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♚`` ONE SHOT° ◢ jinsley sketchbook


Solo Conversationalist
Mar 17, 2022
Page Two Hundred & Forty-Nine


welcome to jinsley's testing center
if you somehow found your way into this testing center, first off, how did you figure out the password? but since you are here now, welcome!

this is the place JINFINITE and i will be dropping all of our roleplaying content. most of it will simply be coding for our post layouts, but we will also have some plot details we need to place somewhere if they cannot be added to the millions of google docs we have for our multiple pairings.

as they say in disney, pardon our pixie dust. it's about to get real dusty real fast.

please be considerate. do not steal any of our post layouts, the graphics or the plot ideas. we worked REAL hard on all of these.

please simply look, but don't touch. thank you!

Last edited:



ą α ß Ь c đ ∂ ε є é Ғ ғ ╒ ƒ g Ħ ħ н ι J k ℓ м η ø σ p q я § τ u v ω x y z

α в c ם/∂/δ є ғ ɢ н ι נ к ℓ м и σ ρ q я s т υ v ω x ץ/ч z

⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟ ⒠ ⒡ ⒢ ⒣ ⒤ ⒥ ⒦ ⒧ ⒨ ⒩ ⒪ ⒫ ⒬ ⒭ ⒮ ⒯ ⒰ ⒱ ⒲ ⒳ ⒴ ⒵


ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ


Ȁ Ȃ Ȧ Ӓ Ӑ Ʌ Ⱥ Ά Α Λ Ѧ Д ᾈ ᾉ ᾊ ᾋ ᾌ ᾍ ᾎ ᾏ • ȁ ȃ ɑ ɒ ɐ ȧ α ά Δ д ӓ ӑ ᾀ ᾁ ᾂ ᾃ ᾄ ᾅ ᾆ ᾇ ᾰ ᾱ ᾲ ᾳ ᾴ ᾶ ᾷ
Ƀ β Ѣ • Ђ Ъ Ь ъ ь Ϧ ɓ ʙ ϐ ѣ б в Ҍ ҍ
Ȼ ʗ Ͻ Ͼ Ͽ Ϲ Ѽ Ҁ Ҫ • ɔ ȼ ς ϲ ѽ ҁ ҫ
ɖ ɗ ȡ ʠ δ
Ȅ Ȇ Ӗ Ɇ Ѐ Ȩ Ȝ Έ Ё Ε Ξ Σ ξ Є Э Ӭ З Ѯ Ҿ Ҽ Ӛ Ә Ӟ Ҙ ә • ə ε έ з є э е ϵ ϶ ȅ ɘ ȇ ɇ ȩ ѐ ё ѯ ҿ ҽ ӛ ӟ ҙ ӗ ӭ
Ϝ Ғ Ӻ • ϝ ɟ ʄ ӻ ғ
Ѡ Ѿ • ɠ ɡ ʛ ɢ ɞ ʚ ɕ
Ȟ Ή Η Ң Ҥ Һ Ӈ Ӊ Ҕ ᾘ ᾙ ᾚ ᾛ ᾜ ᾝ ᾞ ᾟ • ʜ ɦ ћ ʮ ʯ ɧ ȟ ɥ ђ Ћ н ӈ ӊ ң ҕ ҥ
Ȉ Ȋ Ί Ϊ Ῐ Ῑ Ὶ Ί • ȉ ɨ ɩ ɪ ȋ ϊ ΐ ῐ ῑ ῒ ΐ ῖ ῗ
Ɉ Ј • ɉ ȷ ʝ ϳ
Ќ Қ Ҟ Ҝ Ҟ Ӄ • ʞ ɮ κ ќ қ ҝ ҟ ҡ ӄ
Ƚ ζ • ʟ ɫ ɬ ʅ ɭ ȴ ʃ ʄ ʆ
Ϻ Ӎ • ɯ ɰ ɱ ϻ ӎ
Ƞ Ν Π Ѝ Ҋ Ӣ Ӥ Ώ Ω Л Й • ȵ ɲ ɳ ɴ ή π η и й ѝ л ҋ ӣ ӥ ᾐ ᾑ ᾒ ᾓ ᾔ ᾕ ᾖ ᾗ ὴ ή ὴ ή
Ȍ Ӧ Ȏ Ȭ Ȫ Ȯ Ȱ ʘ Ό θ Ѻ ϴ Ӫ Θ Ѳ Ю ф Ὸ Ό • ȫ ȭ ȍ ȏ ȯ ȱ ɵ ɸ σ ϕ ό Φ ѻ ѳ ӧ ӫ
Ρ Ҏ Ῥ • ρ ϼ Ϸ ϸ φ ҏ ῤ ῥ
Ɋ Ϙ • ϙ ɋ Ϥ ϥ ϱ
Ȑ Ȓ Ɍ Я Г Ѓ Ӷ Ґ • я ɹ ɺ ɻ ɼ ɽ ɾ ɿ ȑ ȓ ɍ ʀ ʁ г ѓ ґ ӷ
Ș Ϩ ϩ Ϛ • ϛ ɛ ɜ ɝ ʂ ȿ ș
Ț Ⱦ Ҭ • τ Ϯ ϯ ȶ ʇ ʈ ț т ҭ
Ȕ Ʉ Ȗ Ώ Ω ц • ȕ ȗ ʮ ʯ ʉ ʊ υ μ ϑ ϋ ύ ΰ
Ʌ Ѵ Ѷ • ɣ ʋ ʌ ѵ ѷ ῠ ῡ ῢ ΰ ῦ ῧ
Ϣ Ш Щ • ϣ ш щ ѿ ѡ ʍ ώ ψ Ψ ω ϖ ᾠ ᾡ ᾢ ᾣ ᾤ ᾥ ᾦ ᾧ ῲ ῳ ῴ ῶ ῷ ὼ ώ
Ϫ Ж Җ χ Ӽ Ҳ Ӿ Ӂ Ӝ • ж ϰ ϗ ӽ ӿ ҳ ӂ ӝ җ
Ȳ Ɏ ϒ ϓ ϔ Ύ Ϋ Υ Ў У ц Ѱ Ӱ Ӯ Ӳ Ӵ Ҷ Ҹ Ӌ Ῠ Ῡ Ὺ Ύ • Ч џ ў ү ұ ɣ ɏ ȳ ʎ ʏ ɤ Ϟ λ ϫ ӯ ӱ ӳ ӵ ҷ ҹ ӌ
Ȥ • ɀ ʐ ʑ ȥ ʒ ʓ ȝ

? Ɂ ɂ ʡ ʢ ʔ ʕ ʖ ˀ ˁ
Ȣ ȣ ȸ ȹ ʣ ʤ ʥ ʦ ʧ ʨ ʩ ɶ ы ʪ ʫ Ӹ ӹ
љ њ Ѹ ѹ Ѫ Ѭ Ѥ ѥ ѧ Ѩ ѩ ѫ ѭ ѱ
҈ ҉
҈ ҉
ʬ ʭ ɚ ɷ ҂ ҃ ҄ ҅ ҆
ʰ ʱʲ ʳ ʴ ʵ ʶ ʷ ʸ ͤ ͥ ͦ ͧ ͨ ͩ ͪ ͫ ͬ ͭ ͮ ͯ ʹ ʺ ʻ ʼ ʽ ʾ ʿ ˌ ˎ ˏ ˑ ˒ ˓ ˔ ˕ ˖ ˗
˂ ˃ ˄ ˅ ˆ ː ˇ ˈ ˉ ˊ ˋ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˝ ˞ ˟ ˍˍ


① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳

⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ ⑺ ⑻ ⑼ ⑽ ⑾ ⑿ ⒀ ⒁ ⒂ ⒃ ⒄ ⒅ ⒆ ⒇

⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒋ ⒌ ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ⒐ ⒑ ⒒ ⒓ ⒔ ⒕ ⒖ ⒗ ⒘ ⒙ ⒚ ⒛

❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴

⓵ ⓶ ⓷ ⓸ ⓹ ⓺ ⓻ ⓼ ⓽ ⓾


ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ ⅴ ⅵ ⅶ ⅷ ⅸ ⅹ ⅺ ⅻ ⅼ ⅽ ⅾ ⅿ


← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↚ ↛ ↜ ↝ ↞ ↟
↠ ↡ ↢ ↣ ↤ ↥ ↦ ↧ ↨ ↩ ↪ ↫ ↬ ↭ ↮ ↯ ↰ ↱ ↲ ↳ ↴ ↵ ↶ ↷ ↸ ↹ ↺ ↻ ↼ ↽ ↾ ↿
⇀ ⇁ ⇂ ⇃ ⇄ ⇅ ⇆ ⇇ ⇈ ⇉ ⇊ ⇋ ⇌ ⇍ ⇎ ⇏ ⇐ ⇑ ⇒ ⇓ ⇔ ⇕ ⇖ ⇗ ⇘ ⇙ ⇚ ⇛ ⇜ ⇝ ⇞ ⇟
⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇣ ⇤ ⇥ ⇦ ⇧ ⇨ ⇩ ⇪ « »


℀ ℁ ℂ ℃ ℄ ℅ ℆ ℇ ℈ ℉ ℊ ℋ ℌ ℍ ℎ ℏ ℐ ℑ ℒ ℓ ℔ ℕ № ℗ ℘ ℙ ℚ ℛ ℜ ℝ ℞ ℟
℠ ℡ ™ ℣ ℤ ℥ Ω ℧ ℨ ℩ K Å ℬ ℭ ℮ ℯ ℰ ℱ Ⅎ ℳ ℴ ℵ ℶ ℷ ℸ ℻ ⅍ ⅎ ⅓ ⅔ ⅕ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ ⅙ ⅚ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ ⅟



☽☾✗✘✓ ✔ ☐ ☑ ☒ ✕ ✖✚✪✣✤✥
✱ ✲ ✳ ❃ ❂ ❁ ❀ ✿ ✾ ✽ ✼ ✻ ✺ ✹
✸ ✷ ✶ ✵ ✴ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❇ ❈ ❉ ❊ ❋ ❖
☀ ☂ ☁ ❣ ✚ ✪ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ❉ ❥ ❦ ❧
❃ ❂ ❁ ❀ ✄ ☪ ➸ ♨ ☢ ☠ ☭ ♈ ☮ ☯
♋ ☡ ☢ ☣ ☤ ☥ ☦ ☧ ☨ ☩ ☪ ☫ ☬ ☭
♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟ ۩ ۞
♠ ♡ ♢ ♣ ♤ ♥ ♦ ♧ ✦✧✩✫✬✭✮✯✰ ☼ ❣
♲ ♳ ♴ ♵ ♶ ♷ ♸ ♹ ♺ ♻ ♼ ♽♯♩♪♫♬♭
☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷ ☚ ☛ ☜ ☝ ☞ ☟
☿ ♀ ♁ ♂ ♃ ♄ ♅ ♆ ♇ ♈ ♉ ♊ ♌ ♍
△ ▲ ☆ ★ ◇ ◆ ■ □ ▽ ▼ ❤❥♎ ♏ ✐✌
๑ # @ & * ¥ ☸ ☆ ★ ✪ ¤ ☼ ☀ ☽☾
♡ ღ☻ ☺ ❂ ◕ ⊕ ☉ Θ o O ♋ ☯ ㊝ ⊙ ◎
◑ ◐ ۰ • ● ▪ ▫ 。 ゚ ๑ ☜ ☞ ☂ ♨ ☎ ☏ ✍✡ ツ


ಠ_ಠ ◕ ◡ ◕ °__° ಥ__ಥ
(-`ω´- ) (●ゝω)ノヽ(∀<●) >_<
⊙▂⊙ ⊙o⊙ ⊙︿⊙  ⊙ω⊙ ⊙△⊙  ⊙▽⊙
(◡_◡) (◕-◕) (◕o◕) (∩_∩)


┄ ┅ ┆ ┇ ┈ ┉ ┊ ┋ ⋮ ⋯ ⋰ ⋱
─ ━ │ ┃┌ ┐ ┍ ┑ ┎ ┒ ┏ ┓ └ ┘ ┕ ┙ ┖ ┚ ┗ ┛
┞ ┟ ┢ ┡ ┦ ┧ ┩ ┪
┣ ┫┝ ┥┠ ┨├ ┤
┬ ┭ ┮ ┯ ┰ ┱ ┲ ┳ ┴ ┵ ┶ ┷ ┸ ┹ ┺ ┻ ┼ ┽ ┾ ┿
╀ ╁ ╂ ╃ ╄ ╅ ╆ ╇ ╈ ╉ ╊ ╋ ╌ ╍ ╎ ╏
═ ║ ╒ ╓ ╔ ╕ ╖ ╗ ╘ ╙ ╚ ╛ ╜ ╝ ╞ ╟
╠ ╡ ╢ ╣ ╤ ╥ ╦ ╧ ╨ ╩ ╪ ╫ ╬
╭ ╮ ╯ ╰ ╱ ╲ ╳ ╴ ╵ ╶ ╷ ╸ ╹ ╺ ╻
≡ ≢ ≣ ≤ ≥ ≦ ≧ ≨ ≩ ≪ ≫ ≭ ≮ ≯ ≰ ≱ ≲ ≳ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿
⊀ ⊁ ⊂ ⊃ ⊄ ⊅ ⊆ ⊇ ⊈ ⊉ ⊊ ⊋ ⊏ ⊐ ⊑ ⊒
⊕ ⊖ ⊗ ⊘ ⊙ ⊚ ⊛ ⊜ ⊝ ⊞ ⊟
⊠ ⊡ ⊢ ⊣ ⊤ ⊥ ⊦ ⊧ ⊨ ⊩ ⊪ ⊫ ⊬ ⊭ ⊮ ⊯
⊰ ⊱ ⊲ ⊳ ⊴ ⊵ ⊶ ⊷ ⊸ ⊹ ⊺ ⊻ ⊼ ⊽ ⊾ ⊿
⋀ ⋁ ⋂ ⋃ ⋄ ⋅ ⋆ ⋇ ⋈ ⋉ ⋊ ⋋ ⋌ ⋍
⋎ ⋏ ⋐ ⋑ ⋒ ⋓ ⋔ ⋖ ⋗ ⋘ ⋙ ⋚ ⋛ ⋜ ⋝ ⋞ ⋟
⋠ ⋡ ⋢ ⋣ ⋤ ⋥ ⋦ ⋧ ⋨ ⋩ ⋪ ⋫ ⋬ ⋭


❛❜❝❞【】〖〗►◄﹃﹄『』◢ ◣◥ ◤
==== ☠ ====
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◀ ◁ ◂ ◃ ◄ ◅ ◆ ◇ ◈ ◉ ◊
○ ◌ ◍ ◎ ● ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕
◖ ◗ ◘ ◙ ◚ ◛ ◜ ◝ ◞ ◟
◠ ◡ ◢ ◣ ◤ ◥ ◦ ◧ ◨ ◩ ◪ ◫ ◬ ◭ ◮ ◯


¡ † ‡ ↔ ↑ ↓ •«» ¤₯ ƒ ₴ ₥ ₦ № ₧ ₰ £ ៛ ₨ ₪ ৳ ₮ ₩ ¥

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๑☺ ☻ ☼♣ ♥ ♦·۰•●○●ஐﻬ↔ ↕ ▪ ▫ ▬♦ ◊ ◦♫ ♪ ღˇ √ « » ™ ♂♀ ©№® ◦º°×°º◦ ´¯`·»ºØ´ ׺°”˜`”°º×»- ஆ ௰ Þ ௫ |

๑•ิ.•ั๑ ๑۩۞۩๑ ✿.。.: ☂☃ ☄ ★ ☆ ☇ ☈ ☉ ☊ ☋ ☌ ☍ ☑ ☒☢ ☸ ☹ ☺ ☻ ☼ ☽ ☾ ♠   ♡ ♢ ♣ ♤ ♥ ♦ ♧ ♨ ♩ ✙✈ ✉ ✌ ✁ ✎ ✐ ❀ ✰ ❁ ❤ ❥ ❦❧ ➳ ➽ εїз℡❣·۰•●○●

ゃōゃ ♡๑۩ﺴ ☜ ☞ ☎ ☏♡ ⊙◎ ☺ ☻✖╄ஐﻬ ► ◄ ▧ ▨ ♨ ◐ ◑ ↔ ↕ ▪ ▫ ☼ ♦ ▀ ▄ █▌ ▐░ ▒ ▬♦ ◊ ◦ ☼ ♠♣ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▩ ◘ ◙ ◈ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♭ ♪ の ☆ → あ ぃ £ ❤ 。◕‿◕。

# @ & * ¥☸ ❁ ❀ ✿ ✾ ❃ ✺ ❇ ❈ ❊ ❉ ✱ ✲ ✩ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✰ ☆ ★ ✪ ¤ ☼ ☀ ☽ ☾ ❤ ♡ ღ☻ ☺ ❂ ◕ ⊕ ☉ Θ o O ♋ ☯ ㊝ ⊙ ◎ ◑ ◐ ۰ • ● ▪ ▫ 。 ゚ ๑ ☜ ☞ ☂ ♨ ☎ ☏

︻ ︼ ︽ ︾ 〈 〉 ︿ ﹀ ∩ ∪ ﹁ ﹂ ﹃ ﹄﹝ ﹞ < > ≦ ≧ ﹤ ﹥ 「 」 ︵ ︶ ︷ ︸ ︹ ︺〔 〕 【 】 《 》 ( ) { } ﹙ ﹚ 『 』 ﹛ ﹜╳ + - ﹢ × ÷ = ≠ ≒ ∞ ˇ ± √ ⊥ ∠ ∟ ⊿ ㏒

▶ ▷ ◀ ◁ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☄ ★ ☆ ☇ ☈ ☉ ☊ ☋ ☌ ☍ ☑ ☒☢ ☸ ☹ ☺ ☻ ☼ ☽ ☾ ♠   ♡ ♢ ♣ ♤ ♥ ♦ ♧ ♨ ♩ ✙ ✈ ✉ ✌ ✁ ✎ ✐ ❀ ✰ ❁ ❤ ❥ ❦❧ ➳ ➽ 〠 〄 ㍿ ♝ ♞

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✗✘✚✪✣✤✥✦✧✩✫✬✭✮✯✰ ✱✲✳❃❂❁❀✿✾✽✼✻✺✹✸✷ ✶✵✴❄❅❆❇❈❉❊❋❖☀☂☁【】┱ ┲ ❣ ✚ ✪ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ❉ ❥ ❦ ❧ ❃ ❂ ❁ ❀ ✄ ☪ ☣ ☢ ☠ ☭ ♈ ➸ ✓ ✔ ✕ ✖ *.:。✿*゚‘゚・✿.。.: ◘

【】〖〗@﹕﹗/ " _ < > `,·。≈{}~ ~() _ -『』√ $ @ * & # ※ 々∞Ψ ∪∩∈∏ の ℡ ぁ §∮〝〞ミ灬ξ№∑⌒ξζω*ㄨ ≮≯ +-×÷﹢﹣±/=∫∮∝ ∞ ∧∨ ∑ ∏ ∥∠ ≌ ∽ ≦ ≧ ≒﹤﹥じ☆

■♀『』◆◣◥▲Ψ ※◤ ◥ →№←㊣∑⌒〖〗@ξζω□∮〓※∴ぷ▂▃▅▆█ ∏【】△√ ∩¤々♀♂∞①ㄨ≡↘↙▂▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █┗┛╰☆╮ ≠ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅┢┦aΡpy .......♧♧ ☜♥☞.︻︼─一 ▄︻┻┳═一

﹏◢ ◣ ◥ ◤ ▽ ▧ ▨ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▩ ◘ ◙ ▓ ▒ ░ Café № @ ㊣ ™ ℡ 凸 の ๑۞๑ ๑۩ﺴ ﺴ۩๑ o(‧'''‧)o ❆ べò⊹⊱⋛⋋ ⋌⋚⊰⊹ ⓛⓞⓥⓔ べ ☀ ☼ ☜ ☞ ⊙® ◈ ♦ ◊ ◦ ◇ ◆ εїз

☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~♡のⓛⓞⓥⓔ♡~☃⊹⊱⋛⋌⋚⊰⊹✗/(*w*) ≡[。。]≡※◦º°×°º◦εїз´¯`·»。。♀♡╭☆╯ºØغøº¤ø,¸¸,ºº¤øøºﷲﷲ°º¤ø,¸¸,

げこごさざしじすぜそぞただちぢっつづてでとどなにぬねのはば ♪♫╭♥ ๑•ิ.•ัﻬஐ ✎ぱひびぴふぶぷへべぺほぼぽまみむめも

❃❂❁❀✿✾✽✼✻✺✹✸✷ ✶✵✴❄❅❆❇❈❉❊❋❖❤❥❦❧ ☀ o O #♡ ┽┊﹎.εїз︷✿‧:﹎。❤‧:❉:‧ .。.:*・❀●•♪.。‧:❉:‧ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø*.:。✿*゚‘゚・✿.。.:*.:。✿*゚’゚・✿.。✎*εїз

↔ ↕ ▪ → ︷╅╊✿ ❤`•.¸¸.•´´¯`•• .¸¸.•´¯`•.•●•۰• ••.•´¯`•.•• ••.•´¯`•.••—¤÷(`[¤* *¤]´)÷¤——(•·÷[ ]÷·•)—

〓 ☆ ★┣┓┏┫×╰ノ◢ ◣ ◥ ◤ Ω ж ф юЮ ━╃ ╄━ ┛┗ ┓┏ ◇ ◆ ※ .'. ☂.'.❤ ♥ 『』 〖〗▓ ► ◄ ▒ ░ ▓ ╮╭ ╯╰ ァ ┱ ┲☃ ☎ ☏ ☺ ☻ ▧ ▨ ♨ ◘ ◙ ♠ ♧ ♣ ▣▤ ▥ ▦ ▩ ⊕

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secret love
CHI HOON (leader)
- 22 years old
- sweet tooth
- song writer
- rock music style

KI BUM (?)
- 22 years old
- takes on leader duties
- talkative

RAY (rapper)
- 20 years old
- ex ulzzang
- kinda weird
- aegyo machine

- 19 years old
- social media addict
- blunt
- often mistaken as maknae

JI HYUK (maknae)
- 18 years old

PLOT IDEAS (in no particular order)
- First meeting: ran into each other in the library; jihyuk hiding in back corner of library (wearing fake glasses and beanie to hide identity). back corner is where all the books about animals are (yunhee missing home). before leaving him alone yunhee will leave him with one of the books she's carrying so that he can have something to do while hiding; forgets to mention her name.

- VALENTINE'S DAY! : beginning of their relationship. have been friends for months with mutual interest in each other. jihyuk has radio schedule (with the group). sings confession song for (insert yunhee's nickname here). girls then swarm in calling that they're the girl. YUNHEE IS SMART COOKIE and calls under his nickname and responds to the confession. BEGINNING OF RELATIONSHIP...ish ~

- Singing her to sleep after mw/drama/variety show filming. yunhee tells him to call/text when he gets back to dorm. stays up super late waiting for him to call; reading whole time

- Facetime chats with screencaps of him sleeping first <3

- Heart to heart at library; deepens friendship/possibly develops feelings; happens before v-day

- Surprise visit to her house; ends up passing out and spending the night; the next day seen being picked up by the van in a main street early in the morning far away from dorm; leads to headlines

- Secret date...somewhere (?)

- Coffee shop (reference to secret love mv)

- Taekyung bails on yunhee super last minute for fieldtrip (first time jihyuk witnesses it)

- Break ups (not theirs)

- Yunhee calls it quits before school ends. full summer without each other; no contact. beginning of her senior year they meet at coffee shop and start over.

- Jihyuk's overseas tour (possibly just an Asia tour)

- First Term : March 2 - mid July
- Summer Vacation : mid July - late August
- Second Term : late August - mid February
- Winter Break : late December - late January

Starting from beginning setting:
October -

November -

December -

January -

February -

March -
• Yunhee's last year of high school
• White Day

April -

May -
• 100 Days on May 25

June -

July -

August -

September -

October -


- nineteen years old
- byunghee's sister
- lived with family in the countryside close to her school
- accidentally ran into taejoon on his way to secret hangout spot

- twenty three years old
- jaehee's older brother
- a leader in the rebel group
- saved taejoon from being in the amy, but then got him stuck with the rebels instead

- saved taejoon's life as a kid but didn't allow him back over after finding out who he was
- was a doctor
- killed by gov for being rebel activists and harboring wounded rebels

- twenty one years old
- byunghee's best friend
- asthma
- grew up rich(for the demographic) and somewhat sheltered
- dad is high ranking officer, enlisted him into army against taejoon's will
- he's closer to his mom but she's always been overprotective
- super smart; he wanted to stay out of the war and focus on school, even was in process of being offered a full scholarship for college till the war took all that from him

- twenty two years old
- deceased
- jae hee's crush

- twenty one years old.
- deceased
- cocky, impulsive, troublemaker
- sanggil's younger brother
- maknae of the boys
- made a mistake and during his brother's efforts to fix it, they got arrested and later killed



WAR FACTS (incorporated by existing wars...WHADDUP HISTORY REFERENCES)
- n. korea attacked s. korea and won.
- war did not last that long (?)
- n. and s. korea merged after the victory so now n. korea government is in charge-ish
- many s. koreans converted their views to be n. korea favored; some converted immediately (tae's family) while others did it to save their necks.
- fast forward many years --&gt; scattered s. koreans are treated as outcasts (goo family included), though they managed to live by biting their tongue and going along with it
- government is n. korean run even though the country is just "korea" now
- government uses propaganda in education
- government is a bunch of meanie rahhhhs that use corruption to get their way

- plotted out by the government
- officials and authority had it out for [insert country here] for years and have been trying to find a way to face them politically
- plotted out that one of their citizens would be killed; made it look like it was the fault of [insert country here]
- korean government declared war on [insert country here]

- has been going on for seven years now
- government initiated a draft in the country; all able-bodied males over the age of 16/18 were HIGHLY recommended to enlist
- those in school still were given the choice to either enlist or stay in school
- those that chose to stay in school were outcasted and looked down upon
- men that were doctors or entrepreneurs were exempt from the draft
- byunghee, taejoon, sanggil, and sangyoon chose school
- byunghee, sanggil and sangyoon's parents were proud of that; taejoon's parents started distancing themselves from him

- began when the government plotted another attack to increase the war morale of the citizens (it was very low)
- government scheduled to bomb taejoon's school and used propaganda to make it out that it was [insert country here] that was responsibile
- word spread like wildfire that it was actually the government that did it
- effect of the plan backfired
- the s. koreans that stuck to their old beliefs banded together and managed to convert others to join their campaign against the government
- citizens declared war on the government
- has been going on for three years now

- korea is still at war with [insert country here], however there are less soldiers fighting overseas
- instead korea has access to the "axis powers"; countries that have agreed to side with them when at time of war
- so the "axis powers" are fighting korea's war with [insert country here]; only a few platoons are out fighting
- the government has assigned many troops to fight against the rebels

Complete text transcript between Jin and Has because it's just too much to attempt to summarize... and it means more accuracy... mainly 'cause it's a lot to summarize.

Has: [in regards to hijacking idea from hg] Do we wanna make up a few alterations? Like a cure of something?

Jin: Yes? But I feel like it's too simple to just have an antidote to just have an antidote laying around for something that essentially damages your brain is a little too simple, no?

Has: Maybe an antidote. Hypnosis?

Jin: Hmmm possibly~ I don't really know much about it, you think it'd be strong enough to set memories back to normal?

Has: Honestly, I don't think so. But it might help tone down the damage to like episodes. What about if the government had a definite cure but no one outside of special personnel know about it?

Jin: Would the rebels have suspicions over that then and go hunting for answers? Or... I mean if it's top secret is tae's dad even high ranking enough to know of it? Also wasn't tae gonna kill his dad? I thought I remembered something like that. Maybe we could be nice to them and a medic part of the team went awol when he stopped supporting the methods they practiced such as hijacking. And if the rebels picked him up he could help not only with the temporary hypnosis but help hunt down the cure. If they learn to trust him enough.

Has: First off, who's the better candidate to receive the hijacking torture? Lol lowkey there was a part of me that had the idea of it being byunghee, which means that he wouldn't be dead but captured.

Jin: Which would imply that they get him back. Damn. So many emotions just now. I dunno, I was so used to losing him, working him back into the plot now? I mean maybe~ it could give more reason to why tae took over the rebels and led them to the tunnels if he was on a rescue mission. Also, if it were to be byunghee. How would they know who to take from his memory? Cause with peeta the entire thing has been televised. But byunghee is a rebel who dropped off the radar since he was a kid.

Has: Well it doesn't have to be byunghee. What if it was tae's father that ordered the capture? Cuz I mean tae is his son and so he would still keep tabs on him in some way. Especially since now he's considered an enemy.


Jin: Really I can think of a scenario/reasoning for all three of them.

Has: Then go ahead?

Jin: Byunghee- Capture could have intentional or not. But maybe taejoon's dad recognized him and set to erase tae from his memory in hopes of convincing tae to leave the rebels. Tae- Dad obviously hates that his son went traitor and ruined the family image so altering his memories to try and turn him dark side. Jaehee- After byunghee died she would've been seen with tae constantly. In the tunnels, maybe she wasn't entirely “shot” it could've been partially staged to then capture her for hijacking.

Has: But my heart is really gunning for bringing byunghee back. I feel like if it was tae's father that ordered the capture then the memories that would be affected are the ones just involving him and tae as a vendetta against him for being a traitor. And that way, jaehee can serve as some kind of middle man for the two where she can help byunghee calm down around tae until they can find the cure.

Jin: Mm, it just separates them so much. I mean I guess not really anymore than if jae or tae had it. So then, would taejoon know/have witnessed byunghee getting captured which then leads to going to rescue him? Or keep it as taejoon thinks he saw him die and then go about the original tunnel plan and they happen upon byunghee was released for them to find.

Has: I think dead but then after the whole tunnel invasion while tae is worrying about jae they come back to base and find out they did rescue mission for byunghee. Would that be too harsh tho? I saw this image of them coming into base with jae shot and all of a sudden tae hears a familiar voice calling out jae's name—albeit really tired—and then when they come face to face byung suddenly gets all angry looking and attacks tae.

Jin: That's so intense. Jae like bleeding out and byunghee is attacking tae and he's hella stronger than her. Byung's on anger adrenaline rush so probably stronger than tae. o__o I also lightweight had this image of byunghee trying to strange him. But asthma. But if jaehee got shot, I worry for all their safety. They're gonna hate us. xDD

Has: Lol at least they're on base so they can pull them apart and then get tae treated.

Jin: All of them treated xDD So question: I'm assuming at this point byunghee is a hijackee. Would he then hate tae in general at all times? Or only when he sees him?

Has: Well how hijacking works is that they associate a memory with fear. So like, they would use a memory of him and tae in battle while they torture him and then focus the memory on tae so that when he thinks of the torture he went through it'll be triggered be tae's presence.

Jin: So if jaehee asked him later why he attacked him. Would he be like “I have no idea what come over me”? Or hearing about tae would trigger it too.

Has: I think he would be more disoriented and maybe a little triggered cuz he'll have tae's face in his head. Tho I don't think jae will be conscious during the attack...and maybe for a while.

Jin: Ohhh so she would have no idea for a good while over what went down? Hella out of the loop. Tae's gonna be a wreck when she comes to.

