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Attacking Shadow (Kitsune and Degu)

The small talk had completely ceased now, and only theories and new discoveries were discussed. Lucian continued to eye the splatter on the concrete wall. “It was definitely a weapon,” Lucian finally answered, now placing his thumb and curled index finger on his chin. “Hmm…must have been a blade of sorts. It’s the easiest to get ahold of and the easiest to use,” he told Annaliese and cleared his throat.

Lucian finally leaned his head back, dropping his hand as he did so. The hybrid’s amber eyes glowed as he stared at the quickly moving clouds. “Whoever did this, didn’t even know how to use a blade,” he said, now moving his head toward Annaliese. “This was a complete hack job,” he told her and pointed out the three different blood splatters on the wall next to him. “Each of these,” he paused and wrinkled his nose. “Each one has a different smell…meaning, each one was caused three to four seconds after the former.”
Being a hybrid, Lucian had mixed abilities from his mother’s side and his father’s. A keen sense of smell was one of those shared abilities—this was his demon side, his father’s side.

“This in mind…do you believe that they’d send one of their most talented assassins…just to fuck up a job? I’m inclined to say ‘no’, but what are thoughts? Doesn’t seem like a Supernaturals’ work.”
"Shouldn't smell different if it's all the same blood." Did his nose seriously pick up things hers didn't just because he was a hybrid? On one hand that was incredibly useful for picking up subtle details around the scene, on the other it was a bit insulting that she was appearing weaker than him.

"It could be either." She shrugged. "It doesn't really make sense for them to send one and fuck up the job, but it's still possible they would do that. That aside, there's too many smells to tell who's who. People pass through here all the time anyway, so half the scents I'm picking up could be just random passerbys. Even if it's a human, I'm confused why they would send one so bad at his job. If they wanted to make it seem like someone pushing in to take over territory, they should have used a weapon that tore like claws, or put some teeth marks on the body." She shook her head and frowned.

"And none of your guys saw anything? Ridiculous."
Lucian shrugged with lifted brows. “The blood that was from the first slash just smells…less delicious than the blood that hit the wall afterward,” the executive explained, pursing his lips afterward. He did continued, however, to look around. Furrowing his brows, Lucian kicked a bit of the gravel around as he thought quietly to himself.

Annalise was right—completely right. Why would they send someone so bad? None of this made sense. There was two of the best here, yet both were completely stumped—at least Lucian was. “Then again…how many humans actually come through here? And if they had, this would be a blocked off crime scene,” he pointed out. “If you’re smelling human, it’s because a human was around when this happened,” Lucian mentioned. “Aside from that, there’s literally nothing here, short of a bloody mess,” Lucian said with a loud groan, rubbing his forehead while staring at the ground.

“You’d think one of them would have seen something. Though, aside from that pin, there was least nothing they reported,” he told Annalise with a long sigh. “Use your smart, kitty, brain,” the executive complained. “But you said claws and teeth. …Why the claws? Why the teeth? Can I assume that you think these are humans,” he asked.
"You would be surprised how many humans would ignore finding something like that because they don't want to get involved. I see humans involved in some pretty filthy things." There really wasn't anything there except for the mess, which gave them very little information. Even being told the person in question was wearing a pin wasn't much information. Any person could have stolen a pin from somewhere and made it look like they were government employed.

"They might be. There are other supernaturals that don't have either. The witches don't have claws and teeth, but this doesn't reek like magic, so the more plausible option is human, yes. Unless it was someone being cloaked, but that would be an awful lot of effort for something like this." Her head was starting to hurt from how much of a pain in the ass this entire thing was. Why had Cole insisted she investigate, rather than spend her time on something more important like reinforcing security for their own people? She could have done all this on her own!

"This is pointless. We've come all the way out here for nothing. Might as well just leave."
Lucian tilted his head from side to side, mulling over the situation. It was laughable that the two best in the business would struggle with such a case.
“That would be tons of trouble just to make this look like a botch. We keep saying that, but it’s not really giving us much more information than what we started with,” Lucian said first with a sniff. “This…this is completely a waste of my fucking time, because there are simply n—,” Lucian paused in the middle of his sentence. “Would be advantageous to take a look at the victim’s whole body. There could be a scent…some kind of something,” he added. “Of course, my guys only brought back a head, soooo we’d need to find the body,” he supposed. “If you were a body, where would you be,” Lucian asked Annaliese.

