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Pirates Oh my! (Cute and Rainbows)

She pulled herself out of the covers as the door was closed and smiled at him. "Why thank you, Johnathan." She said with a smile as she took the bowl of soup. it not only smelled delicious, but it looked pretty tasty too. Since she was a princess and had quite a bit of etiquite she didn't worry about eating in his bed, knowing she wouldn't drop any soup. She dipped the spoon in, and took a sip of it, smiling at the taste. It really was good.
"I take it you like it. I don't usually prepare it myself, but I do choose the ingredients and tell the cook what to use and how much to use and all that. Next time, I'll let you try something I cook personally." Johnathan said, sitting down at the foot of the bed as he started on his soup as well.
Star paused her eating as he spoke to her. She smiled at his words. So he was a good cook too? She watched as he started to eat and then she continued as well. She ate with the up-most manners, even if she was in another man's shirt and on a pirate ship. It was mainly habit, but she was so used to it that she actually had to try to be able to eat poorly.
While Johnathan wasn't a messy eater, his manners certainly weren't as refined as hers. He found how prim and proper she acted cute. It was certainly a nice change of pace. Being quite hungry, it didn't take him too long to finish his meal, setting the empty bowl on his desk and wiping his mouth off. After that, he turned on the bed, still sitting at the foot of the bed and put his hands on the back of his head with a relaxed sigh. Having a full stomach felt quite good.
While Johnathan wasn't a messy eater, his manners certainly weren't as refined as hers. He found how prim and proper she acted cute. It was certainly a nice change of pace. Being quite hungry, it didn't take him too long to finish his meal, setting the empty bowl on his desk and wiping his mouth off. After that, he turned on the bed, still sitting at the foot of the bed and put his hands on the back of his head with a relaxed sigh. Having a full stomach felt quite good.

Star didn't really concentrate on anything else she only ate, jsut thinking about random things that floated through her head. She was still eating as he turned around and sighed. She smiled a bit and then kept eating. it didn't take her long to finish and she sat her bowl right next to his. She licked her lips, smiling over at him. "That tasted quite good." She said with a smile. She really liked soup, it was simple yet filling.
"That it did." Johnathan replied, patting his stomach a few times. The site of her barely clothed body was already starting to turn him on again, but with a full stomach, he was a bit more...........sluggish and not as ready and rearing to go at a moments notice like earlier. Though, once his body had a chance to digest the meal, he had some ideas for new things he could show............and do to her.
Star smiled as he seemed to be quite content with the meal as well. Then again he probably should have considering he was the one that gave the ingredients and the directions. She grinned a bit, crawling over to him and leaning into him. She kind of wanted to cuddle since they probably wouldn't be doing anything since they just ate. She would have loved to just sit there with him.
Johnathan affectionately put his arm around her, glad to simply cuddle as well.

"You know, I don't I'll ever get tired of seeing you in his shirt." he said with a light laugh, looking her up and down. He certainly wasn't lying. She looked beyond sexy in just an oversize shirt. It was just something he liked. Not really a fetish a though.
She smiled as he put his arm around her. She really liked being with him, just about no matter what they were doing. She grinned at his comment. "Well I'm glad you're letting me borrow it then." She said with a smile. She was really liking this man, he was nice, at least to her, yet powerful. He had excellant tastes in books and food, and he more attractive than a bunch of the rumors gave him credit for.
"Hell, I wouldn't mind if you have it, if it means I get to see you like this. In private of course. Wouldn't be a smart idea to walk outside wearing that." Johnathan replied. Despite how his men obeyed his orders, they'd no doubt rape Star if they ever had the chance. Until she managed to get their respect somehow, to them, she was just a hot piece of ass.
Star smiled as he said that. "Well I think I might have to take you up on that offer then. it would be much more comfortable then trying to sleep in that Corset." She said with a smile. She knew his men would rape her if they got the chance, that was why she didn't intend to go anywhere without him around. There were just too many of his men to take on at once, Though she was pretty sure she would be able to fend off one, maybe two at the most.
"Yea, that's true. Shall I wear anything special for you, m'lady, or would you prefer I stay naked?" Johnathan asked, laughing, as it was mostly meant as a playful joke. Though, whatever she answered, he'd likely be willing to do long as she didn't request he wear anything too embarassing.
Star smiled and then laughed as he asked if she wanted him to wear anything for her. She thought about it for a moment, but then decided that him just naked was best. "No, I think you'd look better like this than in my dress." She said with a grin like she had actually been considering that. Though it would be funny, it wouldn't be very attractive, no offence to him.
"Good to hear. Glad to know I won't have to wear anything embarassing. But, I certainly wouldn't mind if you did the same." Johnathan replied, smiling as he reached over, unbuttoning a few buttons on her shirt. He wasn't trying to intiate another sexual encounter, just wanted to see the rest of her was all.
Star smiled and continued to lean against him. She didn't even flinch as he started to unbutton her shirt. She didn't mind in the least if he saw her, as long as no one else walked in she would be perfectly fine with it. She smiled, looking up at him and moving a bit closer, she really liked being close to him, he was just so nice and warm.
When he got the lost button undone, he pushed the side of the shirt over her hips, but not off, just giving him a full view of her naked form from the front.

"Your beauty always takes my breath away." he said, smiling as he rested his hand on her hip, leaning in and giving her a soft, gentle kiss.
She couldn't help but blush a bit as he finished unbuttoning and finally pushed her shirt open. She looked up at him as he spoke and only blushed more. It had never even been implied that she was that attractive. She smiled a bit and kissed him back, jsut as gently, but it seemed to have so much passion behind it.
They certainly were a pair of star crossed lovers. Two people from two different paths in life, developing such a strong bond with one another. They had only known each other for a few days at this point, but there was already so much love and affection behind the kiss, and everything Johnathan did for her.
Star smiled, thinking that even if he hadn't become a pirate they probably would have met eventually becasue of their families, but she was sure that no matter what they would have met due to fate. It excited her that they seemed to be destined for eachother and they ended up meeting like this. She was almost glad that she was almost raped by those fools.
Johnathan continued the loving kiss a while longer, only stopping due to needing to take a breath.

"Well then.......ready to try something new?" he asked with a playful smile, running his hand up and down her hip and upper thigh.
Star continued to kiss him until he finally broke the kiss and she had to breath as well. She smiled as he offered to try something new. She nodded. "Ready for anything." She said with a smile. Of course 'anything' wasn't the exact words, but that was besides the point.
"Well then, shall I mention the ideas for you, or just surprise you?" Johnathan asked with a smile, looking her up and down. He couldn't help but lick his lips lightly, she sight of her body driving him wild. He had saw hot women before, but had never reacted so well before. This was likely due to actually having feelings for her.
Star smiled, Hmm... Mention the ideas then surprise me." She said though it wouldn't be much of a surprise if he didn't have a bunch of ideas. She bit her lip, enjoying the fact that he was still naked. She would be able to see him member hardening and she was a bit excited to see which would turn him on the most.
"Well, if I mention the ideas would you be surprised?" Johnathan asked, smiling before gripping her hips and rolling her on top of him, leaving her straddling his waist, still only covered by the shirt he was permanently loaning her.........due to how amazing she looked in it.
Star grinned and was about to answer when he flipped them over. She yelped and looked down at him. "Well it'd be a surprise because I wouldn't know which one you were going to pick." She said with a grin. She really was enjoying this. he was just so much fin to be around.
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