Has: Do you want tae to be there when she wakes up? Maybe seeing tae would make byung a little disoriented and trigger sensitive so they had to constrain him until they find out what happened to him.

Jin: Mm, I'm torn whether tae would distance himself or like wait her bedside nonstop since they would have bonded by then and such. He'd have so much guilt though. Like omg. If he hadn't left byunghee he wouldn't have been captured. And wasn't his father the one that shoots jaehee? So essentially he's to blame by association.

Has: I also realized that everyone will know jae's a girl then.

Jin: Unlessss tae makes the leap to protect her and insist on caring for her alone? Noooo idea how he'd be able to tell her what happened though.

Has: How would he be able to take care of jaehee if he's being strangled to death?

Jin: Well I mean after? Like assuming the others manage to pull byung away, he could insist mid-feeling like he's dying that no one touch her. I'm sure he would've patched her up enough for transportation from tunnel to camp so I don't feel her immediate life would be in danger?

Has: Hmm okay. She'll probably just be super disoriented from all the blood loss.

Jin: Mm maybe. I do feel like she should have some at least uncertain vague memory of it. So when she does wake up enough to comprehend she can be all “I saw byunghee” but when tae like goes quiet it might dawn on her that she really did. Yeahhhh I think tae would like glue himself to her side. Maybe later distance himself after she reunited with byunghee.

Has: Cuz of the whole hijacking thing?

Jin: Yeah and also like it's kind of like jaehee's first week all over again. Then bonding and he's feeling left out. Only this time it's more like his life is in danger if he goes near byunghee? xD But I mean jaehee only showed up to find byunghee, had to disguise herself, but now all parties know she's a girl so she can reunite with him. Tae's sorta the odd man out. I mean would jaehee honestly be able to suppress her joy of seeing her brother alive after tae told her he died? xD And be able to equally share herself between long lost brother and dude she's been around every day for a few weeks or however long?


Jin: I'm all ears—eyes... >>;; Yeah go xD

Has: Okay so I was thinking that instead of jaehee going off to have a lonely bath or whatever, she be around during the first set of attacks. And considering this might be her first experience byunghee will be his overprotective brother self and like force/order jaehee to retreat into the forest. Of course jaehee will stubbornly reject which results in byunghee having to reveal he knows and knew for a while so that he can plead to her to follow what he says. Then for tae to find out instead of him walking in on her or something byunghee will tell him straight up “protect my sister.”

Jin: I thought byunghee already was gonna like confess on his deathbed but that “walking in on her” was more a reality check confirmation moment? But yeah I'm totally down for her to have been there already. I did sort of have this angry guilt filled guilt trip rant for tae in mind that would have involved jaehee not knowing byunghee knew. But I can go either way~

Has: Wait explain rant?

Jin: I dunno that I wanna go into detail incase emotionally charged speech does get used. But essentially taejoon is naturally a very angry person and speaks without thinking and just lost his only friend. I guess? But anyways, so would you prefer I don't add insult to injury and make jaehee feel bad?

Has: Well if he lets it all out will it help their relationship?

Jin: ...theoretically. I mean jaehee will then finally sorta have an understanding of everything he's had pent up inside? But ummmm really just depends how well she takes it. I think tae would feel better getting it out. And then later regret it. But it's certainly an ice breaker.

Has: I mean jaehee was a physical punching bag for weeks. A little emotional targeting won't kill her. She'll feel terrible for a while but yeah ice breaker.

Jin: But so if rant is a go then byunghee needs a slightly different excuse to make her leave. Maybe asking her to go get something for him? Like the camp could have a secret stash hidden a short distance from camp. It could even be tae that orders her and maybe other recruits to go run errands. Via byunghee's request. If training captain tae is scary enough to make her follow orders.

Has: That works. Something along the lines of they spotted an attack but were too late to prep and since the trainees aren't fully prepared byunghee orders them to find the stash before they get destroyed or taken.

Jin: That also gives taejoon a specific location to go find her rather than just having her clear the area.

Has: Mhm. Maybe before she leaves byunghee goes to find her to tell her to be careful and in that moment he gave a little hint that he knew. Then when tae yells at her she can be assured that her inkling was right.

Jin: I'm wondering how jaehee will take the news of her death?

Has: Badly. She'll run back to the camp thinking that meaning bear taejoon is playing an evil prank on her.

Jin: But no body to be found...? Maybe tae starts with a lie. “The group separated, they were rejoining at a designated location let's go now.” When they're far enough he comes clean? And later rant emerges. Like especially if jaehee just shuts down I feel that'd eventually get to equally devastated tae enough for him to explode. Maybe?

Has: That can work.

Jin: I could actually see jaehee like initiating his explosion. Like if he kept trying to keep busy, take byunghee's role in camp, basically only getting by by avoiding the truth/fueled by anger. Like after the initial shock he just blocked it from his thoughts and went on a power trip trying to take lead of camp. And if it maybe got to jaehee finally like “don't you even care he's gone??” And then, cue emotional overload from tae.

Has: That makes sense.

Jin: Mm, I was trying to figure a way to work this rant into it all. Cause blowing up at her when he finds her was a definite no but I couldn't picture him randomly losing his cool either. So jaehee can be the source of everything. I feel he'd ignore/avoid her too. Like after being on her nonstop from day one cause essentially jealous over byunghee liking her, to now just completely leaving her alone and going about his various distractions. Wait what about all her school friends in all this? Suddenly her world is like only tae xD They're all still around though right?

Has: Yes?

Jin: Like you weren't planning to kill any one off? That'd be tragic. I might have captain shin die. Gives more reason for tae to suddenly be so involved in leadership.

Has: Nah. I'll figure something out.

Jin: Oh hey...I forgot about the sang bros. She finds out they died pre-attack right? I think? And hope, for her sake. Jaehee has a lot to deal with. ><

Has: They both do.

Jin: True, pretty sure they have it the worst overall of all our pairings.

Has: Well yeah the setting we put them in is so crap.

Jin: I sorta feel tae's dad should get some kind of talk time with jae. Aloneish or without interruption. So jae gets some kind of understand about the war/social barrier she was more or less shielded from. Like his dad wanted to psych her out? Turn both siblings against his son? But maybe it backfired/tae showed up so he opted to shoot her.

Has: Like in the tunnel?

Jin: Yeah.

Has: So how exactly would it work out?

Jin: Maybe they're like on their way out and they get blocked from leaving? Overly confident dad shows up thinking to set jaehee against tae and bring his son back with him. Maybe byunghee hijacking was like the test run and his original plan was if it worked to use it on tae to like erase all these rebel thoughts and bring him back to “the good side.” Maybe tae doesn't end up killing him this round, so when tae takes her back to campe maybe they get there first, can get her treated by his father then released byunghee intentionally go find them? Though not sure why he wouldn't just take tae by force after shooting jae...

Has: So tae doesn't kill his father after he shot jae? I would have thought after walking dead that is what your would want xD

Jin: My instinct is that yes, he'd immediately kill him on spot. But for plot purposes I kinda feel he should stay alive for a bit longer so now they have a specific enemy.

Has: Injure him. Then it'll give tae time to get jae out of there.

Jin: Give him a cliché bad guy limp xD

Has: Lol yes! But he'll still be badass enough to give tae a hard time killing him. What if jae got separated from tae during the attack and then was snatched by tae's father. Maybe she was the next target for the hijacking but she kept struggling and so he talks to her.

Jin: But his father doesn't know who she is, so hijacking wouldn't really be effective...?

Has: He could have watched them interact and notice that he was acting too protective of her. It just seems like he'll need time to talk to jae.

Jin: Mm yeah definitely not just a “oh by the way~”

Has: So she would need to be snatched or separated from tae which would give his dad time cuz tae would need to figure out where she went.

Jin: Or, maybe it was the other way around. Cause it's hard to picture tae not just taking out anywhere who goes near her. What if tae was snatched via army soldiers leaving jae alone with his father. But tae eventually managed to hulk out on them and escape to go back and find them but when his dad saw tae approaching he shot jae knowing he wouldn't be able to get tae back this time. Father leaves but tae just quick enough to injure him before he was out of sight?

Has: That makes sense. The soldiers that are under his father would know who he is and so would snatch him or something.

Jin: Or he ordered them to. I mean if his initial plan was to try and take tae then and there. Maybe psyching jae was to prevent her from following. But all backfired.

Has: That works.


Has: I lowkey pictured tae's father looking like the man in the mv...

Jin: The general guy? I only got through the first one this morning. And it's been like a year since I saw the second.

Has: Wasn't he in the first one?

Jin: Yeah that's why I was asking though in case you meant someone else that wasn't.

Has: No I meant the meanie general that ordered the shot that killed the brother.

Jin: Yeah himm.


Jin: If jaehee heard byunghee talking at night would she eavesdrop for the sake of being near him/hearing his voice? Even if she knew taejoon was with him? Or is tae intimidating to the point she would stay away?

Has: Are we talking current setting?

Jin: Yes. A short while after intense tae bootcamp.

Has: Probably not. She'd most likely be exhausted from training. Or too sore to move. Thank you very much tae.

Jin: Not same day. I mean while like days.

Has: I stand by what I said.

Jin: Kay. Cause remember I mentioned way many moons ago that jaehee might learn of his asthma via like overhearing him and byunghee? I was thinking to combine her finding out about sang bros with that. Like tae having an angry moment and bringing them up. It just made sense for him to be tired and stressed after bootcamp so then like night venting with byunghee. But if jaehee wouldn't be interested I can come up with something else.

Has: If it's late night then use jaehee taking a shower or something related to it.

Jin: I wonder how showers work at their camp anyways. Buckets of water heated by campfire...?

Has: Can you remind me what the season is? Winter?

Jin: I think so. Nearly winter. Cold but no snow.

Has: Maybe there's a little lake near camp. Erm, river. It'll make me feel better about the fact that it's the only source of water the revel army has.

Jin: How?

Has: So they don't end up drinking the way they bathed in? I mean there is the whole boiling it and such.

Jin: I seeee.

Has: I'm weird and think deeply on some things.

Jin: How long do you think we should wait till the attack?

Has: Long enough so that the new recruits actually have a chance of surviving?

Jin: Good point. xD But yeah I think like the official end of bootcamp. Jaehee being sore and feeling dying ish is actually the best time for the scene I had in mind. Cause it's sort of supposed to help humanize him in her mind. It that makes sense? Like the whole “everyone deals with pain differently and he's hurting too from the whole war” just so she doesn't end up hating him completely until after byunghee dies.

Has: I just had this hilarious image of jaehee's expression softening around taejoon after that and him kicking her ass for it xD

Jin: Omggg xD I love it.

Has: That soft expression will harden real quick ~

Jin: But at least she knows~~~ Kdrama hardships xD But what about overhearing the sangs are dead? That's gotta hit hard :(

Has: Well yeah considering she had dreams of being married to one of them xD I had this really painful idea a long time ago that sanggil used to write to jae before joining the rebel army. And then when he did join, the letters suddenly stopped without a reason.

Jin: Because executed, or before he died?

Has: Before he died. Cuz I doubt the rebel army would risk writing letters to their loved ones at the risk of giving away information. Like as soon as he joined with the others. So in a way, if jae hears about what happened to the sang brothers she can sort of be in relief cuz she can stop worrying about sanggil. She'll mourn, sure, but...yeah.

Jin: That next morning is gonna be a tough one. “My drill sergeant is actually a sick angry puppy and my dream fiance is dead.”

Has: Sick angry puppy xD Can jae use that when she bellyaches to byung xD

Jin: Sure? XD omg byung's reaction to that though xDD I think he'd crack up.

Has: Le gasp. Someone other than tae made byung laugh??? Jae is gonna get her ass kicked more~ I feel like if jae were to do that she should have like a distinguishable habit that always makes byung laugh...which could be one of the reasons he knew it was her.

Jin: Besides just “this is your sister with short hair and pants” xDD Somehow I can hella see her pulling like a toddler pout with the whole adorable arms crossed puffy cheek I'm mad at you but still cute, look.

Has: “I'M NOT TRYING TO BE FUNNY!!!!! He really is a sick angry puppy!” /pouts. Byung might actually stop laughing if that was the case. Probably all (this guy keeps acting freakishly like my sister...)

Jin: xD So would she admit to overhearing/seeing them? Or be more like “so what's up with tae, he doesn't look so good lately.” I kinda pictured him towards the end of bootcamp turning a bit gekkou hayate (from naruto, maybe you know of him?) aka pale with a chronic cough. I can find a clip later, he's a funny guy x3

Has: Maybe a little of both. Something like a little lie where she would say that she was out to do her business and when she came back to camp she noticed tae look troubled.

Jin: Soooo are they gonna be at the river or at camp? I'm confused now xD

Has: Well I mean eventually they would have to return to camp and “it just so happened” that jae was “in the area.”

Jin: Mm, like she hears they're getting ready to go back so she sneaks back first? Cause it'd look suspicious if she returned from the same direction after them. “Heyyyy we didn't see you over there, where did you come from?” xD But like if she saw them coming back she could then pop the question? Or next day. Maybe tae takes a health day and byunghee takes over the recruits for the day?

Has: The second option would be best. After all she is still afraid of him.

Jin: I mean I don't think tae would stick around upon getting back, probably head straight to bed especially if he saw her loitering around, but byunghee taking over makes most sense all around. And gives them time to bond~

Has: We also need to weigh in the fact that she just found out sanggil has been dead for some time so she's not really all there emotionally.

Jin: True true, health day for everyone. No one would dare touch her while byunghee is there. And if he wasn't and it was tae, then her being depressed and unresponsive would just get her in trouble. They all need a mini vacation.

Has: Thank you tae for the mini vacation.

initial d?
based off of initial d / bakaleya / wangan midnight. more so wangan midnight.
two possible pairings, one is a little more complicated to start with, the other has the option for a lot more backstory plotting.

so assuming has doesn't wanna play a guy: a girl and her older brother are super close. but he's a street racer and one night dies in an accident. the pairings then split from here, the complicated option is that the car he died in has a reputation of being "cursed" and all it's owners have died in horrible accidents but the car keeps getting recovered. so sometime after her brother dies, a boy finds the car in a scrap lot and rebuilds it not knowing the car's history right away. the boy also happens to have the exact same name as the girl's brother. so that's some pretty serious dejavu when she finally encounters him and the car. i see her sort of hating him at first, "how could you drive a car that's killed so many people" sort of thing. but she starts seeing her brother in him which helps her get over hating him specifically and maybe more so just the car, not wanting him to race it anymore and risk his life.

rewindddddddd, or after her brother died, (or maybe it was her boyfriend?) his best friend took over looking out for her and they're stuck in inner conflict over liking each other but feeling like they're betraying their dead brother/bestfriend/boyfriend/whatever he is.

hokuto x jesse?

lilo&stitch/hawaii surf
- naomi and kc first meet when she walks into the wrong bathroom.
- alana and naomi used to hula together.

Kwanchai kai Changkratok (KC/kasey)
- 16 or 17 years old
- two older sisters, alana 21 and kalea 25
- alana attended paul mitchell the school honolulu a couple years ago. she currently waits tables at a local bbq place and rents a chair. kc is her guinea pig and walking advertisement. she's pretty obsessed with k-otic, and the whole kamikaze family really.
- kalea...
- west highland terrier, technically his sister's but the dog bonded with him. sharky/mano/obnoxious celebrity name
- surf surf surf
- doesn't own a cellphone, borrows his sister's sometimes if he's going out and not a friend's house
- totally down with nature barefoot in the mud and whatnot, but definitely is pretty heavily appearance driven. he dresses flashy.
- at home he speaks a mix of languages, just depends what words gets across what he's trying to say. his thai is by far the worst as he only really uses it to communicate with his relatives, so they tease him on his accent but he gets by just fine. his pidgin is pretty decent, after all he grew up around it but he speaks mainland english unless spoken to otherwise.
- he's the palest among his friends, family and neighbors which often causes confusion with tourists who think he's vacationing as well. he does swear by sunscreen but it's also partly genetics, he just doesn't tan or burn easily.
- born and raised in hawaii with frequent visits to thailand to see relatives.
- mother was thai/hawaiian but identified more with her hawaiian side and prioritized hawaiian culture when raising her children. she was the one to get kc on a surfboard, did hula with alana and passed on family recipes to kalea. full thai father, great guy i just can't think of anything special to share about him, oops~ both parent's thai families were very insistent on raising the children like real thai, so they all have full thai names and were taught the language as kids. though reading and writing is still pretty spotty. there were never any thai vs hawaiian wars in the family, they all got along and would alternate visiting each other's cities. thai side was just extremely proud of being thai, haha

1004 (angel)
- Genders of roles to be determined later (Jin can choose whoever he wants to play) Jin = 1000 hearts (cyrus); Has = burn victim (jordin)

- Character 1 :: Was born in the 14th century as the child of a nobleman. Met and fell in love with another child of a nobleman and had a long secret affair. Was then given the news that s/he would be arranged to the crowned prince/ss. Distressed by this news, s/he begged the lover to run away from their family and homes. They do just that and go into hiding as peasants. Manage to marry one another and have a peaceful life for many years. Little did they know their families had been in search of them all those years. Because of their betrayal from running away, they're in search of them to either condemn them (i.e. kill them for shaming their family name). When they are finally found, they are forced to flee with soldiers trailing after them. Unfortunately, they are unable to get away and they are caught. They fight to get away, but in the end, the lover is impaled and then shot by a flaming arrow. S/he manages to escape after this, but has been knocked unconscious. When s/he wakes up hours later, s/he comes to the realization that the lover is dead and so feels like s/he cannot go on and wants to kill his/herself. It's at this point that an angel appears to him/her. God has punished him/her for his/her thoughts of suicide by having him/her live for many years with thousands of hearts inside him/her (equal to the amount of love s/he had for the lover). The punishment has an end: S/he must give away the hearts in any way that s/he can think of. Has been alive ever since with no possible way of dying.

- Character 2 :: Self-absorbed and very selfish. Has made a name for his/herself in the music industry and knows damn well about it. Despite the fame and the fortune, s/he is a nightmare to work with and typically works alone all the time. His/Her talents are wasted on shallowness and media attention that s/he is seen more times on tabloids than in music charts. Notorious for being a party animal. Drinking. Smoking. Drugs. The whole nine yards. Knows how to play the game to get anything s/he wants just by using his/her looks. All that changes though when one freak accident occurs. S/he drives home drunk and high from a party after an awards ceremony after-party. Thinking s/he is seeing things, s/he sees a sea of flaming arrows fly passed him/her. As a result, s/he crashes the car and it bursts into flames. Surprisingly survives though, but is burned so badly that not even plastic surgery cannot help. Because of the accident, s/he fires everyone that works for him/her and tells them to tell the news that s/he has died. S/he is too ashamed by his/herself and makes plans of suicide once admitted out of the hospital.

- In comes Character 1...

- Fast forwarding to present time, Character 1 has figured out a way to give away the hearts s/he is told to carry all this time. Music. Has had heavenly musical talents since childhood and now uses it to give the hearts to the songs s/he produces. As a result, is THE best music producer in the world because the music always holds an emotion too powerful for words (the result of the hearts poured into the music). The thing is though that not many people know who s/he is. Goes by a different name to hide identity (agent's idea). Truth is that most people think s/he is pretty damn crazy. Though s/he comes off as charismatic, friendly, and easily likable, some of the things that come out of his/her mouth can be categorized as borderline schizophrenic. Hence why s/he has been admitted into the psychiatric ward a few times (or more like a few times too many). Of course, s/he isn't really crazy.

- Both characters will meet in the hospital. Character 1 will come across Character 2 while strolling through the different floors. Once Character 1 looks upon Character 2, it's a sense of familiarity that s/he hasn't felt in over 700 years.

- Flashback plots involving Jin's character and his lover's life up until the attack (will need to be strategically plotted out later)

- Character 1 goes by the alias name Cyrus; provides anonymity for his brilliant work and more privacy. Forces agents and companies to go through his agent first instead of contacting him directly

- Character 2 (note: must name her later) goes through a couple months of debridement treatment just so that Cyrus doesn't hear her wailing screams from the pain of basically having her skin cut out of her. It's no damn wonder the burn ward is the farthest ward of a hospital. Imagine all the fear you would feel hearing the constant screaming from the patients. Yikes.

- Cyrus is a frequent patient in the psychiatric ward due to his episodes. He has hallucinations or whatever while he's working on new music. Result of the hearts wanting to be given life and forcing him to either work harder or work faster. It emotionally drains him due to visions of his past haunting him while he works. The exhaustion will eventually result in him blacking out but not even remembering that he blacked out in the first place.

- He doesn't tell her about his punishment until he has fully gained her trust. Even when he tells her, she'll think he's crazy as all hell but at this point has learned to play along just because she enjoys his company.

- Moves into his penthouse after he fights with her doctors to let her stay with him. She'll be at an outpatient transitional housing setup until then.

- Cyrus's agent lives with him

- Representation of music styles:
Jordin (quality...not style since jpop isn't exactly like western style music) = Elise Estrada then ll now


Time After Meeting:


Running Away:

Life After Running Away:

Last Time Together/Love's Death:

red string proverb x eternal sunshine of the spotless mind crossover
oo1. Chinese Proverb: "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break"; Red String of Fate.

oo2. According to Chinese legend, the deity in charge of the red string is believed to be Yue Xia Lao; old lunar matchmaker god who is also in charge of marriage (sourced by wikipedia)

oo3. "Wiped Out"/"Forget-Me-Nots": Medical clinic specialized in erasing the memories their patients want to forget. Not many know of this clinic, but when the time comes for them to want to erase their memories they make themselves known in mysterious ways. Clinic has state of the art machines that target all the specific memory neurons of those memories that want to be erased and destroy them.

oo4. In this universe, while consciously those memories are destroyed the subconscious works through its own set of neurons undetected by the machine since those neurons are only activated when the person is not conscious of their being. So these subconscious neurons have a way of retaining all the conscious memories. These memories only appear in dreams or a dreamlike state and most times they go unremembered when awake. (Who knows, maybe this is actually true).

oo5. When someone erases their memories those that are involved in said memories are notified either through a letter or a business card that they have been erased entirely from a person's memory. In the case that a person finds out they've been wiped out of another's memory and choose to erase their memories of that other person as well, that other person will not be notified.

oo1. Male - He is the direct descendant of Yue Xia Lao. Being a direct descendant he has inherited what each member before him has considered the "family curse". Each member of this family line has the supernatural ability to see every person's red string. There is not one person in the entire world that they cannot see their red string. In the early centuries, they were a long line of matchmakers utilizing their ability to see these red strings to match others together. Their expertise in matchmaking made them a very famous family. People from all over China and every part of Asia sought their guidance in finding their perfect match. As the centuries passed, the trade died but they still had their ability, but now stronger than ever. Every family member before him felt this unfathomable pull to pair those that they know are perfect matches; meaning they've seen the ends of the red strings from both people. They've been notorious for breaking up relationships because they're determined to match the right people even if they know it's not the right thing to do in this current generation. Many have attempted to stop this pull, but they've been unsuccessful. In his case, he's trying his absolute hardest to be the first to stop this chain of heart break. There are two reasons behind this. The first reason is that he is the first male descendant since Yue Xia Lao. This ability honestly scares him. The second reason, and the most personal one, is that he watched first hand as his family's ability ripped his family apart. Their parents were not attached to each other. His mother fought tooth and nail to go against her fate to be with his father. They were happy at first but after he was born the fighting and disagreements occurred. The truth was that after he was born and his father started his new job, she found the other end to his string. His mother's other end had long since passed. For years she tried to fight the knowledge she knew, but in those years she watched as his father and his intended got close. Eventually, she knew it was time to let fate take its toll. Since then she's been incredibly sick from grief and has been in the hospital ever since. With this, he's very cryptic about love, but he is very good at hiding it. His personality is very colorful. Spontaneous, messy, over-enthused about life, and always attempting to keep moving forward. This personality helps mask the fact that he lives with this curse. He also uses this personality to fight the pulls he feels when he finds the ends of a red string.

oo2. Female - In the land of wealthy, high end blue bloods, her family is at the top of the social ladder. Whether it's the CEO of a large corporation or a political official, her family has their toes dipped into any form of power they could possibly imagine. And they try their absolute hardest to keep it that way. Her family has very old fashioned beliefs which include arranged marriages for the benefit of the family business. While in this time of age arranged marriages are more difficult to come by, her family is clever in that they pair their children together at a very young age. Play dates and constant invitations to elite get togethers. Her family is a clever bunch and still is. All of her life she has been taught to never disobey her elders, especially her family. Reserved, obedient and almost fragile, she has a hard time living by her own terms; because she honestly does not know what her own terms are. She's very family oriented and will do anything to make her family happy. She has a hard time living life to the fullest because she believes that it's disorderly and complete chaos. She's a firm believer in organization and knowing exactly what will happen in the future. Consider her like a delicate little flower that always need protecting.

oo1. The two are complete opposites of one another. Their first meeting was honestly by mistake and it's honestly something that they both laugh over when they get the chance to think about it. In most cases, two people so different from one another would never work together. But for these two, they fit almost perfectly together. Their opposing personalities balanced each other. He taught her to be more spontaneous and off the book, and she taught him that it's okay to have a plan in his life once in a while. They each filled in the void that they lacked personality wise. It also helps that they were the ends of each other's string. So while their first meeting was a mistake and hilarious, it was also ironically meant to be. For them, it was love at first sight.

oo2. They're both students in a university in the United States. Except that he's American born and raised while she is a foreign exchange student. They met in freshman year and it only took a few months for them to fall in love and start a relationship together. Throughout the four years of their undergrad they were in love. They were completely blinded by their love for one another and they honestly felt like nothing could harm them.

oo3. Except that as time drew on, their differences caught up with them. They started to realize that their personalities were driving the other crazy and so began the arguments and the fights. These fights went from being every so often to almost every night. It came to the point they were couldn't even stand to be in the same room. One night, she said the dreaded words, "I wish I could just forget about you!" And forget about him she did. She went to the clinic and had every memory both happy and sad of him removed to the point that not a single remnant was left. Days later when he decided he was going to apologize, he arrived to an empty dorm/apartment. She was completely gone. She had returned to her home country to be with her family. When he returned home, there was a letter waiting for him. It was from the clinic explaining everything; that he was no longer a memory for her. That she had wiped him out of her memory entirely. In his heart break, he too went to the clinic and removed every living memory of her from him.

oo4. Two or three years have passed and the two have lived their lives like nothing was wrong. Their personalities unaffected as well as their lives. They now have their own lives together now that they have finished with college. And they are currently dating other people.

oo5. While he knows that the girl he is currently dating is not the other end to his red string, he is fascinated by her. He is so emotionally drawn to her and he could also say that he's falling for her despite the fact that they are not fated to be destined for each other. He keeps this secret though so as to protect his relationship with her. In his mind, this girl he is dating is perfect for him in every way. They are like two peas in a pod; perfectly compatible.

oo6. She has been seeing an old childhood friend since her return to her home country. They had met when they were little babies though they obviously do not remember those days. They were school mates, each other's play dates, and were always paired together in every possible occasion. Their friendship is rooted from their parents wanting to make business negotiations through a possible marriage. Obviously it's worked. Since her return from studying abroad, their parents have worked through blood, sweat, and tears to rekindle their friendship. In that time, she has developed feelings for him. She is quite fond of him and finds him quite the catch. He's everything that a woman like her could possibly want in a man. Attractive, charming, intelligent, and we can't forget the fact that he's quite rich. They've dated for a little less than two years, but they've recently gotten engaged.

oo7. Things will become a very twisted roller coaster ride when he and his new girlfriend, decide to vacation in her home country. Despite being a very large country, fate has a way of bringing two people that are destined to meet. And so even though they are from two completely different worlds, their paths will cross eventually. And when it does, it will be chaos for the both of them. They will meet as strangers again with two completely different lives. The terrible part of this situation; she is still the other end of his string. But he is happy with his current relationship. The problem is that when he's around her, or at least sees her, he has a sense of familiarity that he cannot pinpoint. Naturally, she feels the exact same way. But she does absolutely nothing about it, because she's engaged to be married.

oo8. And we can't forget the fact that the wedding is months away.

oo9. SHWAAAA ~

a darkened reunion / return to neverland
BOYFRIEND - Obsession

Wendy had actually visited Neverland before Peter showed up at her window looking for his shadow. When she had gone, Captain James (Hook) had been the one to find her, and he quickly fell head over heels for her. And it didn't take long for her to return the feelings, but James' long rival, conceited and jealous Peter Pan wanted Wendy for himself. So he set up a plan to pull them apart. (insert plan here. see below for notes) And with it Wendy lost all memories of James, Peter and Neverland. She returned home and it was several years until Peter found where she lived. Cue the story of Peter Pan and his troublesome shadow. Wendy flew to Neverland with him, entranced in this magical boy who never grew up and the stories he told of indians, mermaids and lost boys. James, still sailing the seas in Neverland, gets word that Wendy has returned and so plots to steal her back, unaware of her memory loss and new found feelings for Peter Pan.

- time period
- country
- whether Wendy returned as an adult or just an older child/teenager
- Peter's plan
- whether James and Peter were originally friends or have they always been rivals
- character ages
- James' plan
- how much reality versus fantasy is used

- Wendy x James x Peter runs similar to Lilly x Snape x Potter
- Peter's plan causes Wendy to lose her memories(an unforeseen side effect), but it is also what turns James into the bitter Captain Hook. I'm thinking bomb? Takes his hand, and the blast knocks Wendy hard enough to screw with her head. It was also a bomb in the mv. Totally open to suggestions though. With a bomb also the crocodile could have the pocket watch in him still and the constant ticking can still haunt Hook. It would just lack the whole "croc ate his hand and is after the rest of him".

Thus Wendy first laid eyes on the dark figure who haunted her stories. She saw the piercing eyes and was not afraid, but entranced.

CAPTAIN JAMES HOOK vini uehara + | +
SMEE + | +
JOHN DARLING william moseley + | +
MICHAEL DARLING collin ford + | + collin is a seventeen year old baby with like no official photos, but i can try again if you need better pics.

shattered/teen top original

(CRAZY) Close friends with girl, but she doesn't know his guy friends. maybe they were childhood friends but he goes to private school/all boys, so she's never really met them. he finally works up the courage to ask her out and she agrees and they date a while and she starts hanging out with him and the guys. she realizes she might not actually like him as a boyfriend and more brotherly when she falls for one of his friends. so they break up. clean break, she's not out to hurt him or anything. he obviously had his heartbroken knowing his girl likes his friend, but he's too head over heels to move on and gets into this stage of "i'm okay as long as i can still be near you" so he seems fine and she's still around just dating his friend. (DON'T SPRAY PERFUME) girl starts to notice that her boyfriend smells like perfume, has glitter/make up on the edges of his clothes. strange calls and texts. basically he's cheating on her with a noona. this is where things spiral down.(MISSING) friend pretty much abandons her and his buddies and starts down a road of partying and drinking. l.joe is there with the girl trying to comfort her through it till there's a breaking point. maybe friend died? left town for good? went mia? cut all ties with them? whatever happened, the girl was devastated, ljoe did his best to stay strong in front of her, but he was suffering watching her suffer, and not to mention he missed his friend as well. during all this the girl's feelings for him return if they were ever there, and she falls for him. so happy ending, but maybe some feelings of guilt about the whole thing. for both of them.

