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Hogwarts 2022 - Summer Solstice


May 3, 2014
An Introductory Scene

Even before there was a Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Summer Solstice was a significant event for witches and wizards throughout the British Isles and the world at large. But for Hogwarts alumni, staff, and those current students who have come of age, the Solstice was an excuse to gather, to catch up, perhaps even make plans for the coming year. But they didn't meet at Hogwarts, the grounds of the venerated institution remained quiet. No there was only one place in the Isles suitable for such an occasion, Stonehenge.

In the modern age however, Stonehenge had become a muggle tourist destination, crawling with the poor oblivious creatures that could never understand the true nature of the grounds on which they tread. But not unlike the famed Platform 9-3/4, and witch or wizard could easily slip into the larger Stonehenge and enjoy the longest day of the year with those who could appreciate its true significance.
Being muggle born, it was relatively easy for Mina to blend into the crowd of tourists swarming the ancient henge on one of the few days most muggles even paid attention to celestial events. In some ways she was more comfortable among the oblivious masses than she was in the world of magic that had always surrounded her but only came to realize on her 11th birthday. While she could never slip away from her duties and responsibilities in the wizarding world, the tempation to slip away was nearly constant. She let the anonymity of the muggle world wash over her like a refreshing shower. But soon she knew it was time to return. She found the proper stone column, strategically selected to be the least noticed as the crowd focused on the setting sun, and walked right into the solid stone.

Or so it might seem to an outside observer. Instead she emerged from a much less crowded version of Stonehenge that only those attuned to its special properties could find. As she removed her muggle garments and slipped into her more customary garb, magically and modestly of course, she nodded to the more familiar faces about her.

It was a largely social function but for a professor and Hogwarts, few gatherings were purely social. Nearly every wizard or witch would have some opinion about the current state of the school, whether favorable or less so, especially if one of their children were currently in attendance. Former and future students would often seek her out to attempt to impress her with their achievements, or express their excitement or dread of the coming term.

She would need to check up on a certain Quidditch star @Red Day for her house team, making sure he took proper precautions this year to make every match. She was also anticipating a new transfer student @SMG9000 who would attend her DATDA class. She didn't know much about the state of magical education in Japan, and it would be interesting to learn more about their magical culture.

She casually made her rounds, saying hello and catching up. Sooner or later she would find who she needed, or they would find her.
Ayaka followed next to her father, Kenji Naito, as the moved with the crowd of tourists. Her father had a illusion spell cast over their clothes helping them blend in with the crowd. Ayaka looked calm on the outside as she took in the sites however internally she was a mess of emotions. Scared and nervous about meeting her new classmates and teachers. Sad that she was away from her friends for the summer. Jealous that her brother got to spend his summer in Japan. Ayaka took a small breath as she kept those emotions deep down not letting anything boil over.

"(The Solstices are important to the Wizards and Witches here. It isn't all that different then the festivals back home. Some parts of the year the world's natural magics are stronger.)" Ayaka's father was explaining to her in Japanese. "(Events are important around the world, this is a great chance to meet some new people.)"

Ayaka was listening as she watched muggles taking pictures of the large stone slabs. She noticed a older red head woman move to one stone and walked right through it. Ayaka had seen similar sights and wards back home.

"(Even some of these Mahoujanai, can sometimes feel the world as it shifts. Although many here are nothing but fools who trample the land and anger the spirits.)" Kenji said a hint of disgust in his tone, he then moved to one stone and reached out and placed his hand closing his eyes. "(Come here Ayaka.)"

Ayaka walked next to her father and copied him placing her hand on the warm sun touched stone and closed her eye. Ayaka could feel her father's magic radiating through the stone touching. Ayaka could feel what she could only describe as sickness from the stone. Ayaka started to move her hand away but her father took her hand and forced it to the stone.

"(Don't shy away, feel that)" Kenji said, "(Even the Wizards and Wiches of these lands has lost touch with the spirits of this land. There leylines, there land is sick and dying, and they do nothing about it. There wars and fighting has damaged influenced the very soul of their Island.)"

Ayaka's hand was trembling both at the pressure her father was putting on her and the feeling seeping into her from the stone and what she could only guess was a diseased spirit. Ayaka closed her eyes tighter fighting tears but finally her father let up pulling away.

"(Come Ayaka, lets meet your classmates)" Kenji said walking towards another stone, the one Ayaka saw the redhaired woman pass through.

Ayaka followed but was still shaken from what she felt. Ayaka watched her dad look over the stone the stepped through. Ayaka followed behind and found herself in a much less crowded version of the area they were in. Kenji took out his wand and waved it letting the magical illusion suck away back into the wand. Ayaka was dressed in a colorful pink and white Yukata, she had her hair tied back using a hair ribbon which was currently pink but could change color on its own. Her father had dark blue and black Yukata. Ayaka felt eyes turn towards her and her father and she looked down trying to not blush from the shy embarrassment.

"(It is important for you to try and make friends here Ayaka. You never know who may be good to know.)" Kenji said.
"Jeez, Vince! You couldn't have gotten off work earlier? The day is almost over." Amelia O'Connor complained to a taller boy with hair just as long and fiery as hers. They were standing a good kilometer or two from the actual event, in the midst of a crowd of people conveniently hidden by concealment charms. Wizards and witches of all kinds milled about. Some were checking portkeys and apparition passes, others waiting for clearance to leave the circle and approach the festivities- which was exactly where Amelia and Vincent were standing. Waiting patiently, or in Amelia's case not so patiently, for the all clear. 6:57 was not 7:00, which was precisely when their party had permission to approach. Three more minutes. Amelia sighed, looking on at the crowds and mass of rocks longingly.

"You know I can't tell you that." Vincent O'Connor- Amelia's older brother- told her in a slow, calm voice. He slicked back his purposefully greasy hair, peering off to the side at the witch staring at a conjured grandfather clock.

"You can't tell me anything." Amelia said, crossing her arms over her chest, stomping her foot once. Despite the grumble in her voice, she had a playful smile on her face.

"Because if I did, dear sister, not only would I be out of a job, but I struggle to believe your mind could handle the things I know without going absolutely mental."

"Fine." The reluctantly cheerful grumbling continued. "If there's ice cream out there, you owe me one for being late. We could have made the six o'clock launch, but no, you just had to stop and see Sarah first."

