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xoxo ◣ i should °TELL YOU ⋮⋮ feelsHASkilig && JINFINITE


Solo Conversationalist
Mar 17, 2022
Page Two Hundred & Forty-Nine



welcome to a jinsley original production!
it is safe to say that without this roleplay, #teamjinsley as it is today would not exist. and to think, it almost never came to be because SOMEBODY ahem me was originally not a harry styles fan. and yet...yours truly is the one that proposed this pairing.

525,600 minutes. 525,000 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes. how do you measure a year?

life sure has a funny way of making, well, living real interesting. you start your tiny world with an even tinier bubble. and with time and plenty of experience, that tiny bubble expands bigger and bigger and bigger. for some, life has dealt a fortunate hand. chances and opportunities just at your fingertips, just urging you to take that one last step to take it. and then there are those that fight through trials and tribulations just to see another day. so what happens when such fates collide?

**Disclaimer:: This roleplay migrated from it's original thread on another roleplaying site. The first 133!! posts are previous posts written between Jin and me since January 2019.**

Last edited:


()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 082418----------- LOCATION — cafe near flat----------- COMPANY — veronica

It was still all so surreal to her. Even after the ten hour flight involving being seated beside an Englishman so intimidating she feared asking him to move so she could use the restroom. Even after she made it past customs and told the agent her business in the country. Even after she exchanged her American money for English currency. She was surrounded by many people speaking in deep English accents and yet she still needed someone to pinch her that she was actually in England.

And on top of that, she was in England to live there for a year. How was all of this real?

As she walked out toward the arrivals area of Heathrow, Lizzie pulled out of her phone and switched it out of airplane mode. She both struggled and stressed to connect to the WiFi in an attempt to connect to Facebook. It crossed her mind as she waited for a connection that she should have taken a screenshot of Olivia’s profile photo so that she wouldn’t have to be worried she would never recognize her at the waiting area. A part of her was imagining the waiting area like that one scene at the beginning and end of Love Actually. There were so many people in those scenes.

“Lizzie? Lizzie! Hey, I’m over here!” came a loud, but oddly familiar voice over the noises all around her. Lizzie blinked and tried to find the voice. She was failing until she noticed a pair of arms frantically waving right behind a couple currently in the middle of a rather...intimate reunion. Weren’t English people supposed to be not publicly affectionate? Aren’t they supposed to only be affectionate towards their dogs or horses?

By the time she snapped out of her wandering thoughts, the waving arms formed into a full-sized human now slinking around the kissing couple to approach her. It was the smile that clued Lizzie that this approaching woman was definitely familiar. She let out a sigh of relief as she tucked her phone into the front pocket of her hoodie and pushed her cart toward Olivia.

“Hi! It’s good to finally meet you in the flesh as opposed to a phone screen!” Olivia greeted when they were finally face to face. Lizzie grinned up at Olivia. However, she noticed almost immediately the slight hesitation of her new roommate. She saw this coming and took initiative. Grin brightening, Lizzie took a step closer and outstretched her arms to instigate a hug.

“Thank you so much for coming to pick me up!” Lizzie commented during the hug. She pulled away from the hug once she felt Olivia’s grip loosen. “You didn’t have to, you know,” she then added.

Olivia brushed the statement off with a wave of her hand, then commenting that the trip was nothing. “Besides,” she continued, “I would feel terrible knowing that you were heading to the flat on your own. Honestly, I blame Angel. He may have gotten it into me head that you might end up getting lost on the tube.” Lizzie silently commented that she had no idea what she meant by the “tube” and what it had to do with her finding their flat.

Since Lizzie had arrived to London during the evening, Olivia insisted that they wait in the airport for a little while until the traffic died down a bit. She reasoned that it was better waiting in the airport and then heading home. Because apparently if they left now, they would be sitting in a taxi for the same exact amount of time. At least the airport had food. Lizzie didn’t dare argue with that logic.

So the two new roommates, or flat mates as Olivia continued to refer to them, took over one of the tables at one of the bars in that section of the airport. They ordered half the selection of appetizers on the menu and the first round of beers. Olivia insisted that Lizzie try English specialties now that she would be living in the country. Again, she couldn’t argue with the suggestions of a native Englishwoman.

They spent the entire meal deep in conversation. Even though they had been talking to each other almost weekly since Lizzie got accepted into the program, they managed to find plenty of things to talk about. A lot of it, funny enough, involved a crash course of English slang. At one point, Lizzie had to push aside the plate of wings sitting beside her to make room for one of the notebooks she had in her carry on so she could write some of these phrases and words down.

It wasn’t until rather late in the evening that they finally paid their tab and left the airport. Olivia warned that there would still be a bit of traffic on the way to the flat, but she also reassured that it would not be too bad. She expertly hailed a taxi the moment they stepped outside.

Olivia was right. Despite a bit of light traffic from the airport, the commute to the flat wasn’t too terrible. In fact, Lizzie commented that the drive reminded her of traffic back in Los Angeles. She could have sworn she heard the taxi driver laugh, but she could also have imagined that.

As soon as they pulled up in front of the flat, the taxi driver turned on the hazard lights and stepped out with the two to help them carry Lizzie’s luggage out of the “boot”. Lizzie was about to insist that she could bring her big suitcase into the flat when a large man came out to meet them. In the dark, she was unable to recognize him. It was once Olivia comfortably conversed with him that she calmed down enough to hear that he was one of their other flatmates, Malcolm. Olivia quickly asked Malcolm to carry the big suitcase inside. In-between the conversation between the two and then making their way inside, Lizzie failed to notice that both flatmates left her with nothing to carry aside from her purse.

“Ricki is running late at her shift, but she said she should be able make it to the last half of the flat meeting,” Lizzie overheard Malcolm tell Olivia. “Angel’s home though. He’s watching the telly.”

“Okay. We can start once Lizzie’s situated. Is that okay, Lizzie?” Lizzie blinked at the two of them, shocked at the sudden attention on her. After clearing her throat, she quietly nodded indicating that she was fine with that plan.

The flat was more compact than she had imagined. Lizzie reasoned that it was probably because her only view of the flat had been from the virtual tours Olivia offered during their video chats. Of course, she also figured that it had something to do with the fact that the hallway looked smaller with Malcolm’s towering physique. Or, maybe it was a combination of both.

Before getting a full house tour she was given time to get some unpacking done. With her roommate kept up at work, Olivia let her know which half of the room was hers. Lizzie noticed that she was careful not to make it seem like she was losing space having to share the room. In response, she reassured her flatmate that it wasn’t a problem for her. After all, she had been sharing a room with at least one person since she was born. On top of that, it wasn’t like she had too much to spread throughout her half of the room.

Lizzie didn’t get much accomplished with unpacking, however. As soon as she pulled her laptop from the bottom of her luggage, she decided to have a video chat with her cousin, Irene. When she ended the call, she was called into the living room area to start the house meeting. Much of the house meeting was spent getting Lizzie familiar with the rest of the house. She had seen the boys briefly when she first arrived, but now she got to know more about them. Mentally, she wondered if she should be a little frightened by Angel. He was a delight and a half, but he was also a little intense.

Veronica, her roommate, finally arrived halfway through the house meeting. Lizzie and the others were still in the middle of getting to know each other. She watched quietly as the new addition made her greetings then took a spot in the living room. That was when Lizzie first noticed the pile of pillows and blankets that her roommate was moving aside to make room.

“Is the scruffy kitty not joining us tonight?” Angel asked. Lizzie could have sworn she heard a bit of sarcasm in his tone. And when no one answered his question, she decided to just brush it off as nothing too important.

The rest of the house meeting went by fine. Olivia led the discussion about house rules. There honestly weren’t that many rules, but almost all of them had some specific story behind it.

Lizzie went straight to bed after the meeting. She managed to combat jetlag because of all the traveling she had done the day before. And luckily Veronica was okay with postponing bonding time. She had promised that they would go out for lunch the next day.

Of course, she probably would have still given in to jetlag the next morning had it not been for the noises outside her bedroom that woke her up. Due to waking up in a new environment, Lizzie went into observation mode. She noticed almost immediately that she was alone in the bedroom. When she did sit up to look around, the only thing she found that gave her a clue her roommate had been there was the small pile of blankets crumpled on top of the other bed.

So maybe the noises she was hearing outside were Veronica. Or, hell, maybe it was the others. It was her first day in the flat. She was still not familiar with everyone’s routines.

The only way she was going to satisfy her curiosity was to investigate. After all, what could go wrong? As far as she was aware, the noise could be from one of her flatmates. And if any of them had guests over, it would have been mentioned. That was part of house rules after all.

Slowly, Lizzie popped her head out of her bedroom door and peeked into the common area of the flat. The door to the common area was open wide; something she learned meant that at least someone else in the flat was awake. How did the rule go? First awake, opens. Last awake, closes. Yeah, something like that.

Before she fully left her room, she craned her ears to listen to the other rooms. The walls were fairly thin between each other, but as far as she could tell, the only sounds she heard were the light snoring coming from the boys’ room. So that meant it could be either Olivia, Veronica or one of the boys. Well, there was only one thing to do now.

It appeared that the noise was coming from the kitchen. When she first stepped into the common area, she noticed that the pile of pillows and blankets she saw last night were now laid out on the longer couch with the blanket partially hanging over the edge. She was confused over this. Everyone in the flat had a bed. Why would anyone choose to sleep on the couch? She once more had to remind herself that she was certain there were no guests since no one at the flat had told her otherwise last night. Maybe one of them did just sleep on the couch for some unknown reason.

When she finally moved past the mystery of the makeshift couch-bed, her body went into immediate fight-or-flight mode. Even if she had only met her flatmates last night, her memory was well enough to recognize that there was someone in the flat that she was not familiar with. Her body froze, eyes wide as she stared at the back of the stranger currently hunched over what looked like the kitchen counter. Then, before she knew it, she was staring at his backside.

Lizzie gasped. Then, her heart quickened when she saw that her reaction caught the stranger’s attention. Time had that strange feeling of being still and speeding up as she watched him turn. But before he - she concluded the stranger was a he despite the long hair - could catch her gaze, Lizzie ducked her head down to stare intensely at the floor.

“Oh….Um...hello? I-uhhh...I didn’t mean….I didn’t, um, know you were….Ummm...sorry!” Covering her burning cheeks, Lizzie ducked out of the common area and bolted back to her bedroom.

“Lizzie? What’s wrong?” was the last thing she heard before she closed her bedroom door behind her. She quietly stood by the door, waiting for her heart to stop racing as she took in deep breaths. On the other side of the door, she heard what sounded like Angel’s voice comment, “Oh, hello, Eri! What a surprise! I’m assuming Olivia forgot to tell you about the new addition since you’ve abandoned the use of your trousers last night.”

Lizzie was beyond confused. This stranger apparently wasn’t a stranger in the flat based on Angel’s familiarity with this so called “Eri”. Or...was Angel saying “Harry”? Was Eri/Harry a friend of the flat? Angel had mentioned Olivia in particular. Was Eri/Harry her boyfriend? Is that relationship the reason why no one didn’t seem to bother telling her about him last night? But...that didn’t make sense either. Based on Angel’s response, even he didn’t know that Eri/Harry was coming over. Who was this guy?

But...Lizzie couldn’t get herself to dig more into that curiosity.

For fear of seeing the stranger-but-not-a-stranger again, Lizzie remained holed up in her bedroom until she got a message from Veronica that she was on her way back. That was when she finally braved leaving her room to take a quick shower and change out of her pajamas. She avoided looking into the common area. If Eri/Harry was still there, she would rather not be caught staring at his trouser-lacking rear end again. No matter how nice it may have looked in that brief “second”.

She ended up waiting for Veronica outside the flat. It was a gamble to make such a decision, but the thought of being under the same roof as Eri/Harry after that awkward encounter had her wanting to bury herself under a rock and just...die. Luckily for her, Veronica arrived back at the flat shortly after she took a spot beside the girls’ patio.

Veronica took them to a little cafe just walking distance from the flat. Just as promised, they spent their lunch together getting to know each other better. It turns out that they had a point of interest that they could relate; their huge ass families. Lizzie found herself in stitches over how they were able to share countless stories of their lives growing up among siblings and extended family members. In fact, that was much of their lunch time.

It was while Veronica was in the middle of sipping her tea that Lizzie recollected her experience that morning. Now that she was comfortable around her roommate, she thought maybe she could ask about it.

“Hey, so quick question?” Lizzie started carefully. When Veronica appeared to be paying attention, she continued. “Does Olivia have a boyfriend?”

There was a pause as Lizzie noticed Veronica looking at her closely. Admittedly, Lizzie was a tad uncomfortable with the longer than expected pause. Finally, Veronica responded with, “A boyfriend? No, she doesn’t.” Veronica then paused before adding, “She’s actually a lesbian.”

Lizzie blinked, more confused. “Oh…” she started slowly. “….” She didn’t quite know how to explain the next part without embarrassing herself. “There was this guy at the house this morning. And, um, well he looked like….He was, um, kinda....comfortable looking when I saw him. I overheard Angel mention Olivia while they were talking and I figured maybe he kind of hook up or boyfriend?”

Of all the responses she could have expected from Veronica, laughter wasn’t one of them. Feeling her face turn red, Lizzie quickly grabbed her coffee cup and took a slow sip in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.

“Are you talking about Eri?” Veronica finally asked. Lizzie internally groaned. Her roommate’s Irish accent made it impossible to distinguish whether the stranger’s name was Eri or Harry as well.

Regardless, she nodded in response. With this confirmation, Veronica explained the situation with the stranger. Apparently he’s one of Olivia’s close friends and was the “exception” to the house rules on visitors; circumstances that were before Veronica’s time. She explained that he was the flat’s semi-permanent couch surfer. His visits aren’t frequent, of course. And Veronica further explained that these infrequent visits were the reason no one had mentioned him during the flat meeting last night. Although, as Lizzie was listening to the story, she had a brief recollection of the pile of pillows and blankets she watched Veronica move. After that, she remembered vaguely the comment Angel had made about a “kitten?” Was he talking about Eri/Harry?

“So…” Lizzie finally chimed in after the explanation. “Are you all...okay with him being there? Sleeping on the couch and all?” she asked, curiously.

She watched Veronica shrug her shoulders as she picked at the crumbs of her sandwich. “I guess. I suppose it’s more that we’re just used to it? He’s okay. At least he’s not insufferable like the last bitch that I shared the room with.” Lizzie offered a look at her roommate’s rather harsh choice of words. “All those stories we told you about the flat rules? Majority were ‘cause of ‘er.” Lizzie suddenly noticed how her roommate’s accent thickened when emotional.

“So, I guess he’s been around for a while, huh?” She didn’t dare mention the part about walking in on Eri/Harry while half dressed.

“Yeah, I think he’s been around for as long as Olivia has been living there,” Veronica replied. “For the most part, he’s harmless. He mostly keeps to himself. The couch is just a convenient halfway point between his own place and his job as far as I’m aware?” Realizing that she wasn’t going to get too much else out of her roommate, Lizzie simply nodded in acknowledgment and moved on to a different topic. At least for now.

She knew that, one way or another, she would eventually come face to face with Eri/Harry again.

()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 082418----------- LOCATION — pub downtown----------- COMPANY — the flat

Do you know one of the top ten worst scenarios to be in? For your mind to be absolutely racing with muses and ideas but just as you start writing, your pen runs dry. And you try and try to revive it by scribbling on the side of your paper, even licking it in hopes of restarting the ink flow. But alas nothing seems to work and so you’re left with the frustrating feeling—the need to put your thoughts onto paper but with no pen, and no phone, poor Eric Oliver was left staring at his unfinished line of dialogue at the top of his notebook. He was committing the words to memory even though he knew very well he wouldn’t remember it later and that it could be days before he made any further headway on this script. He cursed under his breath, looking up from his spot on a park bench as though he might just happen to find a pen on the ground around him. No such luck. He reached beside him to pick up his coffee cup but noticed it was suspiciously light. After popping off the lid he found out why; he had finished it. Great. No pen, no coffee, and nothing to do until his shift at 3pm. It was currently noon, in case you were wondering.

With a sigh he shoved his notebook into his well worn backpack beside him on the bench and dropped the dead pen into the empty coffee cup to throw away whenever he was ready to leave. He actually had his guitar with him as he did not want to leave it out in his car and needed to rearrange some stuff to fit it back into the boot. So Eric went ahead and undid the latches on either end, setting the hard case on the ground before him and picking up the instrument. He strummed it a few times, tuning the strings to an acceptable level before softly beginning a tune he’d had been working on for a while. It was sort of a dream of his to piece together a musical but so far none of his attempts had worked out and he was still writing plays and songs separately in hopes that one day they would align. So here he was playing out what chords he could remember and humming the lyrics along with the tune until he reached the chorus, “Just a little bit of your heart~”

Someone walked by and dropped some pence into his open guitar case. Part of his stomach dropped at the sound of the coins. He hated accepting money. Especially since he wasn’t even performing right now. He had been there before—he’d been that bum on the street corner with a sign and hoping that someone—anyone would look up and help him out. He hated that feeling. So he faltered at the sound of the money but ultimately kept going with a nod and a “cheers” directed to the passerby. Once they had passed he kicked the case close to discourage others to follow suit. He was just trying to pass the time, and as much as he could use the money, he couldn’t quite bring himself to accept handouts right now. He made a mental note to not tell this story to Olivia next time he saw her, she’d likely go off on him for constantly refusing help. Just as she’d been bothering him lately about moving in with her. But here he was still on the street--he hadn’t been to the flat in a couple weeks now and he felt it. He was exhausted; between rehearsals and taking on extra shifts, Eric hardly had any time to himself. And not staying at the flat meant sleeping in his car which was far from comfortable. He had other couches to crash on though and he did utilize them whenever possible. He stayed with an actor friend last weekend after a particularly long rehearsal that ended in drinks and so obviously he wasn’t allowed to leave till he was safe to drive. It worked out for him, being able to sleep indoors and shower in the morning. But every night since he’d been in his car and his body hated him for it. He was so sore and woke up each morning feeling unrested from his constant vigilance. It wasn’t safe or legal to sleep in his car after all, but he made do.

Fast forward to 2:50pm, he was in the staff room at work setting his bag down after changing and was straightening out his black suit jacket. His hair was next as he attacked the unruly mop of brown. He worked in a hotel where appearance is everything. But thankfully despite his living situations he was quite skilled at cleaning up nicely. By the time he was done you would hardly recognize him from his street look to now.

He spent the first half of his shift assisting guests with late check ins, pushing trolleys, carrying suitcases and forcing himself to engage in polite small talk so as to appear welcoming and as though he was actually interested in where they were coming from or why they were visiting London. It was particularly tooth pullingly painful with other Brits as he was just doing his job and they were too polite to not respond but both parties were well aware of how awkward and tortuous this was to the other. On the other hand the Americans loved it. Reveling in how British everything was and asking him to repeat himself when they couldn’t understand him through his accent. Although...technically being in Britain, it was the Americans who had an accent...but whatever. Eric was involved in theatre, and he had a knack for changing his voice to fit the scenario. He could put on a flat near American accent to enunciate things and be better understood by those who struggled with his British, but if a posh family came in he would match them so as to not be seen as the poor kid from East London. Occasionally they would get other European travelers from France or Germany for instance which could be a bit of a challenge linguistically but Eric usually got by just fine from his school courses all those years back. He was actually pretty damn good at French but he only made that known on a case by case basis. See he’d learned the hard way that when a foreigner discovers you speak their language they will then go out of their way to specifically ask you for help.

There was this one elderly French woman and her daughter who stayed for about five days in total. The daughter spoke fluent English. She was a grown adult; she was fine. The elder on the other hand only spoke French. Eric had busted out the language a little to save time when the poor daughter was trying to translate back and forth for them but after the woman found out he spoke French she then called on him for everything. It grew to the point of ridiculous when she would be seated in the restaurant area and make the staff call for him to come down to translate for her. It would sometimes be as simple as wanting more water. Really? She couldn’t just gesture to her empty water glass? She had to insist that they summoned him away from his own tasks.

So you see, ever since that guest Eric has been hesitant to let on how knowledgeable he was about, well, anything. He would respond with the bare minimum and feign ignorance to get out of things. But at the same time, of everyone in the hotel he knew London streets the best. So while he himself avoided these situations, other staff members often called on him to offer suggestions on places to go or directions and such. You can see why he’s so drained and turns into a social hermit at the end of each shift after being a people pleaser for 8+ hours.

Once everyone was checked in and settled he was essentially just on call for the rest of the night. What does that entail you ask? Basically sitting at the front desk by the phone and responding to any and all late night requests. He didn’t need to do laundry or dishes usually, there was a cleaning team for that. But if someone used the last roll of toilet paper, Eric was the guy on the line when they called down. No more clean towels? Locked out of your room? Coming in from a night out? Eric was there for all of that.
There were some pluses to working in a hotel such as having his meals provided; granted it was usually whatever was left over or made extra of as the kitchen closed after dinner hours but food was food and he never complained. And at least being at work meant he was indoors instead of out in the cold and/or rain. He was fed and had access to a private restroom; the only life necessity he technically wasn’t allowed was to sleep on the job, so when 1am rolled by and he was relieved from his post by the overnight staff he couldn’t wait to go home and knock out.

Home...his car? It was a fair walk to where he had parked it and while he’d made the trek for days now he was nearing his limit. He wanted to be comfortable for a night and not freezing in his car. So after changing in the staff room and hanging up his suit to avoid wrinkles he shouldered his rucksack style backpack and set out towards Olivia’s flat for the first time in weeks. He had work in the morning, covering someone’s mid day shift so ultimately it made sense to go the the flat tonight rather than tough it out on the streets since he hadn’t made plans to stay with anyone. The flat was the only place where he could show up unannounced and not have to explain himself.

It was close to 2am by the time Eric reached the flat. He put out the cigarette he’d caved and started for his walk and found a bin to toss it in before unlocking the front door to let himself in. All the lights were off but this was routine for him and he quietly made his way through the dark hall to the double doors leading to his room the common space. Normally he preferred to shower before he slept but tonight he was just far too tired. He closed the doors, house rules aftercall, and after dumping his bag on the edge of the smaller sofa he went straight to work laying out the blankets and pillow which made up his bed. The final step was to change. Eric stepped out of his boots, jacket off, socks off, jeans off, he was down to a slightly oversized white tee and his underwear. It wasn’t winter yet so it wasn’t freezing at night, and after a full day of walking around and a whole night in a suit, this was the most comfortable for him. Always had been. Not to mention the only other he had with him were what he had arrived in and he certainly didn’t want to sleep in those...he preferred this over sweats or something, and since no one in the flat had ever complained he continued on wearing--or not wearing, whatever he wanted.

Eric knocked out almost immediately after his head hit the pillow and he slept undisturbed all through what was left of the night and into the next morning. He was simultaneously both a heavy sleeper and not. When his internal clock went off it was time to get up no matter what his circumstances were. For instance he completely slept through both Olivia and Veronica bustling in the kitchen as they got ready for their AM classes. But shortly after they left, and still pretty damn early, his eyes naturally opened on their own without out an alarm clock screaming at him. Barely six hours sleep, but as tired as he was, once he was awake that was it. Eric was near incapable of sleeping in. Like, if he’s still bed at 10am, at the latest, something is wrong. Even after a night of drinking he’ll be one of if not the first up the next morning bright and early. Hungover, sure, but awake.

When he sat up he noticed the common doors were open, a clear sign that someone had woken up. Eric sat there on the couch for a minute as his eyes adjusted to being open, and doing their job of seeing things. He was still so physically drained from the past couple weeks of work, but sleeping on his couch felt so nice. It’s like that saying, “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”

Well, it was time for tea.

He let the blanket fall from his bare lap as he stood; he’d come back and fold everything when he was ready to go. Being such an early riser, Eric had a bit of a routine to follow:
Go pee
Boil water for tea
Carry on about his day
Now the logical order would be to set the kettle first so it might be ready by the time he got back. And sometimes he did, but generally his comfort was prioritized over logic. So once he was back from the bathroom and after the kettle was filled he opened the cabinet to grab his mug. Yes, his mug. General cups and plates he just used the flat’s set. But he was over frequently enough and in the mornings that Olivia had gotten him his own mug one year for Christmas. He generally just went with standard black tea but it looked as though they had run out. Making mental note to buy tea later he grabbed a packet of earl gray and just after tearing it open heard what sounded like a surprised human behind him. Um? He glanced back over his shoulder casually at first to see what had happened but upon seeing a smaller girl he didn’t recognize he turned more to face her. Who was this? He was wracking his brain for a name but nothing came to mind; he just vaguely recalled that Ricki’s roommate was in the process of moving out last time he was over. He never understood why she was always so hostile towards him… whatever, she was clearly gone and replaced by--
”Lizzie? What’s wrong?”

Was her name Lizzie? Angel came into view after she retreated and along with his unsolicited comment on Eric’s choice of clothing, or lack thereof, confirmed that Lizzie was the new kid in the house. Well that was a great first encounter…
Angel had a few more words to share, specifically about flat night out and that he should maybe wear something a little less revealing later that night. But ultimately he accepted a mug of tea when Eric offered and returned to his own room. So after finishing his own tea, Eric hopped in the shower, changed, tidied up his bed and then he was off. All in about half an hour since his run in with Lizzie who he didn’t see again the rest of the morning. Eric really didn’t loiter in the flat longer than needed. Especially without Olivia being around. He got along with everyone, just wasn’t necessarily friends enough to hang out with on his own time, he had to get to work anyways. By the time he left the only evidence he’d been over was his now clean mug sitting upside down on the drying rack next to the sink.

Even though it was a shorter shift, work today was a little tougher; night shifts were easy cause most people would just go to sleep. But day shifts he had to help with check outs in the morning, run valet as people came and went throughout the day, book rooms over the phone; it was a lot. But his shift went by fairly quickly and around 5pm he was shouldering his bag and walking to his car to drop off and pick up some things. He needed a change of clothes for the pub tonight, Olivia had also messaged him a reminder as if Angel and his iPod’s calendar alerts weren’t enough. But before he could meet up with them he still had the tail end of a rehearsal to attend. It was really more so a production meeting, which Eric had little to present at as his next script was still in the works. But the meeting still managed to last a solid two hours from the time he arrived. It was 8:13pm when they finally adjourned and he slipped into the bathroom to change out of whatever basic t-shirt he’d slipped into earlier that morning an into a pink polka dot button up instead. It was actually one of his favorite shirts and with how much he worked and all the long hours of rehearsals, he jumped at the chance to wear it tonight. Not to mention his options were extremely limited due to the collection of dirty laundry that he’d accumulated during his absence from the flat. Black skinny jeans were his standard pants with equally black boots. He shrugged on a black coat because summer or not, his button up was over his bare skin and it was still chilly in the evenings. He’d rather not risk being stranded and cold later. Eric opted to leave his backpack. Normally he’d bring it everywhere but they were going out to drink and the last thing he needed was the opportunity to lose his bag. It was safer in the car and if he needed to he could come get it on his way back to the flat. Yeah he already knew he’d be staying again tonight. Pubs serve alcohol. ‘Nough said.

He was the last of the group to arrive, Olivia noticed him first and went over to greet him when he was close enough with a hug, single kiss on the cheek and then took his hand, interlacing their fingers as she pulled him over to their table. They hadn’t seen each other in about two weeks and the PDA was there to show for it. They were best friends after all, it was only right that they miss each other.
He glanced past Olivia to see Angel’s fingers wiggling his greeting as Eric approached. Malcolm was beside him awhile Ricki looked deep in conversation with the new girl. Oh Gods, what was her name again? That was her right? He hadn’t really gotten a good look at her that morning before she ran off but it was probably safe to assume it was her. This was flatnight out afterall, but what if it wasn’t her? Be best to force someone else to do introductions, ”Who’s the bird?”
He nodded towards Lizzie who by now was looking back at him.

”Lizzie is our new flatmate.”

Should he mention they had already met? They technically hadn’t met, just saw each other. But judging from her reaction that morning he assumed she didn’t want that story told there in front of everyone. Angel had a smirk on his face knowing the inside scoop and looking like he wanted to comment on it but Eric went ahead and forced himself to take initiation and extended his freehand towards Lizzie to shake, ”Eric,” Was he supposed to say more? Explain who he was in this jumble of people? Surely they had told her about him? On second hand maybe they hadn’t with how surprised she’d been to see him that morning. Once introductions were out of the way he was quick to find an out. He needed to escape this slightly awkward atmosphere, ”Right, round on me then?” It was then he pulled his hand free from Olivia to slip out of his coat, freeing the partially buttoned polka dots. The coat went on to the back of a chair and he left towards the bar, tattoos peeking out as he rolled his sleeves, not exactly thinking through how he would carry six drinks back to the table by himself.
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()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 082718----------- LOCATION — outside university campus----------- COMPANY — eric

After lunch with Veronica, Lizzie returned to the flat to get herself organized. There were a couple errands that she needed to do now that she was slightly functional and not getting her ass kicked by jetlag. The problem was that these errands required leaving the flat. And without a working phone (aka cellular data that wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg on her first day in London), it would be impossible for her to find exactly where she needed to go. The trip back to the flat was necessary. At least back at home there was WiFi so that she could pull up all the places and directions she would need. God bless the screenshot option.

Despite having lived far away from home for two years, Lizzie was feeling a little nervous to go out on her own to do errands. She was sure that the neighborhood was nice and safe since it was day time. But there was this internal fear that despite having the directions saved on her phone, she would still lose her way and never make it back home. The only thing that actually kept her moving forward was the fact that her first errand would eliminate that fear entirely.

So off to get a new cellphone...sort of.

She was actually quite shocked at how simple it was. Luckily, she had followed her father’s advice and brought an old unlocked phone with her that she could use so that she wouldn’t need to buy a new one. She was grateful, for once, that she was the youngest sibling and used to getting hand me downs. At least her sister’s “old” iPhone was still perfectly functional. She just had to get the newest model the moment she fully paid off her 6 Plus. Must be nice to have all that money now that she has a big girl job. But at least she spends it enough for Lizzie’s benefit. She was able to walk out of the cellphone shop with a fully functional cellphone. Sure, it wasn’t unlimited data, but she would rather take slowed down data after 500GB than nothing at all. Now she can comfortably return to the flat without freaking out that she would lose her way.

After a couple more errands that included passing by the grocery store, Lizzie returned to the flat prepared to finish unpacking. She noticed the moment that she stepped inside that no one was home. This was expected. It was a Friday after all so she was sure her flat mates were either finishing up with school or at work. If she remembered correctly, both Olivia and Veronica were preparing for exams next week. As for Angel and Malcolm, well, she wasn’t entirely sure. She could only assume that they were probably at work. Regardless, she had the flat to herself to get stuff done.

She made decent progress before the first of her flat mates returned. Of course, she didn’t hear neither Angel nor Malcolm come inside since she had her headphones on. It was once they walked passed her open bedroom door that she realized she was not alone. Very briefly, the two guys entered her room to give a quick greeting to one of her sisters that she was currently FaceTiming. Afterwards they let her be and were even kind enough to close the door behind her.

For the entire duration of her unpacking chore, Lizzie was constantly on FaceTime with some person from home. Almost all of them wanted to hear about how things were going in London. Lizzie was happy to oblige their curiosities with the stories she had so far. That is, until she started talking to her friends from school. Sure, they were interested in her adjustment at first. But it was the moment she mentioned Eri/Harry-Now-Eric, it was all they wanted to hear about. Then, suddenly, she had to pause her efforts to put the rest of her clothes away just so that she could find one decent photo of Eric to show them. Because apparently they couldn't quite understand what she meant when she described him as “boy band bad boy member cute.” She may have momentarily wondered if she should have left out the cute part earlier.

Her best efforts eventually brought her to a slightly old photo of Eric with Olivia that she had posted on her Instagram page. Honestly, it wasn’t the best photo of Eric. Mostly because it didn’t completely define what she had described to her friends. Sure, he was cute, but even they knew that there was something not right. But when she attempted to find a tagged photo of his own account, she came out of that mission unsuccessful. A last name would have been very useful in her efforts. In the end, her friends made her promise that she would get a picture of him whenever she saw him next. It was a promise she was certain she was not going to commit to anytime soon. If Veronica’s description of his habits in the flat were to be believed, he might not even come around for a while. How long did she say he had gone last time? Two weeks. Yeah her odds were quite slim.

By the time everyone had returned to the flat, Lizzie had managed to completely finish unpacking. She had asked Malcolm to help her stow her suitcase away with the others since she wouldn’t be needing it for a while.

The last person to return to the flat was Veronica. But she would not be staying long once she got home. The moment she arrived, she went right into their room to change out of her work clothes and into something else. See, it was mentioned during their flat meeting last night that in celebration of the new addition to their flat, they would all be going on their “monthly flat night out” to welcome Lizzie to London. She thought it was such a sweet gesture. Once Veronica walked out of the bedroom dressed and ready to go, they were all ready to go. Lizzie followed everyone’s lead.

They were apparently staying local. They explained to Lizzie that a couple of Malcolm’s friends were playing at a pub tonight with their band. However, it had been mentioned to Malcolm that they wouldn’t be playing until later tonight. So they had all decided before she arrived yesterday that they would all go out for dinner and spend more time together. Angel decided for all of them that they would eat pizza for dinner.

The dinner idea turned out to be a great one. Despite learning some things about her flat mates during the flat meeting, Lizzie found that this more casual setting allowed her to learn more personal things about her flat mates. For instance, she understood more about what Angel and Malcolm did during the day. They apparently were fresh out of university and were working or interning. Lizzie couldn’t exactly tell which it was with Angel because he made it sound like his work was his life. She applauded his confidence.

They all ended up staying at the restaurant far longer than they had anticipated. Completely stuffed full of pie and plenty of baskets of breadsticks - not to mention a full bottle of wine shared among all of them - they quickly paid their tab and rushed to the pub.

Lizzie honestly didn’t know what to expect once they arrived at the pub. She had been to a couple before back in California, but could she really consider them an actual pub? They always made her feel like they were more themed as a pub than an actual pub. It was very confusing, she knows. The first thing she noticed was that it was crowded. She reasoned as she utilized Olivia’s tall height to snake through the crowds that just like any other bar, it was this packed because it was a Friday. Plus live music and alcohol. Yeah, definitely something she would easily adjust to in no time.

Malcolm ended up using his connections with the band to find them a table near the stage. Lizzie had just placed her things beside the other girls when Angel made the announcement that the first round was one him. She blinked, focusing specifically on the “first” part of his proclamation. They had just finished a full bottle of wine. Now they were going to do rounds?

It made her nervous for a moment as she watched Angel lead the way back to their table with some drinks in both hands and Malcolm coming up behind him with the rest. Without a word, she took the drink he bought for her and waited for the others to get theirs before joining in for a cheers. She was just glad that they hadn’t bought shots. She could at least enjoy this drink long enough without it making her too drunk too fast. Granted, she found out the moment her lips touched the glass that there was way too much rum. So maybe not.

She spent much of the first hour they were in the pub observing her surroundings. There was a lot to take in after all. Drinking was drinking, but if you looked close enough - and sober enough - there were some differences that made the experience more interesting. She was actually in the middle of explaining this very observation to Veronica when she noticed a flash of pink at the corner of her eye. The next moment, she had lost sight of Olivia. But just as she lost sight of her flat mate, Olivia returned...but with the flash of pink coming up behind her.

Lizzie’s eyes widened in a brief moment of panic. Sure, she was aware that Eric would be joining them tonight. But when he hadn’t joined them for dinner, she figured that he had changed his mind last minute and bailed tonight. Just when she finally relaxed enough to not think about their first encounter that morning. It also didn’t help her one bit that Angel was flashing her a knowing look that he didn’t even bother explaining to the others. Damnit, Angel!

Deep in her internal dilemma, Lizzie was a split second late of Eric’s cue. She only noticed his outstretched hand when she felt as if everyone was looking at her. A blink later, she quickly registered the free hand out to her and immediately took it. Shit, did she make herself look too excited? Shit...she realized after the third shake of his hand that she should probably say something. “H-Hi,” she stammered. She held herself back from calling him by name. Despite being fully aware that his name was Eric, a part of her still held on to the uncertainty of Eri or Harry.

A full, cohesive thought finally caught up to her watching Eric walk away from their table. Something about the next round on him? She looked down at the drink she had abandoned on the table, realizing that she had just finished it. All the while, she was hung up on the fact that pink looked real damn good on him.

Her eyes widened once again. Damnit, wasn’t she supposed to be collecting photo evidence of Eric for her friends? She let out a sigh. Her friends could wait. She was too on edge and too under the influence to try. For all she knew, all the alcohol would result in her accidentally turning on flash and making it completely obvious what she was doing. She didn’t need that on her conscious. It was already bad enough she found herself musing over how his already cute butt looked great in those jeans.

“Hey! Where’d Olivia go?!” Lizzie overheard Veronica yell over the music.

“She went with Eri to grab our drinks!” Angel responded back after a moment of swaying to the music. Lizzie was made aware as she pulled out her phone to post this on her Insta-story, that this was still not the band they were actually here for. But she still wanted to document this night for her friends at home.

Some minutes later, Olivia returned to the table with the drinks she assisted Eric in bringing. Lizzie was thankful that she had grabbed hers. But to show that she was grateful for the gesture, she turned to quickly find Eric. Once she caught his gaze, she flashed him a bright smile and raised her glass to him.

Finally, after a couple more songs from the previous group, Malcolm’s friend’s band was up. Drink in one hand and her phone in the other, Lizzie was distracted enough throughout their entire set that she didn’t focus too much on Eric. It helped that he and Olivia were practically attached to the hip. As for her? She kept herself entertained with Angel and Malcolm once some random guy came up to Veronica and asked for a dance. She pretty much stuck to them the entire time until the set was over.

It was once Angel and Malcolm excused themselves to talk to their friends in the band that Lizzie realized she got herself into a situation. With the guys gone and Veronica...somewhere...she was kind of left awkwardly standing alone at the table. Her only option at the moment in terms of conversing with someone was Olivia. But that meant also conversing with Eric. With a sigh, she downed the last of her drink and walked over to them.

“Hey! Did the boys leave you?” Olivia asked the moment Lizzie was in earshot. With a laugh, Lizzie responded with a nod then pointed in the direction of where the band and the boys had congregated. “Typical of Angel. You know, he used to shag with the drummer right? That’s how he and Malcolm met...or something. Do you remember that story?” Lizzie watched as Olivia turned to Eric for some clarification.

“Where’d Ricki go?” Olivia then continued.

“I think some guy asked her to dance earlier. I don’t know where she is now,” Lizzie responded, turning her head to scope out the pub for her roommate. However, her height made that rather difficult. There were a lot of people in London that were giants.

“She’ll turn up eventually. And most likely with the next round,” Olivia reassured. However, now that the music had died down, the alcohol was starting to catch up to her and she was too preoccupied trying not to succumb to the dizziness to feel reassured about the return of her roommate.

Through the haze of her drunkenness, a small part of Lizzie’s brain was urging her to say something to Eric. After all, he was standing there and he had taken the initiative earlier to instigate introductions. She had gotten to know her flat mates, why not him?

“You know what, next round is on me,” she said instead. Before Olivia could say anything, Lizzie pushed her way toward the bar to order a round of shots for everyone.

By some luck of the gods, Lizzie managed to balance the six shots she had ordered on the tray the bartender had been so kind to give her without spilling any of them. Sure, some of them slopped over a bit, but no tragedies on the way. Thankfully, Olivia was where she was last. Now it was a matter of trying to find the other three to join in.

Actually, make it one. Just as she placed the tray of shots on the table, Angel came bursting through the crowds toward them. He ran passed her to stand right in front of Eric. From her spot, she watched as her flat mate explained that the next band was dealing with some internal drama and needed time before their set. Just in the time between when the last set ended and now, Lizzie already noticed some of the patrons growing restless waiting. At the end of his explanation, Angel tacked on at the end a plea that Eric perform a song or two with Malcolm’s friend’s band while everyone waited.

Wait...Eric can sing?

Quietly, Lizzie watched the exchange as Eric showed a little push back over the idea while Angel continually insisted. Even going so far as to flirtatiously beg. A part of her wondered if that was the alcohol inducing such behavior or if he was also like that while sober. She bet her money on the latter. Suddenly, Angel’s attention was pulled away from his efforts when he noticed the tray of shots on their table. And just like that, he was crying out for Malcolm to come back and join them and worked his lungs to call for Veronica. Oddly enough, it worked after a couple tries. The guy she was with was nowhere to be seen.

“Thank you, Lizzie dah-ling for this round!” Angel said as he started passing out the shots. Once everyone had their own, she watched as he returned his gaze to Eric. “After this shot, you’re going up on that stage! Show little Lizzie here that you’re more than just a cute ass.” Lizzie could feel her face burning red as Angel turned to wink at her. Great, he said it.

“What do you me—“

“Cheers! To Eric’s bravery elixir!!” Lizzie cried out, clinking her shot glass with the others before swinging its entire contents in one gulp.

Through some force of will, or the combined begging and pleading from Angel and Olivia, Lizzie watched as Eric finally caved and agreed to perform a song with the band. This was met with cheers around the group, even from Lizzie through her dizzying drunken state. She really didn’t want to regret the shots.

“So...Eric can sing?” Lizzie asked Veronica while watching as Eric talked with the band.

Veronica nodded while taking a sip of her drink. Wait, where did she get that? “Yeah, he writes his own songs too. For some reason, his songwriting annoyed the previous roommate. I dunno why. Then again, she had terrible taste in music.” She didn’t even bother continuing to explain as she watched the guys set up on stage once again.

It was while she watched Eric strap on a guitar that Lizzie had a brief moment of clarity. This. This was the perfect moment to fulfill her promise. This. This was the “boy band bad boy member” hotness she had talked about earlier. Or was it cuteness? Who cares? He really looked good in that pink shirt.

Immediately, the phone was out. Through the last ounce of sober consciousness she could muster, Lizzie snapped a photo of Eric while he was preoccupied with the guitar. By now, the patrons in the pub were focused on the stage again; obviously excited that they were getting some kind of music. While everyone waited for the music to begin, Lizzie quickly sent the photo to her friends via Snapchat.

When the opening chords played, Lizzie’s attention immediately shot up to the stage. Yes, definitely yes. Eric can sing. Blaming it on the alcohol, a strange feeling rushed over Lizzie as she watched him perform. He was good and she was honestly transfixed. She wondered if there was some meaning behind his song choice. In the end, she eventually pulled out her phone one more time to record whatever she can from the rest of the song that was left to sing. Not entirely to send to her friends to show that he was also a singer. Maybe later she would, but for now, this was for her only.

But as soon as it started, Eric’s song was done and he was climbing off the stage. She didn’t know what came over her, but through a brief moment of bravery, she reached out to place a hand on his arm to grab his attention before he passed her. “You did great! That was a really good song,” she complimented with a smile.

Soon after, there was some tune up from the stage again and the crowd once more sprang into roaring cheers as the next set finally started. By then, she had lost her opportunity to say more to him. When she had a chance to look around to find him, he was gone. He wasn’t even beside Olivia.

She would find out later after they finally left the pub that Eric had left early and would meet them at the flat. That was over an hour ago. Maybe. Apparently Olivia had lost track of time after Veronica thought it wise to order another round of shots for the group. Now outside the pub, breathing in some fresh air, Lizzie was starting to really feel the results of tonight. Luckily, Veronica was complaining about being sleepy drunk and that was apparently the cue to go home.

When they all returned to the flat, Lizzie walked behind Veronica to their room. She noticed as she walked through the door that the double doors to the common area were still open. Before going inside to change, she peeked inside to find a mound of blankets on the couch. Looks like Eric called it a night already.

Everyone took their turn in the bathroom to prepare for bed. At least those that had the energy to do so. Lizzie was one of those that lacked the real effort and simply brushed her teeth and threw cold water on her face. She would worry about feeling better in the morning. As the last to use the bathroom, she was left with the responsibility of closing the double doors for the night. Before doing so, she made a quick trip to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

As she passed the living room area to close the doors, her eyes narrowed on Eric sleeping on the couch. That was when she noticed that his blanket had fallen off him while he slept. Placing her water bottle on the dining table, she tiptoed over to him and carefully covered him with his blanket again.

By the time Lizzie managed to drag her hungover ass out of bed the next morning, there were no signs that Eric had been in the flat last night. She saw that the very blanket she had covered him with was now folded and back in its corner of the couch. Maybe it was because she was hungover, but she found it impossible that he was even remotely functional so early in the morning, According to Olivia, he was already gone by the time she left her room. And she was the first to wake up that morning. Lizzie couldn’t believe it. There was absolutely no way anyone could feel this terrible and be a functioning adult. What was he, Superman?

With Saturday being recovery day from Friday night’s escapades, Lizzie decided to stick to the flat for the rest of the weekend. She had orientation Monday morning at the university and wanted to be fully energized for the day. This meant making sure that she kicked the jetlag once and for all and become accustomed to the time change.

A lot of Sunday was spent catching up with friends and family. By then, a lot of people had seen what she had done Friday night and insisted she tell them what happened. It was during one of these conversations that Lizzie was forced into a group Skype call with the friends she had sent the picture of Eric. They found out during this conversation about his musical talents and went deep into deconstructing his song choice. The end of that lengthy conversation - all occurring via headphones because Angel was actually pretty nosy - concluded that there was actually a possibility that maybe there was a someone. Maybe. One of them believed that Olivia wasn’t actually a lesbian and Eric was dedicating it to her. Secretly, Lizzie hoped not.

When the last of her friends and family finally went to bed, Lizzie spent the rest of her Sunday in the living room just to get out of the bedroom. A lot of that time was spent preparing for Monday’s trip to Central London. She wrote down some addresses and the directions to campus in case she couldn’t get it from her phone. Overall, she kept herself busy now that she was situated.

Part of that involved finding something that was out of place in the living room. After deciding to play a movie, Lizzie had decided to take up the spot that Eric’s pillows and blankets were occupying. As she moved them to another spot, she noticed that there was a pile of papers sticking out from under the couch. Further investigation revealed that it was actually a script for a play. She asked Angel if the script could be his. After all, he was theatrical enough to be an actor. For all she knew, acting could be a hobby of his. However, Angel told her that it wasn’t his. But before returning to his room, he added that it was most likely Eric’s.

This had Lizzie floored. First, she finds out he’s a singer. Now he’s an actor? What other mysteries will she unfold of this guy while living in the flat?

After finding out that the script could possibly be Eric’s, Lizzie next went to Olivia so that she could pass on the word about it. However, after some text messages with no response, it appeared as if Eric was unreachable at the moment. The weird thing about the way Olivia explained it made it seem as if this was a normal occurrence for her.

For any normal person, they would have left the script somewhere that the owner could find it later. However, anyone that knew Lizzie knew that she was a curious person. As much as she wanted to respect Eric’s belongings, the title of the play had her curious to want to take a peek at it.

Well, what started as a peek turned into a full read. It was a good piece of work and she wanted to learn more about it. She figured - based on the notes here and there along the margins - that the script was some school thing for one of Eric’s classes. She came up with the idea that maybe she would see him on campus during orientation. After all, their campus had both of their majors. If she had time after orientation, maybe she could take a trip to the theater department and ask around for him.

On Monday morning, Lizzie was up bright and early. Around the same time, Veronica returned from the bathroom to change. That morning, both Olivia and Veronica offered to help her find her way to campus. It wasn’t out of their way they had reassured her. Since it was the first day of exams for the summer classes, they were going to school anyway. So as her roommate got dressed, Lizzie took her turn in the bathroom to shower.

The three of them left the flat with apparently enough time to catch the train and make it to school on time. Naturally, Lizzie had no clue about the commute from the flat to campus and thus had no choice but to trust that they were telling the truth. They were, after all, experts at this.

Lizzie made sure to keep track of specific landmarks and signs that would help her remember the way to school. She wouldn’t have the girls with her all the time so it was better she learn now than later. For the most part, they were leading her in the same direction of her written ones. They had even made sure to share with her some tips so that she would make it to school on time without worry. She made sure to write them all down in her notebook.

Some thirty minutes later, they climbed up the stairs to exit the tube station into Central London. The walk from the station to campus was a bit of a distance, but still doable. When they finally made it to the steps of the Regent Street campus, the three of them agreed to meet at this place called Alphabet City Cafe for a late lunch. Lizzie made sure to make a mental note to pull up the directions to this cafe once she had usable internet. For now, she needed to focus on surviving orientation.

In summary, orientation was a lot. There was a lot of information that Lizzie had to take in, and while she was sure not all of it was important, the advisers made it sound like she would be tested on it at the end of the day. By the time they were dismissed for a short break, her hand was cramping from the amount of notes she had written down. She used her short break to finally connect to the internet on campus so that she could jot down the directions to the cafe her flat mates had mentioned earlier. The first thing she noticed was that it was a bit of a walk from campus so she needed to focus on making sure she had all the correct directions written down.

She was relieved when the advisers didn’t test them on what was covered during orientation. After collecting her things, she sent a quick text to Olivia and Veronica letting them know that she was heading to the cafe right now. When neither of them responded right away, she figured they were both either in the middle of exams or studying for them. Not to worry, she had the directions written down so she could head there on her own no problem.

In theory….

The thing that Lizzie didn’t anticipate was her curiosity insisting she look into shops she passed that peaked her interest. And considering she was in Central London, it happened often. By the time she walked out of a quirky little stationary store owned by an old lady with an expertise in calligraphy, she realized that she couldn’t find the right street required to continue to the next direction.

Her first thought was to start from somewhere familiar. With the limited data she had on her phone, she pulled up the directions back to campus, screenshot it then started back to school.

She walked for a bit until she saw the outline of her school’s building in the distance. Relieved, she tucked her phone away and kept the school in view to keep track of where she needed to go.

But just as she was rounding the corner onto the street the school was on, her attention sidetracked to something else. “Eric?” she called out as she focused on the male currently passing the steps of the school and walking in her direction. After he took a few more steps, she could confirm from her position that it was indeed Eric. So he was on campus after all.

“Eric!” she called out louder, waving her arm in greeting as she walked to meet him halfway. Once in earshot she continued with, “Hi! I, uh, don’t know if you remember me? I’m Lizzie, Olivia’s flat mate?” Despite their first encounter, they did spend much of their first night together drinking. She could never be too sure if he would remember her after that. It was best to cover all the bases just in cases.

“I was, uh, hoping to bump into you actually. Although I thought it would be later when I head back to school. I’m supposed to be meeting Olivia and Ricki for lunch, but I got turned around looking for the...Alphabet City Cafe?” she continued, albeit slightly awkwardly.

She then reached into her purse to pull out his script. “I found this in the living room last weekend. Angel told me that it’s probably yours and when Olivia couldn’t reach you, I figured I could try finding you here to give it to you.” She handed him the script after that explanation. “I hope you don’t mind, but I read it. It’s a great script. Is it for a class?”

()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 082718----------- LOCATION — alphabet city cafe----------- COMPANY — lizzie

Thank god for Olivia following him to the bar. They didn’t talk much yet, it was too crowded around the bar and they were on a mission. The extent of their conversation was Eric asking what they’ve already had to drink, had to be careful not to end up with any crazy mixes too early in the night. Upon returning he expertly distributed the drinks to each person. Being clearly sober still, plus his hotel experience, he had a very steady hand and patience as he waited for Angel and Malcolm to safely take their glasses; Olivia had the girls’ drinks. He picked up his own last and was just about to raise it to his lips when a small brown blur whipped around to face him. Lizzie was grinning up at him, how much had they had to drink again? Hadn’t they like just started? The girl was already looking pretty tipsy. He gave a small smile in return tho and held his own glass out in silent acknowledgement before downing it.

Was it because their legal drinking age was so high? Seemed like every time he met one they couldn’t hang when it came to British drinking. Granted no one had mentioned that Lizzie was American, but they didn’t need to, he could tell. Her mannerisms, her accent, it was clear as day to him. That was a good point though; no one had told him she was American, because no one had told him anything about her. The extent of his Lizzie knowledge was that she was the newest flatmate. The end. She seemed fun though, and cute. Very cute. Maybe he should make an effort to actually get to know her rather than just taking all these observational notes? He caught himself staring and quickly blinked, turning away from her to look on at the current band. It wasn’t like he was against socializing, but the last flatmate had been so clearly against him that Eric gave up real quick on being nice to her. He was never mean, but certainly cold compared to Eric’s general polite nature. And it seemed to have a bit of a lasting effect on him as he was hesitant to engage with her again.

Seeing him standing alone, Olivia came up to wrap her arm around him protectively. To any outsider she looked like she was claiming what was hers, but if they actually listened in on them they would know that Olivia was updating him on the girl she was currently seeing. Eric was more-so her boy deterrent so she wouldn’t get as openly hit on while they were out. They were quite convincing though as she leaned closer to his ear giggling about part of her story. Eric had played the role of fake boyfriend on numerous occasions, probably more often than he’d had a real relationship to be honest. High school relationships didn’t count for much and then he ended up on the streets and really hadn’t had the time nor energy to invest in dating. Olivia kept trying to get him to give it a shot, that maybe dating would help his depression by having something—or rather someone to look forward to rather than his endless schedule of work and rehearsals. But Eric really just couldn’t ever get down with the idea. He just really really wasn’t at a good point in his life to be able to care for another person like that. Plus after hitting rock bottom and essentially selling yourself out, intimacy kind of lost meaning to him. People were in and out of his life so quickly, he was in a constant state of “what’s the point?” when it came to maintaining relationships of any sort. Which brought us back to the pub as he sat clearly isolated with Olivia. Again, he got along well with the other flatmates, but Olivia was the only constant in his life and so he stuck with what he knew. Though while they talked his eyes kept wandering over to the small brunette with the boys. He opened his mouth to ask about her but ultimately backed out. The alcohol had helped relax him from all his snowballed stress but it wasn’t enough to get him to walk over to Lizzie or even bring her up in conversation; it seemed to have helped her though.

Lizzie approached while they had swapped conversations to Eric updating Olivia on where he’d been the past two weeks. Now that she was interacting with them he had reason to look at her without it being weird, ”Do you remember that story?”
Shit, what had Olivia just mentioned? But he just agreed and forced himself to be suddenly interested in the empty glass in his hand as she went on talking with Lizzie. Honestly it was a little out of character for Eric to be this quiet. He was a pretty chill guy, sure. And he had a rather slow way of talking, but he was still fun to be around. What was it that had him all weird and spacey all of a sudden? Sure he’d had a long two weeks, but he’d had an even longer past two years. Like, he’d been through way more for life to suddenly be getting him down. Rehearsals were going fine. So why was his chest slowly getting heavy as though the depression was returning? Was he getting sick? He absentmindedly pushed his hair back away from his forehead as though somehow that would make him feel better. He couldn’t be sick, he literally couldn’t afford to get sick. But he was sure that wasn’t it. The only change in his life at the moment was ”You know what, next round is on me.”

Eric watched as Lizzie suddenly took off in the direction of the bar and fought himself with whether or not he should be going to help her. She was so small, and the pub was so crowded. He instinctively wanted to help her but in his hesitation he lost sight of her and then was too discouraged to go try and find her. Wouldn’t that be a tad bit awkward anyways? The scenario was playing out in his head but thankfully he didn’t have to beat himself up over the lost opportunity too much because Lizzie was back before he knew it. Okay, here goes attempt number two: just as he opened his mouth to try and speak to her Angel came flying in and straight up to him, ”Eriiiiiiiii~~~”
He did not like the sound of that. As Angel explained the current situation with the bands Eric was two steps ahead and knew exactly where this was headed. No, no way. Not tonight. And there it was, Angel asked if he would sing and Eric couldn’t contain his sigh. It wasn’t like he was nervous or anything, he just wasn’t in the mood to be entertaining a crowd. In fact his mood had been gradually dropping since entering the pub but he couldn’t quite put his finger on why. It wasn’t like anything had happened.

It was such a strange phenomenon, to be aware of something but not understand it. Eric was just so so accustomed to his less than ideal living situation that he never allowed himself to think of what things could be. Case in point: Lizzie. Eric’s heart of hearts was drawn to her, there was no denying that as he glanced away from her yet again. But his own defense mechanisms were in full effect warning him to not get involved so as to save himself from any potential pain that would no doubt arise. He couldn’t be in a relationship right now, and most certainly not with his best mate’s flatmate. So here he was, tipsy in a pub with life waving a carrot named Lizzie on a stick in front of him knowing damn well there was nothing he could do about it. Life loved to flaunt everything he couldn’t have.

”Pretty pleeeeease~?”
God he was so bloody persistent. Eric repeatedly turned Angel down insisting that he didn’t want to sing. The hand tracing down his arm and compliments spewing out of Angel’s mouth did nothing to help and if anything only further irritated him; Eric was firmly decided that he wasn’t going up on that stage tonight. Angel’s ADHD must’ve kicked in as his focus turned to Lizzie and the shots she had brought. Hopefully that would be distraction enough for him to slip away— ”After this shot, you’re going up on that stage! Show little Lizzie here that you’re more than just a cute ass.” —or not.

”Cheers! To Eric’s bravery elixir!!”
Everyone clinked the shot still in his hand and chugged their own while Eric just stood there in silence staring slightly dumbfounded at Angel. Like, did he really just say that…? Olivia nudged him, encouraging him to take his shot but Eric was still frozen in place. Angel had resumed begging him to sing and now even Olivia was chiming in. Eric was going to stand his ground and continue to refuse but he made the mistake of briefly catching eyes with Lizzie and suddenly a weight of dread dropped into his stomach. She looked so hopeful and excited. He finally threw his head back with the shot, resulting in a cheer from Angel and Olivia as they realized they had finally won him over. Well, they hadn’t…..”Just one song.” And Angel held his hands together, as though praying, used as a symbol of thanks. Olivia on the other hand grabbed his sleeve to pull him close and whisper in his ear. Truthfully he hadn’t the foggiest what she said, he couldn’t hear her over the background sounds but then she was pushing him towards the stage and there was no backing out now.

Eric greeted the band members with a smile, bro-shakes and introductions for those he wasn’t acquainted with and then they jumped straight into discussing what to sing. Eric had plenty of songs in his pocket he could have picked. Fun songs, club songs, popular, upbeat, current...he wasn’t sure what possessed him to take the acoustic guitar from a band member and go sit on the edge of a bar stool while they set up another guitar and the drums behind him. They had all agreed to knowing the song, some more than others, but they were musicians and would follow his lead. There was some cheering still as he took a minute to tune the guitar and strummed it a few times before striking the opening chords. The cheers continued briefly as people were drunk and excited for the entertainment to be back but it didn’t take long for them to realize that it was a slower song and for the most part everyone who was watching quieted down.

”I got a girl crush
I hate to admit it but
I got a heart rush
It ain't slowing down”

As his eyes scanned over the audience he had a moment of “What am I doing here?” How had he been talked into this impromptu performance? There were a few phones up and pointed at him but he made a point to not look directly at them. He really didn’t need that one on one connection right now. He was aware of the alcohol in his system at the point, it had certainly took its time to set in but now that he was sitting with his thoughts he could feel parts of him slipping away. The swaying of the crowd directly in front of the stage wasn’t helping and he closed his eyes briefly for the next couple lines wishing they would all just stand still.

”I got it real bad
Want everything she has
That smile and that midnight laugh
She's giving you now”

What had possessed him to sing this song? It was a little hard to explain. Obviously Eric was a guy, and identified as such. But music is so forgivingly fluid that anyone could sing a cover and have it not be weird. It was the deeper meaning that resonated within him though. To want something or someone with all your heart but not being able to reach it. That was a feeling that Eric knew very well and in a way was what had bonded him and Olivia so closely. See Olivia coming out as lesbian, at the time it was still a bit hush hush as far as societal acceptance. So while she would come crying to him about being afraid of rejection or being some kind of creep; Eric could relate in his own version of not being able to tell people about his home life. Carrying around this secret all the time and wanting to do everything normally like everyone else but ultimately it just wasn’t an option for him.