SHORT AND BLUNT EXPLANATIONS OF MUSIC VIDEOS. but you should really watch the videos. because l.joe. and good songs.


CRAZY - opening scene "will you be my girlfriend?" "no." and she runs away. ljoe spends the entire mv chasing her and flashbacks of their time getting to know each other. finally catches her and she's all "pabo, i didn't want to say it in front of your friends." cue happy hug and awkward embarrassed laughing.

DON'T SPRAY PERFUME - boys spend the mv bouncing between dating sexy noona and hiding it from their cute high school girlfriend. basically. in the end noona wins. sorry cute girlfriend.

MISSING - ljoe spends mv taking care of depressed girl. flashbacks of happy times as a trio. cap(tatted rapper) seen making bad life choices with sexy noona. ljoe finally breaks down and cries with girl who then kisses him.

BE MA GIRL - the period of her hanging out with the crew. everyone's pretty much just happy to be around each other. she becomes friends with the guys to some degree.

pirates next gen
PLOT IDEAS...ideas are not fully developed
- like father like son, he can't hold a ship for long/great lover of rum = constantly drunk (or crazy)
- son of captain jack sparrow and elizabeth swan (to be explained later)
- in search of the pearl in hopes of finding his father --& rumors and stories all stating that sparrow is more likely to be on the pearl
- what really happened was that another mutiny (maybe?) occurred in which jack was traded off to turner because of a very old debt that he has yet to repay (and for other reasons, again, to be explained later). maybe jack sacrifices himself so that his precious pearl doesn't get destroyed by turner? jack is brought on flying dutchman to pay his debt; all the while kid sparrow is born
- someone in tortuga will tell kid sparrow about a map that will lead him to exactly what he wants --& he'll think it's the pearl, but it's really going to be his father's compass
- map will be with one of the pirates that was associated with sparrow (gibbs maybe?) but died and so map will be buried with him
- someone else is after the map! (mina)
- unlike kid sparrow mina knows where the map leads to --& calypso
- she needs to find calypso to resurrect her sister
(to be continued after this short commercial break...)

MINA'S BACKGROUND INFO (for setting purposes)
- the current captain of (insert ship name here)
- previous captain was her sister (mina)
- mina took on her sister's name after her death to keep her legacy alive
- she's super obsessed with her sister (even in death). looked up to her as they grew up; especially when they were introduced to piracy
- the sisters weren't pirates at first; lived in town like port royal before pirates raided the town and killed their parents. captain of the raiding pirates took them in as his own after sister mina showed she had some bite.
- mina was the strategist while her sister was like the mercenary. she was a fast learner at combat and became a master swordsman. mina is not as skilled in combat, but she knows her way around a pistol
- captain father figure died in a battle and they were given the ship (sister taking on the position of captain almost greedily)
- sister captain for years; known as ruthless and someone not to be underestimated just because she's a woman
- over the years, they were also under the guidance of captain father figure's first mate; little did they know he had some sort of ulterior motive in regards to mina (he also plays an interesting role in the plot)
- he was always interested/fascinated with mina, but sister was always in the way (overprotective of mina). sister suspected something and warned him to stay away (not to mention he's like more than ten years older or something)
- during a battle with another pirate ship, he killed sister and disguised it as a murder by another pirate
- mina became new captain and took her sister's name. he became her first mate and her confidant (maybe lover?). making him one step closer to getting what he wants
- when mina became captain, she forbade any of the crew from entering the captain's quarters. none of them know that she has preserved her sister's body with intention of bringing her back to life.

(...and now back to our show)
- roleplay would start with mina and kid sparrow pursuing the map (maybe in some remote-ish island with a lot of forest surrounding them)
- both find it, both want it --& both fight for it --& results in kid sparrow going out in a very jack sparrow way (conked in the head lol) --& he's taken captive
- little sparrow prisoner with some interrogation by mina
- during imprisonment, he finds out about sister haunting the ship, but he doesn't know at first that she is a ghost...yet. she would be acting perfectly human (she would be in the cell across/next to his)
- he would suspect that she is ghost when she suddenly disappears from her cell when a crew member comes to check on him or something
- sometime after he gains mina's trust --& maybe through help/tips by sister's ghost
- OH! he never finds out that ghost is sister...just the ghost of some familiar with the ship and the crew. she never tells him who she is either. he's the only one that can see her.
- him and mina agree to work together (do they tell each other their true intentions with the map? or do they just give off the idea that they're in it for the treasure?)
- first mate guy disapproves of this new addition/maybe doesn't trust him for some reason; ghost sister tells kid sparrow to be careful to watch out for first mate
- he could be a little shit and think of this warning as a way to annoy first mate or make him jealous (i dunno, it seems like a very sparrow thing to do)
- he'll realize using mina and her ship will help him find the pearl and his father quickly

- map will lead to calypso's whereabouts --& she will have sparrow's compass.
- a bunch of bargaining and such that will lead to them going in search of the pearl. the pearl will be stranded on some remote beach island since jack's capture. has something calypso wants; turner's heart (to be explained later)
- calypso will tell mina to retrieve the chest carrying turner's heart in exchange for her assistance in bringing her sister back (but we all know that deal won't go through cuz calypso is a backstabbing bitch)
- kid sparrow doesn't know about the chest bargain
- calypso wants turner's heart for something important

- a jackxelizabeth affair --& jack offers elizabeth to sail with him; she agrees leaving her son behind
- elizabeth takes will's heart with her because deep down she still loves him; jack doesn't know it's hidden in the pearl
- will returns to shore for his one day every ten years; finds that elizabeth is not there to meet him. also finds out that his son has run off to become a pirate somewhere
- finds out about elizabeth sailing off with jack --& heartbroken grudge leads to his intentions of jack repaying long time debts
- elizabeth is not on the pearl --& remained on (tortuga?) when she finds out she's pregs
- dies during childbirth of kid sparrow (cuz i actually really don't like swan tbh)
- plot twist: turnerxswan son = mina's first mate (LE GASP)
- first mate doesn't know that kid sparrow is jack sparrow and elizabeth's son; has some strange idea that he knows kid sparrow from somewhere (but it's really cuz he looks like jack and he has a vague recollection of meeting jack when he took his mom away)
- first mate believes that his mother was kidnapped by sparrow and so has grudge against jack

witchy vampness
VAMPIRES Created from Witches, there was a family of the original first vampires who as they lived on with their immortal selves, created more vampires, and so the cycle continued. Vampires are created by a human dying with vampire blood in their system. They will revive with the intensely overwhelming urge to feed. To complete the transition, they must drink from a living person. If they do not drink, they will die suffering.
Vampire abilities include superhuman strength, hearing, sight, speed, healing and "compulsion" being able to essentially mind control a human. For example a vampire undercover may feed on a person and then compel them to forget what happened and replace that memory with one of an animal attack or something. An original can compel a vampire. Healing goes both ways. Vampires heal almost instantly, and their blood can heal a human if they were to drink it.
Vampires burn in the sun. However some have been known to strike deals with Witches to make special artifacts, usually a ring or bracelet that counters this effect from the sun and allows them to walk about in the daylight.
Besides their physical abilities, everything is heightened for a vampire. Especially emotions. But they have a trick for that. One can hit a switch inside them, shutting off their emotions; their humanity, so that nothing bothers them. It's a dangerous road to go down and extremely hard to reverse.
Vampires are only weakened by two things: wood, and vervain(wolfsbane equivalent plant). A stake to the heart will kill a vampire, plain and simple. Vervain is more like a poison, so enough of it could kill one. To touch it burns, ingesting makes one extremely weak. If a human ingests or carries vervain on their person, a vampire cannot compel them. A werewolf bite is deadly. The only cure in VD was to drink Klaus' blood. Will need to come up with an alternative. Original vampires cannot die by wolf bite. Nor can they die by stake to the heart, only wood from the white ash tree can kill them. Regular wood will still hurt though, a bit.

WEREWOLVES One cannot become a werewolf, it is something you're born into. As a human they are easily raged and have excess energy. But the werewolf gene is not activated until they kill someone, intentionally or accidentally it doesn't matter. They then change every full moon and it's a long and excruciatingly painful process. It gets easier with time but takes A LOT of practice and self control to, well, control themselves once they turn. If they can't override the wolf part of their brain than they experience blackouts when they turn back to being human with no memory of their night as a wolf. Werewolves are stronger, than average humans, better sense of smell and hearing and are faster but no where near as fast or agile as a vampire. They cannot be compelled.

HYBRIDS Hybrids are werewolves who get turned into vampires. It doesn't work the other way around since a bite can't turn one into a werewolf and is toxic to vampires anyways. In VD hybrids are only created by drinking the blood of the doppelganger, so an alternative would need to be worked out. They are no longer bound by the full moon and can change at will. Extremely strong as they have all of the abilities of both vampires and werewolves combined. Hybrid bite can kill a vampire.

Basicallyyyy my idea is vampire/witch version of Inuyasha....
An Original vampire, notorious for all things evil, was in love with a witch who for some reason left him. Maybe she was killed? betrayed him? either way, the coven captured him and he was trapped, locked away for centuries with the duty of keeping him a secret being passed through the witch's coven or direct family when one turns of age. Flash forward many generations and the war between vampires/werewolves/witches is out of control, the witches are on their last legs. Someone has the bright idea of using their captive vampire as a secret weapon, or maybe just one rebellious witch does. And so goes to free him, casting some spell or magic talisman to bind the vampire to obey her in hopes of getting the upperhand in the war. and while he could care less about her dying out family, she reminds him of his first love from way back when.

sooo lots of details need to be worked out, maybe there is no war and she just wants to use him for her own personal vendetta? but something along those lines.

- Light vs Dark - Light Casters use their powers for good. They have green eyes that glow when they use their powers. Dark Casters use their powers for evil. They have yellow/gold, almost catlike eyes that always glow (which means that they must be hidden when in public).
- The Caster Curse gives Casters no choice in their claiming. On the sixteenth moon of their sixteenth birthday (midnight) a Caster's true nature claims them Light or Dark. They have absolutely no choice over which way they are claimed. When Casters are claimed Dark they are exiled from their family/coven.

ADDED ABILITIES INFORMATION: (inspiration from witches of east end)
Aside from the different types of Casters, each Caster's ability is sized by their energy source. It is based on three cores:
- Gut : those who channel their energy from the gut act before they think. basically, they use their basic instincts and, well, act on their gut feelings. most of their powers are performed on a whim. the more "carefree" of the three.
- Heart : the energy of their powers comes from their emotions with anger and pure happiness being the strongest levels. they are commonly known to control the weather based on their emotions, so don't piss off these Casters. in this instance, it is safe to say that the most common Casters that use their heart for their source of energy are Naturals/Cataclyst.
- Brain : rational and analytical, these Casters are one of the strongest Casters. their powers are one of the most strongest because of their ability to think of their spells before casting them. they are able to concentrate on whatever spell they set their mind to and as such can perform some powerful spells. they also have the ability to create their own spells.
- there is a fourth source of energy, but only a very few Casters have it. these specific Casters can channel all three energy sources and are considered the most powerful. because of these multiple sources of energy, they are known to live longer (even to the point that they can be immortal). another thing about these Casters is that they are not easily killed. you cannot kill these Casters with magic or even with mortal weapons. however, despite them being the strongest, their energy sources working together can cause problems for the Caster due to them constantly battling each other for the upperhand. think about it, a Caster wanting to cast a spell with a gut feeling but being stopped by the brain.

- caster curse does not allow for casters to choose light or dark during their claiming. maybe this is more for women than for men. like, women have no choice over what side they are claimed, but with enough energy and time, men can choose to reclaim light if given the right amount of motivation.
- she's developed the abilities of a palimpsest, so she can read time. she is able to see both the past and the present and often times confuses one from the other. she cannot see the future as that ability is reserved for diviners. (to be honest, she finds this ability super annoying) she is commonly seen with a confused expression on her face.
- i'm thinking that her energy source comes from her gut. her personality in my head feels free spirited so it makes sense that she bases her magic wielding on gut feelings and basic instincts.
- comes from a long line of dark casters, mostly on the women's side. she doesn't know much about her family apart from that most, if not all, are dark. she has never known her mother and for all she knew, her father is dead.
- i was thinking that when she was born, she was taken from her mother at birth by the light witches and was raised by them ever since. to protect her from knowing about her family, they spent years not telling her much. she would basically learn about her family on her own.
- i was kind of into the idea that she had an older brother like a character from beautiful darkness. this character was a hybrid, half caster and half incubus. obviously he would be a dark caster, but maybe sometime while she was growing up he was able to change.
- maybe through her abilities as a palimpsest she found out about vampy being binded and held prisoner by the light witches. she could have come across the room where they created the spell and then that was when she decided she wanted to follow the trail.
- also, sixteen seems way too young for our plot. so maybe we should at least boost up the claiming age to's not much of a boost but it's way better than sixteen considering how old vampy is...

- M.A.P.S. : Maxwell Academy for Prodigious Scholars. Spy school the pairing goes to/went to. Starts at 7th grade. Probably in some really secluded area (will figure out exactly where when country is decided; England maybe?)
- Haven : Spy program after MAPS. Kind of like the college equivalent. Students move up to Haven after MAPS to continue their studies to be a spy. It's more hands on than MAPS and there is more field ops (mostly with a partner/team & superior/mentor).
- A.R.C. : Assessment of Reconnaissance Comprehension. Final exam (kind of like an exit exam) that is given to all MAPS students. This exam determines if students will continue to Haven. ARC consists of a field op mission that tests the skills they have learned. They will have to show above proficiency level skills while completing mission. Must have both criteria to pass. Almost like a senior project.
- Inferno : Those that do not pass ARC are transferred to this program; if they choose to of course. In this program students are not trained as spies, but as assassins. The level of knowledge they have of espionage is what they learned in MAPS. They don't continue their spy education like those in Haven. Most of the training revolves around being able to terminate on command. It's a much shorter program than Haven and is rather intensive and jampacked. 9 levels and students must move up quickly. Long story short, these students are trained to be skilled killers. Usually though they work with Haven spies on missions. Some do end up going solo and work for the highest bidder.
- MAPS Students that don't pass their ARC and choose not to go to Haven can also work for other espionage programs; they can be recruited or apply. They can also choose to go to college.
- L-10 : Origins in mid-1990s. What MANY do not know is that Inferno has another level; not that people need to know. Level 10 (L-10) is a sub-program of Inferno run by a few people in charge of Inferno that want to cut ties with Haven, however those people don't know that inside L-10 they are working against them to cut ties and be their own division period...but more on that later. The training in L-10 is more vigorous because recruits are specifically selected; so they have to earn their place. Recruits learn everything that both Inferno AND Haven learn in much shorter time. They are given up to a year to graduate/complete the program or they are subject to "cancellation." Operatives in L-10 complete missions that will help them fully take over Inferno. There are also members of L-10 everywhere from politicians to the staff at different spy schools. They are actually behind some attacks and assassinations, but they have been able to cover it up through scapegoating and placing blame on others; mainly spies from Haven or Inferno if not usually on Vitra (See below).
- Vitra : Enemy intelligence agency. Haven has been tracking them down for years; but have been unable to pinpoint who is in charge. Before L-10 was created they were the ones that caused most of the terrorist mayhem. Though nowadays they've been awfully quiet; even though they are being blamed for the chaos that L-10 have been behind.

- Spy and spysassin have the same birthday.
- Her parents: Politician and Haven spy
- Grandpa was Haven spy (and legacy) as well
- His parents: Civilian and Inferno assassin
- Grandpa Inferno agent turned L-10 agent
- Grandpas had been best friends during MAPS but things changed when grandpa(his) became a double agent for L-10. Grandpa(hers) was left out of the loop until he figured it out and tried to confirm and talk. But it ended with both dead.
- Her grandpa told her before confrontation to look after him.
- Their spy parents were friends as well which was why they looked after him and civilian parent after his spy parent was killed.
- His spy parent was killed because Inferno (L-10) found out about civilian parent; liability that they wanted eliminated but they escaped and moved to a safe house for a while -- then civilian parent got killed as well (L-10 is very mean...)
- Fast forward a bit: they spend the next few years becoming real close because 1) they have same birthday and 2) he lives with her and her family now. Kind of like a sibling relationship.
- 12th b-day (summer before starting at MAPS; went with spy's parent on mission to Austria). There spysassin bought the both of them bracelets as b-day present. With bracelets they promised to keep each other safe while at MAPS. Moment in relationship when they got incredibly closer.
- Moscow mission: (15 years old) Mission assignment for covert operations class. That is where spysassin gets kidnapped by L-10.

Spysassin's family has been in Inferno for two generations. His grandfather though jumped ship and agreed to be one of the agents of L-10; and he was a legend. Probably one of the best agents in L-10. Spysassin's father was just in Inferno, but he knew about L-10. When father met spysassin's civilian mother, they all became a liability to L-10. So they were targeted. L-10 killed the father, but not before mother and spysassin were able to escape. But L-10 cannot be fooled and so went to finish the job. It was then that mother died. Spysassin was saved by spy's grandpa; this is also where he confirms his best friend is a traitor. At spysassin's grandpa's death, his will gave all of his money to spysassin so that he could pay to go to MAPS with spy when they turn 12. L-10 obliged to this mainly because they lost their best operative. they are hoping that he will show potential to be taking over his grandpa's legacy. Which means that they would be keeping a close eye on him. Meanwhile, spy's parents make a plan. They believe that Vitra is after spysassin because they were given knowledge that it was Vitra that killed his family. (For what reason we have yet to figure) They think that if they plan it well enough they can stage a kidnapping and then transfer him somewhere that is off the grid until he can be transferred to another spy school. It would have worked, if L-10 didn't get wind of the plan...or more they had the exact same plan.

- Spysassin goes missing for the next three years because spy's parents think that their plan was a success and that is what they tell spy so that she doesn't worry anymore. Far from it in the end.
- In those three years spysassin was being forced to join L-10 because he got blackmailed/threatened (they threatened to hurt spy -- NOW NAMED CLARA -- if he didn't cooperate. They showed him an intimate photo/video of him and Clara.)
- One year (or about) spent training under L-10 with other recruits. That is when he showed the potential and skill that his grandpa had.
- Spysassin graduates and becomes a field agent, doing kill jobs for them. Overtime though he starts to believe that what L-10 is doing is actually good; brainwashed maybe?
- Right before infiltrating MAPS, L-10 enrolls him into another spy school (headmaster member of L-10) to fulfill his cover story for return.
- With spysassin under their arsenal they are going through with their plan to kill off L-10 leaders.
- ARC exam = spysassin's return (but no happy reunion for him and Clara)
- Clara's ARC exam is when the headmaster of spysassin's school (the L-10 member/mole) convinces MAPS that they should have the students work together to see if two spy schools can cooperate with one another. So naturally L-10 would pair spysassin with Clara -- this is to ensure that he does his job.
- Clara's ARC exam is to protect the son of a public figure (to be determined later) because Haven heard that there is a threat against him. At the same time, she must figure out what the threat is and stop it.
- Spysassin's assignment involves pretending to be a part of ARC but really his target is the public figure (L-10 leader)
- He also needs to find out who the other L-10 leaders are so that he can kill them too.
- Son of public figure is a jerkwad piece of shit and more than Clara had expected to handle
- While on mission, Clara watched spysassin closely because something is not right about him.
- Clara has been conspiracy theorizing about his disappearance (thinking that he had really been kidnapped by Vitra the whole time). Started when he made a ghost appearance on Clara a year after recruited.
- Spysassin uses this time to sneak around and fine more info about L-10 leaders as well as planning assassination.
- "Josephine" plot and "confession": Throughout the duration of ARC, Clara has some suspicions about spysassin -- NOW NAMED KASPER -- but has not found any clues to prove it. Until Kasper goes off to do something for his L-10 mission. Clara finds out that the flat next door/across from their safe house is Kasper's (L-10 bought it for his operation).
- (Description by Jin): Maybe that's how she gets her Vitra confession. Like she tried to get into the room within the flat, but it's like rigged to explode or something along those lines if opened incorrectly to prevent info being discovered. And he catches her trying to open it and managed to stop her just in time to save the both of them and room. And there's not really any walking away from that without an explanation of some sort. So that event plus any accusations at the time = confessing to Vitra.
- Secret room is locked with a fingerscan and a personalized code. Clara is unable to hack past the fingerscan and this activates the bomb countdown. Kasper is alerted of this and rushes to save day. But they end up fighting cuz of confession. Clara becomes distracted.
- On same day, son wants to go to party a friend is throwing. Tells Clara and Kasper to go undercover if he wants them to follow. But before, son pulls Clara away to tell her that he has a task for her. He wants her to get some files from said friend and that she will need to gain his trust to get it. Threatens that he'll report that she was unable to fulfill one of the skills of ARC if she doesn't do it. Goes into "Josephine" alias while Kasper utilizes her distraction to do some work. But Vitra confession distracts Clara that she ends up in some trouble while getting files. Probably sexually harassed? Kasper and Clara's promise is strong that Kas feels like something is not right and ends up saving Clara yet again. The guy hurting Clara is gonna get his ass kicked badly. Whole "I promise you will never have to be Josephine again." Friendship somewhat saved.
- Clara decides to trust Kasper again...Somewhat. Still keeping close eye on him, making it hard for him to continue his mission. (all the while she's figuring out how to get through the fingerscan)

Haven sends them a good luck/house warming gift at their safe house. The gift will have food that is a food allergy for one of them -- CLARA OR KASPER? -- that the other will figure out before shit hits the fan. Meant to be a fluffy reminder that despite the time apart they still care and remember each other's well-being.

- Vitra attack: Vitra decides to finally appear while all three are out. Turns out that Kasper had killed one of hte people that Vitra leader cared about and now Vitra leader is out for revenge. There was a Vitra mole in Haven that told bossman that Kasper had an ARC exam. So they went after him.
- This is first time that Clara will see Kasper as cold blooded killer as he kills Vitra members with no remorse.
- They fight off Vitra for a bit before Clara has to get son out of there because she thinks that they're/they might be after him. Or maybe she doesn't fight at first and gets son out of there since it's her mission.
- Since safe house is far she hsa to leave him somewhere out of sight but close by; not that it matters cuz they're not after him. Clara goes back to help/save him. On the way she uses a payphone/burner phone to call police --& this triggers an alert to Haven (cuz they tap into police calls from MAPS students)
- Clara returns to help Kas, but gets heavily injured (maybe). Police arrive and Vitra members (those that are still alive) run. Kas runs off too; bringing up questions from Clara about being compromised.
- Assassination and prep: Kasper uses the day or two he has since running off to plan out assassination. He has schedule memorized meanwhile fiance -- NOW NAMED MICHAEL -- is trying to get Clara to cooperate by ordering her to bed rest. But Clara can't obey what with her best friend at the brink of being in danger. So she works to hack into secret room. Manages to because she got fingerprint of Kasper's. Finds out everything about assassination plans (but doesn't know why; only that it's not for Vitra)
- Kasper recons a possible vantage point for assassination, but Clara comes in to try to talk him out of it (only she fails because he needs the mission to succeed). This results int eh two of them fighting (like real combat despite injuries) which eventually results in Clara being held at gunpoint by kas so that he can get away once again.
- Gonne give Clara few broken ribs and maybe dislocate her arm. Uses her phone to call Michael. They return to safe house and Clara spills everything that she knows with enough time for Michael to call for backup. Meanwhile Clara uses her bed ridden state to try to get ahead of Kas' plan; because she knows him well and also she has experience with tactical strategy. She figures out another location that Kas would use in time for Haven (led by Michael) to come in and stop him. Of course, desperate to get the job done Kas takes a shot but misses and just injures target. Kas is taken in and Clara "luckily" and unfortunately passed her ARC.

- Food allergy plot now on plane to ARC country
- Kasper bonded with someone in L-10. She was someone that would get into his head.
- Vitra attack resulted in intense injuries to Kas.
- Kasper, despite injured, does a sort of reverse following of Clara back to the safe house. He makes it there first to hastily grab what he needs from safe house and L-10 flat/secret room. He comes out in time to see Clara return safely.
- Clara returns to safe house with son to find it ransacked; first sign that Kas was there. Maybe blood as well to increase desire to find him.
- L-10 buddy actually at ARC country. Conveniently arrives to help patch up Kasper and put him back on track because he's paranoid about Clara.
- L-10 fend him story about how it was Haven that was responsible for Kasper's parents' death. Also, kas would find out about L-10 buddy using him (some way we haven't figured out yet) and that would lead to Kas finally siding with Haven...for time being.
- No longer Vitra mole in Haven that snitches Kas out. it was L-10 buddy with purpose of separating Clara and Kas fromgetting close. She's on a secret mission to ensure that Clara didn't become a distraction to the mission/result in Kas going AWOL.
- No more hacking secret room. Instead Kasper dropped some of his mission plans (floor plan with guard schedules) while rushing to get out. There would be enough info for Clara to figure out that it's an assassination plan for son's father/L-10 leader #1 (CEO of very big and very important company) during public event in front of company building.
- Vitra mole in Haven does the whole bad cop interrogation to Kasper.
- Haven persuades L-10 to break Kasper out of there; to confirm their existence.
- Tracker? Although Clara can persuade Michael that Kas can be trusted. But this puts pressure on him to not double cross because Clara will have to take responsibility and who knows what Haven will do and Kasper won't know.

-Haven arrest: Kasper taken in for interrogation by Michael and his team. Doesn't say much though until he requests to speak to only Clara (method to ensure that she's alright). Kasper tells Clara about L-10 (probably a vague description); enough to clear up any suspicions that she had in her conspiracy theory years.
- Clara's sister comes in with epic spyness timing with grandpa's journal about L-10.
- Plan some covert mission to make Kasper a triple agent for Haven to get more information about why they're killing off their leaders. It will take some persuading from Clara to get Kasper to agree to the mission.
- Haven manages to trick L-10 to bust Kas out (they think he died from an explosion or something); has something to do with deactivating his tracker so that L-10 will not be able to find him.
- Vitra mole back in action as "bad cop" after Kas is arrested. Michael intervenes just in time, but not enough time to make Kas trust them...not that he did in the first place. The attack would make it hard for Kas to talk.
- After planned attack, Kas and Clara's sister go MIA(ish) for a year. Clara thinks that Kas is dead and that sister is on a mission. This is so that she can focus on Haven training. Kas will return into Clara's life one year later (Clara will be living on her own but still training with Haven). Again, not a very happy reunion cuz Clara was once again lied to. She'll be caught up on what has been happening that whole year.
- Kas and Clara's sister followed some of the clues of Clara's grandpa's journal as well as the information Kas already had to find the remaining L-10 leaders. Finally find them and plan to bring them all in for questioning.
- What they don't know is that L-10 has also found the leaders and mean to continue with the mission; only this time it's buddy's turn.
- One of them will be at a party that Kas and Clara will attend undercover.
- Buddy will be there too which will lead to awkward and tense reunion for her and Kas. Will also lead to Clara being jealous?
- Clara takes Kas' gun away because "no touching guns" and super scared of her best friend with a gun in his hands (cuz of the whole being held at gunpoint and all).
- Plan to bring in L-10 leader goes a little south with buddy in the vicinity. Leads to gun fire and chaos. Will also lead to "GIVE ME THE DAMN GUN!" from Kas haha.
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**NOTE: These are my own plot ideas that i am transferring from a previous test thread on another site. All have not been claimed**

modern day/joseon era/avatar/the covenant crossover
oo1. Four kingdoms split by their elemental abilities: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth. They were once a single nation ruled by four brothers. All the brothers were skilled with all four elements, but each favored one over the others. But what was once a peaceful and prospering nation turned into chaos when the four brothers could no longer agree on how they wanted to rule the kingdom. And so began the War of the Elements. The nation was split into four sides with no one the ally of the other. The brothers grew powerful with their favored elemental abilities; resulting in the total elimination of the others. When the people took sides with their respected king, they no longer held the powers of the four elements, swearing loyalty for only one element. The War of the Elements lasted for two decades with no winner in sight. As the years continued and the war grew worse, many died from attacks, illness, and poverty. The nation went to ruins.

oo2. With the destruction of the nation resulting from the war, the four brothers parted in defeat with the few supporters they had left. They had made a political agreement of isolationism between the kingdoms. This agreement states that no elemental kingdom shall disturb another, especially if it means declaring war. Each kingdom is to rule as if the others do not exist. And with the ruins of the war on their backs, the four brothers had no choice but to agree to this agreement. After signing the agreement, the four brothers parted to the four corners of the country and they remained there in pure isolation of one another.

oo3. When the war ended, many of the citizens of the once nation suffered in many ways. Many lost of their homes, their families, their entire lives. The most tragic loss these citizens held was that many lost their elemental abilities. Legends say that with the hardships of the war and the mental and emotional scars it brought among the people, their powers and abilities died out inside them to the point that it can no longer be resurrected. Only a few people still have their powers. In this time, these people are the nobles and the royal family. As for the rest, well, they are left to work with their hands with whatever resources they are given. The ones that chose a side in the war live in those kingdoms as lower middle class to lower class citizens. Some are even servants of the nobles. These people live off the resources of the nobles as they are the only ones that can give them what they need. So each noble, assigned by the royal family in the beginnings of Recreation, were given an equal amount of land to own. In each land houses were built for these powerless people.

oo4. Not all the powerless followed their respected kings. During the times of the war, many had changed their minds and chose to become neutral; supporting no king. Many of these people died in the war as they had no one to go to. The ones that managed to survive fled as soon as they were given the chance. When the four kingdoms moved to their corners, these powerless remained in the middle and formed their own towns and cities. These all formed what is now present day South Korea. Over the years, stories of the elementals were passed down from generation to generation. But eventually, these stories faded and many of the powerless no longer remember anything about the war or the elementals. It is why the kingdoms have managed to live on their own for hundreds of years.

oo5. Due to the agreement, the kingdoms did not learn about the formation of South Korea by the powerless until modern technology made the powerless a loud bunch. The four kingdoms were shocked to find out that some of their people had created their own forms of living together after the war. It was a common thought among the kingdoms that the neutrals had all died or returned to being loyal to one king. But even when they found out about the neutral powerless, they did nothing. They had spent years in peace and solitude to spoil it with those that had abandoned them in the war. For years, the people of the kingdoms were forbidden from ever crossing into those lands. In fact, these kingdoms did all they could to make sure that their powerless citizens knew nothing about them. This only lasted a decade as word was going around that nobles were venturing passed the kingdom walls into lands they knew nothing about. Though curious themselves, these citizens were wise enough to not dare to venture into those lands and remained content and happy within their respected kingdoms. Whatever they heard of the outside world was through word of mouth. And honestly, the stories they heard varied drastically to the point that no one in the kingdoms but the nobles and the royal families knew what was the truth.

oo6. As for the rest of the powerless that make up the entirety of South Korea, minus the kingdoms, they know absolutely nothing about the four kingdoms that surround their corners. They live life freely with no thoughts or worries. Between modern technology and the fast pace world around them, they have very little time to even think that there are worlds close to them that are beyond things that they can comprehend. However, there are some among the population of South Korea that know everything about the four kingdoms, but have been sworn to secrecy for hundreds of years to never utter a world about it.