"I'm allowed to invite my wife to things. Not my fault she's busy." Vincent said, nudging Amelia lightly. Amelia lost her balance a bit, laughing as she did. She took a moment to look down at her robes, charmed to appear like a pair of faded blue jeans and a white tank top. She should have just worn that anyway, the summer evening sun wasn't yet done burning.

Before Amelia could reply, the clock chimed seven times, and the witch standing guard lowered her electric barrier, allowing nearly three dozen witches and wizards to walk forwards. It would be a bit of a hike to Stonehenge proper, but chatting with Vincent made the time pass quicker for Amelia. It always did.

A few minutes later and Amelia found herself in the midst of the crowd, a soaring heart and two light feet. Wandering around the crowd aimlessly, she saw many familiar faces. A few friends from classes, some of her housemates, a professor or two. Whoever she saw, she didn't mind stopping and talking with, though there was one girl in particular that caught her eye. A new face. A tourist? A transfer student? Maybe even a muggle? Whatever the answer was, Amelia was eager to find out.

So she strode confidently up to where Ayaka and Kenji were standing, waving and smiling at the daughter.

"Hello! Hope you're having a good time today! I'm Amelia, what's your name?" She asked, talking loudly over the crowds, hoping the girl was friendly enough to stop and chat.
Ayaka followed behind her father, feeling eyes on her. She knew by the garb alone they stuck out but her father was a very traditional man. Traditions were part of Ayaka's family, a very important part. Ayaka wasn't not going to be the one who disappointed Kenji, or her grandparents cause she didn't want to wear a Yukata to a summer festival. Even so, Ayaka wanted to hide in her father's shadow and be ignored.

Kenji watched as the young redhead approached. His eyes had a cold and sternness to them. Ayaka watched in more of a shy shock, she felt like she was seven again going to her first day at Mahoutokoro Ayaka shuffled a little closer to her dad. She moved a hand up to her pink hair tie instinctively. The hair tie that had her long hair tied back. The hair tie seemed to turn into more dramatic shades of pink as she felt her nervous building.

"Ahh… you must be one of my daughter's new classmates." Kenji said slowly. He had an accent but he also had a stern powerful voice. A voice that sounded like it spent decades giving orders and being obeyed. Kenji the nudged Ayaka forward muttering in Japanese "(Go on, Ayaka introduce yourself)"

"Ahh… Konichiwa.. I am Ayaka…" Ayaka said in a softer voice. Her accent seemed
Less thick although the nervousness made it harder to tell. Ayaka then started to take a deep breath trying to calm herself down. Push her panicked emotions away.

Kenji looked to Ayaka with a hint of disapproval but he turned his eyes to Amelia with a glance towards a group of ministry of magic people Amelia's brother joined. "Ahh… I am Kenji Natio, and this is my daughter Ayaka. Amelia… I can tell you are kind. Would you be so kind as to show my daughter around? She is transferring from the Mahoutokoro School of Magic, while I am posted here." Kenji asked.

He then turned, speaking in Japanese, to Ayaka, "(I need to meet with colleagues. Try an open up and make friends. It will make the transfer easier on you.)"

Kenji then turned to Amelia once again, giving a nod." Thanks Amelia." He said before standing up straight and tall and walked towards the same crowd Vincent was with.

As Ayaka watched her father leave she turned to Amelia fidgeting a bit at the sleeves of her Yukata. "G-gomenasai… I… I can speak English I am just… nervous… I ahh… like your hair." Ayaka said, trying to make small talk. As Ayaka was calming down a little her accent got a little easier to understand.

It was hard to understand how anyone could find it difficult to blend in with the Muggles. Dressed in an oversized T, athletic shorts, and a cap, Titus wove through the throngs as surely as he darted around on a Quidditch or football pitch. He received a few sneers and threats when he misjudged the flow of the crowd and bumped into someone, but it was all quickly written off. After all, he was just another teenager bent over staring at his phone. It was that simple.

Sure his dad liked to go on about long lifespans and resistance to change and flow of information and blah blah blah... Titus didn't like to think too much about all that. Changing the world was for smart people like Ansel. He was satisfied taking what was in front of him and making it work. And right now, he was trying to get this phone to work. Even the geniuses at Gray Matters hadn't yet cracked how to make a smartphone that could run on both the magic and Muggle grids at the same time. Thus Titus was out here in the crowd of Muggles trying to get service on a strained network so he could send a selfie to Mariah.

Eventually he gave up and wandered back to the pillar serving as doorway to the Other Stonehenge. And it only took him two tries to find the right one this time. As he walked through the solid rock, the display on his phone shifted. It was roughly the same image but the substance of the display was entirely different, projected by some magical process. He removed the cap from his head, and his clothes shifted to some light summer robes of the current wizard style. Looking around, Titus slipped his phone into his pocket. He couldn't afford to be distracted here.

Sure enough there was his father speaking with the Headmistress of Hogwarts. "Uh oh." Titus ambled off in the exact opposite direction, hoping neither of the two had spotted him. He did his best to disappear into the much smaller crowd. Once safely hidden from the eyes of his father, he noticed his phone buzzing. He pulled it out once more, and opened a view into a room with a bubbling cauldron out in an open field. He watched it for a few seconds to ensure it was doing fine. He double checked his reminder for sunset was set and put the phone away once more with a satisfied grin. Even if it was useless for texting the Muggle girls, the phone had its uses.
Charlotte Wilson followed next to her followed along next to her mother and father. When the Wilsons arrived at events like this it was always with an entourage slightly lesser pure bloods and other wealthy families. People who thought being around the Wilsons would raise their social standings like the sun raised the temperature to what it touched. Charlotte had her hair and makeup done just to further look like the perfect daughter she knew she already was. Charlotte was wearing a tailored green summer dress that her family house elves labored over for days on. Charlotte had a necklace of fine silver with perfect jade and emerald stones. Her ears were adorned with silver earrings with matching emerald stones. Confidence, Wealth and yes, arrogance radiated from the Wilsons.

Charlotte smiled as her classmate Liz Shah and her family joined their group. To Charlotte Liz was a good companion. Someone who hardly hesitated when situations needed to be escalated. In Charlotte's crusade against that red haired bitch, well the Gryffindor one, Liz was always there willing to get dirty when needed. Liz was a big help finding out that Amelia had a crush on Hufflepuff's start chaser. Liz also helped her get Titus to that broom closet where they had such a wonderful time with him. Charlotte had to admit, he was a decent lay. What made it better is knowing she did it before Amelia.

