered me. He backed me into a corner and I felt scared.” He still felt bad about that situation. Mentioning rapists caused Winter to shrink a little and cling tighter to Claire.

“Never again…” he whimpered.
Henry waited at the door, watching her pass the note to their teacher.
Amundahk accepted the note and then smiled at her. "Not bad, Miss Smile.* He crumpled up the note and tossed it before sitting back in his chair. "Let me tell you, I am always proud when a high elf chooses to attend my class. It's not easy, transfering from tutorship to campus education. You're going to learn things that many other students are already familiar with and they'll bully you for it. The point is to act as if it doesn't bother you. They do it for the sole purpose of making you lash out. Don't. You are better than that. Now, if anything worse happens, beyond just a few insulting words and spitballs in your hair, you let me know. Thank you for attending my class, Miss Smile."
He bowed his head and gestured to the door, dismissing her.
Claire nodded and rolled her eyes. "You're not supposed to get caught, silly." She giggled and sat on Henry's bed. "Is he really that scary? You know all ya gotta do is grab em by the balls, right?"
Sara nodded and turned to leave. She wasn’t very satisfied with his answer because it was nothing she hadn’t heard before. He sounded just like her father. Don’t fight back, don’t show your true feelings, bottle it up, keep up appearances. It was so exhausting.

She glanced at Henry and kept walking without a word. She looked pretty irritated by the whole situation. She came here to find a new life but she was quickly falling back into old habits.


Winter let go of the hug and shuffled uncomfortably. He didn’t know what would’ve worked against his roommate but he didn’t think violence would do anything but get him kicked out of school.

“He’s a lot bigger than me. He probably would’ve beaten my ass if I did that. I’m stuck in the same room as him. What’s worse is I don’t think I’ll find another one who will tolerate a little queer like me. Especially not after today.” Winter pulled on his hair and went to his bed to hide under the covers again. “I’ll just stay in here and study in silence. That way nobody will hurt or humiliate me again.”
Henry walked with her. "Hey, you good?" He knew what was going on, it wasn't new to him. "Not the kind of thing you wanted to hear, I imagine." He scratched his neck and let out a breath. "The term 'sticks and stones' isn't really accurate. I get it. You get poked enough and eventually you start to bruise." He pulled out his screwdriver and fiddled with it a bit. "Pretending it doesn't get to you only gets you so far. At some point you have to vent, face it head on. Otherwise, it'll tear you down from the inside, and that shit's not pretty."
He led her to the cafeteria. Although Highschools were fairly accommodating and accepting of multiple races, the food usually was only authentic in one category and slacked whenever it came to others, depending on the local. The same went for colleges too sadly. Unless you went to higher end universities, like Vallendale.
He grabbed a tray and stood in line.
Claire nodded. "I mean, I guess you can. But then you'll be considered absent." She rolled her eyes. "tell ya what, we can be bffs, okay? and if your roommate gets too pushy or someone else tries to mess with you, I'll help you . . . in fact . . ." A mischievous grin formed and she stood up off the bed. "We could get back at my brother. That would be fun, don't you think?"
Sara was tight lipped because she didn’t want to say something she would regret. She didn’t know this Henry person and he seemed like he wanted to give her advice. Humans thought everyone felt the same as them, or interpreted emotions through the same lens. She found it pretty insulting that he thought she had no recourse. That she was some idle target for others to poke.

“I know you’re trying to be nice, but please don’t pretend you understand how I feel. That filthy hobgoblin didn’t get to me as much as that lice-bearded knob of a professor did telling me I answered questions improperly. I have a way to vent my emotions already.”

She pulled out her Guinea pig in the lunch line and let the squeaky animal sit on her food tray. He immediately started eating her salad with a tiny mouth like a motor. Sara always smiled when she looked at that wall-eyed rodent munch away.


Winter slowly lifted the bedsheet. Claire was offering herself as an ally. What did she have to gain, he thought. People didn’t want to be friends unless they wanted something. To assert herself as a best friend forever seemed preemptive. Maybe she was just as furious at her brother as Winter was right now.

“Yeah. I’d really love to scare him shitless with an illusion. Do you have any experience acting?” Winter turned the wand over in his hands. He was concocting a diabolical plan and knew it would feel even more realistic with Claire’s help.