”I wanna taste her lips
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
I wanna drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blonde hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
And I got a girl crush
Ohh and I got a girl crush”

He coughed softly after the line, just once to clear his throat as he suddenly realized how thirsty he really was. The guitar bridge continued on and he looked down now to his fingers as he played. It had been a while since he sang Girl Crush, and even longer since he’d played it. But so far all was going well.

”I don't get no sleep
I don't get no peace
Thinking about her
Under your bed sheets”

He was still blankly looking over the pub, feeling a little lost but appearing deep in his performance—until his eyes landed back on his group of friends at the table where he’d left them Veronica was gone again. No doubt off with a boy or at the bar ordering another drink. Olivia and Angel were arm in arm swaying together. Malcolm was conversing with his friend, the singer of the band Eric was up here with. And then there was Lizzie. The newest addition to the flat...did that make them friends by association? He didn’t know the first thing about her. She looked to be having a grand time. Maybe things would be better this year in the flat. At least it didn’t seem like he would spend his time getting openly hated on. But there was just something off about her. Hold up, maybe off wasn’t the right word. But rather, he’d barely spoken a complete sentence to her yet he felt drawn to her as though he’d known her for much longer than twenty-four hours. ‘Off’ in the sense that he shouldn’t be feeling this familiar with a girl he didn’t know, but he did. And there she was beaming up at him as though she knew him too.

”The way that she's whispering
The way that she's pulling you in
Lord knows I've tried,
I can't get her off my mind”

He often wondered what his life would be like had his mother not overdosed. Would he still be living at home with her but still working extra jobs to try and support the both of them? Or would he have taken off once he was old enough? Leave her with that drug dealer of a landlord they had and go off on his own. Clearly he could take care of himself. It was the added debt his mother left behind for him that weighed him down now. Would he still be doing theatre in university right now? Maybe this would have been his band performing instead. Have a cute girlfriend; or boyfriend?? Who knows, maybe he would be an entirely different person had he not been orphaned some five ish years ago. Eric was absolutely brimming with regret over things he had no control over and it was actually getting him rather upset, which of course only added to his performance.

”I wanna taste her lips
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
I wanna drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blonde hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
And I’ve got a girl crush
Ohh and I’ve got a girl crush”

The band faded out at the point thinking it was over as Eric played out a final guitar solo. His head was spinning a little from all his emotional ups and downs throughout the song combined with that shot of who knows what Lizzie had brought him. Again he was looking down, focusing on the guitar in his hands until using the first verse as a reprise to finish out.

”I got a girl crush
I hate to admit it but
I got a heart rush
It ain't slowing down”

His voice got softer and softer with each line, the words even shaky with emotion as he lost some composure until the last chord played and he heard the distinct sound of Angel’s cheering above the general pub murmurs. Eric stood up after a moment, passing the guitar back to a band member. He was a little shaky climbing down off the stage, maybe he should have made a point to eat before hand since he knew they were going drinking. But it was too late for that, he’d be fine anyways, he was done. There was a heavy feeling that had grown in his chest and he was ready to go. Usually Eric was pretty fun to go out with. He was great at bringing up the atmosphere and making sure everyone was having a good time. Today was just an off day and he’d gone and made it worse with his song. Not wanting to be stuck moping around the pub waiting for the others he’d decided he’d head back first, let himself sober up alone. But first, he needed to wee. A hand on his arm stopped him in his tracks and disrupted his thoughts as he looked over to see little Lizzie. So she had enjoyed the song, just as he’d predicted just a minute ago. ”Thanks love,” Where to go from there? How do you continue a conversation that was entirely centered around a compliment?
That was very nice.
Oh thank you.
You’re welcome.
He slipped away when the next band stepped on stage and made a beeline straight to the restroom. Didn’t take long, thankfully most of the pub-goers were still preoccupied with the band so he didn’t have to wait at all. Upon his return he only stuck around just long enough to tell Olivia that he was tired and was gonna head out, ”You’re staying over tonight, yeah?” The concern was clear across her face knowing that he’d been drinking and didn’t want to find out later that he’d knocked out in his car or something. So after reassuring her that yes, he was staying at the flat, he kissed her goodbye and slipped back into his coat on his way out of the building without a single word to any of the others.

Eric didn’t go straight to the flat though, he made a pit stop back at his car to get his bag and a change of clothes. He really needed to do really badly. But he was just so damn busy every single day. With a sigh he opened his bag and began rummaging around, taking out what he didn’t need the next day and replacing it with what he did. This is something he should have done sober as when he locked the boot of his car his iPod Touch was in the pile of laundry and not in his bag where it should have been. Not that he would notice this until much later. Since it only worked over wifi he didn’t have the same attachments to it as most people do to their phones. He doesn’t have some urge to check notifications every ten minutes, for him it was literally just an expensive paperweight with a few songs. He didn’t need an alarm clock function, he woke up fine on his own. He didn’t need a digital calendar, he had a paper version that got the job done. So you see, it wasn’t exactly important to him to check his pockets that he had it. Hence why it remained in the car while Eric trekked back to the flat with scripts, and clean clothes in his bag.

He already knew he would be the first one back. There was no way the others would leave as early as he did. And honestly he wouldn’t be surprised if they went to a second or even third establishment. Angel and Veronica usually dominated the decision making during these nights out so it really depended on them. So after changing out of his pub clothes and into shorts and a t-shirt he set himself up on the edge of a sofa with his typed up paper script and a pen in hand. This was draft...three…? Yeah, draft three of his script but he was still writing in notes in the sides and scribbling lines out and rewriting. He was such a perfectionist when it came to his own works. That was why his musical and songs remained unfinished in the depths of his bag. He was still too stumped to work on those.

He honestly didn’t get far right now with this script either. It didn’t take long for him to get cold as the alcohol wore off. But after retrieving his blanket he ended up getting sleepy and soon he was laying across the sofa wrapped up in his blanket as he read through Act 1 Scene 3 for the millionth time. Eric didn’t last long. His eyes were heavy and he couldn’t concentrate on anything he read so after a particularly heavy blink his eyes remained shut, his arm hanging off the edge of the sofa and his script slipped from his fingers into the abyss beneath the sofa.

The flat was silent when his eyes opened the next morning. He could feel a headache trying to surface but it was likely more related to not eating enough yesterday and dehydration than the alcohol itself as he really hadn’t had much to drink and his tolerance was impressively high. A glance at his watch told him it was dumb early and he let out a sigh wishing that just for once in his life he could be allowed to sleep in. It was a Saturday, and after a night out so Eric knew he wouldn’t be seeing any of the others that morning. So with no competition or time crunch for the bathroom he took his time in the shower as he washed off all of last night. He couldn’t be dragging all that emotional baggage he’d opened up last night. He didn’t have time to be feeling sorry for himself or hating his life. After his shower and tidying up his bed he left the double doors open as he exited the flat with his bag over one shoulder, sans the iPod in his car and the script now forgotten under the sofa.

He worked 9am-6pm today, and let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. All the difficult guests must have collaborated to make his shift a living hell because it felt like nothing went right and everyone was getting mad at him over seemingly small things. That headache he’d started the day with quickly unpacked its bags and kicked its feet up; the headache was here to stay. After work he went directly to the theatre for rehearsal only to discover that his script with all his annotations was missing. Gone. M.I.A. Nowhere to be found. Had it fallen out at work when he took his clothes out of his bag? Or maybe when he’d pulled out his calendar earlier to write down changes to his shifts for this coming week? Was it back at the flat…? Wherever it was it wasn’t with him when he needed it the most. Rehearsal carried on, it wasn’t the end of the world as the script wasn’t for their current production so they had other things to work on; they would just have to meet later to incorporate the new changes whenever he found his script…if he found his script. If he didn’t then he would have to start over from scratch because he had the only updated copy...everyone else had been working off photocopies of his original hand written script.

That night he stayed with a friend, one of the actors. A few of them actually went out drinking after rehearsal, it was practically routine for them, and so then drunk for the second night in a row, Eric ended up crashed on George’s couch which had a fold out futon. It was honestly a bit of an upgrade from the flat’s sofa but he would take that secret to the grave. Sunday morning came around and he was the only one awake. It was like dejavu. Walking around still in his clothes from the night before he passed the time by straightening up George’s flat until it was time to go. Go where you may be wondering— rent was past due.

Usually about twice a month Eric would make the journey back to his childhood neighborhood where his late mother’s drug dealer lover still resided. It always felt similar to visiting relatives on holiday. Those relatives that don’t like you and you don’t like them but you’re related and end up having to play nice until you can finally go home. See this man, his old landlord, was really the closest thing he’d had to a father figure while growing up. At least he was the only man he’d grown up knowing as he never met his own father and his mother never dated anyone else. Because of this upbringing, Howard, the landlord (or Howie as Eric’s mother used to call him), had this strange sense of entitlement over Eric. Even now the man would speak down to him as though reprimanding a child. It was very much so “Your mother was mine so you are too.” Back when his mother was around it was easily disguised as standing in for his father’s absence. But since his mother passed Howard had only inserted himself more and more into Eric’s life until Eric was literally tangled up in things he had spent his whole life avoiding. Several years back he had worked for Howard as a far to pay off his mother’s debt. These jobs ranged from simple everyday errands to delivering drugs. Then there was even that brief period of time when he worked escort gigs through Howard. This was all before Olivia found him and picked him off the street. Things were better for Eric now. He had a real job and, usually a roof over his head. But here he was still chained to his past all thanks to his mummy dearest, may she rest in peace.

After Eric passed over an envelope stuffed with pounds, all his savings for several weeks, Howard thumbed through the notes without so much as looking up, ”This is third time in a row you’ve been late. Why’nt you just come work for me again? It’s good money boy, and I’ve got an open studio you could move into.” And there it was, that toxic false sense of security that his mother had fallen prey to some twenty years ago.

Without the use of his car the journey out there and back took majority of his day. By the time Eric was back in London he had to go straight to work. Tonight’s shift? 18:00 - 30:00. 6pm - 6am. Sunday evening into Monday morning. An overnight. Why? They were short staffed this week. One coworker just started paternity leave, the baby came early so not much to be done there. Two others were family and went on holiday together. And then one girl was out with an upper respiratory infection that no one wanted to catch so please girl, stay home. Eric rarely turned down covering shifts as he always needed the money. And this was overtime pay. But he was deeply regretting agreeing to come in by about 11:45pm as he rocked back and forth in his chair at the front desk aimlessly watching the phone in hopes that someone, anyone would need him just so he could get up and move around.

Be careful what you wish for. By the time he was changing to leave in the morning he was absolutely spent. The last six hours of his shift had been an absolute nightmare but he was finally free, free to go back to the flat and knock out— for a couple hours at least. He really wanted to stop by the guitar store near the university for new strings but they had odd hours. For instance today they closed early, like 2pm early. But they didn’t open on Tuesdays. So it was now or never for Eric. By the time he got back to the flat it was empty. Everyone must have gone off to school. Truthfully Eric didn’t really want to hole up in the flat, it felt like a waste of time, but after years of this life he knew better than to run around on no sleep. So after he forced himself to sleep on and off for close to three hours he packed up to head downtown. But not without first searching over the common space for his missing script. It really had just vanished into thin air…

Acquiring the guitar strings was easy. It was figuring out what to do afterwards that had Eric stumped. Part of him really, really just wanted to go sleep and he fought himself back and forth about it as he walked. For now he’d go back to the car and regroup. New clothes, put his strings on, search for his script, did someone call his name? He blinked a few times trying to focus and then narrowing in on a small brunette waving him down. There was no mistaking her, it was the new girl Lizzie; she only reconfirmed it for him as she introduced herself again. Well she was talking to him so he couldn’t have traumatized her too much with their first and second encounters. She had said his song was really good. He was just praying she was actually going somewhere with this conversation because if she was just saying hello to be polite then they were about to be there for a long awkward pause until Eric fell back on the weather for small talk. Because what else was there to say to a girl he had only met once--twice?

He perked up at the mention of Alphabet City, it was like his brain had been hitting the snooze button all morning but once the cafe was brought up he was suddenly very aware of how hungry he was. Eric was just about to offer her directions when she continued on talking and he shifted his weight as he watched her actions. “Found this” she had said. Found what— his script! He took it immediately, and flipped through the first few pages as though he needed to confirm that it was in fact his. Who else would have a script in the living room?

Really good song.
Great script.
This girl needed to cool it with the compliments before it got to his head.
”Class? Uh, no, actually I wrote it for my company— theatre group,” Not many people would sit and read a script for the fun of it, ”You have no idea... you just saved— I thought it was lost for good. Thank you.” Eric had this sort of slow drawl. His sentences could get a little choppy, almost as though he couldn’t quite figure out what the right word was. It came out most clearly when he was a) exhausted or b) drunk. It was almost like a lisp for him; it was his natural way of speaking that he could fight at work when he needed to be professional, or when he was excited with enough confidence that it could be overridden. But normal Eric Oliver was honestly a little monotone; some people might even say audiobook material. The fairly thick British accent helped.

He unshouldered his backpack, unclasping the front to securely tuck away the papers, ”You’re into theatre then?” He had to know. Literally none of the others would read his work even when he asked them to. But she had gone and read it on her own free will? ”Oh right, you were looking the the ABC?” He could have easily just pointed her in the right direction but it wasn’t like he had any real plans, and now he was rather hungry himself, ”It’s not far from here, I could take you if you’d like?”

And that was how he ended up in front of said Alphabet City Cafe with Lizzie at his side, ”After you, love” He held the door open for her, and then for the couple that came in right behind them as well. He literally held doors for a living, but here he was doing it on his own time, for free. Eric’s eyes scanned over everyone inside but didn’t see Olivia or Ricki at any of their usual tables. It would be weird to just leave her here, right? Or was it weird to invite himself to lunch— that’s basically what he’d done, too forward? Maybe so, ”They usually sit over there,” he pointed to an open table by a window, ”Want me to wait with you?” There we go, ball back in her court. His exhaustion seemed to have crept away for the time being, replaced with hunger and his newly peaked interest in Lizzie.


()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 082818----------- LOCATION — the flat----------- COMPANY — eric

Theatre group? Lizzie blinked up at Eric, forcing her face to mask her surprise to hear this new piece of information. She was also confused as to the extent of his explanation. If he had written the script for the theatre group, did that make him a playwright; instead of the actor she assumed he was? On top of that, she figured that it must be common for other theatre folk, but how could he be juggling being in a theatre group and going to school? It appeared as if getting to know Eric was going to be complicated. He just seemed to have so many layers to peel away.

As Eric stumbled over his attempt to thank her, Lizzie smiled up at him and commented that it was nothing. She was just about to add a light apology for reading the script without his permission when he cut in with a question about her own interest in theatre. For a moment, Lizzie thought her response over. Anyone could be interested in theatre, in her opinion. But compared to someone who had a career in theatre? She supposed taking the time to read a script did indicate that she showed more of an interest than a simple theater goer.

Her inability to answer the question quickly was saved from being an awkward moment when Eric continued, bringing their conversation around to her previous mention of her dilemma. At first, she shot him a confused look over his mention of the “ABC.” However, she got the connection a second later with a nod. Right, she heard Olivia and Veronica mention Alphabet City Cafe as “ABC” earlier on the train ride to school. She figured that it must be a trend among their little friend group.

When Eric offered to help her find the Alphabet City Cafe, Lizzie flashed him a bright grin as a sense of gratitude and relief came over her. The stress from earlier completely disappeared. “Oh, please. I would hella appreciate that!” she reassured him. She decided not to mention her previous attempt and how often she had gotten side tracked. Maybe now that she had someone to follow, she could focus better on memorizing directions and landmarks.

Due to his towering height against her tiny frame, Lizzie focused on keeping up with Eric as they walked together to the cafe. She wanted to grab her notebook from her purse so that she could write down specific street signs and landmarks to help her remember the directions. However, afraid that she would lose track of Eric if she so much as looked down for a second, she decided to just make mental notes with the hope that she would remember them once she sat down.

They had just passed a wall mural and turned a corner when Lizzie skipped a couple steps toward Eric so that they were once again standing side by side. “So, I know I mentioned it earlier, but I hope you didn’t mind that I read your script without your permission. I swear I’m not always that...invasive?” she carefully explained. Somewhere in the back of her mind, it still bothered her that she had mentioned to Eric - still practically a complete stranger to her - that she had invaded his privacy and looked through his belongings.

“I’m an English major,” she continued while mentally contemplating how much she should even be disclosing. “Not that there is a connection exactly.” She let out a small laugh. “But I’ve had an interest in theatre since high school.” She figured that was enough of an explanation for him. It did technically answer his question.

When they finally arrived at Alphabet City Cafe, Lizzie honestly had no idea what to expect. She couldn’t see much from the outside except for the few tables that were against the window. So when Eric opened the door for her, she quickly accepted the gesture and stepped inside. As she took a few more steps deeper into the cafe, she couldn’t help thinking that she had been transported out of London into New York City. “Ohhh…” she reacted under her breath. “Alphabet City...I get it now.” The pictures she saw online really did not do the establishment justice as she looked at the various street signs popular in the portion of New York City known as Alphabet City.

As a couple walked past her toward the registers, Lizzie watched them for a brief second before turning behind her to look for Eric. She watched as he scanned the cafe. He was probably looking for Olivia and Veronica. When he came up to her, she momentarily looked away from him to scan her surroundings as well; mostly to note the distance between where they were standing and the register. She should probably walk closer so she could read the menu.

She turned to look at Eric as he explained where the girls usually sat, following his line of vision to find the table he was pointing out. Then he continued speaking, asking if she wanted him to wait with her. This caught her attention and she returned her gaze to him. After giving herself a brief moment to think over the suggestion, Lizzie smiled at him as she nodded in response. “Sure! That’d be great!” she told him, although she mentally kicked herself realizing that her tone was a tad too excited. Tone it down a little, Lizzie. Try not to freak the guy out after only two chance meetings.

Lizzie quickly turned away from Eric to focus on the registers. “Come on, let’s order before someone takes the table,” she suggested. She then led the way to the registers. She stopped short of the registers at a distance indicating to the staff that she was not yet ready to place an order. Her eyes scanned the items on the menu, noting that some of their signature dishes and drinks had a New York theme...although not all specifically revolving around Alphabet City. So maybe the cafe was New York themed overall?

Her brow furrowed slightly. The menu may not have that many items, but as a first visit, there was no way she could know if she was going to make the right choice. “What are you thinking of getting?” she asked Eric curiously. Maybe she could get some idea based on his decision. After all, he was a veteran of the establishment. He has to have at least tried half the menu by now.

Upon hearing what Eric was thinking of getting, Lizzie quickly scanned the menu for the item and read the description carefully. It seemed like a solid choice, but she realized that she wasn’t feeling up for that. Plus, she figured he might think it weird if she ordered the same as him.

Eventually, she made a decision - albeit with slight reluctance - on what she wanted to try and let Eric know that she was going to order. However, before she stepped over to the register, she paused to contemplate an idea that just popped into her head.

“Let me buy you lunch for today,” she offered with a smile. The moment she made the suggestion, she watched as Eric shot her a look that easily told her he was ready to push back against the suggestion. But Lizzie was ready to push right back just as quickly. “Please? I insist! It’s the least I can do for helping me find this place.” Then, without giving him much else to say on the matter, Lizzie turned her attention to the staff member waiting for her at the register. With one last smile at Eric, she ordered for the both of them. As she gave Eric’s order, her smile turned into a victorious smirk. She thought it quite clever that she was able to get his order out of him and thus making it harder on him to keep saying no.

Once she paid for their lunches, Lizzie took their table number and returned to stand in front of Eric. “That table at the window, right?” she asked, her smile returning to her face. She took the lead, walking around the other tables until they reached the vacant table at the window. She decided to take the seat away from the window so that she would be closer to the air conditioning. Say what you want about England being a country surrounded by water, summer was summer and taking a window seat during the summer was never comfortable. She dropped her purse on the chair beside her then placed their table number at the edge of the table.

Lizzie would be lying if she didn’t have any expectations about what happens next. In her mind, bumping into Eric and managing to get more than a few words out of him had her thinking that maybe getting to know him would be easier from then on. However, after they took their seats at the table, she found herself unable to think of anything to say to him. Well, it wasn’t that she couldn’t think of anything to say, per se. There was plenty of questions she could ask him. She realized the moment she took a seat that she still felt a bit nervous around him. As such, she couldn’t even pluck up the courage to ask him about his theatre thing.

As a result, the two sat in a moment of awkward silence that Lizzie broke when she explained that she should text both Olivia and Veronica to let them know that she was at the cafe.

After she saw that the text sent, she placed her phone face down on the table and returned her attention back to Eric with a small smile. “So…” she started slowly, mentally kicking herself that she came off kind of awkward. “What were you up to today? Are you taking summer classes like the girls?” There. That wasn’t so hard. She had bumped into him in front of the university. So it wasn’t too much of a far off assumption that he probably had a school thing today.

Lizzie listened as Eric explained that, no, he wasn’t taking summer classes. But...that was it. Lizzie nodded in acknowledgment. But she waited a beat too long to ask for clarification. And just like that, her window of opportunity to keep that topic going closed and she sat there attempting to think of something else to say.

There were so many questions she could ask really. How do he and Olivia know each other? How long had he really been couch surfing at the flat? What else did he do instead of school - well that was an uncertainty - and theatre? Did he have a girlfriend that he stays with when not at the flat?

So many questions to ask to get to know Eric, and yet, she had a difficult time asking one.

In the end...their small talk was saved by the weather.

Lizzie was in the middle of making a comparison between summers in London and California when their order finally arrived. She stopped mid-sentence to watch their server place their food down. After a quick thank you, she watched the server leave their table before returning to her point. Main point of her comparison, summers in both places were equally hot. The only difference she noticed based on today? The English seemed shocked at the idea of hot weather. Lizzie even added that they would all probably be so surprised with Southern California where it was just constant sunshine.

“Lizzie?” came a voice in front of her. As she popped a chip - erm, crisp - into her mouth, she looked up to see that Olivia and Veronica were walking right up to them. She immediately flashed them a bright smile, happy to see them. But just before she could say a proper greeting, she watched Olivia turn away from her to look over at Eric. Actually, both girls looked rather surprised to see him here. Or, maybe it was because they were surprised to see him with her?

“Hey!” she greeted. “I bumped into Eric outside the school and he helped me look for this place,” she quickly explained. Once again, she omitted the part about getting too distracted by other shops along the way. It wasn’t important for them to know.

“Go ahead and order. We just got our food,” she then told them as she moved her purse out of the seat beside her. She watched as Olivia took the seat beside Eric and Veronica took the seat next to her, dropping their things on the chairs before excusing themselves to order their food. After they vanished into the line that formed at the register, Lizzie made a quick glance over at Eric before returning her attention to her lunch. At least she could use the food to avoid another awkward silence while they waited for the girls to officially join them.

Now that Olivia and Veronica joined them, conversation at their table was smoother. Both of her flatmates could not wait to complain about their final exams. Especially Veronica, who apparently had a problem with one of her professors the entirety of summer term. When they weren’t talking about the dreaded exams, the girls wanted to hear about how Lizzie’s orientation went especially since they both went to a different campus location. Lizzie was, of course, happy to summarize how orientation went. Eventually, conversation at the table split. When she realized that she had basically started a private conversation with her roommate, she caught Olivia talking with Eric in a quieter tone. As if they didn’t want her to hear?

Lizzie got the hint and refocused on what she and Veronica were discussing.

At the end of their lunch, Lizzie said her farewell to the others so that she could return to campus. She had one last thing to do before she was able to go home for the day. When she explained this to Olivia and Veronica, she agreed to meet up with them at the train station once she was done so they can ride home together.

The three women ended up changing their plans slightly after they met up again. Instead of taking the tube back home, they decided to wait out the heavy foot traffic for a couple hours and remained in the city. Olivia and Veronica used this time to take Lizzie around to some more of their other go to places until they found a place to eat for an early dinner. It was during said dinner when Eric became the topic of conversation. Just like her lunch with Veronica the other day, Lizzie was curious about him. And since his best friend was dining with them, it was the best time to get to know more about him while he wasn’t around. It was during this conversation that she found out he was actually not a student at the university. Naturally, Lizzie was shocked. After all, he was probably only a few years older than her. And yet he was already a damn good playwright?

Had Lizzie taken her crushin’ head out of the clouds long enough, she probably would have noticed that the girls were constantly giving each other side glances. They slowly pieced together just what exactly was going on with their new flatmate.

A private group chat message later, the boys were in on the loop as well.

When they finally returned to the flat that evening, Lizzie could hear noises coming from the living room. A feeling in the pit of her stomach imagined that it was Eric visiting again tonight. That hopefulness led to surprising disappointment when she saw that it was only Malcolm in the living room watching television. Eric’s bedding still sat folded at the other side of the couch.

The next morning, Lizzie was up a little later than yesterday. By that time, almost everyone had left the flat for the day. When she stepped out of her room to eat breakfast, she saw that Angel was in the middle of grabbing a water from the fridge before explaining that he was off to work. He left her alone in the house with some off-handed remark that she couldn’t quite understand. Something about not getting too cozy with the stray cat?

Lizzie didn’t stay in the flat for very long that morning. After a quick breakfast, she prepared to set off back into the city to return to school. She had an appointment with the guidance counselor in her department so that she could finalize her class schedule for the upcoming term. Since her internship worked alongside the university, she needed this appointment to make sure that her schedules worked together with no overlap.

This would be the first time she would venture to the city by herself. Not that she was too worried. She was accustomed to traveling on her own. And now that she had an idea how to get to school - thanks to her flatmates and the directions in her notebook - she knew she would find her way. Plus, she gave herself plenty of time to figure it all out without too much fuss.

Her appointment with the guidance counselor took up much of her morning. Not because they came across some problems in her scheduling. On the contrary, everything appeared to look fine in her school and work schedules. Lizzie ended up staying longer at her appointment because she and the guidance counselor began a deep discussion about literature. Well, what did you expect from an English major?

By the time she got out of the counselor’s office, she was starving. She decided to have her lunch at ABC since it was really the only food place in the city that she was comfortable walking to without too much worry. She made sure to try something new this time around. Although, at some point in the middle of her lunch, she figured that she should probably invest in buying food for a packed lunch so that she could save a little money. She wasn’t back in California. Her funds were technically quite limited despite help from her father.

After lunch, she decided to go in search for some things to help her with her packed lunch idea. After a quick search on Yelp, she wrote down a list of nearby stores that she could check out. This trip took her a couple or so hours to complete. She didn’t find all of the things she needed, but she came out of her shopping trip with a cute meal tote and a mug that caught her attention. Olivia had mentioned that she could get her own mug for the flat if she didn’t want to use the ones typically reserved for guests.

Oh, and headphones. Because now that she didn’t need to depend on Olivia or Veronica to get to school, she needed them to help entertain her trips.

It was around mid-afternoon when she returned to the flat. Based on the shared flat Google Calendar, none of her flatmates were scheduled to return home until somewhere in the evening. Which meant that she once again had the flat to herself. As she climbed the stairs to exit the station near the flat, Lizzie adjusted the right headphone to sit comfortably in her ear again after it had been knocked out when a man bumped into her and got his messenger caught in the headphone wire.

As the sun appeared at the top of the stairs, the noise around her was blocked by the music playing from her phone. Thank God for Spotify family plan.

Lizzie couldn’t hold back the temptation to sing along to the music playing in her ear. Having grown up around music practically her entire life, it was nearly impossible for her to not sing through the day. In the few days she had been living in London, her flatmates had already caught her a few times singing either in her room or in the common area without her realizing it. The other night, after catching her in the middle of jamming to a Mariah Carey chart topper, Angel insisted that next Flat Night Out be at a karaoke bar. Of course, that didn’t deter her from continuing to sing whenever she felt like it.

Since she was certain no one would be home when she arrived, Lizzie didn’t bother to hold back. As she unlocked the door to the flat and stepped inside, she absentmindedly continued to sing along to the song she was currently listening to. “‘Cause every time I’m with you, I go into the zone/ And I remember all the places you wanna go/ Take me all the way/ Ain’t nobody gonna touch it, touch it, touch it,” she sang as she walked down the hallway toward the common area.

She was just about to begin the next verse when she finally looked up from her multitasking and into the common area. Her singing abruptly stopped and her eyes widened. Almost immediately, she wanted to bury herself into a deep hole and never come out.

“H-Hi…” she greeted Eric nervously, pulling the headphones out of her ears. “I, uh, didn’t know you were coming over today.”

She stood there awkwardly for a moment as she fought the temptation to make like their first meeting and run away into her bedroom and never come out. Things were different now. She and Eric were no longer strangers...sort of. Lizzie couldn’t deny that he was still very much a mystery. But how the hell was she going to get out of this situation?

Then again, was him catching her singing that bad? Her other flatmates had already gotten their initial dose of it.

...But Eric was different. Eric was cute. And mysterious. And so damn cute.

Letting out a nervous laugh, Lizzie finally unglued herself from where she had been standing to carry her things over to the dining table. It was time to play things cool before she looked utterly lame to Eric. “I didn’t realize you had a key to the flat. Unless Olivia let you in?” Even as she said it, she knew that didn’t make sense. Didn’t Olivia work immediately after school? “How long have you been back?’

She quickly kept herself busy as she unloaded her shopping items onto the dining table. Once everything had been laid out, she contemplated where to put everything then began putting her new items in the kitchen. She first brought the new mug, food containers and tumbler - it came with the tote - over to the sink to rinse it, afterwards leaving it on the drying rack. After that, she briefly excused herself to store the tote and the rest of her things in her room.

Would it seem cowardly to go into her room and never come out? Lizzie juggled over this question for a couple minutes as she sat on her bed looking toward and away from the door. She heard some movements on the other side, but there wasn’t much to indicate that Eric was going to leave. With a deep sigh, she decided to be a brave girl and face the embarrassment that her obvious crush Eric had overheard her singing her heart out.

“So…” she started after leaving her bedroom. She really needed to stop starting conversations with him like this. She was a lot better than this. “I’ve, um, actually been really curious about something.”

She paused, using this time to return to the common area. For a split second, she was unsure what to do next. Simply standing there made her feel like an idiot; mostly because she had no idea what to do with her arms. Why did they feel so awkward just hanging at her sides?

She ended up returning to the kitchen to make coffee. As she grabbed the pour over she found the other day and filled the kettle with water to boil, she asked, “Did you decide to make the changes to Act 2, Scene 8?” As she waited for the water to fill up, she briefly looked over her shoulder to see if Eric was paying attention. When she saw he was, she returned to her task and continued with, “I saw the, uh, notes on the margin and have been wondering if any of the ideas you had in mind looked better. I mean, what you have already is good. It’s a funny scene. But I can also see the benefits of changing it up.”
()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 082818----------- LOCATION — the flat----------- COMPANY — lizzie

Like most people, Eric had that unexplainable habit of reading the menu as if he’d never been there before even though he had in fact been there countless times. So as he stood there beside Lizzie staring up at his options it took him a moment to process that she had asked what he was going to get, “Uh, probably the special?” He said probably, despite knowing fully well that he almost never ordered anything else. Today's special just so happened to be his usual and was actually one of the cheapest items on the menu without lying to himself that an appetizer was a full meal. See he didn’t actually order food here very often, usually if you caught Eric at the ABC he just had a coffee with on the house refills. But today he was with company— new company, a little bird named Lizzie to be exact. And so today he would treat himself to lunch. Treat...himself— “Let me buy you lunch for today.”

His focus redirected away from the menu to look down at her so fast it was a miracle he didn’t get whiplash from it. The back of his head was reminding himself that she didn’t know better and was just trying to be nice. But even if he didn’t have a particular situation, it just wasn’t British of him to accept this and he opened his mouth to fight her on this but she was too quick and cute and was already ordering for the both of them leaving Eric standing stunned in place. There was a fluttering feeling in the pit of his stomach that he couldn’t quite distinguish whether it was hunger or nerves. Leading her here was hardly a lunch worthy feat, but he’d already missed the chance to fight her on this and so he had little choice but to come to terms with it and agree to let her pay while she was new and excited to be out and about. But just this once! After she was acclimated to London he wouldn’t back down so easily.

He found he couldn’t take his eyes off her now, and watched on in silence as she struggled briefly looking at her coins and notes to read which were which. The thought crossed his mind and he considered interjecting himself to help her out but again he was battling his own conscience while Lizzie carried on like it was nothing. It felt sort of...wrong to be correcting her? Although really he would just be helping her out, since it wasn’t like she had made a mistake for him to be pointing out. But by the time Eric had decided it was okay to help she had already figured it out and was smiling up at him, clearly feeling accomplished at having both ordered and paid for them by herself
Eric continued to follow her lead as she made her way over towards the table he had pointed out when they walked in. He couldn’t help but glance towards the doors, partially praying that the girls would show up soon because he was in over his head with this. When was the last time he’d sat down for lunch with a girl that wasn’t Olivia and that he wasn’t being paid to be with? Not a single memory post compulsory education came to mind. There was a fairly awkward silence as they sat down. Unless Eric was the only one feeling it. He himself wasn’t particularly talkative in the first place, he sort of would get bursts of energy throughout the day. He was known for being a little unpredictable, never like, you need to tiptoe around him. More like he could be super excited about something and then an hour later when you see him next he just wants to lounge around and can't be bothered to do anything. The flat’s inside joke of calling him a stray cat was certainly not wrong. He could never really stick to one thing, constantly changing his mind, sleeping at odd hours for seemingly no reason but then ready to go out and play at a moments notice.
“What were you up to today? Are you taking summer classes like the girls?” However he wasn’t ready for that. Lizzie had been throwing curve balls at him since they first met and he had yet to feel confident in anything he’d told her. He wasn’t entirely sure how to respond. He could very easily have just outright told her that he wasn’t a student, but Eric’s conversation skills at the moment were very surface level, ”Summer classes? Brilliant Eric, just repeat after her all the time as though you aren’t sure what she’s talking about. She wants to know if you’re taking any courses right now and the answer to that is an easy, ”No, I’m not.” There, was that really so difficult? But he didn’t offer more on the subject or any sort of explanation. He was a little oblivious to the vagueness of his answer and was not really thinking about how she kept bringing up school and that maybeee the reason for that was that she thought he was a student. No, Eric wasn’t following along and so didn’t think to clarify and set things straight. He did manage to mention that he had come downtown to stop by the music store however he sort of trailed off again and just sort of let his sentence die out. Wow this was awkward.

“You must’ve brought the nice weather with you.” It was true, the sun was out a good deal more this week than it usually was. But he wasn’t really just talking about the weather. It was a strange feeling, but she was the best thing to have happened to him in a while; yet he didn’t know the first thing about her. He didn’t even know her last name. All Eric knew was that his life had been exceptionally dreary lately, like London usually was. But ever since Friday he’d been feeling better about it despite things still being tough.

Lizzie seemed to have jumped aboard the weather conversation as by the time their food arrived she was mentioning the seemingly endless sun in Southern California. But honestly, Eric wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He certainly didn’t mind London’s sunny days, but having that every day seemed rather annoying. But then again he had pretty much spent his entire 24 years of life here in the heart of London with its depressingly gray skies, he didn’t really know much else or have any real experience to compare it to. Maybe it was as wonderful as Lizzie, maybe it wasn’t. He’d never know. He had no business in America, and that was an expensive trip he had no reason to make. The farthest he’d been from home was Paris and that was for a school trip, so he’d only visited what he was allowed to see with his class.

Eric was absolutely starving and was oh so thankful for the food to have arrived, not only to fill his empty stomach but also the void their awkward conversations had created. It wasn’t long however before he heard a familiar voice and looked over at the girls approaching them. Eric was quick to glance away, not entirely sure how he was to explain himself. Hold up, what did he have to explain? Lizzie was lost, he helped her find the cafe—he didn’t need to be sitting down eating with her though... He rarely ate with the others as it was, but here he was with the newest flatmate enjoying lunch. Yeah he didn’t feel comfortable explaining that, thankfully Lizzie rose to the task and essentially told them the same thing. The girls accepted Lizzie’s story but as Olivia pulled out the chair beside him for her bag he could feel her eyes still on him as if warning him that he was expected to fill in the missing details later. Why was Eric Oliver; Mr. Penny Pincher, Mr.Always Busy, Mr.Doesn’t Have Time to Date, Mr.Refuses To Eat Outside Of Work Or The Flat, sitting here in the ABC in the middle of the day with a girl he’d only met once twice before? His eyes lingered on Olivia as she walked away, he knew she was going to interrogate him over this later. But truthfully he didn’t really have an answer for her. He was still a little hazy on how exactly he had ended up sitting here with Lizzie. Well, obviously he’d offered to lead her here, he’d offered to wait with her so she wasn’t alone in a new place, she’d offered—insisted on buying him lunch, and so here he was. But still, how had he gotten himself in this situation?

Being well acquainted with the menu it wasn’t long before Olivia and Ricki returned and took their designated seats. Eric was thankful they were here now and the girls all happily conversed and updated one another on their school days. Truthfully Eric did tune his friends out a little. School just was no longer an interest of his. He didn’t really want to hear about how stressed they were studying, or how some twat wouldn’t stop tapping his pen on on the desk for the entire duration of their class. But when Lizzie spoke he suddenly wasn’t hungry anymore, as though he was afraid his chewing would drown out her voice.

He was convinced Olivia had timed everything out perfectly. See he had been the first to finish, the black hole that was his forever empty stomach didn’t allow him to pace himself to eat at the same speed as the girls who in comparison picked at their food in between sentences. So while Lizzie and Ricki giggled over something together, Olivia nudged her plate towards him and demanded he help her finish her chips because, ”I’ll never be able to finish this all,” little did he know he had fallen for her trap as he picked one up and she carried on in a lower voice, ”What happened at flat night?”

Eric didn’t respond right away, a confused expression on his face as though he didn’t understand what she was talking about. Which he didn’t entirelyyy know what she was getting on about. What did happen at flat night for her to be referring to? ”Don’t play dumb with me, you left, why?”
”Oh that.”

”Yes, that.”
There was never any fooling Olivia. She noticed everything, if she ever didn’t mention something it was because she chose not to. He leaned back, suddenly a bit uncomfortable at being in such close proximity to his best friend, ”I was tired Olivia, I worked all day and— ”

”That is complete rubbish and you know it, “ he tried to defend himself but she cut him off before he could get a single word out, ”Eric James Oliver, I have never seen you turn down a drink for anything.”
He couldn’t help but let out a light laugh, he needed something to take the pressure off and break the tension. Well, not exactly tension per-say, but Olivia only busted out his full name in times when she was really quite upset with him. Her levels of upset could be for a variety of reasons ranging from being cross that he had eaten the last cookie in the flat to worrying to death about him. The latter being the cause in this case.

Picking up another chip his mind was racing for an answer that would satisfy his detective of a best friend but he honestly couldn’t think of a single thing, true or false, that would put her at ease, ”It’s just been a long week Olivia,” a long stressful week of pure exhaustion— she’d raised an eyebrow and he had to correct himself, ”Two weeks...I’m okay though.”

He knew she wouldn’t push the subject any further, not right now at least. If she thought he was keeping something awful from her she’d have dragged him out of the ABC by his ear to speak in private.
She allowed a pause as she sipped her drink but she was quick and caught Eric’s subconscious glance to the girls across the table from them which brought up her next topic, ”So Lizzie…”

Once everyone finished up their food and conversations it was time to go. Eric was the first to part, pretending that he didn’t notice that knowing look Olivia gave him as he said his see you laters to Ricki and Lizzie. He continued on his original route prior to Lizzie finding him and set off towards his car to restring his guitar and hopefully get some work done on a song. He didn’t often have daylight hours to himself and he wanted to take full advantage of it while he could. There was just one problem which was that he had the same thing running through his head over and over again. The way Lizzie’s eyes lit up when she smiled was etched into his memory. The way she had been so excited to see him. The way she hid behind her hand as she laughed with Ricki over lunch. The way she said his name. In the end Eric accomplished next to nothing as he played the same chords over and over again in the park next to the street he’d been keeping his car on.

He had rehearsal later that evening, nothing notable there other than he was finally able to share the notes in his script. There wasn’t much time between rehearsal and his work shift. He had the graveyard shift tonight, 11pm to 9am, and he hadn’t eaten since lunch with Lizzie and the other girls.

Eric was praying that he’d be back to his usual schedule this week now. After the past almost three weeks of absurd hours, he was really really looking forward to getting back into some sort of routine so he wasn’t on his toes every morning trying to remember what time he had to be at the hotel by or whether or not he was attending rehearsal that day or not. He had been forced to skip quite a few rehearsals for work lately and he really couldn’t handle any more setbacks. Speaking of setbacks, his mind skipped back to the fact that his script had been returned to him. That was on his to-do list as well. Ideally he wanted to have it finished in time to seamlessly transition into rehearsals for that after their current production’s runtime came to an end in a few weeks time. But honestly he hadn’t made much progress lately and the thought of it alone made his bag feel all that much heavier.

The sun was up and London was awake and bustling about when he left the hotel the next morning sometime after 9am. Eric was dead on his feet tired but still miraculously managed to stop by his car on his way back to the flat and after staring at the mound of clothes in the back for a good minute he made the decision to finally move the car closer so he wouldn’t have to carry all his dirty laundry across town. He hadn’t parked at the flat in a while but managed to find a spot in front of their neighbor’s house. “Their”...was he considering himself one of the flat residents now? Technically he didn’t live here despite the number of times a week he stayed over.

No one was home when he unlocked the front door using the hidden spare. He usually had the place to himself at this hour, but every once in a while he’d open the door to see Angel typing away on his laptop or in mid conference call. However since he clearly wasn’t in at the moment Eric busied himself with starting his laundry and then proceeded to knock out on the couch for the forty five minutes or so while it washed. He woke up to swap things into the dryer; one more short nap and then he was folding his clothes with a beer bottle for company. Eric moved his clothes back out to the car as soon as he was done and then settled himself back on the couch with his drink and a notebook; specifically his songbook. But he just stared at the page still drained of all inspiration and only the shadow of Lizzie’s voice in the back of his head. Nothing productive came to him except sleep as he finally succumbed to his body’s needs from his overnight shift. It was only a couple more hours but anything was better than nothing. His eyes slowly fluttered open at the sound of the door unlocking followed by a loud singing voice he didn’t recognize in the slightest; but yet at the same time there was a familiar quality about it. Sitting up his notebook fell from his lap and he reached to pick it up, turning over his shoulder just in time to watch as Lizzie entered the doorway, “Hey,” he responded, not entirely sure what else he should say. Should he welcome her home? Was that weird? He didn’t live here after all...and technically it was her home now. So then he wouldn’t be wrong in welcoming her her home, but neither of them said anything. Eric instead picked up his pen upon noticing that it too had fallen but then reached to set his book and pen on the coffee table. He wouldn’t be working on any songs now that Lizzie was here, not that he’d gotten any work done without her being here... But as his bag was on the other sofa, too far for him to get up and put away his belongings, he settled back against the cushions feeling rather uncomfortable just sitting there like an idiot.

“I didn’t realize you had a key to the flat. “ It suddenly dawned on Eric just how...suspicious? Intimidating? How uneasy it must feel to find out some guy you hardly know has free, unsupervised access to the place you live. Had no one filled her in on him? Nothing at all? “Oh, no I use the spare out front…?” Why was he sounding so unsure? Did she even know about the spare? He glanced down at his by now empty hands, fingers slowly curling into a loose fist simply because he felt so awkward and exposed, wishing he could up and vanish on the spot. This couldn’t be comforting for her to hear. But he kept calm and carried on as she asked him a follow up question, “I got in a little after 10?” Again with the uncertain tone. As though he was for some reason worried about saying the wrong thing. He wasn’t sure what she did or didn’t know about him. Should he explain himself? Tell her why he had come over that early? Clearly he wasn’t here to visit anyone since he’d come over when no one else was home. She had said ‘back’, as though this was a place he belonged. So she must not be too surprised to see him, certainly not like their first encounter a few days ago.

They both seemed to trail off shortly after. Lizzie had occupied herself in the kitchen unloading her bag and Eric...well Eric finished off the remaining sip of what was left of his drink and then sort of settled back into lounging on the sofa. He was partially wishing to go back to sleep, partially staring across at his notebook as though he could will the lyrics into his head, but mostly he just wished he could find something to talk about with Lizzie. They had hit it off fairly well yesterday. Well....for the most why was it so awkward now? He heard her shuffle out of the room but hadn’t caught what she’d said just before leaving. With a sigh he pushed himself back upright and grabbed his now empty bottle on his way to the kitchen. Once the bottle was in the recycling he opened the fridge for a water and then returned to his spot before opening it and taking a sip. There would be no going back to sleep at this rate so he might as well force himself awake.

As he worked his way through his water bottle he found himself getting weirdly anxious? There was like a little alarm in the back of his head that kept reminding him that Lizzie was in the next room over. But no matter how many times he hit snooze and tried to think of something else the alarm just kept going off. Why? He had never been particularly concerned over Olivia’s flat mates before. The girl before Lizzie had hated him. The girl before Ricki when he first started staying over remained fairly indifferent her entire stay. And both Angel and Malcolm had been there since Eric’s first day. But all of a sudden he cared, a lot, about being under the same roof as one of them. Never before would he have stopped his own agenda, be it writing or sleeping, just because someone came home. And he’d been here for a couple years now, he was plenty comfortable and felt at home here on his sofa. But enter Lizzie and it was like a whole new house. Like he suddenly had to be on his best behavior, no feet on the sofa, cups on coasters, etc. But just as she had this nervous effect on him, she also had become something he looked forward to. This was their...third day of meeting? And already he was internally dying over the prospect of chatting with her again. Although without the girls there to act as a median he wasn’t sure how to proceed. There was also the fact that Lizzie hadn’t yet returned from her room. The sound of a door opening had him holding his breath as he listened to her start up a conversation from the other room. She said she was curious about something? The anticipation was killing him as she returned to the common area yet didn’t say anything more on the subject. This dramatic pause of hers was too long, had she forgotten that she was just about to say something? Eric was preparing to speak up and inquire about it when she continued on to mention...a play? Act 2, Scene 8? Nothing was coming to mind and he stared over at her as though the answer would pop up at him. She went on to mention notes in a margin and it suddenly clicked in his head that she was talking about his play. You’ll have to forgive him, he had a long night.

So she had read his script, and his scribbled notes, well enough to actually process its potential. Eric was a little stunned, but touched, and truthfully wasn’t sure how to respond, ”Oh, It was like his body was moving on its own as he quickly got up again to move to his backpack where he rummaged briefly for his script because truthfully he couldn’t remember off the top of his head what his other ideas had been. He had a lot of ideas penned into the sides throughout the play, and Lizzie had not only read but remembered them well enough to address the exact scene? Yeah he was in mild shock and awe still. No one outside of his troupe had ever read his work well enough to comment on it. Upon finding the pages he thumbed through to the part she had asked about, eyes skimming his notes as he walked over to join her at the island in the kitchen, ”You don’t think it’s too much?” The original script had been playing it safe but reading through his ideas he was reminded why he had been hesitant to make the change; he had been worried that some of his jokes might be too brash. It was 2018, he had to be careful what he put out into the world so as to not accidentally offend someone. Eric set the papers down so they could both read over it again as a refresher.

It wasn’t long before they were sitting side by side at the island in the kitchen, pages spread out before them with a single pen shared between them. They each had a cup of coffee to either side as Eric didn’t have it in him to turn Lizzie down when she’d offered to make a cup. He would for sure need to excuse himself to pee soon. Beer, the water he tried to hydrate him and now coffee? He needed to eat soon. But honestly he didn’t notice his hunger, he was too preoccupied watching Lizzie genuinely try to work on his script with him. He had probably said more this past hour, as he excitedly explained his play and ideas to her, than he had in weeks. Not counting his shifts of course as he couldn’t not talk at the hotel. They seemed to have come to a conclusion for Act 2, Scene 8 and had rewritten parts on a separate piece of paper. Eric was in the middle of clarifying that this particular script was for the next production and wasn’t actually what he’d been attending rehearsals for. Oh right she didn’t know he had regular rehearsals did she? ”Monday, Wednesday and Fridays,” he responded after she asked how often they met. Although technically he didn’t have to be there every day. Sure he was the writer and director, but that’s what the stage manager was there for. So they could lead rehearsals in his place. But still he rarely missed a night. He didn’t think to mention the occasional Saturday evening he spent in the theatre, why should he? It wasn’t particularly important, usually just production meetings. It was no different than how he was sitting here dedicating time outside of rehearsal to working on something for the troupe.

”Did you have class today?” Their conversation had reached a rather long pause so it was Eric’s turn to attempt to revive it by asking about her day. He almost immediately mentally kicked himself over it as he was pretty sure he recalled Olivia mentioning that classes didn’t start back up for about another week. So he was now realizing it had been a rather dumb thing to ask as chances were she hadn’t been at the school and had just been out enjoying her time in London. But it was too late now, he’d already asked.



()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 082818----------- LOCATION — the flat----------- COMPANY — eric & olivia

Hearing shuffling from the other side of the room, Lizzie turned her attention away from the kettle to watch Eric bend over and rummage through his backpack. It didn’t take long for her eyes to wander lower, but only for a brief second. She blinked then turned her back to the stove to take a seat at one of the stools at the kitchen island. She had just opened the bag of coffee grounds when she saw through her peripheral that Eric was approaching. Naturally, she stopped everything to watch him. She gazed at his furrowed brow as he read through his script; probably the scene she had just referenced. This was the first time she had seen him so focused. And she kind of liked the look on him. It made her wonder if he was like this during rehearsals.

When Eric joined her at the kitchen island, Lizzie quickly grabbed the bag of coffee grounds to reseal it. She wouldn’t be needing it for another couple or so minutes while she waited for the water to boil. And she didn’t want to forget about it now that Eric was giving her more of his attention than the other day. Any opportunity to get him to say more words to her than a sentence or two in response to whatever question she offered, she will definitely take it happily.

She returned the bag of coffee grounds on the table just as Eric came up beside her and showed her the page Act 2, Scene 8 was located. Her eyes darted from the script to the available stool right beside her, contemplating whether or not to invite him to sit down. She couldn’t figure out if he was interactive enough that this conversation would last more than a few sentences. In the end, she kept it safe and decided to let things go with the flow. If he did end up sitting beside her to discuss changes to his script, then she will gladly take it. If all he wanted was a simple opinion and then leave to work on the script on his own, then she’ll reluctantly take that too.

Before giving her opinion again, Lizzie took the time to reread the scene. She, of course, remembered the scene well. As a scene in the beginning of the second act, she remembered laughing hard over it. But it didn’t hurt for her to refresh her memory on maybe some of the nuances she may have forgotten since she last read it. After she finished rereading the scene - and letting out another laugh because, yes, it was still pretty funny - she skimmed the notes he had written down in the margins. Once again, she marveled at his handwriting. Although still amazed at how...pretty it looked, she noted mentally that it matched him well.

“Hmm…” Lizzie mused, leaning closer to the table to reread the scenes after Scene 8. “When you say ‘much’, do you mean in terms of...does it step over the line of sensitive topics?” She looked up at him and watched him confirm that they were on the same page. She mirrored his nod then returned her gaze to the script. “Honestly? I don’t think so? I mean, I don’t know, um, how a group of friends would normally, like, talk to each other when hanging out. But, like, the male lead finally got with the female lead. His mates will want details. And sometimes, they’ll be a bit crude with their words. Especially with this age group.” She paused, bringing her gaze back down to the script briefly.

“I mean...if Hamilton can take on the topic of men during the Revolution wanting to ‘deflower’ as many women as possible - and not get a ton of backlash over it - you should be fine being a little more...risque?” Just as she was about to continue with her comment, she heard the kettle whistle at the stove. She paused, looking from the kettle to Eric before adding, “Do you want some coffee?”

Overtime, the two mugs of coffee Lizzie prepared for the both of them gradually moved farther away from them as Eric’s script took up a majority of the space on the kitchen island. After Eric invited himself to sit on the stool beside hers, the two remained at the island for over an hour pouring over the many pages and scenes of his script. It didn’t take the pairing very long to realize the system of Lizzie offering her opinions for Eric to jot down wasn’t working for them productively. This was most evident when the pages for Act 1 were suddenly spread to her half of the table. Soon enough, Lizzie was given permission to write whatever notes the both of them agreed on just to save some time.

It was sometime after they first started working on the script together when Lizzie noticed that she was sitting awfully close to Eric. Granted, the kitchen island alone was tiny so it was already a sure thing that they would be sitting close. But it wasn’t until she realized her knee was pressed lightly against his that she became suddenly hyper aware of the fact that his shoulder was also touching hers. When she finally looked up from a particular scene in his script, she recognized with minor panic that his arm was actually draped around her.

...Okay, not exactly. Eric’s arm was around her, but it was hanging off the back of her stool. Realizing this, Lizzie’s mind was reeling with thoughts. Off the top, she was freaking out. Again, this was the first time since they first met that they have been this close to each other. She had never recalled a moment during any of their previous interactions where they were unconsciously touching. It was always usually her reaching out to touch his arm to grab his attention. Now, he had put his arm on the back of her stool as if it was nothing; as if he was comfortable with the act. What did this mean?!

At some point, Lizzie had to force herself to refocus on helping Eric with his script. Not that it needed work, of course. She had told him before that she thought it was good on its the way it is now. But if he wasn’t fully satisfied with his work, there was no way she could ever persuade him otherwise. So while she still wrestled with her mini breakdown over what his intentions were for his arm on her stool, she forced her eyes to focus on the current scene he wanted to go over. Although, she panicked slightly realizing that she hadn’t caught a single word of what he said after her close proximity realization.

In the end, she simply nodded in agreement and offered over the pen once again so he can quickly jot down his thoughts. During the exchange, her hyper awareness saw that their fingertips brushed against each other ever so slightly and her brain went into full celebration mode. What was she, thirteen again?

Admittedly, Lizzie’s internal fiesta put a pause in their conversation. Having difficulty focusing on anything he told her, she made it appear as if she was busy looking over various parts of his script as if she was considering the contents. So when it grew quiet between them for a moment, Lizzie’s party suddenly stopped and it was like a red mayday button had been pressed. As Eric shifted again, she felt his arm brush against her back. Lizzie leaned forward slightly so that he wouldn’t feel her stiffen. She didn’t want him thinking that he was making her uncomfortable. He hadn’t once made any move to move his arm and she didn’t want to risk changing that.

And then, he asked about class. The frenzy of trying to pick up conversation again had Lizzie feeling so relieved when something was said between them. It didn’t even process in her mind that he had asked about school when he probably knew that she hadn’t even started classes yet. Then again...he wasn’t a student anymore so it wasn’t like he kept up with an academic calendar like the rest of the flat.

Wait, right, he still asked her a question. Lizzie finally looked up from the script she had been staring at - staring, not reading - to look over at Eric. Subconsciously, she held her breath like her body was preparing to once more notice how close they were.

Yeah, if she twitched even slightly, their shoulders would have touched again. For a moment, Lizzie completely blanked; forgetting what he had asked her. All she could focus on was the fact that a strand of his hair had fallen in front of his face during his concentration. Would it be so bad to just reach out and push it back for him? Wait, she was supposed to do something else.

Oh! That’s right! He asked a question. “Oh, no, not class,” she finally blurted out. Lizzie. “Not class”? Aren’t you supposed to be an English major?

“I mean,” she tried again with a clearing of her throat, “I don’t start classes ‘til, like, the middle of September? It’s still summer term. But, um, I did visit campus though. Yeah, I had a meeting with my guidance counselor today to go over and finalize my class schedule.” She paused there, wondering if she should continue. Once again hyper aware of his presence, she feared saying more might make him lose interest. And she really wanted to keep that arm where it was. It was starting to feel like a nice little pressure against her back.

In the end, she chose to keep it at that. If he wanted to know more, he was definitely free to ask. “Today was actually the first time I went into the city on my own. I left the flat hella later than the girls so, like, the solo trip was kinda intimidating. I have to admit that the public transportation here is so much more complex than back at home. LA’s Metro system got nothing on the Underground.” She let out a small laugh as she leaned over to the table again to perch her elbow on it then rest her head in her hand.

“How about you? What have you been up to today other than being here? I haven’t seen you since lunch yesterday. It was a you had rehearsal?” Just as she was about to follow up with another question, she felt the table vibrate against her elbow. This caused her to jump slightly as she pulled her arm away as if the table had suddenly been lit on fire. It took her another moment to realize that it was her phone that had gone off. But with all the pages of Eric’s script spread out across the kitchen island, her phone had been buried under Act 1.

Lizzie briefly looked over at Eric before she followed the sounds and vibrations of her phone until she noticed a specific pile of pages shaking among the rest. She quickly pulled the pages up to reveal her phone. She then grabbed it, turning it over to find the name of the group chat she shared with her friends back at home. It was the same friends that were obsessed about the very guy currently sitting right beside her.

“Sorry, it’s my friends from my school back home. It’s probably, like, morning in California right now,” she explained quickly. “Do you mind if I take this?” Once she was given the go ahead, she excused herself from the table and walked over to sit at the dining table.

The moment she accepted the Skype video call, Lizzie perched her phone against the centerpiece at a distance they would all be able to see her and she would be able to see them.

“Good morning!~” she sang in greeting, a bright smile on her face.

As her friends offered their greetings, commenting that it was afternoon where Lizzie was, she wondered if she should rush into her room quickly to grab her headphones. Knowing these group of friends, they were bound to start asking about the “cute couch surfer”. Even if they had already created a code language so that he would never know they were talking about them.

“Hey! So I bumped into Ian the other day! He says hi! He told me that he was also tryna reach you. Apparently he wanted to ask if you were going to be home in October for Disney’s Halloween thing--OH MY GOD, SUPERMAN!” Almost in perfect sync, every person save for the blabbermouth mirrored shocked expressions. Lizzie, eyes wide and staying perfectly still in her seat, felt her heart race watching through her screen as Eric walked in and out of frame. She listened intently for his footsteps, waiting until they were faint before she turned to scope where he was.

After hearing what seemed like the bathroom door close, Lizzie returned her gaze back to the group chat with wild eyes and a furrowed brow. “Girl, what the hell?!” Lizzie scolded in a low voice.

“Shit, sorry, Liz! It slipped!” her friend defended. Lizzie watched as she placed a hand over her mouth. Meanwhile, the other girls in the group chat were in fits over the outburst now that the initial shock had worn off.

“So wait, where is Superman since we last read about him?” her other friend chimed in, expertly using their secret code language when referring to Eric. This secret code language was created the same morning after Flat Night. It had been the bright idea of one of her friends to create a code language after Lizzie had made a comment about how she thought he was practically like Superman. Admittedly, there is a “work in progress” Google Doc that exists as a working dictionary for said language. Not that anyone but Lizzie and her friends would be able to see it.

Before responding, Lizzie once more looked over her shoulder to see if Eric had left the bathroom. There was a faint sound of water running so that was a no. She quickly returned to the group chat and explained where he was right now. One of her friends let out a sigh of relief as if him going to the bathroom meant that they were out of the woods.

“Okay, so like, question,” started the blabbermouth again, “Was his hair always that...long?”

“Yeah, girl, you can put that up in a man bun or something,” chimed in another.

Lizzie watched as another friend nodded in agreement. “Do you think his hair is, like, naturally wavy?”