"Yes, and our dear Charlotte became a Perfect this year." Her mother praised.

Charlotte turned the smirk she had into a warm smile to the ministry folk they were standing with. "Yes, I am honored to be given the responsibility." Charlotte said but inside she thought, although they should have recognized me as perfect sooner.

"And she did so well on O.W.L. exams. We think she will score very well on the N.E.W.T. next year." Charlotte's father said.

And I would have scored higher if Professor Hufflemilf didn't have it out for me. I wish she would take her fire crotch and go the way of the old Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers. Charlotte though but kept a pleasant and kind front as she stood there.

"Oh, very smart, very beautiful, Charlotte is growing up into such a fine woman." The kiss ass talking to her father said.

Charlotte could hardly take this boring drabble much longer she needed an out and thank to Liz she had one. Charlotte smiled, "Why thank you minister, you are so kind." She said then turned to her father putting the just right amount of pleading in her voice. "May I be excused; I would love to see some of the festival with Liz."

Her father smiled to her, "Sure thing sweetie, enjoy the solstice."

"Thanks Daddy," Charlotte said sweetly moving up on her toes to kiss her father on the cheek then gave her mother a kiss. Before Charlotte left, from a nudge from her mother, her father reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a coin purse giving Charlotte a few Galleons. Charlotte gave a small thank you. Charlotte then walked by Liz taking her by the wrist pulling her along with her.

Once they were far enough away from the group. "Whenever the Minister needs funding to his campaign, he is always coming around to kiss my family's ass." Charlotte vented a bit towards Liz, she waved her hands making a small magical coin purse appear and placed the extra Galleons in it with a clink. Then looked around at some of the vendors setting up. "I wish these dresses had better pockets. Anyway, what do you want to check out first?"

Amelia hadn't expected the father to be the first of the two to speak. When he did, however, it was clear that Kenji was by far the more sociable of the two. Needing a parent's guidance to introduce yourself wasn't all that common, but it was nothing to be embarrassed about, either. Amelia's eyes went first up to Kenji, then back down to Ayaka. It was also pretty obvious that the two weren't native to England from their accents, but the use of foreign words in Ayaka's introduction solved that case about as easily as it had came up. Was she from China? Japan? Amelia wasn't quite sure all the differences, but if she had a friend from there, she'd learn fast. Hopefully.

"It's nice to meet you, Mister Kenji, sir." Amelia said, standing a little straighter, looking up at the man speaking louder than she usually did. The man commanded attention and respect, and Amelia was in no way able to disregard those orders. As he spoke, Amelia nodded, keeping her hands perfectly at her sides as though she were at attention for her commanding officer. As he left, Amelia nodded one more time, addressing the man before he turned around. "Of course. You're welcome. I'll take care of her."

And then it was just the two of them. Amelia closed the rest of the distance between them, reaching down to grab one of Ayaka's hands. It would do no good to lose her in the crowd, even if they were on the magical side of Stonehenge. Here, they needn't worry about who was a muggle and who wasn't. Here, Amelia could show Ayaka around, as she had been instructed to do.
"Thanks. I like your hair too. And your outfit. Oh, and you're bow. They're all so cute!" Amelia said, looking her up and down with girlish excitement. She had never seen a yukata worn in person before, and the design was beautiful. Amelia started to walk slowly, still holding onto Ayaka's hand so as not to lose her in the crowd, talking as she went. "I always end up coming to the festival every year. I love watching everybody mill about, the sounds, the fireworks, all of it is so amazing. I'm sure you'll have a good time here."

Ayaka wasn't the only one with a potentially thick accent. While it was unlike most of the rest of the English speakers Ayaka had probably heard, Amelia's pure Irish accent was just different enough to be noticed, yet not different enough so as to be unrecognizable as the same language.

"So, do you like it here so far? Want to meet any professors? I can introduce you to anybody if you'd like."
Ayaka felt Amelia grab one of her hands and with that they were off onto there adventure. Ayaka followed although with her limited mobility in the garment which was tight around her legs to stop any sudden embarrassments a strong wind could cause. Ayaka listened to Amelia and her unique accent. The complement made Amelia feel warm and happy. The hair tie turned a deeper red then back to a pink as Ayaka listened to the girl.

"We have summer festivals back in Japan… I am excited to see yours." Ayaka said her hands holding Amelia. Ayaka's fingernails were painted with a simple paint to match her outfit. A pinkish purple that matched her Sash.

"England has been…" Ayaka started to speak thinking about her words. Her mind went that feeling she got touching the stone and that feeling of sick magic. "Enlightening. I went to your… DAAgon Alley? It was very interesting. So many good bookstores."

As Ayaka got a little more comfortable with the surroundings, although she still could feel eyes and whispers around her, she seemed to talk more. Her voice was soft and careful as she chooses her words and sound out others a little oddly. Ayaka then tapped her lips with her free hand's index finger as she thought.

"I would like to meet professors…?" Ayaka said her brown eyes looking at Amelia. "I trust your expert opinion. "You been here many times? I am sure if follow you… I will have a good time here."

As Charles Ross stepped through to the true Stonehenge, he felt his heart sink.

He should have expected it, really. This was a gathering of witches and wizards — and witches and wizards wore robes. Standing by the entrance in a pair of nice new slacks and a freshly-ironed, button-up blue shirt, the young wizard from Edinburgh felt faintly ridiculous. He wasn’t the only one not wearing robes, of course; there were a few men scattered throughout the crowd in more Muggle-ish suits, possibly associated with the Ministry or muggle-borns themselves. A young woman he vaguely recognised from school as a Slytherin in the year above him, wearing a stunning green dress. An elderly wizard who’d apparently started with a pinstripe waistcoat and then taken his affection for the pattern entirely too far. And yet, to Charles’ eyes there was something about them all that still felt magical. Something that made them feel like they belonged. (He was pretty sure the old wizard’s beard was occasionally shifting around independently of the movements of his head.) Charles himself, on the other hand, was basically indistinguishable from any of the ignorant tourists hidden on the other side of the veil.