“I don’t really have… friends. None who really count when I need them. You’re the first who seems to actually care.” He said hoping he wasn’t wrong. So far she gave him no reason not to, but Winter didn’t trust anyone.
He clammed up and found a seat, making sure it was set away from other students. She was right. As much as he wished that every race thought the same, it was easy to forget they didn't. Machines were more easily understood anyway. He pulled open a notebook and started taking notes while eating a hotdog.
"I mean, maybe? to be honest I've never been much of a theater kid, that and my brother knows me a bit too well." Claire paused in thought. "Why, what do you wanna do?"
Sara took her tray and sat a few feet away from Henry. She didn’t mean to but there weren’t many open tables left. Her pet continued chomping away at her salad. Elves were largely plant centric omnivores. She started reading as well but something nagged at her. It was Henry. After some quiet time she moved to sit next to him. The furry rodent sat between them and started sniffing Henry’s hand.

“How do you know so much about Artifacy already? The craft is still new as far as magic is concerned, and Dwarves don’t just hand their trade skills over to anyone. Did you have an apprentice?” Sara wasn’t curious about his history. She wanted to know how a human was ahead of the curve already. Sara started to view Henry as a rival to compete against.


A devilish grin formed across Winter’s face. He inched towards the corner of the bed and produced an old iron dagger from his thigh strap.

“I want to scare the piss out of your brother so he never thinks of doing that again. I want you to act like you’re being stabbed to death.” After a moment he could tell he was intimidating her with the weapon. “Oh, this isn’t a real knife, but he won’t know that.” He poked the tip, making his very real and deadly weapon bend like it was made of rubber. It was an innocent illusion to help Claire relax.

“Just go like Argghh blehhh, I’m dyiiiing. He won’t know the difference. Plus I’ll use this wand to cook up some scary effects and blood splatter. Illusions are my specialty,” he shrugged, “but I guess you knew that already.” His cheeks turned red. He certainly had been tricking the whole class by wearing a skirt to school.
He didn't look at her when he answered, continuing to jot things down. "I dug, studied, asked questions . . . I've also read a lot. It helps when your history teacher is fluent in Elven and able to read Arom Donu. Plus, I've always had a thing for patterns and mechanics. It's easy enough for me to look at a machine, pick it apart and put it back together for me to develop a fundamental understanding of how it works." He turned the page and continued writing.
"I actually graduated highschool at 15 years old -- instead of 18 like normal."
Arom Donu translated meant Old Dwarven, a dead dialect of the language. But it was also a wide spread conspiracy that it was also a secret society started by dwarves in the ancient days to keep certain knowledge hidden, due to it's negative impact on the world.
Claire laughed. "that's a pretty high call. I mean, sure, I got no problem with humiliating him, but I don't want him to think I'm actually dead."
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Sara felt her heart skip a beat. He’s studied Arom Donu? She couldn’t believe it. This human was no commoner, despite her sarcastic nickname for the King. He had not only studied dwarves but elves too. The humans have been making greater strides in intelligence gathering than Elves realized since most shunned technology.

“Huh, so you studied Arom with a tutor but you haven’t actually read it yourself? Do you speak any Elvish? Gyaan moltosve, Henry.” She had said You are my opponent, Henry. The way she said it was so complicated by aristocratic accent that unless he had a perfect understanding of both Elvish and Sylvan he’d be confused.

“The high school was too low level for you it seems. I think you’ll be a worthy colleague. Oh, bad piggy!” She said and grabbed her pet. Fallafel had pooped out a couple pellets near Henry’s lunch.


Winter could tell his scare tactics would be hard to pull off, especially if Claire wasn’t willing to scar her brother mentally. He scratched his chin with the dagger’s dull edge and thought for a moment. He started thinking about Claire’s cute blouse and how they wore roughly the same size.

“Okay, how about this: We could swap clothes and I’ll imitate you with a little hint of cosmetic illusion. We can hit him when his friends are around.” He thought that was better since they could humiliate Tyler like he did to Winter. He didn’t want to reveal all the details of his plan since he knew Claire probably wouldn’t go for it. He knew he had to fight fire with fire.
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