“Oh! Liz, you should ask him!”

Lizzie shot her friends an incredulous look. “There is no way I’m doing that. Look, I gotta go. This is not a good time. I’ll text you guys later.” She waited as all three of her friends moaned over the sudden ditch effort before she waved them farewell and ended the call.

When Eric returned to the common area, Lizzie had returned to the kitchen to clean out her coffee mug. It was his footsteps that once again clued her in that she was not alone.

She looked over her shoulder briefly to look at him before returning to the task of rinsing her mug.

“So, what do you think?” she asked as she turned her mug upside down on the drying cloth. “Feeling a little more confident about the script? I’m sure the rest of your theatre group will support the changes,” she continued with a bright smile. Although she was not at all involved with his theatre group, she felt proud that she was able to help him out with his script.

Rounding the kitchen island, she once more scanned over the pages spread across the table before turning to focus on Eric. “Hey, I’m thinking about going to the cafe down the street in a bit. I’ve been craving their chocolate croissant for forever. Do you wanna come with?” she asked in a tone that worked real hard to sound confident. It took every fiber of her being to not wimpily add “unless you’re busy”.

Much to her surprise, Eric agreed to go with her. Once again, her smile appeared on her lips as the fiesta in her brain started back up in full swing. “Cool! We could probably use the break anyway,” she commented with a light laugh. “Lemme help you put the script back together.”

After a quick change into more comfortable clothes, Lizzie grabbed her wallet from her bag and returned to the common area where Eric was waiting for her. “Okay, I’m ready! Let’s go.” Leading the way, Lizzie walked down the hallway toward the front door. After opening the door, the two had a brief back and forth over who should step out first. It was Lizzie that lost and she forfeited the door knob to step outside. After Eric locked the door using the spare key he had mentioned earlier, she waited for him to join her before starting toward the sidewalk.

Conversation to the cafe revolved around Eric’s theatre group. Or, more specifically, how they were doing during their current production run. Apparently they were almost done with this run and were scheduled to begin rehearsals for the script they were worked on earlier. Naturally, Lizzie was curious about the production they were running now since it didn’t seem like she would have the time to see it herself. She was once again amazed at the level of confidence Eric exuded as he spoke about theatre. It told her that this was definitely a passion of his. Once again, she enjoyed seeing this side of him. It made her all the more motivated to keep him talking about theatre just so she can swoon over the occasional lifts at the edge of his lips every time he displayed a proud moment. They were never outright proud moments, but it was the twinge of a smile that told her so.

Upon entering the cafe, Lizzie was offering her list of her favorite productions that she’s seen before. Naturally, almost all the slots were musicals. It was during this discussion that she disclosed to Eric about her own experience with theatricality when the question was brought up if she had ever acted before. She answered that all of her experiences were in the form of high school Glee Club, adding in a joking comment that her Glee Club was nothing like the television show.

Eventually, as they waited for their orders, the conversation transitioned out of theatre to discuss other interests. Of course, Lizzie was quick to mention that she was an avid reader; if it wasn’t already blatantly obvious by her English major. It didn’t take the pairing very long to discover that they shared a common favorite book. Or, more specifically, book series.

“I can’t say I’m surprised you like the Harry Potter books too,” Lizzie joked with a teasing smirk. “But, I mean, you must have a favorite of the series. If you say yours is Goblet of Fire...we can’t be friends. I still firmly believe that book was unnecessarily too long.” Just then, she overheard the barista call out her order number. After a quick look over at Eric, she walked over to the counter to pick up her chocolate croissant and latte. Even if it was rolling into the evening, she had a hankering for another coffee.

She took a careful sip of her latte on the way back to where Eric stood. As soon as she was in earshot, she continued their Potter conversation with, “Personally, I’m forever debating between the first and sixth books. Deathly Hallows is just...too painful to consider a favorite….”

In the midst of their Potter talk, Lizzie shared with Eric how she had intentions of making Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone her first book purchase now that she was living in the UK. Noticing the look he was giving her, she was quick to further explain that she wanted the book solely because of the Philosopher’s aspect since the U.S. only sold copies of Sorcerer’s Stone.

“Lowkey, though, in all honesty,” she started as she tossed the now empty and crumpled up pastry bag in the trash, “Harry Potter might have been a top reason I applied for my internship.” After waiting for a group of men in business suits to walk through the door - she noticed that Eric was once again holding the door open for others - she continued with, “I applied for an internship at this publication company, Little Hopper. They have, like, two locations: the one here and one in New York. But, like, I had to apply to this one ‘cause the building is blocks away from King’s Cross. That was something I found out when I was weighing the pros and cons over which location I wanted to choose.”

As they made the journey back to the flat, Lizzie was once again fooled by the time. The sun was still fairly bright in the sky despite having set behind many of the buildings and houses. But when she pulled out her phone to see she got a text from her sister Izzy, she was shocked that it was already almost six. These longer days were definitely something she would need to get used to.

When they made it back to the flat, Lizzie became acutely aware that there were noises coming from Olivia’s bedroom. Further investigation confirmed that her flatmate was indeed home after work. After they closed the front door behind them, the noise was apparently enough to get Olivia to pop her head out of her room. Lizzie shot her flatmate a confused look at the strange reaction she had on her face upon seeing them.

“Hey! When did you get home?” Lizzie greeted with a smile, deciding to ignore the look Olivia made for now.

“Just now…” Lizzie noticed the too long pause. Had she actually been looking instead of making her way down the hallway to her bedroom, she would have seen Olivia looking between her and Eric. “Did you...go somewhere?”

As she turned the door knob to her bedroom, Lizzie returned her gaze toward her flatmate as she moved to stand near Eric. “Yeah, we went to the cafe down the street,” she answered, showing her the coffee cup in her hand as proof.

()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 082818----------- LOCATION — the flat----------- COMPANY — lizzie & olivia

Eric didn’t have poor vision by any means. Surely if he could afford a doctor’s appointment they would tell him he had 20/20 vision. But his own handwriting was so damn small and with pages spread across the entire kitchen island it made it hard to read the ones closer to Lizzie. And so when simply leaning forward to better read his script became uncomfortable his arm moved to rest on the back of Lizzie’s chair, not entirely taking into account how far into her personal space bubble he’d gone. Like, her bubble was beyond violated; his knee against her’s, their shoulders touching as he reached across in front of her to point out a section he mentioned. And that was how his arm came to be around her and her face awfully close to his as she stumbled through her response. Lizzie clarified that school was technically not in session for another couple weeks but that she had in fact gone down to the university today, so he hadn’t been too far off in his assumption that she had been out for school related reasons. Good job Eric, A+ effort keeping the conversation relevant. Though truthfully it wasn’t like he had much else to go off of. All he knew about her was: her name—her first name, that she came to London for school, she was an English major, she had an interest in theater, she liked his script and performance, and that she was American. The American part was very obvious.

“Hella”. That was the second time he’d heard her say that word and it honestly didn’t click exactly in Eric’s head. He’d heard it before, it wasn’t like she was speaking a foreign language. But truthfully he didn’t fully understand its usage, so he opted to omitting the word. It made sense that way. To say that she had left the flat after the girls...then she said “like”. How American of her. Plenty of guests at the hotel overly used the word “like”, he was accustomed to American English but it still stuck out to him the way she spoke. Maybe it was just the way she said it, her voice specifically rather than the semi butchered English Language. It brought him back for a moment, to when she had been talking about Scene 8 and had specifically said ‘mates’. It was cute how she tried to incorporate British lingo but honestly just made it more apparent that she was ‘hella’ not from here. He couldn’t hide the slight smile as he listened to her oh so American accent, till he realized she had asked him a question at which he had to blink away from his script and regroup himself to respond. She’d asked what he did after their lunch yesterday but honestly he was stunned silent for a second too long; touched that she remembered he’d just told her his rehearsal schedule and that she was able to put together that that was likely where he’d gone. “Yeah, I went to rehearsal after lunch,” he really needed to stop rephrasing everything she said as his responses. God, give her an original thought for once, “And then I had work after that.” What a bare minimum response. She had given him an entire side comment about getting around London by herself but all he could manage was ‘First I did this and then I did that.’ Brilliant Eric, just bloody brilliant. Way to hold a conversation. However he was then immediately interrupted from any chance of adding on to his story; or rather, he was saved from his awkwardness by the sudden vibration of the table. While Lizzie frantically searched for her phone Eric pulled his arm back to his side as he contemplated whether he should help move the papers aside. Lizzie managed just fine however and was soon asking permission to answer her phone. Who was he to keep her from her friends? He of course told her it was fine and the moment she left the island he felt his shoulders give out as if he was finally allowed to relax. Truthfully the phone had startled him a bit there and had destroyed his composure. He had just settled into a comfortable place mentally, emotionally, physically sitting beside Lizzie. The phone call had gone and ripped him back to reality and he busied himself momentarily with his coffee mug and kept his eyes down on the script as he heard her greet her friends. He had assumed she would go to her room for privacy but she didn’t. And now he was feeling a little awkward hearing them on speakerphone. He was basically being forced to eavesdrop and it was making him uncomfortable. At the mention of an Ian he set down his mug, possibly a little too quickly, and he too now got up and wordlessly passed behind her at the table to escape to the bathroom to finally relieve his poor bladder which he’d forced to wait this whole time as he hadn’t been able to tear himself away from Lizzie.

Eric’s imagination was running wild with the snippet of conversation he’d heard. Was Ian her boyfriend? A general? Family? He went full circle back to boyfriend as he stared at his own reflection in the bathroom mirror. He’d finished by now, washed and dried his hands but couldn’t bring himself to leave the bathroom just yet. He tugged down his shirt to clear up a wrinkle that was forming. Why was he so jealous all of a sudden? Maybe it was more so envy. Envy of the people already in her life. Here he was trying to get to know her and she had friends thousands of miles away literally calling to take her attention away. He didn’t like this. This awkward back and forth getting to know you stage. Eric didn’t date—and he certainly wasn’t trying to get one out of this! He was just being polite and welcoming her to the flat. Yes? Yes. Not a date, no end game, no expectations. Right. Now that that was settled...his left hand reached up to ruffle his hair and then push it back out of his face. It literally didn’t make a difference but it was habit he’d adopted with having such long hair and Eric was absolutely dreadful at breaking habits. So he touched his hair one more time before deciding he’d been hiding in the bathroom for too long and so after one last look in the mirror, he opened the door and made his way back to the common space.

He noticed that the voices were gone, Lizzie must have ended the call and upon entering the room that was confirmed as she was by the sink rather than at the kitchen table where he’d last seen her. That seemed like an awfully short call for being long distance. Surely they must have a lot to catch up on. Should he ask? Ask about her friends? What was there to ask? Do you miss them? Have you updated them on everything? Who is Ian? In the end her friends and personal life weren’t any of his business and thankfully Lizzie spoke first to pull his mind out of his heart and back to work. Right, the script. They’d been working on it for quite a while now and it was feeling a lot better than before. This was the most productive he’d been in weeks! But still, something was missing— he’d couldn’t quite put his finger on it though, ”Let’s just hope I don’t lose it again,” he laughed lightly at himself. He would definitely need to bring it this coming Saturday to go over it with the others. See how they felt about the changes. Hopefully Lizzie was right and they would in fact support him. They generally did.

Next topic? Chocolate croissants, and how she hadn’t had one from the cafe in “For forever”, hadn’t she just moved in on Friday? Or had it been Thursday? She probably had just meant she wanted a chocolate croissant and that was the only place she knew of as she’d only just arrived—and there it was, an invitation. He had basically invited himself yesterday, but clearly he hadn’t ruined her day if here she was asking him out to eat a second time. Well, not like asking out, they weren’t like, going on a date or anything. Not a date. But she still was asking him out, technically. Asking him to go somewhere with her but not a date. Go where? Oh right the cafe. He knew what cafe she meant even without her naming it. He frequented it quite often as it was on his way to work in the mornings. He realized he wasn’t responding quick enough and her eyes were waiting on him expectantly. Yes or no, Eric, yes or no. ”Sure, I was getting a little hungry myself.”
”Cool! We could probably use the break anyway.”
”Cool,” he really needed to stop parroting everything she said.

Even after getting ready to go it still took them a minute to actually leave as they got stuck in the doorway. Lizzie had been the one to technically open the door but it just didn’t feel right to walk out first. True she lived here now but it still sort of felt as though she were a guest? And as though Eric should be playing host and offering her drinks and snacks and such. He’d already lost his chance for that as Lizzie had been the one to make them coffee, so there was no way he would lose this round as well. Eric was plenty stubborn and had patience for days so after a couple, ”Go ahead” and ”No, please,” he finally got her to walk out first and watched her ponytail bounce down the stairs before turning to lock the door behind them.

It didn’t take long for them to strike up conversation focused on theater again. Was this going to be today’s topic? It certainly seemed to be that way. Sure it was easy to talk about, but was this actually interesting to her? It was hard to say, Eric himself was a master at asking questions to seem polite. He wouldn’t get far in the hotel if he didn’t ask each guest what brought them to London. Was this the same? Was Lizzie only asking him about theater just cause that was the only knowledge she had to fall back on? Yes. Wouldn’t she rather hear about something more interesting than his rehearsal schedules? There was more to Eric Oliver than striving playwright after all. Not really though, that pretty much was all he had going for him.

”Actually that one,” the script for the rom com they had been working on in the kitchen, ”Is for the next production, rehearsals should start before end of year—hit the stage in spring?” One day he’d manage a complete sentence with her instead of cutting himself off or ending it with a questioning intonation.
”Dates aren’t finalized yet,” for the production he currently attended rehearsals for, ”But I could let you know?” Goddammnit Eric, stop questioning your own bloody responses.

It was admittedly a little ambitious of him to be putting out shows back to back but this was all he had going for him in life. All his spare time went into his plays so it was only natural he wanted to accomplish as much as he possibly could. He could have mentioned that he was working on a musical, that would have been a way to keep the conversation alive. But he didn’t. Truthfully the musical stressed him out and he didn’t want to catch her interest only to let her down in the end. It was his dream to write one but he’d made such little progress. Every time he sat down to work ended in frustration, maybe it just wasn’t meant to be...

As if she’d read his mind, Lizzie was rattling off some of her favorite musicals and at the mention of them Eric returned to his internal debate over whether or not to tell her about his work in progress. But just as before he decided not to as he really had nothing to share about it. He only wanted to tell her about his successes. She didn’t need to know about the hours he stared at a blank page hating himself. Or the shows that had completely flopped or didn’t even make it through to a show date. He was now suddenly feeling very self conscious over the prospect of her finding out about his shows and took the moment in her pause to flip the focus back to her, ”Have you ever taken part in—“ what an awkward way to phrase that, ”Have you acted before?” Her response left him speechless. Not like, floored in amazement, but rather he had zero idea what she was talking about. The Glee Club reference soared way over his head, but no matter, smile and carry on. It was time to order anyways.

Eric was beyond starving, it was getting late in the afternoon by now and he hadn’t eaten since some ungodly hour during his overnight shift. But now at the cafe and staring up at the menu once again it suddenly dawned on him that he’d just paid Howard over the weekend. What little cash he had on him needed to be used sparingly so as to last until his next paycheck. He finally decided on a croissant sandwich. A little more than he had wanted to spend but he wasn’t stupid. He hadn’t eaten and didn’t work tonight so he needed something at least somewhat substantial. He opted out of purchasing a beverage however. He didn’t need more coffee, he’d just make more tea at the flat when they got back. Oh right tea...he was supposed to buy some for the flat. But...not today, that was out of his budget now that he was buying lunch. He paid in exact change, the banker in the back of his head doing the math for how much he still had on himself should an emergency situation arise. It wasn’t much.

Thankfully Lizzie was here to distract him and she soon had his full attention back on her. It really wasn’t hard, all she had done was turn around and smiled at him as she walked away from the cashier. One look and he’d forgotten everything he’d just been stressing over. One smile and nothing else mattered in that moment.
”So you like theater, but you don’t act,” he paused, letting her confirm that that was true, ”What do you do for fun then?”

She reads. Wow, didn’t see that one coming. Not like she had read his entire script or anything. She had this dreamy way of speaking about herself, like as though it were amazing she was able to do any of this. It was the difference between showing off how many books you’ve read versus speaking about how lucky you’ve been to be able to read them all. And Lizzie was the later.
The focus shifted back to Eric as she asked if he was at all into reading. You know how it goes, you’re trying to bond with a person so you just pinball back and forth.
I like pie.
Oh me too, what’s your favorite kind?
I love apple pie.
Oh I prefer pumpkin.
That’s my second favorite.
It’s endless and here they were trapped in it as Lizzie eagerly awaited Eric’s response about reading. Truthfully however this was where Eric differed from his theater stereotype. He didn’t dislike reading, if you suggested a good book and he had time he’d read it. But reading wasn’t exactly something he actively took part in, not anymore. It was probably mostly that ever since high school he was too busy working and taking care of his mother. Time that could be spent reading was taken up by life, ”Um, truthfully, apart from Harry Potter,” Lizzie’s expression lit up at the mention of the wizard boy and Eric knew in that moment he’d struck potential gold, ”I’ve never been much of a reader.”
It was pretty clear she hadn’t fully heard the second half of his sentence and that she had just been itching for him to finish talking so she could ask a follow up question. She was basically trying to confirm whether he read the series because who in their age group hadn’t read Harry Potter; or if he truly enjoyed it and it had any real importance to him.

Once she got her answer she was back to tossing around her preferences and asking for his: Eric’s favorite book of the series? He was just about to respond but Lizzie had tacked her opinion on and what she said left him tense. The fourth had actually been his favorite, or top three at least. But he couldn’t bring himself to admit to that after what Lizzie had said. Not specifically that he was afraid they were over before even starting just because of his Harry Potter preferences, but rather because this was about to take a personal turn down a road he did not want to travel with her.

The barista summoned her up to the counter leaving Eric alone with his thoughts and he opted to look away rather than watch her leave this time. He didn’t exactly have a specific reason why Goblet of Fire was a favorite, it was more like he had just spent the most time with that book so it felt the most familiar, and personal to him. She had said it was too long but that was exactly what had drawn childhood Eric to it. As a kid he looked for mental escapes everywhere. He would doodle, daydream stories in his head, anything to distract him from his reality. Why read a 300 page book that would end and dump you back in the real world when you could could read a 600+ page book and get lost in it for hours on end? Not to mention it was really a defining point in character development. Ron, while Harry’s best mate, turns out to be clearly jealous of him. Hermione branches out from just being a know it all to actually pursuing something other than academic success. And Harry has to deal with everyone’s expectations for him after getting forced into a position he didn’t sign up for. Balancing friendships and school on top of completing these tasks for a tournament he didn’t ask to be in and everyone was upset with him for being in but again, he didn’t choose to risk his own life. Eric could identify well with Harry’s side in that aspect. So when Lizzie returned he didn’t mention the fourth book at all, rather he let her continue with her own favorites and simply agreed with everything she said— to a certain point.

Lizzie had journeyed all the way across the world to live in London for presumably a year and purchasing Harry Potter was at the top of her to do list!? He loved the series just as much as the next 20 something year old that grew up reading it, but really? He couldn’t hide his slight skepticism and even went as far as to tell her that he owned all the books if she wanted to read it that badly. However Lizzie was quick to clarify that it was because the UK and US had different editions for the first book and she wanted the original, how it was meant to be written, for her collection. She then went on to admit that she had practically chosen to come to London because of Harry Potter. Wow. this girl might be a little more into it than the average 20 something year old he’d previously mentioned. Don’t get him wrong though, Eric wasn’t scared off by this at all. Rather it was just the opposite. It was impressive of her. He’d always admired fan’s dedication to things. It was honestly such a true show of character. If a fan can give that much endless love and devotion to something fictional, or to a singer or actor, etc. Then just think about what happens when they’re given something real. When that cute boy band they love for so long suddenly gets replaced in their life by a boy they love with all their heart. The fan already knows sacrifice, to care for someone else’s happiness above their own, these are honestly hard qualities to find in those who scoff at someone else’s “obsession”.

Having finished their snacks and Eric’s first meal of the day, the two of them were ready to head back to the flat, but not without Eric first getting stuck holding the cafe door open for more people. As tiring as it was to do all the time, it was honestly so instinctive for him that he hardly even noticed he had done it until he saw Lizzie patiently waiting on him to continue her explanation of why she chose London. So the company she had chosen was just blocks away from King’s Cross, well that narrowed down where she interned. Eric knew the city well. It was like Google Maps street view in his head as he mentally pinpointed where this building might be. Honestly nothing was coming to mind, but publishing companies weren’t exactly something he’d ever had to keep an eye out for. He did know the general area— wait why was he trying to figure out where she was working? That was a little stalkerish.

Eric was running out of conversation as they walked back. So far Lizzie had been the driving force behind everything. His opportunity came when she asked aloud about the time, but just as Eric was lifting his wrist to check his watch she already had her phone out, had checked the time and was reading a text message. Technology...right then. So as to not have raised his hand for nothing he let it continue up to run his fingers through his hair. He watched her for a brief minute but once he realized that was a little invasive as she was typing away on her phone he adjusted his gaze down to his feet as they walked. Upon approaching the flat, Lizzie insisted on being the one to unlock and open the door this time, holding it open for him to walk through and grinning as though she’d won some competition she’d started in her head.

After locking the door behind them Lizzie had carried on towards her room, while Eric stood frozen in place as Olivia made herself known. Act normal, act normal...what did he even have to hide?? He hadn’t done anything! He willed his feet to move and began his way down the hall intending to veer right into the common space but he made the mistake of making eye contact with Olivia. She knew. She knew everything. Again though, what exactly was he trying to hide? They just went to get coffee together, well Lizzie got coffee. But this was now the second time in two days that Olivia had caught them alone and he knew the questions would come out sooner or later.
”Yeah, we went to the cafe down the street.”
”Cool…” Olivia’s eyes had finally settled on Eric as Lizzie had now moved closer to him, but he couldn’t stay strong any longer, not against Olivia. He looked away as the hamsters in Olivia’s brain worked overtime spinning the wheel of thoughts as she pieced together the information she’d gathered yesterday with today’s findings, ”Did you already eat then?” she kept her eyes on him until he looked back at her and they made contact for a brief second before she turned back to Lizzie, ”I was about to order something.”
It was a simple question on surface level but Eric knew what she was getting at: It wasn’t uncommon for her to come home to find he’d slept the day away just so he didn’t have to sit around feeling hungry. Especially on Tuesdays. It was nice to have the whole day to himself after getting off work in the morning. But the break in routine was terrible for his self care. He had no reason to go out. Couldn’t grab lunch at work, snack on whatever an actor brought in that day, and he generally wasn’t comfortable eating Olivia’s food in the flat kitchen. So it was right for Olivia to be worried and offer to buy dinner, but at the same time, he had just come back from the cafe. And with Lizzie. He’d been eating with her just yesterday. So chances were he had eaten again if he’d been with her.

”Um, I ate— thanks though.” Wow, real convincing Eric. He had eaten though. Lizzie could attest to that. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t still hungry. He took his leave then, disappearing back into the common space as he heard Olivia direct her attention to Lizzie. He retrieved his water bottle from earlier and sunk back into the couch after emptying his pockets onto the coffee table before him. Car keys, wallet, lighter, and the crumpled receipt from his guitar string purchase yesterday. Yes. He was wearing the same pants, but don’t worry he had changed shirts since yesterday. And now he had clean laundry in the car. Part of Eric couldn’t wait to take off these jeans and knock out for another nap. But the girls’ voices in the hall were far too distracting. And it was a little late for a nap now, he might as well just stay up and go to bed early. This was another thing about Tuesdays. He had too much spare time. Eric honestly didn’t know what to do with himself. And it wasn’t like this was his home. So it felt a little weird just sitting around twiddling his thumbs all day. Maybe he should just let himself sleep, at least it would pass the time— ”Don’t fall asleep, food will be here in 20.” Or not.


()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 083018----------- LOCATION — the hotel----------- COMPANY — eric & olivia

Lizzie had no intention of actually going into her bedroom after she opened the door. As the two friends talked - or more exchanged a couple words - she unhooked her wallet from around her wrist and tossed it onto her desk to stuff into her purse later. It wasn’t like she would be needing it for a while and no one was going to be in her bedroom aside from her.

Rejoining the pair, Lizzie overheard Olivia mention something about ordering in. She carefully watched the two now, noticing the subtle looks they shared with one another. For a split second, she felt kind of envious of Olivia. If the Flat Night Out at the pub showed her that Olivia and Eric were close, the silent exchange the two had just now confirmed that they were basically in-sync with each other. They really were best friends.

Lizzie stood by them wishing she could be just like that with Eric. Maybe one day when they can get out their awkward getting to know you phase. Maybe.

After Eric reassured Olivia that he had eaten earlier, Lizzie watched him silently leave their group in the hallway to walk over to the couch in the living room. She momentarily watched him as he emptied his pockets before taking a seat. All the while registering that Olivia was actually talking to her.

She blinked a couple times then as she turned away from the back of Eric’s head to once more look at her flatmate. “Sorry, what was that?” she asked, confused.

She watched Olivia flash her the same strange look from earlier when she and Eric came from the cafe. Whatever was going on in Olivia’s mind, Lizzie was unable to read it.

Olivia didn’t offer a verbal interpretation of her strange look. Instead, she repeated what she had said just a moment ago. “I said I was thinking of ordering some Wagamamas through Deliveroo. Want something?” Lizzie took a moment to think this over, all the while swirling the remaining ice cubes in her now empty coffee cup. She eventually agreed to getting something from this Wagamamas place, but added that she had no idea what was on the menu.

While Olivia excused herself momentarily to grab her wallet in her room, Lizzie took a seat at the dining table. She had replaced her empty coffee cup with Olivia’s phone, scrolling through the many dishes she could choose from on this Deliveroo app. She learned quickly that this was basically like Postmates or Uber Eats. But, like, didn’t they have those here in the UK as well? It was definitely something she would need to look into later.

When Olivia returned to the common area, Lizzie overheard her talking to Eric; demanding him to stay awake since the food was coming. She looked up from the phone screen to shoot her flatmate a look. Obviously, since she had the phone in her hand, she knew that the woman was lying. But Olivia, having registered the look, simply shrugged her shoulders and took the seat beside her at the dining table.

“I’ll get my wallet so I can pay you back while we wait,” Lizzie stated after returning the phone to its owner. But as she stood up from her chair, she felt a hand firmly grasp her arm in an attempt to pull her right back down. Olivia was quick to comment that there was no need to pay her back this time around; dinner was on her tonight. And before Lizzie could attempt to insist on paying for her food, Olivia shot her a look that immediately told her that her word was final. Lizzie briefly looked over at Eric, wondering if this was something he was used to from Olivia. This behavior seemed like a habit the way it popped up so naturally.

Some thirty minutes later - sorry Eric, looks like Olivia lied - Lizzie overheard a knock at the front door. She looked up from her computer screen to watch as Olivia walked out of the common area to answer the door. During the time between ordering the food and now, Lizzie’s friends had once again called her for a group call. This time around, though, she decided to take the call in her bedroom so that she could catch them up on all that happened today. After their earlier call, they had been hounding her with requests to tell them why and how she was spending time with “Superman”. So in-between whatever verbal responses she gave for other topics not involving Eric, she was also typing away everything she could tell them about her afternoon and early evening with him. Despite the developed code words they had in their arsenal, she just didn’t want to risk anyone in the flat finding out her interest in him…. Yet?

“Oi! Eric! You better not be sleeping again,” she overheard Olivia bark at Eric as she once more passed the open door of her bedroom. Lizzie briefly looked away from the computer screen to watch the two friends interact while Olivia unloaded the take away bag onto the dinner table.

“Hellooooooo! Liz!” suddenly came the voice in her ear. She jumped, noticing that her friends were all looking at her expectedly.

“Lizzie! Food’s here!” came Olivia’s voice through her other ear. Lizzie turned her head again to find Olivia now looking right at her, waving for her to come join them. With a nod, she told her friends that she needed to leave to eat dinner and that she would text them. Her friends were not that thrilled about that.

As she returned to the dining table, there was a moment when Lizzie wondered where she should sit. A part of her wanted to sit next to Eric, obviously. But she knew that despite their afternoon together - and him resting his arm on her chair - it probably wasn’t the best idea. Especially since they weren’t going to be alone this time. She knew that her best options were to sit beside Olivia or across from them.

When she approached the dining table, she noticed that Olivia had set up the table so that they would occupy the three chairs located at the half of the table beside the living room. She searched for the yakisoba she had ordered then found it in front of the chair directly across from Eric’s. Olivia had placed herself at the head chair to be seated between the both of them. Smart move on her part, really.

“So, this is your first time having Wagamama then?” Olivia asked Lizzie, watching her remove the lid from her container.

As she grabbed a pair of chopsticks from the small utensil pile between the three of them, Lizzie looked over at Olivia and nodded. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ve heard of it until now. But it looks good!”

“I think there are supposed to be restaurants in the states…” Olivia faded out her statement as she pulled out her phone to look at something. Or more, look up something. Moments later, she nodded and turned off her phone. “Right, nevermind. They’re mostly in New York. And you’re California…” Lizzie nodded to confirm the reminder.

Admittedly, Lizzie wasn’t all that hungry. True, she only had a chocolate croissant not even an hour ago. But since Olivia offered to pay for all of their meals, she thought it rude to not eat it while it was still hot. When looking across the table at Eric, she could tell he probably felt the same. After all, he was the one that had a sandwich when they went to the cafe. She wondered if he would be able to finish the tonkatsu Olivia ordered for him.

“So?” Olivia asked after Lizzie had taken a few bites of her noodles. “What do you think?”

Lizzie chewed her food a few more times then swallowed before responding with, “It’s good! I’m definitely gonna try something else next time.”

“Here, try some of mine. Maybe you’ll like it,” Olivia then offered, pushing her container closer to her. “Don’t worry, I’m used to sharing. Especially when it involves him,” she added, nodding to Eric.

Lizzie craned her neck slightly to look at Olivia’s food. Her chopsticks had been at the ready to take her up on her offer when her brain went into immediate red alert. She immediately dropped her chopsticks back into her noodles. “Your food looks great, but I’m okay. I actually don’t eat shrimp,” she explained.

She watched as Olivia gave her a considering look then looked down at her plate. It was as if she had forgotten there was shrimp in there. “You don’t like seafood?” she then asked slowly.

Lizzie offered a kind smile as she shook her head. “Oh, no. I like an extent. I’m actually allergic to shellfish,” she told her.

“Oh…” Just as expected, this revelation momentarily stunned Olivia. Lizzie watched her flatmate once more look from her to her plate as the corners of her lips turned down slightly. It was a look she was used to seeing from new friends that were getting to know her; guilty realization.

“ can’t eat shrimp?” Olivia repeated. Lizzie once again nodded to confirm. “And other types of shellfish then?” At this, Lizzie offered the list she basically knew by heart to her flatmate. As always, it was better they knew now than later.

“Huh, good to know. You should probably tell Malcolm though. He’s in the middle of this ‘clean eats’ binge and some of his experiment meals do involve seafood.” At this, Lizzie jokingly commented that so long as it’s just fish, she’ll manage to live another day.

Just as she had predicted, Lizzie was unable to finish all of her food. Luckily for her, she wasn’t the only one. She watched for a moment as Olivia explained to Eric that he should put the rest of his food in the fridge and eat it as leftovers tomorrow. It wasn’t a bad idea and she thought about doing the same. So when it was agreed that all three of them were done with their meals, Lizzie took her remaining noodles to the kitchen with the others. She grabbed the clean, empty container Olivia offered her to scoop her food into while she and Eric worked on his. It was during this moment that she noticed for the first time how often Olivia seemed to...take care of Eric? It was an interesting sight to watch.

With dinner now finished, Lizzie couldn’t find a reason to stay with the others. In fact, she felt a bit awkward in the sense that it felt as if she was some kind of third wheel between Olivia and Eric. As much as she wanted to spend more time with them - well, specifically Eric - she didn’t want to force herself into their little duo. So she excused herself one more time with the excuse that she promised her friends she would call back after dinner. After saying good night to the two, she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge then returned to her bedroom. This time around, she closed the door behind her.

Like earlier, Lizzie only stuck one earbud into her ear during the Skype call. She could overhear noises from the other side of the door. Although slightly muffled, she did recognize the different voices and noted when her other flatmates came home. By the time her own roommate arrived, there had been silence for about an hour until she heard the double doors directly outside their bedroom close. That was her cue to call it a night as well.

Now that she had been living in the UK for almost a week, Lizzie’s body was semi returning to a normal sleep schedule. Granted, it wasn’t “normal” in the sense that most adults her age were used to. And it was also a “normal” schedule she was trying to be rid of. Now that her body was becoming more accustomed to the time change, she was fairly certain that she would be one of the first people awake.

The first thing she registered now that she was awake was her roommate’s slow breathing. Naturally, Veronica would still be asleep. She came home close to midnight and had immediately prepared to go to bed. There was no way she would be awake at this hour. The next thing she noticed now was that for the first time since moving to the UK, she was awake before the sun. It was this clue that immediately told her what time it was and what her body was telling her.

And...oddly enough… she wanted to abide by it.

After a bit of researching on her iPad, Lizzie shut off her tablet and tucked it under her pillow. She wouldn’t be needing it where she was going. When she finished pulling up the directions on her phone to take a screenshot, Lizzie carefully and quietly slipped out of bed to change without waking her roommate. After all, it was only half passed five. She didn’t want to be hated only a week in because of her inability to break her old routine.

Much to her surprise, she wasn’t the first person awake in the flat that morning. Slipping out of her bedroom, she noticed that while the double doors were still closed, there was a person currently sitting at the dining table with what appeared to be a laptop screen forming a shadowy silhouette. Lizzie concluded upon close examination from her position that it was Olivia. What in the world was she doing so early on her computer?

While she was changing in the bathroom, Lizzie had a moment as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Even if she didn’t know it at the time, she knew there was a reason she wanted to pack her old training suit for the UK. Sure, she quit the swim team a couple months ago, but there was no denying that old habits die hard no matter if she was tired of it or not. Even though she had decided to quit swimming, she knew that it would always be a part of her. And now, staring at herself dressed in her training suit, that realization was more clear. It was no wonder her body found it impossible to sleep in after all these months. All it knew was the need to train. And sometimes, she just wanted to give into it. Even when it wasn’t actually training.

Once she slipped on her old UCLA Swimming sweatpants, Lizzie tied her hair up into a bun before finally leaving the bathroom. As she opened the door to leave, there was a brief second when her body tensed as if preparing for something. For some reason, it was right.

Eyes wide, Lizzie gasped and let her gaze travel upward until they fell on Eric’s face. Was this another one of those mornings when Eric was usually the first one awake?

“O-Oh! Hi… Good morning,” she greeted with uncertainty. She then looked passed him, noticing that the double doors were now open. From where she was standing, she could have sworn she heard Olivia muttering...probably to herself.

“ need the bathroom?” she asked, realizing too late that she probably asked a dumb question. Eric was standing in front of the bathroom when she opened the door. Obviously he had intentions of using it. Muttering a couple sorries, Lizzie sidestepped around Eric to exit the bathroom. “Okay, all yours,” she commented. As Eric went inside, Lizzie crossed her arms over chest, suddenly self-conscious of the fact that he just walked in on her wearing a swimsuit. Not that it was anything to be self-conscious of; it’s a one piece after all. But it’s not like he knew her background in swimming. Would he think her being in a swimsuit at close to six in the morning was weird?

In the end, Lizzie decided to push that thought aside. If Eric was up that early, it wasn’t like he would be around long enough for her explain her choice of attire that morning. He probably had work or something. Maybe she would explain herself the next time they saw each other.

Since she didn’t bring her training bag with her to the UK - because it’s not like she would need it often - Lizzie decided to toss her extra clothes and other necessities into her future school backpack. Everything fit too snug inside the bag, but it was the best she could do for the time being. Once she was all packed, Lizzie wrote a note to Veronica letting her know where she went just in case it was necessary.

“Hey, where are you heading off to so early?” was Olivia’s greeting when Lizzie once more stepped out of her bedroom. This time around, she put on her own team jacket over her training suit and had zipped it all the way up to hide it. So obviously Olivia probably couldn’t figure out what the hell she was doing.

Lizzie took in the scene of Olivia sitting in the same seat she had seen her in earlier, only this time she was not facing her computer. “Um, the community center nearby?” she responded, unsure if she should have said more.

Since it was still dark out, she couldn’t read whatever expression her flatmate had on her face. “At six in the morning?”

Maybe she should actually attempt to explain herself. Lizzie pondered over how much she should mention. On the one hand, she could give full details of why she wanted to go swimming so early in the morning. On the other, Lizzie wondered if Olivia would even care. In the end, she decided on, “I won’t be long. I’m just gonna go for a swim.” With a small wave, she turned toward the door to leave. As she opened the front door, she took one last look back down the hall at the still closed bathroom door.

Her research earlier told her that the community center pool was open to the public after half past six every morning. Even if her internal clock was accustomed to being in the water by five - or four when she had a meet - she was fine with this. At least there was access to a pool.

She arrived at the community center sometime after the pool was open to the public. When she stepped inside the center, staff were still preparing for the day. The lady stationed at the front desk was actually shocked to see someone at this hour and had even been blunt enough to express her surprise. Lizzie kept a friendly face and explained that she was looking to do some laps at the pool. When she was pointed in the direction of the pool, Lizzie offered her thanks and left.

She kept her things against the wall nearby her lane. Since there was no one else using the pool with her, she took the middle lane for herself. Before going into the water, she did a few minutes of stretches. Fortunately for her, despite having quit swimming, she still had mornings like today and thus she was nowhere near rusty. Granted, she was also aware that her lack of a daily training schedule meant that she wouldn’t be winning any meets anytime soon.

Nowadays, she swam laps for fun.

After stretches, Lizzie undid her bun to let her hair down. Since she wasn’t planning on rushing laps, a swim cap was obviously not necessary. And she didn’t want to deal with possible tangling if she kept her hair up while in the water. Once she stripped out of her sweats, Lizzie she tossed it with her jacket and bag then took a step onto the middle lane platform. A few deep breaths later, she leaned forward, took one last deep breath then dove in.

By the Lizzie officially climbed out of the pool, she was exhausted, her fingers were shriveled up like raisins and she had lost track of time. The only indication she had that she had been in the pool for a while was the fact that the sun was now shining through the windows above. Morning officially arrived.

As she collected her things, she decided that she would just rinse her body and shower when she returned to the flat. Despite having the locker room all to herself, she quickly rinsed the chlorine off her body before changing into the extra clothes she brought. She then packed everything else back in her backpack so that she could leave.

Now that she was no longer focused on making sure she breathed through her laps, she realized she was actually starving. Thankfully, the cafe at the community center was now open. She could go for a coffee and a pastry right about now. It sure was great being able to eat anything she wanted after swimming laps.

By the time she returned to the flat, everyone was up and on their way to do their daily thing. In fact, as she was rounding the corner into her neighborhood, she could have sworn she saw what looked like Angel and Malcolm walking to a car. When she arrived at the front of the flat, all the cars that had been parked in front were now gone. She did vaguely recall overhearing someone in the flat mention last night that there was street sweeping today.

The last person in the flat when she finally entered was Veronica. Her roommate was in the middle of having breakfast when Lizzie entered the common area. As her roommate ate, Lizzie went into a brief explanation of why she had left the flat so early that morning to go swimming. Veronica understood the decision and was quick to poke fun at it. It was all light hearted teasing, of course. Lizzie took no offense to it.

After she bid farewell to her roommate, Lizzie was once again left alone at the flat. Naturally, the first thing she did was unpack her backpack and shower. Even though she had wrapped her soaked swimsuit in her towel, it had still managed to soak her backpack. She would have to find a way to dry everything later.

The rest of her morning after her shower was spent preparing for the rest of her day. She honestly didn’t have much planned. But the highlight of her Wednesday was that she had been invited to have lunch with a few students from the English department she met during orientation. So when it was due time for her to leave so that she could make it to Central London on time, she made sure she had everything she needed to navigate the city and locked the door behind her.

Because of a delay on the Underground, Lizzie was the last to arrive at the restaurant. In fact, the other students she was meeting were already seated at a table discussing what they were going to order. “Hi! Sorry I’m late!” she apologized. Everyone at the table looked up from their menus to offer their greetings. All the while, Edward, a tall guy in a polo shirt and a cute smile, stood up from his seat to welcome her. She thought the gesture was awfully kind of him; especially when he went so far as to pull out the empty seat beside him for her.

Lizzie was glad that she came to this lunch. On top of that, she was glad that she found a group of people in her department that she could get along with. At least now she had a group of friends outside the flat she could potentially depend on if she needed help navigating the city. Overall, she thought this lunch outing was a success. In fact, it was such a success that they decided to go somewhere else together once they paid the tab. Also, Edward the Gentleman had invited her to an open mic night near the university this Saturday night.

Everyone was already home when she arrived at the flat. Olivia had finally left her post at the dining table and was working in her bedroom. The boys had taken over the living room to watch something on the television. And Veronica was entertaining a middle aged man that shared similar features to her. A memory of a photo frame on her roommate’s bedside told Lizzie that the man was Veronica’s father. As she came in to introduce herself, Lizzie briefly peeked over at the bigger couch and noticed that the blanket was folded up in the corner. It was a Wednesday, which meant rehearsals. Guess Eric isn’t coming over tonight.

Thursday morning started off the same as the previous morning. However, instead of giving in to the habit of being awake before the sun, Lizzie ignored the internal alerts to get up as she rolled over onto her other side and begged for more sleep.

When she woke up for the second time that morning, it was to the sound of her phone ringing. She let out a low groan, blindly swiping her hand around until she felt the vibrating phone under her fingertips.

“Hello?” Lizzie groaned.

“Hey, Lizzie! It’s Olivia!” greeted her flatmate over the phone. “You doing anything today?”

Lizzie groaned once again as she rolled onto her back. “No, not really. Why, what’s up?”

“I finished my paper for my last class. D’you wanna have lunch after I drop it off? To celebrate?” In the background Lizzie could hear the wind and what sounded like Olivia panting. She must be rushing somewhere.

“Um, sure--” she replied slowly.

However, before she could continue, Olivia interrupted with, “Great! There is this restaurant that I think you’re going to love. I’ll text you the address and maybe we can meet at noon?” After Lizzie agreed to the plan, Olivia hung up. Well looks like she once again had lunch plans with friends.

It took a while for Lizzie to find the address Olivia had given her. At some point after making a wrong turn, she had to resort to using what limited data she had on her phone to utilize Maps to get her back on track. By the time she made it to the address, it was fifteen past and Olivia was standing outside focusing intensely on what she could only guess is a text message.

“Hi! I’m here! I may have gotten lost a couple times!” Lizzie greeted. She watched as Olivia looked up momentarily to register her arrival before returning to the important text message. She waited another minute until Olivia let out a sigh then returned her attention to her.

“Um, Olivia, I thought you said we were going to a restaurant…” Lizzie inquired. “It looks more like a hotel to me…”

Olivia laughed. “The restaurant is inside. Come on,” she explained simply, waving her hand to indicate that she should follow. As they entered the hotel, Lizzie acknowledged both to herself and outloud to Olivia that the inside was beautiful. She watched as people walked around to various parts of the hotel. And she kept people watching after Olivia gave her name to the hostess at the front of the restaurant. “It’s going to be about fifteen minutes for a table to open up, so we can sit out in the lobby until then.”

“So, how did you hear about this place?” Lizzie asked curiously as they took a couple seats near the restaurant entrance. She watched Olivia think this question over until she finally answered that a friend told her about it. Not exactly the most specific answer, but it wasn’t like she was expecting a full essay. “Well...your friend must have some good taste. This place is, like, so pretty.”

“Yeah, the staff are nice to look at too,” Olivia added with a laugh. Just then, Lizzie caught sight of a male hotel staff member walk toward the front desk on the other side of the lobby. She wondered if his front looked as good as his back. It was rare to see a guy with long hair able to make it look presentably tame without putting it in some kind of man bun--“That guy look familiar to you?”

What? Lizzie blinked and turned to look at her flatmate now that the cute mystery staff member disappeared. She shot Olivia a confused look that was only met with another laugh. “Look, he’s coming back,” she then added with a nod. Slowly, Lizzie looked away from Olivia toward the direction she indicated.

No...he didn’t look familiar. Or...actually...he kind of did. However, Lizzie had trouble pinpointing how she could possibly know someone she probably hasn’t met before. After all, she’s only been in the UK a week. The only people she knew were her flatmates, the new friends she made at school and--

Lizzie’s eyes widened. A light bulb suddenly turned on in her head. No. It couldn’t be. Could it?

Just as she was wrapping her head around the possibility that the mystery male staff member was who she thought he was, she could hear Olivia laugh beside her. Or maybe it was a snicker.

“Excuse me, sir!” Olivia suddenly called out. Lizzie felt her body tense when she realized that Eric - yes, it was definitely Eric now that she saw past the...groomed look - was in earshot. It was as if the world had suddenly been put in slow motion watching him turn to face them. The look on his face alone told her everything that Lizzie needed to know; he had absolutely no idea that they would be here today. “Do you mind telling me the best way to get to Piccadilly Circus?”

Now that Eric was aware they were there, Lizzie shot up out of her chair and approached him. “Hi!” she greeted, recognizing that her cheerful tone was a little forced. “Um, Olivia failed to tell me that here…” she then added, shooting her flatmate a look.

“Party of two for Olivia! Your table is ready!”

()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 083018----------- LOCATION — outside the hotel----------- COMPANY — lizzie & olivia

So she had ordered food for him after all. Had he really expected otherwise? Olivia cared so much it was almost borderline abusive sometimes. Not like toxic abusive, no no. Like when people say babies are so cute they want to eat them. Olivia was over here damn near force feeding him because she knew he wouldn’t feed himself otherwise. She did an excellent job controlling herself though, she knew when it was too much. She knew when to let him struggle through something on his own and when to intervene so he didn’t get himself killed. It wasn’t easy, she would move the moon for him if she could, but it was hard enough to get him to stay in the flat sometimes, the last thing she wanted to do was smother him and risk making him too uncomfortable accepting help. So she did it in doses, like buying dinner without his permission, ”Alright Mum,”

While it might appear that Eric wasn’t particularly paying attention to the girls sitting behind him, he did overhear Olivia refusing to let Lizzie pay for dinner and he couldn’t help but smirk softly. This was his indirect revenge for her buying his lunch at the ABC, now it was her turn to experience it the helplessness of someone else paying for you and losing the battle to repay them. Olivia didn’t often do it in public beyond rounds of drinks, she knew how it made him feel. So when Lizzie had at the ABC he’d really been at a loss for words. It wasn’t that he was concerned what others would think, it was 2018, a girl could pay for his meal. But it always made him feel especially vulnerable and became this bottled up guilt deep inside him which only added to his self-loathing. Why couldn’t he support himself? He had a nice job, creative hobbies, good friend(s), but here he was literally counting coins trying to determine if he could eat that day or not. And before he knew it he had gone full circle and his hatred of his mother for putting him in this position had resurfaced and Eric couldn’t bring himself to even attempt socializing with the girls.

Despite Olivia’s warning he did in fact lay across the sofa and fell back asleep. He couldn’t help it, he really couldn’t fight himself once the sleepy settled in. When you work as much as he does, plus rehearsals, and literally walking hours everyday to get around, then when your body decides it’s ready to tap out you have very little control over it. While earlier he had woken up to the sound of Lizzie coming home, that was when he was still in power nap mode so it was easier to wake up at the drop of a hat. By now he was crashing from his overnight and then spending the afternoon doing laundry and his date hanging out with Lizzie. His overnights were usually delayed to hit him, it wasn’t uncommon for him to get off his shift in the morning and just continue about his day as though he’d just woken up fully refreshed. There was something really disorienting about staying awake all night and it tricked his mind and body into thinking he was fine. Then hours later it hit him and it hit him hard. Eric didn’t wake up to the knocking on the door when the delivery driver arrived. Nor did he wake up to Olivia’s semi threat or call to Lizzie that their food had arrived. It took Olivia coming over and physically, though gently, shaking his shoulder to get him to stir from the deep stage of sleep he’d slipped into, ”C’mon, get up!” As he showed signs of life she reached over and took the water bottle from him that he’d apparently fallen asleep holding, ”It’s time to eat. Don’t make me carry you over there.” It was an empty threat, they both knew there was no way Olivia could carry him anywhere unless it were like a life or death superhuman display of strength.

After a playful slap to his arm she returned to the table and Eric got himself sitting upright, arguably more tired now than when he had fallen asleep. It felt like hours had gone by but if the food had just gotten here then it couldn’t have been more than a half an hour at max. Once on his feet he pushed his current mess of hair out of his face, he’d need to detangle it before his next shift. Lizzie was already standing by the table when he got there, apparently looking over the food as though figuring out where she was seated. Eric however had a usual seat and immediately sat in it, his tonkatsu laid out awaiting him. Why this particular seat you may be wondering? He preferred to have his back to the wall, so he faced the center of the room and could see if anyone was entering the room. You could call it a survival habit he’d developed. So while he wouldn’t like, panic or anything if he was seated elsewhere, nine out of ten times he chose to sit here and so Olivia had automatically assigned him that spot.

While the girls started up a conversation, Eric was seemingly in his own little sleepy world. He was present and all, but suddenly everything just felt like it took a lot more exertion than it should have. Like eating. He stared down at the slightly daunting task at hand; dinner. Don’t get him wrong, he was still starving. But you know that feeling right when you wake up, especially if it wasn’t a restful sleep, and you almost feel a little sick? Yeah that was him right now. Olivia had warned him not to fall asleep but oops, he had. Eric initially reached for one of the forks Olivia had taken out while setting the table. Stop judging him, right now, stop it. He knew how to use chopsticks, but he was just a little slow with them as Asian cuisine was not in his menu until post high school and certainly wasn’t often enough for him to have much practice. Not to mention seeing as how his food was basically rice and meat, he didn’t want to fumble through trying to eat when he was this tired. But no one else had picked up a fork so his hand skipped over to the chopsticks not wanting to be the only one not using them. Eric wasn’t usually one to give in to peer pressure, whether intentional or not, but between Olivia who would surely tease him later, and Lizzie who he didn’t want to think he was useless….so yeah there was a good deal of pressure on him at the table tonight. Chopsticks it was.

Eric was making steady silent progress on his dinner until he heard his name at which he blinked up to look between Olivia and Lizzie. Someone had mentioned him but he’d completely missed whatever they’d said. He took this moment to reach for his water bottle which Olivia had brought over while his eyes watched as Lizzie contemplated the offer to try Olivia’s food. But then—didn’t? He perked up at Lizzie’s mention of not eating shrimp. Finally, something other than small talk about whether or not America had the same restaurant. And of all the possible topics it was something about Lizzie. But then it came up, allergic. Admittedly Eric missed Lizzie’s clarification of what other seafood she couldn’t eat as his mind was cycling through all the foods she was probably missing out on. It was like a PowerPoint presentation in his head but it was only pictures of food without any of the actual important information he was supposed to be taking notes on. Forgive him, he was tired.

He really hadn’t said much the entire time and before he knew it Olivia was telling him not to force himself to finish his food and that he should just bring it for lunch at work. It wasn’t a bad idea, and guaranteed at least one meal for tomorrow. So Eric agreed and moved to bring his food to the kitchen counter to pack away. Out of habit he also grabbed the extra napkins and various trash that had accumulated on the table during their dinner. He was so used to clearing tables and surfaces that his body just moved on its own to ensure that nothing was left behind. Eric took a container for his leftovers but it only took Olivia a moment of watching before she swooped in to help, ”Stop, stop, stop—give it here,” Eric could cook, clean, laundry, drive, write, drink, socialize, but packing lunch was not something he was used to. He’d never really needed to his whole life. Growing up if it wasn’t prepackaged from the shop then he didn’t eat that day because there simply was never proper food in his house. So Olivia couldn’t help but jump in when she saw him just dumping everything together.

Once all the leftovers were stored away in the fridge Lizzie bid them goodnight and left the room; Eric watched her leave, up until he caught Olivia staring at him expectantly, arms crossed, eyebrow raised as she leaned against the kitchen counter as though awaiting some sort of explanation. She had never seen Eric genuinely interested in anyone before and wasn’t entirely sure how to approach the subject. Obviously she wanted her best friend to be happy, but was this the right way? Lizzie was studying abroad, as in she would leave back to the States once her school year was up. That would be fine and all for like a summer romance fling, but that wasn’t Eric. He’d had plenty of non-romantic relationships and not once had he looked at anyone the way he watched Lizzie. Truthfully it worried Olivia, she didn’t want him getting hurt over this in the long run, and on top of that she lived with Lizzie. If things went downhill the fallout would affect the entire flat. So while she didn’t want to discourage whatever was happening between the two, she wasn’t quite ready to support it either.

In the end they didn’t talk much on the subject, a bit of hushed back and forth and another warning from Olivia to be careful but nothing particularly deep or meaningful. Eric was clearly mentally checked out for the day, all energy both physical and social had been spent and he was ready to knock out for the rest of the night.
”I’m home~ Oh— you’re here.” Eric couldn’t quite tell if that was disappointment or just stating the fact, but Angel continued on to his room to put his bag down before returning to whirlwind his way through the kitchen. It had been a while since Eric had been at the flat on a Tuesday, and honestly he was a little surprised he hadn’t seen Angel during the day. Usually they were the only two around during the day. Although he also didn’t often stay over Tuesday nights. He always found it kind of awkward to lounge around the flat all of Tuesday after his post-overnight nap so often times Eric would spend the day out and then sleep in his car or somewhere else rather than return to the flat. It was that whole feeling like he was a guest overstaying his visit; and right now Angel wasn’t making him feel any better about it.
Malcolm was the next to return home and he got straight into the shower before he too joined the common space to begin his meal prep for tomorrow. Eric had finished his water by now and had just returned from brushing his teeth when Olivia announced that she was going to bed - but not without giving the boys a reminder about street sweeping in the morning.

Eric was asleep before Ricki even came home and he completely slept through her getting ready for bed. He didn’t wake the next morning either when a flat resident snuck into the dining area. What finally brought him out of his sleep was the smell of a freshly brewed cup of coffee, and then as he came to he could hear the soft clicking of a keyboard. Sitting up he was able to see….Olivia? He rubbed his eye and moved his hair out of the way. Yes, Olivia was sitting at the table with her laptop and a mug beside her. She hadn’t yet noticed he was awake as Eric pulled back his blanket to expose his legs and got to his feet. He was dressed in a slightly oversized plain grey pullover hoodie which he pulled over his head to help hold his hair back out of his face until he was ready to deal with it. The neckline had a slit cut into it, more so for personal comfort than style. Again, he’d slept with no pants. However this time it was a little less by choice and more so that he hadn’t grabbed clothes from his laundry yesterday so all he had in the flat with him were yesterday’s tshirt and jeans. And then this hoodie he’d had in the depths of his backpack.

Walking over to Olivia he didn’t hesitate to pick up and take a sip of her coffee while she appeared mesmerized by something on her screen. It was black, no cream no sugar and he couldn’t fight the face he made at the bitter taste. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy black coffee, his taste buds just hadn’t been ready for that particular flavor first thing in the morning. It was when her hand absentmindedly reached for her mug only to find it was gone that she noticed the figure standing over her, ”Hey, go get your own,” He took another sip, pretending to have not heard her as his eyes glanced down to her laptop, ”Eric stoppp — go put some clothes on I have to finish this!” So it was most likely school related. One last sip and then he relinquished the coffee back to her with a few words about how he was going to shower. Might as well mention it now to give her the chance to run to the bathroom if she needed to before he took it over. Not that he would be particularly long...well...sometimes his hair did take him a while…

He had his own toothbrush in the bathroom, as per Olivia’s insisting. And he used a guest towel which was also stored in there. So all he had to bring to the bathroom was himself as he opened the double doors and made his way down the hall. The bathroom door was shut which was a little unusual for this hour as he was normally the only one awake. But maybe someone had just closed it on their way out by mistake? Just as his hand left his side to open the door he watched as the knob turned on its own and he found himself face to face with Lizzie. Was this dejavu? She looked to be just as surprised to see him as he was to see her. Last A.M encounter they’d had together had been a little later in the morning. But currently it wasn’t even six yet, and she had said herself yesterday that she didn’t start her classes for another two or so weeks. Yes, he had been paying attention and remembered that detail. “Middle of September”. So...why would she subject herself to waking up this early? It was then, and the helpful fact that he literally had to look down to see her, that he noticed her shoulders were awfully exposed. Some type of...sleeveless...skintight...bodysuit….leotard looking thing. His eyes may have traveled a little lower than necessary.

You’re up early.
Got plans today?
What are you wearing?

All the possible conversation starters he could have used but all he could mutter was, ”Morning” With his slightly rough, just woke up, haven’t really spoken yet voice; followed by a short response that yes, he did need to use the bathroom. And then that was that. No further interactions between them, Lizzie stepped aside and Eric offered a simple thanks as he passed her into the bathroom. Shutting the door behind him his hand faltered on the door knob for a moment as he listened to her making her way back down the hall. Right, c’mon Eric, you need to get ready for work. He peed. Showered. Attacked his wavy mess of hair with a brush. And then shaved, because he worked in a service industry and appearance was everything. By the time he left the bathroom Lizzie was gone, Olivia told him so before commenting that he still hadn’t gotten dressed. Eric filled the kettle to make tea, it would have to be early grey again since he hadn’t yet restocked the black tea for the flat. While the water boiled he went over to his bag to change...back into yesterday’s clothes. He’d get fresh ones when he went to— ”Don’t forget to move your car,” it was like Olivia had read his mind. It wasn’t that she didn’t think he would though, he almost never parked it at the flat so he was sure to move it immediately. But as his adopted mother and best friend it was her duty to remind him and she went on to mention his leftovers in the fridge too.

Once he’d finished his tea and grabbed his food Eric slipped his hoodie back on and was out of the door after a mixed exchange of byes, love yous and some more teasing with Olivia. His first step was to move his car, back around the same neighborhood he’d had it in before. There was a fine balance to maintain in selecting where to park: it had to be somewhere along his commute line so he didn’t have to go too far out of his way to get to it. It had to be in a nice enough area that he didn’t need to worry about it getting broken into. But the area couldn’t be too nice because his ancient dirty car would stand out and if he left it parked too long then some entitled posh lady would call to have it towed for car abandonment. It had to be somewhere without parking meters, time limits or permits. So you see, there was a lot to consider when choosing a parking spot.

When he did finally decide on an appropriate spot his next task was to change into clean clothes which was honestly much simpler since it wasn’t like he had a whole lot of options to choose from. The harder part was the physical act of changing. His options were either to be cramped inside the car; and he was rather tall so it was a little awkward maneuvering in that small of a space. Or he could change standing beside his open car door. Honestly he could care less if someone saw him. He personally wasn’t bothered by it, but again with the whole choosing of his parking spot, he didn’t want to risk tripping any red flags if someone in this neighborhood wasn’t okay with the tatted, long haired, homeless guy stripping by the street at seven something in the morning. He opted to change inside his car and then before he knew it he was on his way to work with a cigarette to curb his morning hunger.

Nothing particularly interesting happened the rest of the day. He got to enjoy his packed leftovers for lunch that day, that was probably the highlight of his day. After work he had rehearsal which also went fairly well. They scheduled things to work on this coming Saturday when they got to sit down for their production meeting. And someone had brought snacks so Eric nibbled on those for the two hours he sat in the theater. He was kind of starving by now to the point that he actually turned down joining the others to drink tonight. That also meant turning down a place to sleep that night...he could have trekked back to the flat but he was honestly pretty tired and didn’t feel up to making the hour long walk back in the dark. His car was closer and so his car was where he spent the night. Don’t let anyone fool you into romanticising sleeping in your car. It’s stressful and not comfortable at all. Especially when you’re 6’ tall and share your car with all your worldly possessions.