oo7. They are known as the Guardians of the Elements. Once a fierce band of soldiers and guards that protected the royal palace and the royal family back in the days when the kingdoms were just one nation, the Guardians were arguably the most powerful of elementals. Matched with their long years of combat training--typically beginning at a very young age--the Guardians had the ability to control all four elements, and these abilities were so powerful they could overpower the royal family. Of course, none of the Guardians dared overpower the royal family. These band of men were always faithful, voluntarily swearing their lives to protect the royal family and the kingdom. The training process was vigorous and could only be completed by those strong enough and willing enough. In most cases, long lines of Guardians kept the tradition going and trained into the life of a Guardian whether they wanted to or not. There are recruits, but with many of them having come from simple lives, training was harder and lasted longer. But by the end of the training, they became devoted to their duties until the day they died. Like the rest of the people, the Guardians took sides in the war and swore to only one king and one element. But as the war raged on, even the Guardians grew weary of what they were fighting for. With families of their own, many of them abandoned the war and went into hiding; sacrificing their elemental abilities and becoming one of the powerless. Having left their kings, many of them died for they had no one to turn to. Most of them were killed by those that were still fighting in the war, and others died due to disease and lack of resources. Long lines of Guardians disappeared once they abandoned the war and only a small handful remain. After the war ended, the Guardians were the first to suggest to the rest of the powerless that they create their own towns independent of the four kingdoms. While they live on like regular folk, the families of the Guardians never failed to pass on the stories of their ancestors: proud of their blood line despite their choice to abandon what they have devoted their lives to. This small handful of Guardians are close knit to each other even to this day and have kept their promise to keep the secrets of the elemental nation within their group. They call themselves the League of Guardians.

oo8. Even though modern day South Korea is filled with modern technology and different trends, the four kingdoms are completely different. After the formation of the four kingdoms, each evolved until around the Joseon Dynasty. Despite its fall, the kingdoms remain in this time frame. Their technologies and way of living resemble that of the Joseon era. The people of the kingdoms have no clue about modern day South Korea, except the royal families. The royals, specifically the kings, journey to modern day South Korea to study what has become of their old subjects. Honestly, all four kings fear how much the cities have evolved since the war and have taken it upon themselves to make sure that their current subjects do not know about it. The kings fear that with this knowledge, their people will revolt.

oo1. The elementals are split into four kingdoms: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water. When they were a single nation, everyone had the ability to perform all four elements at their dispense. The people knew how to use it for their resources and so they prospered. No one was greedy and so there was never famine or disease in the nation.

oo2. Even though all citizens could use all four elements, the most powerful were the nobles, the Guardians, and the royal family. Their powers were beyond the needs of simple tasks and could be used forcefully. In ranking, the nobles are the less powerful of the three though they are still just as dangerous. The Guardians of the elements are the most powerful. Through years of training--including three to five years of pure meditation with the monks of the nation--they have the most control of their abilities and know exactly when to use it for defense or destruction.

oo3. Though not as powerful as the Guardians, the royal family has one specific ability that no others could hold. It's both a blessing and a curse and there is no dated history of it being performed. This ability runs through the veins of all the members of the royal family and continues to be passed down from generation to generation. This ability is known as The Willing. In the time of need, any member of the royal family can transfer their powers to another of the royal family. Whether it be to make them stronger during war or to pass on powerful abilities to the next generation, The Willing is a very spiritual and very dangerous ability. The one that wills his or her powers to another will suffer the loss of every inch of energy in their body. It's said that The Willing ritual results in the death of the one willing his or her powers. But there are no dated records of this ritual ever happening.

oo4. As of present time, it is only the royal family, the nobles, and the Guardians residing in the elemental kingdoms that have elemental ability, but only the elements of their kingdom. Everyone else in the country no longer holds such abilities. These are typically servants or lower class citizens in the kingdoms or those that cut ties with the kingdoms during the war--now residing in present day South Korea.

oo5. Elemental training is both a physical and meditative process. Training typically begins during adolescent years as the first signs of elemental abilities appear around age five to eight. Once the first signs of elemental abilities appears, children are brought to their kingdom's temple to meditate with the monks. Meditation period lasts until the children are thirteen years. Children of the Guardians typically remain longer to gain fuller access to their abilities. The children are never intermingled. They are split by both class and gender and rarely see one another outside of meditation. Meditation lasts throughout the day beginning at dusk with meal breaks inbetween. Once they have finished with their meditation training, children return home and train with masters for physical training of their abilities. This training typically last until they are eighteen. It is the masters' responsibilities to make sure their students have fully mastered their abilities in time for their Ascension.

oo6. Ascension is a ritual in which all elementals have full access to their powers. This ritual occurs on the day of their eighteenth birthday at the exact time they were birthed. The ritual lasts for the whole day depending on the time and the kingdom. This event if split into three events. The first is the birthday celebration and last from morning to late afternoon. The second is the Ascension. The third is the cleansing ritual. The birthday celebration begins early in the morning. This is the time for friends and family to have a joyous time together with food and games. At the exact time of the celebrant's birth, friends and family must leave the area so that the kingdom's monks could prepare for the Ascension. The only ones allowed to remain are the parents. After the Ascension, celebration continues but the birthday celebrant must remain inside for the cleansing ritual. This ritual is for the celebrant and the mother. In this time the mother is required to bathe their child in spiritual water presented by the monks upon their arrival and then spend the rest of the night meditating with their child. This is due to the mother serving as the channel between the spiritual and the real world. In this time, the mother must help guide her child's elemental spirit into a state of peace and unity. This is because the newly ascended individual holds inside them a strong spirit that carries his/her full elemental abilities. Without calming the spirit and guiding it to unity with the body, the newly ascended will lose control of their abilities to the point that he/she could die within days of Ascension. Of all the events in this ritual, the cleansing is the most important.

oo7. After Ascension, training does not end there. Masters return to their instruction until they feel their student has fully mastered their elemental abilities. This could last for x-amount of years. For the royal family, they must also include in this time a meditation period. This puts a pressure on the royal children, especially the heir to the throne as he/she must master their abilities by the time they are crowned. The meditation is also determined by the monk master in charge of teaching the student. But these never last as long as the physical training. This is why, especially for the royal family, the cleansing ritual must be performed correctly. If not performed correctly, which can happen, the meditation period will be difficult. For the Guardians, they are under a lot of pressure to finish their full training as well. While they do not need to do any meditation training, their physical training is vigorous after Ascension. They are pressured to finish their training as soon as possible because they cannot become official Guardians until their masters deem them ready. The ones that have it the easiest after Ascension are the nobles (because honestly they're not that important in regards to the kingdom).

oo1. The female is the princess and heiress to the throne of the Water Kingdom. She became first in line for the throne due to the death of her twin brother days after birth. She is well-protected by the guards of the kingdom and has been under tight security since she was born. There is so much precaution with the princess because the current queen is now barren as the pregnancy with princess too a large toll on her health.

oo2. The male is your typical average male. Son of a policeman and stay at home mother. He lives in the prosperous area of Gangnam in Seoul, but is currently attending Hanyang. Despite his father working as a policeman and his mother staying at home to take care of his younger siblings, his family is quite well off. See, his mother's side of the family is very rich. His grandfather is the CEO of an international company [/too be figured out later]. His mother is the youngest, but the favorite of his grandfather's children and so is taken care of despite his father's protest that he can take care of his own family. His grandfather is the one that is paying for his college education at Hanyang.

oo3. What the male doesn't know is that his father is in the League of Guardians. Their family is one of the strongest Guardians before and during the war. But they eventually cut ties and allegiance and went into hiding--though there are no records of this reason; not even among the family. He is yet to learn of his roots and his infamous bloodline. (Side note: His family descends from a line of Fire Benders before abandoning the war - OH SHIT PLOT TWIST)

oo4. Through years of persuasion and constant begging of her father, the female has been given permission to attend Hanyang. She had heard of the technologically advanced society that is present-day South Korea from when she had eavesdropped on her father and has always been curious about them. Kept secret from the rest of the royal family, she has accompanied her father once into the city of Seoul and since then has fallen in love with it. She has dreams of returning to Seoul for a longer period of time. Through months of negotiation, it's been agreed upon that she will attend university so long as she will have a handful of Guardians protecting her at all times. This includes her current master.

oo5. Their paths will cross through a tragic event. The female will have met another male in Hanyang who will sweep her off her feet and eventually make her fall in love with him. Things will take a sharp turn for the worse when he is revealed to be the eldest son of the Fire Kingdom. He heard stories of the power of The Willing and devised a plan that would result in the princess willing all of her powers to him. This male has thoughts of bringing the kingdoms back together and bringing all of Korea under his reign. The female learns of this in the night he attempts to initiate The Willing ritual and manages to run away from it before she is killed. She runs for a long time until eventually she cannot run anymore and in that same location is where the male is currently. He will see her and attempt to console her though not knowing what she has gone through. He finds himself pulled to her and no matter what he tells himself, he cannot pull himself away from her. (Romeo/Juliet kind of attraction mebeh?)

oo6. After the attack on the princess, he will bring her back to his place and ask his father to help protect her. The father will recognize the princess immediately. He won't know exactly who she is per se, but he'll know that she is of elemental royalty. But he won't say anything. She'll stay there for a few days--with her guards close by of course--until the king comes bursting in demanding answers. At this point, everything is laid out on the table which is probably a lot for the male to take in. Afterwards, the king will demand that the princess return with him back home. The male will object to this without control of what he is doing. King has a Prophecy inkling? The male is given and ultimatum: Let the princess leave and never see her again or leave his whole life in Seoul behind to train to become one of the first powerless Guardians (in truth he'll be leaving out the fact that he could be the prophesied Avatar)

oo7. They all go to Water Kingdom and he begins combat training. In the meantime, princess goes through vigorous training of her abilities. Because she chose to go to Hanyang instead of train after her Ascension, her abilities are unstable. This includes meditation. In this time, the pairing will rarely see each other (time skip these parts or briefly summarize it). Once he is finished with all combat training (this could be about a couple to three years) he'll be given the shocking news that he could be the Avatar and to be sure he's to isolate himself from the rest of the kingdom (the princess included) to become spiritually connected with his ancestors. This will resemble the episode in which Aang meditates with the guru to gain full control over his Avatar state.

oo8. This will last only a little more than a year. During this time, the monks have been sending reports back to the king. With these reports, he's sent out scouts to find nomad benders to be his master once he's completed his meditation training. By the time he finishes, he'll have three of the four. Of course, fire benders will be a lot harder to persuade (but they'll eventually get one). Upon return, he finds out that the princess has been arranged to a nobleman's son...uh oh.

There is a prophecy from centuries ago. This prophecy dates to the day after the end of the war. Hidden in one of the temples located in the Earth Kingdom, it proclaims of a member of royal blood who will restore the kingdoms into one and form a union with the powerless nation. The prophecy also states that a chosen one will arise from this unification to protect that member of royal blood. He will be a descendant of the Guardians that fled from the war. This chosen one will--in the right time--reclaim all four elemental powers to protect whom he has emotionally sworn to protect with his life. He'll be known as the Avatar.

k/pop group realty tv
**NOTE: this was originally assigned to a specific pairing but i still really like this plot sooooo.**

oo2. COUPLE part ways after college (have been dating for a really long time). GUY is given an opportunity to be an idol in Korea as the leader and lead singer of KPOP GROUP. Knowing that training and the work schedule will be tough, COUPLE agree that it's best they no longer continue with their relationship. While GUY is in Korea becoming more and more popular since their debut, GIRL spends a year or so struggling to make it in Broadway. Her efforts give her a few castings in small productions with not so big roles. And as most people wanting to make it big on Broadway, she's making ends meet by busting a lot of tables as a waitress. In the meantime she's also posting up covers on YouTube to spread her talent.

oo3. GIRL'S videos reach out to the company in charge of GIRL GROUP. They contact her saying that they're going to offer her a contract to be a member of an up and coming girl group. GIRL, realizing her life would go a lot smoother if she put a brief pause on Broadway, accepts and flies to LA to begin her life as a member of GIRL GROUP.

oo4. In the time that GIRL is working hard with the other members of GIRL GROUP to prepare for their debut into the contemporary media, GUY and the rest of the KPOP GROUP have reached the tip of their fame in Korea. They're in the league of other groups well into their popularity and ready to make an official international debut. Their company has been working out ideas for introducing KPOP GROUP into the international level. While most of the members learned English through tutors and through GUY, their CEOs and managers are making contacts. Eventually, they've reached an opportunity for KPOP GROUP to work with GIRL GROUP. KPOP GROUP'S international debut will be paired with the debut of GIRL GROUP.

oo5. To publicize both debuts, their companies have put their heads--and their wallets--together to put create a film idea that will be released to theaters. (Think The Wonder Girls movie) GIRL GROUP'S company has also suggested that they do a somewhat reality/variety show documenting both group's time together.

oo6. Both groups know that they will be working with another group but they won't know which group and who the members are. Great opportunity to surprise COUPLE in front of all the cameras recording for the reality/variety show.

oo7. Recording and filming of the reality/variety show will begin on the day that the two groups meet. They will meet each other at their shared house. Filming will go on until before the filming of the movie. Show introduces the mini album.

oo8. Apart from still being a reality show, the show will have many aspects of Korea's lovable variety shows. As a way for the members to get to know each other more, the show producers created challenges that will force the members to work together either in groups or in pairs to win a prize. It'll most likely be pairs.

oo9. KPOP GROUP'S U.S. tour to start around late January/early February. Before that though, there are plenty of schedules between both groups. First is KPOP GROUP'S comeback with the filming of COMEBACK SONG music video which will have GIRL GROUP having a cameo in it. After the mv is released, KPOP GROUP will need to return to Korea for the time period of the comeback. This stay in Korea will be about two to three months which will be in the time period of late November/early December to about second week to mid February. During this time, GIRL GROUP will be working on their debut ep; which will be released maybe at the beginning of the year. Also during this time, GIRL GROUP'S company will schedule concerts and interviews that will promote their upcoming ep. This will all lead to a lovely reunion between both groups which will then lead to the preparation for the tour.

hunger games x gallagher girls (small group OR multiple character onexone)
oo1. All of the settings from the Hunger Games series will be present, but none of the characters. Panem will still have its Capitol and the 12 Districts. All the districts produce goods for the Capitol and in return the Capitol offers its protection to the districts.

oo2. For 74 years, Panem lived in peace - or at least that's what President More wants the districts to think. Obviously, some districts are better off than others. The outer districts are living in poverty and are constantly under supervision of Peacekeepers. For much of the year, all the districts live separately with no idea what is going on in the different districts. The only time they come together, sort of, is during the Hunger Games.

oo3. The 75th annual Hunger Games is the 3rd Quarter Quell, and this is where our story begins.

oo4. Although there is "peace" in Panem, only a few know of the true hardships. The poorer districts feel the totalitarian power from President More while the richer districts remain ignorant. Behind the fancy parties and outrageous wigs, people are hungry, suffering, dying. Unrest is all around Panem, but it is masked and covered by Peacekeepers and gossip. Districts, though combined under Panem, are separated.

oo5. Behind the scenes of Panem is a rebel organization that has been hiding in the shadows since the end of the Dark Days. The organization is known as District 13, in honor of the district that was destroyed when the war ended. District 13 began with the few survivors of the fallen district. The survivors are some of the best in military training. Because of extinction of the district, they were able to walk around in the shadows. They used this as a way to recruit. They traveled from district to district finding those unsatisfied with the nation and revealed all that is going on behind closed doors. For the first twenty years, District 13 (now known as D13) has been recruiting. And those that have been recruited have been trained both in combat and espionage. D13 has only one objective: Take down the current Panem to rebuild a new, equal nation. This objective is the reason that they remain underground and in the shadows.

oo6. Leading D13 is Commander Evers, once a high ranked Peacekeeper before he was recruited by D13. He was the eyes and ears into D13 until he faked his death to take charge of the organization. Through Evers, the organization was split into two units: combat and espionage. Those that choose to train in combat are the ones that protect D13. They train for the day when D13 puts forth their mission. These soldiers are prepared for war.

oo7. The espionage unit are the shadows all around. These are the members that blend into the districts and become the eyes and ears of D13. They're also the ones that recruit more members to take part in the cause. The D13 spies train for years to be the best spies in all of Panem. They are called Chameleons, due to being able to blend in to any surroundings they are assigned to. Chameleons have been around for the last 50 years; continuing to bring in more information to Commander Evers and the rest of D13. They go by different aliases. Some of them have even become Victors in the Hunger Games.

oo8. The espionage unit is split into two "schools": Garnett Institute (for boys) and Keighley Academy (for girls). All students start at a young age (typically 11-12) and train until 17-18. Instructions through these years are vigorous and are meant to prepare them to become the best Chameleons. Once they graduate, they are given their aliases and assignments to continue D13's mission. Some of the more exceptional students finish their training in a shorter amount of time and are assigned tribute aliases - to implant Chameleons as Victors in the Hunger Games. These students range from 15-16.

oo9. It's been 75 years. After years of preparation and remaining in the shadows, D13 is ready to begin their mission to take down President More and the current Panem. Through the persuasion of the current Quarter Quell game maker - a Chameleon - President More has agreed to the following: not only will there be one male and one female tribute from each district, but one previous Victor will be selected to compete. D13 has picked their Chameleons to participate in the games this year. They are some of the best Chameleons they have to offer. Disguised as tributes, their objective is to begin D13's mission by causing enough distractions across the districts until ultimately sabotaging the games.

**NOTE: this was originally reserved for an ex-rp partner, but i still like this plot sooooo**
oo1. Due to some tragic events (fire maybe?) she is forced to be independent when her entire family is wiped out. Prior to this accident, she was a part of a very wealthy family with an neverending inheritance. Trust fund/inheritance and everything that she would get when she was old enough (possibly 21). The only condition to getting this inheritance is that she finish college with a degree in business. Spoiled since birth, she got everything she wanted without request and before college she was told to never concern herself with money. That is why, when the sudden loss was weighed down on her, she was forced into the reality that she was now on her own and needed to figure out how to survive. Let's not forget, she has absolutely no idea about her inheritance. In her mind, she believes that all the money her family owned went with the accident and so she believes she's dirt poor. To make matters worse, she is currently a business student in an Ivy League school. And you know how expensive that shit is if you come from a very wealthy family. Let's also add in that she probably believes that she can't even qualify for scholarships.

oo2. Introduce Alex. He'll be an NPC, but a very important character to the entire story plot. The epitome of a player. He gets the ladies with no real effort. He knows his way with words. And he's forever on the prowl for a new prey to feast on. He never gives up on women that he sets his eyes on and can get very territorial the entire time he claims them. When he claims a woman, other men will know and will never attempt to pursue her. At least until she's been disposed of. He's not out to find a wife--though a trophy wife might be okay just for the bragging rights--but he's never been into the whole commitment thing. We can just say he's had a very complicated past in regards to trusting women and so he belittles them to simple play things for his personal needs. And considering he's a man constantly on the hunt for women, we can all assume what he really wants from women. He's careful to keep to women that are on the wealthy side because he believes they are the more likely to put out for him. After all, any woman can be easily swayed with a big rock or two...or a whole necklace full. Where does this money come from? Well let's see, his family is one of the richest families in the country. Their wealth is not only collected legally, but illegally as well. Think black market without the stupid gangsters. They do the whole "swimming with the fishes", but in a way that they will never get caught. Plus, they've got a list full of policemen under their pay roll and you would never know it. This family can definitely get away with murder if they wanted to. No one really knows about this illegal part of his family, but that doesn't stop the rumors. We can just leave it at that.

oo3. So what does Alex have to do with this damsel in distress? Well, she's definitely been his target for quite a time now. But unlike the others, she hasn't put out as easily as the rest. For one thing, she's considered a bit of an innocent soul among that community of wealthy families. Saving herself for marriage or "the one" and all that fun stuff. While she loves being doted on by wealthy admirers, she will never put out for them. Her father has taught her well enough to never give in to any man that pays thousands of dollars on her. She is not an escort. She is a lady. So you can already see why she would never give in to Alex no matter how many gifts he gives her. Things will change, of course, when she basically loses everything. In her head, she has lost everything and Alex will use this to his advantage. Let's be real here, Alex is a smart cookie. He would have used his family's resources to check in on the wealth status of her before and after the accident. So, of course, he would know that she still has an inheritance that she could have once she finishes school. But would he tell her this? Of course not. Instead, he gives her an offer she cannot refuse.

oo4. The offer is quite simple: Be totally and completely committed to him. She is to never look at any other man, but him. If she does this, he will take care of her for the rest of his life. The conditions to this deal are also quite simple, whenever he wants her, she comes only when she wants to. He will not force her to do things that she doesn't want to do. If there comes a time when such an event happens, the deal is off but he will pay for anything she needs until she is able to live on her own. It sounds like a very simple deal. He gives her the life that she is used to without ever worrying about money, so long as she gives him what he wants when he wants it and when she personally consents to it. The final part of this agreement might be the deal breaker though: completely quit school and live him with. We can all see why he made this condition, but for now we can just think that he's made this condition so that he can prove he will actually take care of her and her every possible want and need. While the deal may have some iffy factors, for someone in the current situation as she is, it's the best offer anyone could give her without having her resort to lowly prostitution. Naturally, she accepted.

oo5. So here's the basic timeline of what's currently going on. She and Alex went to the same college, but when she was a Freshman, he was already a senior. That didn't stop him from pursuing her, because come on, innocent little Freshmen are a fun catch. But she didn't put out to him. The accident will happen in her Sophomore year, but since Alex's family is one of the top contributors to the school he will visit; especially since he has an appealing reason to. And because of his illegal resources, he would have heard about the accident and know about her conditional inheritance and used it to swoop right in for the catch. Which will eventually work.

oo6. Before I begin to talk plot ideas, let me introduce the main male character of this plot. While definitely not as wealthy as Alex, he's got his fair share of money to make him content with his life until his very last days. His family is the owner of many hotels and resorts originating in New York, with the main resort being his current residence now that he has finished school. He is the best friend of Alex and has been for as long as they can both remember. Though he doesn't know much about Alex's illegal wealth, he knows about everything else. From the mountains of money to the women, he has seen everything that Alex has done in the years they have been best friends. He's watched as every woman came and went with just a flick of Alex's finger. Now, we can't say that he's been in the backseat this entire time. He's got his own quirks. Handsome, charming, smart, he's a player in his own way. And he too has had his fair share of women in the past. In fact, we can even say he has his fair share of women now. But after they had finished with college, the two had a sort of falling out when they both started to train to inherit the family business. Minimal to no contact, the last thing that he had heard about from Alex was this little Freshman that he was currently pursuing that was a tough cookie. And, I'd like to add, this piece of news was while they were still in their final semester of college. That's how long they have gone without catching up and being all buddy buddy. In that training time between finishing college and preparing to take over the family business, his father will pass away (heart attack/stroke/whatever) and so he will be given the entire business at a very young age.

oo1. The roleplay is going to begin two years after the agreement. So she would be 21. By this time, she's got a clear idea what Alex means when he says that she comes to him when he wants her. And even though the other part of this agreement is that she comes when she personally consents to it, by this time she never doesn't go to him. She's finally become his little play thing that he has fought so hard for. She's not like the other girls though. As this is a very different situation than the other wealthy women he's pursued, he wants to keep her close. Over the years, he's become very possessive of her. It's come to the point that he has legally changed her name to hide her true identity so that if anyone in her family were to attempt to find her, they wouldn't. He has also used his endless resources to create a legitimate death certificate in case somewhere were to look for her. She doesn't know about the death certificate, but after two years of being his play thing and being taken good care of by him, she doesn't care. She would follow his every whim and think that it was for her best intention. In her mind, all she needs to do is make sure he's happy by coming to him when he calls for her. As you can tell, this relationship isn't healthy. He doesn't care and she can't see it.

oo2. But after two long years of this same relationship, things are starting to get boring for Alex. In fact, they got a little boring less than a year into this. While he is still possessive over her, he does find other women to play with when he doesn't feel like having her for company. There have been occasions in which she tried to go to him whenever she wanted him, but that has always led to negative results which include him straight out telling her that he doesn't want her around or that he's not interested. She's learned that if she ever wanted him for the same reason that he wanted her, she couldn't do anything about it but hope that he calls on her. Those rarely happen as he spends more time with other women (wealthy wives, other wealthy women, and sometimes the occasional escort). That isn't to say that she is completely ignored now. He still dotes on her and showers her with gifts just to give her some satisfaction in knowing that he's still willing to take care of her.

oo3. The setting will begin two years later, as previously mentioned. Alex's is at the brink of finally being given the family business and his best friend, the main male character, has been passed down his family business after the death of his father. After getting the kinks and understanding what is to be expected to him as the CEO of the company, he calls on Alex to celebrate with him. They have not seen or heard from each other in two years and it's about time that they have a reunion. Alex, being the party animal that he is, will accept this. He is invited to stay at the main resort for free during this celebration and thus Alex reserves two of the grandest suites; at least not grander than the his best friend's (who lives in the loft at the very top of the hotel resort). Why two? Because where else is his little pet going to sleep? Not in his suite, that's for sure. Her suite will be right across from his so that he has easy access to her and he wouldn't have to wait long if he were to call on her. Alex won't tell him why the two rooms; he'll lie and say that he can't mix business and pleasure in one room. Of course, she's not allowed to leave her room unless he says so.

oo4. The two characters will meet by chance under the cloak of darkness. We'll say that the two friends are scheduled to meet the day after she and Alex arrive since the main male will have some business call to deal with. Anyway, to celebrate this treat, Alex calls on an escort for some fun. Since she is forced to stay in her room, she is constantly wondering when Alex would call on her. She hears his voice outside, but upon looking through the peep hole, sees him with another woman. That will be the first time she knows that he's seeing other women behind her back. This then leads to her acting on a bit of rebellion by leaving her room even though he told her not to. So her first meeting with the main male will be somewhere in the hotel resort (pool maybe?) and they get along well. It starts formal with him being a gentleman and the owner of the entire resort, but eventually things start to get "interesting" when he picks up that she is leaving things out of their conversation. She doesn't tell him that she is associated with Alex in case he finds out that she was out of her room when he didn't want her to. This leaves conversation tense, but they realize they have a fascination for each other. That's the basics so far.

oo5. Alex keeps her a secret from best friend. Never tells him about her.

post harry potter
25 years have passed since the Battle of Hogwarts. Lord Voldemort has been defeated, his Death Eaters are either in prison or living their lives grumbling over their defeat, and all is well in the magical world. The era of Voldemort’s terror has helped evolve the wizarding world. Slowly, witches and wizards are growing more accustomed to muggle technology. Gone are the days of quills and lamps now that electronics have been introduced. It’s still a work in progress, but muggleborns are more than thrilled that they’re finally allowed to drive cars again without looking like complete nutters.

The British Ministry of Magic is in good hands with Kingsley Shacklebolt still as the Minister. Laws are changing now that there is a liberation from the days of pro-pureblood mentality. While the magical world is not perfect, it gets by as peacefully as possible thanks to the Ministry. There is no need for the Order of the Phoenix. After the Battle and the liberation of the Ministry, the Order has disbanded with their members moving on with their lives. But as we all know, those that have fought valiantly for the greater good will always be around. The Order is still there when it is needed the most.

Except...there is one problem.

“The Order has turned”

And right under their noses. James Sirius Potter, two years out of Hogwarts, may have more of a hero complex than his father. Influenced by the evolution of the wizarding world since the days of his father, the famous hero Harry Potter, James believes that he can do more for his world. He believes that witches and wizards deserve a place in this world. He believes that not one of them should continue to hide in the shadows while muggles roam around ignorantly. He wants his world and the muggle world to live together.

And he means to use the Order to accomplish such.

Under the belief that he has every right to claim a place in the Order, James has recruited purebloods, halfbloods, and muggleborns alike to take part in his plan to introduce his world to the muggles. He’s started small at first, with magic shows that no “magician” could quite explain. But the longer he’s committed to this, the more ambitious he’s become. There were multiple occasions when he had his fellow Order members expose themselves as witches and wizards to large crowds of muggles - which we all know is a threat by the laws of the Ministry. As such, the Ministry has become involved. Aurors are constantly being called in to fix the damage these “hooligans'' are causing. The Daily Prophet is calling these acts “childish” and “radical”. However, the Prophet knows very little to nothing about who is behind these incidents. James has been hiding behind his fellow members; whom he has instructed to never reveal that they are part of the new Order. If word went around that the Order was threatening the very existence of their world, who knows what could happen to them all.

But while that is happening, the Ministry is dealing with the influx of witches and wizards that have decided they no longer want to be scattered about in the areas that are in the middle of nowhere. With the introduction of technology to the magical world, there are more and more magical folk that are in need of...well...better services. It’s become so common nowadays to see witches and wizards in Diagon Alley with smartphones in their hands as they go shopping; many of them asking shopkeepers like Mr. Ollivander what his wifi password is. The magical world is in need of better accessibility that is now letting them interact with more of their own kind. As a result, London has become crowded.

Years of planning has resulted in the Ministry going through with their agenda to build a new community for the magical world. Similar to that of Godric’s Hollow, this community would be located in London; a fair distance from Diagon Alley. The community is known as Kingsley Park. Larger than Godric’s Hollow’s village size, it is designed to fit different groups of magical folks from families to single witches and wizards. It has its own post office that fits the needs of both muggle and owl post and shops not found in Diagon Alley. Many are lining up to sign up for an opportunity to live in Kingsley Park; and not just people living in Europe. Witches and wizards around the world and trying to find their own place in this new development and places are filling up fast.