Despite asking this question, this seemed more of an inquiry that would better be discussed over ice cream. “Leaving would help cleanse our nose anyway. May help with our brains, too. Then again, my brain is just fine, it’s you that needs the break,” the executive joked.

“Iiiiice cream is the best nose and brain cleanser,” Lucian said in a sing-song manner, offering the woman a toothy smile. “Besides, teeeechnically we aren’t expected to come back with anything immediately…right? I mean, ice cream sounds the most productive,” he said, keeping the smile he was giving Annaliese, though, he tack on a chuckle.

“So. ‘Might as well just leave.” Right?”
"I wouldn't be just a body, so don't ask me. If these were humans, they probably ditched the body somewhere." Both the hybrid's mood and choice of topic switched so quickly she nearly got mental whiplash from it, staring at him blankly before processing that he was, as she thought, talking about ice cream again. She had conceded to getting ice cream if they'd gotten done fast enough, and now she had to figure out how she was getting back to Cole's where her car was, anyway. Why the hell not?

"I have no idea what we were expected to do. Honestly, I'm more concerned about our bosses tearing out each other's throats, considering how yours was acting back there. Not that I'd be upset if I went back for my car and found a massacre... Cole would wipe the floor with him and leave him for the dogs to eat," She wrinkled her nose, "If the dogs would even consider that a meal. Fine, which way to ice cream, now that you sent away the driver?"
Lucian tilted his head to the side and cracked his neck twice with a satisfied sigh. “Well then…suppose we should keep an eye on the human news. It they were human, their cops will probably find them,” he told her and cleared his throat. “You don’t seem too sold on finding a body though, so I’ll do that bit myself,” he told her and cocked his hip to the side with a hand on either side.

Annaliese’s annoyance was definitely evident in her voice. Lucian simply pursed his lips and glanced away. “Guess they thought we’d find something,” he mentioned just before the woman began to speak of their bosses once again. “If they tear out one another’s throats, I suppose we don’t have to worry about investigating with once another anymore. So, that’s a plus, right?”

At the mention of the ice cream parlor, Lucian shrugged his shoulders and turned away from her, heading North, out of the small alley. “Cats and dogs aside, I can show you the way. You seem so excited for a waffle cone,” the executive spoke in a dull manner.
With Annaliese’s playful ‘regards’, Lucian assumed that she was be more…fun? He was NOT having fun. “Let’s go.”
"It's not my body or one of my men's, so no I don't really have interest unless Cole tells me I need to." They hadn't even found the body yet? That was inconvenient, but she doubted Lucian's boss cared about recovering it for anything sentimental like a proper burial. The man probably didn't care about anything unless it specifically benefitted him. At least Cole, even when he pretended not to care, took care of his own people like they were family, or else she never would have stayed under his employment for so long.

"Oooh, someone's in a bad mood just because I didn't play along with your jokes, hm?" This was far too easy in her opinion, it was almost boring how quickly his attitude changed. "Well, Cole will be disappointed if things get any crazier than they already are, so I suppose at the very least I'll pay for the treat." She followed after him at a casual pace, hands tucked into her pockets as she looked around the street and observed their surroundings.

"Pretty quiet for this time of night. That's a bit weird."
“You aren’t wrong,” Lucian said and looked over his shoulder at the woman. “He doesn’t care and he never will,” he agreed with her and managed to chuckle. “I don’t even think he’d care if it were Merik…or even me,” he added with a shrug. “Can’t say that I care if he wants Merik or myself dead. It’s somewhat…amusing,” he told her and began to chuckle under his breath. “Only because he wouldn’t dare try it himself or hire someone to do it either.”
Lucian, of course, was one who would rarely be targeted—at least now. He’d taken out most assassins that had ever tried in the past. The enemies had just stopped coming. Lucian always wondered if it was his boss that sent the assassins, and he’d laugh at the thought. To foil his boss’ plans would be a joy.