As you can probably imagine he didn’t wake up feeling great. He was cold and stiff and sore, and not well rested at all. Honestly he was rather regretting his decision to sleep in the car instead of going back to the flat. But it was a little late for that, it was morning already and he needed to leave for work shortly after waking up. You see without a doubt the two biggest downsides to sleeping in the car were waking up without a cup of tea, and no bathroom. So getting to the hotel as quickly as possible was high on his priority list.

He was plenty early that Thursday morning because of his choice to sleep in the car. His first stop was the staff restroom where he finally got to pee and wash up and brush his teeth with the spare toothbrush he carried around in his bag. It was honestly a pretty magical bag full of just about anything he needed along with a lot of stuff he could really do without. Like the amount of notebooks he carried around sometimes? It wasn’t like he was using them all equally. It would be so much easier on his back to leave most of them in his car, yet here he was lugging them all across London everyday. Great life choices he was making here…

Now that he was proper awake and such he was able to go about getting ready for work. First thing to take care of was his hair. As usual it was a bit of a mess, but with some water, a brush and lots of patience he was able to tame it out of his face and to look intentional rather than the reality which was that he’d woken up in his car just a little over an hour ago. Being concierge he was usually granted a little more freedom and a such was able to wear his long princely locks down so long as he kept them under control. He only ever put his hair up in a bun if he had to emergency fill in for a waiter’s shift since that was a food oriented position. Or sometimes if he worked the bar, and then occasionally if he was doing something he had to really focus on but his hair kept falling in his face. But for the most part, a solid eight out of ten times, he wore it down.

Next he moved to the break room to put down his personal belongings and picked up his uniform which thank god he was allowed to store here because there was no way he’d be able to keep it looking nice if he had to carry it all around in his bag. Black slacks first followed by the white dress shirt which he buttoned all the way up, his eyes in the mirror as he watched the cross around his neck get covered with each button. Honestly he hated this shirt, it was so constricting but it was part of his uniform and he had no say in the matter. The only variation he could have done would be to roll his sleeves but seeing as how he’d collected quite a number of tattoos over the year he was no longer allowed to show his arms. Eric was buttoning the cuffs of his sleeves now, successfully covering all his tattoos with the exception of the tiny cross on his hand. Technically he wasn’t supposed to have any tattoos showing and he used to wear a band aid over it, but it was 2018 now and of all the possibilities of things it could be it was a cross so he had been granted permission to stop covering it. After he tucked his shirt into his pants and tied his tie, his vest was next followed by his suit jacket, pocket square and then finally the hotel’s emblem pinned to his collar.

It was just about time for his shift to begin and he still hadn’t eaten since the snacks at rehearsal last night, if that counted as a meal. If not then his last had been the tonkatsu leftovers. So out to the street he went with a coworker for a quick smoke. Cause that would fix everything. She was a bit of a chain smoker herself whereas Eric just needed to not feel like shit while he starved until his lunch break. Yeah this was a not so great temporary fix, but Eric wasn’t exactly in a position to have the luxury of choice. There was the phrase ‘living paycheck to paycheck’, and then there was Eric who was only focused on getting through each individual day as they came.

So 9am rolled by and his shift began. The day started out just fine but a couple hours in and people started getting rather needy. He wasn’t supposed to be in the restaurant today but twice he had to walk across the floor to grab something or find a coworker and he got stopped both times by guests. Okay, yeah, sure, that was part of his job. But it was never just a simple question to answer. They always needed something from him. The first guest wanted him to escort them back up to their room. It was an elderly woman who couldn’t even remember what floor she was staying on. So of course Eric helped her find her room and was there as a physical support so she didn’t fall and break, that would have been terrible. So that was fine, just took time out of his day and pushed back everything else he had to do. The second time was a food complaint, which again, Eric wasn’t working in the restaurant today...but when he tried to redirect them to the wait staff they got rather cross and so in the end Eric had to deal with them himself and was going back and forth between them and the kitchen until everything was settled.

Eric had vowed at that point that he wouldn’t step foot in the restaurant again for the remainder of his shift but of course the stars weren’t aligned for him that day. He really got the most absurd requests from guests sometimes. Someone had phoned down to his concierge desk asking him to pass a message along to the rest of their party who were seated in the down stairs portion of the restaurant. Eric Oliver: granny chauffeur, complaint diffuser and carrier pigeon. So he scribbled down the message on a piece of hotel stationary paper in his neat little handwriting, taking the time to ensure it was in fact legible before bravely stepping out into the restaurant for hopefully the last time that day. He made it all the way downstairs and found the message recipient. You would think that his mission would end there and he could go back to his job but no, the guest seemed to take it as he was there to play telephone and told Eric what to phone back up in response. Eric just stared dumbstruck for a moment, was this really happening? A particular Harry Potter scene popped into his head at that moment and he fought the urge to snap that he wasn’t an owl and storm off. Oh if only he could. Technically he wouldn’t be in the wrong for refusing to play this game of telephone and should have simply requested they return upstairs to speak with the other member of their party. But Eric couldn’t find the words to turn this man down and so after repeating the message aloud to ensure he understood it properly he returned up to his desk. Made a brief call back up to the room and then unfortunately turned back to relay one last final message. He didn’t make it far without being stopped though. Of course he didn’t make it far without being stopped, just as he passed the front waiting area— ”Excuse me, sir!” Eric sighed internally, what now? He had lost track of how many questions and favors he’d entertained today. Why couldn’t he just be left to do his job in peace? He was so hungry and irritable by now but work was work and he was a black belt at hiding his feelings, so as he turned to face the guest he put a friendly face on and his hands crossed down in front of him, right over left as he took on his ready to serve demeanor. Not only did he work in the customer service industry, but he worked in a hotel of all places. Language, both verbal and not, was everything at work. Now if only his personal communications skills could be as great as his on the clock skills….

His expression fell almost immediately upon seeing Olivia and Lizzie sitting together. He couldn’t even go through the emotions of getting embarrassed and then annoyed with Olivia for pranking him, he was too stuck on seeing Lizzie. His hands released each other, his posture relaxing as though a drill sergeant had given the signal for at ease. Eric glanced away briefly, calculating how long he could realistically stand here with them, it wasn’t long. And being smack in the entry area he didn’t have any freedom to react how he normally might. As it was he bit down on the inside of his lip for a moment as he looked past Lizzie to stare down his best friend, ”She didn’t exactly mention she was stopping by either,” hadn’t she just warned him to be careful [with Lizzie]? But here she was bringing the girl to his workplace for a surprise visit…what game was she playing here? But Eric wasn’t given chance to question her or give Lizzie a proper greeting for that matter. At the announcement of their table Olivia snuck up beside Lizzie and linked arms with the smaller girl as she smiled up at Eric with that knowing look of hers, ”C’mon Lizzie~ Let’s go sit down.”

Eric vanished once Olivia had pulled Lizzie towards the table. He slipped away and back through the door to his desk where his coworker, Louise the new hire, had been standing in for him. He had been training her since yesterday so he was comfortable enough leaving her alone for these short intervals as he was constantly summoned away to help other areas of the hotel or restaurant. He let out a sigh once he was out of sight of the seated areas prompting Louise to ask if everything was alright. Everything was most definitely not alright. What on Earth had Olivia been thinking bringing Lizzie here!? Out of sight and alone now with the exception of Louise he realized his heart was racing and there was this empty nauseating feeling deep in his chest. Why? It wasn’t like this was some secret or that his job was something to be ashamed of. But he felt very much exposed right now and was struggling to process the situation. Again, it really wasn’t that big a deal, so why was he so nervous at the prospect of seeing her now?

Some minutes went by, the guests from earlier that he’d been playing messenger for had completely slipped his mind by now. Replaced with Lizzie’s face, her voice, the look in her eyes when she saw him, the way he imagined holding her hand would be— ”Eric,” He looked up from the computer screen he’d been staring at while attempting to work to see someone from the restaurant staff motioning for him to come over to talk. In summary they were asking if Louise would be able to manage the desk by herself so that he could come help because they just lost a team member who apparently just left for a family emergency. Shit.

Eric didn’t know how to say no: part two. His coworker seemed to sense his reluctance and began to assure him they could manage without him and that he didn’t have to but it was too late, Eric was shrugging off his blazer and stowing it behind the concierge desk leaving him down to his white shirt, vest and tie. Reaching into his sleeve he next pulled a simple black hair tie from his wrist and had his hair up in a slightly messy but still put together bun. So much for having spent all that time fixing his hair earlier, had he known he would wind up in the restaurant he would have just saved himself the trouble and kept it up all day.

As luck would have it he ended up with a tray consisting of two drinks and an appetizer for table seven, ”So are these both Olivia’s or did she talk you into getting one as well?” he placed a mimosa in front of Olivia first, and then Lizzie shortly after because despite his teasing and knowledge that it was a favorite of his mate’s, he wasn’t dumb. Obviously they had agreed to get the same drink. But he knew for sure that Olivia had been the one to suggest it. ”Did they change you to wait staff or did you ask to switch just now?” Touché. He set down their ordered appetizer evenly spaced between the two of them after sharing a look with Olivia. When she wasn’t taking care of him they were rather like siblings the way they poked fun at one another. But usually there wasn’t an elephant in the room sitting at the same table. Holding the tray still he tucked his hands behind his back out of habit as he loitered at their table feeling rather awkward. But Eric’s British was showing, meaning that his own social discomfort wasn’t as he wore the mask of confidence.

After a sip and setting her drink down Olivia went on to ask, “When’s your break?” What an excellent question, truthfully Eric wasn’t entirely sure what time it was at the moment but he had a pretty good sense of time in general. ”Oi, Oliver—” he had literally just opened his mouth to respond when the same coworker from before called for his attention and came over, whispering an explanation over his shoulder about how Louise was struggling with something back at the desk. It was just an endless day of problems for him wasn’t it? ”Alright, yeah I’ll go,”
”Eric.” He turned his attention back to the girls then at Olivia’s reminder that she’d just asked him a question, ”Um, an hour maybe?” She didn’t look impressed with his answer but accepted it, saying that they’d wait out front for him after they ate. It dawned on him as he walked away that that had been his chance to talk to Lizzie but he’d froze up and lost it. He couldn’t stop himself from glancing back to the table just before leaving the floor again to save poor Louise from whatever headache she’d gotten herself into.

For the rest of the hour Eric was bustling back and forth between his desk and assisting the wait staff; he wanted to die just a little. Eric didn’t have an opportunity to return to Olivia and Lizzie’s table again until he glanced over to see that the seats were empty and the dishes were being cleared. After informing the floor supervisor that he was going to go on break he grabbed his jacket from the desk and returned to the breakroom where it would be safer to leave it. He also took off the vest and tie so he was down to just his dress shirt. He didn’t usually leave the hotel for lunch but when he did he didn’t particularly like wearing the uniform around because everyone in the area would recognize that he worked there. It had happened before where he had been on break while in uniform and someone asked him to help them bring their luggage in from their parked car. He also went ahead and undid the first couple buttons. Just a couple so his neck could breathe, not like half way down his chest, he was still technically at work after all. Then after grabbing his rather empty wallet and pocketing it he made his way out to find the girls. Hopefully they were still waiting and hopefully they hadn’t been waiting for long. Eric reached up to free his hair as he stepped outside, shaking his head briefly before running his fingers through his hair, pushing it back out of his face as he looked up to see them there on the sidewalk. Olivia was deeply invested in something on her phone but Lizzie had noticed him approach and was quick to wave as though he hadn’t already seen them. It was so much easier to approach them outside now without all the pressure of his job weighing him down. Olivia finally noticed as he took the last couple steps to stand with them and he leaned over to hug his mate now that he could give her a proper greeting. Then he turned towards Lizzie and before he knew it his arm was going on autopilot and reached around her smaller frame to give her a quick hug as well. Wait— what.

Carry on, carry on. Keep calm and carry on!

”Are you two heading back then?”


()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 083018----------- LOCATION — the flat----------- COMPANY — eric, olivia & ricki

Maybe Lizzie was having a bit of a slow moment today, but she was still processing the reveal that Eric actually worked at this hotel. As Olivia linked her arm around hers and announced that they should go to the restaurant to claim their table, she gave Eric one more look over until she felt a tug against her arm. She gave Eric a small wave and followed Olivia to the hostess to check in. When they were told to follow the hostess inside, Lizzie turned back one more time only to find that Eric had already left to get back to work. She should have expected this, of course. After all, they were the ones that had impeded on his duties. Although, technically, it was all Olivia. She was just an innocent bystander that had been dragged into the mess.

“So, was there a particular reason why you failed to tell me that your best friend actually works here when you invited me?” Lizzie asked in a hushed tone as they followed the hostess to a table near the window. “Did you even know he would be working today?”

Olivia scoffed a laugh before thanking the hostess and claiming a seat. “Of course I knew he would be working today. He is never not working, that guy,” she answered with an amused grin on her face. “Come on, you have to admit it was a little funny seeing him ready to serve before he realized it was just us.”

Lizzie dropped her purse on the floor at her feet as she took her seat. She shrugged at Olivia’s comment, embarrassed to admit out loud that seeing him even in a work environment was anything but funny to her. Even after ordering a water, her heart was still recovering from the sudden rush of adrenaline from just seeing him again. Why did he have to be so cute? It did cross her mind as she scanned the menu that Olivia still hadn’t answered her first question. But from the look she caught Olivia giving her from over her menu, a part of her thought that maybe she knew something that she didn’t want to admit out loud.

The two women discussed the menu for a couple minutes. Since Olivia had eaten here plenty of times, Lizzie took her suggestions to heart when it came to what she wanted to eat for lunch. As for the appetizer, she solely trusted her flatmate to order something good. Hell, she even gave in to the suggestion that she too order a mimosa. It was that time of the day anyway and they were kind of celebrating the fact that Olivia was now officially done with her summer term of grad school. It was a shame that Veronica could not join them.

Olivia had been in the middle of explaining the paper she turned in - the same paper Lizzie caught her working on the other day - when she caught sight of Eric entering the restaurant. Having taken the seat facing the entrance to the restaurant, it was as if some internal instinct told her to look up at that very moment. And the moment she did, she couldn’t hear a single word Olivia was saying. This was the first time she ever saw Eric with his hair in a bun and, while slightly embarrassed to admit this to herself, her first thought was how much she wanted to show the look to her girl friends. They would go haywire over it. Especially Jade, who was so Californian she had a thing for guys that can rock a man bun.

“He works restaurant too?” Lizzie suddenly asked out loud. When she caught Olivia flashing her a confused look, she simply nodded behind her toward where Eric was standing at the bar.

“Damn, the one that took our drinks was kind of cute. But I guess Eric will do for now,” Olivia teased as they both watched him approach their table with their drinks and appetizer. What higher power was pulling all these fortunate strings?

As Eric busied placing their drinks and appetizer on the table, Lizzie semi-focused on the two friends as they went back and forth with their teasing. She even managed to throw in her own quip that Olivia was most likely going to order a second mimosa soon. The other half of her attention was focused on making sure Eric was unable to peek at her phone screen while she typed a quick caption of the sneak photo she had taken of him and his man bun. It was still pretty early in California, so she expected to get reactions later in the afternoon.

After she sent the snap to their group chat, Lizzie placed her phone face down on the table then continued to watch Eric and Olivia interact. Olivia had just asked Eric when he would be on break. When she proclaimed for the both of them that they would wait up for him after they ate, Lizzie couldn’t contain the smile that crept onto her face. If the whole secret surprise visit didn’t clue her in enough, this was gradually confirming Lizzie’s suspicions that her flatmate was in fact very perceptive. No, Lizzie. It’s not exactly that Olivia is very perceptive. It’s more that you are very obvious. Sorry.

“So how long has Eric been working here? He seems to have a lot of duties if people are depending on him to be everywhere,” Lizzie asked once Eric left the restaurant. She watched as Olivia took the first serving of their appetizer before following suit.

“About two years,” Olivia responded behind her hand and in-between bites.

Lizzie nodded at this response. So now she knew where he worked and had an idea of when he worked on Thursday. She wondered to herself if it would be creepy to find out what other days he worked. All the while, she pictured what it would be like to surprise him with a visit by herself without his teasing best friend. Would he react the same way he had when he saw her?

The rest of their conversation throughout lunch was light. Since Lizzie didn’t have any plans today, she piggybacked on Olivia’s work schedule today to keep conversation going. Apparently her team was in the process of finalizing one of the final cotillions the company she worked for was in charge of planning. Lizzie learned during this discussion that summer was basically cotillion season. Naturally, she wanted to learn more about these big, fancy parties. Thinking about it, Lizzie was not aware of any girl back home that had a cotillion. She herself had a Sweet Sixteen party, but when she turned eighteen, she and her sisters had decided to take a trip to New York for her spring break.

After an appetizer, a main course and two mimosas each, Olivia asked the waitress serving them for the check. Luckily, Lizzie was able to hand over her half of the bill to her flatmate without too much fuss. Well, not entirely. Olivia had expressed concern that she had been going out a lot the past week and feared she might run out of funds before she even started work and school. Lizzie was quick to reassure her that she was fine financially; explaining to her that her father had insisted on monetary gifts for her going away party. Her father really was a clever man sometimes.

As promised, both Lizzie and Olivia waited outside the hotel for when Eric could take his break. They took a spot just outside the hotel so that they wouldn’t be in the middle of foot traffic. Lizzie noticed that the moment they stepped out of the hotel Olivia’s phone was once more in her hands and she redirected almost all of her attention to checking emails and text messages. The final days leading to the big event must be stressful. She wondered how Olivia was able to do it while juggling finals. It was kind of impressive really.

Since Olivia was busy with work now, Lizzie took this opportunity to look at her own phone. As expected, her friends still had not seen man bun Eric in his work uniform. This was probably a good thing. If they were going to spend time with Eric during his lunch break, she would not have time to entertain their constant pestering for more information on him. It was still too early in her and Eric’s developing friendship for him to discover that he was the main topic of conversation between her and her close friends. She really did not want to explain that his importance in their group was because of her developing crush on him.

To replace her friends back home, Lizzie noticed when she grabbed her phone from her purse that she had a text message waiting for her from Sophia, one of her new friends from school. The time stamp read that the text came in about twenty minutes ago. For a split second, she felt terrible having not noticed the text. She then reasoned that she had been busy bonding with Olivia. She was certain that Sophia would understand.

The text from Sophia was a paraphrased forwarded message. Apparently Edward - or Eddie as everyone seemed to start calling him - wanted to know if Lizzie would be coming Saturday night. Oh, that’s right. The Open Mic Night. The flyer for the event was folded up somewhere at the bottom of her purse. Before she typed a response, however, she wondered to herself why Eddie hadn’t just asked her himself. She swore they exchanged numbers during their group lunch the other day.

However, instead of asking that very question to Sophia, Lizzie sent back a response letting her friend know that she would be going to the Open Mic Night.

While she waited for some kind of response back, Lizzie looked up at the very moment Eric exited the hotel and approached them. She quickly waved him over in an attempt to catch his attention. The corners of her lips twitched; tempted to smile watching him pull his hair out of the up do. There just seems to be nothing he can’t do that won’t be cute to her.

She watched as he approached Olivia to offer her a friendlier greeting than he had inside the hotel. As the two friends hugged, Lizzie felt her phone vibrate in her hand. She was just about to check the text when she noticed out of the corner of her eye that Eric was coming closer to her. She didn’t have a second to prepare, eyes wide as he wrapped an arm around her for a hug. There was a split second delay as her mind went into overdrive to catch up with what just happened. Luckily, she did manage to return the hug before he pulled away.

Holy. Shit. Lizzie was speechless. Eric had hugged her. There was no way her heart would ever stop racing after that.

“I have to head to work in a bit, but I can keep you company ‘til then. How about you, Lizzie?”

Lizzie blinked. Looking from Olivia to Eric, she tried to push back the joy she still felt over his hug to attempt to hold any form of composure. “I don’t have any plans, so sure, I’ll tag along,” she said with a bright smile.

Oh wait, didn’t she get a text just now?

While the two friends spoke, it sounded like Olivia was returning to maternal mode to ask if Eric was hungry, Lizzie unlocked her phone to read the text message from Sophia. She responded that she would let Eddie know. Just as she was about to lock her phone once again, another text message from Sophia came in. She was asking if she had plans today. After a brief look over at Eric and Olivia, she quickly typed up a response telling her new friend that she was in the city with her flatmate.

“Alright, let’s go. You need to eat something,” Lizzie overheard Olivia say. She looked up from her phone screen just as she grabbed a handful of Eric’s sleeve and pulled him onto the sidewalk. Behind her flatmate, Lizzie shared a look with Eric and she responded with a light laugh while following behind them.

Even though it was his lunch break, Lizzie couldn’t help noticing that Eric was practically refusing to have said lunch. She wondered if it was because he just didn’t have an appetite right now. It was honestly a logical explanation for why he didn’t seem too keen to eat. Olivia, on the other hand, did not share her reasoning and was once more insisting he get something to eat. Watching them now, Lizzie couldn’t help recalling the time they were at the ABC. The way the two spoke to each other in hushed tones even though they were joined by another. Lizzie felt a little left out.

This feeling was put on pause when she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. She reached back to grab it, reading Sophia’s name on the caller ID. “Hey! Are you still in the city?” Sophia asked the moment Lizzie answered the call. Lizzie looked up to find that Olivia was looking at her. She mouthed that she was right behind them.

“Yeah, I’m still here. What’s up?” she responded as she sidestepped a mother and a toddler.

“D’you wanna hang out for a bit? I was actually going to meet up with Anna at the shopping centre near school. Since you’re here, you should come too! At least you won’t be going out of your way.” Lizzie thought this over as she once more looked over at Eric and Olivia. Would they take it the wrong way if she accepted this invitation and left them right now?

But then Eric turned and she wanted to kick herself for even thinking for a second about leaving them.

Lizzie caught his gaze and she didn’t even think of the consequences for staring into his eyes. She marveled over how through specific lighting they could appear either blue or green. But it wasn’t the mystery of his real eye color that always pulled her in, it was the way he looked at her. She never felt like she was going to melt in a puddle of her feelings looking into his eyes. It was more a blissful sense No, her own heart rate could tell her being around him long enough might be deadly. She couldn’t figure out what it was she felt staring into his eyes, but whatever it was, it always made it impossible to look away.

“Lizzie? Are you still there?” came a distant voice in her ear.

Lizzie blinked, finally pulling her gaze away from Eric to stare at the ground. “Oh, yeah I’m still here! Um, I’m still with my friends from the flat so can I meet you in, like, an hour?” she finally answered. The two women agreed to meet at the tube station close to school. She then hung up the phone and lightly jogged to rejoin Eric and Olivia.

“Everything okay?” Olivia asked when Lizzie came out on the other side of Eric.

Lizzie smiled at the two and nodded. “Yeah, it’s just a friend from school asking to hang out later,” she replied.

“It is still quite unbelievable. You haven’t even been here a week and you already have friends outside the flat from just one visit to school. And you haven’t even started classes yet!” Olivia commented, her tone teasing. “I’m starting to understand why you have so many followers on your Instagram.” Lizzie smiled bashfully.

“Well, I have to head to the office soon. Want to walk with me to the Starbucks nearby? I’m going to need the caffeine, I know it.” Lizzie agreed to this plan and followed beside Eric as Olivia led the way to Starbucks. Maybe she could get some coffee as well before she met up with her friends.

The Starbucks was moderately packed when they arrived. While the line didn’t go all the way to the door, Lizzie could tell that it was going to be a tight one for Olivia. As they waited in line, Lizzie received a text from Sophia once again letting her know that she was going to pick up Anna and then head to the tube station. While she typed a quick response that she would see them soon, she overheard Olivia ponder over the possibility of also getting some kind of pastry. Wait...they just had a rather large lunch and she still had room for a baked good? Where the hell did she put away all that food?

When they finally made it to the front of the line, Olivia told Lizzie that she could order first since she was still unsure what to order. Lizzie was fine with this since she basically ordered the same drink at Starbucks. After ordering and paying for her latte, she waited for the others to put in their order.

She watched the other two from the pick up station. From where she stood, it looked as if Eric had once again denied the suggestion to get something to eat, or Olivia was ordering for the both of them. She couldn’t quite figure out which it was. As the two finally departed from the register to join her, she watched as Olivia juggled her wallet in one hand and then her pastry bag in the other. Eventually, as they came in earshot of her, she overheard Olivia task Eric with holding the pastry so that she could put her wallet away.

“So Eric,” she started when Eric and Olivia joined her at the pick up station area. “What time are you off work today?” When he told her he was off at four, she pulled out her phone to check the time. Oh, so he would be off soon-ish. Mentally, she pictured herself asking him if she can meet up with him after work so they can go back to the flat together. But she was smart enough not to commit to the image. After all, she didn’t even know if he would be going to the flat tonight. He could already have plans after work.

“You know, if you’re not busy tonight, you should come over. I think Malcolm mentioned earlier that he would be cooking dinner?” she continued, turning to look at Olivia for clarification. However, Olivia was once more occupied by something important on her phone to notice. Lizzie shrugged simply and returned her gaze to Eric. “Maybe don’t hold me to my word on that…. But, you know, the offer still stands to come over. I’m sure your pillows and blankets miss you,” she then added with a laugh. If she had been more aware, she would have seen Olivia shoot her a look before switching text screens.

Both Lizzie and Olivia’s drinks came out at roughly the same time. As she stabbed her straw into her drink, Lizzie overheard Olivia mention something about how she needed to run so that she could make the train to work. Lizzie looked up just in time to catch Olivia’s wave before she rushed outside. It wasn’t until she finally caught up with what had just happened that she looked down to see that Eric was still holding Olivia’s pastry bag. “You think she’ll come back for that?” she asked him, turning her head to scope the door for any sign of her flatmate. After a moment passed, she realized that the pastry was forfeit. “Guess it’s yours now,” she added teasingly.

“I’ll walk with you back to the hotel,” Lizzie offered as they finally left Starbucks. Now that she knew he worked in the service industry, watching him leave the door open for others was kind of funny. Not that she laughed out loud at it. When they finally stood side by side, Lizzie turned in the direction she recalled the hotel was located. It was after she started walking back that she realized she did not know what to talk about with him.

She considered bringing up the script. After all, according to his own intel, he had rehearsals last night and so he should have showed his theatre troupe the changes they had made. She was curious and dying to know if they liked the changes or not. But just as she plucked up the courage to ask, something in the back of her mind whispered that she was probably overdoing the theatre talk with him. Their limited interactions always talked about theatre save for that one instance they managed to bond over books. Lizzie didn’t want Eric thinking that theatre was all she could talk about. But how could she smoothly plug in a way to talk about something else?

She could ask about music. After all, she had watched him perform just last week. And he was obviously talented. Did he get his musical talent through theatre? Shit, there it was again: theatre. Maybe she could ask about what kind of music he liked or liked to play. But, didn’t that seem like such a cop-out from making quality conversation with him? Music just seemed like such a basic topic of conversation.

As she swirled her coffee around in its cup, Lizzie glanced up at Eric and offered him a small smile. But instead of saying anything, she gazed forward again. Maybe it was a bad idea to walk him back to the hotel. She grew used to being a sort of third-wheel between Eric and Olivia. Now that she actually had the chance to be alone with him, she realized she was now left on her own. There was no way she could compete with how effortless the two friends spoke to each other; the constant quips and teases they shot back and forth and the way Olivia expressed her concerns. How could she compare to that without making it seem forced… or awkward?

She had to say something. They had been walking for a while now and she still failed to say something to Eric. Clearing her throat, she tried for whatever came out first. “So...does Olivia do that often; spring a surprise visit on you while you’re at work?” Okay, that wasn’t too bad. She had been curious about that since she first found out Eric worked at the hotel.

After she asked the question, Lizzie found herself thinking that she should ask him to the Open Mic Night she was invited to this Saturday. Open Mic Nights seemed like something Eric would be into. After all, he was a great performer when put on the spot. And maybe without the influence of alcohol he could be even better. But, there was one problem with this idea. She wondered if her asking him would make it seem like she was asking him on a date. Of course, she knew that she wasn’t. But who knows? She could potentially phrase the invite and lead him into thinking that she was asking him out. Would that freak him out? They only hung out once the other day. Then again, would it be so bad trying to ask him out? She imagined that being on a date with Eric wouldn’t be so bad. They proved they worked well together, alone. Surely they could handle a few hours alone together without the possibility of being interrupted by the others in the flat.

In the end, Lizzie chickened out. But as she caught sight of the hotel, the thought kicked her in the ass. It felt like a lost opportunity to ask him. Even if it wasn’t a date type thing, she would have loved the opportunity to spend more time with him; get to know him more than just the fact that he was a playwright in a theatre troupe and he worked at a hotel. As they stopped in front of the hotel, she turned to look at him once again. She offered him a bright smile while she figured out what to say next.

“Well, here you are. Have fun with the rest of your shift,” she offered. Although, she once more mentally kicked herself for sounding so...formal? She could have definitely phrased what she said better. “Erm, maybe I’ll see you tonight?”

Lizzie felt her free arm twitch at her side. It felt like an impulse twitch. There was a pause as Lizzie contemplated her next move. Eric did it earlier. Wasn’t that a clear indication that she could go for it and he wouldn’t get freaked out? Once again, she mentally kicked herself for being a hesitant wreck around Eric.

With a soft clear of her throat, Lizzie went for it. Taking a step closer to Eric, she extended her free arm out and quickly moved in for a hug; just like he had done earlier. But just as quickly as she instigated the contact, she pulled away with a bashful smile and a light giggle. “‘Kay, see ya.” As she took a step away from Eric, she offered him a small wave before turning her back to him to walk toward the tube station.

For the next couple or so hours, Lizzie pushed Eric to the back of her mind. She knew that if she hung over the fact that she got to hug him twice, she would never focus on anything around her. As planned, she met up with her two new friends from school at her stop. They walked the rest of the way to a shopping centre walking distance from campus. Lizzie honestly wasn’t in the mood to do much shopping. She was satisfied just hanging out with her new friends and having the opportunity to get to know them better. Of course, that didn’t mean she didn’t come out of that shopping centre without buying something. In the last half hour she spent with her friends, she remembered that she was in the market for a new bag for her swim gear.

She arrived back at the flat with her new swim bag at close to five. As she walked down the hallway to her bedroom, she could hear the television playing in the living room. Abandoning the idea to go into her room, she entered the common area to find that Malcolm was indeed home and slaving away in the kitchen.

“Hey!” she greeted happily as she dropped her things onto the couch. “Wow, that smells amazing!”

“Thank you! It’s a new recipe I’m trying out,” Malcolm explained as he adjusted his apron. He further explained that he had found this recipe online that used absolutely no oil to cook and depended solely on chicken stock. Lizzie was both amazed and curious. Naturally, she couldn’t resist the urge to offer her assistance.

After they prepped the rest of the ingredients and dropped them all into the pot, the last step of the recipe was to let it cook for about half an hour. This gave the two some down time to do...whatever. Malcolm insisted they pop open a bottle of wine while they waited; apparently it was to celebrate their efforts. Lizzie couldn’t argue with that. As they sipped their red wine, they occupied the smaller couch in the living room. Malcolm switched through the channels for something entertaining to watch. He had gone through about ten channels until they came across what looked like the beginning scene of the Quidditch World Cup in Goblet of Fire. Lizzie’s excited reaction told him that he should stop flipping through channels.

Lizzie and Malcolm were soon joined by Veronica. The three of them were in the middle of a debate over PoA versus GoF hairstyles when Lizzie heard the floorboards creak to indicate that someone else was home. She half expected one of the other two remaining flatmates to come home from work. So when it was neither of them, she felt her heart skip a beat. Almost instantly, a bright smile spread across her face.

“You made it!” she proclaimed, kicking her feet off the couch so she could lean forward to place her wine glass down on the coffee table. All discussions faded and she could feel both Malcolm and Veronica staring at her back. Too bad she didn’t see that they had both pulled out their phones. She was too busy making her way over to Eric to greet him.

“I hope the trip wasn’t too out of your way,” she added with a laugh. “You’re just in time. The food should be ready in a bit.”

This reminded Malcolm that he did, in fact, have food currently cooking on the stove. Excusing himself from the living room, he jogged around Lizzie and Eric to return to the kitchen. Meanwhile, Veronica returned to watching Goblet of Fire. Or, at least that's what it looked like from where Lizzie was standing.

“Oi, Eri. Are you stayin’ tonight?” Lizzie overheard Veronica ask from the couch.

This reminded her. “Oh! I should move my things to my room,” she proclaimed. She offered Eric a look to excuse herself as she walked around the coffee table to pick up her things from the larger couch. Lizzie had moved it from the smaller one so that she could make room for her roommate when she got home; having been too lazy to move it to her bedroom.

When she returned to the common area again, she quickly located Eric and moved to stand near him again. “ was work? Was it less eventful since we left?” she teasingly asked.

Malcolm suddenly announced that dinner was ready. Behind her, Veronica called out that she would help set the table as she downed the last of her wine then placed the empty wine glass beside Lizzie’s abandoned one. Lizzie stepped back to let her roommate pass. The two women exchanged looks as Veronica walked over to the kitchen to grab plates. Malcolm put her in charge of getting the food ready while he excused himself to find his phone. Apparently he wanted to find out when Angel was coming home.

Just as Malcolm left the common area, another set of footsteps entered. It was Olivia this time that joined the little party. As her surroundings quickly changed, Lizzie took that moment to glance over at the clock. Yeah, it was that time for everyone to be coming home from whatever they were doing. She thought back to last week when she first arrived.

“Hey! You’re here!” Lizzie overheard Olivia say. Turning to look at her flatmate, she watched as the taller woman walked over to them. As expected, all of her attention was on her best friend as she greeted him. Again, Lizzie felt a tinge of jealousy at how effortless their friendship was. If only she could hug Eric like Olivia did. “Come on, let’s eat,” Olivia added, leading the way to the dining table.

Since it seemed like the two friends would be more focused on each other, Lizzie walked passed them to help Veronica set up the table. She grabbed a serving plate from one of the cabinets and scooped the food from the pot until the plate was full. Over the conversations, she could hear snippets of lines coming from the television. Apparently they were at the scene nearing the first task.

As she carried the food over to the table, she watched as everyone took their seats as if it was second nature. She watched as Veronica took the seat across from Eric; the same seat she had sat on the other night. For a split moment, she felt her heart sink with disappointment. But before anyone could notice, she lifted her shoulders back and made her way toward the table.

“Where’s Angel?” Olivia asked as she grabbed utensils.

“Dunno. Mal’s gone to find out, I guess,” Veronica answered as she handed Lizzie her wine glass. Lizzie offered her roommate a grateful smile as she took a seat beside her at the table.

Unsure whether they should start without Malcolm, Lizzie waited for a cue from either Olivia or Veronica. She looked at both of them as they continued to converse. Occasionally, she glanced over at Eric...just to look at him. She learned quickly that she quite enjoyed when he tousled his hair then pushed it back. It was a cute habit she saw him do the other night.

“So, Lizzie, what were you up to today after lunch?” Olivia asked suddenly.

Lizzie blinked, realizing almost immediately that she had been staring at Eric a second longer than comfortable. Clearing her throat, she quickly grabbed her wine glass and took a rather long sip. “Um, nothing much really. I met up with a couple friends from school that wanted to go shopping. Then I came home and discussed with Malcolm whether the movie adaptation of Goblet of Fire saved the interest in the book,” she responded. She quickly made eye contact with Eric, shooting him a knowing wink and a smirk.

“Speaking of which!” she suddenly added. Blame it on the wine, but she suddenly found the confidence she had lacked earlier. Well, maybe it was both the wine and the fact that she wasn’t alone with Eric. God bless flatmates as comfortable social crutches. “A friend of mine invited me to this Open Mic Night this Saturday night. It’s going to be at this coffee shop near the school. Do y’all wanna come with?”

“What time does it start?”

“Uh, I think the flyer said seven?”

She watched as her two flatmates thought this over. Veronica was the first to respond. She mentioned that she would be interested in going, but if she was okay with her arriving in her work clothes. Lizzie had no problem with that.

Olivia was the first to decline the offer. Apparently this Saturday night was D-Day; the Dashwood Cotillion. Hence why she had been so stressed earlier and the large coffee.

Lizzie understood though, nodding in acknowledgment. Then, she turned her gaze to Eric. “Eric? Up for it?” She was just about to add that he should totally do a last minute sign up to perform, but suddenly lost her courage and chickened out. But that was fine. She was just hoping he would say yes.

()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 090318----------- LOCATION — in the flat----------- COMPANY — lizzie & olivia

Eric glanced away from the phone in Lizzie’s hand as Olivia asked if he was hungry to which he replied that he wasn’t, but Olivia didn’t look convinced. Eric was great at keeping secrets or offering half truths to tide people over, but telling lies had never been a specialty of his and it showed. Or at least, Olivia saw right through him every time, ”Did you eat before work then?”
Maybe he wasn’t that hungry if he’d had a lot before work, but he couldn’t give her a straight answer and could tell Olivia was getting annoyed—disappointed…? Basically she wasn’t happy with how he took care of himself. Eric found himself looking back towards Lizzie a couple times but each time she was deeply invested in something on her phone. After a bit of back and forth Olivia finally put her foot down and announced they were leaving to find him something to eat. Again Eric looked to Lizzie, this time he was trying to make sure she noticed they were apparently leaving but he caught Lizzie’s eye just as Olivia started dragging him along. Here we go again. Olivia was forever pushing him around as though he was her baby brother. It was probably all her experience with her own younger sister that left her forever yelling at him while also doting on him left and right.

Olivia asked what he felt like eating. Nothing, he wasn’t hungry. She offered suggestions but all she got was, “It’s okay Olivia, I’ll eat later,” She shot him a look, “No we’re gonna find you something to eat. You’ve been working all day.” She really wouldn’t take no for an answer would she? They were equally stubborn and neither would budge. Eric really didn’t have the spare cash to drop on food right now. He would be content just smoking away his appetite till late that evening.

Suddenly Olivia had stopped walking and Eric turned to follow her gaze to see that Lizzie had gone from texting to answering the phone. Olivia pulled him along, they didn’t have time to stop and wait, Lizzie could walk and talk.
He was racking his brain for a moment wondering who she might be talking to. After all she only knew them at the flat, right? Maybe it was someone from back home? But weren’t international calls expensive? And she definitely wasn’t on wifi right now. Olivia broke his thoughts, using their moment alone as an opportunity to tease Eric, “Is it cause I already had lunch with her? You only eat with Lizzie now?”
She had a point, every time he’d been with Lizzie they had eaten together. Lunch at ABC with Lizzie. Went to the cafe on Tuesday with Lizzie. Lunch the other day with Lizzie. Lizzie Lizzie Lizzie Lizzie— he looked back to Lizzie now and they make eye contact again, holding it this time.

Was she now on the phone with the same person that she had been texting? There was something super cute about the way she focused on her phone call, oh but now she was staring back at him and there was a sudden uneasy feeling growing inside him. Not exactly that he was on edge now, but he was suddenly hyper aware of himself, of her, of everything. He wasn’t sure he’d ever felt like this before. It was this weird conflicting feeling of wanting all of her attention for him alone but at the same time he wanted to run and was too scared to approach her. He’d never had this feeling before, with anyone. As Lizzie rejoined them, Olivia commented on how she had already made friends and dropped mention of her Instagram which Eric had yet to see. When was the last time he had logged into his own? His mind trailed off to wondering about the current state of his iPod. Lizzie’s Instagram required opening his Instagram and finding her which required finding his iPod and charging it and praying he hadn’t been logged out of his account for inactivity because resetting his password was just a whole headache he didn’t want to have to deal with.

Anyways. Olivia appeared to have given up on forcing food upon Eric as she asked to go to Starbucks for herself—
“Hello! Could I get a venti vanilla sweet cream cold brew, and—“ She turned to look at him, “Are you sure you don’t want anything?” He once again said he was fine so she turned back to the cashier to finish her order, “And a ham and cheese croissant?” As the cashier processed the order and her payment she focused her attention back to her best friend, “Eric, you really should eat something though, you’re worrying me.” Her voice took a serious tone now and Eric didn’t have a response for her anymore. She had made herself clear, she was upset with him but she wasn’t going to bother him with it any further today. He followed behind her over towards where Lizzie stood but found Olivia was soon turning back towards him passing the pastry bag to him, ”Hold this for a sec?” He took it without question nor complaint, no longer in the mood for jokes or teasing. He didn’t even try to pass it back to her after she had finished with her wallet. She would let him know when she was ready.
”What time are you off work today?”
Wait...what day was it? Oh right, Thursday. And what time was it right now? As he went to glance at the watch on his left wrist—oh what did that matter—all he knew was he was taking his break pretty late in his shift, and he probably would have just skipped it had Olivia not asked him about it, ”Um, four o’clock?” The follow up question would have been to ask why she was inquiring about that but he just continued his streak of bare minimum answers and let her get to her point.

There was something weird about Lizzie inviting him to the flat for dinner. It just felt off. He’d been an on and off inhabitant for a couple years now, she had only been there a week, but technically she was the one who lived there and so it was in her power to invite him over. And that just felt weird. It just further highlighted the fact that he didn’t belong. Okay...not that he didn’t belong there, he knew he was welcome to come and go. But it sort of just slammed in his face the fact that it wasn’t his. Obviously all of this would be way over Lizzie’s head. Honestly he still didn’t even know what if anything anyone had told her about him. But in her mind he was likely just a friend of Olivia’s who stayed over a couple times a week. There was no way she understood how uncomfortable her invitation was making him. And that’s how it would stay. He would never let on how ostracized he was; he literally put himself in this position after all.

The second sting came when she mentioned his pillows and blankets. Had she known the reality of the situation she wouldn’t be making a joke of it, lighthearted fun or not. But so Malcolm was cooking dinner? He was so hungry that this was a little torturous to hear. He was fiddling with the edge of the white and green paper pastry bag in his hand but was quick to force a small smile with Lizzie’s remark about the blankets missing him. He wasn’t going to be the one to bring the mood down, not with Lizzie trying once again to invite him out. They wouldn’t be going anywhere. And it was with the rest of the flat so definitely not in the date category. But an invite was an invite and he needed to RSVP quickly and change the conversation away from him, ”Cool,” Wow Eric, wow great response. Real enthusiastic aren’t we? ”Yeah I’ll see about coming by maybe.” That was neither a yes or a no. He didn’t want to go making promises he might not be able to keep, but he didn’t have it in him to turn her down even if that was his instinct. He hadn’t been able to say no to her yet, she just had this magic over him that made him unable to let her down. He had this eagerness to please. Like a dog.

Olivia’s departure was such a blur and she was gone before he even realized what was happening. So there he stood in Starbucks with Lizzie, and the croissant still in his hand as he stared at the door Olivia had left through until Lizzie spoke up mentioning said pastry. He glanced down first at the bag, then over to her. Had Olivia left it on purpose? He honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she had. But she did also seem pretty busy with work so it was possible it truly had just slipped her mind. But there would be no returning it to her now. For one it wouldn’t taste as good if he held onto it all day and brought it back to the flat. But he just knew that if he did come by later with the pastry still with him Olivia would go off on him. “You’ve been carrying that around for five hours? Why didn’t you just eat it!?” Yeah no thanks, Eric would rather not face her wrath. So it was his now, as Lizzie pointed out.

Upon their own exit stage left Eric found himself once again holding open the door for everyone and their mothers. Admittedly he felt a little awkwardly over dressed in half his uniform at a Starbucks. But they were near downtown so it wasn’t completely out of the blue to walk around in a dress shirt. There were plenty of collared workers around here and they all needed coffee too. But as a young Asian couple in matching graphic tees hurried through the door he held he couldn’t help but feel the difference. Must be nice to go out with someone in the middle of the day and wear comfy casual clothes. And there he went getting himself down again—but as he let the door finally swing shut he looked over to find Lizzie and couldn’t stop the smile that crept on his face as she stood waiting for him.

Was she feeling as awkward as he was? The silence between them wasn’t tense or anything, but it was definitely silent and Eric hadn’t a clue how to change that. He could make small talk for days with the hotel guests, but that was because he never had to worry about seeing them again. He had already learned why she came here: study abroad and her internship at King’s Cross—no, the publishing company near King’s Cross. Because she was into Harry Potter, and books, and musicals and chocolate croissants. Had she ordered another one? He found himself glancing over to her and at the same time she was smiling up at him. His mind went blank, completely forgetting that he was checking for a croissant. With just one look she had stolen his heart train of thought and left him with nothing but a smile in return till she looked away. Eric didn’t realize he had held his breath till he went to exhale and ended up coughing. Just once, to clear the tickling feeling in his throat. The crickets were loud today.

A little more walking before Lizzie was finally the one to speak up. It caught him a little off guard simply because he had grown so used to the silence but he was thankful she had finally said something as he had completely failed to think of a conversation starter. Not that he had put much effort into it. Honestly he had grown comfortable simply being beside her and had almost forgotten that this was the part where they were supposed to be socializing. Oh right, Olivia, ”No, not really,” He paused to try and remember the last time she had come by the hotel, ”Well, sometimes—she’ll come by for work meetings on occasion but she doesn’t often just pop in for fun.” The sentence stutter was back, cutting himself off while he debated whether he should be looking at her while he spoke or watching where he was going. He chose the later and good thing he did as he stepped over an uneven part of the pavement which he surely would have otherwise tripped over.

”Maybe I’ll see you tonight?”
”Yeah,” Yeah what Eric? Yeah you’ll have fun with the rest of your shift? You won’t. Yeah you’ll be there tonight? You can’t promise her that. Yeah you might see her tonight? Sure but wow that’s vague. Before he had a chance to try and say anything of any importance there was an arm snaking around him and just as she touched him his own arm moved to return the gesture but then she had ended it and was bidding him farewell. What just happened. He waved back with a small, ”Bye,” and then stood in place until she had turned the corner and was out of sight. He should have wished her safe travels. Be careful, get back safe, do you know the way back? He should have walked her back to the station. He should have done literally anything other than stand there looking like those dogs in movies getting left behind as their owners drive off without them. But it was far too late now. She was gone and his stomach was screaming at him.

Back into the break room he went where he took a seat to finally eat Olivia’s ham and cheese croissant during the last few minutes he had left of his break. Truthfully afterwards he was still just as hungry if not more so. It was like the pastry had woken his appetite and he was more aware now of just how little he’d eaten. But something was better than nothing and even if his black hole of a stomach wasn’t satisfied, at least there was less chance he’d faint from hunger or something. That actually had never happened, knock on wood, but he had certainly had days where he would get weak and dizzy. Not a good feeling to have when he was on his feet for work 9+ hours a day. But most days he ate in the hotel kitchen so it honestly wasn’t that big a problem. Today was just one of the bad days but thanks to Olivia he wouldn’t have to wait until after work to eat...after work...was he going back to the flat then? He hadn’t been planning to but food was food and Lizzie had invited him, he would hate to disappoint. Eric was watching his reflection in the mirror as he re-buttoned his shirt and fixed up the rest of his uniform to return to work. He’d see how the rest of his day went and decide from there whether or not he would be attending the flat dinner.
”Eric?! Oh thank god you’re back.”

In case that wasn’t indication enough, the rest of Eric’s shift progressed much like the first half had. Lots of running back and forth between his own tasks and helping everyone else. Stress. He ended up staying about an hour late just to help cover until the night team took over so by the time he had clocked out and was changing back into his personal clothes his hunger had returned tenfold. Despite his exhaustion at the daunting prospect of walking back to the flat, a hot shower, a full meal and Lizzie’s smile had him shouldering his bag and setting out in hopes of making it back before it got dark.

Once back at the flat he glanced to Veronica and Malcolm as he entered but didn’t greet them specifically. Honestly he’d always felt slightly awkward with the others. He got along with them but they weren’t necessarily friends and there was usually this feeling like he was imposing by staying over. So his attention focused on Lizzie as she hurried over to greet him.
“Hope the trip wasn’t too out of your way.” Out of what way? Eric had no where else to go but obviously Lizzie wasn’t aware of that. It was either come here or go back to the car for the second night in a row. Which he was plenty used to and would have done had Lizzie not invited him over. But she had, and so here he was partially regretting coming because he just felt so damn out of place standing there. But mostly he was just starving and eating up Lizzie’s excitement to see him.

”Are you staying tonight?” Eric turned towards Veronica as he repeated her question in his head. Was he staying the night? Truthfully he wasn’t sure. He didn’t normally stay over Thursdays. Not that he ever truly followed a schedule. Sometimes he just ended up here. And other times he wouldn’t show up for days on end. It was usually a spur of the moment decision on his part, and usually he only showed up in the dead of night because of this very situation. He hated feeling like he was a bother. Was Veronica just asking because she was curious? Had she had plans to use the TV and now wanted to confirm whether or not she would be able to? He didn’t want anyone feeling like they couldn’t do something. This was their flat after all. But he was awfully tired of the car. And well, his eyes flickered to follow Lizzie’s movements as she removed her belongings from his the larger couch. Veronica was watching him expectantly now as she awaited his response, ”Uhm,” that’s not an answer Eric. Yes or no, it’s not that hard. Do you want to stay over? Yes. Should you stay over? It would be good to get some real sleep tonight, yes. So will you stay over? ”Probably not,” wait, that’s not what we just agreed on, ”I mean—I don’t think so?” That’s the same stupid response, why was this so difficult all of a sudden? ”Well—“ Because he didn’t have a reason to stay. His reasoning was selfish this time around and he glanced away, suddenly uncomfortable with Veronica staring at him as he spoke in this awful broken fashion of his, ”I wasn’t planning to—why?”
She shrugged before turning back to the television, ”Just wondering.” All his stress over finding the right response...was for nothing. He should have just said yes, or asked if she would mind if he did. Would it be too late now for him to ‘change his mind’ and stay the night?

”Hey Eri~” He redirected himself from Veronica towards the kitchen where Malcolm was holding up an empty wine glass and went on to ask if he wanted any before he put it away. Sure, why not. Now realizing his backpack had been over his shoulder this whole time he went ahead and dropped it on the ground at the foot of the couch before going over to collect his drink. After a quick thanks to Malcolm he moved back to stand awkwardly between the couches and the table as he took a first sip. He didn’t particularly want to go sit next to Veronica after that awkward interaction. He knew she was fine and probably unphased, but he just didn’t feel comfortable joining her alone at the moment. But sitting expectantly at the table awaiting dinner to be served? That was something kids do to their parents. So here he stood with his wine hitting his empty stomach, his eyes on the tele watching Harry Potter—oh look, Lizzie was back.

How was work? Work had been pretty bad today. He was all over the place doing everything under the Sun, and no it hadn’t improved after lunch. But that was such a depressing response, he could do better than that, ”It—“
”Hey guys, food is done!”
Then Veronica spoke up next and passed by them. Was it safe to speak now? Was he going to get cut off again? Should he even bother? Lizzie glanced up at him though as if expecting him to continue, so he offered a half smile so as to lessen the blow before explaining that it hadn’t changed much after she’d left but it was all just busy work. As in not stressful, just time consuming...a half truth on his part. It had been stressful, he had even stayed an hour late. But he didn’t see the need to burden her with his work troubles. She had asked, he had answered. Why go into the miserable details?

”Hey! You’re here!” As Olivia walked over and gave him a second hug of the day he felt a wave of relief wash over him for that brief moment. It was like a refresher. The stress was still there after all, but she had taken some, giving him a chance to start this whole dinner thing over again. It was like….it was like playing Tetris. And you’re about to hit the top, which would mean losing, but Olivia came along and cleared three rows free of charge and now he had some wiggle room to fix this all and get back on his feet. She did that for him quite a bit actually...her hand traced down his arm after their quick embrace and she took his hand to pull him over towards the table. He had come all the way over here, so he was going to eat with them. She would make sure of it, ”You should sleep over tonight,” Oh right, Olivia had just missed his whole mental breakdown over whether or not he should stay the night, ”I don’t want you to walk back later, what if it starts to rain?” Eric hadn’t checked the weather recently but he would bet money on the fact that it was definitely not going to rain tonight. One look at Olivia and he knew she wasn’t talking about the weather. She could read him like a book and apparently his sad was showing tonight.

She left him at the table to go help set the table so Eric took his usual spot, back to the wall and watched as the girls bustled between the table and the kitchen area. It was a weird feeling to be the one sitting while other people did the serving work. He felt like he should be helping but honestly there wasn’t much left for him to do. Veronica sat, Lizzie beside her. Olivia took the head of table between him and Veronica leaving the opposite table head and seat next to Eric open for the boys. Where were the boys? Malcolm was contacting the flat Queen still. The Queen sat at the other head of table, in case you were wondering. While Malcolm’s place was beside Eric. If the two of them ever came to join them…

Olivia had served herself first, then continued on to fill Eric’s plate. The boys still weren’t back and he was honestly so hungry. Sitting here staring at this plate of food was going to kill him. Olivia nudged his elbow and muttered to him to just start, but the girls weren’t eating. He didn’t want to be the only one. Another sip of wine, then he adjusted his hair as he set the glass back down and resumed contemplating whether or not to start eating. Olivia turned the spotlight to Lizzie but as the American started explaining her afternoon Eric made the mistake of glancing to his bestie who shot him a threatening look of: Boy if you don’t start eating I’m gonna—

Eric picked up his fork and twiddled it around in his fingers for a second but his attention was soon drawn back to Lizzie. He couldn’t look away for long, she just had this magnetic aura to her that had his eyes dancing back to her every time he tried to preoccupy himself with something else. She was looking back at him now and then—wink—he felt his heart stop for a good few seconds and then stutter back to life at her sudden exclamation.

He sat there, still mentally stuck on her wording. A friend had invited her. A friend. He was brought back to lunch when Olivia had pointed out that she had been here a week and already had friends. Was the friend who had called her the same one that invited her? Well what did that matter…
Friend. The word always felt like it got tossed around too easily. What does it mean to be a friend? Someone you get along with? Trust? Care for? Did she really just offer out her friendship that easily? Did this friend of hers think of her as a friend as well? Did she think of him as a friend? Eric had long been turned off the idea of making friends—okay hold up, rewind a second. It wasn’t that he was against making friends. He had just always struggled with it. He was great with people, he could get along with just about anyone. But taking the leap of trust to actually befriend someone was something he had always struggled with. His whole life he’d only really had himself to rely on. Taking the gamble on whether or not to open up with had ended poorly too many times for Eric. So he was just a little blown away at how quickly Lizzie had adjusted to life in London. Making plans and going places. You could say he was a little jealous. Jealous of her though? Her and her ability to make friends. Or jealous of the people she was befriending? The fact that they got to hang out with her— ”Do y’all wanna come with?” Oh. So he could hang out with her too. Keyword: could.

She had said Saturday? Saturdays were generally pretty booked up for Eric. He worked all day and then had his production meetings. Granted they didn’t meet every week. But this week they were to go over the edits he and Lizzie had made. So it was fairly important. What time did it sta—oh seven, thank you. So he would be in the middle of his meeting then...see this was exactly why Eric didn’t like branching out in life. It was just a constant stream of disappointments. He couldn’t do 123 because of xyz. Life always found a way to interfere with his happiness so the easy way out was to just not have any expectations, wants or desires. Whatever happens happens and he wasn’t going to pursue something just to be let down by it later.

Suddenly he felt Lizzie’s gaze back on him as she awaited his response. The other girls were watching expectantly as well, ”I’d love to,” he started out with; in true British fashion he couldn’t turn down an invitation without first expressing how much he wanted to go, ”But uhm, I have rehearsal on Saturdays—production meeting, really.” Should he apologize for not being able to go? Or should he thank her for inviting him in the first place? Why was he saying no? He had just been thinking about how he wanted to spend time with her. But Eric had successfully scared himself off the idea. The what if factors were too high and the past week with Lizzie had been going too smoothly. What was he to her anyways? He only saw her a couple of hours at the flat anyways. There was no way he could become a significant part of her life here in London. Not while she was going out with all these friends. Making plans, having fun. He wasn’t going to lead himself on like that. He was well versed in the story of Icarus. The boy who flew too close to the sun on his wings of wax. He fell from the sky to drown in the sea. Eric knew better than to pursue what was already out of his reach.

Lizzie seemed understanding and accepted his reasoning while Eric finally set down the fork he’d been holding. Suddenly his appetite was escaping him and he wanted nothing more than to flee from the table. He did need to pee—he had needed to since getting back but Lizzie had occupied all his attention up till now, breaking his usual routine of stopping at the bathroom first after his hour walk home. Maybe he should just go now— ”Angel is here~!” or not. Malcolm had just walked through the entryway and just steps behind him was the devil himself.

Luckily after taking a bite Eric’s stomach was reminded of just how hungry he truly was and he was able to finish his food. In fact he dedicated his all to his food. While the flatmates all discussed their days and swapped stories Eric sat mostly in silence with his food, only really looking up when Lizzie spoke. A part of him wanted to engage in conversation with her, especially when the others were discussing things he knew she had no frame of reference for. But he had felt so awkward and shut down after declining her invitation, he really didn’t know how to bounce back after that. Which honestly was a little strange for him as he was fairly good with social interactions, or at least with faking them. But he was at a loss here and so once he had finished he thanked Malcolm for the food, mentioning that it was great, and then cleared his dishes from the table. Now that he had finished he had an excuse to run, and so he was.

Eric grabbed his bag from the couch, but no, he didn’t turn left towards the front door. He went right to disappear into the bathroom so he could finally pee and then take the shower he had been looking forward to all day. By the time he was out and changed into shorts and his hoodie—no shirt, just his hoodie—the others had all dispersed from the dinner table. Harry Potter was still playing on the television however it looked abandoned. No one sat on either couch, so as Eric shoved today’s clothes into his bag he wasn’t expecting anyone to speak to him, ”So you are staying.” He turned to see Veronica, changed for bed with a glass of water in hand, before he could say anything in response she was offering a brief wave on her way out as she bid him goodnight. Well, guess he was staying after all...his eyes followed Veronica back to her room—to Lizzie’s room. The scene from dinner was on repeat in his head, playing over and over and over again. She had looked so excited over the prospect of them all going out. Should he have said yes? He was busy though, technically. But there was this sickening feeling sinking into his stomach as though he had made a grave mistake. But what could he do about it? Well, there were several things he could do but the social anxiety of it all was eating him alive and so all he could do was go through all the possible scenarios of what he could or should have done.

This awful feeling would sit and fester inside him the rest of the night as he watched The Goblet of Fire through the end of the credits and then into the next movie in this apparent marathon that was playing. He was bundled up in his blanket, not really paying attention to the screen and oblivious to the others walking in and out of the kitchen as they all got ready for bed. At some point his eyes gave out and he fell asleep, well before the double doors were closed for the night. See Eric could do overnights and then some, but let him get comfy and the boy could not stay awake if his life depended on it. His chronic exhaustion was too strong. Also why he didn’t feel particularly refreshed when his eyes opened Friday morning.

It was still dark outside when Eric got up to prepare for the day. He had his usual morning tea, noticing that someone else had bought more of the black tea that he had finished last week. Oops, he was supposed to buy that for the flat since he had been the one to drink it all…well thank you whoever went shopping.
He put yesterday’s clothes back on and was on his way to the car to get fresh ones before anyone else had left their rooms. Once at work the day ran much smoother than yesterday had. He didn’t have to man the restaurant at all, and the guests weren’t overly rude or needy. Rehearsal that evening also went well and before he knew it Friday was over and he was on an actor’s sofa bed while they made a drinking game out of whatever musical they had put on to watch. Eric fell asleep two drinks in from his endless exhaustion. It seemed as though he was cursed to be forever tired till the day he died.