Perhaps coming here had been a mistake. It hadn’t been Charles’ idea in the first place; his employer, Ansel Grey, had invited him, suggesting that the young wizard might enjoy the experience, and after being shown such kindness over the summer Charles had hardly felt that he could turn him down. Now that he was here, though, facing that all too familiar sense of alienation, he kind of wished that he’d just stayed back in London.

Still, it was a little too late to be changing his mind now. He was here now; he might as well try to enjoy it. Besides, he had always kind of wanted to see Stonehenge. The young wizard allowed himself one self-indulgent sigh, then squared his shoulders and did his best to put on a cheerful face. The attempt was half-successful, at least. That accomplished, he set forth to mingle.

Something he didn’t really know how to do.

Failing to spot anyone he really knew, Charles ended up mostly just drifting about the edges of the crowd, letting snippets of other people's conversations wash over him. There was a lot of talk about upcoming ministers, though he didn’t really have enough context to follow it; and some sort of scandal involving a Quidditch team, which was of some interest to the young man, if only he could recognise the names of any of the players. After a while, he started to tune it out. There was something in the air, at least, that spoke to him; an electricity, a sense of slumbering excitement and potential. Something ancient. Maybe it was just his imagination.

Before long, the young wizard’s wanderings had brought him back out to the edge of the circle, staring up at one of the henge’s ancient arches. He wondered if the old druids’ gatherings had been like this. Reaching out, he placed one hand lightly against the stone and closed his eyes, feeling its cold texture beneath his palm.

“I’m not the first person you’ve watched linger awkwardly at a gathering, am I?” He murmured wryly, a smile tugging at his lips.
"So the Headmistress tells me you're only signed up for three classes for your N.E.W.T.S."

Titus cringed. That tone. That damn tone. His father rarely sounded angry. In fact, he rarely sounded disappointed. He had a reputation and a way of speaking that colored any question he asked with a genuine curiosity. He could ask who had broken a window the same why he might ask why it was that a particular spell worked a certain way. It was a warm and interested fascination with world and whoever he was talking to. But Titus knew his father. He could pick out the undertones to his questions. And yes, this one was disappointed.

He turned to face his father. "Er yeah... We only need to take 3 so I picked the ones I thought I could pass..."

Ansel raised his eyebrows and the corner of his lip twitched. "You wanted an easy way out and chose Charms? Son, that's not going to be the easy A you're expecting."

Titus stared at the ground and mumbled. He was already taller than his father, so he could make out his motions through his peripheral vision even as he tried to avoid the man's eye.

"You're capable of much more Titus. I know you think you can go on to play professional Quidditch. And if you get your shit together, I believe you can. But you won't be zooming around on a broom at 40. Maybe not even 30. You need to think about the future past that. And to even get that far, you need to focus. I doubt you planned to get in that much extra training with your time free of studying..."

Titus sighed. His father wasn't wrong. Of course that was the excuse he had used to justify it to himself. That he could put more effort into his training. That he might just be made Quidditch Captain this year. He had to admit, though, that no one in their right mind would make him captain, and he didn't often choose the wisest ways to use his extra time. "I wanted to practice some potioning too..." he mumbled, but even he could hear the whine.

Ansel reached up, his small firm hand coming down warmly on Titus's shoulder with a soft thump. "And that's good too. I figure while you're practicing all those potions you can practice cultivating those ingredients too. I've asked for you to be placed in Herbology. You have the marks for it."

Titus felt his body go cold and warm at the same time. He could feel every drop of sweat on his body. "No, Dad. Not Herbology." He couldn't be in that class again. Not after last year.

"Weren't you the one who was telling me potions worked better with plants specifically grown for a particular use?"

"I mean that's what the Count says... but he also says store-bought is fine. Please, Dad. I can't take that class."

"Why not? You always seemed to like it before?"

Titus remained silent, hoping his face wasn't too red. He had no excuse. None that he could tell his father, anyway.

"Well, you're free to drop the class later if need be, but I would appreciate it if you gave it your best. Remember, you have to set an example for your sister."

Titus's shoulders slumped even further. "Okay..." He really didn't need to set any example. It wasn't as if that girl needed anyone to tell her to try harder. But the point stood

"Perfect... Don't look so down, son. I think you'll find with a little focus you'll surpass even my expectations. Now, have you seen the Ross boy around anywhere?"

Titus perked up. He finally looked up at his father, his brow furrowed. He was confused, but thankful for the change in subject. "Charles?"

"Yes, Charles. He should be around somewhere. If you see him, I want you to invite him with you to the game."

"But I was going to invit-"

"Yes, yes. Whoever it is, you can buy the ticket for her. Be a gentleman. But the tickets I paid for will be used by Grey Matters employees. The boy needs to get out in this world more." Ansel interrupted. His tone had shifted to something more businesslike. The paternal pressure was out of it... mostly.

Titus cocked his head. "Why is that my problem? He's a fourth or fifth year. He's had plenty of time to get adjusted. People aren't even all that mean to Muggleborns anymore!" That wasn't the complete truth. Sure, a lot of the old attitudes had faded. But among the older families they still simmered. With the money that his family had come into, he'd been able to fund his way into newer circles at school. And he didn't always like what he found.

"Not everyone is so lucky as you as to live with a foot in each world, son. And adjusting to a new culture is always hard. Trust me."

Before Titus could get in another word, an old witch in flowing bright yellow robes interrupted them. Something about some communication charms. Titus just tuned it out and turned to leave. Sure enough, he immediately spotted Charles. He seemed incredibly out of place. Even for him. He began to walk over to him, though in no hurry. He really didn't know what to make of Charles. They hadn't really interacted before the Ravenclaw started working at Grey Matters. He wasn't very social, and even while working together, Titus didn't get much from him. They'd occasionally discuss Quidditch, but even then Charles seemed to only know about the school teams. Titus got closer and of course the guy was wearing Muggle clothing. Titus shook his head and reached for the cap in his pocket. He put it back on, transforming his clothes into the oversized T-shirt and athletic shorts from earlier.

"I'm not the first person you've watched linger awkwardly at a gathering, am I?"

"I guess not. But they're usually girls I'm looking for an opening to talk to..." Titus responded with a laugh. "Doin' all right, Charles?"