Lucian lifted his brow to himself as he walked toward the shop. Hearing Annaliese’s assessment of his mood was interesting. Sure, the executive was bored and disappointed, but to be in a bad mood was completely differed. “Disappointed, my dear. Disappointed,” he returned just before stopping at the mouth of the alley. “The shop is there,” Lucian pointed to a small ice cream cone spinning atop the building ten paces to the right.

Lucian took a step forward, however stopped once Annaliese spoke once more. He agreed with a nod then took another step forward. “Very, very weird…” he said and scratched the back of his head. “Oh well.”
"Why the hell do they have that on the top of the building?" Annaliese stared at the spinning cone with a mild expression of horror and stopped walking, jumping when her phone began to ring loudly from her pocket. She answered it with a curse, turning away from Lucian and walking a few feet away to take the call before realizing the distance wasn't going to make a difference. The man had good hearing just like she did, and with a glance back his way she stopped and listened to Cole go off in her ear.

"Uh huh. Well, why are you surprised?" A pause. "Well, no, there's nothing but a bunch of blood and random smells there. Definitely could smell human though, so either just some sleazy drug lord walking by that couldn't have cared less about what happened there, or it was a human that did it. Yeah, yeah, I know." She met Lucian's eyes and rolled her own before she burst out laughing.

"That's really not my problem. Yeah, we're getting ice cream, and then I'm going to find a way back to my car. Doesn't seem much point in pursuing more tonight, we need to find the body to analyze it first, and I think he's going to do that. Yeah, I'll tell him, although I'm surprised the asshole hasn't started blowing up his phone yet." She hung up the call and went back over to Lucian, leaning in and giving him an amused look.

"Your boss was furious about the car, by the way. He's finally left Cole's house, though, so I'm sure he'll be summoning you back soon. The question is, do you dare disobey your boss if he calls while you're in the middle of your beloved waffle cone?"
“It’s an ice cream shop, why wouldn’t they have an ice cream on top of the building,” he asked and lifted a dark brow. “Even an idiot would know that, Annaliese,” he added pointedly just before her phone rang.

Of course her stepping away didn’t surprise him, the being her boss didn’t surprise him either. Made sense in his mind. They’d taken a couple of hours by now, so inquiring about their progress seemed normal; In fact, his boss had been calling him nonstop—Lucian simply ignored his calls. Why take them anyway?

By the time Lucian’s eyes peered toward the other , their call seemed to have already ended. “Puuuurfect. Shall we go,” he said just before Annaliese leaned forward.
Her simple statement was music to his ears. “Exactly what I wanted to hear. His suffering is my joy,” Lucian spoke a cheeky manner. “And summon or not, waffle cones are much more important,” he said with a wink.

“Now,” the executive began again. “Let’s get going before they close. I don’t wanna be one of those assholes to come in right before closing. Though…you seem like one of those people. Not cool,” he teased and began to laugh as he turned back toward the shop and began walking once more.
Again with the cat puns...

If those kept up, she might "accidentally" claw him up before she left for the night. That's what cats did when they got angry, right? Might as well stay true to her own kind, and she had a feeling he wouldn't flinch away from the threat like most people would. If anything, the bastard would probably play into it and tease her even more, which made her stop to contemplate just what she could get away with, without making things more difficult for herself.

"I'm a night owl, but no, I don't tend to run into places right before they close, unless I really want to annoy the people there. That does happen on occasion." She gave him a wide smile and slunk around him and into the shop, letting the door linger open just long enough for him to grab it before she let go and walked to the counter.

"Alright, let's see what these waffle cones are all about... Give me two of those, I guess. Where's your little card at, pretty boy?" She turned to look back at Lucian and raised an eyebrow. "You were going on and on about the poor card your boss crumpled up, weren't you?"
Lucian followed behind the woman, watching her closely as he did so. She was…a very beautiful woman—terrible personality, but beautiful all the same. “Mhmm. You seem like a night-owl actually,” he told her as the passed through the doorway.

The smell of sweetened milk, pastries, and deliciousness filled their noses upon entrance.
This aroma was intense and one of the reasons Lucian kept coming back over and over and over again. There was something nostalgic about it, but the executive couldn’t quite put his finger on it. That said, the smell of sweets shops was his ‘way out’, so to speak.
As he’d explained earlier in the night, it brought just a bit of innocence to a executive mafia member.