This is where our story begins. It has been two years since Kingsley Park was constructed and introduced. Families are now situated comfortably with their dual way of living. Fresh out of Hogwarts witches and wizards are living in the row of apartments so that they could start their own lives as adults; many of them working or training in the Ministry or studying at St. Mungo’s. But hidden under content community, the Order is still attempting to succeed in their plans. After two years, James Sirius Potter is getting desperate. He is, after all, Harry Potter’s first born son. He has a legacy to compete and overthrow. If he cannot be as persuasive as his father, it’s only a matter of time before he loses the respect of his followers--erm, his fellow members.
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siren song resources
princess analisa "ana" //
handwriting = tropical summer signature
speech color = #D8BBC1
compliment color = #EBC382
other color = #BBC4D6
timeskip image =

baelley "bae" //
handwriting = maddison signature font
speech color = #BCC499
compliment color = #92A68A
other color = #7B8F8A
timeskip image =

coraline "cora" //
handwriting = throw my hands up in the air
speech color = #90B6E8
compliment color = #C470AE
other color = #6C798A
timeskip image =

crown prince ellison "ellis" //
handwriting = quick signature font
speech color = #C22557
compliment color = #ED5887
other color = #686466
timeskip image =

post layouts

[floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][right][/right][table][justify][size=3][color=#6C798A]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at varius lorem. Morbi sed pharetra augue, nec elementum lectus. Curabitur nisl sem, congue sit amet eleifend a, rhoncus at purus. Nullam ultricies, diam ac congue egestas, ante neque tristique libero, nec imperdiet nibh est sed mauris. Phasellus vel urna vitae ante semper finibus. Etiam feugiat, mauris tempus aliquam accumsan, nibh enim tempus est, ut varius purus erat a metus. Maecenas eu purus volutpat, dapibus ligula vitae, porttitor nisi. "Etiam est velit, scelerisque id felis id, accumsan finibus metus." Sed bibendum auctor iaculis.[/color][/size][/justify][/table]


[floatright][img][/img][/floatright][right][/right][table][justify][size=3][color=#686466]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at varius lorem. Morbi sed pharetra augue, nec elementum lectus. Curabitur nisl sem, congue sit amet eleifend a, rhoncus at purus. Nullam ultricies, diam ac congue egestas, ante neque tristique libero, nec imperdiet nibh est sed mauris. Phasellus vel urna vitae ante semper finibus. Etiam feugiat, mauris tempus aliquam accumsan, nibh enim tempus est, ut varius purus erat a metus. Maecenas eu purus volutpat, dapibus ligula vitae, porttitor nisi. "Etiam est velit, scelerisque id felis id, accumsan finibus metus." Sed bibendum auctor iaculis.[/color][/size][/justify][/table]


[floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][right][/right][table][justify][size=3][color=#BBC4D6]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at varius lorem. Morbi sed pharetra augue, nec elementum lectus. Curabitur nisl sem, congue sit amet eleifend a, rhoncus at purus. Nullam ultricies, diam ac congue egestas, ante neque tristique libero, nec imperdiet nibh est sed mauris. Phasellus vel urna vitae ante semper finibus. Etiam feugiat, mauris tempus aliquam accumsan, nibh enim tempus est, ut varius purus erat a metus. Maecenas eu purus volutpat, dapibus ligula vitae, porttitor nisi. "Etiam est velit, scelerisque id felis id, accumsan finibus metus." Sed bibendum auctor iaculis.[/color][/size][/justify][/table]


[floatright][img][/img][/floatright][right][/right][table][justify][size=3][color=#7B8F8A]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at varius lorem. Morbi sed pharetra augue, nec elementum lectus. Curabitur nisl sem, congue sit amet eleifend a, rhoncus at purus. Nullam ultricies, diam ac congue egestas, ante neque tristique libero, nec imperdiet nibh est sed mauris. Phasellus vel urna vitae ante semper finibus. Etiam feugiat, mauris tempus aliquam accumsan, nibh enim tempus est, ut varius purus erat a metus. Maecenas eu purus volutpat, dapibus ligula vitae, porttitor nisi. "Etiam est velit, scelerisque id felis id, accumsan finibus metus." Sed bibendum auctor iaculis.[/color][/size][/justify][/table]

post layouts
[floatleft=50][img][/img][/floatleft] [size=23][color=#FFDAB9][b]([/b][color=#FFC0CB]❈[/color][b])[/b][/color][opacity=0]----[/opacity][color=#778899][size=1]▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀[/size][/color][opacity=0]----[/opacity][size=7][color=#FFC0CB][b]ERIC JAMES OLIVER[/b][/color][/size] [color=#778899]⋮⋮[/color][/size]
[opacity=0]------[/opacity][size=2] [color=#FFDAB9]❖[/color] [color=#778899]DATE —[/color] [color=#FFC0CB]monthdayyear[/color][opacity=0]-----------[/opacity][color=#FFDAB9]❖[/color] [color=#778899]LOCATION —[/color] [color=#FFC0CB]locationgoeshere[/color][opacity=0]-----------[/opacity][color=#FFDAB9]❖[/color] [color=#778899]COMPANY —[/color] [color=#FFC0CB]whoiswiththem[/color][/size]
[opacity=0]---[/opacity][size=2][color=#778899]TRULY MADLY DEEPLY I AM [opacity=0]--------[/opacity] [color=#FFC0CB]FOOLISHLY COMPLETELY FALLING[/color] [opacity=0]--------[/opacity] AND SOMEHOW YOU KICKED ALL MY WALLS IN[/color][/size]

[floatright=100][table][/table][/floatright][size=3][table][justify][color=#737373]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at varius lorem. Morbi sed pharetra augue, nec elementum lectus. Curabitur nisl sem, congue sit amet eleifend a, rhoncus at purus. Nullam ultricies, diam ac congue egestas, ante neque tristique libero, nec imperdiet nibh est sed mauris. Phasellus vel urna vitae ante semper finibus. Etiam feugiat, mauris tempus aliquam accumsan, nibh enim tempus est, ut varius purus erat a metus. Maecenas eu purus volutpat, dapibus ligula vitae, porttitor nisi. "Etiam est velit, scelerisque id felis id, accumsan finibus metus." Sed bibendum auctor iaculis.[/color][/size][/justify][/table]

[size=23][color=#8B6F7B][b]([/b][color=#A52B5E]❈[/color][b])[/b][/color][opacity=0]----[/opacity][color=#454344][size=1]▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀[/size][/color][opacity=0]----[/opacity][size=7][color=#A52B5E][b]ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE[/b][/color][/size] [color=#454344]⋮⋮[/color][/size]
[opacity=0]------[/opacity][size=2] [color=#454344]❖[/color] [color=#8B6F7B]DATE —[/color] [color=#A52B5E]monthdayyear[/color][opacity=0]-----------[/opacity][color=#454344]❖[/color] [color=#8B6F7B]LOCATION —[/color] [color=#A52B5E]locationhere[/color][opacity=0]-----------[/opacity][color=#454344]❖[/color] [color=#8B6F7B]COMPANY —[/color] [color=#A52B5E]companyhere[/color][/size]
[opacity=0]---[/opacity][size=2][color=#8B6F7B]WHY'D YOU HAVE TO BE SO CUTE [opacity=0]--------[/opacity] [color=#A52B5E]IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE YOU[/color] [opacity=0]--------[/opacity] WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME LAUGH SO MUCH[/color][/size]

[floatright=100][table][/table][/floatright][size=3][table][justify][color=#454344]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at varius lorem. Morbi sed pharetra augue, nec elementum lectus. Curabitur nisl sem, congue sit amet eleifend a, rhoncus at purus. Nullam ultricies, diam ac congue egestas, ante neque tristique libero, nec imperdiet nibh est sed mauris. Phasellus vel urna vitae ante semper finibus. Etiam feugiat, mauris tempus aliquam accumsan, nibh enim tempus est, ut varius purus erat a metus. Maecenas eu purus volutpat, dapibus ligula vitae, porttitor nisi. "Etiam est velit, scelerisque id felis id, accumsan finibus metus." Sed bibendum auctor iaculis.[/color][/size][/justify][/table]
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messaging format
[fieldset title="Messaging App Name Here" width=30] message goes here whether it is a text message or DM on social media format as needed or based on whatever layouts jinsley puts together to make it easier on our lives at a future time
[i]**NOTE: this format is for messages to your character**[/i] [/fieldset]
[indent=5][fieldset title="Messaging App Name Here" width=34] message goes here whether it is a text message or DM on social media format as needed or based on whatever layouts jinsley puts together to make it easier on our lives at a future time
[i]**NOTE: this format is for messages from your character**[/i] [/fieldset][/indent]

[indent=3][fieldset title="Messaging App Name Here" width=32] message goes here whether it is a text message or DM on social media format as needed or based on whatever layouts jinsley puts together to make it easier on our lives at a future time
[i]**NOTE: this format is for messages from your character ONLY; not to be paired with text convo layout**[/i] [/fieldset][/indent]

post layouts
[img][/img] [opacity=0][size=5]_____________________________________________[/size][/opacity] [img][/img]
[img][/img] [opacity=0][size=5]_____________________________________________[/size][/opacity] [img][/img]

[lineheight=1.15][align=left] [table] [size=3][color=#696969][b]billieharris[/b][/color][/size] [opacity=0][size=3]tab[/size][/opacity] [size=3][color=#696969]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et euismod ipsum. Pellentesque molestie, ipsum pharetra dictum egestas, nisl massa lacinia neque, quis iaculis est diam ac turpis. Aenean dapibus non nunc at elementum. Duis auctor sem eget tellus bibendum, non commodo mauris tincidunt. Integer condimentum quam vel metus egestas, in mattis mauris ornare. Curabitur sed tellus sed ligula commodo ullamcorper. Mauris quis condimentum libero, in ultrices dui. In convallis ac urna vestibulum facilisis. Quisque efficitur, velit nec dignissim feugiat, nunc neque tempus ante, vitae luctus nulla tellus et ex. Maecenas elementum nibh id ullamcorper rhoncus. In nec sem in risus auctor placerat. Curabitur ac semper lectus, non placerat libero. Nam eget luctus libero. Nam tempus, sem non sodales pellentesque, nulla est rhoncus quam, id tristique nisi leo ac augue. Nullam ac lacinia eros. Ut quis tellus in tortor tempor rutrum porttitor sed libero.

[color=#911666][b]" Billie speech in this #911666. "[/b][/color]

Maecenas tincidunt fringilla nisi sit amet ultricies. Duis vitae ullamcorper erat. Pellentesque cursus nibh sed tincidunt rhoncus. Nunc pharetra ultricies tellus. Sed ullamcorper molestie lectus, eu faucibus lorem mollis id. Ut finibus metus non libero tempor vulputate. Nunc leo dui, imperdiet sed vehicula nec, vulputate eget risus. Fusce ultrices ex at lacus porta, non aliquet ligula mattis. Cras tincidunt ac orci vel tempus. Sed non nunc sapien. Donec bibendum ornare velit, at vestibulum neque ornare quis. Maecenas id lectus sed sem feugiat blandit. Nullam quis turpis ut massa volutpat pellentesque at et orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse pulvinar egestas mi, in tincidunt purus congue ut.

[fieldset title="Messaging App Name Here" width=30] message goes here whether it is a text message or DM on social media format as needed or based on whatever layouts jinsley puts together to make it easier on our lives at a future time
[i]**NOTE: this format is for messages to your character**[/i] [/fieldset]
[indent=5][fieldset title="Messaging App Name Here" width=34] message goes here whether it is a text message or DM on social media format as needed or based on whatever layouts jinsley puts together to make it easier on our lives at a future time
[i]**NOTE: this format is for messages from your character**[/i] [/fieldset][/indent]

Nam vel luctus felis. In iaculis nisl orci, ut cursus elit commodo at. Phasellus quis nunc luctus, commodo magna eu, efficitur erat. Duis in ultrices turpis, a pellentesque dui. Cras vitae arcu vitae mauris tempus dictum sit amet mattis mauris. Nullam efficitur dui libero, ac posuere nisi sagittis venenatis. Donec molestie sollicitudin dolor et suscipit.

[indent=3][fieldset title="Messaging App Name Here" width=32] message goes here whether it is a text message or DM on social media format as needed or based on whatever layouts jinsley puts together to make it easier on our lives at a future time
[i]**NOTE: this format is for messages from your character ONLY; not to be paired with text convo layout**[/i] [/fieldset][/indent]

Fusce massa dui, posuere nec posuere quis, placerat finibus ex. Aenean eu egestas magna, lacinia aliquet est. Curabitur interdum ornare egestas. Donec eu vulputate risus. Vivamus condimentum mauris vel orci molestie consectetur. Ut ut congue tortor. Nulla pellentesque, nunc et feugiat viverra, nisi lorem luctus neque, eu imperdiet metus arcu ut lectus. Nulla facilisi. Duis fermentum purus nec eros viverra, id efficitur lectus pretium. Mauris vel bibendum dui. Sed et eros consectetur, blandit ligula ac, vehicula velit. Sed tellus nisi, interdum nec leo ut, ullamcorper laoreet est. In hendrerit arcu et odio porta, non maximus velit pellentesque. Ut sagittis tempor faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum eu nisi quis velit fermentum fermentum.
[align=center][img][/img] date goes here - month day, 20XX [opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity] [img][/img] location goes here [opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity] [img][/img] company goes here[/align]
[/color][/size] [/table] [/align][/lineheight] [/align]


[img][/img] [opacity=0][size=5]_____________________________________________[/size][/opacity] [img][/img]
[img][/img] [opacity=0][size=5]_____________________________________________[/size][/opacity] [img][/img]

[lineheight=1.15][align=left] [table] [size=3][color=#696969][b]theeadore[/b][/color][/size] [opacity=0][size=3]tab[/size][/opacity] [size=3][color=#696969]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et euismod ipsum. Pellentesque molestie, ipsum pharetra dictum egestas, nisl massa lacinia neque, quis iaculis est diam ac turpis. Aenean dapibus non nunc at elementum. Duis auctor sem eget tellus bibendum, non commodo mauris tincidunt. Integer condimentum quam vel metus egestas, in mattis mauris ornare. Curabitur sed tellus sed ligula commodo ullamcorper. Mauris quis condimentum libero, in ultrices dui. In convallis ac urna vestibulum facilisis. Quisque efficitur, velit nec dignissim feugiat, nunc neque tempus ante, vitae luctus nulla tellus et ex. Maecenas elementum nibh id ullamcorper rhoncus. In nec sem in risus auctor placerat. Curabitur ac semper lectus, non placerat libero. Nam eget luctus libero. Nam tempus, sem non sodales pellentesque, nulla est rhoncus quam, id tristique nisi leo ac augue. Nullam ac lacinia eros. Ut quis tellus in tortor tempor rutrum porttitor sed libero.

[color=#b76e79][b]" Theo speech in this #b76e79. "[/b][/color]

Maecenas tincidunt fringilla nisi sit amet ultricies. Duis vitae ullamcorper erat. Pellentesque cursus nibh sed tincidunt rhoncus. Nunc pharetra ultricies tellus. Sed ullamcorper molestie lectus, eu faucibus lorem mollis id. Ut finibus metus non libero tempor vulputate. Nunc leo dui, imperdiet sed vehicula nec, vulputate eget risus. Fusce ultrices ex at lacus porta, non aliquet ligula mattis. Cras tincidunt ac orci vel tempus. Sed non nunc sapien. Donec bibendum ornare velit, at vestibulum neque ornare quis. Maecenas id lectus sed sem feugiat blandit. Nullam quis turpis ut massa volutpat pellentesque at et orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse pulvinar egestas mi, in tincidunt purus congue ut.

[fieldset title="Messaging App Name Here" width=30] message goes here whether it is a text message or DM on social media format as needed or based on whatever layouts jinsley puts together to make it easier on our lives at a future time
[i]**NOTE: this format is for messages to your character**[/i] [/fieldset]
[indent=5][fieldset title="Messaging App Name Here" width=34] message goes here whether it is a text message or DM on social media format as needed or based on whatever layouts jinsley puts together to make it easier on our lives at a future time
[i]**NOTE: this format is for messages from your character**[/i] [/fieldset][/indent]

Nam vel luctus felis. In iaculis nisl orci, ut cursus elit commodo at. Phasellus quis nunc luctus, commodo magna eu, efficitur erat. Duis in ultrices turpis, a pellentesque dui. Cras vitae arcu vitae mauris tempus dictum sit amet mattis mauris. Nullam efficitur dui libero, ac posuere nisi sagittis venenatis. Donec molestie sollicitudin dolor et suscipit.

[indent=3][fieldset title="Messaging App Name Here" width=32] message goes here whether it is a text message or DM on social media format as needed or based on whatever layouts jinsley puts together to make it easier on our lives at a future time
[i]**NOTE: this format is for messages from your character ONLY; not to be paired with text convo layout**[/i] [/fieldset][/indent]

Fusce massa dui, posuere nec posuere quis, placerat finibus ex. Aenean eu egestas magna, lacinia aliquet est. Curabitur interdum ornare egestas. Donec eu vulputate risus. Vivamus condimentum mauris vel orci molestie consectetur. Ut ut congue tortor. Nulla pellentesque, nunc et feugiat viverra, nisi lorem luctus neque, eu imperdiet metus arcu ut lectus. Nulla facilisi. Duis fermentum purus nec eros viverra, id efficitur lectus pretium. Mauris vel bibendum dui. Sed et eros consectetur, blandit ligula ac, vehicula velit. Sed tellus nisi, interdum nec leo ut, ullamcorper laoreet est. In hendrerit arcu et odio porta, non maximus velit pellentesque. Ut sagittis tempor faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum eu nisi quis velit fermentum fermentum.
[align=center][img][/img] date goes here - month day, 20XX [opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity] [img][/img] location goes here [opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity] [img][/img] company goes here[/align]
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frozen x rise of the guardians
oo1. To be set in Rise of the Guardians time. So definitely around the time that Jack Frost is earning his spot as a guardian. Elsa will still be a princess of Arendelle and heiress to the throne.

oo2. Jack met Elsa around the time that there is winter in Arendelle. He was surfing through the breezes as snow started to fall over the kingdom as he came across Elsa's bedroom window. He felt a strong mystical force from the window and went to investigate. Through the window he saw little Elsa (probably six or seven) playing with Anna; using her powers. She was making snow in her room and when Jack went to investigate she was in the middle of making Olaf. He liked that she was so playful with her powers like he was, though she was obviously less deviant as him. Since it was day time and he didn't want to risk anything (though he had no doubts since he thought that no one saw him) he decided to wait until the middle of the night to see her again.

oo3. Night time arrives and he glides back to Elsa's bedroom window. Little Elsa is sleeping in her bed, so Jack takes a chance to sneak into her room to see how she is able to have similar powers as him. When he tried to open the window, it was locked shut. So he uses his ability to make strong winds to make the window burst open. This, of course, wakes little Elsa, but instead of looking into the distance like other kids have done, she is looking right at Jack.

oo4. This will shock Jack. "You can see me?" Little Elsa, wide eyed, nods. After that day, Jack comes visit Elsa every winter to teach her how to control her powers. Elsa is told to keep these meetings a secret; she can't even tell Anna and her parents. (No this isn't creepy at all)

oo5. The late night meetings last for two to three years. This is probably one of the happiest memories that Elsa will have. The more accustomed she gets to her powers, the more comfortable she is with them. As such, it begins her fun relationship with Anna. Of course, in this time, she's developed a small bit of Jack's deviance in that whenever Anna asks if she wants to build a snowman she automatically agrees no matter what the situation is.

oo6. On the day of Anna's accident, that was the night Jack didn't come. This would be the night that Jack would be taken to the North Pole to be invited to be a guardian. Because of this, Jack is unable to hear Elsa call out to him. Consumed by distress that she had hurt Anna and that Jack is nowhere to be found, she becomes very angry with him. After Anna is healed and her memories are wiped of Elsa's powers, Elsa spends the next few days calling for Jack in distress because she doesn't know what to do now that she has knowledge of her powers growing stronger. In this time, Jack is busy earning his place as a guardian by fighting with the other guardians against Pitch. In the movie, Jack's reason is so that he can get his memories. For this plot, we'll keep that reason, but also add that the reason he wants to defeat Pitch is so that he doesn't affect Elsa's dreams. Little does he know is that Pitch has already effected her. To the point that she doesn't believe in him anymore.

oo7. After becoming a guardian, Jack returns to Arendelle to see Elsa, only to find something strange. The gates of the palace have been locked shut and all the windows and doors have been closed. This especially goes for Elsa's room. When he goes to her window to attempt to sneak in and see her, he overhears her screaming at her parents to stay from her. Fearful that they are hurting her, he blasts her window open only to result in Elsa screaming, "I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THAT! PLEASE, STAY AWAY! I'LL ONLY HURT YOU!" Jack finds Elsa cowering in the corner, her room slowly freezing over. Her parents are keeping a distance from her, being careful in approaching her. Elsa and her parents are looking at the open window and when Jack looks right at Elsa he notices pure fear in her eyes. Not only that, but he notices that while her eyes are pointed in his direction, she's not looking at him. That's when he understands, she thinks that the window incident is her doing; she cannot see him anymore. "Elsa! It's me!" he cries out and approaches her. But she doesn't hear him, nor acknowledge that she had seen him as he moves to her side. She keeps staring at the window in fear, cupping her now gloved hands close to her. When he looks up at her parents, they are scared and nervous, but also reassuring. He is confused, but he can understand one thing. He is of no use to her anymore. That is the last time he sees Elsa.

oo1. For this plot, Elsa's parents are still alive.

oo2. Ten years have passed since the palace has closed off its gates to the people. The only time the people have seen the royal family is when the king, queen, and Anna stroll around the kingdom. No one knows of what has happened to Elsa; all they know is that she is still in the castle preparing for the day when she takes the throne. At this point though, the people are wondering if it's best for Anna to be the queen since they have seen her all these years and love her.

oo3. Realizing this, the king and queen decide that they should take a chance and bring Elsa outside the palace. They plan out a winter vacation at one of their ski resorts outside of Arendelle where very few people will know of her and she can get herself accustomed to being around people again. Anna, of course, is excited about this because she gets to go out and meet new people. Elsa, on the other hand, is frightened. She will reject this plan numerous times, hoping that her parents will listen for once.

oo4. Although they will have owned this ski resort since its founding, the royal family has never really come to visit as an entire family. Everyone knows of the king and queen, but they have never seen the princesses before. This will totally set up some Mean Girls kind of hierarchy among the youth (which should be fun...I guess).

oo5. Jack, who has been away from Elsa all these years, still keeps an eye on her from a distance through North (erm, Santa). When he finds out that she will be going to her family's ski resort he takes this as a chance to see her again and possibly gain her trust enough to help her control her powers once more. As such, he begs the man on the moon for a way to blend in among the crowd to get closer to her now that she can no longer see him. They do manage to find a way, but in the midst of it the gang is asked to tag along and act like his "family". Santa is the father, Bunny and Tooth are Jack's brother and sister. Sandman is left out of this because of his duties.

oo6. To Elsa, Jack was just a dream to her. She believes that she dreamed of him as a child prior to Anna's attack and doesn't believe that he is actually real. Anna still doesn't remember Elsa's powers, and the distance Elsa puts from Anna is still there.

oo7. At the resort, Jack will be a bad ask snowboarder that will definitely gain a lot of attention for himself (not to mention the fact that he'll be veryyyy handsome). Since he'll be a new face in the resort that is typically welcoming familiar faces, all the more attention that will distract from his initial plans. Good luck, Jack.

oo8. First meeting will be in the lobby on the day that the royal family does arrive. Initiate "accidental" bump in which Elsa will freak out that she's gonna freeze Jack, but Jack has put some control of her powers in the hopes that he can establish some form of trust. Not gonna happen though lol.

oo9. They'll meet officially at a welcome dinner of the royal family to the resort in which Jack will begin to attempt to have Elsa trust him some way I can think of.

o1o. Some snowboarding competition. More details later...

o11. Cute ice skating moments. Ice skating will be something that will calm Elsa, which she'll later find out.

o12. Jack and Tooth Fairy have developed a close friendship since he became a guardian. What Jack doesn't know though is that Tooth Fairy has developed a bit of a crush on him. But to keep things professional between them, she doesn't say anything. This especially applies when Jacks lost Elsa. She's been his support all these years, quietly keeping her feelings secret from everyone. While she is supportive of this idea, she'll eventually grow jealous.

post layouts

[align=center] [img][/img] [/align]
[floatright][table][img][/img][/table][/floatright] [table][justify] [size=3][color=#C2BFCA] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus accumsan ut mauris nec rutrum. Donec id sapien vitae ex pharetra dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam dictum maximus libero, condimentum posuere orci elementum at. Ut scelerisque tristique diam sit amet eleifend. Nunc id diam eleifend, scelerisque arcu malesuada, dapibus mi. Vivamus commodo egestas magna, ac pellentesque libero posuere ut. Curabitur euismod, metus a bibendum consequat, elit lacus porta lectus, quis scelerisque tellus lacus vitae ipsum. Nunc non bibendum augue. Vivamus in gravida mi. Nulla velit dolor, congue sit amet vestibulum id, euismod a nulla. Pellentesque sed viverra lorem. Proin odio arcu, maximus sed bibendum ac, facilisis quis tellus. Suspendisse quis erat erat. In eu varius diam.

[color=#8296A1][b]"Speech in #8296A1"[/b][/color]

Vestibulum et nibh sapien. Integer diam dolor, varius a vestibulum sit amet, gravida vel massa. Sed in quam sit amet ipsum fermentum viverra. Nullam dignissim leo vel est finibus, a finibus dui porttitor. Vestibulum massa velit, ultricies non consequat ut, blandit at mi. Nullam ut tortor ut urna varius dignissim sed pellentesque leo. Suspendisse consectetur tristique eros ut malesuada. Suspendisse potenti. Duis dictum at purus sed gravida. Morbi ac turpis tincidunt, congue lorem eu, tempor augue. Sed dignissim diam ligula, vitae posuere quam rhoncus quis. Sed pulvinar pretium arcu, non pharetra est eleifend et. Quisque laoreet venenatis magna, finibus placerat arcu malesuada sit amet. Maecenas cursus, dui cursus sollicitudin elementum, mi purus elementum ligula, non efficitur ipsum dui at odio. Suspendisse in magna vitae elit laoreet commodo quis ut nisl.

Donec lobortis ut ligula vitae commodo. Curabitur ac porttitor urna, vel sodales sem. Curabitur aliquet elit id pharetra viverra. Duis vestibulum est sit amet commodo vehicula. Sed pellentesque justo mattis justo facilisis semper. Vivamus ultrices sit amet eros at tristique. In faucibus congue congue. Vestibulum placerat tortor sed maximus feugiat. Sed nec convallis magna. In dignissim urna sit amet tincidunt feugiat. Quisque interdum varius semper.

Sed consequat est ut velit laoreet rutrum. Nullam mattis ante in quam convallis, nec accumsan orci pellentesque. Integer dapibus nec lacus nec venenatis. Suspendisse egestas ultricies nulla. Donec tortor mi, condimentum sed fringilla vel, pellentesque ut metus. Cras consequat auctor erat, sit amet faucibus elit eleifend vitae. Pellentesque vulputate neque in purus dictum placerat. Nulla maximus egestas mauris, eu efficitur purus posuere vel. Aliquam a ante urna.

Aliquam eu pretium turpis. Nulla iaculis id mi eget molestie. Sed aliquet dictum rhoncus. Phasellus vel ornare ligula. Aliquam non justo sagittis, efficitur est nec, varius lorem. Proin tempus mauris erat, vel elementum purus tincidunt eget. Integer in cursus est. Sed non vestibulum est. [/color][/size]

[align=center][size=3] [color=#8296A1]❄[/color] [color=#CDB79F]LOCATION[/color] [color=#6B8691]──[/color] [color=#C2BFCA]location here[/color] [opacity=0]tab tab tab[/opacity] [color=#8296A1]❄[/color] [color=#CDB79F]COMPANY[/color] [color=#6B8691]──[/color] [color=#C2BFCA]company here[/color] [/size] [/align] [/justify] [/table]



[align=center] [img][/img] [/align]
[floatright][table][img][/img][/table][/floatright] [table][justify] [size=3][color=#C2BFCA] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus accumsan ut mauris nec rutrum. Donec id sapien vitae ex pharetra dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam dictum maximus libero, condimentum posuere orci elementum at. Ut scelerisque tristique diam sit amet eleifend. Nunc id diam eleifend, scelerisque arcu malesuada, dapibus mi. Vivamus commodo egestas magna, ac pellentesque libero posuere ut. Curabitur euismod, metus a bibendum consequat, elit lacus porta lectus, quis scelerisque tellus lacus vitae ipsum. Nunc non bibendum augue. Vivamus in gravida mi. Nulla velit dolor, congue sit amet vestibulum id, euismod a nulla. Pellentesque sed viverra lorem. Proin odio arcu, maximus sed bibendum ac, facilisis quis tellus. Suspendisse quis erat erat. In eu varius diam.

[color=#B6E6F4][b]"Speech in #B6E6F4"[/b][/color]

Vestibulum et nibh sapien. Integer diam dolor, varius a vestibulum sit amet, gravida vel massa. Sed in quam sit amet ipsum fermentum viverra. Nullam dignissim leo vel est finibus, a finibus dui porttitor. Vestibulum massa velit, ultricies non consequat ut, blandit at mi. Nullam ut tortor ut urna varius dignissim sed pellentesque leo. Suspendisse consectetur tristique eros ut malesuada. Suspendisse potenti. Duis dictum at purus sed gravida. Morbi ac turpis tincidunt, congue lorem eu, tempor augue. Sed dignissim diam ligula, vitae posuere quam rhoncus quis. Sed pulvinar pretium arcu, non pharetra est eleifend et. Quisque laoreet venenatis magna, finibus placerat arcu malesuada sit amet. Maecenas cursus, dui cursus sollicitudin elementum, mi purus elementum ligula, non efficitur ipsum dui at odio. Suspendisse in magna vitae elit laoreet commodo quis ut nisl.

Donec lobortis ut ligula vitae commodo. Curabitur ac porttitor urna, vel sodales sem. Curabitur aliquet elit id pharetra viverra. Duis vestibulum est sit amet commodo vehicula. Sed pellentesque justo mattis justo facilisis semper. Vivamus ultrices sit amet eros at tristique. In faucibus congue congue. Vestibulum placerat tortor sed maximus feugiat. Sed nec convallis magna. In dignissim urna sit amet tincidunt feugiat. Quisque interdum varius semper.

Sed consequat est ut velit laoreet rutrum. Nullam mattis ante in quam convallis, nec accumsan orci pellentesque. Integer dapibus nec lacus nec venenatis. Suspendisse egestas ultricies nulla. Donec tortor mi, condimentum sed fringilla vel, pellentesque ut metus. Cras consequat auctor erat, sit amet faucibus elit eleifend vitae. Pellentesque vulputate neque in purus dictum placerat. Nulla maximus egestas mauris, eu efficitur purus posuere vel. Aliquam a ante urna.

Aliquam eu pretium turpis. Nulla iaculis id mi eget molestie. Sed aliquet dictum rhoncus. Phasellus vel ornare ligula. Aliquam non justo sagittis, efficitur est nec, varius lorem. Proin tempus mauris erat, vel elementum purus tincidunt eget. Integer in cursus est. Sed non vestibulum est. [/color][/size]

[align=center][size=3] [color=#B6E6F4]❅[/color] [color=#E1D5E0]LOCATION[/color] [color=#023F75]──[/color] [color=#C2BFCA]location here[/color] [opacity=0]tab tab tab[/opacity] [color=#B6E6F4]❅[/color] [color=#E1D5E0]COMPANY[/color] [color=#023F75]──[/color] [color=#C2BFCA]company here[/color] [/size] [/align] [/justify] [/table]


i miss you
- NOW (april)
- aiden accident (one week)
- 1-2 week hermit with a little bit of lacy (may)
- mean dad blames lacey (one week)
- two days later, aiden to the rescue
- business trip

- SUMMER (june)
- colby is two weeks total
- couple days hiding in hotel
- devil returns (july)

- dinner + hospitalization :[ (october)
- two to three weeks @ aiden's (november)
- thanksgiving divorce announcement + relapse
- tristan "i am worried" aiden "rahhh"

- lacey moves to live with dad in colby
- her dad and aiden plan surprise christmas present and aiden drives to colby

- aiden starts some physical therapy, wants to try and get back to swimming
- lacey drives back for a surprise visit, finds aiden at the pool and drives him back home. happy time cause aiden is finally getting back to what he loves the most, beside lacey. and lacey can drive finally. yay
- some point later....aiden is having trouble swimming, arm hurts too much, doctor saying not too push his recovery too much and to just be thankful he can still use it normally. aiden gets depressed, suicidal thoughts pt.2? (or at least beginning of it.) and calls lacey

- ????
- aiden finds letters from his mom that his dad had hidden from him since he was a kid, sparks spontaneous trip to italy to find his mom.
- finds her but she either doesn't recognize him or has died. most likely the first option.

