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Instant turn ons

Possessiveness... Verbal and physical...
Being bitten....especially on the neck, shoulder, back, thighs, butt, breast...
Hand necklaces...
Pet names (as mentioned above) Baby Girl, Kitten, Baby Doll... But also a affectionately degrading ones like... Little Slut, Fuck Doll, Fuck Toy... Extra points for putting the modifier "My" in front of it...
Growling... A good, deep, rumbly one.. Mmmph!!
Willingness to submit, experiment, and return teasing either through vocal or physical means.

Scratching / Clawing, mewling, biting.... fight back, make the hunt fun.

Daddy, Sir, Master - Ungh - That being said, I'm all for affectionate names, like being called a teddy bear and things along those lines. Though, the first one of those three is reserved for one person especially.

Also, one big turn on is if I take my belt off and their eyes light up along with their cheeks.
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