“Erm…this is a Dilly’s card,” Lucian mentioned and scratched the back of his head.
“Oh, sweetheart,” the cashier butt in for a moment. “We are partnered with Dilly’s, so we honor the points cards,” she assured Lucian with a bright smile. This point card honor system could have been true…or it was only to impress Lucian as most women tries.

“Oh, fantastic,” Lucian said with lifted brows and an excited giggle. “Here are the cards. Both cones free, yeah,” he asked and glanced toward Annaliese, wiggling his brows.
“Mm. Both for free. Now, if you’ll take a seat, I’ll have them out in a few minutes,” she told the two of them.

“I have a spot. Come on,” Lucian thumbed yo the left corner of the store, beside the window. “Best view of the city from there,” he said, beginning to walk in that direction.
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"See, it still works out." She shrugged her shoulders, though she didn't miss the way the worker was eyeballing Lucian openly. Honestly, human women were so weak when it came to the supernatural races. They fell for their charm so, so easy. The men were just as bad, they'd do just about anything to get into a human woman's pants, and more when an immortal woman's charms were shoved in their face.

"Seems like you've gotten yourself a little fan girl." Annaliese raised an eyebrow at his giggle and followed him toward the self-proclaimed best seat, slipping into one of the seats and leaning back to wait for their food. "I take it this happens everywhere you go. You probably get a lot of free things just by flashing a smile and melting all the humans girls. I'd almost forgotten how easy it was to twist humans to your whim."

Now if only it were that easy on everyone else...
“It’s our lucky day,” Lucian told her and began to chuckle. “This place isn’t linked to Dilly’s,” he told Annaliese and chuckled. “Gave both to us for free,” he said with a shrug. “There’s usually an old, grumpy gentleman here. Doesn’t fall for my charming face,” the executive said with a shrug. “Gotta take advantage when I can,” he added and shrugged. “And I wouldn’t say ‘everywhere’…just some places that are easier to…what’s the word…easier to work,” he answered her honestly. “I take it you don’t play that game ever? Hard to believe with that face,” he mentioned as he leaned forward, resting his cheek on his palm. “Hmm,” Lucian hummed with a devious smile. “Have you melted over me yet,” he asked, flashing her a smile,” he joked.

After Lucian’s teasing, his fiery eyes rested on the large window behind Annaliese. It was the reason he chose these…he chose them wherever he went. “Been meaning to ask you this…how many enemies would you say that you have? Or…does anyone know you actually exist,” Lucian probed.
"I play it if I need to, but I don't go out of my way to do it just because I can." There he was with that smile again. It was almost unnerving how much like an animal he looked when he made certain faces, yet there was no shifter anywhere in his blood. Did she look like that when she smirked?

"I'm afraid I remain as cold hearted as always, my dear Lucian." She purred the words at him and chuckled, glancing back at the window he seemed to be peering out. Now she understood why he had picked the table they were sitting at; it was close to the window and gave him a good spot to see any incoming threats that he might not smell first.

"Enemies?" She looked thoughtful for a moment and tapped at her chin. That was a very good question, and she didn't have an absolute answer to it. "I'm sure I have many, but I'm very good at my job, so most of them don't live long enough to learn my name. If you include everyone that hates Cole and everyone associated with him, I probably have far more enemies than I know about, but it's been a while since I had to kick any corpses off my front step. I've made... Examples of those who would dare before, so they don't generally come knocking at my door anymore."
“I’ll have you know, I did not try anything tonight. That woman gave us those ice creams out of the goodness of her heart. I take back my previous statement,” Lucian said and lifted his dark brows. “And you say that you don’t go out of your way,” he asked her with a questioning expression. “I do not believe you. Not even a bit,” he told her, grinning again. “To think, you would lie to such a new friend. Even I’m surprised,” he said and finally leaned back in his seat, crossing his tattooed arms over his chest.

“I apologize for the wait,” the waitress called from the counter, though finished her sentence as she hurried toward their table.
“It’s no problem,” Lucian waved off her tardiness and chuckled. “We are simply happy to enjoy the treat that you’ve prepared for us,” he added with his trademark, charming smile; of course, against popular belief, this was actually just his smile—not forced, nor fake…it was just a genuine smile that most men in his profession and race rarely had. Most of all, there was kindness, which, was contrary to his demon half; even so, kindness existed, and it mixed with a sense of playfulness that most fae possessed.