Saturday started off similarly to Friday. He was the first awake and helped tied up last night’s drinking games before he left for work. Staying here he was closer to the hotel than when he stayed at the flat so he technically didn’t have to leave until about an hour later than he normally would have. But he had woken up starving as once again he’d failed to have a proper meal after work, and then the two drinks he had...yeah he was hungry. So Eric spent the extra time he had that morning tracking down something to eat. He ended up at the same Starbucks he had visited the other day with Lizzie and Olivia and as he scanned over the display case of pastries he couldn’t stop her face from popping up in his head as he caught sight of the chocolate croissants. Was this how it would be from now on? Was he always going to associate chocolate croissants with Lizzie? Did she even like them that much? Or had she just wanted one that one day they walked to the cafe? He really didn’t know her well enough to be able to answer that, and so here he was picturing her standing beside him talking about chocolate croissants.

While tea was usually his go to, today Eric ordered coffee, black. It wasn’t that Eric didn’t like coffee, or particularly preferred tea over it. Well, he did really love his black tea. But generally it was because tea was cheaper, easier, and more readily available that he chose drinking it each day over coffee. So it was a special day when he put the money down for coffee—or else it was a day he stole Olivia’s.
”Would you like anything to eat with that?” Oh right, he had come here for food, so along with his coffee he also ordered: ”Uhm, a chocola—a ham and cheese croissant?” That was a close one, he’d almost ordered a chocolate croissant after thinking about them Lizzie for so long.
”Ham and cheese?” The cashier confirmed his order, just to be sure he didn’t actually want the chocolate, ”Yes, thank you.” Just like the coffee and tea debate, ham and cheese was not his first choice either, but he needed something at least somewhat filling to last till his next meal—whenever that was.

Once at the hotel it seemed that today’s shift would go smoothly again except that Eric was rather distracted all day. He made a few careless errors here and there as he wasn’t completely present, Mentally or emotionally. His errors weren’t anything irreversible. They were simple mistakes such as saying Good Morning/Day/Evening at the wrong time of day. Or filing a paper away incorrectly, catching himself in the middle and wondering why he couldn’t concentrate today.

For seemingly the hundredth time that day he glanced to the clock on the wall. Lunch had come and gone, the kitchen staff supplied him with a meal today so he wasn’t going hungry the rest of the day. It was getting close when he could clock out for the day. Normally Eric didn’t really pay attention to the time, he would stay until he was no longer needed because he never had anything directly after work. He still had a time gap between the end of his shift and the beginning of his rehearsals. But something today had him counting down the hours as though he had somewhere to be. As though he were calculating in his head what time he needed to leave to be somewhere by only, he wasn’t going anywhere. He just had his production meeting and then he would sleep.

6:45pm rolled by and he was seated with members of his troupe, script spread across the table in a similar fashion to when Lizzie had helped him edit it, ”Whose handwriting is this?”
”Hm? He glanced over to see the girl was pointing out a section Lizzie had written, ”Uhm, a friend—she helped read through it.” He had said friend. Were they friends now? By Lizzie’s loose definition they must be. After all she was friends after only knowing her classmates for a week and without having even attended any classes yet. She was even hanging out with them today. Tonight. He looked up to the clock—right now. They were hanging out right now, and Eric was sitting in this meeting still counting each passing minute.

By the time the meeting was over it was a few past eight o’clock. Lizzie’s mic night had only been going for an hour now. Would it be weird if he showed up late? No, he was usually late to flat hangouts anyways. So why would it matter if he was late to this? Well, he wouldn’t know anyone there….speaking of knowing, he didn’t even know where it was being held. He could make a few guesses on which venue based on previous similar events, but he realized now that after turning down Lizzie he had pretty much checked out the rest of the night and completely missed any other details involving tonight. Even if he knew though, would he have gone? Maybe if Olivia was there. But he wasn’t particularly close to Veronica——but Lizzie was there. She had this magnetic pull that made him want to be near her, but at the same time he was a little afraid of her. Not of her, but of being with her. Afraid of losing what he never had to begin with. What if the night ended up being a disaster? What if he ruined everything? By not going he was saving himself the risk of disappointment. Except that here he was, walking alone back to the flat, disappointed.

After stopping at his car for clothes, he was the first one in the flat. The lights were all off, silence filling the rooms. Lizzie and Veronica would probably be back late. Olivia....probably not as late. The boys though? Eric didn’t have a clue what they were up to. He wasn’t sure if they went to mic night or were out doing their own thing together. It was a Saturday night after all, so regardless they would likely be back late as well. So it seemed Eric would have the flat to himself for a while. After showering he was back in his hoodie he’d been wearing the past few days. Just his hoodie, and his underwear of course. He set himself up on the couch with a notebook, a pen and a bottle of water. His blanket was draped across his bare lap and he had squished himself against the armrest. He only sat there for about 15 minutes before he heard the front door open. Close. Lock. Footsteps. Pause.

”You should’ve gone with Lizzie.”

Woah, okay now where did that come from?? Eric turned his head to see Olivia in the double door way, sassy hand on her hip, the other holding her keys at her side, ”What?”
”You were already in the area, you should’ve just gone after your rehearsal meeting or I don’t know--reschedule it? Aren’t you in charge anyways?” Eric didn’t have the words to respond to her, why was she attacking him like this out of the blue?
Oh hi Olivia, welcome home.
Oh hello Eric, thanks, how was your day?
”You know she really wanted you to go, right?” She had dumped her own bag on the dining room table and went to the kitchen, returning with drinks for the two of them and sat herself next to him. Like directly beside him. She took his pen from his hand and tossed it over to the coffee table along with his notebook, replacing the spot in his hand with a drink, ”She was so cute inviting you over for dinner.” He and Olivia made eye contact for the brief moment. Both of them knew exactly what she was getting at without her saying it. He didn’t live here. And Lizzie knew that much. So she had thought it would be nice to have him over for dinner, not understanding his situation at all. ”It’s not like you had work or something, you could’ve gone.”

Olivia really hadn’t left him with much room to try and defend himself but they did sit and talk for a good thirty minutes before she went to get ready for bed herself. They talked about him mostly. That maybe he needed to branch out more. That maybe he would feel better doing something outside of his routine. That even if it wasn’t Lizzie he should try something new; but Lizzie was here and offering so why would he pass that up? Olivia had mentioned that she knew he would have gone had she been there, but that he needed to do things for himself once in a while and not just follow along with whatever. Life long depression and self destructing habits were hard to break, but it seemed Olivia would be on his heels about it now.

He never picked his notebook back up, he didn’t feel like songwriting. Nothing was coming to him anyways. So after finishing his drink he got up once to pee and brush his teeth but ultimately he just crawled back under his blanket and let himself knock out for the night before any of the others came home.

He woke up late Sunday morning. Well, late for Eric as he was normally up anywhere between 5:30am-7am. As it was his eyes didn’t open till after 9:30 and he proceeded to hug his pillow closer wishing he could go back to sleep. He could hear the sounds of cooking coming from the kitchen. The smell of coffee drifted through the common space and honestly made him more aware of his empty stomach, ”Hey?” it seemed he had almost dozed back off, when he opened again Olivia was crouched in front of him and pushed his hair out of the way so she could better see his face. It was unusual for him to sleep in, ever. She looked like she had just woken up and climbed out of bed herself, and then upon seeing him still asleep at this hour had come over to check on him, ”C’mon, Mal’s making breakfast—”
”Brunch!” Malcolm corrected her from the kitchen. Picking up Eric’s empty drink from last night Olivia sighed knowing she wouldn’t win that argument with Mr.Master Chef in the making. As it turned out, by “brunch”, Malcolm wasn’t planning to finish cooking for another hour or two. He had just started. And brunch was meant to be a late morning meal, not 9:30am. But Eric wouldn’t have time to wait around to eat with the flat. After some coaxing Olivia got him up and to the table where she and Malcolm managed to put together a substitute brunch for him. The rest of the flat started slowly waking up and trickling in just as Eric finished and was getting ready to leave for work. He had just finished folding his blanket and was picking up his bag to exit when Lizzie walked by the couch into the dining area. At first Eric wasn’t going to say anything, like there was this huge pressure forcing him quiet and he couldn’t speak no matter how badly he wanted to. This was so frustrating. He never had trouble with public speaking, customer service, being friendly, but Lizzie?? With Lizzie it was suddenly like he didn’t even know his own name. He was constantly afraid he would say the wrong thing. Once they started talking he was fine. The past week was proof of that. But the initial contact was just so difficult— Olivia was watching him from her place at the table now, ”Uhm, good morning. Lizzie.”
There, was that really so hard? He spoke slowly, his voice still sounding as though he had just woken up as he hadn’t spoken much all morning. She returned the greeting, then upon noticing he looked like he was on his way out she asked if he wasn’t staying to eat. He ran his hand through his hair as he replied that he had already eaten and had work now. Well, at least he hadn’t left without saying anything. So after a simple farewell to her and anyone else who cared to say goodbye, Eric left for work, not to return until close to 2am that night….the next morning…? Late shifts and overnights were always so disorienting. Like when you say goodbye to your coworkers do you say see you later? Or see you tomorrow? Because technically it was Monday now and he would be back at the hotel at 11pm that night. But he would be sleeping in between then. And sleep is the unofficial passer of time. It wasn’t tomorrow until after he slept.

Well that night...morning… felt like tomorrow would never come as he tossed and turned on the couch. Monday was turning into one very long Sunday as Eric checked the time: 3:11am. He had just managed to finally fall asleep not twenty minutes ago only to wake up in a panic. You know that feeling when you’re about to sleep but you feel like you’re falling so you wake up? Yeah, that happened. Only it wasn’t that he was falling. Eric had started to dream— a nightmare really. He couldn’t recall what it was now, it had left him that quickly. But so here he lay sweating under his blanket until he finally drifted back to sleep for a couple hours until his usual internal clock kicked in around 5:30am and there was no going back to sleep after that. Yesterday’s 9:30 wake up had been a once in a blue moon experience.

The flat was still dark and quiet, he was the first one up, like usual. His first stop was the bathroom, like usual. Where he peed and showered and changed to get ready for the day. Not that he had anything to do until work that night. But he didn’t feel much like loitering in the flat, he’d been doing that a lot lately and was beginning to feel as though he was over staying his welcome. So rather than slipping back into his comfy hoodie he instead wore a charcoal gray henley with the buttons undone revealing his necklace and the very tips of his twin swallow tattoos just barely peeking out. The rest of his body art was covered by the long sleeves save for his tiny hand cross which was always there for the world to see as well as a reminder to himself. Simple black skinny jeans and then his look was done and he was returning to the common space where his bag and brown boots were waiting for him.

It appeared that Olivia was up now and she was in the kitchen, no doubt making coffee before work. They didn’t say anything to one another, but it wasn’t tense or awkward. More like two siblings that were just so used to each other that they didn’t need to greet each other every single time they saw each other. It was pretty early after all. So Eric took a seat on the couch to put away his hoodie in his bag and put on his socks. Honestly he was exhausted but what was new.

”Going somewhere?”
Um, yes? But no? But— Eric looked up to see Lizzie enter, already dressed and walking towards the kitchen. Oh, so Olivia wasn’t talking to him. Lizzie explained that she wanted to do a practice run for her commute to her internship. The one by King’s Cross? She had gotten lost just getting from campus to the ABC. Would she be able to make it from here to King’s Cross? Or...wherever she was going? There was no telling what suddenly possessed him to speak up: ”I’ll go.” What? Go where? Where are you going Eric? Both girls had turned to look at him now, he had stood up from his spot on the couch now and went on to clarify what he had meant as he tousled his hair again almost as a nervous habit now, ”I can take you— if you want. London can be confusing.” Right. Okay Eric. He literally had nothing to compare London to. He’d lived here his entire life. He was certainly the best tour guide in the city, but to say that it could be confusing? Well, he was just assuming based on the amount of directions he’d given to tourists. He didn’t let himself look to Olivia, knowing fully well that she would be staring at him in disbelief. Instead he kept his attention solely on Lizzie, the butterflies in his stomach under his own were going crazy as his anxiety skyrocketed waiting for her response while simultaneously regretting asking. Was this how Lizzie had felt asking him the other night?


()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 090318----------- LOCATION — king’s cross station----------- COMPANY — eric

“I’d love to.” How amazing it was to string three simple words together and let them control your emotions. Just hearing those three words come out of Eric’s mouth had Lizzie’s heart fluttering and she felt the corners of her mouth turn up. He said he’d love to go.

If only she had been listening closely to the tone of his voice, she would have heard that there was obviously a “but” coming just around the corner.

Lizzie had plenty of scenarios running through her head as she waited for Eric’s response to her invitation. Most of them were of him saying yes. She allowed her heart the strength to handle a couple no scenarios. But even as she attempted to steel her heart for the possible chance that he would turn her down, that still didn’t prepare her for when he actually did say he couldn’t go.

Her face twitched as she forced the frown that wanted to show from appearing. She couldn’t reveal how disappointed she felt listening to his explanation for why he couldn’t go to the Open Mic Night event.

In the couple scenarios she pictured him saying no, she prepared for him to say that he had work - which was not so bizarre, she had learned now - or that he had his own plans with his own friends. Not that she was even remotely aware of the existence of any of these friends she imagined in her head. But she prepared herself for those excuses. They made sense. Eric had a whole entire life outside of her own little world.

So why then did she feel as if she had been punched in the gut? The disappointment definitely hit her hard. Next moment, however, she felt another twist in her stomach. Why was she so disappointed? She had just reasoned that Eric was in his right to say no to such a last minute invitation. wasn’t last minute. Not in the slightest. It was Thursday. The event was on Saturday. That was plenty of time to—

Lizzie was torturing herself; diving head first in the hamster wheel that consisted of her feelings over Eric saying no. She went from understanding his reasoning to wishing he didn’t say he couldn’t go. All of it leading back to questioning why she was so damn disappointed in the first place.

“Oh...okay. Maybe next time then? Hopefully I don’t catch you on a meeting day.” And that was when she figured it all out. She understood now where the deep disappointment came from. Sure, a part of her disappointment stemmed from realizing her fantasy of seeing him on stage again was over. But it was after she spoke that she realized it was because he had a meeting for his theatre group that Saturday; information she knew nothing of. He had told her of the rehearsals on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. But why had he not told her about Saturdays? Did he think they weren’t important enough to disclose? But...that didn’t make sense. If they weren’t important, he wouldn’t be going. So then, did that mean he thought it wasn’t important for her to know?

Her thoughts - and impending heart break - were put on pause at the announcement that Angel was home. The notable diva of the flat made a colorful display of his entrance, strutting into the common area like he was Beyoncé. Lizzie immediately felt the atmosphere lighten as laughter filled the long room. Under her breath, Lizzie cleared her throat. She needed a reset. She couldn’t let this ruin the rest of the night.

For the rest of dinner, Lizzie kept her mind busy. She didn’t give herself time to think back to the invitation. There was no point. The rest of the table had moved on from the topic. She tried to be as involved in as many conversations as possible. However, it didn’t take her long to realize that Eric had kept quiet since he told her he couldn’t make it to the event. Whenever she glanced in his direction, he was focused on his food.

Then he excused himself and didn’t return to the table until everyone else was done. By that time, Lizzie had insisted on helping Veronica wash the dishes. Malcolm protested against this though. After all, she had been a “great assistant” earlier. But Lizzie insisted. Just to give herself something to do instead of constantly staring at the wide open double doors; feeling the deep longing in her chest as she waited for Eric to return and join them. When he finally filled the door frame - now dressed in a hoodie and shorts - he went straight to the living room and watched the rest of Goblet of Fire. He didn’t say anything to her.

Lizzie knew she was getting too strung up on all of this. She knew that if she kept over analyzing everything Eric did while they were in the same room, she would lead herself to disappointment again. And she had just come to terms with him unable to go on Saturday. She was gradually reaching a real understanding of his already busy schedule. There was no point entertaining the disappointment by evolving it into something else.

In the end, she was saved from her impending misery when she heard her iPad ringing from her bedroom. It was the familiar ringtone indicating that a Skype call was waiting for her. After she passed the last of the damp dishes to her roommate, she excused herself from the common area and jogged back to her room. She picked up her iPad from the top of her bed, answered the call and as she greeted her friends cheerily, she walked over to the door to close it.

It didn’t take long for her friends to realize that something was off with her. Between her best friend since first year college, her ex-teammate and her roommate, they could read her like a book. Not that it was difficult, according to her friends. But despite her wide grin and genuine happiness to be able to talk to her friends before they all started their day, they knew something was eating at her. She knew that there would be no way around avoiding the subject. They would never buy an “I’m fine.” So she reached for her headphones and her Bluetooth keyboard and started typing. Her friends, bless their hearts, “listened” to her concerns over Eric and offered comments and opinions when appropriate. But once she finished retelling the story, they didn’t hold back.

“I honestly don’t get why he didn’t just tell you that he also has his theatre thing on Saturdays. Like, that should be a big deal to remember.”

“Maybe he forgot? Liz did say that it was just a meeting.”
This comment was met with a couple skeptical looks from the others. Katie was the more optimistic of the bunch. She’s still an athlete after all.

Her three friends were still weighing the reasons for Eric’s slip of the mind when Lizzie watched in her peripheral as the door opened. She looked up past her tablet screen to watch with a small smile as Veronica went through her evening routine to prepare for bed. Now that the summer term was finally over, she was back to her “usual work schedule” and had to be in the city by nine the next morning. As her friends still talked in one ear, she bid her roommate good night. Not once did they pause their conversation; getting a glimpse into Lizzie’s new life didn’t seem as important as figuring out whether or not Eric actually liked her or not.

To which Lizzie was quick to type out a response, informing them that she didn’t even know if he liked her enough to be friends with her.

To which Jade responded with, “But you’re Liz Darcy….Everyone wants to be your friend….”

Considering how early it still was that evening, Lizzie was able to stay on the video call with her friends for a few more hours until she heard Veronica’s steady breathing. She knew then that it was time to get off. After prolonged goodbyes, Lizzie ended the call then put her iPad on the bedside table with her keyboard and headphones on top. She tiptoed over to the light switch, but before she turned off the light, she opened their bedroom door.

Outside, the hallway and the common area were dark save for some light coming from the living room. This confused her especially because the double doors were still open. As she peeked her head out of her bedroom, she turned towards the boys’ end. She noted that the light was on in the bathroom. Maybe it was Eric. But just as she thought this, the door opened and she watched as Malcolm stepped out with a towel hanging off his arm. He looked up then, noticing she was standing there. They looked at each other quietly for a moment. Then, Malcolm nodded toward the double doors, his expression reading that he was wondering if she would look into that. Lizzie turned away to stare at the open doors then returned her gaze over to him with a nod.

After Malcolm offered her a wave good night, Lizzie stepped out of her room to the double doors. She had intentions of simply closing the doors and letting Eric turn off the television when he was ready. But when she chanced a glance over at the larger couch, she noticed that the mound of blankets that were Eric was rising and falling steadily. And it didn’t even seem like Eric was facing the television at all. She tiptoed over to the living room, craning her neck carefully as she squinted through the darkness to check on Eric. Sure enough, through his curtain of long hair, he was fast asleep.

Lizzie’s footsteps were careful, afraid that she would make a noise that would wake him. She reached over the coffee table for the television remote to turn it off just as Harry was about to dive into the pensieve again. Her walk back to the double doors were as careful as the ones preventing her from waking up Eric. Now in the darkness, she was more at risk. When she reached the double doors again, she grabbed the door handles and pulled them in with the intention to close. But she stopped, leaving them open slightly.

She turned to look over at the couch again. Of course, it wasn’t like she could actually see anything. Even with the small amount of light peeking in through the windows, she really couldn’t see what she wanted to see. But it didn’t matter. She just wanted to look. She recalled the last time she walked in on Eric on the couch; already fast asleep before everyone else. Even if it had happened last week, she won’t ever forget how peaceful he looked. It was the kind of peaceful that only comes from having a long, exhausting day. In that instant, she felt a pang of guilt over her reaction earlier at dinner. Just earlier that day, she saw how much he worked: constantly walking around from one end of the hotel to the other seeing to different tasks. She knew he was serious about theatre; it was evident in the way he dedicated his time and effort into making his new script perfect. Between what she could guess is a full time job and his rehearsal hours, it was no wonder he sometimes looked tired when he visited. And yet she had the audacity to be disappointed in him over something that he chose to commit his time to. Why? Because she hoped to see him perform on stage again? How selfish could she be?

In truth, Lizzie was actually awake a lot earlier than she let on. Ever since that morning she decided to do a morning swim, she felt her internal alarm clock go off at around the same time. But even as the old urge to slip into the training suit poked at the back of her mind, she ignored it, tossing and turning in an attempt to go back to sleep. She didn’t want to be awake right now. She didn’t want to face Eric after her behavior last night.

She eventually dozed off around half six, then waking up three hours later. As the bedroom directly across from the double doors, the smells from outside slipped inside and it was the smell of coffee that tempted her awake. She was still surprised at how much coffee was actually consumed in this flat. Here she thought British people typically preferred tea.

She could figure out by now who was still in the flat based on what time it was in the morning. It helped that everyone was pretty much dedicated to updating the flat’s Google Calendar as much as possible. She recalled what Angel had said last week during the flat meeting; that the Calendar was so the others could be held accountable for their own schedules. To which Veronica very affectionately added on that it was for someone to be the human alarm clock for the Queen himself. She wondered who had been in charge of getting Angel out of bed that morning for his early doctor’s appointment.

When she finally walked out of her bedroom, both Malcolm and Olivia were standing at the kitchen island. They looked up simultaneously at her arrival, offering their cheery greetings. Olivia inquired about her plans for today, to which Lizzie told her that she had none. It wasn’t the ideal plan in Lizzie’s opinion, but she had reasoned that making plans with her new school friends just seemed like overdoing it considering she was going to see almost all of them tomorrow night. Plus, she jokingly added, she wasn’t in the mood to pay the train fees to go into the city.

So she was left alone at the flat for the rest of the afternoon. It was a bad decision in the end. She was bored to death. In the end, she decided to spend a large chunk of her afternoon at the cafe near the flat; making sure to bring her iPad so she at least had something to entertain her while she ate lunch.

When she decided to return to the flat, the sun was showing signs of beginning to set. This, of course, didn’t say much in terms of how much daylight she had left to get home. She learned quickly that even if the sun looked ready to set, it would take another three to four hours to do so.

Throughout the rest of Friday, Lizzie fought to stop looking towards the door. Each time she heard the door open, she felt herself getting her hopes up…only to be disappointed when one of her flatmates came in. She knew the one person she was expecting wouldn’t be coming today. He did have theatre rehearsals after all.

Saturday wasn’t any better. Since she was anticipating when she would be heading into the city for the Open Mic Night event, the down time she had at the flat felt as if it was dragging. Even when she spent the entire morning into the afternoon talking to anyone she could back home, it just didn’t seem like six would arrive fast enough.

Luckily for her, however, a savior arrived.

Sophia called while she was having a late lunch. Apparently everyone was meeting at Anna’s flat to walk together to Open Mic Night and wanted to know if she would be able to meet up. Even without thinking it over, Lizzie agreed and grabbed a piece of scratch paper and a pen to write down the address. Even as Sophia continued to map out the plan, she was on her iPad pulling up the directions to jot down in her notebook. She then changed for the event, sent a group text to the flat letting them know that she was heading out and locked the front door behind her before making her way to the bus stop.

“Hang on...I thought Eddie was going to be meeting here as well?” Sophia asked, looking around the small flat as if they hadn’t been sitting there for twenty minutes. “And that boyfriend of yours? I would have expected him to be here by now.”

Lizzie watched as Anna popped her head over the top of the open refrigerator door to stare at Sophia. She then offered a shrug before ducking her head out of sight once again. Through the muffled sound of her voice, Lizzie overheard that she had no idea where the boys were and that maybe they should reach out to them.

“Okay, fine. I’ll text Andrew. Lizzie, do you mind talking to Eddie?”

Lizzie blinked, then offered a nod as she pulled out her phone from her back pocket. As instructed, she wrote a quick text message to Eddie asking where he was and if he was coming over to Anna’s before they all headed to the cafe.

As she waited for Eddie to respond back, she listened as Sophia explained that Andrew, Anna’s boyfriend, was currently stuck in traffic after having visited his grandmother, but that he would most likely just meet them all at the cafe. Anna didn’t seem phased by this response. This made sense though since the two had, apparently, been dating since the beginning of university. They obviously reached that point in their relationship where they were comfortable not always having to be together. An accomplishment she had never achieved in her own previous relationships. And for a second, she felt a little envious of Anna.

Eddie didn’t take long to respond. After Anna took her spot at her small dining table, handing out the waters she got from the refrigerator, Lizzie heard her phone go off beside her. She turned her phone over to see Eddie’s name on the lock screen.

Hi Lizzie.
Sorry, I got held up. A mate is undecided
over what he wants to perform tonight. I’ll
meet you and the others at the cafe, okay?
I’ll make sure to save you a seat. :)

She was starting to see a trend in how the British sent text messages as she stared at the two X’s that were obviously indicating kisses. It was a common thing she saw in the group chat between everyone in the flat, but she believed they did that because they were all close friends and because the group consisted of girls and gays. But then she saw that Sophia did the same when she sent text messages. And now she noticed that Eddie was doing the same. So maybe it wasn’t as specific as she initially thought.

Since both the boys in their group had informed them that they would not be meeting at Anna’s flat, Lizzie and the girls stopped worrying that they would be late waiting for them. They had even decided to just stay at the flat up until about twenty minutes before the Open Mic Night started. In-between that time, Anna pulled out some snacks and they just talked.

Lizzie, however, found it strange that when conversation was directed at her, Sophia was constantly asking about Eddie. At first it was a question about what she thought about him: she answered that he seemed “nice” in the few occasions they talked since they first met. He was definitely quite the gentleman; recalling how he had offered her his chair during lunch the other day. The more questions Sophia asked, the more Lizzie noticed this odd look on her new friend’s face. Did she like Eddie or something? But why ask her about it? If she remembered correctly, Anna knew Eddie better than she did.

Their entertaining conversations and constant laughter made them lose track of time. When one of them finally looked up long enough to check the time, they only had ten minutes to get to the cafe before the Open Mic Night was scheduled to start. As Lizzie grabbed her jacket and purse, she peeked at her phone and saw that Veronica had sent her a text some ten minutes ago letting her know that she was off work and on the way.

They had made it to the cafe a few minutes after seven. Luckily, although not surprisingly, the event had not started. In fact, it still appeared as if they were in the process of setting up the stage.

“Should we order drinks first? Or should we look for the boys?” Sophia asked, craning her neck to look for the others. She then asked if they actually wanted to get drinks.

Anna offered to look for the boys while they ordered drinks. She told them what she wanted - Lizzie guessed that the ease she gave her order must have meant that she was a regular here - and then mentioned that she would text them if the boys wanted something as well. After watching Anna slip past a group of guys all in similar designed polo shirts, Lizzie followed Sophia toward the register to place their orders.

In truth, the cafe was alright. It was a little darker than she liked it, but she wondered if it was simply for the ambience of tonight’s event. When it was their turn at the register, Lizzie let Sophia order first while she browsed the menu. There were definitely more options than the ABC. She also wondered if she should get something to eat with her drink. In the end, she decided on just getting a coffee.

Anna returned just as they had grabbed their order numbers. She informed them that the boys had claimed a table to the side and instructed them both to follow. As they walked around other tables - noticing that they were filling up fast now that the event was about to start - Lizzie occasionally turned her gaze back toward the door just in case Veronica arrived. And the deeper they walked into the cafe, the more concerned she felt that her roommate wouldn’t be able to find her. She figured that once she put her order number down, she would head back to the entrance and wait for her.

When they arrived at the table Anna had led them to, it was Eddie that she made eye contact with first. In fact, it was almost as if he had completely ignored Sophia’s presence up until the girl spoke. Lizzie watched as the two friends exchanged friendly greetings before Eddie pulled away. He then stepped around her to approach Lizzie. Maybe it was because she was still under the impression that maybe, just maybe, Sophia liked Eddie, but Lizzie felt a little bad for Sophia. The way Eddie hugged her seemed so rushed, as if he wanted to get the greeting over with to do something else. That something else being greeting her, it seemed.

“Hi! Glad you made it!” Eddie greeted, his smile widening as he got closer. Lizzie pushed aside her thoughts about Sophia and Eddie briefly to return the smile. As he got closer, Lizzie watched as he extended his arms out to her. She didn’t need a second hint to tell her what he intended on doing.

Eddie was a waist hugger. And despite the drastic height difference between them - although, to be honest, everyone had a drastic height difference on her in this country - he committed to his preference as he bent down low to wrap his arms around her tightly. She wondered, as she wrapped her arms lightly around his neck, if he had hugged Sophia this tightly. It honestly didn’t look like it when she watched the two.

Something strange happened as she hugged Eddie. In her mind, she had intended for the hug to last a few seconds; at an acceptable length of time she typically thought was appropriate for two people that were just starting to become friends. When she reached that length of time in her head, she began to unwrap her arms from around him. However, he didn’t. In fact, he pulled her in tighter. Confused, she stayed in her current position until he finally pulled away. When she looked up at him, he seemed to be avoiding eye contact.

She was just about to attempt at small talk with Eddie when she heard Anna calling out to her. She returned her gaze at Eddie so that she could excuse herself. For the time being, she would not think too much about that hug and how it just made her more confused about her new group of friends.

When she returned from the bathroom with Anna, she caught sight of a familiar redhead standing near the register. A bright smile spread across her lips as she excused herself from Anna’s company to meet up with her roommate. As she greeted her with a hug, she commented how happy she was that she made it. And just in time because it looked like the Open Mic Night event was just about to start.

“There you are,” Eddie said when she approached their table. “So it looks like the girls invited someone else and the table I got for us can only fit one more person. But if you want, we can take one of the smaller tables.”

Lizzie looked over at the table. Sure enough, accompanying Sophia, Anna and her boyfriend was another girl that she didn’t know with an extra chair pulled up at the head. She then looked at Eddie before looking at Veronica. “Um, it’s okay, Eddie. You can take the chair. Me and my roommate will sit at the smaller one.” From the look on Eddie’s face, it was almost as if he hadn’t noticed that Lizzie was actually not alone. But he didn’t say anything, instead pointing her toward the smaller table beside the bigger one. Her order number had even been placed there already.

Overall, the Open Mic Night was entertaining. There were plenty of entertaining acts that performed. And for those that were, well, not as talented as they thought they were… Ricki was sitting right beside her ready to share her views. The rest of her flatmates were right. Irish people were a little too honest.

Throughout the night, Lizzie tried her best to share her attention equally between the friends that had invited her and the one she had invited. Of course, she made sure to introduce Veronica to the rest of the group, but save for the occasional small talk, Veronica just didn’t seem that interested in becoming familiar with the others.

The situation between Veronica and her school friends grew more tense - at least in Lizzie’s opinion - when, after a guitarist was applauded off stage, Veronica commented, “You know, I bet Eric could sing that cover song better.” In truth, the comment could have appeared harmless. After all, Eric was their mutual friend and they both knew he was a great singer. But even Lizzie noticed that Veronica spoke in a volume that made it so that people other than herself could hear it. Still, even if she realized that her school friends probably heard Veronica’s Eric comment, she couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on her face. Because she was right, Eric would have been fantastic on that stage tonight. With that thought in mind, Lizzie pulled out her phone to check the time. She wondered how Eric’s theatre meeting was going.

The event ended up running a lot later than was initially scheduled on the flyer. Turns out that the performers that signed up for the second half thought it would be a great idea to go the full ten minutes they were allocated. One particularly animated spoken word artist even yelled at the host to “stop limiting her creativity”. To Veronica, that was the most entertaining part of the night.

By the time they finally left the cafe, Lizzie was honestly kind of wired. She had decided to order another cup of coffee just so that she wouldn’t have to stare at the empty cup she accidentally finished too quickly during the first half. And after using the bathroom, she was still energized enough to do something else. However, her school friends didn’t share her feelings. In fact, half of them were ready to go home since it was getting so late.

“But it’s feckin’ half ten…” Lizzie heard Veronica mutter behind her. Lizzie tried not to react.

As her school friends gradually parted ways, Eddie was the last to leave. After Sophia took her leave, Eddie turned to look at Lizzie. Once again, Lizzie couldn’t help noticing that he seemed to have forgotten Veronica was with them.

“So, can I give you a ride home? I’m sure taking the Tube to Boundary can’t be too fun at this time,” Eddie offered with a friendly looking smile.

The offer was actually very tempting. He was right. It was pretty late and spending the next half hour on the train back home didn’t sound—“Actually, I was getting kind of hungry in there. Their sandwiches are too damn expensive. I do know of a gyro place down the street.” Actually, a gyro right now sounded amazing after two coffees.

“Damn, that just got me hungry. I’m down!” Lizzie added, then turned to look at Eddie “Do you wanna come with us?”

She watched Eddie’s face as it turned confused. He looked from her to Veronica and back before deciding to decline the offer. He stuttered an apology that he wouldn’t be able to stay around late enough to give her—erm, them—that ride.

“He does realize we could just order take away and probably eat it in the car. I’m not a messy eater, y’know.” Lizzie turned to shoot her roommate an incredulous look. “What? Are you a messy eater?”

Much to Lizzie’s surprise, she and Veronica were not the last ones back at the flat. She noticed the moment their flat appeared in sight that Malcolm’s car was not parked in its usual spot. If she remembered correctly, he and Angel had been invited to a birthday thing.

The two quickly read the inside of the flat, taking note that all the lights were off even though the double doors were still open. As they tiptoed to their bedroom, Lizzie quickly peeked into the living room; a sense of hopefulness immediately consuming her. It wasn’t disappointed. Noticing the mound of blankets sprawled on the bigger couch, Lizzie smiled.

The gyro and the beer she had been persuaded to buy last night could have been the reason why Lizzie woke up late Sunday morning. By the time she became aware that there was activity outside her bedroom door, it was already eleven and she overheard Angel’s voice loudly and excitedly declare that he was “so ready” for brunch. And that was her cue to get out of bed.

Since she was still recovering from having just woken up, Lizzie’s tunnel vision focused on the coffee pot calling her name. She knew that she should probably go to the bathroom first, but the caffeine. So as she walked past the living room toward the kitchen, the low, familiar voice directly addressing her came off faint. But still, she turned in the direction of the voice and found Eric looking right at her.

Wait—shit. Her hair was a mess.

As she watched Eric run a hand through his hair - a habit, she was starting to notice - she suddenly became self-conscious about her own. Sure, her long locks were never subject to bed head. But she had decided to leave her hair in a bun last night and she could almost guarantee that it was sticking every which way right now. Maybe she should have run to the bathroom first after all.

But despite her appearance-induced panic attack, she managed to stutter out a “good morning” before Eric had to leave. Wait, he was leaving already? Lizzie was still too tired to fight the frown; disappointed that she wouldn’t get to hang out with him that morning. She didn’t even know if he would be coming back to the flat tonight.

Lizzie had plans to stay home that Sunday. Apart from preparing for her planned practice run to her internship Monday morning, she was scheduled to have a FaceTime session with her sisters. Izzy had a tennis tournament and there was no way she wanted to miss it. After her sister’s tennis tournament though, she agreed with Jane that she should probably go to bed early for her practice run.

She was up early Monday morning. A quick peek at her window told her that it was just time for sunrise. While her roommate still slept, she quietly changed into a pair of jeans and an oversized sweater; one of the lighter materials since it was still summer even though it was predicted to be cooler today. Since she had decided to shower the night before, she simply pulled her hair back in its usual ponytail.

It was about seven when she exited her room. She noticed that Olivia was already hovering near the coffee maker. Even though she was wearing her Vans, the floors creaked enough for her presence to be announced.

”Going somewhere?” Olivia asked after she turned her head and registered her presence.

Lizzie nodded. “Yeah, I was thinking of doing like a practice run to my internship since I start tomorrow,” she explained. Just then, she noted some movement to her right. When she turned her head, she saw that it was Eric. She couldn’t ignore how her heart quickened at the sight of him.

But just then—“I’ll go.”

Now both Lizzie and Olivia looked at Eric. While she couldn’t see her flatmate’s expression, hers was confused. Go where?

Then he clarified that he could take her. Even if it was still kind of a vague explanation, Lizzie was certain he was talking about taking her to her internship. She blinked then briefly turned to look at Olivia. However, she didn’t offer much in terms of...well, anything. Olivia was more concerned staring at her best friend than offering some kind of words on the situation.

So Eric wanted to help her find her internship. If it hadn’t been for their previous experience when he helped her find the ABC, Lizzie would have thought this kind of strange. Then again, this was Eric. She had told him the other day the general area where her internship was located. And to her, the fact that he was offering to help her was a sweet gesture.

But still, there were still some formalities she had to get through; even if she wanted so badly to just say yes and get going.

“You don’t have any other plans today? I wouldn’t want you to be in any hurry or whatever,” she asked. As Eric explained that he wasn’t busy, at least not until later tonight, Lizzie watched as he came closer. Her gaze slid down to the top of his shirt, noticing what looks like the tips of a tattoo on the visible area of his chest. Staring at it closely, she thought that the tattoos peeking out looked like beaks. Birds maybe? A part of her felt as if she had seen it before, but it was a vague memory. Kind of like a mix between a faded memory and deja vu. The recollection was there, but it was just at the tip of her tongue where she had seen it last.

It wasn’t like the chest tattoo was the first tattoo she had seen on Eric. After all, just last week she noticed all of the small tattoos he had on his left wrist. And before that, she remembered seeing the small cross on his left hand that day they worked on his script together. At the time, she didn’t think much of all these tattoos. After all, she had her own collection. It just never occurred to her until she saw the sneak peek of his chest tattoo that he might actually have more.

Suddenly, Olivia cleared her throat. Lizzie blinked, realizing just then that she had been staring at Eric. She felt her cheeks flush as she ducked her head down to stare at her shoes. It became apparent to her that she needed to say something...and fast.

“Sure!” she finally said, mentally kicking herself for sounding too excited. Well, she was. But Eric and Olivia didn’t need to know that. “I mean, as long as you don’t have to rush anywhere, I would appreciate it.”

“I kinda have my notes, like, scheduled so that I would be leaving around this time and be able to make it there without being late,” she further explained as she pulled her notebook out of her purse. “Are you ready to go?”

“Are you two not going to eat breakfast then?” came Olivia’s voice suddenly. Honestly, Lizzie had completely forgotten there was someone else in the room.

But as she turned to look over at the kitchen, two large muffins were already sitting on the island. Oh, right. Malcolm baked muffins on Sunday.

After she prepared some coffee in one of the disposable coffee cups, Lizzie grabbed one of the muffins and waited for Eric’s cue to leave. She bid farewell to Olivia before leading the way to the front door.

“Thanks for coming along and helping me out, Eric,” Lizzie said as they made their way to the sidewalk. “Like, I already have all the directions written out, but you’re obviously the London expert. So I feel like I can trust you.” She gave a light laugh at this, pulling off a piece of her muffin.

When they arrived at the tube station entrance, Lizzie waited for Eric to buy his train ticket. Admittedly, she was a little confused why he needed to buy a ticket. Didn’t he have an Oyster card? Her trip to his hotel from the flat told her that the trip was a long one. Or maybe he actually drove to work. Although, she had never seen nor heard about him having a car. Maybe he was just buying this train ticket so that they would have the full commute experience for her benefit.

“So, how was the meeting the other night? Did you share the changes in the script with the rest of your troupe?” she asked as they rode the escalator down. She was genuinely curious now. And since they hadn’t spoken since Thursday night, she really wanted to know if the changes they made together were a hit or miss.

As she listened to his response, she couldn’t help thinking again how dedicated he was to his craft. Yes, she was thrilled that the troupe had an overall positive response to the changes, but even her own selfish feelings of accomplishments were once again thwarted by him recalling the rest of the meeting. Guess missing the Open Mic Night was worth it in the end.

Because it was the morning rush, the tube station was hectic. Over the muffled PA system, people were moving about in their own little bubbles; completely unaware of their surroundings. It seemed like everyone around her was talking on some phone or listening to whatever was coming through their headphones. She found it difficult to keep up a conversation with Eric without the threat of being knocked over by yet another man in a suit carrying a hard briefcase. By the time they made it to their platform, she was rubbing and caressing her elbow after getting it banged against the wall when one man practically shoved her out of the way to catch his train.

“Jeez, and I thought taking the train around nine was a pain in the ass…” she complained.

According to the monitor above their heads, their train would be arriving in about seven minutes. In the short time they stood there, the platform grew increasingly crowded with more people wanting to take the same train. Lizzie was quick to express her concern that she would one day be trampled by all these tall people. It was a joke, of course. Because, you know, she’s so damn tiny.

As soon as the train arrived, three minutes later than it had been advertised, Lizzie followed Eric’s lead. Following the growing crowd eager to get into the train, she recognized that if she wasn’t careful, she would end up losing him. The moment the train came to a complete stop and opened its doors, Lizzie didn’t even hesitate as she reached out in front of her for Eric. They didn’t even make a step forward before someone attempted to stand in-between them. As a result, she panicked and grabbed whatever part of Eric she could before they got separated.

His hand closed around hers as soon she found his. And she didn’t let go until they were “safely” in the train together.

Not surprising, there were no seats when they entered the train. Eric did however find them a spot they could stand near where Lizzie could hold on to the pole since she was too short to reach whatever part of the overhanging handle she may have gotten.

The train suddenly jolted into motion, causing Lizzie to stumble slightly. But she clung to the pole. Her stumble did, however, cause her to bump into Eric. She quickly apologized and made a poor attempt at taking a step back, all while avoiding eye contact with him so that he wouldn’t see her blush.

They rode in silence for a couple minutes. Mostly because Lizzie felt a little awkward starting up a conversation with Eric while being crammed in a confined space with complete strangers. So she just watched him for a little bit. At least when he wasn’t looking.

In the chaos that was getting onto this train, the mysterious tattoo on his chest revealed more of itself. She couldn’t tell exactly what it was, but she could at least confirm that they were birds. Yes, she noticed then that they were a matching pair on both sides of his chest.

She was in the middle of trying to guess what kind of birds they were based on the beaks and wings peeking out when she noticed it: Eric’s necklace.

It wasn’t a pet peeve of hers, not really. But she always thought that when a clasp slid to the front and sat next to the pendant it looked very unappealing. Lizzie had seen the necklace a couple times before, the prominent time being during the script session. She recalled wondering its story. Whether the cross necklace, like his cross tattoo, meant he was religious. Or maybe he wasn’t and he just liked how it looked. Or maybe someone gave it to him. Looking at it again now, she had those same thoughts, on top of the fact that she did not like that the clasp was showing.

There was an announcement over the PA system that they were reaching their next stop momentarily. She watched as the people on either side of Eric moved to prepare to leave; preventing him from moving his arms. Honestly, Lizzie was aware that she could just let it go and tell him about it when they were off the train. But it was staring at her, right in the face. And all she wanted to do was fix it.

“Hey,” she called out to gain his attention. “Do you mind if I…” she started, using her free hand to point at his necklace. She waited a moment before she adjusted her weight and balance on the pole to free her other hand. With one hand, she gently held onto the cross. The other grabbed the clasp and slowly slid it back until it was resting at the back of his neck.

Even though her task was complete, Lizzie kept her hand at the back of his neck; clutching the clasp of his necklace. She liked how the warmth between his neck and his hair felt on her skin. An irrational part of her brain was screaming at her to just caress his neck. If just the simplest graze felt this nice, she can only imagine what actually touching him would feel like. Holding his hand earlier - despite the situation - was another example of that sensation.

She could get it again and relish in it if she just committed. She just needed to let go. Let. Go.

Her body reacted different. She let go, entirely. Her mind was hysterical as her hands fell back to her sides. She couldn’t say anything to Eric, but offered him a small smile. No words were forming in her head to explain why she did what she did. All she could think about was his neck against her finger.

Despite the impending commotion that would terrorize her, Lizzie was relieved that they had finally reached their stop. It felt like they had been standing there for ages like a can of sardines. As the train slowed to a stop, she felt the people around her shuffle and shove to prepare to leave. When the train did stop and the doors opened, she didn’t hesitate as she once more reached for Eric. This time around - maybe it was the embarrassment of what had just happened - she grabbed for his wrist.

Lizzie followed Eric to the transfer train. Having learned her lesson from earlier, she kept Eric in front of her as a shield wall against briefcases and actual walls. Letting him lead, she made sure to look up at the signs they were passing with the attempt to memorize them.

Their next train didn’t take very long. After three stops, Lizzie once again followed Eric out of the train toward the exit. She was so relieved to be out of the Underground.

It became apparent to her that they would be needing the directions she had written down now that they were in the general area where her internship was located. She quickly pulled out her notebook, flipping to the bookmarked page. She then handed the directions over to Eric to look over since he would be the one that knew exactly where to go.

And off they went.

Just like when they walked together to the ABC, Lizzie paid attention to landmarks they passed. She also checked off every street sign they passed that was also mentioned in her listed directions. Sure enough, just minutes away from the station, they were standing in front of the building that matched the address at the top of the page.

“Well, it does look like the building on Google Street View,” she commented, looking up at the building.

After a few seconds of just staring at her new job, she turned to look at Eric. She smiled up at him. “Thank you again.”

“Soooo…” she started slowly. “We’re still good on time, right? You don’t have to, like, go to work or anything?”

She registered the look he was giving her as he told her that he still had time. The smile on her face grew into an eager grin. “Can we visit King’s Cross Station real quick?!” Lizzie, calm down. Your nerd is showing.

She was like a kid in a candy store as they walked into King’s Cross Station. It looked exactly like in the movies and it only made her more giddy and overwhelmed with excitement. It didn’t take her long to find the photo op backdrop of Platform 9¾.

“Come on! Take a picture with me!” Lizzie exclaimed, grabbing hold of Eric’s arm as she rushed over to the photo area.

There was a small line already when they made it. A group of Asian women probably in university as well crowded around the trolley and made various poses as an attending staff stood to the side and took their picture. After waiting some time, it was their turn. Lizzie handed over her phone to the attending. Noticing that Eric was still off to the side, she rushed back to him and pulled him into the shot while urging him once again to take the picture with her. She grabbed one side of the trolley handle, a giant grin on her face as she looked at the camera.

“Okay, these are hella cute!” Lizzie commented as she reviewed the pictures, showing each one to Eric as she scrolled through them. When they crossed the rope out of the photo area, Lizzie took one last look at the backdrop then over at Eric. “Let’s take one more. Just us and the sign,” she added.

“Can you do it though? Your arm has a better reach.” She handed her phone to him with a laugh. As he prepared the phone to take their picture, Lizzie took a step closer, wrapping an arm around his waist to ensure that they could both be in the shot and the sign could be seen.
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()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 090418----------- LOCATION — the flat----------- COMPANY — his blankets

She asked about his other plans which made sense for her to check, but a part of his mind skipped back to Thursday night and her inviting him to that Open Mic Night. Was she checking with that in mind? He wouldn’t have offered if he wasn’t available—well...he maybe would have. He was totally the type to double book himself because he couldn’t say no. But at the same time he was the one to turn everything down because he couldn’t commit to saying yes. Aka you could never tell how it would go with Eric. But here he was, available and ready to serve. He assured her that he did not have any plans under rehearsal in the evening. He realized now as he waited for Lizzie to agree that it must have been a little deceiving as it was so early in the morning yet he was fully dressed and looked like he was on his way out. He really wasn’t busy though. He had needed something to pass the day and that something had walked in at just the right moment.

”Sure!” And there it was, Lizzie’s approval for him to play tour guide for the morning. She seemed pleased with his offer, a smile forever plastered to her face as she spoke. That little shadow in the back of his head was poking at him now, that maybe this wasn’t a good idea. What if this wasn’t a good idea? What if he was just setting himself to get used? Let his kindness get walked all over and then kicked aside when she no longer needed him. The rational part of him knew she wasn’t like that, he could tell. Hell probably anyone with half a brain could see that Lizzie was too sweet to do something like that. But Eric’s life experiences had hardened him to always expect the worst. He silenced the what ifs in his head and nodded as he stated that yes he was ready to leave if she was. Then Olivia spoke up and Eric followed Lizzie in looking over towards his bestie. Eat? Oh right.

Truthfully he was feeling a little nauseous. Not that he was getting sick, but his two or so odd hours of sleep did him dirty and he couldn’t bare the thought of eating once he saw the muffins sitting out on the island. Olivia was watching him closely though and he knew she could probably see right through him. She knew he was dead tired. She knew if he didn’t eat now he might not until late that evening at his rehearsal. He really couldn’t eat though. He could feel the back of his throat tighten at the prospect of food and had it just been him and Olivia he would have flat out refused to eat; he couldn’t, not right now. It was too early and he needed time to rebuild his appetite. As it was Lizzie took the lead towards the kitchen and he blindly followed after her. Eric however didn’t take a muffin, he instead took a bottle of water from the fridge and grabbed a banana. He might try to force his way through it now, or he could put it in his bag for later. Either way the banana seemed like a safer choice than taking the other muffin. He put both in his backpack, put on his brown boots and after slipping his backpack on he turned back towards Lizzie, ”Ready?”

Eric chose to ignore the look Olivia was giving him over Lizzie’s turned back. For starters he wasn’t even sure what she was trying to convey: was she still upset with him over rejecting Lizzie’s invitation? She couldn’t be, that’s exactly what he was making up for right now. Did she not understand that? Did she think he had some ulterior motive? Was she supporting him right now or thinking he was making a mistake? Wait supporting him in what? What was he doing? Oh wait—Lizzie! He hurried to catch up with her, not that he had to rush really because his one stride was about two of hers, and he reached the front door just in time to hold it open for her. 10 points Ravenclaw, for gentlemanly manners.

“London expert”. That was one way to put it. She certainly wasn’t wrong, Eric knew just about everything about this city. Secret ins and outs, shortcuts, tips, tricks, places to avoid, he was definitely her best option— ”Take a right here,” Lizzie gave him a slightly confused glance but did as instructed. He knew what that look was for. They were stepping off the GPS route that she had no doubt been taking this past week when she walked to the tube. They were going off road now through a small park that was honestly quite pretty at night, ”This is a shortcut,” He couldn’t stop a slight smirk from showing so he hid it by pushing back his hair with the hand closer to Lizzie as he glanced away. Why was he like this… this was literally nothing to be shy or awkward about. But there was something about having Lizzie relying on him, and the way she looked to him absorbing his every word; she was giving him all sorts of nervous excitement and Eric didn’t know what to do with these feelings. This wasn’t very British of him and he was quick to check himself after his little moment, commenting that it looked like today’s weather would be nice.

Yes. Today would be nice. Eric generally wasn’t much of an optimist but he genuinely felt good about today—apart from the ball of nerves that was his still empty stomach as he fed the ticket machine his money while Lizzie waited off to the side. He really hadn’t thought this through when he offered to escort her through London. The tube costs money, a fair amount too. Not to mention the food he would need to buy since they had left the safety of the flat’s kitchen. Thank god he had moved his notes into his wallet so she didn’t have to see him pull his pounds out of a sock or inside pocket. Good job Eric, an additional 10 house points awarded for thinking ahead.

”It went well, yeah,” he started off slow having not been expecting Lizzie to ask about his production meeting. Not that he’d been prepared for any other topic. He’d just dropped himself into this situation and was winging it every step of the way. Literally. Like, he had almost tripped stepping onto the escalator just now but thankfully he was a step behind Lizzie and it didn’t seem like she had noticed. He could have left it at that. He’d answered her question in a very Eric fashion: bare minimum answer. But something today had him take a breath and bravely continue on for another 5 points, ”They really liked what you suggested for the end of Act 1.”
The Act 1 Finale had felt too abrupt before Lizzie penned in her own ideas, successfully bridging the two halves of the show. He would owe her a dedication page by the time this was put on stage. If it made it to the stage. Eric had had a couple scripts that showed promise but in the end completely fell apart without ever getting to opening night. That wasn’t to say he didn’t have faith in his own work, he was just used to disappointment in general so it wouldn’t break his heart if yet another ended up crumpled up in the bottom of the bin. Only this time it wasn’t just his. Lizzie honestly looked so excited and hopeful at the mention of his script and there was now this pressure to succeed, to have something to show for all their hard work.
”I’ll likely write one last draft before sharing it with everyone.”
‘Everyone’ being the rest of the troupe not involved in the behind the scenes production side as he went on to explain when she gave him a questioning glance.

Once he was finished thoroughly explaining the current status of his script he fell silent. He didn’t yet have questions or courage to continue the conversation himself and it was sort of difficult to hear Lizzie now as he sidestepped out of the way of commuters. Eric kept having to glance over to make sure she was still with him. How would she fare tomorrow when he wasn’t there to guide her through the station? It wasn’t that he doubted her ability to get around, no. Rather he doubted that anyone else would notice her drowning in the crowd and she would literally get walked all over if she wasn’t careful and didn’t stand up for herself— she literally just made the same comment aloud and Eric smiled, letting out a soft laugh at how they’d just been thinking the same thing. What did they call this? Telepathy? Chemistry? Meant to be.

Finally the train pulled up and just as Eric stepped forward to follow the proper British queue inside he felt a hand take his and he automatically took it. He didn’t need to look back to know it was Lizzie, he’d played this role plenty of times before with the Thompson sisters. He had always been the older, taller brother figure to them despite Olivia always being the mature one. So he didn’t think much of it as he lead Lizzie over to a slight clearing that looked to be just enough space for the two of them. He easily reached for the hand hold above with his left hand, his sleeve slipping down ever so slightly to tease the cluster of tiny tattoos around his wrist. Well here they were. On the train. Together. There was really no turning back at this point. Not that he had any intentions or ideas of it. He was more so just still wondering how he’d gotten this far. Whose bright idea was it to take the tube this early in the morning? He hadn’t had any coffee— or tea for that matter, didn’t eat, barely slept. Eric, you’re going to crash and burn. But he was unfortunately accustomed to running on next to nothing. As he knowingly steeled himself for the initial movement of of train pulling away from the platform he found himself glancing at the people surrounding them as though looking for anything suspicious or shifty in his surroundings. It never hurt to be aware, and traveling with Lizzie he had to look out for the both of them.

His right hand flew to her waist to stabilize her as it seemed his body had done the larger job of catching her fall when the train lurched forward, ”Are you alright, love?” She didn’t respond directly nor look at him but she seemed to recover her footing and moved back as best she could given the crowded state of the train. He was quick to take his hand off her as soon as she moved away even though he’d barely been in contact with her. That was her personal space and Eric wasn’t going to invade it as long as she wasn’t in harm’s way. So he watched her a moment longer to ensure she was in fact okay before resuming his guard dog position of being on alert for danger. Honestly you never could be too careful, he could tell you a couple stories of encounters on the streets of London.

Should he be talking to her? Well, they were on a train. It was a little loud and sort of awkward to be talking in such close proximity to all these strangers. So surely it would be okay to just finish out the ride in silence and they could try again once they— ”Hey,” Oh, was she trying to talk to him? So much for saving conversation for after the train. He blinked as he turned his attention back on her, questioning expression on his face as he wondered what she would ask next. She didn’t quite say what she wanted though. She was pointing at him and he glanced down to try and follow her train of thought. Maybe there was something on him? Nope. He glanced back to her just in time to then follow her hand reached for his chest. He froze as her fingertips brushed the bare spot of chest that his shirt didn’t cover. Everything froze. His movement, his mind, his breathing. It was as though time itself was frozen. The only things moving were his racing heart and Lizzie’s hands which felt like slow motion as her second hand traced to the back of his neck where it stayed.

Eric couldn’t look away from her, there was an incredible amount of focus in her eyes as she stared at his cross necklace still in between her fingers. But really it was the hand on his neck that was the biggest distraction to him. It had been close to two years since he had been this close to anyone other than Olivia, or maybe a drunk actor but those memories didn’t come back to him as easily. Despite the brief involuntary reaction of his hairs standing on end there was something calming about the physical contact he’d apparently been craving. It was actually comforting and he suddenly wanted nothing more than for her to run her fingers through his hair, down his neck, over his cheek, across his chest. His own hand had returned now that she was back in his bubble, wrapping ever so softly around her to hold her still. A moment of intimacy or to make sure she didn’t fall over again, take your pick. Eric was going crazy the longer they stood there. He needed her to move. Move, please. Move — she moved, but not in the way he had wanted her to. She released his neck, the cross, everything all at once leaving behind a tingling sensation and a feeling of deep longing Eric hadn’t been aware of till now. Humans were naturally social creatures, but he’d been on his own for so long it seemed he’d forgotten what it was like to be close to someone.

His heart sounded like war drums in his ears for the remainder of this train ride. It was honestly so loud that he almost missed the PA announcement of their transfer stop but as commuters bumped against him his mind was brought back from the endless loop of ‘what could have been’ that had been playing ever since his moment with Lizzie earlier. Just as before when he went to step forward he felt something, Lizzie, grab at his hand. His wrist actually and his fingers twitched wanting so desperately to slip his hand into hers, but he didn’t. This time around he didn’t make any effort to grab onto her and instead let her hold on as he guided them out of the train. He was overthinking literally everything. Those war drums? That was him battling himself over whether or not he was allowed to feel like this. His heart and mind were at war and each contradicting the other:
He wasn’t at a point in his life where he could take on another person’s happiness. How could he take care of someone else if he couldn’t even take care of himself? But maybe having someone else in his life would then make him happy. But he could never let someone into his life. It was too dangerous, too unstable. There was too much room for judgement and betrayals. Everyone says they’ll be there for you until they realize what that really means. People are selfish and only want for themselves. He would never be able to provide for someone else, he lived in his car after all. And he could never expect someone else to care for him, he could only rely on himself. But he missed that feeling he’d had with Lizzie. He missed that intimacy. That feeling of wanting and being wanted. But he couldn’t. Not with her. Eric’s mind wouldn’t allow his heart to feel happiness. And his heart wouldn’t stop sending mixed feelings to his mind. And so he didn’t take her hand. Minus 10 points for cowardice.

”We’re almost there,” Once they had safely completed their transfer he finally found his voice to assure her that they wouldn’t be stuck in this train much longer. And true to his word they were soon exiting at their end station and stepping off the escalator back to the open London streets. He’d unshouldered his backpack and reached inside for the banana he’d grabbed on their way out of the flat, not realizing that Lizzie too had reached into her bag. Eric didn’t get a chance to peel his banana before he had a notebook being passed over to him. And this was…? Her script? Joking, joking. She went on to explain she had written the directions down and that jogged his memory to back at the flat where she had in fact mentioned something about having ‘notes’ and had even pulled the notebook out earlier. Because yes, Eric had paid attention to every word she said. He was still a little puzzled though as he took the notebook, this just wasn’t entirely what he had phone GPS? Google Maps? Waze? Truthfully he wasn’t sure what the process was for using a phone abroad but he could assume that data plans made it difficult to use apps that the locals used on the daily. Well no worries, this was fine. Different, but being the ‘London Expert’, this was all he needed. He skimmed through her directions, not needing the exact play by play, just street names and a general idea of where he was going. Add 5 points for having an excellent sense of direction.