- Setting: post-aiden's accident (1-2 weeks); end of the hermit phase
- Lacey's long time project to make a thousand paper stars to make a special wish
- 1000 = one wish/FOREVER (according to little sign from Mitsuwa)
- Stars are made with index cards for sake of consistency and pretty solid colorness
- Finishes 1000 stars few days before the project
- Buys 3 mason jars to hold them all in (super ultra mega random guesstimation that mason jars will only hold approx. 250-300 stars)
- While Aiden is out (at school/music store/whatever) Lacey sneaks into the apartment and strategically places two jars inside (will figure it out later)
- Jars will have a post-it note attached.
- First two have the locations of the other two
- Final jar with Lacey; hiding at their park
- Will wait for hours (will bring jacket/sweater) until he arrives
- Final jar's post-it note will have some message involved with Lacey wishing Aiden would feel better

post layouts
[floatleft=203][table][/table][/floatleft][floatright=250][table][/table][/floatright][table][justify][color=#473F3D][size=3]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at varius lorem. Morbi sed pharetra augue, nec elementum lectus. Curabitur nisl sem, congue sit amet eleifend a, rhoncus at purus. Nullam ultricies, diam ac congue egestas, ante neque tristique libero, nec imperdiet nibh est sed mauris. Phasellus vel urna vitae ante semper finibus. Etiam feugiat, mauris tempus aliquam accumsan, nibh enim tempus est, ut varius purus erat a metus. Maecenas eu purus volutpat, dapibus ligula vitae, porttitor nisi. "Etiam est velit, scelerisque id felis id, accumsan finibus metus." Sed bibendum auctor iaculis.[/size][/color][/justify][/table]
[b][color=#8E5B46]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[/color][/b][opacity=0]----------[/opacity][/align]

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[lineheight=1] [indent] [align=left] [opacity=0]-------------------------------------[/opacity][size=6][color=#DEBA96]☾[/color][opacity=0]space----[/opacity][size=6][color=#A84351]GO SOMEWHERE WHERE NOTHING EVER GOES WRONG[/color][/size][opacity=0]space----[/opacity][color=#DEBA96]☽[/color][/size]
[opacity=0]------------------------------------[/opacity][size=2][opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity][color=#878973]`BOUT TO HOP UP ON THIS ROCKET[/color][opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity][color=#73B995]`BOUT TO HOP UP ON THIS ROCKET[/color][opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity][color=#878973]`BOUT TO HOP UP ON THIS ROCKET[/color]

[size=2][opacity=0]------------------------------------------------[/opacity][color=#E46D69]`CAUSE WE AIN`T EVEN ON EARTH TONIGHT[opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity][color=#DEBA96]`CAUSE WE AIN`T EVEN ON EARTH TONIGHT[/color][opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity]`CAUSE WE AIN`T EVEN ON EARTH TONIGHT[/color]
[opacity=0]------------------------------------------------[/opacity][color=#E46D69]`CAUSE WE AIN`T EVEN ON EARTH TONIGHT[opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity][color=#DEBA96]`CAUSE WE AIN`T EVEN ON EARTH TONIGHT[/color][opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity]`CAUSE WE AIN`T EVEN ON EARTH TONIGHT[/color]
[opacity=0]------------------------------------------------[/opacity][color=#E46D69]`CAUSE WE AIN`T EVEN ON EARTH TONIGHT[opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity][color=#DEBA96]`CAUSE WE AIN`T EVEN ON EARTH TONIGHT[/color][opacity=0]tab tab[/opacity]`CAUSE WE AIN`T EVEN ON EARTH TONIGHT[/color][/size]
[size=4][opacity=0]-----------------------------[/opacity][color=#DEBA96][s][color=#A84351] ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂[/color][/s][/color][/size]
[opacity=0]--------------------------------------------------------------[/opacity][size=5][color=#E46D69]★[/color] [color=#73B995]☆[/color] [color=#E46D69]★[/color][opacity=0]text[/opacity][color=#A84351]we on a planet where there ain`t no drama[/color][opacity=0]text[/opacity][color=#878973][b].[opacity=0]text[/opacity].[opacity=0]text[/opacity].[/b][/color][/size]
[opacity=0]--------------------------------------------------------------[/opacity][size=2][opacity=0]spacerspacer[/opacity][color=#DEBA96]&&[/color][opacity=0]ii[/opacity][color=#878973]the party`s never ending[/color][opacity=0]text[/opacity][color=#DEBA96]&&[/color][opacity=0]ii[/opacity][color=#878973]the party`s never ending[/color][/size] [/align] [/indent] [/lineheight]
[floatleft=260][table][/table][/floatleft][floatright=230][table][/table][/floatright][table][justify][size=3] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at varius lorem. Morbi sed pharetra augue, nec elementum lectus. Curabitur nisl sem, congue sit amet eleifend a, rhoncus at purus. Nullam ultricies, diam ac congue egestas, ante neque tristique libero, nec imperdiet nibh est sed mauris. Phasellus vel urna vitae ante semper finibus. Etiam feugiat, mauris tempus aliquam accumsan, nibh enim tempus est, ut varius purus erat a metus. Maecenas eu purus volutpat, dapibus ligula vitae, porttitor nisi. "Etiam est velit, scelerisque id felis id, accumsan finibus metus." Sed bibendum auctor iaculis.[/size][/justify][/table]
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catch my heart
FIRST FIGHT (hurt) --- overwhelmed jun is overwhelmed

SECOND FIGHT (fear) --- jun met aimee

THIRD FIGHT (anger) --- jenny is fed up

- - - - - - - - - - -

jenny meets jaimie

When Jun's memory starts coming back and they make up and apologize and whatever they end up doing. Drama drama drama. Family socal trip! Yuta's first Disneyland maybe was original intention? But they go to the lights to take pictures cause that's Jun and Jenny's spot.

End Scene. Fade Out. Cue New Story.

Catch My Heart Part Two. ^^v

post layouts

[align=center][img][/img][/align] [size=6][b][i][opacity=0]▰▰[/opacity][color=#96997E]▰[/color][color=#80836C]▰[/color][color=#6B6D5A]▰[/color][color=#555748]▰[/color][color=#404136]▰[/color][color=#2A2B24]▰[/color][color=#151512]▰[/color][/i][/b][/size] [size=5][color=white]x[/color]AND THERE YOU ARE, IT'S LIKE I'M STARING AT A MISSING PART OF ME[/size]
[size=6][color=white]xx[/color][/size][size=6][b][i][opacity=0]▰▰[/opacity][color=#6B6D5A]▰[/color][color=#5B5D4D]▰[/color][color=#4C4D40]▰[/color][color=#3D3E33]▰[/color][color=#2D2E26]▰[/color][color=#1E1F19]▰[/color][color=#0F0F0C]▰[/color][/i] [/b][/size][size=5][color=white]x[/color]LOOK INTO YOUR EYES AND IT GETS HARD TO BREATHE, WHEN EVERYTHING GETS THIS CRAZY...[/size]
[lineheight=0][size=2][b][opacity=0]▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰-[/opacity][color=#25261F]IT'S SO EASY WHEN I'M WITH YOU[/color]
[opacity=0]▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰-[/opacity][color=#4B4C3F]IT'S SO EASY TALKING WITH YOU[/color]
[opacity=0]▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰-[/opacity][color=#70725E]IT'S SO EASY MY LOVE FOR YOU[/color][/b][/size][/lineheight]
[floatleft=150][table][/table][/floatleft][floatright=150][table][/table][/floatright][table][justify][lineheight=1][size=3][color=#82756D]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in vel sed neque turpis nisi. Euismod sapien vivamus. Laoreet a pede est, mauris turpis fermentum. Nulla est tincidunt aliquam luctus duis lectus, neque donec, dignissim a vel eiusmod lacus quis blandit. Massa mi, praesent sed sed in, lorem risus. Ut odio, accumsan rhoncus proin in massa, nibh elit consequat facilisis conubia, velit imperdiet felis lobortis dolor non mi. Sed nec enim, bibendum massa phasellus, lorem in omnis rutrum diam amet, wisi dictum cum ac libero. Morbi parturient sagittis, integer nec diam, nulla mollis tristique sit mollis nam nullam.

Justo dolor id perferendis et et. Lacus amet elit sit felis wisi vitae, quam luctus leo varius vestibulum eu porttitor, pellentesque mollis ultrices et aptent, natoque odio. Ut pretium, et suspendisse mauris, felis fermentum quis, gravida urna. Ipsum egestas rhoncus mollis enim ultricies molestie. Quis amet aliquam laoreet felis, itaque mauris sollicitudin odio. Vel vehicula suspendisse, urna scelerisque faucibus turpis eros ligula, luctus quis pharetra in malesuada, venenatis tempus vel condimentum cubilia lobortis. Magna orci id parturient, sem eget sed nulla tortor felis condimentum. Integer eleifend eros sit, lobortis vitae tristique vitae massa ac in, consectetuer justo, ante etiam at eleifend ullamcorper posuere eget, vivamus pulvinar fermentum praesent vivamus amet. Aliquam erat deleniti egestas, aut malesuada felis. Porttitor dui, et amet ultricies eleifend.

Ultricies nibh duis amet turpis, nunc platea, eu iaculis vivamus malesuada, etiam orci sed vel eleifend integer, commodo tempus nibh. Nec massa arcu massa posuere elit ligula, ridiculus praesent consequat. Cras arcu sed volutpat donec nascetur sed, vitae scelerisque donec accumsan purus sed. Sapien interdum iste porttitor, wisi et, mollis commodo libero, feugiat aliqua consequat rutrum mauris arcu urna. Integer pede id venenatis.

[indent=10] [fieldset title="❛❛ YOU SHOT THE ⋰◢ BULLET ⋰◢ ⊱ YOU SHOT THE BULLET THAT → K I L L E D M E ❜❜" width=80] [justify] [size=3][color=#696969]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in vel sed neque turpis nisi. Euismod sapien vivamus. Laoreet a pede est, mauris turpis fermentum. Nulla est tincidunt aliquam luctus duis lectus, neque donec, dignissim a vel eiusmod lacus quis blandit. Massa mi, praesent sed sed in, lorem risus. Ut odio, accumsan rhoncus proin in massa, nibh elit consequat facilisis conubia, velit imperdiet felis lobortis dolor non mi. Sed nec enim, bibendum massa phasellus, lorem in omnis rutrum diam amet, wisi dictum cum ac libero. Morbi parturient sagittis, integer nec diam, nulla mollis tristique sit mollis nam nullam.

[color=#BDA0DD][b]"Jenny speech in #BDA0DD."[/b][/color]

Justo dolor id perferendis et et. Lacus amet elit sit felis wisi vitae, quam luctus leo varius vestibulum eu porttitor, pellentesque mollis ultrices et aptent, natoque odio. Ut pretium, et suspendisse mauris, felis fermentum quis, gravida urna. Ipsum egestas rhoncus mollis enim ultricies molestie. Quis amet aliquam laoreet felis, itaque mauris sollicitudin odio. Vel vehicula suspendisse, urna scelerisque faucibus turpis eros ligula, luctus quis pharetra in malesuada, venenatis tempus vel condimentum cubilia lobortis. Magna orci id parturient, sem eget sed nulla tortor felis condimentum. Integer eleifend eros sit, lobortis vitae tristique vitae massa ac in, consectetuer justo, ante etiam at eleifend ullamcorper posuere eget, vivamus pulvinar fermentum praesent vivamus amet. Aliquam erat deleniti egestas, aut malesuada felis. Porttitor dui, et amet ultricies eleifend.

Ultricies nibh duis amet turpis, nunc platea, eu iaculis vivamus malesuada, etiam orci sed vel eleifend integer, commodo tempus nibh. Nec massa arcu massa posuere elit ligula, ridiculus praesent consequat. Cras arcu sed volutpat donec nascetur sed, vitae scelerisque donec accumsan purus sed. Sapien interdum iste porttitor, wisi et, mollis commodo libero, feugiat aliqua consequat rutrum mauris arcu urna. Integer pede id venenatis. [/color][/size] [/justify] [/fieldset] [/indent]

blood moon
Founding: 1909

Abram Winters - Leader (made vampire in 1744); appears 35
Natasha Winters (nee Udinov) - Abram’s mate (made vampire by Abram in 1909); appears 28
Christian Winters (Turner; human life) - made vampire by Abram in 1942); appears 18
Sarah Winters (nee Jackson) - Christian’s mate (made vampire by Christian in 1998); appears 18
Clarke Winters - half-vampire; Christian and Sarah’s offspring (when Sarah was human)

Sutherland coven - European “cousins”
Denali coven - “cousins”
La Push wolf pack(s) - via imprinting


Talent: Influence

Talent in a nutshell - Similar to hypnosis without the swinging chain or spinning thingy

At birth - Able to penetrate the mind via brainwaves to plant her own thoughts and disguise them as the person’s own. Can see a person’s brainwaves as different strings of color in various locations of the brain and can connect her brainwaves to their depending on what part of the brain she needs. In the beginning it was mainly emotions as they were the easiest to locate.

From birth to age 8 - Abram has been helping her develop her talent:
Taught human anatomy and physiology (especially the brain) to memorize the structure and all its functions
Taught human psychology to understand which parts of the brain did what
This helped her better understand which colors stood for which.
At this point the person she was trying to influence needed to have specific thoughts so she needed to make sure that they were the “train of thoughts” were consistent; Abram argued that a sudden change in thoughts would make it too suspicious.

From age 8 to now - Can now trigger the subconscious:
Triggering the subconscious is far easier since the person is not awake or aware
Influences via dreams; she creates images in a person’s dreams to portray her influence so when the person wakes up they will perform what she wants or the thoughts will already be in his/hers mind for her to tap into and continue her influence
Can also “read” thoughts; though not specifically; it’s more like reading people. She can pull out moods from a person’s brainwaves. Dreams are easier since a person is not aware; she can see vague images and feel what they are feelings.
Her empathy she feels when tapped into someone’s thoughts is because their connection makes her feel what they feel
In order for her own personal thoughts to not be transferred to the person she has tapped into, she must remain 100% focused on her task.

KAROL (human, kota's grandmother on his father's side)
THOM (ex-wolf, kota's grandfather on his father's side)
ROYCE (alpha wolf, kota's father, deceased)
ALANNA (human, kota's mother, deceased)

DAKOTA (wolf, phased at 17 years old, heir to the pack)
IAN (alpha wolf, imprinted on rebecca)
REBECCA (human, ian's imprintee)
SCOUT (wolf, ian's baby sister, phased at 15)
NATHAN (wolf, imprinted on lilly)
LILLY (human, nathan's imprintee)
KAYA (wolf, kale's twin sister, in love with dakota)
KALE (wolf, kaya's twin brother)
SHAWN (wolf)
JAYME (alpha wolf, deceased)

post layouts
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[size=2][color=#872C57]❖[/color] [color=#FC7256]CLARKE (SPEECH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab tab tab[/opacity] [color=#872C57]❖[/color] [color=#C20F53]CLARKE (POWERS)[/color] [opacity=0]tab tab tab[/opacity] [color=#872C57]❖[/color] [color=#872C57]OTHERS (SPEECH)[/color] [/size]
[size=1][color=#FC7256][s][color=#872C57]▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁[/color][/s][/color][/size] [/lineheight] [/align]

[indent=2] [floatleft=100][table][img][/img][/table][/floatleft] [floatright=100][table][/table][/floatright] [table][justify][size=3][color=black] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in vel sed neque turpis nisi. Euismod sapien vivamus. Laoreet a pede est, mauris turpis fermentum. Nulla est tincidunt aliquam luctus duis lectus, neque donec, dignissim a vel eiusmod lacus quis blandit. Massa mi, praesent sed sed in, lorem risus. Ut odio, accumsan rhoncus proin in massa, nibh elit consequat facilisis conubia, velit imperdiet felis lobortis dolor non mi. Sed nec enim, bibendum massa phasellus, lorem in omnis rutrum diam amet, wisi dictum cum ac libero. Morbi parturient sagittis, integer nec diam, nulla mollis tristique sit mollis nam nullam.

Justo dolor id perferendis et et. Lacus amet elit sit felis wisi vitae, quam luctus leo varius vestibulum eu porttitor, pellentesque mollis ultrices et aptent, natoque odio. Ut pretium, et suspendisse mauris, felis fermentum quis, gravida urna. Ipsum egestas rhoncus mollis enim ultricies molestie. Quis amet aliquam laoreet felis, itaque mauris sollicitudin odio. Vel vehicula suspendisse, urna scelerisque faucibus turpis eros ligula, luctus quis pharetra in malesuada, venenatis tempus vel condimentum cubilia lobortis. Magna orci id parturient, sem eget sed nulla tortor felis condimentum. Integer eleifend eros sit, lobortis vitae tristique vitae massa ac in, consectetuer justo, ante etiam at eleifend ullamcorper posuere eget, vivamus pulvinar fermentum praesent vivamus amet. Aliquam erat deleniti egestas, aut malesuada felis. Porttitor dui, et amet ultricies eleifend.

Ultricies nibh duis amet turpis, nunc platea, eu iaculis vivamus malesuada, etiam orci sed vel eleifend integer, commodo tempus nibh. Nec massa arcu massa posuere elit ligula, ridiculus praesent consequat. Cras arcu sed volutpat donec nascetur sed, vitae scelerisque donec accumsan purus sed. Sapien interdum iste porttitor, wisi et, mollis commodo libero, feugiat aliqua consequat rutrum mauris arcu urna. Integer pede id venenatis.

Et quia egestas congue. Integer curae. Ante wisi pulvinar turpis sit, sit eu tempus pede in lobortis, turpis eget curabitur. Ut eu, neque mauris nec sit, non pede eu officia mattis interdum auctor, nostra sit nibh, quam netus. Etiam venenatis habitant eu, condimentum laoreet integer rutrum fringilla gravida quis, a ante ullamcorper per lectus cras quis. Sed blandit ultrices justo lacus, laoreet consectetuer etiam ac aliquam justo, pulvinar eu erat felis tellus quis sit, adipiscing turpis vestibulum etiam porttitor turpis conubia, phasellus vestibulum velit maecenas et parturient dui. Vehicula dolor, mattis proin dui diam dolor commodo est, quis sociosqu lorem. Nec risus eros inceptos auctor, tempor velit. Pellentesque augue, aliquam eget eu at nec et pellentesque. Venenatis neque eleifend sed dui et eu. Sed non nulla lorem morbi at, augue aliquam nulla eu id, eros hac at vitae et enim, vel praesent amet ornare adipiscing, magna aliquet odio facilisis lorem torquent convallis. Cursus adipiscing eu placerat, risus sagittis tristique ut.

Nascetur porta ullamcorper felis quis vestibulum sed, sit morbi neque orci platea, aliquet fringilla wisi felis adipiscing consequat. Est pede justo mi elit, amet sapien, metus sunt litora molestie dui nisl, vestibulum congue aenean ridiculus amet. Nibh nunc bibendum nunc malesuada, netus tempor duis, tempor eget sagittis ac suscipit rutrum sem, phasellus mattis cum nulla, velit diam varius vel laoreet id pulvinar. Tempus nisl senectus libero felis, pede ante vel semper aenean ac, purus nonummy, pulvinar a dui, nullam viverra viverra tempus diam risus facilisi. Mollis at tortor enim, sed lacus morbi lobortis sed metus sit, pede laoreet in iaculis laoreet, sapien ultricies amet, ultricies adipiscing porta tempus egestas libero integer. [/color] [/size] [/justify][/table] [/indent]

[lineheight=1] [align=center] [size=2][color=#FC7256]DARLING DON'T BE AFRAID I HAVE LOVED YOU [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#C20F53]FOR A THOUSAND YEARS[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] I'LL LOVE YOU FOR A THOUSAND MORE [/color][/size]
[opacity=0]tab tab tab tab tab tab tab[/opacity] [size=2][color=#872C57]❖[/color] [color=#C20F53]OOC —[/color] ooc comment here[/size] [/align] [/lineheight]

[align=center] [img][/img]

[lineheight=1] [opacity=0]tab tab tab tab tab tab[/opacity] [size=6][color=#4B2409][b]([/b] [color=#D4C2AC]☾[/color] [b])[/b][/color] [color=#4B2409]━━[/color] [color=#F2AC1F][b]DAKOTA CRESCENT[/b][/color] [color=#4B2409]⋮⋮[/color] [/size]
[size=2][color=#4B2409]❖[/color] [color=#F2AC1F]KOTA (SPEECH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab tab tab[/opacity] [color=#4B2409]❖[/color] [color=#D4C2AC]KOTA (PACK TELEPATHY)[/color] [opacity=0]tab tab tab[/opacity] [color=#4B2409]❖[/color] [color=#4B2409]OTHERS (SPEECH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab tab tab[/opacity] [color=#4B2409]❖[/color] [color=#B16F23]OTHERS (PACK TELEPATHY)[/color] [/size]
[size=1][color=#F2AC1F][s][color=#4B2409]▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁[/color][/s][/color][/size] [/lineheight] [/align]

[indent=2] [floatleft=100][table][img][/img][/table][/floatleft] [floatright=100][table][/table][/floatright] [table][justify][size=3][color=black] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in vel sed neque turpis nisi. Euismod sapien vivamus. Laoreet a pede est, mauris turpis fermentum. Nulla est tincidunt aliquam luctus duis lectus, neque donec, dignissim a vel eiusmod lacus quis blandit. Massa mi, praesent sed sed in, lorem risus. Ut odio, accumsan rhoncus proin in massa, nibh elit consequat facilisis conubia, velit imperdiet felis lobortis dolor non mi. Sed nec enim, bibendum massa phasellus, lorem in omnis rutrum diam amet, wisi dictum cum ac libero. Morbi parturient sagittis, integer nec diam, nulla mollis tristique sit mollis nam nullam.

Justo dolor id perferendis et et. Lacus amet elit sit felis wisi vitae, quam luctus leo varius vestibulum eu porttitor, pellentesque mollis ultrices et aptent, natoque odio. Ut pretium, et suspendisse mauris, felis fermentum quis, gravida urna. Ipsum egestas rhoncus mollis enim ultricies molestie. Quis amet aliquam laoreet felis, itaque mauris sollicitudin odio. Vel vehicula suspendisse, urna scelerisque faucibus turpis eros ligula, luctus quis pharetra in malesuada, venenatis tempus vel condimentum cubilia lobortis. Magna orci id parturient, sem eget sed nulla tortor felis condimentum. Integer eleifend eros sit, lobortis vitae tristique vitae massa ac in, consectetuer justo, ante etiam at eleifend ullamcorper posuere eget, vivamus pulvinar fermentum praesent vivamus amet. Aliquam erat deleniti egestas, aut malesuada felis. Porttitor dui, et amet ultricies eleifend.

Ultricies nibh duis amet turpis, nunc platea, eu iaculis vivamus malesuada, etiam orci sed vel eleifend integer, commodo tempus nibh. Nec massa arcu massa posuere elit ligula, ridiculus praesent consequat. Cras arcu sed volutpat donec nascetur sed, vitae scelerisque donec accumsan purus sed. Sapien interdum iste porttitor, wisi et, mollis commodo libero, feugiat aliqua consequat rutrum mauris arcu urna. Integer pede id venenatis.

Et quia egestas congue. Integer curae. Ante wisi pulvinar turpis sit, sit eu tempus pede in lobortis, turpis eget curabitur. Ut eu, neque mauris nec sit, non pede eu officia mattis interdum auctor, nostra sit nibh, quam netus. Etiam venenatis habitant eu, condimentum laoreet integer rutrum fringilla gravida quis, a ante ullamcorper per lectus cras quis. Sed blandit ultrices justo lacus, laoreet consectetuer etiam ac aliquam justo, pulvinar eu erat felis tellus quis sit, adipiscing turpis vestibulum etiam porttitor turpis conubia, phasellus vestibulum velit maecenas et parturient dui. Vehicula dolor, mattis proin dui diam dolor commodo est, quis sociosqu lorem. Nec risus eros inceptos auctor, tempor velit. Pellentesque augue, aliquam eget eu at nec et pellentesque. Venenatis neque eleifend sed dui et eu. Sed non nulla lorem morbi at, augue aliquam nulla eu id, eros hac at vitae et enim, vel praesent amet ornare adipiscing, magna aliquet odio facilisis lorem torquent convallis. Cursus adipiscing eu placerat, risus sagittis tristique ut.

Nascetur porta ullamcorper felis quis vestibulum sed, sit morbi neque orci platea, aliquet fringilla wisi felis adipiscing consequat. Est pede justo mi elit, amet sapien, metus sunt litora molestie dui nisl, vestibulum congue aenean ridiculus amet. Nibh nunc bibendum nunc malesuada, netus tempor duis, tempor eget sagittis ac suscipit rutrum sem, phasellus mattis cum nulla, velit diam varius vel laoreet id pulvinar. Tempus nisl senectus libero felis, pede ante vel semper aenean ac, purus nonummy, pulvinar a dui, nullam viverra viverra tempus diam risus facilisi. Mollis at tortor enim, sed lacus morbi lobortis sed metus sit, pede laoreet in iaculis laoreet, sapien ultricies amet, ultricies adipiscing porta tempus egestas libero integer. [/color] [/size] [/justify][/table] [/indent]

[lineheight=1] [align=center] [size=2][color=#F2AC1F]WITHOUT YOU I WOULD FALL APART [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#D4C2AC]I'M SAFE WHEN I AM IN YOUR ARMS[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] AND ONLY YOU CAN SET ME FREE [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#D4C2AC]AND ONLY YOU CAN SAVE ME[/color] [/color][/size]
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skeletons in the closet
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[color=#COLOR3]»;█[/color] [color=#CAC5C5]( [color=#COLOR1]O1O[/color] )[/color] [color=#COLOR4]❋[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] title - artist [/indent][/indent][/table][/floatleft]
[table] [indent=3] [size=1] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity][COLOR=#COLOR4]YOU`RE TOO GOOD FOR ME [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] I`M TOO BAD TO KEEP [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] I WANT YOU ONLY [/COLOR][/size]
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[color=#COLOR3]»;█[/color] [color=#CAC5C5]( [color=#COLOR1]EYE & HAIR COLOR[/color] )[/color] [color=#COLOR4]❋[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] eye color [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] hair color
[color=#COLOR3]»;█[/color] [color=#CAC5C5]( [color=#COLOR1]SEXUALITY[/color] )[/color] [color=#COLOR4]❋[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] sexuality
[color=#COLOR3]»;█[/color] [color=#CAC5C5]( [color=#COLOR1]BIRTH PLACE[/color] )[/color] [color=#COLOR4]❋[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] city, state
[color=#COLOR3]»;█[/color] [color=#CAC5C5]( [color=#COLOR1]PROFESSION[/color] )[/color] [color=#COLOR4]❋[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] what they do with their life. if they're a student, say student. if they are unemployed, say unemployed. if they're not yet old enough for school or work come up with something cute. [/size] [/indent]

[lineheight=2] [size=5][b][color=#COLOR4]▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆[/color][/b][/size] [size=10][color=#COLOR1]*[/color] [i][color=#COLOR4]([/color][/i] [b][color=#COLOR2]MY ATTITUDE[/color][/b][color=#COLOR3][/color] [i][color=#COLOR4])[/color][/i][/size] [size=10][color=#COLOR2]❋ [color=white]x[/color] [color=#COLOR1]♚[/color] [color=white]x[/color] ❋[/color][/size] [/lineheight]
[indent] [size=3][b][COLOR=#COLOR3]POSITIVE ADJECTIVE HERE[/COLOR][/b] [color=WHITE]X[/color] [COLOR=#CAC5C5]▬[/color] [color=#COLOR1]❋[/color] [color=white]x[/color] [color=#CAC5C5])[/color] [color=white]x[/color] the dictionary definition here; from a website like dictionary . com. can add more traits so long as positive remain before negatives. [/size]
[size=3][b][COLOR=#COLOR3]POSITIVE ADJECTIVE HERE[/COLOR][/b] [color=WHITE]X[/color] [COLOR=#CAC5C5]▬[/color] [color=#COLOR1]❋[/color] [color=white]x[/color] [color=#CAC5C5])[/color] [color=white]x[/color] the dictionary definition here; from a website like dictionary . com. can add more traits so long as positive remain before negatives. [/size]
[size=3][b][COLOR=#COLOR3]NEGATIVE ADJECTIVE HERE[/COLOR][/b] [color=WHITE]X[/color] [COLOR=#CAC5C5]▬[/color] [color=#COLOR1]❋[/color] [color=white]x[/color] [color=#CAC5C5])[/color] [color=white]x[/color] the dictionary definition here; from a website like dictionary . com. can add more traits so long as positive remain before negatives. [/size] [/indent]

[lineheight=2] [size=5][b][color=#COLOR4]▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆[/color][/b][/size] [size=10][color=#COLOR1]*[/color] [i][color=#COLOR4]([/color][/i] [b][color=#COLOR2]ALL ABOUT ME[/color][/b][color=#COLOR3][/color] [i][color=#COLOR4])[/color][/i][/size] [size=10][color=#COLOR2]❋ [color=white]x[/color] [color=#COLOR1]♚[/color] [color=white]x[/color] ❋[/color][/size] [/lineheight]
[indent] [size=3][color=#COLOR3]»;█[/color] [color=#CAC5C5]( [color=#COLOR1]FACT OO1[/color] )[/color] [color=#COLOR4]❋[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] fact here. could be a history/background detail. talk about their life or maybe a distinct/important memory. talk about their likes or dislikes. interests. hobbies. pet peeves. be as descriptive as needed. c+p coding to add more facts does not need to be limited to five.
[color=#COLOR3]»;█[/color] [color=#CAC5C5]( [color=#COLOR1]FACT OO2[/color] )[/color] [color=#COLOR4]❋[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] fact here. could be a history/background detail. talk about their life or maybe a distinct/important memory. talk about their likes or dislikes. interests. hobbies. pet peeves. be as descriptive as needed. c+p coding to add more facts does not need to be limited to five.
[color=#COLOR3]»;█[/color] [color=#CAC5C5]( [color=#COLOR1]FACT OO3[/color] )[/color] [color=#COLOR4]❋[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] fact here. could be a history/background detail. talk about their life or maybe a distinct/important memory. talk about their likes or dislikes. interests. hobbies. pet peeves. be as descriptive as needed. c+p coding to add more facts does not need to be limited to five.
[color=#COLOR3]»;█[/color] [color=#CAC5C5]( [color=#COLOR1]FACT OO4[/color] )[/color] [color=#COLOR4]❋[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] fact here. could be a history/background detail. talk about their life or maybe a distinct/important memory. talk about their likes or dislikes. interests. hobbies. pet peeves. be as descriptive as needed. c+p coding to add more facts does not need to be limited to five.
[color=#COLOR3]»;█[/color] [color=#CAC5C5]( [color=#COLOR1]FACT OO5[/color] )[/color] [color=#COLOR4]❋[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] fact here. could be a history/background detail. talk about their life or maybe a distinct/important memory. talk about their likes or dislikes. interests. hobbies. pet peeves. be as descriptive as needed. c+p coding to add more facts does not need to be limited to five. [/size] [/indent]