Once their cones were sat in front of them. The table, Lucian’s eyes lit up. “You will thank me later, Annali…got anything shorter? Anna? Ann? Kitten,” he asked just before the subject of enemies presented itself again.
“Mhmm…makes sense. Leaves me wondering why there’s, at least, two assassination attempts every week. “Unbelievable, right,” he asked and picked up his cone. “Should take lessons from you…killing them would probably be the best way to approach the situation, but…where’s the fun in that?”
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"Oh, you think we're friends now?" She couldn't help the very unladylike snort that left her mouth, nor did she try to hide her amusement at the comment, especially as the waitress had appeared with their food already. She was positively beaming at Lucian's praise, something that made it very hard for Annaliese not to roll her eyes at the human. They were just so easy to charm, weren't they? The fact that the hybrid didn't even seem to be trying to charm the woman was what made the entire thing even funnier, now that she took the time to properly analyze it.

"No." She shook her head, holding the cone carefully in her hand and giving him another look. "Just Annaliese. I believe I made my stance on the cat jokes perfectly clear, although I can't say too much when the cat is about to enjoy the cream." Two assassination attempts? For a brief moment she thought he was referring to attempts on her life, but quickly realized he was referring to himself. He truly left them alive?

"Why would you let them live if they tried to end your life? That seems like a silly thing to do."
As the waitress scurried away, Lucian moved his sharp eyes toward Annaliese once more. “Hmm. No, I don’t think so, actually. It was a joke…I wouldn’t want a friend like you at all,” he pointed out and lifted his brows. “I think you’d see me in the same light, correct,” Lucian asked her and cleared his throat. “I’m not the type to worry with those sorts of things,” he added before lifting the ice cream to his full lips. “Mm,” he hummed after the first lick.

“Annalise is a nice name…just long as fuck,” he mentioned and took another lick. “Of course, I suppose Lucian is a heavy name to say. Not long, but troublesome…” he paused to wrinkle his nose. “It’s Heavy, as in, if my name is mentioned from your mouth, most people wouldn’t be particularly happy about it. I wonder if that would be the case with yours,” he asked, though, it seemed like it was more of him thinking aloud.

Once Annaliese finally brought up the commented he’d mentioned previously, Lucian simply chuckled. “Silly, yes. Amusing, also yes,” he told her. “You don’t think I need practice to keep this body and these skills honed,” he asked her. “Plus…it’s just fun,” he shrugged.
"I'll make sure to start mentioning your name more then, just to piss people off. You're welcome to say mine around your people and see what they think." Most of them hadn't ever seen her in person to have much more than rumors to go off of, and the ones that had... Well, their faces upon seeing how petite she was were absolutely priceless. People always underestimated the small women and assumed they couldn't fight as well. It just meant that she was lighter, faster, and they would never see her coming until it was too late.

"Either you like toying with your prey a lot more than I realized, or you're going to be the fool that ends up dead by one of the would-be assassins they let go. I can't tell which idea I like more." She looked at him thoughtfully before working on the food, toying around with the two options in her head. On one hand, it would mean there was someone with a similar train of thought to her. On the other hand... That meant the hybrid would be similar enough to her that there was the possibility of a friendship forming, and friends weren't something she needed in her line of work. Hell, she didn't even consider Cole a friend when it came down to it.

"Although I will admit, I wouldn't be against playing more tricks on your boss just to see how long it took for him to get tired of you."
“I wonder if they would even know your name,” Lucian said, looking toward the ceiling as if thinking for himself. “They usually say “SHE” and “HER”. Either they just don’t know your name or they’re too afraid to say it,” he said, chuckling to himself. “I’ll admit, I had no idea what your name was, so…you were a “she” and “her” to me, too,” he told her honestly. “At least I have a few things to call you when I do, indeed, call you,” Lucian added, leaning toward her slightly.

“Now! As far as the ‘toying’…I maaaay or may not like to,” he said, obviously not wanting to tell her too much about himself. They were still somewhat enemies, after all. “That said, regardless of me letting them go or killing them on the spot, it doesn’t matter. They wouldn’t and do not come back,” he told her. “They’d have to be pretty damn lucky to catch me off guard enough to kill me.”

