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DJBayview said:
I'll be getting around to that.
I'm really, really not a phone person.
in case you couldn't tell from last time.
true im brb i have to go pick up some meds.
-laughs softly- Come in cosplay if you like? I can give you the address for the event if you like... or you can meet up at my place and we can head there? I think meeting here might be easier... so I can snag a ride if I need it... me and Shori XD
TheDarkerMe said:
-laughs softly- Come in cosplay if you like? I can give you the address for the event if you like... or you can meet up at my place and we can head there? I think meeting here might be easier... so I can snag a ride if I need it... me and Shori XD
Apparently tomorrow is not happening for us.
DJBayview said:
I don't have anything to cosplay.

what changed your mind kai?

My mind? What do you mean MY mind? It was the Brown Kid who said he wouldn't drive.
DJBayview said:
oooh, well for the record I've spoken to kitsume over the phone. He's cool with me.
if not I can see if I can borrow my mother's truck.

You sure about that?
sure about kit?
oh yes. he's fine. nothing to worry about there.

as for my mothers car, if you'd be more comfortable with it, I can go ask her.

and darkerme, info would be lovely.
Alright XD which do you want,t he location of the event, or location of where I live... XD -laughs softly-... PM me for either one, the drivers that is?
TheDarkerMe said:
Alright XD which do you want,t he location of the event, or location of where I live... XD -laughs softly-... PM me for either one, the drivers that is?

We still technicly have to find a driver.
If you wanna chat fine by me pm me and ill give you a cell phone number though as i said i do work tomorrow too unless you plan till staying after 9pm or it starts early.
meh, mother is not ok with me taking her vehicle all the way to portland and back with a bunch of people xD
we should still find something to do tomorrow tho kai.
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