After passing the notebook back Eric finally got to peel his banana, the wrong way, as he’d been told countless times. He broke it at the stem and pulled down, it was just easier for him that way. It was how he always had eaten them and no amount of side eye from banana enthusiasts could deter him now. His #teamnosleep nausea seemed to have subsided and his hunger was waking up, the banana didn’t stand a chance. It definitely wasn’t going to be enough for him. When he got hungry he could down an all you can eat easily. But the banana would tide him over until he got Lizzie to work. Well...she had said this was a practice run. Did that mean she wasn’t actually going to be going inside today? She really came all the way out here just to pretend to go to work? Well, who was he to judge? Afterall he was the one who ate bananas incorrectly.

As they turned onto the street Eric asked her what the address was and not thirty seconds later they stood shoulder to shoulder in front of their destination, sans banana peel which had been properly discarded in a public bin along the way. So this was it huh? Little Hopper Publishings: the internship that Lizzie flew halfway around the world to attend. Well now he knew where she worked and exactly how to get there. Wow that wasn’t stalkerish at all. That missing piece in his mental Google Maps street view from the cafe was filled in. It gave him an odd sense of peace though, something about knowing where she would be put him at ease.

He turned to tell her something resembling ‘You’re welcome’ but she was smiling up at him and all he could manage was to smile back. 50 points for mission success.

”Uhm— I don’t have anything until six…?” Well, six thirty but best give himself wiggle room. Truthfully he wasn’t even sure what time it was right now, but he didn’t need to look at his watch to know it was still very early in the day. Lizzie had wanted her practice commute to be as authentic as possible by leaving so early. But that left them out here in London while the rest of the city was just starting their day, ”Why?”

Apparently that was exactly the answer she wanted to hear as she immediately lit up with excitement as she pleaded to go to King’s Cross. Of course. He should have known. That was after all, the reason she had chosen Little Hopper. Well, it looked like he wouldn’t just be dropping her off at work and leaving after all.

Truthfully he had never taken photos at Platform 9 ¾ despite having been brought up in London. He didn’t have his own camera or phone, and the times he’d been nearby with a fellow Harry Potter fan the tourists congested the station and the line wasn’t worth the wait. So this was definitely a first as Lizzie quite literally pulled him over towards the backdrop as if her life depended on it. They waited in line, Lizzie looking ready to burst with glee as she looked everywhere trying to take it all in at once. Then it was their turn— Lizzie’s turn. It was her photo. She went forward, clearly experienced in passing her phone over for photo ops, while Eric hung back perfectly content to be the parent in this scenario. He just wanted to watch her, she looked so happy just being here. Lizzie wasn’t having it though as she yet again took his arm to bring him all the way over to the trolley. She was taking this picture whether he wanted to be in it or not. He followed her lead in taking hold of the handle and turning to look towards the attending staff taking the photo. But it was one photo too late by the time he realized his hand was over hers. He was quick to readjust for the next pose but his mind was already lost to the memory of that very hand on his neck less than an hour ago.

Walking away from the photo spot Lizzie was scrolling through her photos but Eric couldn’t exactly concentrate on the photos. Every time she tried to show him one he found himself staring at her fingers holding her phone, or looking past to see her expression. But then...then she was passing him her phone and tasking Eric with being a selfie photographer. He really wasn’t the best at this, long arms or not, he didn’t have much experience with taking photos. Angles and what not were lost on him but he went ahead and raised the phone up to capture the two of them with the sign as she had requested. 5 points for trying. What was he at now? 75 house points and he hadn’t even reached Hogwarts yet. This was going to be a good year.

It was so early in the morning that the area actually wasn’t too crowded, aka when Eric glanced into the gift shop it didn’t look as miserably packed as the tube had been. Lizzie was still focused down on her phone looking at the photos and it sent Eric into a panicked hesitation as he tried to figure out how to get her attention. Take her arm as she had his? Hand on her shoulder? Say something? He did none of the above and instead stood silently until she looked up to him. He did however manage to speak before she did and he stepped back so he was no longer blocking her view of the gift shop, ”I mean...I guess you’ll be working nearby, but we’re already here— if you wanted to peek inside.”
Lizzie was now the one to lead the way into the shop. Into her little haven of Harry Potter. He had seen just about everything in there, they didn’t often release new merchandise, but it was all new to Lizzie whose eyes were glued to the shelves in awe. It was then that Eric caught sight of a corner of the shop that looked a little more empty of shoppers. It was the book corner and all the lightbulbs in his head went off at once as he approached.
When he next returned to Lizzie’s side she was trying on a house scarf and looking absolutely thrilled, though possibly a little overwhelmed. He might need to remind her that she lived here for the year and could come back at any time. Before that though, he took his hands from behind his back, revealing Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, ”You did say you wanted a copy, didn’t you?” She had. She had told him that she wanted her first book purchase to be the first Harry Potter book, and like he’d said, they were already here.

They left when Lizzie was ready and not a moment sooner. While he had needed the directions to find her internship, Eric was actually really familiar with this particular part of the city. His own workplace, the hotel, wasn’t too far from here and he had given directions to so many guests on how to get to King’s Cross Station—so he knew what there was to do around here, and also what there was to eat. Because he was starving now and surely Lizzie had to be getting hungry as well, “Have you been to Nando’s yet?”

Nando’s was actually right across the street. Part of why he chose to suggest it. He was a big fan of convenience and not walking far for food. He was hungry now, waiting another ten minutes to walk somewhere else was just cruel. Plus if she was going to be living in London then she would have to try Nando’s at some point. Why not now? Back at the ABC he had been a ball of nerves, his social anxiety forcing him to fake that he wasn't sure what to order and all. But he had learned his lesson and didn’t hesitate today. He wasn’t going to give her another opportunity to pay for him. As he ordered though he could physically feel his funds depleting. There would be no buying anything else the rest of the week after today. Not unless he made a significant amount in tips but he rarely did.

Once getting her seated at a table Eric excused himself to the restroom partially to use it, partially to have a moment to himself. As he washed his hands he was staring himself down in the mirror when he caught sight of the clasp of his necklace beginning to peek out again. He could feel Lizzie’s hands from earlier still on him and his breath caught in his throat for a second while he fixed the clasp. Exhaling slowly he ran his hand through his hair before returning to where he had left her, their food still not ready.

It was easy to see that Lizzie was staring at something on her phone as she had it laying flat on the table in front of her. She was slightly hunched over it and so focused she didn’t seem to notice right away as he pulled out the chair across from her to take a seat. He didn’t mean to be nosed but he couldn’t help but be curious and glanced over at her screen to see what looked to be Instagram open with one of the trolley photos.

”You uhm, didn’t—did you have anything else planned for today?” Great, the broken sentences were back. C’mon Eric, you were doing so well. At least he wasn’t stuttering persay, he just kept cutting himself off as though he changed his mind mid sentence. Lizzie admitted she didn’t have anything else in mind after her practice run. It honestly seemed a little silly to Eric, traveling all the way out here so early just to pretend to go to work and then—just be out here with nothing to do. It would be such a waste for her to just go back to the flat after all this, ”Uhm, well we could walk around, if you’d like. If there’s anywhere you want to go?”

It was about an hour and at least six photo ops later when Eric found himself once again being the photographer for an Eric and Lizzie selfie. This time with Big Ben in the background. Yes. They had caught the train all the way out here. So here he was standing slightly behind Lizzie, bending down and trying to fit the two of them into the frame when the phone suddenly burst into song and he damn near dropped it in his surprise. Straightening up he lowered the mobile and caught sight of ‘Olivia’ on the caller ID. Olivia? Like his Olivia? Well it was a fairly common name, maybe she knew another Olivia. He couldn’t just assume, she had a whole life on an entirely different continent after all. This could be literally anyone. Wordlessly he passed her phone over for her to answer and then took a half step back as though that made any difference in granting her privacy.

They talked for a minute or two and Eric busied himself kicking pebbles on the ground like he was eight years old until Lizzie suddenly turned to look at him while she spoke, ”Eric? Yeah, he’s right here...sure,” the phone was now being passed back to him with a quick explanation that Olivia wanted to talk to him. Eric couldn’t hide the confusion that flashed across his face as he took the phone. Why would Olivia suddenly need to talk to him?

”Olivia?” He adjusted his hair as he answered and took a few steps away. He couldn’t think of any reason why Lizzie and Olivia would need privacy from him. But he and Olivia? There were definitely things that Lizzie shouldn’t hear. He ended up looking down at his feet to avoid risking eye contact with anyone, completely defeating the purpose of moving his hair as now it was all in his face. Good job Eric.
”I thought you were just going to help her get to work, now you’re taking her on a date?”
Woah there, who said anything about a date?!
“What—no. I mean, I did take her— to work. But afterwards she asked to go see King’s Cross...” His back was to Lizzie now and he’d resumed his pebble kicking as a means of stress relief.
“You two have been out all day. Will you be alright Eric? You didn’t eat this morning, and don’t you have work tonight?”
“We got lunch already—“ That was not the answer to her question and she was quick to cut him off, ”I know, I saw.”

Saw? He suddenly got a flashback to sitting at Nando’s when Lizzie had panned her phone over him and their food before eating. She must’ve posted a video or something. So chances were Olivia already knew everything they had done today, got it. There was a heavy silence between them now, Olivia clearly trying to contain herself from going off on him over...something...while Eric was too scared to speak, afraid that he might say the wrong thing. What was this suddenly about? It felt like she kept changing her mind. One day she was telling him to be careful with Lizzie, the next she was scolding him for not hanging out with her. But now he was hanging out and she was upset with him?? Yeah, Eric was more than a little confused.

”Well go on then, don’t keep her waiting.”
”Olive— ”
”I just don’t want you getting hurt, okay?” She swore under her breath, clearly getting frustrated trying to express her concerns but also realizing that over the phone, over Lizzie’s phone was probably not the best way to go about it. This should have been a conversation to save for next time she saw him but it was too late now and she didn’t want to end on a bad note and leave them with this feeling until tomorrow evening, ”Eric don’t get me wrong, I’m not mad you’re doing this for her. I just wish you would put yourself first.”

”You haven’t been sleeping, have you?” Was it that obvious? Well, she had woken him up from sleeping in during a time when he normally wouldn’t have. And he had been in his car fairly frequently for weeks now. And then last night barely even counted as a nap. ”Where are you two right now?”
”Big Ben.” He finally glanced up and over to Lizzie. This phone call was taking way longer than any of them had probably anticipated and he didn’t have a clue what to tell her if she asked about the call afterwards, ”So I take it you’re not coming home between now and your shift?”
Home...he’d always struggled to call the flat his home. He felt like such a stranger half the time. But she was correct, it didn’t make sense for him to literally pass the theater and hotel on the train to go all the way to the flat just to walk the hour back, ”Yeah I was just going to stay out here.”
He could hear her sigh on the other end of the line. Eric still wasn’t sure what she wanted from him. Was he not supposed to stay out all day with Lizzie? ”Just don’t overdo it, yeah?” Over do...what exactly? ”Eric.”
Oh right, he was supposed to respond, ”Sure, yeah, okay Olivia.” He was still confused but he would just give her what she wanted and ask her later.

Literally after they said their goodbyes and hung up it suddenly dawned on him what Olivia might have been trying to get at. He suddenly got tired, like really tired. Like all this going against his routine combined with the strange emotional ups and downs he’d been experiencing was catching up to him and taking its toll. He was putting himself out there far more than usual, and could almost feel everyone’s expectations clinging to him. And not to mention the state of his pocket money: or lack of.

Now what to tell Lizzie…

Hopefully she wasn’t worried something had happened, Eric really was a horrible liar though. He already knew this so he didn’t even try to come up with a story to explain himself, ”Sorry, he fixed his hair yet again as he stepped closer, ”I swear she nags me more than my own Mum sometimes.”
He laughed lightly at his awful joke. His Mum was dead. Of course Olivia was on his case more than she was. But Eric’s bitter feelings towards his Mum would be lost on Lizzie.
He still held her phone which had resumed to camera mode once the call ended and he flipped it out of selfie mode, sneaking a candid of Lizzie in front of Big Ben as he approached her. He smiled and passed the phone back, ”Ready to go?”

They visited a couple other locations that were in walking distance, taking photos along the way whenever she asked before they called it a day and hopped on the tube back to Boundary. Well, Lizzie was going back to the flat, Eric on the other hand jumped ship about half way when they reached the stop closest to the university and his theater. But not before ensuring that Lizzie could get back on her own now that she was on the train. She said she knew the way, but Eric was left a little speechless afterwards. Not that he was stunned silent or anything but he just didn’t know what else to say. He didn’t have a phone to tell her to text or call him if she got lost. He couldn’t tell her to let him know when she made it back. All he could offer was ”This is my stop, be safe love.” Another one arm hug and a quick “bye” before he moved to the train door. In his defense the train was still pulling into the station so as to keep his balance he still had to hold the railing, resulting in the one arm hug. He did however linger a second or two longer than necessary. But you could argue that he was just waiting for the train to stop so he could just leave rather than awkwardly wait there beside her. Take your pick.

It wasn’t actually time for rehearsal, it was still a couple hours too early, but this was around the time Lizzie would be headed home so for authenticity it worked out in her favor. Eric just had time to kill by himself now. He went straight to the theater and set himself up in the back row of the audience with his script. He managed to work for about thirty five minutes before his lack of sleep won him over and he knocked out in his seat for twenty or so minutes until someone else arrived. Rehearsal itself ran well, Eric just had trouble concentrating the entire evening. He was developing a headache until remembering the bottled water still in his bag from the flat. That helped a little but he just wasn’t with it tonight.

He couldn’t sleep after rehearsal as the theater had to be locked up once they were finished. No loitering indoors. His car was too far for it to be worth it. This two hour gap was when he normally found dinner but having eaten at Nando’s earlier, and the train ticket, dinner was not an option for him tonight. Eric ended up just walking to the hotel and starting early because he literally had nothing better to do. His shift tonight was….busy, but certainly not difficult. Least under normal circumstances. He didn’t have a lot of down time like he normally did during overnights so he was more or less on the move most of the night. But nothing was overly stressful or tiring, it was mostly picking up the slack for a shitty day-shift team.

The sun was up by the time he left and Eric was dead on his feet tired. As usual he stopped at the car on his way back to the flat for clean clothes and this time he managed to drop his iPod into his backpack before locking the car. Honestly he wanted to just sit in his car and knock out, it was already 9:56am and would probably take him another twenty minutes at least to walk the rest of the way to the flat. So what was it that got him up and dragging his hurting feet the rest of the way back? Lizzie’s “See you tomorrow” was flashing in his head to the point that he felt he needed to be at the flat. He could have stopped by later and just slept now...but too late, he’d already left the car.

10:36am: Eric unlocked the front door. Usually he didn’t take this long to get back. But everything had gotten to him and he had walked extra slow today. Everything hurt, his head, his feet, his empty stomach, everything. But today Eric couldn’t even be bothered to shower first, or change, or eat. He literally dumped his bag down and still dressed in yesterday’s clothes with his hair in a bun from work he was knocked out on the sofa in minutes with the blanket haphazardly draped over him.


()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 090418----------- LOCATION — the flat----------- COMPANY — eric

Lizzie was practically beaming as she and Eric stepped out of the Harry Potter shop. While she may not have bought everything she wanted to get from the store, she was perfectly content carrying the shopping bag currently holding her first book purchase in London. There were also a small packet of Hufflepuff postcards she intended to use to write back home to family and friends, but it was the book that had her heart leaping out of her chest. It was partly for how excited she was that she finally had a copy of Philosopher’s Stone in her possession. But mostly, it was because Eric was the one that found the copy for her. She still could not believe that he remembered she had told him this fact.

She had to figure out some way to repay him for all that he was doing for her today. As they left King’s Cross, she contemplated ideas. A part of her considered going back to the Harry Potter shop to buy him something. Maybe a house scarf like the one she had been contemplating earlier. What was his house anyway? She should have totally asked him when they were still inside. Well, until then, she could always come back and get him something tomorrow. He had pointed out that she would be in the area often.

Just then, as she was considering buying him lunch later, Eric suddenly chimed in about Nando’s. Even if this was her first time in London, it was impossible for Lizzie to not know about the popular restaurant. Granted, all that being said, she still had not actually gone to visit. That was the thing about living with and befriending London locals, they only wanted to go to their spots; their hole in the walls and other regular dives. So when Eric offered Nando’s as an option for what appeared to be a very early lunch - explaining that it was right across the street - she agreed. This was her chance to repay him for all his help.

Or, that was what she thought.

It appeared as if Eric had learned his lesson from their first lunch together at the ABC. Some nosey eyes watched as Lizzie and Eric went back and forth in line over letting her pay for his food today. Eric was not giving in and had even taken advantage of the fact that she hadn’t decided what she was ordering to get his way. He left her standing in line with her mouth slightly dropped and her wallet still clutched in her hand. Well, there goes that plan.

After she finally placed her order, Lizzie followed Eric to an empty table. Just as she dropped her purse onto the chair beside her, she overheard him excuse himself to use the restroom. So while she waited for Eric to return and for their food to arrive, she pulled out her phone to look over their pictures again.

Lizzie looked over the pictures they had taken at the Platform 9¾ backdrop as well as the selfie he had taken for the both of them. Honestly, it wasn’t the best picture, but Lizzie didn’t have it in her then to tell him to take another one. Would it have come off as rude? Probably not, but she didn’t want to take advantage of his kindness when he came all this way to help her and then entertain her fancies. At least the sign was in frame.

Admittedly, Lizzie was already satisfied with the pictures the attending staff at the backdrop had taken for her. So she had no reason to be picky about their first selfie together. Because unlike the other pictures that were in the running to be posted later on Instagram, this one was just for her eyes only.

After she finally picked the best photo of them at the backdrop to post on her Instagram page, Lizzie took a quick glance at the time. Based on some basic calculating with assistance from her fingers, it was around two in the morning back in California; her friends back home would not see her Insta-story for another five or six hours at the earliest. However, to her surprise, she saw that her London friends had already seen her visit to King’s Cross. Eddie had even sent her a DM commenting that she should have let him know she would be coming to the city today. She responded back to him explaining that she was in the city for a practice commute and that King’s Cross was her reward. She failed to mention she had a friend come with her. They would all find out momentarily.

Speaking of friend.

Lizzie was in the middle of reading the comments that were already on her King’s Cross post when she saw the chair across from her being pulled out. When she looked up, she watched Eric before offering him a welcoming smile. That was when she noticed he had glanced down at her phone and probably saw the post. “My friends from school are eating up the post and the caption. You really can’t go wrong with a movie quote when it comes to posting anything Harry Potter related,” she explained with a laugh. She then turned her phone and slid it across the table so that Eric could look at the post.

Just as Eric was passing her phone back across the table, a server came up to them with their food. Lizzie already had her phone in hand, waiting for the server to take their order numbers. As Eric busied with his utensils, she quickly shot a Boomerang for her Insta Story. She wondered if he would ever see these posts she made without having to show him herself. Did he even have an Instagram account? As she placed a geotag on the Boomerang, she recalled her failed attempt at answering that question days ago.

Apart from experiencing the famous Nando’s for the first time, Lizzie and Eric used their meal time to debrief the commute. They almost immediately came to the consensus that taking the Underground directions she had written down was a sure way for her to get killed on her first day. Sure, it was notably the fastest time of the directions she found, but Lizzie was quick to admit that it wasn’t worth the possibility of getting pushed onto the tracks. This was a joke, of course. But after the briefcase man from earlier that morning, deep down she was minutely serious.

In the end, Eric offered another set of directions that were notably more safe for someone like her, but would mean extra travel time. She didn’t even argue as she pulled out her notebook from her purse and gave him a pen.

After finishing their meals, Lizzie discussed with Eric what they could do next for another twenty minutes. When she had admitted to Eric that she hadn’t made any plans after her practice run, he had offered to walk around with her for a bit. Obviously, she agreed to the suggestion...after she was reassured once again that, no, he still had no plans until after six. Now it was just a matter of figuring out where to walk to.

Luckily, now that every local Londoner was where they needed to be in the city, the tube was not as dangerously packed as that morning. They had even managed to find a couple seats together when they stepped into the train that would take them to Hyde Park. From Hyde Park, Lizzie’s London Adventure would begin.

Although there was plenty that Lizzie would have liked to do at Hyde Park, she had decided that visiting the Peter Pan Statue was her main priority for today. It stemmed from a brief conversation with Eric while they were riding past three stops: what would have happened if it was Captain Hook that found Wendy instead of Peter Pan? Before the topic faded out, she even joked that this discussion could possibly stem another script, if he was motivated.

Just like at King’s Cross Station, Lizzie insisted that Eric be in her pictures, if not all of them. There were definitely some pictures that were taken that were solo shots of her taken by Eric. Apparently, while he was not the best person to take selfies, he was an expert at being behind the camera thanks for his friendship with Olivia. That made sense. It was the same situation with almost all of her guy friends back in LA. After their photo at the Peter Pan Statue, they strolled through Hyde Park and enjoyed the scenery. Despite it being a Monday, Lizzie noticed that there were a lot of families out and about enjoying the lovely weather. As they continued their stroll, she oftentimes let Eric lead the way. On a couple of these occasions, his back would end up being featured on an Insta Story post or for a sneaky candid photo for herself.

Their stroll led them out of Hyde Park toward Buckingham Palace. It had never occured to Lizzie that the two would be so close to each other. She always saw Buckingham Palace being in some far corner of the city. Instead, it was a half an hour stroll from Hyde Park. As expected, the surrounding area outside the front of Buckingham Palace was packed with tourists. Even as they walked around the Victoria Memorial - thank you, Eric - Lizzie counted four Asian families with selfie sticks at the ready to hit the nearest victim for the best photo angle.

There was another round of pictures taken at the popular site before they decided to move on.

“Wow, you can really see all the, like, touristy spots in an hour,” Lizzie commented about fifteen minutes later when they stopped to look up at Westminster Abbey. Just like Buckingham Palace, the front of the church was packed with people. Even the line to enter was working its way along the wall and threatening to turn the corner. Lizzie made a mental note to possibly try a specific trip another time. For now, that’s right, another photo op for the little American tourist and her cute British tour guide.

Hell, she swore she overheard a group of women that sounded American and looked her age discuss how one of them needed to “grow a pair” and ask him to take a picture for them. Lizzie may have rushed back to Eric before they could grow that pair. After taking a selfie in front of the church with Eric - who was now getting better at taking them - Lizzie briefly turned back toward the group and caught them looking right at her. Sorry not sorry.

Ten minutes later, they were standing at the bridge in front of Big Ben trying to get the best angle. Well, Eric was as he was once again utilized for his long arms to get a selfie shot of the both of them. Lizzie was in the middle of assisting him in finding the best angle when they were both shocked by the sudden sound of her ringtone.

Even though she wasn’t looking at Eric, her confused expression mirrored his as she stared at Olivia’s name flashing on her phone screen. What in the world did Olivia want with her right now?

“Hey, what’s up?” Lizzie greeted into the phone, bringing her free hand over her other ear to better hear. She also turned her back to the London traffic and the people passing, staring distractedly at the River Thames underneath.

“Hi. How’d the practice run go?” Olivia asked.

“It was fine. I managed to survive with only a couple bumps and bruises. And I only got ran over once,” she joked with a small laugh. “But, um, Eric told me about another route I can take tomorrow that I will for sure make it through in one piece.”

“That’s good to hear. So...what are you up to now?” Olivia continued. For the split second Lizzie gave herself before she was supposed to respond, she wondered why her flatmate was even asking her that question. She was one of first people to view her Insta Story posts a couple hours ago.

Regardless of her confusion, Lizzie responded with, “I figured since I’m already in the city and I don’t have any other plans after the practice run that I’d, like, be a little touristy. Ya know, before I’m considered a local.” She didn’t even bother mentioning that she was with Eric. She knew that Olivia already knew that. It wasn’t like she was hiding that fact on social media...sort of. She realized it was still kind of awkward and difficult to ask him for a picture; probably because it wasn’t likely he would see it.

“Is Eric still with you then?” Olivia then asked. Well, that confirmed Lizzie’s assumptions.

“Eric?” Lizzie repeated, turning to look for him. She found him standing to the side in the middle of kicking something on the ground. “Yeah, he’s right here.”

“D’you mind if I have a word with him?”

Lizzie blinked. “Sure,” she said simply. She stepped closer to Eric now, handing over her phone. “Olivia wants to talk to you.”

She watched as Eric took the call as he stepped further away from her. Was it really necessary for him to take the call privately like that? In her opinion, Olivia’s request didn’t even sound that serious.

It didn’t take her long to realize that maybe Olivia did have more to say to Eric than she originally thought. However, even after that realization, more questions formulated in her head. The main one: Why didn’t Olivia just call him directly? Didn’t she have his phone number?

...Then again…

As Lizzie leaned against the side of the bridge, she tried to remember a moment since they left the flat that morning when Eric had pulled out a phone from his own person. No such memory appeared. Did that mean he didn’t have his own phone? Or maybe he forgot it? But, that couldn’t be possible. It was the twenty-first century, it was nearly impossible for someone to not have a phone. Even the most low tech people had some kind of cellphone on them. And yet...she still couldn’t think of a single moment since they first met when she ever saw him pull out a phone from either his pocket or his trustee, “never-goes-anywhere-without-it” backpack. Nope. Not once.

“Excuse me?” suddenly came a voice.

Lizzie blinked, turning to her left to see a woman with a toddler hanging off her hip looking right at her. “Do you mind taking a picture for us?” the woman asked now. Lizzie noticed then that she had a thick Australian accent. That explained why she and the child were at least five shades darker than the rest of the people around them.

“Oh, yes, of course!” she replied, taking the phone carefully. She also made sure to clarify if she wanted a picture with Big Ben. As she waited for a group of young men in dark suits to walk by and out of the shot, she watched as the woman returned to her husband and the toddler on his shoulders. How could she not smile at the sight? Once the family appeared ready for a pose, she brought the phone up and even dropped down to one knee for a good angle. She made sure to take a good handful of pictures to give them options.

After returning the phone to the woman, Lizzie briefly looked over at Eric. He was still on the phone with Olivia. Just then, he too looked over at her. In the brief moment she caught his gaze, she thought she caught a serious expression on his face. Did something happen? Was something wrong? But before she could make the decision to go over and check on him, he turned away again. She once again took her spot against the side of the bridge.

She did everything she could to not stare the next few minutes he was still on the phone. Luckily, there were enough people around to do some people watching. She had just watched as a couple posed for a cute selfie together when she noticed Eric finally approaching her in her peripheral. Before she could ask, he offered a quick explanation for why the call apparently took so long. It wasn’t much of an explanation really, but based on her recent experiences watching Eric and Olivia together, it was enough for now. Besides, it didn’t seem like the conversation was as serious as she originally suspected if he managed to get a laugh out of it. So it didn’t seem like she had to worry too much.

After getting that picture together with Big Ben, they walked across the bridge toward the London Eye. They seemed to be in mutual agreement that they went as far as they could both handle for the time being. So after a quick photo with the giant ferris wheel, Lizzie suggested that they could stay in the area for a while. She would later learn that this area is known as the Queen’s Walk.

Lizzie was finally able to repay Eric for this time when she bought the both of them a couple ice creams. It wasn’t much, but at least it was something. Besides, after walking for more than an hour and that terrifying train ride earlier that morning, ice cream just seemed so right. They stayed on the Queen’s Walk until they both finished their ice creams, at which point they agreed - albeit reluctantly on Lizzie’s end - to call it a day.

Lizzie was able to take the train with Eric until they reached his stop; nearby both the university and the theater his troupe apparently performed in. After reassuring him that she would be able to find her way back to the flat fine on her own, she returned the hug he offered. Unlike the one in front of his work, Lizzie wasn’t afraid to commit to this hug. Despite being forced to only offer an one armed hug again, she boldly wrapped her arm firmly around his waist so that she felt his body press more against hers. It could be argued she did this in an attempt to keep her balance until the train came to a complete stop, but Lizzie knew better. She was reluctant to let this good day end. “See you tomorrow?”

As the train doors finally opened, she waved goodbye to Eric one last time before he got swallowed up by the crowds and disappeared.

When she returned to the flat some half an hour later, she noticed that the flat was not empty. This was honestly to be expected. Now that the girls were finished with summer term, Lizzie figured that both Veronica and Olivia would be home. When she walked into the common room, Lizzie saw that both of her flatmates were sitting together at the dining table while a reality show was playing in the background. Both were in the middle of what looked like tea.

“Hey! How was being a tourist for the day?” Veronica asked the moment she saw that Lizzie was home.

“It was fun! I got to see all of the popular sights,” Lizzie replied as she dropped her purse on the couch.

“Got any pictures?” her roommate then asked. “Ya know, aside from the ones you posted on your Insta Story.”

The three of them sat at the dining table for the duration of one episode running on the television as they looked through all the pictures Lizzie took during her London adventure. Veronica was the first to point out the many selfies she had with Eric, even adding a tease about how they looked cute together. Lizzie made sure to sip her tea slowly to hide how much she was blushing at the thought. In between that time, she also tasked her flatmates to help her pick the best pictures to post on Instagram.

When she finally had her candidates and was in the middle of typing up a quick caption, a thought came to her. “Hey, Olivia?” she started, looking up at the same moment Olivia looked up from her tea. “Does Eric use Instagram?”

There was a pause as Olivia turned to look over at Veronica. “Uh, yeah, I guess so. Why?”

“I thought maybe I could tag him in this post?” The way they were staring at her now made her feel as if the explanation was a stupid one; as if they knew something she didn’t.

Olivia cleared her throat as she put her mug down and grabbed her phone. “Hold on…” she muttered as she stared at her phone for a moment. “Ready?”

“Oh...wait…” Lizzie gasped, exiting out of the post to go to the search page.

“It’s e-period-o-l-i-v-e-r,” Olivia read slowly, keeping her eyes on her phone screen. “I should warn you though. He’s rarely on it. So he might not see that you followed him or something for a while.”

Lizzie stared at the first option. “Eric...Oliver?” she read out, looking up at Olivia afterward. When she got a nod, she tapped the handle and waited for the page to load. Not that she needed to wait too long. The account ended up being on private. Well, looks like she would have to wait to tag him later. For now, she pushed aside the bit of nerves in her chest as she pressed the Follow button. She would just have to post her London pictures without tagging him for now.

So his full name is Eric Oliver.

It was three hours later. As her friends chatted on, deconstructing the events of Lizzie’s day, she scrolled through her Camera Roll until she reached the King’s Cross pictures. But instead of looking at the photo op pictures, she stopped before it at her first selfie with Eric. Eric Oliver. His full name is Eric Oliver.

He looks like an Eric Oliver. And that just made him that much more perfect.

It was Lizzie’s first day nerves that made it impossible for her to fall asleep and stay asleep that night. As a result, she was awake well before her alarm clock was scheduled to go off. Hell, she was already in the bathroom when it finally did.

She learned that on Tuesdays she would be the first person awake in the morning. By the time she had finished her breakfast and prepared her tumbler with coffee, it was only Olivia that was awake. She only had enough time to greet her flatmate before she had to leave to catch the train Eric had told her about.

Despite the risk of getting lost while following this new route, Lizzie managed to make it to her internship with enough time to breathe. When she entered the building, she was directed to a large conference room where the other new interns like herself were waiting. At eight on the dot, the conference room was joined by all the editors and the editor-in-chief of Little Hopper Publishings.

Much of the first half was spent in the conference room for orientation and getting to know the other interns. While Lizzie tried her best to be friendly to as many as she was allowed to talk to in the time they were allocated, she came out of those ice breakers bonding well with two women in particular; both Americans as well, but with mannerisms that told her they were not from the west coast. These two were actually familiar faces to her. Admittedly, she spent a majority of the first third of orientation trying to figure out how she knew them. It wasn’t until the ice breaker did she realize that they were the same two that she had her group interview with months ago. She was definitely thrilled to find out that they both got accepted.

After lunch, which she spent with her two new friends, Lizzie and the rest of the interns were scheduled to start their training and shadowing with their assigned senior editors. Lizzie was assigned to her senior editor with another intern; an Englishman who is currently enrolled at Cambridge, but decided to take classes at her university part time to dedicate his time to the program. Despite it being the first day, Lizzie was not really given much time to relax and take it all in. There was apparently a lot for her and her partner to learn before they started doing actual work. Because, apparently, they would begin their individual assignments next week.

By the end of her first day at her internship, Lizzie’s head was spinning from all the information she had to retain. It was lucky they were out of there on time considering how much they needed to cover on the first day. As she stepped out of the building with the other interns, she was invited to share a drink with Patricia and Beth; her two new American friends. A glass of wine sounded amazing.

It was about half four by the time she returned to the flat. She half expected at least one flatmate to be home; mostly Angel. His Tuesdays were usually so up in the air since he was able to work from home. So when she didn’t hear other noises as she entered the flat, she accepted that she would probably be home alone for a while and could use that time to nap. Between the long first day and the glass of wine earlier, a nap sounded amazing.

Until an even better option presented itself to the form of a half draped blanket hanging off the longer couch.

Eric was here!

Lizzie’s heart leapt in her chest at the sight of him. Although she couldn’t quite determine how long he had been back, she could tell by the state of what was left of the bun on the top of his head that he had been sleeping for hours. With the assistance of the light shining into the living room, she noticed how puffy the bags under his eyes looked. He looked peaceful in his sleep, but he also looked so exhausted. She didn’t recall him looking that tired last week….

She remembered him briefly explaining his Monday schedule; rehearsal and then work at the hotel after. Now that the haze of excitement from yesterday faded away, logical sense crept in. If he had rehearsals at half six last night, and then work after, did that mean he worked an overnight shift on Monday nights? Well, no wonder he looked so exhausted. However...a part of her hoped that their London trip yesterday wasn’t also the cause of it.

Obviously it was a rude idea to wake him. Lizzie tiptoed out of the common room toward her bedroom to drop off her things. She considered just staying in her room until someone else in the flat - preferably Olivia - returned. In her mind, Olivia knew exactly how to act around a sleeping Eric. Was he a light sleeper? A heavy one? Should she wake him before it gets too late in the day? Let him sleep until he inevitably wakes up? In the end, she decided to just go about her own business as she had originally planned. She needed to get out of her work clothes.

Half an hour later, Lizzie felt her shoulders relax. Now that she had completely washed off her makeup, let her hair down (sorta) and changed into her comfortable at-home clothes, she felt like she could finally release the stress she had been feeling all day. She had just tossed her work clothes back into her bedroom when she heard some movement behind her. Peering into the common room, she saw that Eric was up.

“Well, good morning, sleepyhead!~” she teased with a cheeky smile. Now that the blanket was no longer over him, she noticed that he appeared to still be wearing the clothes he had on yesterday. For a moment, she felt the guilt punch her in the pit of her stomach. Did they overdo it yesterday?

“So, your tip to take the Overground route was a godsend,” she explained as she entered the common room. “I only got hit by one briefcase this morning and my toes were left alone,” she joked with a laugh.

As Eric got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen, Lizzie heard him ask about her first day. She couldn’t help smiling at his back, a sense of giddiness consuming her over the fact that he was interested in her day. Unless he was just asking to be nice, but she didn’t dare entertain such thoughts. They were friends now, after all. Right? They could show genuine interest in each other’s lives now. Right?

Now joining him at the kitchen, she took a seat at the island and watched as he moved about to prepare tea. “It was good! Busy, kind of stressful, but good. Today was mostly, like, orientation and introducing the interns to the company. Expectations and all that fun stuff,” she started to explain, fiddling with a teaspoon laying on top of the table. “Friday, though, is when the real fun begins. We start our training and shadowing so that we can get our first assignments next week.”

Lizzie momentarily watched as Eric grabbed his mug and a teabag while he waited for the water to boil, her chin resting gently on her hand. A memory popped up and she figured now was a good time to maybe consult an English person about it.

“Can I ask you a question?” she asked suddenly, looking up from the string dangling off the side of his mug to look back up at Eric. She waited until she had his full attention before continuing with, “Are, um, tea breaks, like, a thing?” There was really no smooth way for her to ask without it coming off...rude?

As expected, she was given a strange look from Eric. Obviously, he was confused by the question. Lizzie couldn’t help but giggle at the look. It was kind of cute. Talk about throwing a cultural observation in someone’s face. After sitting up straighter at the table, Lizzie told Eric about how she had witnessed one of the editors in the break room slaving away in front of a long row of mugs all with tea bag strings hanging from the side. This recollection seemed like enough information for Eric to figure out the premise of the question. Soon enough, as he continued to prepare his own tea, he explained that, yes, tea breaks were a “thing”. And apparently, she would probably need to learn how to prepare tea based on others preferred it.

“Hold on,” she quickly interjected. “You’re telling me that y’all have specific ways to prepare tea? It’s not just letting it steep?” Forgive her, Eric. She’s American.

It was some minutes later when Lizzie watched Eric push her mug across the kitchen island toward her. She carefully picked up her mug so as to not burn her fingers. After a couple gentle blows across the top of the hot beverage, she took a careful sip of the tea he had prepared for her. As she brought the mug back down to the table, she paused for a moment to collect her thoughts.

“So...this is how you prefer your tea…” she mused out loud, returning her gaze back to Eric. “It’s not bad,” she continued with a smile. Naturally, as she said this, she repeated this preference to memory while she had a mental image of one day impressing him with her ability to make his tea perfectly for him.

“But, like, would the people at my work really expect me to remember how everyone takes their tea?” she continued. “Little Hopper might not be as big as Random House, but that’s still a lot of people to remember tea preferences for. I might as well start working at Starbucks as a side gig.”

After recovering from the culture shock that was the English people and how they really felt about tea, Lizzie decided to throw in the towel for the day. She would have to worry about this side task at her internship after she learned how to do her actual job on Friday.

“I’m...empty,” she complained as she closed the refrigerator door with a sigh. Registering the look Eric was giving her, she added, “I mean, I’m starving. Did you eat already?”

She momentarily left the common room to grab her phone. As she returned to where Eric was standing, she skimmed through the text messages and Instagram notifications plastered all across her notification screen. “I’m thinking about ordering a pizza. Would a large be too much for the two of us?” Even if her tone made it sound like she was asking for his opinion, it was actually rhetorical. As she spoke, she was already placing an order.

“So I was thinking,” she started again, returning to her spot at the kitchen island as she placed her phone facedown. It would take about half an hour for the pizza she ordered to get to the flat. “Yesterday was really fun. And King’s Cross was, like, a dream come true. I’ve been tempted since last night with the idea of watching the movies. Mostly because I already finished reading Philosopher’s Stone after I got home. Maybe we can watch the first movie while we eat?”

She was thrilled when Eric seemed up for the idea. Her grin spread from ear to ear with excitement. “Great! You know, if you want, you can, like, freshen up while we wait for the pizza to arrive. Trade out the jeans for something more comfortable. We can start the movie after.” She tossed over the thought of expressing her awareness that he was still wearing the clothes he wore yesterday. In the end, she decided against it as he agreed to the idea. While he excused himself to shower and change, Lizzie picked up her tea again and watched him leave.

With nothing much to do while she waited for Eric to finish with his shower and for the pizza to arrive, Lizzie ended up on the phone with one of her friends from back home; her roommate, Lacey. While she's studying in London, she and Aiden, Lacey's boyfriend and Lizzie's other roommate, agreed to foster Marie. Now that it's been a couple weeks since the move, she wanted to make sure everything was going fine for three of them back home.

“Yeah, he’s actually, like, taking Marie on early morning walks. I honestly never realized how much she, like, copied your sleep schedule until the other swimmer in the house took over,” Lacey explained with a laugh.

“But, everything’s okay? There hasn’t been any trouble?”

“Nope! I mean, it’s not like Aiden's a stranger to Marie. We both know your girl is a little flirt like her mom,” Lacey teased with a giggle over the phone. Lizzie rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t contain the smile.

“Speaking of, any news on the Superman situation? Jade still thinks that he’s holding his cards very close to his chest,” Lacey continued.

Lizzie turned to look at the double doors, pulling the phone away from her ear to listen closely for any sounds in the bathroom down the hall. When she couldn’t hear any approaching footsteps, she turned her back to the door and returned the phone to her ear. “Well, he’s here today. We’re actually gonna have dinner and watch a movie.”

“Ooh! A date night in with Eric Oliverrr,” Lacey teased in a sing song voice. Grateful she had decided to call instead of video chat, Lizzie shook her head into her hand. “By the way, has there been any update on the follow situation? ‘Cause, like, Jade is getting a little frustrated over his lack of an internet presence. She’s starting to believe he’s actually a forty year old man and you’re keeping secrets.”

“Of course, she would think that,” Lizzie joked. “But, uh, no. I haven’t even seen him pull out a phone since he woke up earlier. I’m starting to believe my flatmate was right. Maybe he really doesn’t use Insta often…”

“Well, when there is some update, let us know?” Lizzie reassured her best friend that she would.

The two friends remained on the phone for a few more minutes until Lizzie heard the bathroom door open. That was when she told Lacey that she would call her later. She was in the middle of goodbyes when she caught Eric entering the common room.

“Feeling better?” she asked. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but now you definitely look like you didn’t just sleep the entire day.” In her effort to ensure that this add on remained lighthearted, she flashed him a teasing smirk.

Just then, she heard a knock at the front door. “That’s gotta be the pizza. Can you set up the movie?” She then kicked off the stool she still sat on and rushed down the hall to the front door.

She returned a minute later with a large pizza box in her hands. “Eat this at the couch?” she asked then carried the pizza over to the coffee table. “Lemme get more napkins. Do you want anything else to drink?”

With extra napkins and a couple water bottles in hand, Lizzie returned to the living room area just as the movie started playing. She took a seat on the shorter couch since it was the one directly in front of the television. Just as she was about to grab a slice, she noticed that Eric looked like he was about to take a seat on the longer couch.

She didn’t know what came over her when she asked, “You don’t want to sit next to me?” As she attempted to keep a straight face, Lizzie paused as her mind worked fast for some kind of add on to that question. None came and she just sat there waiting for his move.

()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 090718----------- LOCATION — ricki's party----------- COMPANY — lizzie

What...time was it? The sun was up but really that meant nothing to him—the sun had been up when he had fallen asleep after all. He could faintly hear some sort of movement from one of the other rooms but Eric was still too asleep to care just yet. He was in the flat, someone was bound to be home, and he’d find out who it was soon enough. In the meantime he was still processing that he was in fact awake and not having a dream about waking up. He couldn’t stop the soft groan of protest as he rolled over to bury his head back into the pillow. He wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep but he was Eric Oliver, and Eric Oliver wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep once he woke up. He could fall asleep easily, he could sleep through just about anything, he and sleep were the best of mates but going back to sleep after waking up wasn’t a talent of his. So here he was, head foggy and hurting, eyes barely opened, hair...hurting? Why did his hair hurt? Eric’s hand moved up to his head and could feel the bun still holding on for dear life—that’s why his hair hurt.

Pushing himself upright what was left of the blanket he’d fallen asleep with fell completely and he looked down to see his Henley and skinny jeans, even his socks had stuck out his extended nap with him. Well that explained the sore pinching feeling along his waistline, his jeans and belt had probably etched marks into his skin through the night. Night? No, day, he'd slept during the day. His head was spinning but then he heard her, and then he saw her. Lizzie was visible in the doorway now. So she was the one who was home. Least it wasn’t Angel, Eric wasn’t really in the mood to deal with Angel’s sassy remarks about what a rough night he looked like he had.
Wow your hair.
What time did you get back?
Didn’t you wear that yesterday?

Yeah no, please no. Thank god it was only Lizzie. But wait— it was Lizzie. He felt himself suddenly straighten up a little in his spot on the couch and rubbed the sleep out of one eye as he forced himself to focus in on her words. Then his hand trailed to his chest to recenter his cross as he became aware that it had gotten flipped over his back in his sleep. He knew he probably looked half asleep as he smiled hearing that her morning had been a success. What could he do though? He just woke up. He was tired. It was impossible for him to hide so the least he could do was remain attentive. Tea might help wake him up. Might. Either way he was thirsty and his normal routine was to make tea first thing in the morning— or...whenever he woke up.

”Cool, I’m glad it worked out.” Don’t end it there Eric, keep going, keep talking, maybe if he moved it would help? Tea. Tea and talk, tea and talk. He got up, a little wobbly at first as the blood rushed back to his head after laying down for so long, ”And work?” Work? “Work”? It was an internship Eric, you know this. But it was too late and a little awkward to correct himself. They were practically the same thing anyways, right? He had stepped away from the couch by now to pass by her into the kitchen area, ”First day wasn’t too hard I hope?”

He grabbed the kettle first while Lizzie recalled her day to him and filled it with water, enough for two, then set it down to do its thing. He easily located his mug up in the cabinet and opened a pack of his preferred black tea, ”Can I ask you a question?”
He had just dropped the tea bag into his mug and was going to toss the wrapper in the bin but her words had him frozen in place. Why did she have to be so suspenseful? This was like when someone messages you telling you to call them as soon as you can, they need to talk to you. So you call, wracked with anxiety and worst possible scenarios only for them to ask something stupid like, “Did you understand question four in the homework? I don’t get it.”
Um?? You couldn’t just ask that in the text? Or say you needed help with homework and ask to call you back? You really had to be vague and make nothing into something and all this stress over wondering what you want.
That was everything running through his mind as he slowly turned to look at Lizzie. Where was this going to go? What direction would this take? Was this a personal question? Was she going to ask why he was still in yesterday’s clothes? It wasn’t like it was a secret, or anything bad. The truth was easy: he had work, got in after 10 this morning and was too tired to change. Eric’s mind was going a mile a minute trying to think of all the possible things she might want to ask him, so when she asked about tea breaks he was definitely caught off guard and unprepared.

Tea breaks?? Nothing immediately came to mind, partially due to him not expecting such a simple question. But Lizzie seemed to have caught his confusion and went on to explain what she was talking about. Oh, tea breaks. Honestly Eric didn’t have much personal experience with them as he’d never really been in a traditional work environment that called for it. But he had made plenty of cups at the hotel, heard stories from others especially Olivia who had complained a good number of times, and he had of course seen in television shows. Yes, tea breaks were a thing, as she had called it. Eric leaned back against the counter, as he relaxed after the micro heart attack she’d given him. He was kind of too sore to go sit with her at the island. Sitting meant getting back up in a minute when the kettle was ready and he just wasn’t ready for that much movement right now— oh speak of the devil, the kettle was whistling at him. He resumed preparing his own tea as he slowly began answering her question that yes tea breaks existed and were sort of a big deal. He had never really seen them with such importance, tea was a British staple. But he could see now from an outsider's perspective that it might be a little...odd? It was one thing to boil extra water for everyone or make an entire pot for everyone to share. But to individually prepare everyone’s tea and especially without having ever spoken to some of them, yeah that was probably fairly daunting to walk into, ”You might want to ask someone to walk you through it— help you make sure you get everyone’s preferences correct.” He was ready to continue on with his explanation but Lizzie actually cut in to clarify that making tea didn’t just involve dropping a bag into hot water for a couple minutes. He paused, not entirely sure how to continue. She made it sound like this was a new phenomenon. Honestly he didn’t have a proper answer for her, at this point it would probably be best to just show her and let her experience it herself, “Would you like to try a cup?”

Within moments he had a second mug on the counter, tea bag steeping in water while he opened the fridge to retrieve the milk. Since this was a cultural learning experience he would make her tea the way he liked it. Mostly black, with a splash of milk. No sugar. There was sort of a fine line with the milk. Not enough and you might as well just be drinking the tea as is. But too much and it just tasted like flavored milk. Honestly Eric tended to lean towards bitter over sweet. He took his coffee black too. Don’t be fooled though, just because he didn’t add sugar in his own didn’t mean he wouldn’t drink someone else’s because they did.

He passed her the mug and resumed leaning against the counter with his own. He took his first sip before going on to explain how Olivia for instance usually liked her tea on the sweet side. Lizzie didn’t seem to mind his tea but Eric couldn’t help but offer to improve on it, just in case she was only being polite and didn’t actually like it, ”Are you sure? Did you want some sweetener? “

Poor Lizzie seemed so completely overwhelmed with this whole tea break thing. He went on to try and assure her that it wasn’t quite as daunting a task as it seemed. She would get used to everyone quickly and if they didn’t like how she made it then they could get up and make their own bloody tea. He failed to mention the fact that chances were everyone would be too British to tell her if they didn’t like her tea.

He looked over to her from his spot still against the counter. His mug was almost empty because he couldn’t make drinks last to save his life; both alcoholic and non. Lizzie kept saying these phrases that, while they made sense, they weren’t instinctive to him and took a moment to process what she was saying. Maybe it was partly due to how tired he was. But he was actually starving as well now that she mentioned it. When had he last eaten? Considering he had to think to remember, it was safe to say it had been a while. And now that he had been awake for a good half hour his overnight fatigue was giving way and his appetite returning. He responded with the simple truth that no, he hadn’t eaten. He hadn’t yet explained that he only got back late that morning, maybe she didn’t need to know that though…

Pizza? It was a little early, no? Oh wait—it was well after 4pm. In Eric’s head it was still “morning”, as he’d just woken up. Yeah pizza sounded great. Lizzie voiced her concern over being able to finish a large which only further showcased how little she knew about him. This was Eric Oliver she was talking to. Although looking back on their interactions he supposed it made sense, sort of. Most of their encounters involved food but at the same time he hadn’t eaten much during them. Money was an issue, or Olivia’s stupid croissant stunt, or that night they got Japanese and he was feeling sick from his overnight so didn’t finish it. Okay yeah so she had every reason to doubt his ability to finish a pizza. Well, Lizzie, let it be known that Eric Oliver could likely put away the entire pizza by himself.

Really fun.
Dream come true

She needed to stop describing yesterday— them— him— with compliments and romanticized feelings. He hadn’t forgotten what she’d said after he sang Girl Crush, or after she read his script more than once. But also wait, slow down Eric. She had said yesterday was really fun. King’s Cross was a dream come true; well, “like”, she was Californian after all. Eric, she did not say your name once so hold your horses and calm yourself. Let’s not get overly excited and start reading in between the lines just yet. Literally anyone could have taken her to King’s Cross and she would have told them how happy she was to go. After all she had come to London for King’s Cross, not for Eric Oliver.

He was so wrapped up in his own head that he nearly missed her connecting King’s Cross to watching Harry Potter but luckily he caught on quick and was was just as quick (if not a little too much) to respond that he was down to watch. He of course didn’t say down to watch, that would be too American of him, ”Sure, it’s been a while since I’ve seen it.”

While life had forced him to mature much faster than his peers, there were parts of him that had never grown up. Like his black hole of a teenage boy appetite. Or how excited he got over simple things like a vending machine dropping two candies instead of one. Or how awful he was at self care: Lizzie had just suggested he go and “freshen up”. Eric glanced down at his clothes from yesterday, there was no way she hadn’t noticed. She knew he hadn’t changed, but she didn’t tell him directly like he knew Olivia would have. Did he look as awful as he felt? He suddenly wanted nothing more than to shower though, thank you Lizzie.
”I’ll go shower first then?” First as in, before they started. Not like, shower before her. Just— wait why did ne need to clarify this? Also, it wasn’t a question, but he had gone and made it into one. As if he needed her permission to do anything. Eric?? She nodded in agreement though, with a smile on her face; his internal anxiety clearly soaring way above her head. Right, c’mon Eric just go shower already.

He winced taking his hair tie out. His hair had gotten all wrapped around it and he ended up losing a couple in the process of letting his hair out of the disheveled bun he’d slept in. He ran his fingers gently through his hair, trying to break up any knots before it got wet as he walked over to his bag to see what his sleep deprived self had grabbed to wear earlier. He offered a quick smile as he passed by her and then disappeared into the bathroom for his highly anticipated shower.

“Feeling better?” As he re-entered the common space he looked up to see Lizzie from underneath his now damp hair slightly covering his face; so he had looked about as bad as he had woke up feeling. Got it. She went on to put him in charge of setting up Harry Potter while she answered the door. And while he wasn’t particularly tech savvy, especially with phones, Eric knew his way around the tele. He was no stranger to playing movies to fall asleep to or for movie nights with Olivia and the rest of the flat. Thankfully the remote was where it should be so he didn’t have to go hunting for it. And the Blu-rays were all stored away where they belonged, arranged alphabetically with TV and movies respectively separated. He didn’t have any trouble locating the Harry Potter section; there were eight of them after all and they took up a fairly large spot on the shelf. Once the disc was in Eric stayed crouched in front of the TV while he navigated to the menu screen. Lizzie had returned by now with the pizza and the smell hit him hard in the stomach. He was so hungry now it was almost painful. Would it be wrong to grab a slice now before even starting? He managed to hold himself back and finish setting up while Lizzie retrieved napkins and his requested water. Then after hitting play he finally stood up and moved over towards his couch. He was so ready for this. Movie, pizza, curl up with his blanket, Lizzie was here, it was going to be great—

“You don’t want to sit next to me?” Her question stopped him in his tracks and Eric looked over to her, completely unsure of how to respond. He always sat over here on the larger couch. Well, almost always. Most of the time. A solid nine out of ten times. That way when if he fell asleep he was already on his bed. And he could lounge across the entire couch, with the smaller one he had to literally just sit there, feet on the ground and back against the cushions. He just preferred the larger couch despite sometimes having a slightly distorted view from the angle with the television. But the way Lizzie had asked that...that wasn’t a “Hey you can see better over here” or even “We could both share this one.” No, no, no, she had made it personal by mentioning herself, leaving Eric speechless and lowkey regretting his non-alcoholic beverage choice.

”Alright then,” Two could play that game. Eric was smirking a little now, knowing what was coming next. It only took two steps to move over to the smaller couch where he sat himself down. Right. Next. To. Lizzie. His. Leg. Against. Hers. Their. Waists. Practically. Touching. Shoulder. To. Shoulder, ”Better?” He found himself searching for her eyes while Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall argued over leaving baby Harry with his Muggle relatives. But in the end Eric couldn’t keep a straight face and laughed his slight embarrassment off, pushing his hair back as he shuffled over on the couch to give her back her personal space. His next move was to lean forward and grab a slice of pizza, passing it to Lizzie, ”Here,” before taking his own. God he was starving.

Honestly Eric missed the first half of the movie. He couldn’t concentrate after that little back and forth with Lizzie and all he could think about was how close he was sitting to her. It wasn’t as close as when he first sat down to tease her, but it was still pretty damn close because he couldn’t bring himself to move too far away. Wouldn’t that make it awkward if he left a large gap in between them? But maybe he should. Was he too close? Was she as uncomfortable as he was? Did she even care? She was Harry Potter obsessed, she was probably too into the movie to even notice— oh God his elbow had brushed her, he quickly reached for a water bottle so that his movement wasn’t for nothing.

As he had prophesied, the pizza didn’t last long. Before he knew it there was only one piece remaining and Eric stared at it for a good while as he debated whether to eat it or insist that she have it. In the end he got the go ahead, and ahead he went. Another ten or so minutes later and Eric had slowly sunk into the cushions, crossing back over the invisible social line between Lizzie and himself as he got comfortable for the remainder of the movie. At some point he finally got immersed in Hogwarts and didn’t notice his knee had spread too far, leaning against her’s while his arms stayed safely crossed over his stomach. “Safely” meaning they weren’t straying into uncharted territory, aka Lizzie’s side of the couch.

It was Lizzie who suggested watching Chamber of Secrets almost as soon as the credits started rolling. Was he up for a double feature? Would he fall asleep? He did have a reputation of knocking out during movies. But Lizzie looked so hopeful. Ughhh okay fine! He popped up to his feet, ”Sure! But I’ve gotta wee first,” He had been holding his bladder for a good half of the movie now and he really couldn’t sit still a moment longer. He pulled his pants up slightly as he rushed past her, socked feet slipping a little on the hardwood floor, ”D’you mind— could you get it started? I’llberightback!” He was already out of the room and speeding down the hall to the bathroom as he called back over his shoulder.

At some point during the second movie, around when they reached Hogwarts for the new school year, his arms had crossed back over himself and his head slowly dropped till he was leaning on her shoulder. No, this was not a conscience decision to invade her personal space again. Eric had dozed off as he’d predicted justttt until the sound of someone closing the front door a little too hard startled him awake. His eyes shot open but it took him a second to process that he was awake, or rather to realize that he had fallen asleep in the first place. He managed to sit himself upright just before the footsteps paused in the doorway, ”Harry Potter?”

Eric and Lizzie ended up not finishing the movie that night. They watched for a good while longer but as the others all came home it became too loud in the flat and the movie magic was lost. They agreed to call it quits and finish another time. And just like that Tuesday came to an end. Eric eventually relocated over to his couch and knocked out for real, long before the last flatmate turned in for the night. When Wednesday came he was back to his early morning routine and had left before the others were up as though he had never even been there.

It was Thursday morning as he changed for work that his iPod surfaced in his backpack. Honestly he had completely forgotten he had grabbed it from the car, but it had gotten jostled around enough to make it towards the top and something possessed him to pick it up; his finger running over the crack in the top corner of the screen as he pondered over his options. He didn’t carry a charger with him usually, because he didn’t usually carry the iPod anymore. But it was 2018 and thankfully the iPod was new enough to use a lightning cable, so chances were one of his coworkers would have a charger. Maybe...he was already one of the youngest on staff, he was supposed to be the youth with the technology. Eric did manage to secure a charger and set it up in the breakroom. It would take a bit for it to have enough juice to turn on so he’d come back to check on it during his break.

He didn’t make it back until his lunch hour but the iPod was almost fully charged so he unplugged it, took a seat and opened it to the lock screen where he was bombarded with all the notifications he missed for the past...two weeks was it? Roughly at least. Wow he really sucked at this. There were texts from Olivia. Reminders she sent about flat night last week. Oh and messages about when Lizzie had found his script. There were a few texts from members of his troupe but nothing was significantly important. See if he had a legitimate need to contact others and be able to be reached then maybe he would put more effort into maintaining the iPod’s battery life. But he had nothing in life that required him to need it. You could argue otherwise of course with perfectly valid points, but to Eric none of it was that important. There was one notification at the top which was different though and caught his eye. Instagram.

littlelizziedar would like to follow you

Who? Lizzie, Eric it says right there in the handle, it’s Lizzie. He unlocked the iPod and after locating the icon for Instagram, opened the app to—a log in page. Bloody hell. This was exactly what he had foreseen happening when he had first thought about Instagram back at Nando’s with Lizzie. What was his password…? After several failed attempts he opted for the password reset and followed the link sent to his email. Let’s not talk about how many emails had accumulated in his inbox since he last checked it….

New password….set.
Log in….success.

He was prompted to either accept or reject Lizzie’s request to follow. He could tell in her little thumbnail that it was in fact her, he didn’t need to open her page to confirm, so he went ahead and clicked accept before clicking her name and following back without a second thought. He recognized the most recent photo immediately as it was from their King’s Cross adventure. He went ahead and opened that but stopped to really sit and stare at Lizzie the photo of them. He had been with her that entire day but it was now sitting here by himself that he was able to really look at her without feeling like a creep for staring. Why was he like...getting nervous sitting here? He was literally alone...right? Eric glanced up from the screen to confirm that, yes, he was alone in the staff breakroom. Everyone else had taken their breaks on time or left to go eat somewhere away from the hotel. Back down to the photo.

His thumb reached across the screen for the back button but he lost his grip on the iPod. It was like slow motion as it started to slip from his grasp but Eric was able to react quickly enough and caught it before it fell. His thumb over the touch screen side as a heart appeared over the photo and the little one underneath turned red signifying he had “liked” the photo. This of course went unnoticed by Eric who was too busy recovering from the mini heart attack he’d just suffered. Olivia would kill him if he dropped this thing and it broke for real. In case you were wondering about that crack in the corner of the was because of Eric.