»;█ ( OO1 ) tab nonsense - sabrina carpenter
»;█ ( OO2 ) tab universe - thuy
»;█ ( OO3 ) tab ocean eyes - american avenue
»;█ ( OO4 ) tab bad for business - sabrina carpenter
»;█ ( OO5 ) tab melt - kehlani
»;█ ( OO6 ) tab girls like me don't cry - thuy
»;█ ( OO7 ) tab into your arms - witt lowry feat. ava max
»;█ ( OO8 ) tab painkiller - blackbear
»;█ ( OO9 ) tab think about you - jojo
»;█ ( O1O ) tab twin flame - machine gun kelly

▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ * ( THE BASICS ) x x
»;█ ( NAME ) tab visaera josephine celtigar
»;█ ( NICKNAME ) tab vi (pronounced vee), sephi (dad only)
»;█ ( AGE ) tab eighteen
»;█ ( BIRTHDATE ) tab june thirteenth
»;█ ( HEIGHT ) tab five feet on a good day
»;█ ( EYE & HAIR COLOR ) tab blue tab blonde
»;█ ( SEXUALITY ) tab bisexual
»;█ ( BIRTH PLACE ) tab baltimore, maryland
»;█ ( PROFESSION ) tab very active high school student
▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ * ( MY ATTITUDE ) x x
SUPPORTIVE X x ) x giving support; providing sympathy or encouragement
ENTHUSIASTIC X x ) x absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest
RESOURCEFUL X x ) x able to deal skillfully and promptly with new situations, difficulties, etc.
PERSUASIVE X x ) x able, fitted, or intended to prevail on (a person) to do something, as by advising or urging
SENSITIVE X x ) x having acute mental or emotional sensibility; aware of and responsive to the feelings of others
GUARDED X x ) x cautious; careful; prudent
DUBIOUS X x ) x wavering or hesitating in opinion; inclined to doubt
RESERVED X x ) x formal or self-restrained in manner and relationship; avoiding familiarity or intimacy with others
▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ * ( ALL ABOUT ME ) x x
»;█ ( FACT OO1 ) tab Visaera was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland up until she was five. Her family comes from a long line of entrepreneurs with all of their wealth coming from the seafood industry. Celtigar, Inc. is the largest company in the country most known for the import and export of blue crab. Many who visit Baltimore will spend long hours and a lot of money for a table at House of Celtigar just to try their specialty blue crab dishes. Her family is a particularly big one. Her father is the second youngest of five children. Although it is expected that his eldest brother—the first born son—will take over the business once his father steps down and retires, he still inherited the family’s knack for business. Finishing top of the class with honors at Yale, he climbed up quickly in the business world; rising through the ranks at a near exponential rate. His expertise and overall work ethic earned him an executive position at Celtigar, Inc.’s west coast office, requiring him to move his wife and daughter to Berkeley, California.
»;█ ( FACT OO2 ) tab Before being a wife and mother, Visaera's mother had dreams and aspirations of being a principal ballerina. She also reached that goal, until a life altering injury prevented her from continuing with dance. So instead, she took all of her dance knowledge to NYU with the intention of becoming a dance instructor. That was where she met Visaera's father. He was in the masters program and was her TA for one of her business courses. They scandalously hit it off pretty quick. In-between classes, she was a private ballet instructor. Her students were the children of families closely associated with the Celtigars. She moved up to an instructor position in a dance academy after she and Visaera's father got married. When they all moved to California, she took a leap of faith to open her own dance studio.
»;█ ( FACT OO3 ) tab Visaera is fluent in High Valyrian. Although she is Valyrian through her father's family, it was her mother—who isn't Valyrian—that insisted and encouraged her to learn and perfect it. Her father unfortunately was not part of this learning process, at least not actively. He is many generations removed from the motherland; their branch of the Celtigar family tree having emigrated long ago. He knows a few words and phrases, but is unable to hold a coherent conversation. Her mother, on the other hand, learned High Valyrian when she was in high school and while she isn't fluent, she is conversational. In fact, it can be argued that High Valyrian was Visaera's first language. Her mother spoke it to her exclusively when they were at home and she has been told that her first word was Muña—her father was a little disappointed it wasn't "Dada" or anything related, but still proud. Once she started speaking, her father hired a private language instructor to help her differentiate between High Valyrian and English. It was adorable at home, but her parents would rather she didn't mix the two languages in one sentence once she started school. At home, it isn't uncommon to find Visaera and her mother speaking exclusively in High Valyrian whenever her father isn't home.
»;█ ( FACT OO4 ) tab Visaera is very close to her parents. Not exactly that she tells them about every aspect of her life, but there is a trust between her and them that does not exist among her friends and their parents. She idolizes her mother and it can be argued that their relationship is one that surpasses just mother-daughter. Visaera is not afraid to say that her mother is one of her best friends. For as long as she can even remember, they have shared such a deep connection to one another; especially her mother. She can somehow pick up on whatever Visaera is feeling, if she needed to put in the effort to channel it. It is a running theory that this close relationship started because Visaera was born prematurely AND her mother had been struggling to conceive for years. For years, she was told how her mother stayed at her side in NICU for weeks until she was fit to leave the hospital and then took time off from running her studio to take care of her even though her in-laws recommended hiring a nanny. Her mother couldn't do it, not after struggling to have a baby for years and then almost losing the one that made it. As for her father, well, even if her mother is one of her best friends, she is without a doubt Daddy's Little Girl. He unapologetically spoiled her rotten when she was a kid, but also made sure that it didn't get too into her head growing up. She looks up to her father and is never afraid to seek out his guidance. And even though he can be very busy with work, he still finds time to spend with her whenever he gets the opportunity to get away from the office.
»;█ ( FACT OO5 ) tab Despite her close relationship with her parents, Visaera is not immune to the high expectations that come with being a Celtigar. For as long as she can remember, she has never not been busy. As soon as she was mobile, she was taken on play dates with the children from other families closely associated with hers. In fact, a lot of her friends now are those she has been with since they were babies. When she was a toddler, her parents enrolled her in various classes. Her mother, naturally, placed her in different dance classes to see if any of them would stick. She stayed in ballet and contemporary dance until middle school. She also participated in sports starting in elementary school. It wasn't competitive, but it gave her something to do after school. She enjoyed soccer for a while, but then her father took her to her first horseback riding lesson and she never looked back. She competed for years until her junior year of high school. Of all of the private lessons she took her whole life, what stuck the most until this very day was music. Like most children of her station, she started with piano. From there, once her music instructor picked up on her talent, she expanded to guitar (but this is mostly for fun) and took up singing lessons. She still competes and participates in piano recitals. But recently she has considered stepping away from recitals to focus on songwriting. It's a lowkey passion of hers, but she is not confident enough to share any songs she's attempted writing. Now, despite all of these activities keeping her occupied for nearly her entire life, what matters most to her family—meaning her extended Celtigar family—are her school activities. She has been active in her high school's Key Club since her freshman year and will be taking the VP position her senior year. Other clubs and activities she is involved in at school include: NHS, Best Buddies, and a couple other volunteer-based clubs. There are a small handful of special interest clubs that she is active in on and off depending on her schedule.
»;█ ( FACT OO6 ) tab The thing you need to know about the Celtgars is that they very much still believe in arranged marriages. Of course, with the "changing of the times" they have to be clever about it. They are a little more lenient, but that is putting it lightly. There are some occasions when it is very obvious that a marriage in the Celtigar family is arranged (i.e. when it pertains to the heir to the family business and legacy). But for the rest of the time, the family goes around the obvious definition of arranged marriages. Instead, they call it "childhood friendships." Visaera is in that category. While her parents were lucky to be a love match—it helps that her mother did come from a "good family"—Visaera was one of the many grandchildren to be strategically paired with one of the children of the various families in connection with the Celtigars. It all started when her father received his promotion to overlook the business in the west coast. The Tyrells accumulated much of their wealth from their grocery store chain all across the west coast region. They also own many acres of farmland and vineyards. And it just so happens that Visaera's father and the heir to the Tyrell family business were friends and classmates at Yale. But that is not the connection the Celtigars are invested in. It is the one between Visaera and the CEO's son, Deric. She met Deric when she was five years old, he was seven. For the most part, Visaera can't remember her life without Deric in it. Between weekly play dates until they started middle school and being enrolled in the same schools since she finished kindergarten, it was hard to look at Visaera and not think about Deric. Visaera does consider Deric a close friend. She always has fun when with him and he has helped her survive many years of school with his extra two years of knowledge. It was around her sophomore year and his senior year that they started to acknowledge that after all these years, they might actually have feelings for each other. However, it was also one of those bad timing situations. Deric was under a lot of pressure to get into Yale. While, yes, his own academic record was enough merit to get him in, it wasn't going to be enough until he received that acceptance letter. So they never tried dating. To the school, they viewed Visaera and Deric's relationship that year as "casual." It was obvious they liked each other, but school just came first. It wasn't until the summer after Deric graduated that they finally put some definition to their relationship. They both agreed that long distance wasn't going to work. Visaera was going into the toughest years of high school and Deric was starting his college career in Yale. So they continued to keep things casual, but they also made a promise to each other. Once Visaera finished high school—and hopefully also got into Yale—they would make their relationship official. For the Celtigars, that was essentially a shoe in for an engagement.
»;█ ( FACT OO7 ) tab Maybe this has everything to do with the fact that she is a Celtigar, but Visaera loves seafood. She will proudly and unapologetically eat at her family's restaurant—the closest location is in San Francisco—and sing its praises every time. She also has a constantly insatiable craving for sushi. It is one of those cravings that once someone asks her if she wants it, she will always say yes with a quickness.
»;█ ( FACT OO8 ) tab Her preferred choice of transportation is her bike, but this is mostly because she tries to stay as local as possible. If she needs to go any further than Berkeley, she will either take Bart, pay for an Uber or get a ride from someone she knows. Unfortunately, she cannot drive. This has everything to do with her height, or lack thereof to be more precise. Her inability to easily see over the wheel has been the cause of much anxiety for Visaera. So while she does possess a permit, she has yet to pluck up the courage to take the test to get her license. So for the time being, she gets around the neighborhood pretty well on her bike or she gets rides from her friends or her parents. #THATPPPLIFE
»;█ ( FACT OO9 ) tab It has been engrained in her mind since she was a baby that Yale was her top long term goal. Many photo albums show Visaera surrounded by the Yale colors, whether it is a baby onesie or the blue flag that has been hanging over her bed since she was still sleeping in a crib. It's pretty obvious where this goal arose from. As his alma mater, her father dreamed for her to follow in his footsteps. Every year since she first learned how to read, they would take trips to Connecticut to visit the campus the week before she started the new school year. She's gone to plenty homecoming games with her father, his school friends and their kids. To her and her father, everything she does up until her high school diploma is placed in her hand is for Yale. Not even an acceptance letter will satisfy her father. To him, their goal for Yale is fulfilled once she has stepped foot on the campus as an official student. But see, here is the thing. At some point during her high school career, Visaera has lost sight of that goal. While she still believes Yale is an amazing school, she's started to recognize that it isn't the right fit for her. She no longer "sees" herself walking across campus every day to get from one class to another. There is no more excitement even talking about Yale. In fact, the only excitement she feels is whatever she picks up from her father. Unfortunately, it is that very reason she has yet to tell him that Yale is no longer a long term goal of hers. For now, she intends to still apply, but will also exert the same amount of energy into applying to other universities. She has yet to find the actual school that best fits her, but she hopes it will present itself once it is application time.
»;█ ( FACT O1O ) tab She has a unique interest in flying. Anytime she travels and it requires flying to the destination, she will always aim for a window seat and that window will stay open the entire flight (so long as she is allowed to). There is something so majestic about being able to see the world from the skies that has always intrigued her and it always takes her breath away. This only worsened when she and her childhood friends went paragliding once during summer vacation. She was addicted to the sensation of being in the air. It is now one of her dreams to go paragliding once again (maybe even hang gliding) AND to try skydiving.
»;█ ( FACT O11 ) tab A lot of people in Visaera's life—even her own family—have made comment on her busy schedule. Some have voiced concerns that between her classes (both at her school and the college courses she can take at the community college) and her extracurriculars she is well on her way to burning out before college. But the truth is, despite the sheer exhaustion she may feel sometimes, Visaera leans heavily on her busy schedule. She uses her busy schedule as a defense mechanism. She dislikes being idle with very little to nothing to do. For, you see, the moments when it is quiet for Visaera is when the intrusive thoughts invade. This is the one thing she insists on keeping secret from her parents and her friends. It's hard to say when exactly she started struggling with these dark thoughts, but when she first acknowledged that they were there, it hit her like a truck and for a few days she was unable to do anything outside her bedroom. After that day, she learned that keeping herself busy pushes away any chance of these thoughts getting any kind of strength. But the few times that they do slip through her mind, instant guilt pours through her. After all, what reason does she have to feel these things when her entire life has been so fortunate? So to combat the impending destruction, she works herself to almost complete exhaustion so that she could go to bed and sleep immediately.
»;█ ( FACT O12 ) tab Visaera has an immaculate way with words. Throughout high school, many in the debate team have grieved that she has little time to commit to joining. She isn't entirely argumentative, unless she has to be for a class assignment, but Visaera has this way of picking up on details from other people to help hook them in to whatever she has to say. Some say she is empathetic, but she disagrees. It is more so the ability to pick up on nonverbal cues. Once she has that, she maneuvers her arguments or pitches to best attract her listener.
»;█ ( FACT O13 ) tab As much as the Celtigars like to play it off to the public that they are a close knit family, Visaera is not close to any of her relatives. Every year they travel to Baltimore, conversations with cousins are typically bragging contests. One cousin will brag about getting into this Ivy League. Another will talk for ages about a prestigious internship they snagged. Another will go into great lengths about the journey they took to win some award. And it doesn't stop with the cousins. She has often overheard her parents get into near sparring matches with uncles and aunts over which child is the most successful. And with her father being one of the youngest siblings, he dives in fiercely to brag about all of her accomplishments. Now that she is older, taking trips back to Baltimore has become more a chore for her than a pleasure.
»;█ ( FACT O14 ) tab Whenever she can find any kind of spare time, Visaera enjoys checking out thrift stores and used bookstores. And she will always come out with something. She is a little embarrassed of how full her closet is with clothes she has yet to wear and bookshelves full of books she has yet to read. More often than not, she will end up donating some of the clothes she's bought at thrift stores without even having worn them. But she still finds herself going to them and always coming out with something that caught her attention. But she can find herself browsing for hours if she didn't have to keep track of time.
»;█ ( FACT O15 ) tab For much of Visaera's high school career, she has been dubbed the "princess" of the school solely for her volunteer efforts and overall academic record. While she may not necessarily be in the running for valedictorian, she is more known for offering to schedule study sessions for classmates that might need a little extra help on homework. Then there is her many hours of volunteer work between multiple clubs. Every year Visaera is acknowledged for her involvement in the community through her volunteer work. In the beginning, calling Visaera "princess" was a playful tease among her friends. However, it very quickly spread and stuck. Visaera for her part doesn't mind the title, but she also doesn't encourage it. She just simply smiles and lets people have their fun.
»;█ ( FACT O16 ) tab After volunteering for a semester at a senior living facility in her junior year, Visaera picked up on what her friends affectionately call "old lady hobbies." In other words, she got really into crafting; more specifically crochet. Now, keep in mind that this is still a fairly new hobby so she is nowhere near great at it. In fact, her need to perfect her lines is the reason she makes weekly visits to the senior living facility because she befriended a couple of the ladies who helped her develop this hobby. She doesn't crochet all the time, but occasionally you can find her in class with a hook and some brightly colored yarn in her hands. Oh, and don't get her started on her yarn collection. Yeah, it is basically a collection. Despite it taking long to complete projects, Visaera has a bad habit of coming out of craft stores with more yarn than she can get through. So now her room has baskets full of yarn for any new projects she has in mind.

post layouts
[floatleft=35][table] [img][/img][/floatleft] [/table] [indent=5] [size=8][color=#313131][b]([/b][color=#C92A17]♚[/color][b])[/b][/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [size=3][color=#696969]▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀[/color][/size] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [size=7][color=#780018][b]VISAERA CELTIGAR[/b][/color][/size] [color=#313131]⋮⋮[/color][/size]
[opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [size=2] [color=#313131]❖[/color] [color=#C92A17]DATE —[/color] [color=#696969]date here[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#313131]❖[/color] [color=#C92A17]LOCATION —[/color] [color=#696969]location here[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#313131]❖[/color] [color=#C92A17]COMPANY —[/color] [color=#696969]company here[/color][/size]
[opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [size=2][color=#780018]ENGLISH[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#C92A17]HIGH VALYRIAN[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#313131]OTHERS (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#696969]OTHERS (HIGH VALYRIAN)[/color] [/size]

[floatright=120][table][/table][/floatright] [table] [justify] [size=3] [color=#313131] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet ex nec dui malesuada tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque porta suscipit finibus. Ut facilisis porttitor sapien porttitor pharetra. Fusce luctus hendrerit tellus, non ultrices lorem aliquam a. Quisque ut massa posuere, blandit est sed, tincidunt metus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam ac libero et diam vehicula ultricies at in est. Nam eget justo ex.

Suspendisse gravida sit amet libero a pulvinar. Nunc vestibulum elit vitae tempus accumsan. Ut placerat risus et commodo feugiat. In bibendum arcu id mattis finibus. Suspendisse potenti. Ut tincidunt porta orci et fermentum. Praesent magna lorem, ultrices id neque sit amet, porta molestie urna. Integer in hendrerit dolor. Duis et ipsum sit amet lorem feugiat faucibus.

Mauris gravida ante tellus. Integer nibh nisl, fringilla eget varius vel, convallis a magna. Etiam in faucibus augue. Ut euismod nec nulla eget gravida. Donec tincidunt odio aliquam egestas suscipit. Cras id orci sit amet nulla rutrum feugiat. Donec semper turpis vitae ultricies tincidunt. Pellentesque ullamcorper dui eget lectus ultricies dictum. Aenean in consectetur massa. Vivamus et mattis justo, sit amet varius ex. Sed magna ex, auctor sit amet arcu ut, pharetra pretium lectus.

Fusce gravida faucibus arcu sed eleifend. Cras facilisis nulla non tellus porttitor rutrum. Mauris tellus purus, scelerisque a viverra eget, pellentesque elementum odio. Aenean vel hendrerit metus, vitae molestie purus. Sed vitae neque malesuada, pellentesque nisi et, convallis metus. Cras a ullamcorper ipsum. Curabitur quis lorem in nisl facilisis vehicula. Sed vitae maximus risus. Suspendisse potenti. Nam eget dictum diam, quis efficitur mi. Duis eu facilisis erat. Etiam elementum neque sollicitudin sem facilisis, in euismod nisl egestas.

Nullam in elit ut est aliquam interdum. Nulla libero purus, sodales at interdum in, sodales eu mi. Vestibulum condimentum, mauris non consequat rutrum, arcu arcu semper tortor, elementum rhoncus eros lacus vitae ante. Curabitur dictum placerat dui, congue varius libero finibus at. Nam nec cursus ex, at pulvinar justo. Nunc accumsan ac dui vitae finibus. Fusce posuere malesuada mattis. Vivamus eget interdum dolor. Fusce quis aliquam odio. Sed et blandit sapien. Sed accumsan, diam eget feugiat consectetur, urna ipsum cursus elit, quis sodales dolor tellus a risus. In imperdiet pharetra tellus sed lacinia. Integer venenatis malesuada nisi sit amet auctor. Sed vestibulum ultricies nisi vel convallis. [/color][/size][/justify] [/table] [/indent]
[floatleft=35][table] [img][/img][/floatleft] [/table] [indent=5] [size=8][color=#9D898C][b]([/b][color=#F96159]♚[/color][b])[/b][/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [size=3][color=#852E29]▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀[/color][/size] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [size=7][color=#F96159][b]VIRYS TARGARYEN[/b][/color][/size] [color=#9D898C]⋮⋮[/color][/size]
[opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [size=2] [color=#9D898C]❖[/color] [color=#F96159]DATE —[/color] [color=#FFC0CB]date here[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#9D898C]❖[/color] [color=#F96159]LOCATION —[/color] [color=#FFC0CB]location here[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#9D898C]❖[/color] [color=#F96159]COMPANY —[/color] [color=#FFC0CB]company here[/color][/size]
[opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [size=2][color=#852E29]ENGLISH[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#F96159]HIGH VALYRIAN[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#9D898C]OTHERS (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#FFC0CB]OTHERS (HIGH VALYRIAN)[/color] [/size]

[floatright=100][table][/table][/floatright] [table] [justify] [size=3] [color=#9D898C] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet ex nec dui malesuada tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque porta suscipit finibus. Ut facilisis porttitor sapien porttitor pharetra. Fusce luctus hendrerit tellus, non ultrices lorem aliquam a. Quisque ut massa posuere, blandit est sed, tincidunt metus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam ac libero et diam vehicula ultricies at in est. Nam eget justo ex.

Suspendisse gravida sit amet libero a pulvinar. Nunc vestibulum elit vitae tempus accumsan. Ut placerat risus et commodo feugiat. In bibendum arcu id mattis finibus. Suspendisse potenti. Ut tincidunt porta orci et fermentum. Praesent magna lorem, ultrices id neque sit amet, porta molestie urna. Integer in hendrerit dolor. Duis et ipsum sit amet lorem feugiat faucibus.

Mauris gravida ante tellus. Integer nibh nisl, fringilla eget varius vel, convallis a magna. Etiam in faucibus augue. Ut euismod nec nulla eget gravida. Donec tincidunt odio aliquam egestas suscipit. Cras id orci sit amet nulla rutrum feugiat. Donec semper turpis vitae ultricies tincidunt. Pellentesque ullamcorper dui eget lectus ultricies dictum. Aenean in consectetur massa. Vivamus et mattis justo, sit amet varius ex. Sed magna ex, auctor sit amet arcu ut, pharetra pretium lectus.

Fusce gravida faucibus arcu sed eleifend. Cras facilisis nulla non tellus porttitor rutrum. Mauris tellus purus, scelerisque a viverra eget, pellentesque elementum odio. Aenean vel hendrerit metus, vitae molestie purus. Sed vitae neque malesuada, pellentesque nisi et, convallis metus. Cras a ullamcorper ipsum. Curabitur quis lorem in nisl facilisis vehicula. Sed vitae maximus risus. Suspendisse potenti. Nam eget dictum diam, quis efficitur mi. Duis eu facilisis erat. Etiam elementum neque sollicitudin sem facilisis, in euismod nisl egestas.

Nullam in elit ut est aliquam interdum. Nulla libero purus, sodales at interdum in, sodales eu mi. Vestibulum condimentum, mauris non consequat rutrum, arcu arcu semper tortor, elementum rhoncus eros lacus vitae ante. Curabitur dictum placerat dui, congue varius libero finibus at. Nam nec cursus ex, at pulvinar justo. Nunc accumsan ac dui vitae finibus. Fusce posuere malesuada mattis. Vivamus eget interdum dolor. Fusce quis aliquam odio. Sed et blandit sapien. Sed accumsan, diam eget feugiat consectetur, urna ipsum cursus elit, quis sodales dolor tellus a risus. In imperdiet pharetra tellus sed lacinia. Integer venenatis malesuada nisi sit amet auctor. Sed vestibulum ultricies nisi vel convallis. [/color][/size] [/justify] [/table] [/indent]
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member profiles

xxxxxxxxxx introducing ... PERSEPHONE

xxxxx WRAPPED IS HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. our lady of the underground - amber gray
  2. puppet show - xg
  3. hip - mamamoo
  4. i love you 3000 II - 88rising, stephanie poetri, jackson wang
  5. lucid - rina sawayama
xxxxx JUST THE TIDS && BITS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. you're probably asking yourself, whyyy does she look so familiar? well, you're likely a kpop fan. see, michie was the former lead vocals for the girl group MYLADY. now that you know that, you're likely asking yourself, whyyyy did she leave? unfortunately, no matter how many rumors circulate, that is one secret she will never tell.
  2. she spent much of her former years growing up in london, england. she and her three siblings were required to complete schooling there beginning in primary school. honestly, london feels more like home than korea ever could.
  3. the biggest scaredy cat on the planet. horror movies? not a chance. haunted houses? over her dead body. halloween? she is very wary of the holiday and the only redeeming factor is the sweets. there is no "trying" when it comes to jumpscares. she will be scared and she will scream bloody murder.
xxxxx RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS GO GO GO ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE → @missymichie
  2. FAVORITE COLOR → yellow
  3. FAVORITE ANIMAL → sea otter
  4. FAVORITE FOOD → tteokbokki
  5. COFFEE OR TEA → coffee
  6. BOBA ORDER → thai tea with pudding, but any fruit tea with grass jelly is becoming a new fave
  7. HOBBY/IES → yoga, reading, beach bumming
  8. TOP COUNTRY YOU WANT TO VISIT → netherlands
  9. GUILTY PLEASURE → lego sets
  10. DAY TIME OR NIGHT → day time all the time. stores are almost always open to explore and visit
  11. WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER BE DOING RN? → starting a new hobby? pole dancing maybe?

xxxxxxxxxx introducing ... DIONYSUS
xxx HARU BAEK tab tab HARU tab tab TWENTY-ONE tab tab URBAN

xxxxx WRAPPED IS HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. dionysus - bts
  2. yes or no - jungkook
  3. seven - jungkook
  4. all i wanna do - jay park
  5. oasis - crush ft. zico
xxxxx JUST THE TIDS && BITS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. a bit of a water snob, haru will be the first to tell you that not all water is created equal. he definitely has his preferred brands, all of which are korean mineral waters. but to be fair he is an avid water drinker so it’s understandable that he is particular about it. lately he’s been hooked on liquid iv and carries packs in his bag to have available everywhere he goes.
  2. hard work and dedication have truly paid off as far as haru’s flexibility and upper body strength go. not only can the boy do all sorts of flips, rolls, and bboy floor work but he can even walk across the studio on his hands.
  3. born on march 14, haru was literally named after the holiday: white day. and yes, he thoroughly enjoys white chocolate. it’s become the dessert most associated with him and even though he has received his share of teasing over it, haru would never say no to getting chocolates for his birthday.
xxxxx RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS GO GO GO ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE → @0314_bh
  2. FAVORITE COLOR → black
  3. FAVORITE ANIMAL → red panda
  4. FAVORITE FOOD → instant ramyun; it’s a comfort/nostalgia thing
  5. COFFEE OR TEA → honestly neither, but a matcha latte if no wasn’t an option. sweetened of course
  6. BOBA ORDER → banana milk tea! but in recognizing that it’s an uncommon menu item (ahem…boba guys has it tho), strawberry slush with or without green tea is acceptable. with boba of course
  7. HOBBY/IES → working out (particularly boxing), karaoke, and mixing drinks
  8. TOP COUNTRY YOU WANT TO VISIT → south korea; the homesickness is real
  9. GUILTY PLEASURE → yakult soju
  10. DAY TIME OR NIGHT → definitely a night owl
  11. WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER BE DOING RN? → taking a dance class

xxxxxxxxxx introducing ... APHRODITE

xxxxx WRAPPED IS HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. aphrodite - wheein
  2. dally - hyolyn
  3. in the mood - wheein
  4. la la lost you - niki
  5. test drive - ariana grande
xxxxx JUST THE TIDS && BITS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. if there is anyone you want to be your friend, it is gail. why you may ask? well, aside from being cpr certified, she's hard at work in nursing school. #gobruins
  2. if you're in need of an excuse to get out of the house, say. less. your girl, gail is right there at your side. hell, she will be in the driver's seat to take you wherever you want (or she wants) to go. just...don't be surprised if you somehow end up somewhere like san diego.
  3. gail is honestly in the know about going out/exploring cities on a budget. and sometimes for free. but her favorite activity that she can often do on a budget or free is visiting museums, art exhibits and zoos/aquariums.
xxxxx RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS GO GO GO ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE → @_gagail
  2. FAVORITE COLOR → pink
  3. FAVORITE ANIMAL → rabbit
  4. FAVORITE FOOD → pizza (the cheesier the better)
  5. COFFEE OR TEA → coffee (the stronger the better)
  6. BOBA ORDER → wintermelon with aloe vera
  7. HOBBY/IES → hiking, snowboarding, rarely being home
  9. GUILTY PLEASURE → all things nerdy
  10. DAY TIME OR NIGHT → day & night, honestly
  11. WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER BE DOING RN? → anything but being stuck in class all day

xxxxxxxxxx introducing ... SELENE

xxxxx WRAPPED IS HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. lie - jimin
  2. set me free pt.2 - jimin
  3. save me - bts
  4. black swan - bts
  5. butterfly - bts
xxxxx JUST THE TIDS && BITS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. it’s nico. not dominic, and never dom. always nico. you might hear nicky every so often by his family…but he goes by nico and won’t answer to any other variation.
  2. you can thank his extensive dance background for this, but if you ever see a pair of shoes against the wall, chances are they are nico’s. it’s not uncommon for him to dance barefoot. he does his best to keep his shoes on in all classes, but once olympus practice begins it’s a 50/50 chance whether they will stay on.
  3. speaking of dance, nico actually teaches beginners at olympus, as well as a children’s ballet class at his parents’ studio. his olympus class is pretty popular, but despite many students' pleas, he has repeatedly refused to teach anything higher than beginners. he has only ever shared why with a handful of people, but it is because he doesn’t want to be in the position of pushing dancers past their breaking point the way he has been time and time again. he would rather teach and encourage beginners who are hungry to learn and aren’t infected by perfectionism.
xxxxx RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS GO GO GO ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE → @nicnac
  2. FAVORITE COLOR → gold
  3. FAVORITE ANIMAL → ducks, especially ducklings
  4. FAVORITE FOOD → cheese balls
  5. COFFEE OR TEA → coffee (iced americano)
  6. BOBA ORDER → not a boba drinker, but a classic milk tea (half sweet, light ice, without boba) to feel included when out with others or during group orders
  7. HOBBY/IES → origami (particularly folding paper stars), sleeping to pass the time, honestly just about anything that will keep the mind busy
  9. GUILTY PLEASURE → drinking corona (light is preferred variation due to the lower calories and carbs, but usually won’t turn down the others)
  10. DAY TIME OR NIGHT → both and neither
  11. WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER BE DOING RN? → napping in the sun after a long bath

xxxxxxxxxx introducing ... ATHENA
xxx EMMA HYOYEON JEON tab tab EJ tab tab TWENTY-FIVE tab tab HIP HOP

xxxxx WRAPPED IS HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. touchin&movin - moon byul
  2. crash - kehlani
  3. adore you - harry styles
  4. like a fool - moon byul
  5. iykyk - xg
xxxxx JUST THE TIDS && BITS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. ej is one of those silly asians that are incredibly lactose intolerant, but cannot resist dairy. especially ice cream. oh man it is a struggle and a half to get them away from a nice tasty scoop of ice cream. that is why they will always have an emergency (or in this case essential) supply of lactaid with them at all times.
  2. there are two things that you will always see accompanying ej everywhere she goes: a book and a coffee tumbler. the book will be in either physical or kindle form, especially their kindle. they go nowhere without their kindle to the point that it is rather beat up from being a constant travel buddy. as for the coffee tumbler, well, they’re never going to deny the coffee addiction.
  3. don’t be alarmed to find them in center formation in a handful of male routines during the season. it’s not because there is an uneven number of males to females on the team. one day they subbed in for a missing member and the next performance they were included. it’s not all the time, but the crowd goes pretty wild when they see ej in the piece.
xxxxx RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS GO GO GO ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1. SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE → @jeoniejay
  2. FAVORITE COLOR → silver
  3. FAVORITE ANIMAL → giraffe
  4. FAVORITE FOOD → kimchi jjigae (or any soup really)
  5. COFFEE OR TEA → coffee coffee coffee!
  6. BOBA ORDER → if there is an iced coffee option please add coffee jelly
  7. HOBBY/IES → light, but incessant flirting, eating, reading & coffee coffee coffee
  9. GUILTY PLEASURE → ice cream (especially because it's forbidden)
  10. DAY TIME OR NIGHT → night time
  11. WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER BE DOING RN? → reading a book with some lofi music in the background & a hot cup of coffee

all the fixings
384653 ll 5B70A5 ll E2DFD0 ll AFC3C1 ll CACBC6


tab tab tab welcome to a jinsley greekmythxdanceydancexkpop original production!
what do you get when one half of a roleplay pairing's roman empire is greek mythology, another half's got years and years of dance history and a slightly equal appreciation for kpop? this. you get this. welcome to OLYMPUS DANCE.

this roleplay was a long time coming. okay. that's a lie, but also not really. i thought up the idea of OLYMPUS many many many years ago on another roleplay site and have had two previous roleplay attempts prior to this. they went well, but all good things often come to an end sadly. EXCEPT THIS ONE! i proposed this plot to JINFINITE approximately last year and while he was down for it, we were swamped with other roleplays that had more priority (and they weren't a whole new roleplay to set up). so i just waited. and waited. and waited. until all of my patience paid off and suddenly i was f l o o d e d with jk reels on ig. i got the hint real fast and jumped even faster. so here we are. one of my precious babies given a third chance at life.

and you know what they say about the third time.
**lemme quickly give credit where credit is due! shoutout to my previous olympus rp partner for the logo graphic**

[indent=10] [floatright=20][table][/table][/floatright] [floatleft=40][table][bimg width=175px](IMG LINK GOES HERE)[/bimg]
[indent=1] [size=1] [color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#COLOR3]DATE[/color][color=#COLOR4]°[/color] [color=#COLOR3]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#COLOR1]DATE HERE 00/00/00[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#COLOR3]LOCATION[/color][color=#COLOR4]°[/color] [color=#COLOR3]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#COLOR1]LOCATION HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#COLOR3]COMPANY[/color][color=#COLOR4]°[/color] [color=#COLOR3]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#COLOR1]COMPANY HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align] [/size] [/indent] [/table][/floatleft] [table] [fieldset title="GOD/DESS NAME HERE ✰ GOD/DESS OF [AFFILIATION HERE] ✰ FIRST NAME 'NICKNAME (IF ANY)' LAST NAME" width=80] [size=3] [center] [color=#COLOR1]NAME (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#COLOR2]NAME (KOREAN OR OTHER LANGUAGE)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#COLOR3]OTHERS (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#COLOR4]OTHERS (KOREAN OR OTHER LANGUAGE)[/color][/center]

[color=#COLOR3] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nibh sagittis sem pretium, non vehicula lectus vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed faucibus, mi id gravida euismod, tellus leo dignissim nibh, nec tincidunt orci ligula a nibh. Nullam cursus sem a nulla vehicula, sed consectetur tortor laoreet. Integer lacinia vitae leo ut rutrum. Nunc accumsan interdum sapien, in faucibus sapien cursus id. [color=#COLOR1][b]"This is what English speech will look like."[/b][/color] Aenean euismod quam vitae mi iaculis, in mollis diam tempor. Nam consequat ex a sapien eleifend, in tempus magna vulputate. Integer eu turpis tellus. Aenean eget velit nisl. Fusce ac consectetur velit. Donec risus orci, dictum et augue quis, lobortis fermentum velit. Nam vel bibendum nibh.