The fact that Annaliese was speaking of torturing his boss further gave Lucian the idea that the woman was possibly considering sticking around. That was…different, and a complete change of heart. “If torturing my boss is something you’d enjoy, I wouldn’t mind being your partner in crime, if I’m being honest,” Lucian chuckled. “Mostly because I’d enjoy it, too.”

The two went silent for a moment, enjoying their ice cream and possibly one another’s company.
It wasn’t an awkward silence, mind you. It was relaxed, and that was the beauty of ice cream shops. The ice cream, alone, could make anyone let loose…even a cold woman like Annaliese. “Mm,” the executive hummed to himself just before glancing back up toward the window.

Lucian squinted and he began to move in his seat as the headlights of a large SUV grew brighter and brighter…and…brighter. The car wasn’t deviating right or left, it remained straight, which, straight was the ice cream shop, not a road.

“Annaliese, move,” Lucian finally spoke loudly. He knew that she was capable, but the executive instinctively grabbed the woman’s arm, pulling her back toward him hard just as the SUV slammed through the large window and into the shop.
From impact, Lucian’s body flew backward and crashed into the wall; however where Annaliese went, he didn’t know. He had grabbed her but the smoke that was rising from the SUV’s hood filled the area, making it almost impossible to see.

“Ow…” Lucian complained and wrinkled his brow. “You dead,” he called out for the woman; however, only a moment later, a barrage of bullets were heard spraying in their direction.

So this was purposeful…to take them both out at once.

“Shiiiit,” Lucian grumbled and moved his body quickly to slide under one of the tables—at least until he could get his thoughts together. The impact was a bit jarring, so it was normal, even for his kind, to be slightly disoriented.

“Die! You supernatural pieces of garbage,” Lucian heard a man shouting. He immediately rolled his eyes.

Humans…of course.
Piss off,” Lucian growled to himself and began to move to his feet. Bullets couldn’t kill him. Any educated human should know that, too.
This in mind, Lucian stood, his eyes now burning as if there were an inferno inside.
The demon turned forward and glared at the three men who were standing where the window used to be.
Lucian was furious at humans trying to assassinate him and Annaliese, but he was even more furious that the ice cream shop had been ruined.

As soon as the men noticed Lucian’s frame, they began to fire again; however, Lucian simply held his hand out, stopping the bullets before they could even get to him. “I suggest you leave before I rip you three ap—“ just as Lucian began to speak, another two shots were fired.
Knowing that the bullets would have no effect, he didn’t even attempt to move.


Once the bullets hit him—one in the chest and the other in his lower stomach—Lucian paused and glanced down at his body, strangely feeing pain.
He blinked a few time, looking at the areas he was hit. Was that…blood?
A moment later, the demon had a strange urge to cough, however when he did so, there was a liquid dripping from his mouth.
“Not so invincible and cocky now, are you,” one man laughed. “Your man was just as surprised as you are,” another man called out.

Not so invincible and cocky now, are you?!

“w…what…” Lucian muttered as he began to stumble backwards. In confusion, the executive reach out for something to hold on to as he felt his head begin to spin and his vision blur.
“What’s…happening…” he asked just before finally losing his footing. Lucian fell back hard and landed on his back, gasping at the sudden stop.

What sort of bullets were these? Were they normal? No, they couldn’t be. He wouldn’t be bleeding out on the shattered floor if they were.
"It's only a crime if we get caught," She chuckled and had some more of her ice cream, "I could get behind working together for something like that, anyway." When she noticed him beginning to squint and stare out the window, she turned her head to see what the issue was, spotting the headlights that were coming at them alarmingly fast just before he warned her.

"Oh, hell." She had just enough time to curse before he'd grabbed her and yanked her into him, her back connecting with his chest for a moment before she found herself rolling and shoving chairs out of the way. She hadn't gone through socializing with the enemy on Cole's orders just to be killed by someone else, let alone in an ice cream shop before she'd even finished her food!

"I'm going to tear them to shreds." Annaliese growled as she sat up from her sprawl on the floor, staring at the shredded material of her jacket with disgust. "I liked this jacket!" Was she dead? Clearly not, but she wasn't given a chance to answer him before she caught wind of bullets penetrating tables and chairs alike, littering the walls and shells clattering along the floor surrounding them.