After succeeding to return to her profile he only had a moment to pick his next photo to check out before a text notification appeared at the top of his screen and in a moment of ADD he clicked it without thinking. It opened a mostly one sided text thread between him and Olivia, a time stamp now saying he had read her message:
don’t forget ricki’s party is tomorrow xx

But before he could respond he heard his name being frantically called just before Louise rushed in explaining that she knew he was on lunch but she had a problem and needed his help. Of course Eric tossed his iPod back into his bag and followed her out to help— little did he know that would mark the end of his lunch and he would be working through the end of his shift. Olivia’s text completely slipping his mind but Lizzie’s smile highkey etched in his memory and keeping him thoroughly distracted for the remaining hours on the clock. He wanted nothing more than to continue exploring her Instagram but that night he ended up in his car after work and there was no wifi there.

Friday ended up being an excruciatingly long day for Eric. It was bad luck left and right. First he woke up late. No idea why, it wasn’t like he stayed up late or drank the night before, but his body just decided to hit the snooze button that morning. He wasn’t late late to work, but he was definitely rushing a good deal. Rushing to the point of being forgetful like, really forgetful. Like, he didn’t realize he didn’t have his backpack until he was changing at work. He swore to himself several times but in the end assured himself he would go get it on his lunch break. LOL. What lunch break. He worked through his lunch that day, snacking in the kitchen when he could. And then disaster struck in the form of red wine all down his white dress shirt. He had been serving drinks and a customer bolted up out of their seat just as he passed them. They collided, the wine went everywhere, glasses shattered. It was a bad day. Luckily the customer was very nice and apologetic but Eric’s shirt was ruined and he smelled heavily of wine. He ended up changing into his black dress shirt and a spare pair of pants his shift lead found for him but when it was time to clock out and go to rehearsal he was running late again, his brain still just as scattered as it had been that morning. Eric changed back into his black skinny jeans but as he had shown up wearing only the hoodie he had slept in, no shirt, he didn’t think to take off his black dress shirt and instead just slipped his gray hoodie over it on his way out the door. Hopefully tomorrow he would remember to bring back the shirt.

Rehearsal was….interesting….without his script or notebooks, no pens, nothing. Was probably not a good look for their director to show up late, without his stuff, and smelling fairly strongly of wine. But what could he do? It was 8:15pm by the time they ended and Eric was out on the sidewalk fiddling with his keys as his usual friend group debated where to go for drinks that night. A good number of them wanted to go to someone’s place and stay in for the night rather than going out to a bar or someth— it just dawned on him that it was Ricki’s One Year party tonight that Olivia had reminded him about just yesterday. Well looks like he had plans after all. He sort of didn’t want to go after the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day he’d been having. But at the same time the invite had him feeling obligated and so he was soon offering his apologies to his troupe that he already had plans and was off to the venue, in his usual gray hoodie and back up black work shirt. With only his keys and wallet on his person. Wow what a day this had turned out to be.

Eric of course took off the hoodie once he finally got there, it wasn’t dresscode in the slightest but with no bag he would have to carry it or find the cloakroom to check it, but that usually cost a pound and that was a pound he didn’t have this week. Wait yeah, why was he agreeing to come to a party knowing that he didn’t have money to spare?

Angel was the first to spot him after walking in and the Queen herself rushed up with a glass in each hand, ”Eriiiiiic~” He was clearly several drinks in as he passed over one of the shots. Eric didn’t question why he was carrying around two shots as Angel went on to flirtatiously insist he take it.
Once he had downed the shot and grimaced over the taste knowing it was about to hit his near empty stomach, Angel went on to link arms with him and led him over to where Malcolm and Olivia were. Eric didn’t have time to question where the party girl or Lizzie were as another drink was shoved into his hand, ”You’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

Eric had no sense of how much time had passed when he found himself standing alone. Angel had said he would be right back but well, he wasn’t back yet. Eric had long abandoned his hoodie to the back of a chair where he had first seen Olivia. Hopefully it was still there. His collar had been unbuttoned several times by now and his sleeves sloppily rolled up. He found himself swaying a little to the music as he turned around in search of a familiar face. He didn’t find a face, but rather a high ponytail caught his attention and his focus immediately narrowed in on the tiny girl.

Coming up to her his arm wrapped around her shoulders, ”There you are love,” The possibility of this not being Lizzie never once crossed Eric’s mind.
His fragmented way of speaking had been replaced by a slightly more confident slur. And while he didn’t quite sound drunk, not yet, he certainly didn’t sound like himself. Something then pulled him away from smiling down at her to notice that there was a stranger with them, a man he didn’t recognize, ”Your friend?” Without releasing Lizzie his other hand extended over to introduce himself, even going as far as stating that his name was Eric and mentioning something about it being a pleasure to meet this guy. Okay, maybe he was a little more drunk than he let on. But he was pleasant and sociable. What’s not to like?

He was back to Lizzie immediately after, as though the other man were invisible, he only had eyes for the little American bird right now. His hand brushed back a piece of her pony which had fallen over her shoulder from all his movement, ”Sorry’m late.”
He’d been late to literally everything that day but Eric, it’s not like anyone even knew you were coming. You should be saying something like “Surprise, I made it!”
Eric’s hand trailed across her shoulders as he brought it down to grab hers to lead her— well, anywhere away from this stranger who his subconscious decided we don’t like. So far the flat had bought all of his drinks for him, but they operated in a rounds system. Angel had gone, Olivia, Malcolm, even Ricki had shown up briefly before he lost them all. But it was his turn now. Even if the others weren’t present to drink with them. Once they reached the bar he sat on the edge of a stool as he turned to ask what she wanted but Lizzie indicated that she was still working on the drink he had found her with. Not anymore she wasn’t. Eric took the glass from her and slid it a short ways away down the stretch of the bar before repeating himself, asking what she wanted to drink. His hand had never let go of hers, and now his other one joined in to sandwich her little hand in both of his. It was only a matter of time— and drinks, before he would be holding more than just her hand; if his hyper focused attention on her didn’t already give that away.


()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 090718----------- LOCATION — ricki's anniversary celebration----------- COMPANY — eric

“Bye, Lizzie!” Angel’s voice sang through the hallway. Lizzie looked up from her laptop screen just as Angel walked past the open double doors. She quickly waved to him before he disappeared and wished him good luck on his meeting. All the while, her girlfriends were continuing to chatter in her ear. One guess what they could possibly be all abuzz over that Wednesday morning.

Much earlier that morning, Lizzie woke up feeling heavy. Not the fat kind of heavy. But after consuming almost half a large pizza last night with not much movement afterward, she felt the grease just sit in her system. So she decided to go for an early morning swim. When she got out of bed to go to the bathroom to change into her training suit, she caught the sounds of the front door closing at the other end of the hallway. One quick glance into the common area told her who had just left for work. The living room looked as if he haven’t even been at the flat last night.

It wasn’t until she returned home from the community center some three hours later that Lizzie finally looked at the notifications on her phone. The group chat she shared with her girlfriends back in California had been booming with activity while she was asleep last night. She knew she shouldn’t have sent them the sneaky Snapchat photo of her and Eric watching Harry Potter last night; even if the photo only featured their knees touching at the bottom. They still wanted to know all the details. And if it isn’t obvious by now, Lizzie really had no choice but to share.

And that is why Lizzie made herself comfortable in the living room at quarter after nine that morning with Jade, Katie and Lacey all once again discussing Mister Eric Oliver through the single earbud wedged into her ear. Why did they propose to have a movie night/morning if they weren’t even going to focus on said movie?

“What guy pulls that kind of tease with someone they’ve only known for, like, a couple weeks? That was some serious personal space he broke through just for a joke! He was obviously tryna flirt with her!” Lizzie overheard Lacey argue. She turned away from the television screen to glance at the faces of her three best friends.

“Lace, they did spend, like, an entire day together just a few days ago. He offered to help her with her commute to work,” Katie countered. “Between that and their movie night last night, I’m pretty sure they’re friends now. So he was probably, like, comfortable enough around Liz to show a playful side.”

“Then why is he taking forever to follow her back on Instagram?” Jade interrupted. This silenced the girls. Lizzie looked from one friend to the other, noticing that all of them looked directly at their screens. She can only guess that both Katie and Lacey were looking at Jade. “Well, it’s true. We can argue all we want about whether Superman has an actual thing for Liz or if he’s just naturally that friendly, but he hasn’t been consistent in his efforts to prove anything.”

“I already told you guys,” Lizzie said slowly. At this point, she had completely abandoned trying to get the girls to focus on their movie night/morning. She should have known they didn’t really mean it when they had suggested playing To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before on Netflix. They had watched the movie together plenty of times that they knew where all the good parts were without actively watching. “Olivia said he doesn’t use Instagram often. And I didn’t even—”

“See him with a phone last night, yeah yeah, whatever, Liz,” Jade finished with a roll of her eyes. “I still don’t buy that. He’s gotta be hiding something.”

“Hiding what exactly?” Katie asked, her voice level to keep the conversation from shifting.

“I don’t fuckin’ know! I can bet, though, that it def has something to do with that Olivia chick. I’m still not convinced that those two are ‘just friends’. There has to be something more to those two….” Lizzie bit her bottom lip as she chose to remain silent. She was getting a little fed up trying to convince Jade that there was nothing going on between Eric and Olivia other than their close friendship.

Luckily, the time difference between Lizzie in London and her friends in California meant that she was stuck on the Skype call for only another hour or so before they all ran out of juice and needed to call it a night. Not that the relief would do her any good. When she closed her laptop and returned it to her bedroom, she was more unclear of how Eric felt about her.

While, yes, she agreed with Katie that they were definitely friends now, there was no stopping the voice in the back of her mind wishing there could be something more. This wasn’t Lizzie’s first rodeo. She knew these feelings like she knew how to breathe. There was no more denying that despite the few opportunities she had to spend time with Eric that she was developing a huge crush on him. And the more he lingered in her mind, the deeper her feelings for him became.

If only he could give her some kind of clue as to how he felt about her. Did he actually like having her in his company? Is it possible that he could maybe harbor the same feelings as she to him; even if it was just a little spark right now? Shame it was a Wednesday. If Eric kept to his schedule from the past couple weeks, he wasn’t going to drop by the flat tonight. And who even knows when that next visit will actually be.

With the anticipation of her second day at Little Hopper in a couple days, Lizzie now found it a little insufferable being stuck at home with no plans. Before, when she was still getting used to the move, having the flat to herself was kind of nice. Now that she was well on her way to having her own daily schedule, she felt kind of useless compared to her other flatmates. They were out of the flat almost all day with their own jobs and other daily schedules. All the while she had days in-between her own shifts. There was a brief moment as she flipped through movies to watch on Netflix when she actually wished school had started the same week as her internship.

Her boredom was the reason she decided to hit up her friends to hang out that Thursday.

Eddie’s name appeared on her lockscreen at exactly ten on the dot with a text letting Lizzie know that he was outside. When she had proposed to her new friend group that they hang out, she had received a quick confirmation from Eddie that he was free. Sophia took a bit of time to respond back, but she agreed as well. As for the lovely #couplegoals, they apparently already had plans of their own to go to Brighton for the day. Okay, that’s cute, I guess.

Eddie had insisted on driving the three of them into the city. Apparently, he didn’t feel comfortable with the thought of Lizzie paying for the train into the city just to hang out with them when she was the one that sent out the invite. Lizzie had reassured him that she didn’t mind. But he offered, and she was really not at liberty to keep saying no if he was going to insist.

The morning with Eddie and Sophia started with a nice brunch. Afterwards, Sophia suggested they visit this floating bookstore that was a twenty some minute drive from the restaurant. Lizzie was already sold on the idea before her friend could finish saying bookstore.

She had been in the middle of perusing through an assortment of books inside the boat - she was still amazed it was an actual boat - when she pulled her phone out of her pocket. There was no reason for this. It was just a habit of hers to sometimes carry her phone when she was browsing stores. Who knows if something caught her attention that would suddenly make her think of someone else and she wanted to quickly share it.

As she pulled her phone out of her pocket, her wrist movement caused the screen to turn on. She wasn’t expecting much activity on her lockscreen. After all, it was about four or five in the morning in California and her flatmates were all at work. So when she caught sight of the small Instagram icon on the screen, Lizzie was admittedly confused. She hadn’t posted anything recently aside from her brunch Boomerang on her Insta-story. And the fresh appeal of her London trip post had long ago faded. Who could possibly--

e.oliver liked your post.
e.oliver started following you.

Wait, what?

Her thumb lingered over the notifications, daring the damn finger to just give in to one quick twitch. All she needed to do was tap the notification, give her thumb print and confirm that this was finally happening...and a lot faster than she had prepared herself for.

Eric accepted her follow request. And he followed her back. And he liked the post of the two of them at King’s Cross Station.

Oh yeah! She should probably tag him on that post now that they were mutually following each other.

The Instagram app opened to the notification screen. Eric’s activity was right at the top. She was just about to tap on the “liked” notification when temptation took over. His account had been put on private for a day and a half. Because of Olivia’s warning, she had half expected to be waiting at least another week before she could see his page. Instead she only waited no more than two days, she had to see what she had been patiently waiting for.

But first, she had to take a screenshot just so that she can finally shut Jade up. After sending the screenshot to their group chat on Facebook Messenger, she returned to Instagram to finally take a look at Eric’s page.

Upon tapping the most recent post on his page, Lizzie could now confirm that Olivia was indeed right; he really wasn’t that active. His most recent post was more than two months ago. And the posts after were fairly far between. Regardless, Lizzie couldn’t help smiling at his theater photos; especially the one where he looked like he was covered in tape. In the background, it appeared as if he was taking down a set with other people that she can only assume are members of his theatre troupe.

Lizzie was definitely feeling a little nosy as she tapped on the other two posts. But this was a life of Eric’s that she had only heard about until now. She was curious. Real curious.

And she would have honestly abandoned her book browsing to continue scrolling through his page had it not been for the fourth most recent photo.

Lizzie’s smile faltered slightly when she finally focused on the post. Once again, her thumb hovered over the screen. She was hesitant to look more closely into this particular photo--

“Find anything you like?” a voice suddenly said near her.

Lizzie jumped. She turned away from her phone to find Eddie standing there with a rather amused look on his face. “Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“Oh, no, it’s okay. Sorry, I got distracted by something on my phone,” she explained. With a small laugh, she turned off her phone and shoved it into her purse. She would worry about the dreaded post later.

The rest of her time with Eddie and Sophia flew past her like a blur. She could remember bits and pieces, but the rest would have to be viewed again through her Insta-story. She had been distracted by the post on Eric’s page; the one she was afraid to open.

When Eddie dropped her off at the flat a couple hours later, Lizzie couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer. A voice of reason in the back of her mind told her that this was a bad idea. Especially because she couldn’t call her friends for support. It was still too early in California for all of them to be awake and active. But the need to know was killing her. Who was she?

After dropping off her shopping bags in her bedroom, Lizzie quickly changed into her at home clothes and grabbed her laptop. She then walked over to the kitchen to prepare a snack and a coffee. As her laptop loaded up and the coffee maker did its thing, Lizzie took a seat on one of the stools and turned on her phone again. Ignoring how quickly her heart was racing, she opened Instagram once again and went to Eric’s page. She hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and tapping on the fourth post.

It was dated around the holiday season last year; six months earlier than his most recent post. The background of the post was dark, but honestly, a whole entire party could be happening and she wouldn’t have noticed. She only had eyes on Eric...and the girl he was posing with.

If she hadn’t been paying close attention, Lizzie would have passed this girl off as a younger Olivia. Almost all the features were the same. But Lizzie knew better. She had seen what Olivia looked like almost a year ago. This wasn’t her flatmate.

The caption didn’t give too much away. She knew she was probably looking too into this post. After all, Eric had a life before she walked into it. He was allowed to have girl friends. Even if said girl friend had the cutest cheekbones and - though she hates to admit it - looks great beside Eric.

This was a mistake. Lizzie dropped her phone facedown on the kitchen island to take in a breath. Her chest felt like it was being squeezed painfully at the thought of the picture. She kept telling herself that the post was nothing. After all, it was just one far. The only other photo she saw on his page that was recent enough was of him and Olivia. Yeah, it was nothing. The girl in that photo was probably just a friend.

Guys...I think he has a girlfriend…

It was roughly one hour later and the pain in Lizzie’s chest was worse. It felt as if one more deep breath could result in her heart completely giving out. She desperately glanced over at her laptop again, begging and praying for her friends to hurry and wake up so that they could see her message on their group chat in Messenger. She had switched from her UK phone to her US phone now. Why? She didn’t want anyone - especially Eric - to see that she had taken a ton of screenshots of Instagram posts from the page of a Diana Thompson; Olivia’s younger sister and maybe Eric’s girlfriend.

Her curiosity overtook rational thought. When she first swan dove into the rabbit hole, she had managed to persuade herself that Eric’s post with this Diana was nothing but two friends posing for a holiday photo. But then she started thinking. This girl looked so much like Olivia. Was she related to her? If they were related, how well does she actually know Eric then? Were they as close as him and Olivia? Closer? And from there it was a long and painful downward spiral.

It started on Olivia’s page. Since Eric hadn’t tagged the girl on his own post, she had to do a little sleuthing of her own. The only other photo he had with her was a photo about a few months before the holiday one. It looked like a going away party and Eric was posing between her and Olivia. In that photo, Lizzie knew for sure that they were sisters. Naturally, since she looked like her, she started on Olivia’s page. It took a bit of time, since Olivia posted on Instagram quite frequently, but she finally scrolled to the approximate time frame of Eric’s post and started looking. Finding a similar post from the same event was easy. It was apparently a New Years party with Olivia’s family. While she didn’t see the same photo he had posted on his page, Lizzie did recognize the same outfit in a photo of him and Olivia together. Luckily for her, that same post was a photo album post.

Unluckily for her, Olivia knew how to tag people. And unlike Olivia’s and Eric’s pages, Diana’s wasn’t private.

First day back for summer holiday. Of course I HAD to come and support all his hard work! Such a great show! Good job Ricky!

The post was dated about a month before Eric’s most recent one. In the background was a stage with a fully designed set. Lizzie could only assume it was the very set Eric and his troupe had been taking down in his post. Apart from the background, the photo was just Eric and this Diana with bright smiles and their arms wrapped around each other. If the caption and the nickname wasn’t already enough, the later posts just twisted the knife deeper.

From the looks of the other posts not involving Eric, this Diana was also studying abroad...just remaining in Europe. Between the posts of her trips and adventures, there were sprinkles of selfies of her and Eric together. Most of them were posted on “throwback” days. Almost all of them made Lizzie’s stomach turn with jealousy. Each post of the both of them had a caption that was roughly the same: Diana constantly announcing to the world how much she missed him and she always tacked on her nickname for Eric at the end.

Lizzie couldn’t screenshot all of the posts of Diana and Eric together. There were only so many of them that she could look at before she felt sick. Not that it mattered much how many she took a screenshot of. She only needed enough to prove a point to her friends before she finally copied the link to the page so they could take a look themselves.

Her phone vibrated against the table. Mid-vibrate, it vibrated again. And again.

Lizzie swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep breath as she picked up her phone. She didn’t even read the notifications on the lockscreen. She immediately unlocked her phone and went on Messenger.

But just as the app was loading, the Skype tone rang on her laptop. She looked from her laptop screen to her phone then placed her phone back down to answer the call. As the split screens loaded and her friends’ morning faces popped up, she took one earbud and wedged it into her ear.

“Okay, what!?” said Lacey first. In the background, Lizzie watched as a blur walked across the screen. Seconds later, a door closed.

“Was I right? Is it Olivia?” Jade asked hurriedly as she put her headphones on.

Lizzie let out a sigh as she once again picked up her phone. She ignored the messages on their group chat. Obviously they weren’t that important now that they were all on a Skype call. There was silence as JKL waited for Lizzie to say something. After a few seconds, Lizzie waited for the screenshot of Eric’s Diana post to fully load then pressed the send button. She put her phone down and waited. Through her earbud, she heard as three different phones sounded off. Almost in sync, JKL picked up their phones to look at their messages.

“Isn’t that your roommate? But...she looks kinda young here. You sure this isn’t an old picture?”

“Wait, no, it’s gotta be a different person. Look, his hair isn’t that long, but he has those, like, hot chiseled features. So it has to be a recent photo.”

“Yeah, Jade, the bottom of the post says New Year--”

“Then who the hell is the girl?! It’s gotta be her roommate! She looks just like her!”

They all suddenly looked away from their phones to face their screens. Lizzie guessed they were looking at her specifically. Lizzie reached for the bag of chips beside her cup of coffee and shoved a chip in her mouth. With her non-greasy hand, she once again reached for her phone and opened their group chat. This time, she selected the screenshot of Olivia’s post with her and Diana posing together. Once it fully loaded, she pressed send and waited.

“Her name is Diana,” Lizzie finally said, her words feeling heavy on her tongue. “She’s Olivia’s younger sister….”

“Or, evil twin sister,” Jade said flatly.


“What?! You can’t tell me it’s a little creepy that they look insanely alike for being an older sister/younger sister pairing. Liz and Jane look alike, but it’s not crazy similar.”

“Okay, okay. But, like, back on the topic! Liz, you can’t base your theory that she’s his girlfriend on just one photo, you know. Your own Insta has a ton of pictures with all your guy friends,” Katie was quick to chime in before the conversation derailed to the topic of genetics.

“Oh my, God. You don’t think that thought crossed my mind?!” Lizzie whined, shoving another chip in her mouth. “I had convinced myself that they were probably just friends since it’s not like there’s, like, other posts of the two of them on his page--” “There isn’t?” “--but I was curious who the hell she was so I went on Olivia’s Insta.” She then summarized her journey through Olivia’s page to finally reach Diana’s. As expected, JKL was quick to demand the need to knows.

“Here, take a look yourself…” Lizzie told them as she once again picked up her phone. When she tapped the text bar, the “Paste” option popped up. When she tapped it, the link to Diana’s Instagram page appeared. After pressing the send button, she picked up her coffee and once again waited.

“Oh, shit! This post was last June! And his hair is just as long then as it is now.”

“Okay, but can we talk about how close they are in this picture? If she wraps her arms any tighter around him he might actually burst.”
Both Katie and Lacey giggled at this comment.

“She even has a nickname for him. I wonder if it has some long ago backstory or something.”

“Lace! Not helpful!”
Katie’s eyes shifted on the screen and Lizzie assumed she probably glanced directly at her.

“But Lace has a point though. Like, if Olivia is supposed to be Eric’s, like, childhood best friend then obviously this Diana girl has been around just as long,” Jade reasoned. Her gaze wasn’t even on her own screen. They were solely on her phone as her thumb flew around the screen.

“I’m not crazy though, right? Like, they are obviously dating,” Lizzie chimed in with another sigh. “I basically threw myself at a guy that’s taken!” As she spoke, the memories of Monday had her horrified. How could she have been so damn stupid?! All the damn clues were there all along!

“Liz, don’t freak out!” Katie called out. “You did not throw yourself at him.”

“Maybe not, but she did develop a really big crush on him in a minute…”

“Oh my, God! Jade, rude!”

Lizzie groaned, dropping her head onto the kitchen island.

“Okay,” Katie started again. “Sure, this looks kind of bad. But, like, I’ve looked through a lot of these pictures of the two together and...I dunno...I feel like something is off.”

There was silence from the other three as they waited for Katie to continue. Lizzie watched her friend clear her throat then put her phone away somewhere. “I mean, sure, there are a ton of selfies of them really close together and a kiss on the cheek pic or two. But these posts go back for, like, about a year. Maybe a little more. I dunno. I got bored after a bit so I stopped checking. But, like, don’t any of you find it weird that - aside from Eric not even posting about their relationship - the two don’t have, like, one post of them actually kissing?” Katie paused, either for dramatic effect or to wait for someone to chime in. When no one did, she quickly added, “Like, even though Lacey overshares her relationship on her Insta, at least Aiden shows it off too once in a blue moon.”

“Maybe they’re more private about their relationship, Katie,” Lizzie countered. “Aren’t the British supposed to be kind of, like, not overly affectionate?”

“Or…” Katie stepped in. “They could be faking a relationship. Eric’s account is on private so it’s not like people need to see if he’s holding to his end of the bargain. But hers is public. So maybe there is someone she’s tryna impress or make jealous on her end that can see her stuff.”

There was arguably the longest pause among the four of them over this explanation. Lizzie, on her end, was speechless at the theory. She was sure that in Katie’s mind it sounded like a brilliant theory, but to her it was kind of--

“Katie, this is not the plot of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before! Eric is not Laura Jean!” Lacey cried out in fits of laughter.

“Look,” Lizzie called out, not joining in the laughter. “Whether or not they are actually together, it doesn’t matter. There is obviously something going on between them. And I was stupid enough to parade my heart on my sleeve in front of him. There is no way I can compete with perfect little that! But now I’ve learned my lesson. All I can do now is work my way backwards from these feelings I have for Eric and friends.”

“When’s the next time you’re going to see him?” Jade asked cautiously.

Lizzie shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. We’re all supposed to go out tomorrow night for my roommate’s anniversary here at the flat and Olivia said she’d remind him. But honestly, no one is holding their breath about his attendance.”

“Lizzie? You home?” suddenly came a voice from the hallway. Lizzie jumped and quickly turned away from the laptop screen to see who was approaching.

Veronica was standing at the double doors with a strange look on her face. When Lizzie finally looked closely at her roommate, she noticed that she kept looking from her to her phone in rapid progression. Maybe she was having an interesting conversation with whoever she’s texting.

Now that they were no longer alone at the flat, Lizzie let her friends go but promised that she would message them on the group chat if she needed them. For the rest of the day, she spent it with her roommate until the rest of the flat came home.

The flat was in high spirits that Friday morning. Everyone woke up early so that they could have breakfast together in celebration of Veronica’s one year anniversary at the flat. Malcolm, bless his heart, insisted on cooking everyone breakfast. During breakfast, they discussed the finalized plans for tonight. Since it was Veronica’s special day, she was the one that got to make the final decisions. The flat was not surprised, Lizzie learned, when she chose to go to this bar in the city. Apparently that was a happy haunt of hers.

Lizzie was the first to leave that morning as she needed to catch the train to make it to her internship on time. Today was scheduled to be a busy one and she was grateful for the distraction. Just so that she wouldn’t have to think about him. A small part of her really hoped he would end up not showing up tonight.

Lizzie took in a sharp breath as the squeezing sensation crept back into her chest. Shit, she thought about him again.

All of their plans for tonight ended up being pushed back a couple hours. All the girls made it back to the flat in time to get ready for the night. But, naturally, with three women and one bathroom, these preparations would go into shared time between the three of them. But that wasn't what ended up making them late. It was the fact that both Malcolm and Angel took forever to get back.

The boys finally arrived just as Olivia had committed to the idea of texting them to meet at the restaurant they were going to have dinner. Obviously, the girls were expecting a good reason for why they were late.

Apparently, Angel got them a free Uber in the form of...honestly, Lizzie didn’t want to try and understand. All she knew was they had brought a guy back with them to the flat, introduced him as Tom and explained that he had agreed to be their designated driver for the night. Because apparently, Angel didn’t do drunk riding on the tube. Once the confusion over the situation faded away, everyone piled into Tom’s car and they rode off to the city.

They were lucky to make it just in time for happy hour. Lizzie followed behind Olivia and Veronica into the restaurant while Angel led the way to the hostess to reserve their spot. While they waited for a table, they started their night with their first round of drinks on Olivia.

After they all got their drinks, Lizzie suddenly found herself alone with her roommate. Both Malcolm and Angel had gone off to talk to Tom while Olivia...well...actually Lizzie sort of lost track of Olivia. She had just taken her first sip of her drink when she heard Veronica say, “I heard what you said yesterday about Eric. So, I think we need to find you a cute lad to buy you drinks tonight.” Lizzie choked on her drink. She heard what?!

“I’m serious! What better way to get over your feelings for Eri than to have some cute guy that is just as attractive, if not more, willing to empty his wallet for a bit of your time. Besides, you’re pretty and you’re American. It should be easy.” She couldn’t be serious….

Turns out...she was.

After a late dinner and two rounds of drinks, Lizzie and the rest of the flat followed Veronica next door to a bar that was already packed with people. She insisted on getting the next round, volunteering Veronica and Olivia to come with her to help her carry drinks. She learned her lesson this time around and skipped the shots for now to delay the next round. Only problem with that plan was the fact that once they had dropped off the drinks, Veronica was dragging her away from their table toward a couple of guys that had been staring right at her since they left the bar.

Suffice it to say, Lizzie was glad the music was loud enough to help her focus. After her round, Angel had insisted on finally doing the celebratory shots with the flat; something she did not know was a thing. Both Angel and Malcolm combined their turns and returned with two rounds of shots for all of them. Lizzie was lucky to even have any remaining ability to down the shots while keeping her hand steady for the Boomerang.

But the two shots in a row were not the worst of it. Remember those guys from earlier? An hour after she and Veronica approached them, they had resurfaced with a refill of whatever it was she had been given the first time. Her roommate had wandered off with the one that bought her drink, leaving her alone with...crap...she couldn’t remember his name. The music made it impossible to hear him well and the first word that came to mind in memory of her attempt at catching his name was “Moose.”

In all honesty, “Moose” was good looking. He was kind of clean cut like her friend Eddie, but he had this way of that he didn’t know how to stop. After having no choice but to accept his second offer to buy her another drink, Lizzie noticed that he had not once touched his drink since they found a spot at the bar to “get to know each other”. She spent more time with her lips wrapped around the straw in her rather disgusting drink than making any effort to get him to know a little about her. He was just so passionate about...did he say carpentry? Or archery?

She could kill Veronica for this.

Lizzie wanted to gag. She couldn’t quite pinpoint if it was from her drink or his strange compliment about her ponytail and heels, but there was no amount of alcohol and patience in her system that could keep her tolerant of “Moose” any longer. As she once more attempted to swallow the boredom sip of her drink, she prayed that Veronica would miraculously show up and save her. Or, hell, anyone else from the flat that she can manage to make eye contact with right now.

“There you are, love.” Lizzie’s. Heart. Dropped.

Before the voice became a face, Lizzie’s intoxicated state knew whose arm was currently around her shoulders just by the voice alone. Well, that’s a lie. The cross tattoo on his hand was a dead giveaway. Mid-sip, the disgusting drink traveled down the wrong pipe causing Lizzie to have a coughing fit. What the hell was he doing here? Better yet, what the hell was he doing here...with her?!

She watched in horror as Eric suddenly introduced himself to “Moose”. This was not the kind of situation she wanted to be rescued from. Despite her limited movement due to Eric’s arm around her shoulders, she frantically looked around the bar for Veronica, Olivia or anyone else she knew. But she couldn’t find anyone. Why the hell did she commit to wearing her tallest heels to this bar if she couldn’t even use them to find her own friends?

Then suddenly, Eric turned to look down at her. And blame it on all the alcohol currently flowing through her bloodstream, but she wanted to melt into those big blue eyes. “Moose” who? Diana who?

The slight touch against her skin as he brushed her ponytail off her shoulder sent a shiver up her spine. She registered that his lips were moving and probably saying something really important, but all she could focus on was how soft they looked up close. They were so close to her; just right there. It wouldn’t hurt anyone if she just took one tiny step closer to--

Lizzie suddenly felt herself being pulled away from “Moose” to another part of the bar. Wait, when had Eric removed his arm from around her shoulders to take her hand? As they took over a couple empty stools, Lizzie shook her head slightly in an effort to clear her head. Between the shots and previous rounds from earlier and whatever the hell it was “Moose” bought her, the alcohol was starting to cloud her ability to focus on...anything she wasn’t already focusing on. Right now, she was staring rather intently at their hands holding each other. His hand was warm, but not in the sweaty type way. The heat between their palms was quite nice--

Eric suddenly spoke loudly, asking about what she wanted to drink. Lizzie blinked up slowly; mostly because she just could not get her eyes to blink any faster. She shot him a confused look before turning to look down at the drink she was still holding, but obviously in no hurry to finish. Still, she couldn’t let him buy her a drink when she already had one. And before she had the better judgment to accept his offer, she showed him her drink and told him she was okay for now. Not that he needed to know she actually wasn’t.

But it seemed that Eric was not taking no for an answer as he grabbed her drink and slid it away from them. Lizzie sat there shocked. Wait, what had just happened? “Wait, my drink…” she muttered, looking at the now abandoned glass sitting on the table. Then she felt as if her hand had suddenly become warmer than before. She turned away from her drink now to find that her hand was now fully consumed by both of Eric’s. With his deep, enticing voice, he once again asked what she wanted to drink and she answered with her usual go-to option. But who cares about alcoholic drinks? She could get drunk on just staring deep into his perfect eyes all night.

“Oh, that’s some prolonged eye contact going on here. We’ll come back later~”

Lizzie blinked again, turning her gaze toward the crowd. She briefly caught what she thought was the back of Malcolm’s head walking away before it disappeared behind a group of unreasonably tall women.

“Oh, hey, while we wait for our drinks!” she said loudly as she reached into her purse for her phone. “While I’m able to tell that you only have one head,” she added teasingly.

She unlocked her phone and opened Snapchat. After finding her balance once more, she pointed her camera directly at Eric with a wide grin. “Quick! Look cute!” she directed before she pressed and held the record button. “Oh my, God! Look! Superman made it!” Unable to contain her laughter, Lizzie stopped recording then quickly sent the Snap video to her group with JKL.

She exited out of Snapchat and swiped to the camera on her phone as she hopped off her stool to stand closer to Eric. She had just flipped it to the front camera when she suddenly felt herself being forced backward. She gasped, quickly using her free hand to grab onto Eric’s arm in an attempt to keep her balance and prevent from twisting her ankle. But her own efforts were for naught because moments later, the very arm she clung to joined the other...around her waist.

What. Was. Happening?!

Lizzie could feel her heart racing even faster. She was so distracted by the last few seconds that she almost completely forgot what she had wanted to do in the first place. It was only because of her sudden tight grip on her phone that she remembered. Clearing her throat, Lizzie attempted to ignore how everything in her body suddenly felt like it was burning as she lifted her phone out and positioned it so that they were both in the shot. For a brief moment, while a smile spread across her face, her eyes wandered down the screen until it found what it was looking for: the mirrored image of Eric’s arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Then, she snapped the picture.

Some minutes later, Eric’s hand was once more holding hers as he utilized his height to maneuver through the crowd. Lizzie focused intently on both their hands and making sure she didn’t spill her drink. “Eric, wait!” she suddenly called out, gripping his hand tighter in an effort to pull him to a stop.

She watched as he turned to look at her again. He really needed to stop looking at her like that. With one look, and a lot of alcohol beforehand, she could completely lose her cool and her nerve.

But even if she wanted so badly to forget what she knew before he stepped into this bar, the sensation of his arms around her waist earlier had her excited, and scared. She needed to clear the air before she ended up doing something she would regret in the morning.

“I just...wanted to clear things up, yeah?” she started nervously. Her grip on his hand loosened slightly. But after taking a rather long sip of her drink, she pushed forward. “Before something great turns into something terrible, are you...seeing anyone? Like...a girlfriend, maybe?”
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()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 090718----------- LOCATION — ricki's party----------- COMPANY — lizzie + olivia + malcolm + angel

After sometime Eric had wondered aloud where the others were. Taking Lizzie’s hand he suggested they find their friends, this was Ricki’s party after all. Shouldn’t they maybe celebrate with the rest of the flat? Lizzie put a pause on the search though as she requested for him to stop. Eric turned, looking to meet her eyes again as he waited oh so patiently for her to speak. Did she need something? Was she not feeling well? Was her shoe untied—that was a hard no after a glance at her boots. Had she forgotten something somewhere? Whatever it was Eric was here for it, here for her. Whatever words came out of her mouth next he was ready to provide. He would do just about anything for her right now. Apparently not listen to her though. He had gotten so lost looking at her that he’d completely missed 90% of what she’d said and only caught the tail end of her question, ”—a girlfriend, maybe?”
”Girlfriend?” She nodded nervously, ”Me?” Again she confirmed for him and he ruffled his hair with his free hand, he’d finished his drink before they left the bar, and he took a step closer so their hands weren’t held at a distance, ”Do I have a girlfriend?” Oh my god Eric, yes it’s loud in here but can you stop answering her with more questions? You’re going to drive the poor girl insane, ”No, do you have one?”
”A girlfriend??”
”Or a boy,” Eric had smirked a little at her slightly flustered confusion when he teased her but he squeezed her hand before tugging her back along their original route.

It didn’t take long for Eric to get distracted and give up on locating the others. Well, technically he forgot that he was looking for them when he caught sight of two empty chairs at an empty table by the wall and led Lizzie over to sit with him. But rather than sitting across from her like a normal person, Eric waited till she sat down and then dragged the other chair over so they were sitting directly next to each other on one side of the table. One leg crossed over his other and into her space as he rested his outside elbow on the table, head in hand so he could turn to watch her. Really they were sitting quite close, Eric’s depth perception was more than a little skewed right now but anywho~

”Has‘nyone ever told you how beautiful you are?” He spoke slowly, calmly, dreamily? Like this wasn’t odd to say out of the blue. Like he was just pondering aloud asking why something is the way it is. He was still just staring at her through his heavy, blurry eyes, taking her all in as best as could. The questions didn’t stop there. It was like everything he’d wanted to ask up till now all came out at once. Everything his social anxiety had held back was coming out now as he asked about her. It was like a game of twenty questions and the most he’d spoken with her in one sitting yet. Their topics were all over the place ranging from the basic boring “favorite color”, finding out Lizzie had a thousand sisters and then finally discussing their Hogwarts houses, ”What d’you think I am?” Eric was having fun playing hard to get. Amusing himself by seeing what Lizzie thought of him. And of course she got it right despite not having much information to go off of. The little girl inside of him was squealing over the fact she had guessed correctly. Not specifically that she had guessed his house, but the deeper fact that she had been paying close enough attention to him to answer something on the deeper end of the spectrum. Hogwarts houses were like astrology. If you understood someone’s house then you had a better understanding of the person. And she got his correct. Sober Eric may have panicked over this, worried she would start seeing more into him than he wanted her to, but this was drunk Eric and drunk Eric was head over heels right now. Speaking of drunk...they just had the one drink between them but it wasn’t long before Eric politely asked if he could have a bit and soon they were taking turns sharing this single drink as they conversed.

Eric was all smiles, more than a little touchy feely, and somehow managed to sit even closer to her if that was at all possible. His leg against hers and face so close their conversation was so clearly just between them; there wasn’t a single chance anyone could overhear them or read their lips.

His focus gradually shifted off of her a little and instead he turned into a bit of a camera whore every time he saw her phone out, especially after they had killed her drink and went back for more. It wasn’t long before he was taking Lizzie’s phone from her and began taking blurry selfies for them and recording his own snaps.
“Now what?” He knew Instagram, he knew Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter had their days, but Snapchat was still new to him. He understood the gist of it, but when it came to filters, stickers, and sending it to someone….all that was beyond him. Luckily Lizzie was more than happy to give him a very brief run down of what to do. Aka she stood beside him swiping for days looking for a cute filter before introducing him to the shortcut to add it to his story—her story. It was her story. Her phone, her story.

Well, at least he thought he knew Instagram, ”Lizzie I’ve broke it.” It was sometime later now. He had gone to try and post something to Instagram for her but he’d somehow ended up looking at himself. Literally. The screen looked to be a livetime recording of his face and in the top left corner was a little red….or was it pink? He honestly couldn’t tell the difference, but there was a little icon that said ‘LIVE’ and there were now emojis flying around the screen. Mostly hearts and laughing faces as he squinted at the text scrolling up the screen as people joined and commented in the live stream he’d unknowingly started, ”Oh you’re live! Say hi everyone, hiii~”

She had come over to share the screen with him now and she waved to whoever was watching, ”Hello, ‘m Eric.” He did as he was told and even went on to introduce himself to Lizzie’s followers before she took the phone from him and started talking like those people on Youtube telling everyone where she was and what she was up to. Meanwhile, Eric’s now empty hands trailed back around her waist and he pulled her over so she was practically sitting on his lap, his head resting on her shoulder while she spoke. His half open unfocused eyes stared at the screen but he wasn’t watching the comments or emojis anymore, he was watching her explain….something….honestly Eric couldn’t make heads or tails of what she was saying. Either her Californian was too fast and too strong or he was too drunk. Actually it was probably both but Eric was perfectly content just sitting there listening to her voice for the rest of the night.

He probably could have stayed in that spot for hours had he not suddenly become aware of how badly he needed to pee. Like, right now. He needed to go. It didn’t seem possible but he pulled her even closer for a moment, his head turning to whisper into her ear for her to stay here and that he would be right back. Well let’s be real, between the music and the chatter of the occupants it was loud, he wasn’t whispering. But it was still just between the two of them. He then pulled back just enough to give her a quick kiss on the cheek before unraveling himself from her to go in search of the restroom.

Admittedly he did get a little turned around locating it. But it wasn’t like this was his first time here; this was one of Ricki’s favorite spots after all, so he was going to blame his disorientation on the alcohol and the number of people he had to push past to get there. Thankfully there wasn’t a line for the men’s room, sorry ladies, stay strong. But as soon as he exited a rather large hand grabbed at his shoulder to stop him and he turned to see Malcolm. Yes? It wasn’t like Malcolm was a stranger or anything, but they really had never interacted much without the other members of the flat around, ”Have you seen Ricki?” Eric took the next moment to stare at Malcolm while he tried to backtrack the last place he had seen the Irish girl but nothing was coming up. He had moments he remembered seeing her, drinking with her, talking with her, but he couldn’t pinpoint when the last time he saw her was, ”No sorry I haven’t?” Malcolm went on to ask him to keep an eye out for her, let him know if he saw her to which Eric of course agreed to. He was always willing to help others; but either Malcolm was a little too drunk to think this through, or he didn’t think Eric was as drunk as he was, because this was a poorly thought out request on Malcolm’s part. Ricki completely slipped Eric’s mind about ninety seconds later when he returned to where he had left Lizzie and found there was now some buff, crew cut, football player looking college student standing with her. Smiling with her. Drinking with her. Motioning to leave with her—Eric had closed the distance between them all now and coming up behind her his arm crossed over her chest to pull her back against his own, ” ‘m backkk~” Much like before he offered his hand out as he attempted to introduce himself for the third time that night. Or was it the fourth? Maybe even fifth…? Well this guy didn’t seem willing to stick around and play nice as he turned to leave immediately after, ”[What]’s his problem… “ Eric’s abandoned hand instead reached for Lizzie’s drink to take a sip. He wasn’t sure what had happened to his, he seemed to keep losing his. Did he finish it? Leave it somewhere? Was she holding his? Who knows.

A sip turned into finishing it since there wasn’t that much left to begin with. Then as the song changed his excitement skyrocketed a good level or two as he eagerly set the glass down, probably a little too hard, and released Lizzie to turn her around to face him. His two hands took hers, a huge happy smile on his face before he took a few unsteady steps backwards towards the dance floor with Lizzie in tow. This was happening. They were dancing. He had decided on it and he wasn’t taking no for an answer. Not that she would have turned him down anyways…

”Oh wow, Eric??” It was a couple songs later when a voice that wasn’t Lizzie suddenly called his name. He and Lizzie had moved off the dance floor by now and were back at the bar. Whether or not they would get more hadn’t yet been determined, but so there they were. Or at least they were there. It had been Lizzie’s turn to disappear to the bathroom so Eric was just patiently waiting for her return. But right, the voice. Eric looked away from the direction Lizzie had left in and turned to see a girl with an expensive looking ombré and a short short dress approaching, ”It is you! Hey~”
There was a sudden weight called dread dropped into the pit of his stomach but luckily for him the alcohol was stronger than his conscious mind at the moment so seeing her really didn’t get to him as much as it possibly should have, ”Millie!"
She wasn’t alone, she had three other girls with her, but they didn’t look familiar nor appear particularly interested in seeing him. Millie—Camille, on the other hand shuffled right up to him as best she could in her heels and threw her arms around him for a hug. Friendly, drunk Eric’s single arm moved on autopilot to half return the gesture but his mind wasn’t in sync with reality just yet and was still processing everything. Wait, why? Why was he suddenly stressing? This didn’t mean anything. It wasn’t like she had known he would be here, no one had. They had just happened to run into each other and it would be fine. Just be nice Eric, like you always are, ”How long has it beeeeen~?” Yeah she clearly had had a few to drink as well, but she was no where near as gone as he was, ”Two years??”
Eric was honestly having a hard time focusing on her right now. He didn’t want to be in this situation any longer and thus his mind kept trying to separate off and was telling him to leave. He didn’t answer her but lowered his arm from his less than half hug, ”You’re all grown up now—how are you?” The stutter was back along with his habit of dodging questions and answering with a question of his own. He adjusted his hair, suddenly aware of how warm it was in here. He’d been fine and oh so comfortable with Lizzie, but this new anxiety had his temperature skyrocketing and his hand even trailed to fumble with the cross on his neck while Camille continued on. She seemed to have plans with her girls and didn’t have time to stay and chat so after a typical: ”We should catch up sometime.” She and her posse were on their way and Eric was back to waiting for Lizzie to return. He had seen the line for the girl’s restroom earlier, he could only pray she’d be back soon and wasn’t getting trampled like on the underground.

He had been going to wait for her to return before buying more drinks but no, he wanted it now. So his next drink was ordered, and hopefully his last—-Eric let out a...scream? Excited shout? Noise of glee? When Lizzie did return. His face instantly lit up and he pulled her close, both of his arms wrapping around one of her’s like a tiny child to his mother’s leg. Only clearly Eric was not a tiny child.
”[incoherent mumbling]— my pretty princess~”

At some point Lizzie got a text from the group asking for everyone to meet up near the entrance but she was unable to peel Eric off her so the two stumbled the first couple steps together as they adjusted back to solid ground from the bar stools they had been seated on. They probably weren’t the best pair to be helping each other right now; Lizzie being tiny and with her heels, Eric being tall, heavy and clingy. But they managed. After all neither were so far gone that they couldn’t walk.

”See? Didn’t I say they would be together?”
As Eric and Lizzie approached Olivia and the boys you could see money being handed over as though someone had lost a bet. A bet over whether their American flatmate and their semi-permanent couch surfer would be with each other by the end of the night. No one had ever seen Eric with anyone other than Olivia, ever. And Lizzie was still new. But someone had seen them together earlier in the night and that someone was a couple pounds richer now as Eric and Lizzie, still glued to each other, came to a stop in front of the group.

”Have you two seen Ricki?” Eric mumbled some incoherent equivalent of “no” as he wrapped himself around Lizzie from behind. With everything that had happened tonight coupled with the amount of alcohol he’d had, Eric had completely forgotten he was supposed to have been keeping an eye out for Ricki. Oops.
He was done. Gone was the endless excited energy he’d started the night with. Now it was hard to get a proper sentence out of him and he was perfectly content just staying in one spot with Lizzie. His arms crossed around her chest as he held her close, his head resting down on her shoulder while he let his heavy eyes shut for a moment.

”You alright?” He didn’t need to open his eyes to know it was Olivia. She didn’t sound particularly concerned or worried for him though. More so generally checking in on him as she hadn’t seen her bestie since he first arrived hours earlier and this was not exactly how she had expected to find him. Although, a part of her no doubt had suspected this after having seen Lizzie and Eric over the course of the week. With one hand she held his gray hoodie that he'd abandoned earlier; her other went on to brush his hair out of his face to which he just further tightened his hold on Lizzie as though a part of his intoxicated mind thought she would be taken from him. ”Mhmm—-’m fine.”


()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 090818----------- LOCATION — olivia's car----------- COMPANY — the flatmates

God, could he be any more damn perfect? Or maybe he was always this perfect and this was the first time Lizzie was able to fully witness it. Whatever the true reason may be, something about spending this time with Eric tonight was absolutely magical.

Lizzie, darling, it’s called alcohol...and quite a lot of it.

Admittedly, the later the night became - and the more drinks she consumed - the more everything around her blended together into a complete blur. Time and her surroundings rushed past her as if in fast forward. But the only thing that constantly remained perfectly at her speed and in perfect sight, was Eric. Even if she was finding it a little difficult to retain anything that was said to her two minutes ago, she clung to everything Eric said for as long as she could until they moved on to the next topic. Then her intoxicated mind needed the space to fill more information.

Throughout the rest of the night, Lizzie didn’t feel the tiniest bit of guilt that she and Eric had basically abandoned the rest of their celebrating party. It wasn’t like they seemed to mind anyway? None of them had bothered to text her or call her asking where she or Eric were. And it wasn’t like they were hiding away in some dark corner either. In fact, Lizzie had been following Eric all across the bar as they walked laps between their table and the bar a couple times to get refills. If any of them needed to find them...Eric was tall enough for the both of them to be noticed.

At some point in their one on one time at their table, Eric had managed to come into possession of her phone to take on the role as photographer for the both of them. Again, his long arms were quite useful when she wasn’t pulled onto his lap. But then, in an attempt to take another Boomerang for her Insta-story, Eric had apparently “broken” her Instagram. He didn’t really, of course. Instead, he had turned on her Instagram Live and for a split second she was actually shocked at how many people were tuned in already. Then the shock washed away with the rest of whatever she had been thinking about a minute ago and she went along with the fun. In fact, she had become so preoccupied with all the sudden questions of “OMG WHO IS THAT??” and “HE CUTE WHO DAT??” that when Eric suddenly leaned in close to her to speak, she hadn’t caught a single word he said. What she did catch, especially because she had been staring right at her phone screen - still live, by the way - was Eric leaning in once again to give her a peck on the cheek. And for the first time since Eric approached her tonight, the world just stopped.

Before she knew it, Eric had excused himself to walk away...somewhere. Where, she had no idea, but she hoped that he would come back. When she finally felt as if her head had caught up with the present, Lizzie looked back down at her phone to find that it was still live on Instagram. Eyes wide, she lifted the phone up again to slowly read the comments. But her overexcited viewers were having a field day over the kiss. In other words, JKL were all having fits of “AHHHHHHHH!” while smashing the heart emoji.

“What the hell just happened?” she said to the livestream before she turned it off without warning.

About a second later, she felt her phone vibrate. Her cousin, Irene, sent her a text. She attempted to respond back with what little sense of control she had of her individual fingers. But when she squinted at the bright screen to read what she had sent, it was just a string of letters with no real meaning behind them. Or, maybe there was some hidden meaning behind the typos. In her mind when she was typing it, “omg he just kissed me on the cheek i think i’m in looooove” was clear as day.

The kiss on her cheek Eric left her had Lizzie incredibly distracted the entire time she waited for him to return; once again not even sure he would return. What in the world had he said to her before he left? Did he not realize that they were surrounded by loud music and even louder people? The only thing that she could focus on while she waited - sort of - was the text messages suddenly coming in on her phone. All of them, she could probably figure without thinking too much, were from those that had seen the livestream on Instagram just a minute or so ago. JKL had moved their hysterics to their group chat, but they typed so quickly that she could hardly comprehend what was being sent before a new text message came in. Sister Cousin Irene was sending her excitement as well, but Lizzie could have sworn she read something about being careful before her drunken attention span pulled her away to look at another text message from someone else.

She had been in the middle of skimming a text message from one of her sisters when she suddenly noticed that her limited amount of light had disappeared. Where did this...guy come from? Regardless of her confusion, Lizzie missed any and all social cues this beefy guy was emitting at this moment. To her, he seemed very sweet for offering to buy her another drink. But, she liked the drink she had right now.

“Come on,” the beefy guy said now, his accent so thick she thought he had said common. “Let’s get you a new drink and find somewhere more quiet to--” Beefy guy was not able to finish whatever he had been in the middle of saying. Lizzie, already having a hard time following anything over his thick accent, suddenly felt a weight push against her. She stumbled a step then righted herself just as she looked up to find that Eric had returned. Oh, my God. Where had he been??? Lizzie missed his perfect face. And his perfect eyes. And that perfect smirk on those perfect lips. And the way his perfect hair fell over his shoulder--

“What’s his problem?” Eric suddenly asked.

Lizzie blinked. “Who his?”

Now that Eric was back at her side and his arms once again wrapped around her, everything felt right. The world can return to speeding past them while they remained enveloped in each other. At some point in the fast forward world, Lizzie found herself on the dance floor with Eric. Not that she was complaining. It was a dream come true. Well, at least one of them. Nothing could have ruined the next two songs that she spent with her body close to his. Not even the sudden bright, white flash that caused spots to obstruct her vision.

While she would have loved to spend the rest of the night on the dance floor with Eric, the alcohol was telling her she needed to pee. She completely abandoned the unofficial “travel in pairs” rule. If she abided by it, she would never make it to the bathroom since she hadn’t seen Olivia nor Ricki since Eric arrived. And the line to the girls’ bathroom was already long enough.

Her journey to use the bathroom was a long one and the longer she spent waiting in line the more restless she felt. Not because she really needed to go pee - well, she actually did - but because each minute spent in this line with other drunk girls meant another minute away from her Eric. Her phone couldn’t even keep her occupied for long; mostly because it was currently running on Low Power Mode at 30%. And she had no idea when she would be getting back to the flat or where her other flatmates were. She couldn’t even remember if she had brought her copy of the house keys in her tiny purse.

After God knows how long, Lizzie finally pushed open the bathroom door to leave the girls’ bathroom. She kept the door open for a group of girls talking to one of them about whether the “cute guy” they saw earlier had greasy hair or if it was just the lighting. All she remembered before she let the door close was how weird that statement sounded to her. But there was no time to think too much into the talks of random strangers. She had a handsome, perfect Eric to return to with arms probably waiting for her.

Upon her return to Eric’s side, Lizzie had come to a definite conclusion: clingy Eric was her favorite. Not that she could actually select an actual favorite about Eric Oliver. Again, to Lizzie, everything about him was perfect and now she could add his overzealous attachment to her to that growing list. As he clung tightly to her arm, she attempted to climb onto the stool he had saved for her right beside him. She struggled a little, but he was just too damn cute that she could not dare ask him to let go for even a second. After she adjusted her balance on the stool, she reached for the drink that had been sitting in front of him and took a careful sip. Hey, they have been sharing drinks for over an hour now. She was well in her right to take a sip of his drink whenever she wanted.

After so many drinks and being completely lost in Eric’s perfect blue eyes, Lizzie had abandoned all efforts to keep track of time. There was just no point. This also meant that she had abandoned showing off how much fun she was having with Eric. They had spent so much time taking pictures together and interacting with people on her Instagram and Snapchat that she forgot this could have been time she could spend getting to know him more. If her faint memory could recall, he spent the beginning subjecting her to a game of 20 Questions. Why couldn’t she do the same?

Unfortunately, she only managed to get some of the more surface details that is Eric Oliver before she felt her phone go off in her purse. At the top of the long stack of text messages she was getting from people - seriously, what time was it in California right now that everyone and their mother had to know her business? - was a message from the flat group chat informing her to meet near the entrance. Guess it was time to regroup now. But also, wow, it was already after eleven.

Upon their arrival, Lizzie and Eric were immediately asked if they had seen Ricki. Lizzie looked at her flatmates with a confused look. Hadn’t Ricki been with them the whole time? Still, Lizzie offered a simple, but slow shake of her head to indicate that she hadn’t. At the same time she did this, she once again felt herself being pulled backwards. Seconds later, she once again felt some of Eric’s weight on her as he wrapped his arms around her and pressed her back firmly against his chest. She then tilted her head to the side slightly to allow him more space to rest his perfect head on her shoulder.

As Olivia checked on Eric, Lizzie focused briefly on Malcolm and Angel. Malcolm was utilizing his height to scan the rest of the bar; probably looking for any sign of Ricki. Angel had his phone pressed tightly against his ear while he worked on the drink he still had in his hand. Neither of them said anything.

Lizzie knew she should have made an effort to help search for her roommate as well. After all, she had her phone in her hand and she still had enough battery life to at least text her.’s just that...Eric was so warm and the way he nestled and pressed his chin into her shoulder was very distracting. And the slightest movement or adjustment he made brought chills all across her body.

There was also the issue that his tattoos were very distracting. Okay, not an issue to Lizzie. But they did pull her attention away from the rest of the flat while they stressed over their inability to find her roommate. It’s just that, well, this was the first time all night she had the time, capability and mental capacity to just look at them. Eric may have had his arms around her almost all night, but never in this position. She didn’t realize until now that he had more tattoos than the birds on his chest and the cross on his hand.

When Olivia finished fussing over Eric to return to the task at hand, Lizzie glanced at the three of them for a moment before returning her attention to his tattoos. She brought her free hand up to rest atop his left wrist. Her thumb traced the bottom of the anchor tattoo. Occasionally, she would recognize that her own leaf tattoo on her thumb fell parallel to the smaller doodle-like tattoos beside the anchor. She wondered to herself if these were the only tattoos he had. Maybe like her, he had more currently hidden by his outfit.

“I’m going to do a lap around the bar. Maybe she’s still here,” Malcolm informed the others before he walked into the crowds. Lizzie finally pulled her attention away from Eric’s tattoos long enough to notice that Olivia was now telling the rest of them that they should probably wait outside. Apparently the case of the missing Ricki was cause for the night to end. While Angel was left near the entrance to finish his drink, Olivia led Lizzie and Eric outside and took a spot against the nearby wall. Lizzie watched as she pulled out her phone once again to type up a text.

They must have been waiting for about five to ten minutes before Malcolm emerged from the bar with Angel in tow. Ricki, unfortunately, was not following behind them. He informed them all that he had not seen Ricki anywhere; not even when he asked a couple girls that were leaving the girls’ bathroom. Olivia in turn told the boys that Ricki hadn’t answered any of her calls or texts since they started looking. This was starting to get a little worrisome.

“It’s not like we can suddenly form a search party and look for Ricki around the city. We’d be at it for hours at this rate! And look at those two! They can hardly keep their hands off each other and Eri looks like he’s ready to use Lizzie as a pillow,” Angel chimed in, a teasing half smirk on his face as he turned to look at them. Lizzie blushed, wiggling ever so slightly under Eric’s weight. Was he asleep?

As the other three discussed possible options for what to do now about this Ricki situation, Lizzie once again felt her phone go off. She glanced at the phone to read the name; expecting it to be a text from another one of her friends back in California.

Except that it wasn’t. It was Ricki.

Even if she was slowly sobering up now that they were outside, Lizzie still had trouble unlocking her phone to read the text message. Firstly, she kept missing the home button so it couldn’t read her thumbprint. Then, when she needed the passcode to unlock, her slightly impaired vision made it hard to focus on the blinding numbers. It took three or so attempts until she finally got the passcode right. Once she successfully unlocked her phone, she went straight to Ricki’s new text message.

wouldyoy hatrmeifbfouched eric!s hairvrn,,,

Wait. What? Lizzie was starting to believe she was still pretty damn drunk.

“Um, Olivia? Are you still drunk?” Lizzie asked, slowing down her speech so she could prevent a slur.

Olivia looked up from her phone to look at Lizzie, offering her a strange expression. “Not drunk like you two. Why?”

Lizzie outstretched her phone to her flatmate. “I can’t tell if Ricki is talking sense or speaking gibberish. All I can read is Eric and hair.”

As Olivia grabbed the phone and read the text message, Lizzie watched in patient silence for her take on whatever it was Ricki sent. All the while, she leaned ever so slightly against Eric so that her head was resting against his. She also pulled his arms tighter around her. Now that they were outside, she realized that despite it being summer a London evening was still quite chilly. And Eric was still just so warm.

Olivia asked her if she could call Ricki from her phone. Not wanting to disrupt Eric in case he was too comfortable, she gave the smallest nod. She watched as Olivia brought her phone to her ear and waited for Ricki to hopefully pick up. Much to her surprise, Ricki did.