Listening to Ayaka talk was music to her ears. The way she talked was cute, how nervous she was was endearing and unique all in its own way. Festivals in Japan? That ruled out China in Amelia’s mind for Ayaka’s home country. She didn’t know much about the country, but was unusually eager to learn more about it.
“Glad you’ve had a good time here so far. Diagonal Alley is a lot of fun to go shopping around in. I could spend hours and hours there. I actually did last year, spent my entire savings in a single day.” She sighed, thinking about the memory of walking out of each shop carrying progressively heavier loads of bags.

Amelia thought for a moment while they walked. There was so much to show somebody who had never been to the Solstice Festival before. So much good food, so many wonderful sights and carnival games… and of course the people! So many people dressed in so many new, exotic, beautiful outfits. Ayaka fit that description, Amelia supposed. Tugging on her hand lightly, Amelia pointed towards a modestly-sized tent.

“Let’s go here. Maybe there’s some food you might like.” The stall was selling dragon cakes almost exclusively. They were like funnel cakes that muggles made, but were enchanted to act like a clump of worms with little squeals coming from them. Sounds disgusting, but delicious.

The line was short, but it gave Amelia time to ask a couple other questions before ordering.
“If you like to read, Diagon Alley was definitely the right place to go. The bookstores there are huge, and apparently have a lot of good stuff. And if it’s professors you wanna meet, we can totally make that happen. Just gotta find one or two…”

“Oh, two please!” Amelia said, pulling out her bag of coins, tossing over enough to pay for the treats before receiving two plates of the confection. She held one out to Ayaka. “I promise it’s good. Try a bite!”
Ayaka followed along while they explored the grounds of the festival. Some people were normal robes, some were in festive clothing, others in dresses and suits. There was mishmash of styles that made for lots of things strange sites as Ayaka looked from booth to booth, person to person.

"I can imagine!" Ayaka said listening to Amelia describe her experience shopping. "I got turned around a few times there and probably spent more time reorienting myself. We have a huge shopping center in Tokyo. Where the Mahoujanai call Shibuya Crossing… It is at least double the size. But umm… it is easier to navigate. Or probably I just been there too many times."

Ayaka watched with fascinated eyes as the enchanted batter clung and squirmed like worms. The cakes looked both gross and delicious. Ayaka was no stranger to weird magical food, she had seen her fair share of squirming tentacle noodles, Matcha cakes that were sprouting and growing actual plants, Fried fish cakes that swam in oil tanks. So Ayaka accepted the plate from Ayaka with a nod and eyed the squirming mass with curiosity and determination as her brain worked through the best way to eat it. So food was like and edible puzzle, which Ayaka loved to solve. Ayaka decided it was best to treat the squirming ends like noodles so Ayaka digging in then looked to Amelia giving her a nod.

"Ahh… Itadakimasu!" Ayaka said then took a squirming powdered cake string and put an end in her mouth. She made a small noise of delight as the end hanging from her mouth. That noise turned into a small bit of shock and panic as the end not in her mouth started to squirm and slap at her face powdered sugar splashing across her face. Ayaka slurped down treat quick chewing it up quickly. She looked at Amelia, Ayako's face with patched of powder sugar. She blinked a couple times then giggled. "Oh my!! That is good and funny!!! They act like Tentacle Noodles but taste so sweet!"

"Your what now?" Amelia asked. 'Mahoujanai' sounded suspiciously like Ayaka was subtly telling Amelia she had hoes. Probably not true, and in the very likely event it wasn't, she didn't want the embarrassment of having to say it aloud. It was probably a misunderstanding. "Anyway, that sounds really interesting! If you have pictures, you should definitely show them to me."

But she didn't have long to be potentially embarrassed, as the plates of dessert were quickly upon them. Amelia took a moment to watch Ayaka struggle momentarily as she attempted to eat the first bite of the dessert. She let out a little laugh, holding up one of her own as if to demonstrate the proper way to eat it. It was far from 'proper,' but it was the only way Amelia had ever found to eat the things efficiently. Why the wizarding world insisted on making food that attempted to escape your mouth was beyond Amelia, she had always preferred the muggle stuff. In rare instances like this, though, the struggle could be fun and entertaining.

Holding one of the strands of cake by the tail, Amelia lifted it up above her head, watching it squirm and struggle above her until the other end was just above her lips. Then, all at once, she opened her mouth and let the confection drop into it. The first bite had a bit of a crunch to it as the hard outer layer of the cake was cracked and broken, the softer bits laying within, the thick sensation the powdered sugar brought tying it all together.

"It's good, isn't it?" Amelia asked after she swallowed her fist bite. The worms on her plate were kicking up small clouds of sugar dust, but picking out another one was only a matter of getting her hands dirty. As she waited for a response, Amelia grabbed another one and ingested it in much the same way, chewing quickly before swallowing.
"Oh umm… You call them something else here." Ayaka said touching powdering fingertip to her lips as she thought and watched Amelia show the 'proper' way of eating this treat. "Oh, you call them Muggles here. The small things are going to be the real trouble here."

Ayaka tried to subtly lick at her lips and the sugar on them. She gave Amelia a small kind smile watching her eat. As Ayaka watched Amelia eat, she seemed to be analyzing and calculating every move and bit part of her brain using it to work on her own puzzle of food in front of her. Amelia clearly had confidence in droves. Ayaka was not as bold, and her confidence was something that definitely needed improving on her end. Ayaka took Amelia's lead and started to dig in a little more with the food not holding back from getting her hands dirty. Laughing and giggling as she did.

"Mhmmm this is really good… What other things do you do for fun here?" Ayaka asked curious looking at Amelia. There was a hunger to learn in Ayaka's brown eyes. Ready to eat up whatever Amelia wanted to teach her.
Mina's face was something of a pleasant mask as she hid her usual insecurities and anxieties. Everyone was pleasant enough but she always worried about their true thoughts and feelings. Being the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher used to be a rather prestigious, and often perilous, position. But since the fall of Voldemort, yes no one feared saying that name anymore, the position was considerably less prestigious. Some might even think it a joke, a useless art of limited usefulness. Mina knew better, or at least she believed so strongly enough. But dark magic was a persistent thing and had a way of growing when ignored. But of course the MoM would be the last to know.