"Fucking humans." She was going to tear them limb from limb when she got her claws on whoever had done this, but that required getting out of the situation alive first. Speaking of humans, there were casualties in the form of bullet riddled bodies and large pools of blood spreading across the floor. Just fucking lovely, now they were going to have to deal with that on top of everything else. Things always got so messy when the humans were involved.

"Are you fucking stupid?!" Being inhuman was irrelevant, why was the idiot standing directly in the line of fire? Even though he seemed to stop the first bullets aimed at him with ease, Annaliese watched as two managed to breach his magic and lodge themselves firmly in his flesh. That had to hurt, and judging by the shocked look on his face, Lucian hadn't expected that at all.

Well, her clothes were already ruined from the glass and blood she'd apparently rolled through, so did it really matter what happened to them now? Annaliese dug around in her pocket for her phone, hitting the speed dial and leaving it on the ground beside her as it rang through to Cole. She didn't even wait for a proper answer, growling the word ambush and pushing herself to her feet. Those humans were dead.

"You better not die on my watch, idiot." She could feel her fangs pressing into her lower lip as she took a deep breath and bolted across the room, the knife from her ankle already in one hand and swiping at the first human she reached. This was not had she had seen her night going, her knife buried in someone's chest as she felt a bullet graze her shoulder, her head whipping around for startlingly bright eyes to glare at the perpetrator.

"Annaliese! Anna--Fuck, we're on our way!"

She could distantly hear Cole's voice from where her phone was across the room, but she was too busy discarding one body to turn and sink her teeth into the throat of another. Two down, one to go. This was going to be a disaster to clean up, between the bodies and the blood, then making sure there was no security footage that would get to the wrong people.

"Filthy human." She spit out blood and wrapped her arms around the man's neck, twisting abruptly and then spinning to hold his limp body in front of her. When had she been shot? The one that grazed her shoulder had been noticed immediately, but it felt as though someone further down her body was a lot warmer than it should have been, and it felt wet like she was bleeding. That was going to be a bitch if she had to dig a bullet out.

"Eat shit and die." Her hand fumbled for her braid while the other held the fresh corpse as a guard against the remaining human, fingers wrapping around one of the incredibly sharp pins before she twisted and tossed it in the direction of the last offender. The sound of his pain was incredibly satisfying and allowed a momentary distraction, humans were so easily distracted, and that moment allowed her to catch him more off guard by throwing his teammate's corpse at him and then tackle him herself.

The blood on her hands went unnoticed at first, she was far more concentrated on using any and all pins or blades she could get to stab the man she was now on top of. Her nails dug into the torn flesh as she raked them down his face and then pushed into his throat before she wrapped around whatever tissue she could get and yanked outward abruptly.

Oh, death was so messy, wasn't it?
Lucian let out a sharp breath and his brows furrowed at the amount of pain that he was in—it was pain that he had absolutely never felt before. He didn’t plan on getting used to it either.
The executive shut his bright, amber eyes for a moment then slowly began to lift his head. He’d hoped that the forward trajectory of his head would create momentum for his body to follow.
“Tzz..” he grunted at the movement of his upper half, clenching his jaw as he did so. “This…hurts…fuck,” he cursed just before forcing his body into a seat position. That was more difficult than he thought.

Luckily, Lucian had sat up just in time for the show. Watching Annaliese work was a pleasure, as well as exciting—mostly because anyone who was watching ended up dead; regardless, it was satisfying to watch the men who had wounded him get torn apart.

“Eyyy. Don’t get shot! It hurts like a bitch,” Lucian called out to the woman. And though the executive’s words sounded condescending and uncaring, his actual intent was to warn her, surprisingly.
Words of encouragement was about all that Lucian could offer at this point anyway, it wasn’t as if he could properly move, after all.