Maecenas condimentum diam et nulla rutrum sagittis. Donec eu mi sit amet tellus lacinia pellentesque vitae nec lacus. Curabitur lacus velit, consectetur nec viverra ut, rhoncus vel arcu. Suspendisse gravida turpis at purus porttitor tincidunt. Suspendisse in nibh tincidunt enim congue euismod at nec nunc. Morbi fermentum quam ac nunc egestas, accumsan aliquet elit euismod. Mauris dolor quam, malesuada eget tempus eu, imperdiet in mauris. Sed molestie convallis hendrerit. Phasellus eros nisl, porta sit amet facilisis eget, vulputate aliquam risus. Phasellus finibus auctor felis, non pellentesque nibh suscipit eget. Mauris bibendum varius sem, id aliquam justo tristique eu.

[color=#COLOR2][b]"This is what Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color]

Nullam mauris mauris, accumsan id velit at, mollis tristique ipsum. Praesent rutrum ipsum id augue eleifend elementum. Nam lacinia odio vitae massa efficitur mollis. Curabitur augue ex, dapibus vitae dignissim vel, tempor tempus sapien. Vivamus nec aliquet nulla. Aliquam blandit dignissim posuere. Vestibulum ligula sapien, sagittis sit amet tellus eget, tempus tempor nisi. Sed et elit eget sem egestas gravida id auctor velit. Donec vitae faucibus orci. [b]"This is what others' English speech will look like."[/b]

Etiam rhoncus sapien quis erat vulputate feugiat. Proin commodo ipsum vel felis varius finibus. Proin enim tortor, commodo eget sem a, egestas imperdiet arcu. Quisque dapibus neque nec purus tincidunt interdum. Aenean eget ex non metus vestibulum egestas sed id leo. Curabitur a facilisis nulla. Phasellus ut sem eget leo vestibulum placerat nec et mauris. Etiam faucibus quam a risus accumsan, id pharetra sem pulvinar. Maecenas posuere eros id ultricies congue. In consequat nibh est, id ultricies diam ultrices nec. Duis ornare nisl ultricies viverra vehicula. Morbi cursus auctor molestie. Maecenas ullamcorper mollis tristique. Aenean sagittis, ligula sed facilisis pharetra, est mi vulputate nisl, at aliquam ipsum augue ac arcu. Morbi et auctor justo, sit amet elementum sapien. Cras eu sodales lorem, nec dictum urna.

[color=#COLOR4][b]"This is what others' Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color] Fusce vehicula ornare arcu, at congue nibh ullamcorper sed. Phasellus sed risus congue, tincidunt odio et, luctus lacus. Sed sit amet massa et ex egestas tincidunt id eget mi. Nulla facilisi. Integer sed velit lacinia, rutrum enim id, egestas tortor. Suspendisse eget metus luctus, efficitur neque ac, finibus orci. Integer pharetra finibus velit ut pretium. Suspendisse id nibh quis augue pellentesque molestie. Praesent sapien ligula, aliquet vel vehicula quis, posuere at dolor. Pellentesque a nibh fermentum, tincidunt odio in, malesuada dolor. Donec in ex justo. Curabitur eu condimentum diam. Nunc egestas eget eros sit amet dapibus. [/color] [/fieldset] [/table] [/indent]

laurels on everyone
[indent=10] [floatright=20][table][/table][/floatright] [floatleft=40][table][bimg width=175px][/bimg]
[indent=1] [size=1] [color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#384653]DATE[/color][color=#AFC3C1]°[/color] [color=#384653]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#A789AB]DATE HERE 00/00/00[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#384653]LOCATION[/color][color=#AFC3C1]°[/color] [color=#384653]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#A789AB]LOCATION HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#384653]COMPANY[/color][color=#AFC3C1]°[/color] [color=#384653]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#A789AB]COMPANY HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align] [/size] [/indent] [/table][/floatleft] [table] [fieldset title="PERSEPHONE ✰ GODDESS OF SPRING ✰ MICHELLE 'MICHIE' KIM" width=80] [size=3] [center] [color=#A789AB]MICHIE (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#D6BCFF]MICHIE (KOREAN)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#384653]OTHERS (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#AFC3C1]OTHERS (KOREAN)[/color][/center]

[color=#384653] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nibh sagittis sem pretium, non vehicula lectus vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed faucibus, mi id gravida euismod, tellus leo dignissim nibh, nec tincidunt orci ligula a nibh. Nullam cursus sem a nulla vehicula, sed consectetur tortor laoreet. Integer lacinia vitae leo ut rutrum. Nunc accumsan interdum sapien, in faucibus sapien cursus id. [color=#A789AB][b]"This is what English speech will look like."[/b][/color] Aenean euismod quam vitae mi iaculis, in mollis diam tempor. Nam consequat ex a sapien eleifend, in tempus magna vulputate. Integer eu turpis tellus. Aenean eget velit nisl. Fusce ac consectetur velit. Donec risus orci, dictum et augue quis, lobortis fermentum velit. Nam vel bibendum nibh.

Maecenas condimentum diam et nulla rutrum sagittis. Donec eu mi sit amet tellus lacinia pellentesque vitae nec lacus. Curabitur lacus velit, consectetur nec viverra ut, rhoncus vel arcu. Suspendisse gravida turpis at purus porttitor tincidunt. Suspendisse in nibh tincidunt enim congue euismod at nec nunc. Morbi fermentum quam ac nunc egestas, accumsan aliquet elit euismod. Mauris dolor quam, malesuada eget tempus eu, imperdiet in mauris. Sed molestie convallis hendrerit. Phasellus eros nisl, porta sit amet facilisis eget, vulputate aliquam risus. Phasellus finibus auctor felis, non pellentesque nibh suscipit eget. Mauris bibendum varius sem, id aliquam justo tristique eu.

[color=#D6BCFF][b]"This is what Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color]

Nullam mauris mauris, accumsan id velit at, mollis tristique ipsum. Praesent rutrum ipsum id augue eleifend elementum. Nam lacinia odio vitae massa efficitur mollis. Curabitur augue ex, dapibus vitae dignissim vel, tempor tempus sapien. Vivamus nec aliquet nulla. Aliquam blandit dignissim posuere. Vestibulum ligula sapien, sagittis sit amet tellus eget, tempus tempor nisi. Sed et elit eget sem egestas gravida id auctor velit. Donec vitae faucibus orci. [b]"This is what others' English speech will look like."[/b]

Etiam rhoncus sapien quis erat vulputate feugiat. Proin commodo ipsum vel felis varius finibus. Proin enim tortor, commodo eget sem a, egestas imperdiet arcu. Quisque dapibus neque nec purus tincidunt interdum. Aenean eget ex non metus vestibulum egestas sed id leo. Curabitur a facilisis nulla. Phasellus ut sem eget leo vestibulum placerat nec et mauris. Etiam faucibus quam a risus accumsan, id pharetra sem pulvinar. Maecenas posuere eros id ultricies congue. In consequat nibh est, id ultricies diam ultrices nec. Duis ornare nisl ultricies viverra vehicula. Morbi cursus auctor molestie. Maecenas ullamcorper mollis tristique. Aenean sagittis, ligula sed facilisis pharetra, est mi vulputate nisl, at aliquam ipsum augue ac arcu. Morbi et auctor justo, sit amet elementum sapien. Cras eu sodales lorem, nec dictum urna.

[color=#AFC3C1][b]"This is what others' Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color] Fusce vehicula ornare arcu, at congue nibh ullamcorper sed. Phasellus sed risus congue, tincidunt odio et, luctus lacus. Sed sit amet massa et ex egestas tincidunt id eget mi. Nulla facilisi. Integer sed velit lacinia, rutrum enim id, egestas tortor. Suspendisse eget metus luctus, efficitur neque ac, finibus orci. Integer pharetra finibus velit ut pretium. Suspendisse id nibh quis augue pellentesque molestie. Praesent sapien ligula, aliquet vel vehicula quis, posuere at dolor. Pellentesque a nibh fermentum, tincidunt odio in, malesuada dolor. Donec in ex justo. Curabitur eu condimentum diam. Nunc egestas eget eros sit amet dapibus. [/color] [/size][/fieldset] [/table] [/indent]
[indent=10] [floatright=20][table][/table][/floatright] [floatleft=40][table][bimg width=175px][/bimg]
[indent=1] [size=1] [color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#6B8083]DATE[/color][color=#87746B]°[/color] [color=#6B8083]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#C52330]DATE HERE 00/00/00[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#6B8083]LOCATION[/color][color=#87746B]°[/color] [color=#6B8083]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#C52330]LOCATION HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#6B8083]COMPANY[/color][color=#87746B]°[/color] [color=#6B8083]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#C52330]COMPANY HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align] [/size] [/indent] [/table][/floatleft] [table] [fieldset title="APHRODITE ✰ GODDESS OF LOVE ✰ ABIGAIL 'GAIL' PARK" width=80] [size=3] [center] [color=#C52330]GAIL (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#410608]GAIL (KOREAN)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#6B8083]OTHERS (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#87746B]OTHERS (KOREAN)[/color][/center]

[color=#6B8083] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nibh sagittis sem pretium, non vehicula lectus vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed faucibus, mi id gravida euismod, tellus leo dignissim nibh, nec tincidunt orci ligula a nibh. Nullam cursus sem a nulla vehicula, sed consectetur tortor laoreet. Integer lacinia vitae leo ut rutrum. Nunc accumsan interdum sapien, in faucibus sapien cursus id. [color=#C52330][b]"This is what English speech will look like."[/b][/color] Aenean euismod quam vitae mi iaculis, in mollis diam tempor. Nam consequat ex a sapien eleifend, in tempus magna vulputate. Integer eu turpis tellus. Aenean eget velit nisl. Fusce ac consectetur velit. Donec risus orci, dictum et augue quis, lobortis fermentum velit. Nam vel bibendum nibh.

Maecenas condimentum diam et nulla rutrum sagittis. Donec eu mi sit amet tellus lacinia pellentesque vitae nec lacus. Curabitur lacus velit, consectetur nec viverra ut, rhoncus vel arcu. Suspendisse gravida turpis at purus porttitor tincidunt. Suspendisse in nibh tincidunt enim congue euismod at nec nunc. Morbi fermentum quam ac nunc egestas, accumsan aliquet elit euismod. Mauris dolor quam, malesuada eget tempus eu, imperdiet in mauris. Sed molestie convallis hendrerit. Phasellus eros nisl, porta sit amet facilisis eget, vulputate aliquam risus. Phasellus finibus auctor felis, non pellentesque nibh suscipit eget. Mauris bibendum varius sem, id aliquam justo tristique eu.

[color=#410608][b]"This is what Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color]

Nullam mauris mauris, accumsan id velit at, mollis tristique ipsum. Praesent rutrum ipsum id augue eleifend elementum. Nam lacinia odio vitae massa efficitur mollis. Curabitur augue ex, dapibus vitae dignissim vel, tempor tempus sapien. Vivamus nec aliquet nulla. Aliquam blandit dignissim posuere. Vestibulum ligula sapien, sagittis sit amet tellus eget, tempus tempor nisi. Sed et elit eget sem egestas gravida id auctor velit. Donec vitae faucibus orci. [b]"This is what others' English speech will look like."[/b]

Etiam rhoncus sapien quis erat vulputate feugiat. Proin commodo ipsum vel felis varius finibus. Proin enim tortor, commodo eget sem a, egestas imperdiet arcu. Quisque dapibus neque nec purus tincidunt interdum. Aenean eget ex non metus vestibulum egestas sed id leo. Curabitur a facilisis nulla. Phasellus ut sem eget leo vestibulum placerat nec et mauris. Etiam faucibus quam a risus accumsan, id pharetra sem pulvinar. Maecenas posuere eros id ultricies congue. In consequat nibh est, id ultricies diam ultrices nec. Duis ornare nisl ultricies viverra vehicula. Morbi cursus auctor molestie. Maecenas ullamcorper mollis tristique. Aenean sagittis, ligula sed facilisis pharetra, est mi vulputate nisl, at aliquam ipsum augue ac arcu. Morbi et auctor justo, sit amet elementum sapien. Cras eu sodales lorem, nec dictum urna.

[color=#87746B][b]"This is what others' Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color] Fusce vehicula ornare arcu, at congue nibh ullamcorper sed. Phasellus sed risus congue, tincidunt odio et, luctus lacus. Sed sit amet massa et ex egestas tincidunt id eget mi. Nulla facilisi. Integer sed velit lacinia, rutrum enim id, egestas tortor. Suspendisse eget metus luctus, efficitur neque ac, finibus orci. Integer pharetra finibus velit ut pretium. Suspendisse id nibh quis augue pellentesque molestie. Praesent sapien ligula, aliquet vel vehicula quis, posuere at dolor. Pellentesque a nibh fermentum, tincidunt odio in, malesuada dolor. Donec in ex justo. Curabitur eu condimentum diam. Nunc egestas eget eros sit amet dapibus. [/color] [/size][/fieldset][/table] [/indent]
[indent=10] [floatright=20][table][/table][/floatright] [floatleft=40][table][bimg width=175px][/bimg]
[indent=1] [size=1] [color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#6A6454]DATE[/color][color=#ED9DA2]°[/color] [color=#6A6454]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#FAD469]DATE HERE 00/00/00[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#6A6454]LOCATION[/color][color=#ED9DA2]°[/color] [color=#6A6454]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#FAD469]LOCATION HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#6A6454]COMPANY[/color][color=#ED9DA2]°[/color] [color=#6A6454]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#FAD469]COMPANY HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align] [/size] [/indent] [/table][/floatleft] [table] [fieldset title="SELENE ✰ GOD/DESS OF MOON ✰ DOMINIC 'NICO' COVENTRY" width=80] [size=3] [center] [color=#FAD469]NICO (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#FFA700]NICO (KOREAN)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#6A6454]OTHERS (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#ED9DA2]OTHERS (KOREAN)[/color][/center]

[color=#6A6454] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nibh sagittis sem pretium, non vehicula lectus vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed faucibus, mi id gravida euismod, tellus leo dignissim nibh, nec tincidunt orci ligula a nibh. Nullam cursus sem a nulla vehicula, sed consectetur tortor laoreet. Integer lacinia vitae leo ut rutrum. Nunc accumsan interdum sapien, in faucibus sapien cursus id. [color=#FAD469][b]"This is what English speech will look like."[/b][/color] Aenean euismod quam vitae mi iaculis, in mollis diam tempor. Nam consequat ex a sapien eleifend, in tempus magna vulputate. Integer eu turpis tellus. Aenean eget velit nisl. Fusce ac consectetur velit. Donec risus orci, dictum et augue quis, lobortis fermentum velit. Nam vel bibendum nibh.

Maecenas condimentum diam et nulla rutrum sagittis. Donec eu mi sit amet tellus lacinia pellentesque vitae nec lacus. Curabitur lacus velit, consectetur nec viverra ut, rhoncus vel arcu. Suspendisse gravida turpis at purus porttitor tincidunt. Suspendisse in nibh tincidunt enim congue euismod at nec nunc. Morbi fermentum quam ac nunc egestas, accumsan aliquet elit euismod. Mauris dolor quam, malesuada eget tempus eu, imperdiet in mauris. Sed molestie convallis hendrerit. Phasellus eros nisl, porta sit amet facilisis eget, vulputate aliquam risus. Phasellus finibus auctor felis, non pellentesque nibh suscipit eget. Mauris bibendum varius sem, id aliquam justo tristique eu.

[color=#FFA700][b]"This is what Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color]

Nullam mauris mauris, accumsan id velit at, mollis tristique ipsum. Praesent rutrum ipsum id augue eleifend elementum. Nam lacinia odio vitae massa efficitur mollis. Curabitur augue ex, dapibus vitae dignissim vel, tempor tempus sapien. Vivamus nec aliquet nulla. Aliquam blandit dignissim posuere. Vestibulum ligula sapien, sagittis sit amet tellus eget, tempus tempor nisi. Sed et elit eget sem egestas gravida id auctor velit. Donec vitae faucibus orci. [b]"This is what others' English speech will look like."[/b]

Etiam rhoncus sapien quis erat vulputate feugiat. Proin commodo ipsum vel felis varius finibus. Proin enim tortor, commodo eget sem a, egestas imperdiet arcu. Quisque dapibus neque nec purus tincidunt interdum. Aenean eget ex non metus vestibulum egestas sed id leo. Curabitur a facilisis nulla. Phasellus ut sem eget leo vestibulum placerat nec et mauris. Etiam faucibus quam a risus accumsan, id pharetra sem pulvinar. Maecenas posuere eros id ultricies congue. In consequat nibh est, id ultricies diam ultrices nec. Duis ornare nisl ultricies viverra vehicula. Morbi cursus auctor molestie. Maecenas ullamcorper mollis tristique. Aenean sagittis, ligula sed facilisis pharetra, est mi vulputate nisl, at aliquam ipsum augue ac arcu. Morbi et auctor justo, sit amet elementum sapien. Cras eu sodales lorem, nec dictum urna.

[color=#ED9DA2][b]"This is what others' Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color] Fusce vehicula ornare arcu, at congue nibh ullamcorper sed. Phasellus sed risus congue, tincidunt odio et, luctus lacus. Sed sit amet massa et ex egestas tincidunt id eget mi. Nulla facilisi. Integer sed velit lacinia, rutrum enim id, egestas tortor. Suspendisse eget metus luctus, efficitur neque ac, finibus orci. Integer pharetra finibus velit ut pretium. Suspendisse id nibh quis augue pellentesque molestie. Praesent sapien ligula, aliquet vel vehicula quis, posuere at dolor. Pellentesque a nibh fermentum, tincidunt odio in, malesuada dolor. Donec in ex justo. Curabitur eu condimentum diam. Nunc egestas eget eros sit amet dapibus. [/color] [/fieldset] [/table] [/indent]
[indent=10] [floatright=20][table][/table][/floatright] [floatleft=40][table][bimg width=175px][/bimg]
[indent=1] [size=1] [color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#726682]DATE[/color][color=#8b4b6a]°[/color] [color=#726682]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#B987FF]DATE HERE 00/00/00[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#726682]LOCATION[/color][color=#8b4b6a]°[/color] [color=#726682]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#B987FF]LOCATION HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#726682]COMPANY[/color][color=#8b4b6a]°[/color] [color=#726682]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#B987FF]COMPANY HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align] [/size] [/indent] [/table][/floatleft] [table] [fieldset title="DIONYSUS ✰ GOD OF WINE ✰ HARU BAEK" width=80] [size=3] [center] [color=#B987FF]HARU (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#6C34BA]HARU (KOREAN)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#726682]OTHERS (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#8b4b6a]OTHERS (KOREAN)[/color][/center]

[color=#726682] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nibh sagittis sem pretium, non vehicula lectus vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed faucibus, mi id gravida euismod, tellus leo dignissim nibh, nec tincidunt orci ligula a nibh. Nullam cursus sem a nulla vehicula, sed consectetur tortor laoreet. Integer lacinia vitae leo ut rutrum. Nunc accumsan interdum sapien, in faucibus sapien cursus id. [color=#B987FF][b]"This is what English speech will look like."[/b][/color] Aenean euismod quam vitae mi iaculis, in mollis diam tempor. Nam consequat ex a sapien eleifend, in tempus magna vulputate. Integer eu turpis tellus. Aenean eget velit nisl. Fusce ac consectetur velit. Donec risus orci, dictum et augue quis, lobortis fermentum velit. Nam vel bibendum nibh.

Maecenas condimentum diam et nulla rutrum sagittis. Donec eu mi sit amet tellus lacinia pellentesque vitae nec lacus. Curabitur lacus velit, consectetur nec viverra ut, rhoncus vel arcu. Suspendisse gravida turpis at purus porttitor tincidunt. Suspendisse in nibh tincidunt enim congue euismod at nec nunc. Morbi fermentum quam ac nunc egestas, accumsan aliquet elit euismod. Mauris dolor quam, malesuada eget tempus eu, imperdiet in mauris. Sed molestie convallis hendrerit. Phasellus eros nisl, porta sit amet facilisis eget, vulputate aliquam risus. Phasellus finibus auctor felis, non pellentesque nibh suscipit eget. Mauris bibendum varius sem, id aliquam justo tristique eu.

[color=#6C34BA][b]"This is what Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color]

Nullam mauris mauris, accumsan id velit at, mollis tristique ipsum. Praesent rutrum ipsum id augue eleifend elementum. Nam lacinia odio vitae massa efficitur mollis. Curabitur augue ex, dapibus vitae dignissim vel, tempor tempus sapien. Vivamus nec aliquet nulla. Aliquam blandit dignissim posuere. Vestibulum ligula sapien, sagittis sit amet tellus eget, tempus tempor nisi. Sed et elit eget sem egestas gravida id auctor velit. Donec vitae faucibus orci. [b]"This is what others' English speech will look like."[/b]

Etiam rhoncus sapien quis erat vulputate feugiat. Proin commodo ipsum vel felis varius finibus. Proin enim tortor, commodo eget sem a, egestas imperdiet arcu. Quisque dapibus neque nec purus tincidunt interdum. Aenean eget ex non metus vestibulum egestas sed id leo. Curabitur a facilisis nulla. Phasellus ut sem eget leo vestibulum placerat nec et mauris. Etiam faucibus quam a risus accumsan, id pharetra sem pulvinar. Maecenas posuere eros id ultricies congue. In consequat nibh est, id ultricies diam ultrices nec. Duis ornare nisl ultricies viverra vehicula. Morbi cursus auctor molestie. Maecenas ullamcorper mollis tristique. Aenean sagittis, ligula sed facilisis pharetra, est mi vulputate nisl, at aliquam ipsum augue ac arcu. Morbi et auctor justo, sit amet elementum sapien. Cras eu sodales lorem, nec dictum urna.

[color=#8b4b6a][b]"This is what others' Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color] Fusce vehicula ornare arcu, at congue nibh ullamcorper sed. Phasellus sed risus congue, tincidunt odio et, luctus lacus. Sed sit amet massa et ex egestas tincidunt id eget mi. Nulla facilisi. Integer sed velit lacinia, rutrum enim id, egestas tortor. Suspendisse eget metus luctus, efficitur neque ac, finibus orci. Integer pharetra finibus velit ut pretium. Suspendisse id nibh quis augue pellentesque molestie. Praesent sapien ligula, aliquet vel vehicula quis, posuere at dolor. Pellentesque a nibh fermentum, tincidunt odio in, malesuada dolor. Donec in ex justo. Curabitur eu condimentum diam. Nunc egestas eget eros sit amet dapibus. [/color] [/fieldset] [/table] [/indent]
[indent=10] [floatright=20][table][/table][/floatright] [floatleft=40][table][bimg width=175px][/bimg]
[indent=1] [size=1] [color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#6E6E6E]DATE[/color][color=#75839B]°[/color] [color=#6E6E6E]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#8EB0A3]DATE HERE 00/00/00[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#6E6E6E]LOCATION[/color][color=#75839B]°[/color] [color=#6E6E6E]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#8EB0A3]LOCATION HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align]
[color=#CACBC6]▶[/color] [color=#6E6E6E]COMPANY[/color][color=#75839B]°[/color] [color=#6E6E6E]—[/color]
[align=right][color=#8EB0A3]COMPANY HERE[/color] [opacity=0]xx[/opacity][/align] [/size] [/indent] [/table][/floatleft] [table] [fieldset title="ATHENA ✰ GODDESS OF WISDOM ✰ EMMA ‘EJ’ JEON" width=80] [size=3] [center] [color=#8EB0A3]EJ (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#7FC78A]EJ (KOREAN)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#6E6E6E]OTHERS (ENGLISH)[/color] [opacity=0]tab[/opacity] [color=#75839B]OTHERS (KOREAN)[/color][/center]

[color=#6E6E6E] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nibh sagittis sem pretium, non vehicula lectus vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed faucibus, mi id gravida euismod, tellus leo dignissim nibh, nec tincidunt orci ligula a nibh. Nullam cursus sem a nulla vehicula, sed consectetur tortor laoreet. Integer lacinia vitae leo ut rutrum. Nunc accumsan interdum sapien, in faucibus sapien cursus id. [color=#8EB0A3][b]"This is what English speech will look like."[/b][/color] Aenean euismod quam vitae mi iaculis, in mollis diam tempor. Nam consequat ex a sapien eleifend, in tempus magna vulputate. Integer eu turpis tellus. Aenean eget velit nisl. Fusce ac consectetur velit. Donec risus orci, dictum et augue quis, lobortis fermentum velit. Nam vel bibendum nibh.

Maecenas condimentum diam et nulla rutrum sagittis. Donec eu mi sit amet tellus lacinia pellentesque vitae nec lacus. Curabitur lacus velit, consectetur nec viverra ut, rhoncus vel arcu. Suspendisse gravida turpis at purus porttitor tincidunt. Suspendisse in nibh tincidunt enim congue euismod at nec nunc. Morbi fermentum quam ac nunc egestas, accumsan aliquet elit euismod. Mauris dolor quam, malesuada eget tempus eu, imperdiet in mauris. Sed molestie convallis hendrerit. Phasellus eros nisl, porta sit amet facilisis eget, vulputate aliquam risus. Phasellus finibus auctor felis, non pellentesque nibh suscipit eget. Mauris bibendum varius sem, id aliquam justo tristique eu.

[color=#7FC78A][b]"This is what Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color]

Nullam mauris mauris, accumsan id velit at, mollis tristique ipsum. Praesent rutrum ipsum id augue eleifend elementum. Nam lacinia odio vitae massa efficitur mollis. Curabitur augue ex, dapibus vitae dignissim vel, tempor tempus sapien. Vivamus nec aliquet nulla. Aliquam blandit dignissim posuere. Vestibulum ligula sapien, sagittis sit amet tellus eget, tempus tempor nisi. Sed et elit eget sem egestas gravida id auctor velit. Donec vitae faucibus orci. [b]"This is what others' English speech will look like."[/b]

Etiam rhoncus sapien quis erat vulputate feugiat. Proin commodo ipsum vel felis varius finibus. Proin enim tortor, commodo eget sem a, egestas imperdiet arcu. Quisque dapibus neque nec purus tincidunt interdum. Aenean eget ex non metus vestibulum egestas sed id leo. Curabitur a facilisis nulla. Phasellus ut sem eget leo vestibulum placerat nec et mauris. Etiam faucibus quam a risus accumsan, id pharetra sem pulvinar. Maecenas posuere eros id ultricies congue. In consequat nibh est, id ultricies diam ultrices nec. Duis ornare nisl ultricies viverra vehicula. Morbi cursus auctor molestie. Maecenas ullamcorper mollis tristique. Aenean sagittis, ligula sed facilisis pharetra, est mi vulputate nisl, at aliquam ipsum augue ac arcu. Morbi et auctor justo, sit amet elementum sapien. Cras eu sodales lorem, nec dictum urna.

[color=#75839B][b]"This is what others' Korean speech will look like."[/b][/color] Fusce vehicula ornare arcu, at congue nibh ullamcorper sed. Phasellus sed risus congue, tincidunt odio et, luctus lacus. Sed sit amet massa et ex egestas tincidunt id eget mi. Nulla facilisi. Integer sed velit lacinia, rutrum enim id, egestas tortor. Suspendisse eget metus luctus, efficitur neque ac, finibus orci. Integer pharetra finibus velit ut pretium. Suspendisse id nibh quis augue pellentesque molestie. Praesent sapien ligula, aliquet vel vehicula quis, posuere at dolor. Pellentesque a nibh fermentum, tincidunt odio in, malesuada dolor. Donec in ex justo. Curabitur eu condimentum diam. Nunc egestas eget eros sit amet dapibus. [/color] [/fieldset] [/table] [/indent]
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