@SMG9000 @TabithaVaush
It was with this thought that she was pleased to come upon a distinguished looking man in traditional Japanese robes and a lovely girl who could only be his daughter. She had been expecting to meet the later but had read up on the former. It would be nice to have a contact with fresh eyes at the MoM. "Kannichi wa" Mina said with a low formal bow to the elder Naito as she introduced herself. Her goal was only to make the introduction, not to sow any of her many doubts. She just wanted to let him know she was accessible, she hoped there was no mixed cultural message, she was no diplomat after all. She gave the daughter a warm smile. "You must be Ayaka!" She said to the daughter, hoping to put her at ease. She could only imagine how tough it would be to start at a new school at her age. She was relieved to see a nice student like Amelia approach the new girl, "Happy Sostice Amelia." Mina knew she wasn't one of Amelia's favorite teachers but she liked to think they were on good terms. She turned her attention back to the father and let the two students get acquainted.

@Silverbird @Red Day
Not long after saying her good bye to Mr. Naito, she came upon a very out of place looking young man. He looked as if a muggle had somehow found his way into the wizarding world. Before she recognized the out of place boy, her eyes were drawn to the familiar face of her star chaser. As usual, Titus looked very satisfied with himself. Even though he too was in muggle clothes, somehow he seemed to fit in more than the other.

As she took a second look at the muggle, she recognized Charles Ross. He was a sweet boy, and she sympathized with him as a muggle born trying to make his way in a confusing and judgmental world. "How is your summer going Charles?" She asked, trying to show genuine interest in the lonely seeming young man.

Once she finished with the boys she made a point of seeing Professor Dellet, the new head of Gryffindor. "Happy Solstice Eric and congratulations on becoming head of house." She was pleased for him and despite his pure blood, usually felt at ease with him, feeling he was harmless enough. "And good luck to you, but I think this just might be Hufflepuff's year for the House Cup." She gave a rare boast as she truly did feel a sense of pride for her house. They really could be more than perpetual also rans this year, with her guidance of course.


Liz Shah followed in her parents'wake much as her friend Charlotte, except that Liz's parents were one of those wealthy couples who sought the Wilson's reflected status. Liz felt a touch of envy in the way Charlotte filled her green dress, Her parents oohed and aahed over the Wilson's describing Charlotte's merits as her more modest achievements were left unspoken. Liz had fallen into the role of sidekick naturally enough, parroting her parents sycophancy like it were the family business, which in a way it was.

As Charlotte asked to be excused, Liz need not bother as surely her parents would not contradict the Wilson's permission for the two of them to explore the grounds and the festivities. She obediently followed, letting herself be led by her more outgoing friend. She smiled knowingly at Charlotte's comment about the Minister, ignoring the fact that her own parents were much the same way. Except they had plenty of galleons, but not the status of the Wilsons which they so craved.

Liz felt a little uncertain when Charlotte asked where to first. But not wanting to seem uncertain, she quickly suggested they go find Jae-Yun as there was often security in numbers. Given that Charlotte was often prone to causing trouble, mostly for others, it was good to have some backup.
"Yes J.P. would be to get our lovely beater with us." Charlotte said adjusting the straps on her dress then crossing her arms. "I think her family might have a food stall set up. Let's go find her."

Charlotte started to make her way with Liz. Charlotte walked with elegance and grace as easy as many breaths. Growing up in her household she was taught how to be a lady. A proper lady. Charlotte nodded to some as people who knew her, or most likely her family, making her way over to some of the stalls. Many had cheap knickknacks, one place was selling disgusting fried food that made her want to gag.

Charlotte caught the sight of Titus from the corner of his eye as she made it closer to Jae-Yun and her family's stall. Charlotte made not sign she noticed him however her mind was already working. Since that time a few years back when her and Liz cornered him in that broom closet, it awoke something in her. What started as something to drive a knife into that Gryffindor cunt's heart turned into something more. Throwing her power around in that way, she felt alive. She had many dreams afterwards and her mind came up with plans. This year she was going to act on many of them. Her not-so-little Hufflepuff toy was going have the best and worst year of his life.

"Have you ever been to her family's place in Diagon Alley?" Charlotte asked absolutely, it was not somewhere her dad or mom would take her for dinner. Anytime they took her out for dinner was for there work or to celebrate something she or her brother did. Charlotte scanned the stall looking for there Slytherin beater.

@LeaT @Saber @Red Day
Eric gave Mina a nod and smile as she approached. He'd known her for about four years now, since he'd started his wand lore class. He'd been teaching it when she'd become head of Hufflepuff, and snickered at the first hearing of "Hufflemilf" shortly thereafter. "Happy Solstice, and thanks. I doubt it will last long." He took a sip from his mug, a mildly festive drink with a mildly intoxicating substance.

He chuckled when she mentioned the House Cup, knowing that Quidditch, an activity less important to him than most electives, made up a disproportionate share of the points. "Oh yeah...I guess I'm contractually obligated to care about that now. Yeah, I don't see us winning."
"Oh! Professor!" Amelia said, waving to Professor Augsburg as she approached the three of them gathered there. She let the Professor introduce herself to the father and daughter pair before looking up at her, replying to the greeting as well. "Happy Solstice, Professor Augsburg. Hope you're doing well."

As the woman began talking to Ayaka's father, Amelia pulled her to the side, nodding over at her with her head, talking in a lower tone than she had been before. "That's Professor Augsburg, she teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts. She's alright, not the best but not the worst. That's one professor down, hopefully there will be more around tonight."


"Maybe so. No big deal though, I don't mind having to work through the little stuff. You're new here, and you'll have a lot of people to rely on for that sort of thing." Amelia said, nodding before taking yet another bite of her dish. Vincent did still owe her an ice cream cone, but she could collect on that later, and maybe convince him to buy her new friend one as well. "Fun stuff? Umm, I do a lot of flying around, and usually I end up playing exploding snap with some of my friends every so often. It's a lot of fun, but getting used to the burns on your knuckles takes some time. I know it's not for everybody but if you're interested after watching a game or two I could teach you."

After leading Ayaka away from the stand, Amelia's eyes twinkled with an idea. Hopefully they had some here. "You've never had our Chocolate Frogs, have you? There's a lot of information inside the boxes about our famous Witches and Wizards, come on, let's see if we can find you any!"

Just like that, they were off again. This time a bit slower so as not to spill their food, but off all the same.
@Red Day
"I guess not. But they're usually girls I'm looking for an opening to talk to..."

