Dance Macabre (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He smiled snidely, "No, no. You see, this house was owned by my grandfather some time ago, and my mother made the stupid mistake of putting it on market when he passed. I'm here, peacefully, to buy it back from you."
Owen's expression fell, "You don't understand," he said, and a couple of men moved into view, "I'm not leaving until you give me the deed."
Layla peeked out and her eyes widened. was him...what was her husband doing here? How was he alive after so long?
"Darling, is that you?" Layla called, hearing the door open and shut. Matthew - her husband - moved into the kitchen and stared at her as she focused on dinner.
"How was your day, darling?" She asked brightly
. God, he hated her. He hated her so much. What he thought would be the perfect woman, an ideal housewife, was just an ungrateful bitch who only argued with him to have her own life outside of their home. Work? Nursing school? Who the fuck said she could do anything but keep his house running?
"It was fine." He replied. Layla looked back with a smile.
"That makes me so happy," she replied before turning back, "I'm wrapping dinner up right now, I'm sorry it's late!" Why couldn't she be like Cynthia? Do what he said when he said it? He clenched his fist and moved toward her, grabbing her roughly by the back of the neck and throwing her to the wall. She gasped loudly and stumbled, her ankle twisting before she fell and smacked her temple against the corner of the table. Matthew stared at her as she laid unmoving on the ground, blood pooling into the grout.

Layla dug her long sharp nails into the wall, vision tunneling as she struggled with her sudden rage. Even as Owen moved to point a gun at Koda.
Koda took a step back, reaching to try and discreetly dial 911. There was a bat in the closet, if he could just get to it.
"You!!" Layla suddenly appeared between Owen and Koda, her whole appearance different. Her usual gentle and pale features were now dark - almost shadowed - her nails now sharp and claw like. Owen and his goons stumbled backwards in terror.
"Wh-What the fuck?!" Owen gasped. Layla's eyes were pitch black, her face gaunt and twisted with unbridled rage.
"You bastard!! You killed me!!" She screeched, "I gave you everything!!"
"Who the fuck are you?! D-Don't kill me!" Owen sputtered.
"I did everything for you!! Gave up my whole life for you!! And you took it from me!!" She yelled. Owen screamed and turned tail, stumbling as he and as his men scrambled for the car.
"K-Keep it!! I don't want the dump any more!" He panicked.
"He took everything from me!! All I ever wanted was for him to love me!! And he killed me!!" She yelled, only seeming to get angrier.
"Why didn't he love me?! What did I do wrong?! I did everything for him!!" She hissed, tears pouring down her face.
“He’s a bastard, but he said it was his grandfather.. he’s gone now, Layla, you’re here, you didn’t do anything wrong..” he said, moving to cup her cheeks gently. “I’m here, right now.. I love you, Layla..”
More tears fell down her cheeks as her focus finally moved to him. Her eyes slowly changed back to their milky color and her darkened features started to lighten. "Wh...Wh-What...?"
She blushed, becoming embarrassed, "We...We can't have a family..." She held his hands tighter, "You're ok with that...?"
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