It was in this moment of entertainment that Lucian’s cellphone began to ring.
The ID on the screen read “Merik”, which immediately caused the executive to chuckle.
“Yesss,” Lucian sang once he picked of the phone; however, there was a grunt of discomfort afterward.
“Where are you,” Merik asked immediately. “It’s loud as fuck,” the other complained.
“Yeah…it is, isn’t it,” Lucian agreed as he moved his hand over on of the wounds.
“Boss is looking for you,” Merik finally snipped in annoyance.
“Sort of…busy…at the moment,” the executive said and cleared his throat.
“Uhh…are you drunk…” Merik asked and abruptly began to laugh. “Boss is gonna be real pissed if you’re shit faced,” the other added just as billets rang out again.
“Not…drunk unfortunately,” Lucian muttered, now beginning to feel the effects of the blood that he was losing.
Merik immediately furrowed his brows at the fun stops. “Ey. What’s going on?! Where the fuck are you,” Lucian’s partner asked quickly.
“Uhh…” Lucian began, though, had to pause to take a sharp breath. “I think…maybe I’m dying…” the executive said, managing to chuckle despite the situation.
“Haaaaaa,” Merik asked.

After the other heard Lucian’s statements, the executive heard rustling over the other end—it was obvious that Merik had completely stopped what he was doing to leave. “Which ice cream shop,” Merik asked.
“…the one with the cute girl,” Lucian answered quietly.
“I’ll be there in five minutes,” Merik finished, hanging up directly after.

Lucian looked at his phone for a moment. It was black now. Or was it just his vision going? He felt lightheaded and even the noises of men screaming in pain seemed muffled. “S…shit…” the executive muttered just as he dropped his phone and allowed his body to fall to the side.
"You're not going to die, or Cole will have my ass for this." Annaliese growled the words out as she stalked over to where Lucian was barely coherent, already shedding her torn jacket and crouching down to press it against his abdomen. "You're the idiot that's not putting pressure on the wounds. You're going to bleed out all over the floor. Hold that there," She put his hands over the garment before moving back to track down her phone, seeing that the call from Cole had already ended. With a sigh and shake of her head she called him back, cradling it between her ear and shoulder as she went back to the injured hybrid.

"Yeah, the ice cream shop. Good thing I let you put a chip in my phone, or you'd have been scrambling around trying to figure it out. Yeah, I know." She paused and groaned. "Uh, I think I got shot, but I'll be fine. The hybrid, however, is bleeding out on the store floor, and we have casualties here, couple humans that were already here and three I just butchered. Well," She paused and pursed her lips. "Maybe not butchered, but they're all dead, so. Just get here."

Shaking her head as the call ended and she turned her attention back to Lucian, the shifter examined him with a frown and applied more pressure where she'd put her jacket. This looked really bad, and if he died on her watch... Well, both Cole and Lucian's boss were going to be pissed, and there was already enough of a mess to clean up as it was.

"Hey. Don't make me slap you, open your eyes and focus on me. We got people on the way."
Lucian grimaced as the jacket was placed over the most severe wound. The truth was, Lucian had no idea what to do with a serious, bleeding wound—he’d never had one, after all, and was totally caught off guard by having one now.
Of course, Annaliese seemed to be pretty nonchalant about the situation. What hybrid would ever die from bullet wounds? The answer was none…apparently until now.

“I…I…d,” Lucian paused to catch his breath, though, the sharp breath only caused a wave of coughing to erupt; this, in turn, forced blood from his mouth, likely from some sort of organ that had be hit.
Apparently that was bad and so was the situation they were in—judging from the conversation that he was hearing anyway.

Hey…d…slap…open your e…me…on the w…

Lucian’s hearing was going in and out now. It was the strangest sensation that he’d ever felt.
He felt awake…but sleepy at the same time. His body felt like ice…but warm inside. His eyes were open(barely)…but he couldn’t see.

“Hey! Hey,” Merik yelled from outside of the destroyed ice cream shop. There was obvious worry in his eyes, having never heard Lucian speak in such a manner. “Where is he?! What the fuck happened,” Lucian’s partner asked as he began to hop over the large pieces of debris to get to the two.

It was upon his arrival that Merik’s eyes widened. “Lucian,” he spoke loudly, seeing the other’s half opened eyes and bloodied body. “How’re you…what…” it was obvious that Merik was completely perplexed at what he was seeing.

Merik leaned down closer to Lucian, however glanced toward Annaliese as he did so. “You’re bleeding, too. Is that normal for you,” he asked quietly as he moved both of his hands to the second, bleeding wound.
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