Charles’ eyes flew open suddenly in surprise. Had the stone just responded to him?! He’d known the Henge was magical, of course, but he’d never imagined that—

No. No, of course not. He was being silly; it was just Titus, standing behind him. Charles laughed along with the older boy as his brain caught up with the joke, a little nervously as he tried to cover his momentary confusion. “Sorry to disappoint.”

"Doin' all right, Charles?"

The younger wizard shrugged, not really wanting to burden Titus with his troubles. The older boy seemed like a nice enough guy, but even after working together over the summer the pair of them didn’t know each other that well, and it didn’t seem fair to put all that on someone else.

“I’m fine,” he replied. Well, that was a transparent lie. Charles’ hand slid from the stone and rubbed awkwardly at the back of his neck. “I mean… obviously I’m standing here talking to rocks instead of people, so I cannae say the night is going perfectly, but… well, I was just thinking about how old this place is, how many things it must’ve seen before us. It kind of reminds me of Hogwarts, in a way…”

He shook his head, laughing sheepishly at his own expense. He was being a dork. “I’m sorry. I’m sure you dinnae want to spend the evening hearing me ramble about the past. Not when there are girls around, at least.” Actually, that wasn’t the only thing wrong with this picture. Charles tilted his head questioningly, finally taking in Titus’ attire. “No robes tonight, Titus?”

As the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor approached, Charles greeted her with a genuine, surprised smile. “Oh! Professor Augsburg, hello!” Surprisingly, he actually quite enjoyed her class. The ‘regular’ magical world spooked Charles often enough that the thought of ‘dark’ arts ought to entirely turn his stomach, but there was something about studying those things in a safe, academic environment that seemed to take the sting out of them. The thought that he was being given the tools to properly deal with it helped, of course; as did the fact that the Professor had a way of making her students feel protected. She seemed to genuinely care about their well-being, which couldn’t be said for all the staff.

“It’s been, uh…” he hesitated for a moment, casting about for the best way to describe his feelings about the summer, before settling on “Busy. I’ve been working with Titus’ family, at Grey Matters.” He nodded to indicate the Hufflepuff student. “It’s been very educational.”

Which was putting it mildly; being out in the actual wizarding world, beyond the relatively stable bounds of the school, had been quite an experience for the young man.

"I'm fine"

Oh. Charles seemed to have taken it as an actual question, but at least he was good. The last thing Titus needed was for Charles to actually need some sort of help. And then he went into something about how old the place was... Did he say talking to rocks? The boy's eyes flicked to the column Charles had been touching. Could these stones talk? He'd never heard that, but he'd never looked into it. He could feel his eyes glazing over and tried to catch up with whatever Charles had said.

"No robes tonight Titus?"

Titus grinned, pleased to have been asked. He had put the cap back on to make the Muggleborn boy feel more comfortable but he realized he had been hoping he might get to show off a little.

"Well, yes and no." He pulled the white baseball cap off of his head. Once again his clothes transformed around him into a set of light summer robes in the same shade of light orange as his T-shirt. He spun the hat around on a finger. "It's magic, mate," he said before donning the cap again. "It's good for more than just turning a chicken into a feather duster or whatever's in the book, you know?"

As if on cue, Professor Augsburg approached the boys. Titus should know better by now than to invoke school in public. Still as she walked up, he knew there were much worse professors to see in public. He opened his mouth to speak, but was caught off guard when she spoke to Charles instead. There was an only just noticeable twisting in his belly, right next to the usual excitement of being around his head of house. Man these robes were feeling warm... or no, wait...

Charles was filling in the professor on his summer, mentioning his work with Grey Matters. Educational? Titus sighed, only just resisting the impulse to roll his eyes. But this was an opportunity.

"And he's been doing great," Titus put an arm around Charles shoulder like an old friend, inserting himself into the conversation. "In fact, I was just inviting Charles here to a Quidditch game. We're going to watch Appleby in the last match of the season."

Professor Augsburg seemed satisfied with their interactions and moved on. For a few seconds, Titus just stood there watching her walk away. Then he realized he still had his arm around Charles's shoulder. He cleared his throat and took a step away. "Anyway. Yeah, we have a few tickets to see Appleby crush Tutshill. I think you'll like seeing some real Quidditch. I'll be meeting a cousin of mine and some friends. It should be a good time... though there probably wouldn't be any rocks to talk to."
The marvelous, grand stature of the ancient wonder known as Stonehenge encapsulated magic and mystery. The power resonating within the once sacred grounds could still be felt, by the sensitive muggles or the witches and wizards attuned with nature. Delilah considered it a shame that muggles transformed it into a tourist location, but her mind ran in no particular direction one way or another. She flocked with the birds of her feather, and found familiarity in some of the faces in attendance - girls and boys from Hogwarts. One waved to her, no one she recognized, but she exchanged a salute. Her marshmallow painted nails pushed the white side of her lustrous strands over her shoulder, and a cool breeze disturbed her neat outfit, causing her crystal ball earrings to sway. For a hot summer’s day, the wind was a blessing, and the vendors and booths with cold refreshments called to her name.

Her arrival did not call for an announcement, but her two-toned hair and vampiric aesthetic suggested she enjoyed attention. The conservative families eyeing her gig, judging, indulging. That made her giggle. Platform mary-janes lacquered in shiny red elevated her petite stature to somewhere in the ‘tall’ height range, and the lace black dress layered in white highlighted the floral appliqués and detailed embroidery on the mid-length hem. A sugary ruby lip gloss and heavy-handed eyeshadow in a jarring black pronounced the whites of Delilah’s big eyes, and the eternal storm brewing in her irises painted a picture of contemplation.

“So, which will it be, girly?” A shopkeeper, in a powdered apron and rocking a stout belly, asked. His tone suggested calm, but eager to get the business flowing.

“Cherry, thank you.” Delilah’s whispery tone, like angels chanting, was scarcely heard. A gentle disposition, but a far cry from shyness. She contented herself with being alone, but if there exists a person in stonehenge or Hogwarts to catch her eye, then surely she intended to invite them over with a smile. So far, no such person was around, and Delilah delicately accepted her small cup with fresh crushed ice. An American treat that her mouth watered for, but first to choose the perfect location for such an exquisite treat. Oh, and napkins! She twirled and grabbed a few, with her straw in her mouth, and bid the man farewell.
Social gatherings were a commonplace when your parents owned a restaurant. Parties, festivals, sporting events, it was all fair game when you were in the food industry and her parents had no shame. Not that they should, but Jae-Yun wasn't a kid anymore and her passion was not in food service, or any kind of service for that matter. So as her parents catered to the people at the celebration, Jae-Yun was exploring. She was fortunate enough to not have run into any of her schoolmates as of yet, but she knew it was bound to happen. She'd hoped her casual outfit was bland enough to not draw too much attention to herself. It wasn't that Jae was antisocial, but most times, she just couldn't be bothered. Small talk was something she abhorred. She enjoyed her privacy and only liked to exert any social energy with people she actually enjoyed conversing with, and that list was short.

Unfortunately, the first person that Jae-Yun had spotted in the crowd of witches and wizards, was Charlotte Wilson. Her blonde hair standing out for some reason as she drew closer. They never really socialized at school, but Jae knew of her reputation and she absolutely did not want to speak with her if she wasn't forced to. The blonde had some sort of rivalry with Amelia O'Connor from Gryffindor, or at least that was the majority of the rumors that had rolled around school the previous year and Jae-Yun did not want to get involved. She had heard some of the antics and harsher pranks that the two girls had pulled, and she wasn't sure if it was all rumors or not. As she made her way through the sea of people, trying to be as careful as possible not to bump into anyone since the majority of the people were carrying food.

Music from a live band was wafting through the air and mingling with the incessant chatter of the patrons of the celebration. It was almost to the point where it was overwhelming, and if Jae had been in a worse mood, she would've apparated home without a second thought. Though that would be immature, so she just continued to weave and dodge around people to put some distance between her and anyone that might recognize her. Attempting to find a less populated area to take refuge in.

Jae-Yun was looking over her shoulder when her body gently collided with another. "Damn." Jae grumbled as she bowed her head and recognized Ayaka Naito and Amelia O'Connor. "Oh, sorry, I wasn't really looking where I was going."

@TabithaVaush @SMG9000
Ayaka gave a polite bow to Professor Augsburg staying a shy silent. This was the same woman she saw walk through a stone when Ayaka first arrived. There was a mature beauty to her which Ayaka admired. Ayaka hoped to get on the good side of all her teachers, Ayaka wanted to absorb as much knowledge as she could. When Ayaka heard what she taught however, she went a little pale. The thought of the Dark Arts, even a class designed to protect one from them had a taboo wrongness to Ayaka. Ayaka looked over at the woman again as she walked off with Amelia. There was a hint of chilled fear to Ayaka now.



Ayaka smiled, "Oh you like flying? I like it too. Mahoutokoro is located on an Island, so to get there they have all the first years fly on the Giant Birds! Later on, some students use brooms, but all students are allowed to ride the Storm Petrels. I remember my first time, it was terrifying but thrilling, seven years old holding tight to the bird."

"Exploding snap? Sounds exciting… and violent."
Ayaka said watching as she walked with her friend. "I love to learn more about your famous people. Plus, chocolate! That sounds ufff…" Ayaka said lost in conversation with Amelia she wasn't watching where see was going. She bumped into another young woman.

"Gomenosai." Ayaka said blushing madly and bowing herself to the other woman. Ayaka took in the other woman's clothes. Which were far different from the others here? "Oh uhh… I… I wasn't either." Ayaka said.


"Look what we have here! You have it out for all Slytherins I see." Charlotte said here eyes directed at Amelia. "Your lucky we are not at school Amy. I would have to deduct a few points from Gryffindor for such an act of disrespect."

Ayaka looked quietly at the woman. The woman was beautiful, in an expensive green dress and hair so blonde. Despite this there was an aura to her which was… awful. The way she looked at Amelia with such disgust was unnerving.

"And you must be the new girl." Charlotte said looking to Ayaka. "Word of advice don't hang around with THIS loser. She is a failure and will just bring you down."

Ayaka felt the venom in her words as Charlotte spoke of Amelia. Ayaka knew, deep down that this woman was not someone she wanted to be around. On instinct, Ayaka took half a step closer to Amelia. Ayaka's eyes went from Charlotte to the other woman with Charlotte who looked mean and cruel herself. Ayaka then looked back at the girl she bumped into.

@TabithaVaush @Saber @LeaT
Mina's conversation with her fellow professor started rather perfunctory but his response took her aback. She paused for a few moments, blinking her eyes several times as her mind put together the unexpected response.

"Really, I think you'll do fine." She hadn't thought Eric was the sort of guy to lack self-confidence. But his second reply made her think maybe it was more apathy than any lack of self-confidence.

At first she was a bit upset with him, but then thought maybe he had a point. "Well the students do love it." She said, as if trying to justify her own embrace of the rather outdated tradition. "But we are both heads of houses now, maybe we should talk about new traditions."

@Silverbird @Red Day
She was pleased to hear that Charles had immersed himself into the larger wizarding world this summer. Despite his arrogant demeanor, Charles could hardly find a better guide than Titus Grey. While not intended, she did get some satisfaction at seeing the cocky student be surprised when her attention fell upon the awkward younger student.

"Well I'm pleased..." She paused and looked at Titus as well. "...with both of you."

"That should be a great game, I wish I had tickets." She said with a hint of actual envy before moving on.

Mina opted for a bit of refreshment and moved towards the flavored crushed ice which sounded nice and cool on the warm day. From behind she didn't recognize Delilah, though the hair should have been a tip off. She was about to step up to place her order when the young witch turned suddenly, her freshly poured crushed ice spilling onto the professor's ample chest. "Oh, sorry." She said though she was the one with the cherry ice quickly melting on her cleavage causing goose bumps on her pale flesh. She didn't seem mad, that was rarely Mina's reaction to things, in fact her smile broadened when she saw it was one of her students, even if her class clearly wasn't one of her favorites.

Mina quickly pulled out her wand and cleaned up the small mess. "Happy Solstice Delilah!" She said as she looked at the ice vendor and held up two fingers to get a fresh one for her student as well as herself. "Have you had any grand adventures so far this summer?" Even though she hadn't really connected with Delilah in the classroom, the young beauty was also a Hufflepuff and the head of house admired the young witches spirit.
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