“Ricki! Where--No. It’s Olivia. OLIVIA! Yes, Lizzie’s right here--Yes, she--I...No, Ricki we’re outside the bar...Where...No, it’s not possible for you to be following us, we’re--Hello?” Olivia pulled the phone away from her ear to look at the screen. “She hung up!” she then explained as she returned Lizzie her phone.

Some seconds later, Lizzie’s phone went off again. However, it was neither a text message nor a phone call from Ricki. It was a notification from Ricki on Instagram. Confused, Lizzie once again unlocked her phone to check it out. Ricki had DMed her a recorded video. Looking up at Olivia, she motioned for her to come stand beside her and Eric.

The video started with a very blurry look at the floor and Ricki’s stumbling steps. For a moment, Lizzie actually feared that her poor roommate would trip over her own drunken footing. But the video continued. In front of Ricki was a group of people walking down the road. Unfortunately, even with the street lights above neither Lizzie nor Olivia could make out any clues as to where Ricki could be. “ I gooo~” suddenly came Ricki’s voice. Lizzie’s hand tensed nervously around her phone. This wasn’t going to be good. The rest of the video was badly shot and none of them could exactly see what Ricki did next. The last thing Lizzie heard in the video was some high pitched voice crying out “Oi! Gerroff!” before it cut out.

“What just happened?” Olivia asked.

Lizzie stared down at her phone before looking up at her flatmate. “I think she just assaulted a random stranger she thought was this boy here?” she offered, gently shrugging the shoulder Eric was still resting on.

“I’m calling her again…” Olivia said, pulling out her phone.

While Lizzie watched Olivia, she recognized that Malcolm had come up at her other side. She carefully turned her head to face him, not too much or else she would bump her chin into Eric’s head. Luckily Malcolm was smart enough to come into her line of vision. He handed her a water bottle. Oh, perfect! She was actually getting a little thirsty. As she twisted off the cap, she overheard Olivia speak into the phone. That must mean Ricki picked up? Hopefully they would be getting somewhere soon.

“Here, babe,” Lizzie said to Eric, handing him the water bottle after she took a drink.

“Okay, so, I know where she’s going,” Olivia explained with a sigh of relief. At last! Progress! Before she could fully explain what was going on, she spoke with Malcolm about going with Angel to get their ride. Lizzie had missed the second half of that discussion when she had to put the cap back on their water bottle. By the time she refocused her attention on her two responsible flatmates, Malcolm and Angel were waving farewell to them and walking away. As they got further, Olivia regrouped with her and Eric and told them that they should start walking.

Start walking? Lizzie hesitated for a moment. Since they stepped outside, she realized that she had been standing in the same place the entire time. She wondered if she was going to actually be okay to do this thing called walking. Sure, she felt as if she had started sobering up well since they stepped out of the bar. But there was that small fear inside her that imagined she would end up bringing herself and Eric down if she so much as took one small step.

Thankfully, Olivia the Great had this all figured out. How long ago had she started sobering up that she could be this well-adjusted? With some coaxing and a little push back from Eric, she had successfully managed to get him to let go of Lizzie. Or at least, let go of her enough that she would be able to walk without fear of tripping over either of their feet or collapsing under his weight. In the short amount of time Olivia had before Eric had the strength to protest, the two women adjusted his position so that instead of clinging to Lizzie from behind, he was between the both of them. Of course, he still had at least one arm around Lizzie. Apparently convincing him to walk on his own was going to be impossible? Not that Lizzie complained.

Olivia explained everything. Apparently, whenever they went to this specific location for drinks, Ricki had a go to place to wind down; a sandwich shop a couple blocks away from the bar that was open until late. It seems as if Ricki favored a specific turkey sandwich on the menu as her go to after drinking cravings. For Lizzie, that all seemed fair enough. Back in California she too was guilty of having specific cravings while she sobered up from a full night of drinking.

Lizzie noticed the moment they all stepped into the sandwich shop that Olivia and the person at the register exchanged knowing glances at each other. They paused near the door. Lizzie, an arm wrapped firmly around Eric’s waist, adjusted her position beside him in an attempt to get warm; moving to stand in front of him now so that she could hug him at the waist. This sandwich shop was colder than outside and she needed his body heat.

“Oi, you two. You can snog later. Lizzie, I’mma need your help,” Olivia practically lectured as she dug into her wallet. She pulled out a couple bank notes and handed them over to Eric with instructions to order food and more waters. Lizzie wondered if Eric would be able to remember all those sandwiches.

Olivia wasn’t kidding when she explained earlier that a turkey sandwich was not the only reason Ricki liked this sandwich shop the most. The moment they pushed open the door into the girls’ bathroom, Lizzie watched as Olivia went straight to the middle stall. She didn’t even pause to look to make sure there was someone in there or if it was the person they were looking for. She paused near the sinks. Even if she was gradually sobering up, she could feel her stomach turn at the realization that she would be walking into the aftermath of Ricki’s excessive drinking.

“Come on, Ricki. You don’t want your good night to end with you knocked out with your head in the toilet,” Lizzie overheard Olivia say. Well, here goes nothing.

Somehow, both Olivia and Lizzie managed to walk Ricki out of the bathroom. They immediately found Eric and took the poor girl over to the table. Ricki was now deep in the sleepy drunk phase of her drunkenness that the only responses they were getting out of her were groans and grunts. After successfully getting Ricki to sit down on the chair, Olivia was quick to give the boys an update, although from the fact that it only took them a couple minutes to arrive, Lizzie could only guess that they already knew where they would be when they initially split up.

There was really no time to sit and eat like probably all of them would have liked. So when their order was completed, they took the sandwiches to go and followed behind Malcolm as he carried the almost unconscious Ricki to the car waiting outside. Now that her roommate was in more responsible hands, she returned to Eric’s side. She needed something comforting to counterbalance the trainwreck she experienced in that bathroom.

It was lucky that Tom the Designated Driver had a big car. With Eric joining the group, they had to utilize the very back row of seats so that five people would not be squished together in the middle row. Especially with Ricki not entirely out of the woods yet. When Olivia had attempted to get Ricki to eat one bite of her sandwich, she dry heaved and everyone held their breath. As such, both Lizzie and Eric were assigned to the back row so that both Malcolm and Olivia could closely watch over Ricki. Lizzie didn’t mind this. When they were halfway home, she had snuggled up against Eric when her own energy from the night had depleted. She couldn’t even tell now if she was still drunk or just really damn exhausted. Honestly, it was probably a mixture of both.

Everything that happened after returning to the flat was an absolute blur for Lizzie. Between helping Ricki into the flat and then cleaning her up and finally eating the sandwich Olivia had asked Eric to order, she could hardly tell if she was still awake or not. The last thing she could vaguely remember was sitting on the couch with Eric sharing the said sandwich. She was sure they each had their own, but after struggling to find fresh clothes for her roommate, she couldn’t be bothered with making that extra effort. If anything, Eric could have the second sandwich if he wanted it. From there, everything just kind of faded.

And when she woke up the next morning, it was because her room was being obnoxiously loud and she could not figure out what was making all the racket. Her head was spinning and she felt as if her entire body was ready to give out.

Despite her body’s protest, she did manage to figure out that the blow horn going off in her bedroom was actually her alarm clock. She groaned in protest as she reached over and turned it off.

As it was the first Saturday involved with her internship, she had briefly forgotten about her morning meeting and was close to going straight back to sleep. But it was that one moment through her pounding headache that reminded her of the reason she had a 6AM alarm on a Saturday. By some miracle, Lizzie gave in to reason and prepared for her day. Granted, it wasn’t the best job. Sure, she still made her best attempt at looking presentable for work - she was going to a meeting after all - but there was still no denying that she currently looked like death.

Before leaving to catch the train for her internship, she noticed that the kitchen island had a prepared ensemble of food and beverages. There was a note from Malcolm explaining that the flat should help themselves. It was at that same moment that Ricki came into the common room groaning about how her alarm had woken her up. Lizzie watched as her roommate went straight for the pitcher of what looked like green juice and filled one of their taller cups almost to the brim. Before she returned to their room, Ricki grumbled out an explanation that this was Malcolm’s magic hangover antidote. Lizzie didn’t need to be told twice.

If she thought waking up that morning with a hangover was the worst feeling ever, the commute to her internship was a nightmare. Her sunglasses could not hide how bright the sun currently felt. The train felt like it was moving extra rough that morning to the point that she couldn’t even stomach the attempt to eat the banana she brought from the flat. And don’t even get her started on trying to use her phone. One look at the bright screen had her feeling like she wanted to throw up and die at the same time.

However, despite the hangover, Lizzie managed to survive her first Saturday morning meeting at her internship. There may have been something with her smug partner, but she had better things to worry about like trying to stay professional in front of her editor. At least Ricki was right about one thing. Malcolm’s green juice was magic.

By the time her morning meeting was finished, the only remnants of Lizzie’s hangover earlier was the absolute exhaustion she felt. But she figured a nice long nap would fix that.

As she made her way to the exit of the Little Hopper building, she caught Patricia coming out of her own meeting. Beth apparently was one of the lucky interns that had an editor with the afternoon meetings.

“You look like you had a real fun night last night,” her new friend commented when she caught up with Lizzie. “Are you and that guy you were with a thing?”

Lizzie stopped short of opening the exit door, turning to look at Patricia with a puzzled look. “What guy?” she asked hesitantly.

She watched Patricia cock a brow at her. “The one that is spammed all over your Insta-story? The one that, like, kissed you on the cheek when you went live?” Lizzie’s silence apparently was enough of an answer for Patricia as she then added, “Oh shit, you don’t remember?”

Lizzie had a flash of a memory from last night. Nothing from the bar though. Her last memory at the bar was with the guy Ricki tried to set her up with...and maybe Eric coming to say hi? Then she remembered a brightly And then...strong arms wrapping around her. They reminded her of warmth. And then...on the space between the thumb and index finger...a small cross tattoo?

Her heart sank. Oh no...

After exiting the building and saying goodbye to Patricia, Lizzie pulled out her phone for the first time since turning off her alarm that morning. She was shocked at the amount of notifications she had waiting for her. A lot of them were reactions to certain parts of her Insta-story that she didn’t even remember posting. There were also plenty of text messages from JKL, Irene and her sisters with a sprinkle of text messages from friends she had back in California. What the hell had happened last night to result in such a reaction from people?

On the train back to the flat, Lizzie felt as if the color was draining from her face. She had a hand over her mouth, eyes fixated on the phone screen. She had opened Instagram and watched her story unfold the events of last night; her Eric-centric night.

Their photos together started fairly clear. She remembered the first photo actually. It was sometime after...whatever his name had left for a reason she couldn’t quite remember. The photo seemed harmless. After all, they had taken plenty of selfies like that when they toured London days ago. But as her Insta-story continued - she also could not believe how long it was - she recognized that the more blurry the photos and videos became, the more...close she and Eric remained to each other. And it wasn’t that she could blame the crowd at the bar for that. No, it was rare to find a single selfie of them where Eric didn’t have his arms so tightly around her.

And then...there was the Instagram Live…

It wasn’t long, which was a relief. And it was mostly her speaking to the camera and attempting to answer questions she read. Lizzie didn’t remember this either. How far gone had she been at this point? When she pulled her attention away from the flying heart emojis and JKL’s constant reactions in the comments, she focused on her face. She definitely looked drunk and there was what looked like a cup behind her and Eric. She watched as her eyes from last night occasionally glazed over as if unable to fully focus on her current task. But then, her body froze up and if she hadn’t been grasping her phone so tightly she probably would have dropped it. She watched as Eric leaned into her, his lips looking as if they were moving to tell her something and then pulling away only to lean in again to kiss her on the cheek. Those that had been watching as the events unfolded were in a frenzy of flying hearts. As for present time Lizzie, she felt a sense of dread.

So many people in her followers list had seen most, if not all, of her Insta-story. One of them...was Olivia.

When she reached her stop, Lizzie stepped onto the platform dreading going home. It was a Saturday so her flatmates’ schedules were typically up in the air. She had no idea if any or all of them would still be home by the time she returned. It was this fear that led her to the cafe near the flat where she stayed for a little while until she could muster up the courage to face her flatmates, especially Olivia. How could she face her after she practically made her best friend cheat on her sister?

Unfortunately, her plan to hide at the cafe was ruined the moment she finally looked at all of her messages. She felt sick to her stomach at people constantly offering positive reactions to her time with Eric. So many of her friends from school back in California DMed her the thumbs up emoji on Instagram. Her group chats with JKL were filled with excited reactions about her Instagram Live session and the kiss on the cheek. They had even screenshot the moment and forwarded it to their chat. And then there were her sisters. All of them, even Jane, were curious about Eric. Her group chat with her sisters was flooded with a million questions about how she had been dating someone this whole time and they hadn’t heard a word about it. Lizzie felt sick. No. She couldn’t handle all of these questions anymore. She didn’t want to think about Eric and last night and what she had done.

Much to her dismay, she needed to go home.

It was about one in the afternoon when she finally abandoned her hiding spot at the cafe and arrived home. After hesitating to open the door, she carefully peeked down the hall, keeping her ears open for any notable sounds. Olivia’s door was closed, as was her and Ricki’s door. The double doors were still open, but it didn’t seem as if anyone was around. Was she home alone? The display of hangover solution food and drinks had been cleared out; the pitcher of green juice empty, washed and upside down on the drying rack to dry.

She let out a sigh of relief, realizing for the first time how tense her body had been coming home.

Lizzie was done. She had it with everyone and their need to pry into her life. They didn’t get it. They weren’t picking up on the cues. Even with all this attention she was getting all across her phone, she could not deny how lonely she felt right now. She needed someone that could understand what she was feeling.

It was the moment she signed off Instagram on her phone that she knew exactly who she could talk to. The only problem was that she feared she wouldn’t be awake right now. But it was worth a try.

Reenee? Are you up? I need you...

Lizzie dropped her phone on her bed, staring intently at it waiting hopefully for her cousin to respond. It was Saturday morning in California; five in the morning to be exact. She knew Irene was an early riser any day of the week, but even she knew catching her awake at five in the morning on a Saturday might be unlikely. But she had to try. She loved JKL. She told them everything. But for situations like these, she knew deep down in her heart that she told and trusted Irene with more.

The moment she saw that her cousin had read her text message, Lizzie didn’t even bother waiting for her to respond. She yanked her iPad off her side table and immediately went onto FaceTime. Irene’s contact was the first name on her Favorites list.

The only light that appeared on the screen was whatever peeked through her windows. Thankfully it was still summer in California, the sun was due to rise earlier for another couple or so weeks...maybe. Lizzie watched as her cousin rubbed her face to wake up. “Liz? Lizzie? Good mor--what’s wrong?”

Lizzie blinked, unsure of how to respond to that. But then she took a quick peek over at the smaller screen at the corner. The deep frown said a lot.

When she heard movement, she returned her attention to her cousin and watched her slide out of bed so that she could leave her room. She guessed her boyfriend was still sleeping?

“You saw...what happened last night...right?” she asked hesitantly.

She watched Irene pause. It was agonizing waiting for her cousin to say something. But eventually she said, “You didn’t respond to any of my messages!” Oh...right. Irene had sent her a string of text messages since last night around the same time all that occurred on her Insta-story took place. Save for the one gibberish text message time stamped after the livestream, she hadn’t read or responded to any of Irene’s other texts...or at least, she didn’t remember reading them.

“Do you remember what all happened?" Irene then asked during Lizzie’s pause.

Lizzie bit on her bottom lip nervously, fumbling with the tips of her hair. “Not exactly. I basically know whatever you know…” Lizzie let out an exasperated sigh. “Oh, my God. What did I do?! Did we not conclude that Diana is his girlfriend?!”

“Well…” Irene started as she attempted to fix her own hair before ultimately giving up, “Maybe we were wrong? Do you think he would have acted...that way...if he did?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know...anything about how he would have acted in any kind of situation? I barely know the guy? And we’ve only ever gone out to drink once.” Lizzie slumped over, resting her head on her hand. “This whole situation would have been a ton easier if I had just, like, asked him point blank if he had a girlfriend or not.”

“I totally agree, but you had every right not to feel comfortable asking before. Like you don’t even really know him that well yet…” Irene said. Her kitchen was now in the background and from off screen it sounded like she was preparing something. Probably tea.

Lizzie felt a clenching feeling in her chest. Tea...Eric’s a tea person in the morning as well. Shit.

“Irene, be honest with me? What do you think? As someone that, like, is some kind of third party observing of this whole mess?” she asked now. “We could talk all we want about whether or not he’s actually taken, but my Insta-story don’t lie. I really like this guy…. But I don’t want to stoop down to his level. I’m better than that!” Just the thought of committing the same sins as one of her ex-boyfriends from college made her ill.

“Lizzie, sweetie, I am being one hundred percent honest with you,” Irene started, looking straight at her through her camera, “You did absolutely nothing wrong. You did not force him to act in any sort of way. He acted that way on his own. And if I thought you’d done anything intentionally - I would have called you out sooner. Promise.”

Lizzie nodded slowly. She guessed her cousin made some kind of sense. If there was anyone that would put her in her place if she ever did anything wrong, it would be her. Letting out a soft sigh, Lizzie adjusted her position on her bed so that she was laying on her stomach. “So if I didn’t just make him cheat on his girl - if she even exists or not - where does that leave me and him?” She briefly stared at her phone, tempted to sign back onto Instagram to look at her Insta-story again. “He was so...attached to me…”

“I fully believe that alcohol simply brings out the true feelings of a person,” Irene replied with that very Irene-esque spin of her finger that she typically did when she was spitting out knowledge, “Anything someone says or does while drunk isn’t anything they weren’t thinking of doing my humble opinion.” As Lizzie thought this over, she watched her cousin take a sip of her tea from her pretty flowers and vines mug.

“With that logic, you’re basically saying that he likes me too…” Lizzie commented as she pulled over her pillow to rest her head on. “Ugh! Irene, I don’t know what to doooo! The flat is having our monthly Flat Night Out tonight and I have no idea if he’ll be joining us for this one. What if he does? What am I going to do? What if he remembers what I can’t? Should I...I dunno…” Lizzie buried her face into her pillow now. “Even if I don’t see him tonight, I’m bound to see him sooner or later. He’s been sleeping on the couch like every Tuesday since I started living here.”

Lizzie Darcy you know exactly what you need to do!” Irene practically screamed at her, bringing her phone up close to her face so that all Lizzie could see was her eyes and a bit of her nose. “Talk. To. Him. Or I’ll fly my butt right over there and do it myself.”

She shot her cousin a look. “If I say no, can I take your word on that?”

The Darcy cousins remained on FaceTime for another hour or so after their deep talk. Lizzie was, admittedly, still unsure about what she would do with the Eric situation. If Irene was right and Eric did share the same feelings for her as she to him, how could she possibly bring that up? “Hey Eric, listen I know you like me and I like you, but wouldn’t your girlfriend or not girlfriend be kinda pissed about it?” Yeah, there was no way for her to bring it up without her feeling like dying the minute she opened her mouth.

She finally allowed herself some time to sleep off her exhaustion from this morning’s hangover and stress over Eric when Eugene, Irene’s boyfriend, finally woke up and requested his girlfriend’s attention. By then, Lizzie was halfway through a carton of ice cream and she felt a little better. Now she just needed sleep.

When she woke up a few hours later, it was to her bedroom door opening. She opened her eyes slowly to see that both Olivia and Ricki had come in and were now looking closely at her. When she focused on Olivia, she felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. Great. She was going to call her out as a homewrecker and for ruining Eric’s relationship with her sister.

“So that’s why you haven’t been answering your phone all day, you were sleeping,” was what Olivia said instead.

“Come on!” Ricki chimed in, apparently having fully recovered from last night. “You’re lucky Eri’s working an extra hour or poor lad will be waiting for all of us.”

Wait, what about Eric?

“Wait, what about Eric?” she asked out loud.

Olivia stepped into the bedroom now to sit at the edge of her bed. “You didn’t see the update in the group chat? Eric’s coming with us to Flat Night. We’re going to pick him up from the hotel since the place we’re going tonight is a little out of his way,” she explained.

Lizzie was going to kill Irene for her “talk to him” advice from earlier.

When the boys returned to the flat from wherever they were that day, Lizzie was in the middle putting her hair in its usual ponytail. Angel immediately commented on her outfit, insisting that there was “one thing” that would make it look complete. There was also something about Eric and falling, but Lizzie had tensed up just at the sound of Eric’s name she hadn’t heard the rest. When Angel reappeared from his room, he offered her a pair of glasses with non-prescription lenses. She hadn’t worn eyeglasses in ages. But there really was no saying no to the queen.

They all climbed into Olivia’s car to drive back into the city. There was talk through the drive if drinking for a second night in a row was a good idea; considering what had happened last night. Obviously, all of them looked over at Ricki. Malcolm suggested that they probably cut down on the number of drinks tonight considering they were having this Flat Night Out primarily for the karaoke.

All the while Lizzie felt her heart racing, growing more and more nervous the closer they drove to the hotel.

Although they had intended to find parking near the hotel, that plan changed when it was Malcolm that recognized Eric currently outside the hotel. “Oi! Eri! WE’RE HEREEEEE!” Angel suddenly shouted, the window fully rolled down so that he could pop his head out. The rest of the flat was in hysterics at Angel’s antics. Lizzie, on the other hand, craned her neck around Angel to watch as they drove closer to Eric. God, how was she going to survive tonight?
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()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 090818----------- LOCATION — flat night karaoke----------- COMPANY — the flatmates

He didn’t release Lizzie at all as they were led outside. And yes, it did make it rather difficult to walk as he half supported her with her heels but simultaneously also half used her to help keep his own balance. He could have sworn he heard someone tell him to let her go “before you both fall over”, but Eric was surprisingly capable even when drunk and he successfully navigated the two of them outside with minimal assistance from Olivia. She ended up being similar to a spotter for cheerleaders. She was there, ready to catch them if they fell or at least try to catch them, and with every stumble she reached towards them but each time they recovered and managed to stay on their feet.

The rush of cool night air felt amazing after having felt rather overheated most of the night; credited to a combination of the crowded pub, the alcohol and his ever growing crush feels. Thankfully it wasn’t cold outside, or maybe he was just too drunk to be cold. And maybe that was why he was struggling to follow along with what the others were saying about Ricki. She was missing apparently, and like, deep inside Eric knew that was a problem. But right now, in this moment he couldn’t comprehend how serious it could potentially be.

In this moment, right now, everything was perfect. For the first time in a long time Eric was not only comfortable literally—physically and figuratively, but he actually felt like he belonged somewhere—or rather to someone. Like he mattered and that someone actually cared about him. Eric was just so content standing right here with Lizzie. No work, no debt, no script, no stress. Just him and Lizzie in this perfect little moment as time stood still for him.

He didn’t want to go anywhere, or do anything. And his eyes remained shut until Lizzie’s movement eventually roused him from his half asleep state. His eyes opened to squint down at the bright blare from her phone screen and he adjusted his hold on her. He borderline felt like he was dreaming. Every breath he took was that slow, deep breathing that showed just how relaxed he was. Almost as though he were in a deep sleep. Like a dream. This had to be a dream. Nothing this good ever happened to Eric.

Well just like dreams, all good things come to an end as was proven with the chaos that had erupted over trying to find Ricki. Eric stubbornly held tight to his Lizzie despite all the back and forth of her phone as she and Olivia both alternated talking with the Irish one. He stayed quiet— mostly. He had tried once to speak up but got cut off and honestly he forgot what he was going to say by the time the chance to talk came back around. Must not have been that important. Honestly he was pretty useless right now as far as the flat’s Ricki dilemma went. But at least he wasn’t creating a scene himself. All he wanted was to stay attached to Lizzie’s side for all eternity. Well, he wouldn’t mind alternating positions. He was getting a little stiff standing in one spot for so long but he didn’t exactly trust himself to adjust, nor did he want to lose contact with her for even a second. He was still plenty warm. And didn’t have an appetite. Really, all he needed was Lizzie, ”Here, babe.” —and that.

A water bottle came into view now and suddenly he realized just how thirsty he was. Thirsty and most definitely dehydrated. As if the alcohol wasn’t enough already, with his head still resting on Lizzie his depth perception was extra skewed and Eric completely missed the first time he tried to take the bottle from her. But Lizzie was oh so patient with him and waited till he straightened up and had a firm grasp before she let go for him to take a drink. The water felt amazing passing over his tongue and down his throat but as soon as he felt it hit his empty stomach Eric lost interest in it as the sickening feeling it left him with was too much to handle. He mumbled her name when he was done for her to take back the bottle. Truthfully he was still kinda thirsty but his liquid to food ratio was far out of proportion and it wasn’t a pleasant feeling.

It wasn’t long after when Olivia came over to tell them it was time to go. Eric didn’t respond, he had resumed cuddling Lizzie as his stomach slowly grew more and more upset with him over the lack of food and tease of cold water. He was ready to sleep it off, feel better in the morning. Why did Olivia keep repeating for him to let go of Lizzie? Go get your own, Olivia. This one was his. She finally broke through his drunken selective hearing and came to a compromise that he didn’t have to completely let go of Lizzie so long as the both of them could walk. Deal. He could walk. He was ace at walking. Best walker in all of London. Eric didn’t make any effort to move though, not until Olivia started physically pulling him off Lizzie’s tiny frame at which point he weakly fought to maintain contact. He stumbled briefly now that he wasn’t holding Lizzie as his own personal center of gravity. But Olivia stayed on his other side and encouraged them to start walking.

The walk honestly did Eric some good. Admittedly he was fairly unsteady in the beginning, but with the combination of movement, plus no longer overheating from holding Lizzie for dear life, helped his head cool off and begin his descent back to Earth. But then Olivia was tearing Lizzie away from him for real and filling his now empty hands with money and his hoodie. This was not an even trade, not in the slightest. But Eric had sobered up enough by now that while he was sad Lizzie was leaving, he didn’t protest or complain or be difficult like he had outside the bar. Instead he just stood there watching them go like a dog watching his person leave for work.

As he draped his hoodie over his shoulder it dawned on Eric that He. Was. Starving. Being in this shop right now was torture, everything smelled so good and he was all kinds of distracted. He really wanted to follow after the girls, but Olivia had tasked him with sandwiches. Right, sandwiches. Eric you need to stop just standing there clutching your money like a kid in a candy store. ”What’ll it be then?” With some help from the worker who thankfully knew them well enough by now, Eric managed to successfully order sandwiches for everyone and shoved the change into the right front pocket of his pants. He was getting sort of cold now but it never crossed his mind to actually wear his hoodie, thankfully it wasn’t long before Lizzie was returned to him and the flat collectively piled into the car back to the flat.

Once they were dropped off the girls busied themselves tending to Ricki with Malcolm assisting as needed, while Angel had disappeared into his room for the time being. This left Eric standing alone in the hallway with the bag of sandwiches in one hand, his other on the wall to help hold himself up now that he didn’t have an Olivia or Lizzie to lean on. It took a moment to will his feet to move but soon he was putting one foot in front of the other and making his way down the hall. Honestly sitting right here on the floor sounded nice, but he could just imagine what Olivia would say if she came out and saw him there. Tracing the wall he made his way to the common space where he was met with the dilemma of not having something to hold onto any more. He wasn’t so drunk that he couldn’t walk, it was more so the crash was hitting him hard. He’d been okay until now but everything was catching up with him and he was starting to feel sick.

Eric managed to only bump into the coffee table and small couch a total of three times before collapsing onto the larger one. Finally he could sit and the world would stop spinning around him. Lizzie soon joined him and was quick to remind him about the sandwiches in the bag. The others came to grab theirs as they were ready to eat but rather than taking his own sandwich Eric found Lizzie holding hers out to him to try.

The first bite was amazing, Eric was starving and this was everything he had needed. Even his stomach which had been starting to feel funny not too long ago seemed content now that it was finally being fed. Not a single thought was put towards how this was the first he’d eaten in….a long time. Surely he’d eaten something at work, right? But again, Eric wasn’t thinking about that right now. The only things on his mind were how Lizzie and this sandwich were his favorite things in the world right now. Oh it was his turn for a bite again. His own sandwich still sat untouched on the coffee table. Eric was too attached to Lizzie to remember it existed. Literally. He was all curled up against her with one leg partly over her and his arm across her shoulders. His other hand was on her thigh fiddling with the bottom hem of her shirt; simply because that’s where his hand currently rested. His head was against her shoulder, moving only to lean towards the sandwich anytime Lizzie offered him a bite. Honestly it didn’t look like a particularly comfortable position to be in, but at the same time Eric looked at ease, comfortable, content, in love. So when Olivia came over to check on them and suggest Lizzie go get ready for bed Eric was all complaints. Olivia helped to pry the giant baby off her flatmate and walked her back to her room leaving Eric alone on the couch for the time being.

It wasn’t actually that long until Olivia returned, but it had felt like an eternity to Eric. He had been getting a little too comfortable and dozing off nestled there in the corner of the couch so mama bear came to remind him to change out of his work clothes. When he didn’t respond she touched his shoulder to bring him back awake. Normally Olivia would just let him stay wherever he was and sleep it off, he was a big kid, he’d manage. But she also knew he had work in the morning and the past few days had her worried he was overdoing it with Lizzie and all their adventures. So tonight she would force him to take care of himself. He could resume passing out wherever he pleased another time.

Eric moaned in protest at being woken up but sat up at Olivia’s request, and with a little tug from her to get him started. It may have been too much too fast though. After Olivia repeated that he should change clothes Eric suddenly froze and then she followed suit as she watched him gag for a moment as he fought back his nausea, ”Are you going to throw up? Eric, please don’t.”
Maybe the sandwich had been too much too fast as well. The back of his hand was over his mouth and he slowly shook his head ever so slightly as he waited for his stomach to settle. It didn’t, but he had enough control to keep everything inside for now at least, ”Alright then, can you get up to change? I promise you’ll feel better out once you get out of those clothes.”
Olivia wasn’t one to wait long though, when he didn’t respond she reached forward to undo the rest of the buttons on his shirt. She would do this one motor skill for him, but the boy was on his own for his pants, ”Where’s your bag?” She didn’t see it at the end of the couch nor on the dining room table when she stood up to glance around the room, ”Eric?”
”I forgot it—“ His body tried one last time to expel the night’s fun but Eric still stayed strong against his stomach, ”—the car.” Olivia audibly sighed and reached for his hoodie which she’d draped across the back of the smaller sofa and moved it to the cushion beside him for whenever he was done changing. She left him then so she could go change herself and start getting ready for bed. It didn’t look like he would be going anywhere anytime soon, so he’d survive without her for ten to fifteen minutes.

When she returned she stopped in the kitchen first before approaching him on the couch, it looked as though he had successfully changed out of his work/party clothes and into his hoodie. Just his hoodie. And he had sunken back into the couch as she had found him before. Olivia passed him a new water bottle which he initially refused. He wasn’t thirsty, he was comfortable and couldn’t be bothered to reach out and take it from her. With a sigh she unscrewed the cap and moved her hand even closer to him, ”Drink.” Eric was a good drunk; and not even that drunk anymore, mostly, so he took the water bottle and did as he was told, ”Feeling better?” He didn’t respond but she hadn’t really expected much of an answer anyways, ”I’m going to turn off the lights, okay? Do you need anything else?” She took the water from him and after safety securing the cap she placed it on the coffee table for him later, ” ’m alright,” he started as his hand took her’s, gently tugging her towards the couch, ”Love you Olive.”
”You’re still drunk?”
N-nooo Olivia didn’t look impressed or convinced as her free hand landed on her own waist as she looked down at her best friend, ”Yeahhh maybe a little, but I love you.” He wore a smile but he looked ready to knock out for the night at any moment. And Olivia too had to be mentally done after taking care of her friends for the past hour and some minutes. Eric’s grip had tightened on Olivia’s hand as she tried to pull away. He didn’t want her to go, everyone else already had. Lizzie had been ushered off to bed, Ricki was probably asleep by now and the boys...probably asleep as well or still getting ready for bed—oh jk he just heard Malcolm from over in the kitchen. After a bit of back and forth arguing, Eric’s drunk whining won and Olivia ended up sitting on the couch with him. Her fingers absentmindedly ran through his hair while she conversed with Malcolm who was hard at work prepping his magical elixir.

It didn’t take long for Eric to fall asleep, and when he woke up the next morning he truly was alone in the living room. The first thing to tell him that he was awake was a throbbing headache. Thankfully it was so early that the sun wasn’t up yet so he wasn’t battling with brightness just yet, he still had a few hours till then. He noticed his blanket was over him but zero recollection of how it got there. Squinting into the dark room he could see his black uniform was in a pile on the floor; okay that he mostly remembered. There was a water bottle and sandwich still on the table in front where Olivia had left them last night. Last night...the nausea was returning as all his senses woke up one by one and Eric shut his eyes and shoved his face back into the cushions wishing he could go back to sleep. Honestly, it had been a while since he had woken up this hungover, but he still had miraculously managed to wake up on his own for work. Finally he weakly pushed himself upright and then to his feet. He somehow made it to the bathroom, only tripping once and got the water started for a shower just before finally losing the battle. The contents of his stomach was a grand total of half a sandwich, half of two water one water bottle, and far too many alcoholic drinks to have had on an empty stomach. Maybe that was what had woken him up so early. His body knew what he needed apparently. But dear Eric’s body: he needed sleep just as much.

He did feel better after throwing up though, and then even better after his shower washed away the rest of last night. After drying his hair to the best of his current ability and tying it up in a bun off his neck, Eric then brushed his teeth before wandering back out to the common room to find something to wear so he wasn’t just walking around in his hoodie and underwear. Only...he couldn’t find his bag. Had he lost it?! Did he really get so drunk last night that he had lost his bag??

Eric spiraled into a mini panic over not being able to find his bag or remember significant details of last night until it finally dawned on him that he hadn’t even had it to begin with. That’s right, yesterday had been a shit show of being late and forgetful. He had woken up late for work and forgotten his bag in his car. Soooo no clothes? His eyes landed on his work clothes on the floor but when he reached to pick them up couldn’t hold back the look of slight disgust on his face over how bad they smelled. They sort of reeked of alcohol, especially his shirt, and the smell didn’t sit well with his still recovering stomach. He didn’t need the shirt, he would get a new one at work and could find something in his car in the meantime. The hoodie was fine for now. But the pants he did need to put back on. When he picked them up there was a brief clinking noise before several tiny thuds as coins fell from his pocket onto the floor at his feet.


Why was there money in his pants...he was normally very good at not just squirreling away coins. If he just put his money into random pockets all the time he’d never be able to find it. The last time he’d woken up to money in his pocket was—well this was small change, and he was at the flat, it was fine. Nothing happened. Last night would start coming back to him once his head stopped pounding. Hopefully.

Once he was as dressed as he could manage given his situation, Eric made his way to the kitchen. He really wasn’t hungry, and didn’t want tea either, but it was a hard routine to break so his body moved on autopilot. The table caught his eye though as he passed it and noticed Malcolm’s care packages and upon closer inspection saw he had left a note for everyone to take their share and to stay hydrated. Malcolm’s famous hangover cure. Eric had had it a few times when offered because he couldn’t ever bring himself to turn it down, but truthfully Eric rarely actually needed it so he couldn’t exactly say whether it worked. He knew Ricki swore by it though. Well, the worst it could do was not work, right? Eric grabbed some things from the table, but when he turned around he remembered he didn’t have a bag with him.

Surely there were spare plastic bags in the kitchen, or maybe even a reusable eco bag as this was the save the Earth generation. Alternatively he could probably find something of Olivia’s to borrow. But Eric was over it, he couldn’t be bothered with all that. Not with this headache. So turning back around he settled with only the green juice.

Remember how sure Eric was just moments ago that the drink was harmless and that the worst it could do was not work? Update: It could be worse. After pouring himself a glass Eric of course took a sip, then almost immediately proceeded to regret his decision as that sip threatened to come back up. He knew he needed this, and food, water probably as well. But it was apparently still too early for his body to ingest anything. He’d have to take it to-go; his sandwich too.

By the time he reached his car he was at least properly awake, even if everything still hurt. He didn’t stay long and was soon changed and on his way to the hotel just as the sun was peaking up along the horizon. He had his bag now, and a change of clothes folded inside so he wouldn’t be stuck in his uniform for another 24 hours. He also went ahead and confirmed that his iPod was in there. Surprisingly it still had some juice from its last charge but it definitely didn’t look like enough to last the entire day.

He was on time for work today, thank god. Maybe today would be better than yesterday had been. Please, no crazy guests, no dropped wine, no overtime— okay well the overtime meant money so maybe overtime was okay. But right now in this moment he was too exhausted to even consider staying late. Eric was slow as he changed, his mind clearly elsewhere as his eyes landed on his reflection in the mirror. There were his tattoos, all of them, about to be covered up and hidden away from the world by his dress shirt. The butterfly that moved with every breath he took, the birds holding him up by his collar bones, the cross— wait the clasp of his necklace was hanging alongside his mother’s cross. He suddenly felt Lizzie’s touch on the back of his neck, or rather he felt the absence of it. And a reminder of last night flashed before him. The feeling of her hand in his, the comfort of feeling her body against him, her own shirt slipping through his fingers...he was lost in his head piecing together his memories, so when he thought he was done getting ready he refocused on the mirror only to see that he had misbuttoned his shirt. He cursed himself under his breath as he went about fixing it. C’mon Eric, get it together. Head out of the clouds, back down to Earth.

His lunch break finally rolled around and Eric slumped into a chair in the staff room. His sick feeling was long gone by now. He had finished Malcolm’s green drink before his shift had started. His head was no longer killing him. Now he was just tired, and starving. He retrieved his bag to pull out his sandwich from last night, but his hand jostled his iPod and the screen came to life with a couple text notifications on the lock screen. Who? What? Where? When? Why? Sandwich on his lap he picked up the iPod and unlocked it, opening his texting app to see messages from Olivia asking if he was alive and had made it to work. Yes and yes. Her face popped into his mind along with the vague memory of her sitting on the couch with him last night, thanks Olive. She went on to invite him out to flat night that night, apparently they were doing karaoke. Truthfully Eric’s initial feeling was to not go. He was tired. He knew the flat would be drinking and he didn’t particularly want to wake up feeling like death again. There was also the fact that he didn’t have the money to be going out. How many times these past two week had he sworn to himself that he wouldn’t spend money? But then all this time he had practically been hemorrhaging it. Drinks for Lizzie’s welcome night, lunch at ABC with Lizzie jk she had paid for that, lunch at the cafe by the flat, the trip on the tube and lunch at Nando’s, and then God knows how many drinks he had bought last night...and here the flat was trying to go out again. He wouldn’t go. He couldn’t go. He shouldn’t go. But as soon as Olivia mentioned Lizzie, any chance of Eric standing by his decision flew out the window and before he realized what he had done he was making arrangements with Olivia for her to pick him up after his shift. Well it looked like he wouldn’t be attending Saturday rehearsals tonight.

There seemed to be two things in life that ruled his priorities when it came to decision making: Money, and Lizzie. The first was part of the reason he agreed to stay at work an additional hour, and was also the reason he had picked up an additional shift this coming week by covering a coworker who had begged for him to help them out, “I owe you one Eric, let me know if you ever need me to cover for you.”
When had Eric ever needed to get out of work? Work was his life. He spent more time here than anywhere else in the world. He was going to work himself into the grave at this rate. But he needed the money oh so badly, partially due to his newly found second priority: Lizzie. Having friends was turning out to be an expensive experience. But friends were easier to turn down than cute American girls and Lizzie seemed to hold a significant amount of power over Eric and his frugal lifestyle. So when the car finally pulled up in front of the hotel Eric felt his butterfly tattoo literally sink into his skin and take flight in his stomach with the anticipation of seeing Lizzie.

His curly hair was down around his shoulders, no longer in the bun he had left the flat in that morning. He was out of his work uniform thanks to remembering his bag and having packed a change of clothes. Good thing they had a car tonight so Eric could leave his bag in it and not have to stress about bringing it inside with him or risk losing it. As the car door opened Eric suddenly felt a lot of eyes on him; expectantly…knowingly. What they were expecting or knew was beyond him though.

”Hello Eriiiiii~”
God, he felt like the outsider of an inside joke and it was actually sort of really uncomfortable to experience. He offered a general greeting to everyone collectively before finding himself forced to take a seat beside Lizzie. Not forced as in it was something he didn’t want to do and they made him do it anyways. But rather forced as in someone offered to move so he could sit and before he knew it the seat beside her had freed up and Eric was climbing into the backseat to sit next to her. His bag went on the floor at their feet; his too long legs brushing against hers as the car started up before he was even settled or buckled in. ”Sorry,” Eric was oddly quiet for the moment as dejavu washed over him. This was not the first time they had sat in such close proximity, but he was suddenly hyper aware of every little detail about it. Last night felt like so long ago. Like it had been days since he had last seen Lizzie, not hours. His hand slowly curled into a fist, remembering holding her hand, talking all night, hadn’t they taken photos too? Why was he so awkward now? Well it wasn’t entirely one sided. There was something between them and he could feel it.

”So Eric, since you were the last in the car you have to be the first to sing, okay?” He looked up from their touching knees which he’d been staring at and proceeded to push his hair back out of his face, a little flustered and caught off guard as he looked towards the speaker. Hold on, wait what? How was that fair?? ”Uhh...but, I sang last time?” He was the one to sing at the gig they attended for Malcolm’s friend, noneeeee of the others from the flat had gone up to sing. He was pretty sure it was definitely not his turn.

But after a couple drinks and a good bit of peer pressure convincing from the others, Eric found himself flipping through the options for karaoke trying to pick a song. Malcolm and Angel, well more so Angel, were on either side of his shoulders chiming in with their own opinions and suggestions as they saw song titles they were interested in. Truthfully nothing stuck out to Eric, he was sort of not wanting to go up, the heavy feeling from the car ride was still with him and he found himself glancing at Lizzie more than the songs in front of him.

”Oh my god, give it here, I’ll pick.” Olivia seemed to be getting impatient waiting for the boys. None of Angel’s suggestions suited Eric, Malcolm wasn’t any help either. But Olivia knew her best friend, maybe not an exact song that he was in the mood for….after all last time he sang Girl Crush and no one had seen that coming. But she could at least get in the right ballpark because no Angel, Eric did not want to sing Taylor Swift.

The Beatles. An artist she knew Eric not only loved but could also sing. From here though she was a little stumped. Fun song? Sad song? What would Eric be most willing to sing? Would they even be able to get him to sing? She didn’t want to force him into it, they were all still far too sober for her conscience to be okay with that.

Eric looked from Olivia to the song titles she was showing him, a list of The Beatles’ greatest hits. Popular songs, songs everyone knew. The drink seemed to have helped and he finally lit up as I Want To Hold Your Hand appeared. That one.

As the music started up Eric’s fingers tapped a little nervously along with the instruments. He knew this song inside and out. Every drum, every snare, the bass line, the guitar riffs, everything.
”Oh yeah I’ll,” admittedly he felt awkward just standing there. While Eric could sing, he wasn’t pursuing being a performer and as such didn’t really know what to do with himself. He wanted a guitar, or something to occupy his hands with other than just holding the mic. Thankfully this particular song was originally recorded with claps in it and Eric naturally brought his own together to clap along with the offbeat they were on, a smile settling onto his face as he relaxed into the music, ”tell you somethin’
I think you’ll understand
When I say that somethin’
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your haaaaand
I want to hold your hand.”

This was honestly such a feel good song. It had some lowkey sad undertones if you listened close enough, but the overall vibe was all love and so easy to relate to. And it was The Beatles, who in London— no who in the world hadn’t heard The Beatles?? Eric had been raised on their records and every word came to him as easily as breathing.

”And when I touch you
I feel happy inside.”

His eyes had been scanning the room until now, his body bobbing along with the song but as it reached the slower portion he had absorbed it completely. Eric’s focus subconsciously flickered towards Lizzie and again that butterfly feeling hit him, his grip tightening on the microphone despite the smile still on his face. The slightly awkward atmosphere from the car ride was behind him now, and while last night’s events were still a little unsure, Eric himself was fine and the longer he stood there singing the more he wanted nothing more than to go to her—and he did. The second the song was over Eric was skipping over(okay not literally but still) to her, his arm snaking around her shoulder as he leaned closer for her to better hear him, ”Your turn, love.” And he started pulling her over to pick a song. Yeah Eric had officially transitioned from work to play, the tell tale sign was the sudden increase in physical affection: he was a little touchy now. The flat’s stares and smirks went unnoticed, Eric only had eyes for Lizzie.


()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 090818----------- LOCATION — outside karaoke event----------- COMPANY — eric

Lizzie ducked her head down to hide how wide her eyes had gotten behind her glasses. She felt Ricki shimmy out of her window seat after opening her door. There was something about offering Eric to go inside first, but Lizzie had completely tuned out everything. It was suddenly very difficult to focus on anything her flatmates were saying. Everything around her felt so distant compared to the sound of her rapid heartbeat. What was this feeling? Nerves? Fear? Excitement? All of the above?

Ricki, Eric, Lizzie and Angel were now cramped in the backseat of Olivia’s car. Had it been a bigger car like the one they rode in last night, it wouldn’t have been a problem. But Olivia’s car was more of a tight squeeze. Lizzie was forced to sit mostly on her side so that the four of them could fit together. She had no choice but to be face to face with Eric. Only, it didn’t seem like Eric noticed...or cared to notice. He spent much of the car ride avoiding eye contact with her. The rare times she braved a glance up at him, he kept his gaze down at...something. She felt her cheeks burn red. Did he remember what all happened last night? Was he ashamed of it? Had they really done something they shouldn’t have? Lizzie felt the painful clenching feeling in her chest once again at the thought. Oh God, what had she done?

After sitting in an awkward position through a bit of traffic, Lizzie was quite relieved when they finally arrived in front of the pub hosting the karaoke night. She slid out after Angel, quick to hop onto the sidewalk to stretch her legs and reposition her sense of balance. She watched as the other flatmates stepped out of the car as well and half expected Eric to follow along. However, she watched as he switched out Malcolm in the front seat then close the door after him. She blinked at this, watching as the two best friends drove off back onto the road.

“Eric is helping Olivia look for parking,” Malcolm explained upon joining the rest of them. “We’re put in charge of finding a table and ordering all the appetizers.”

“Perfect, I’m starving,” Ricki chimed in, already leading the way into the pub. While Angel and Malcolm were quick to follow behind Ricki, Lizzie lingered back momentarily. She turned to look in the direction Olivia drove off. She wondered how long it would take for her and Eric to join them.

It was just Lizzie and Ricki sitting at the table when Olivia and Eric arrived. Ricki was the one that informed the two new arrivals that the boys had gone to the bar to order the first round and that the appetizers were on their way. Lizzie noticed the look Olivia shot Ricki at the mention of the first round. She had come to learn rather quickly that this very look was the notorious “mum” look.

The karaoke event started an hour later than it had been advertised. Their table had claimed one copy of the song book for themselves to browse through. Angel, of course, already had his top five list of songs ready for his turn. And when it was officially announced that people could come up and start singing, he was the first in line. So much for Eric being the first to sing. There really was no stopping the queen when he wanted to do his thing.

After two rounds and practically devouring all the food they ordered, Lizzie felt a bit more relaxed than earlier. Granted, she was still a ball of nerves, but at least the two mules she drank were loosening that ball some. All she had to do was stop looking across the table where Eric was sitting directly across from her. He had already caught her glancing at him once.

Every so often though, she would give in to the urge. This especially applied when both Angel and Malcolm gave her a reason to look at Eric them. The three poured over the song book for a song for Eric to sing. He had apparently finally given in to their peer pressure and agreed to go up on stage. Admittedly, Lizzie was excited for this. She had been wanting to hear him sing since his performance that first Flat Night. And curiosity was killing her wanting to know what he would choose to sing tonight.

When Olivia finally took control of the situation and helped Eric pick a song he actually wanted to sing, she watched as he got up from their table and walked over to the stage. She didn’t think much about what she was doing as she pulled her phone out. Something about Eric being on stage just made her more attracted to him. Even if he was just standing on stage it looked like he belonged there.

And then he started singing The Beatles. It was a bit of a turn around from the first performance, but it was a nice turn around. A cool turn around. Lizzie didn’t even bother hiding how entertained she was watching him sing to The Beatles. Her smile only grew wider when the rest of the pub started singing along. Of course they would start singing along. This was London. And this was The Beatles. Lizzie was certain it was probably a sin not to sing along to a Beatles song when in London.

The bright smile on her lips faltered ever so slightly when she realized he was looking right at her. Like, there was some serious prolonged eye contact going on between them. Wait...deja vu. She could have sworn something like that occurred recently, but she just couldn’t put her finger on when. Whenever the previous situation occurred, Lizzie could feel her stomach do a somersault and stick the perfect landing. He really needed to stop looking at her that way with those damn perfect blue eyes. Wait...deja vu again.

As the song ended, Lizzie felt her phone buzz on her lap as a few text and Snapchat notifications popped up on her screen. She looked down briefly to check who these notifications were from. But at that very same moment, she missed as Eric rushed off the stage and returned to the table...directly to her. As his arms wrapped around her shoulders, Lizzie physically jumped from the sudden contact. It didn’t help that because she was wearing an off-shoulder top, the skin to skin contact felt as if she had just been shocked. She was so thankful to Angel for lending her the glasses. At least the frames could partially hide how flushed her cheeks were.

Was this what it actually felt like having him be this close when he wanted to be? The lack of space between them felt completely different from the car ride to the pub. While she still felt partially nervous and tense, he was into the physical contact. She was certain of it. He was practically leaning into her as he reached over for the song book so that they could look over the songs together. As he flipped through the pages, Lizzie momentarily pulled her gaze away from his slightly pouted, thoughtful lips and his handsomely long eyelashes to look across from her. Olivia had taken over Eric’s seat across the table and was looking right at them. Even when she made eye contact with her flatmate, Olivia did not back down from the challenge and just watched them carefully. In the end, it was Lizzie that broke eye contact to focus on the song book. Although, truthfully, she could not even focus on song titles because with each page turn, she felt Eric’s arm tug her closer to him. It was like she was experiencing last night’s Insta-story posts for the first time.

The longer she and Eric remained in this position, the harder it was for Lizzie to focus on the task at hand: picking a song for her to sing. First of all, when did she even agree to sing in the first place? Everyone else at their table was eager to get up on stage and sing their intoxicated butts off in front of this growing crowd. Hell, half the table was lined up at the side of the stage waiting for their turn. Come on, Eric. Let the rest of the flat enjoy a turn first. Watch them happily sing so that she could catch her breath.

Lizzie never verbally asked this request though. Instead, she just sat on her seat with wide eyes and the growing fear that if Eric moved his arm just an inch closer, he would feel just how fast her heart was beating right now; giving away every emotion she was trying to hide behind her bangs, glasses and dim lighting. She really wanted him to let go...but at the same time didn’t.

Just then a round of applause from the back broke her panicked concentration. She used the sudden noise to turn away from Eric and the song book to watch as a small group of guys cheered and applauded their friend who had just finished singing on stage. But as the group exchanged high fives with their brave comrade, she felt a tug once again and was forced to refocus on her own task. She still had to pick a song.

A voice in the back of her mind was screaming at her that she was being stupid. Why was she so nervous? This was karaoke. KARAOKE! It was one of her favorite activities of all time. Hell, she has a karaoke inspired tattoo inked on her skin. Tonight should be a damn breeze. She should have been one of the first to perform on stage ages ago. So why is it so hard now to pick a song when she had her staple top five just begging her to pick them?

One quick glance at Eric answered that question. She wanted to impress him. That was the cold, hard truth. It didn’t matter that her top five was mostly all the top hits from the top divas. None of them seemed right to perform in front of Eric Oliver. This man who performed whatever he wanted in front of her twice just because he felt like it. He picked songs that felt good to him. There was no way he had her in mind. He chose to sing what he wanted to sing and gave it his all. She wished she could do the same, but her heart wouldn’t let her.

And so began the brutal battle between her head and her heart. Her head, ever prepared with the handy dandy list of songs she killed at karaoke. They were all perfect for her first karaoke experience in London. And hell, she was already two and a half drinks in to not giving a damn if she cracked while singing. Her head was screaming at her to jump onto that damn stage and sang gurl, sang!

But her damn heart had sunken its painful claws into her arm and kept her back. Nah gurl, it wasn’t that simple. This song would be the first song Eric would ever hear her sing. She had to make the song choice count. She had to prove to him that her feelings for him were genuine and worth investing in.

“Look, Angel and Mal are going back up next.” Bless you, Olivia.

Lizzie used the announcement to pause the pressure she was laying on herself. After a brief glance at her flatmate then a quick one to Eric, she carefully adjusted her position under Eric’s arm to turn her attention back toward the stage. Angel and Malcolm were standing together, sharing the microphone as the first notes started on their song selection. Cheers erupted when the other patrons in the pub recognized the song.

It occurred to Lizzie halfway through Angel and Malcolm’s performance that Eric had still not removed his arm from around her shoulders. She realized then that her body had subconsciously gotten used to the physical contact to the point that she had even started leaning into him. For a second, her body tensed, but then she allowed herself to relax when she realized that he was enjoying this as much as she apparently was. Internally, her head was once again spinning over what the hell they were.

“Oi, Lizzie. Everyone else has taken their turn. You singing or not?” Lizzie blinked and turned to find that Ricki had returned to her seat beside her. She knew, of course, that her statement wasn’t entirely true. It was only the boys that had gone up. So why then did she feel so pressured to take her turn.

Lizzie cleared her throat and pulled away from Eric slightly. She refocused her attention on the song book she had abandoned for a bit. Fine. If Eric and Ricki wanted her to pick a song, she’ll pick a song. Right. Now.

She couldn’t believe she was doing this. The cheers coming from her flatmates seemed so embarrassing to her. Like, guys, stop pulling so much attention on her. Just let her sing her song and get it over with.

One of the employees of the pub came up on stage with her to help adjust the mic stand. Of course everyone before her had been giants. After a quick thank you, she selected the song she had finally decided to sing and waited for it to play. As the first couple notes blasted through the speakers, she clutched the microphone tightly and gently closed her eyes.

“Looking out on the morning rain
I used to feel so uninspired”

Having her eyes closed helped a lot. Unable to see all of - or some - eyes staring at her, she focused on the song. It was definitely a slower pace than some of the upbeat songs that had been performed before her. But it was also not depressingly slow that it would bring down the mood. It was just...soulful.

“'Cause you make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel like
A natural woman”

Further proving why Aretha was easily part of her top five go-to karaoke songs, it didn’t take Lizzie very long to get into the song. It was just so easy for her to drown in the emotions that came with singing it. And as she rolled through the second verse with passion, she finally braved opening her eyes.

Naturally, her brown eyes fell immediately on Eric’s perfect blue ones. And just like he did many songs ago, her gaze remained on him until the very end. The butterflies were replaced with the strange calm she felt singing her heart out.

As the song ended, Lizzie let out a satisfied breath. If there was applause and cheers, she didn’t care. What mattered to her was that her head and her heart were happy with what she put out. She did good, and she knew it.

“And here I thought you were going to blow everyone away with Mariah,” was Ricki’s first comment when Lizzie returned to the table.

“Please, you know she did everyone else a favor!” Angel chimed in with a scoff and a smug smirk.

Lizzie laughed lightly as she sunk back into her seat. She realized the moment she sat down that the atmosphere felt different; lighter. Whatever nerves she had before going up on stage were almost nonexistent. So much so that when she felt arms wrap around her again, she didn’t even question her response. She just pushed her chair even closer to Eric and nestled herself comfortably against his chest. She even missed the knowing glances the rest of the flat exchanged with one another witnessing as she and Eric continued their public displays of affection toward each other. Not that Lizzie was aware of how much they knew that she didn’t.

Lizzie remained comfortable in Eric’s arms for a grand total of five performances since her own. She couldn’t be bothered to move, not even to finish her now abandoned drink. She was perfectly content with Eric’s arms around her and her head resting on his chest with her long ponytail hanging over his shoulder. Let other, more drunk patrons of the pub have their moment to shine on stage.

A little more time passed. Angel had gone up to sing a grand total of four times now and had even crashed a performance with a couple of strangers when they started singing to Lady Gaga. Lizzie watched others sing in snippets. The rest of the time, her phone was once again out and documenting just how sprung she was over Eric Oliver. This time, she was fairly certain she was going to remember everything the next day. She didn’t need alcohol anymore. She was already drunk on all her feels for Eric.

omg lizzzzz the heart eyes are so real!

Said one text message from Lacey.

Another text message from Irene asked if their PDA on her Insta-story meant she talked things out with Eric. Lizzie was quick to exit out of that text window before Eric could read it over her shoulder. It had been hours since she last worried about giving into her feelings for Eric. She didn’t want this moment ruined because of it. All she wanted right now was the feeling of Eric’s arms around her, their hands interlaced and the gentle sounds of his heartbeat against her ear.

“You know what I’ve been thinking?” Ricki suddenly commented after a long sip from her drink. Lizzie recognized that her roommate’s speech was slightly slurred. Uh oh. Someone should probably cap her soon before they have a repeat of last night. “You two should sing, right now.”

“What? Why?” Lizzie blurted out.

She lifted her head up slightly so that she could look at Eric. Admittedly, this was the first time she actually looked at him directly since she sat down many songs ago. Since then the only time she saw his face was through her phone screen when they took more pictures together.

“Well, I’m down if you are,” she told him.

She then released her hands from his and pulled away from him slightly so that she could grab the song book. Between the both of them, the options for any kind of duet was endless. What songs did he know? Other than The Beatles, what other artists did he like?

In the end, she opened the song book to a random page and skimmed the list of titles. However, nothing really popped out at her as a song she wanted to sing with Eric. So she kept flipping pages until she or he made some kind of reaction. There were, of course, a couple duet songs that she enjoyed singing with another person...but it didn’t take her very long to realize that said songs were typically duets she had sung with another...about five months ago. She was definitely not ready to open those wounds yet, especially not while she was with Eric.

Lizzie flipped through quite a handful of pages with no response from neither herself nor Eric. At one point, she had considered just giving up on the challenge and continue to cuddle against him when she suddenly felt him...was it a gasp? She stopped mid-page turn and once more tilted her head up to look at him. “Yes?” she asked curiously.

Eric pointed at a song title. Leather and Lace by Stevie Nicks. Huh, so he’s a Stevie Nicks fan? Lizzie was familiar with the song. Jane is a huge Fleetwood Mac fan and by extension loved Stevie Nicks. Okay, yeah, she was certain she could keep up in case she failed to remember some of the lyrics.

“Alright, lover. Let’s do this!” she cheered as she dropped the song book back onto the table. She then grabbed one of his hands and pulled them over to the stage.

After a strange situation when a group of three practically fought each other for a chance at the mic, the pub had set up more than one microphone to accommodate the many groups that insisted on singing together. More people were drunk enough to pluck up the courage to join in karaoke night to the point that there was quite a queue waiting for their turn. Lizzie fell into line, realizing that the nerves were returning. Maybe it was because she was sobering up after having quit drinking for the night earlier. Or maybe - and she was fairly certain it was more this reason than the first - it was because she would be singing with Eric. It was one thing for them to sing separately. But together? Would they pull it off?

And just like that, Lizzie was starting to psyche herself out. What if they sang together and it didn’t sound great? It occurred to her that, sure, they both were good singers and performers, but their styles were somewhat different. Could they pull it off? What would it mean for them - if there was a them - if they couldn’t?

Lizzie pulled her hand from Eric’s for fear that he would find out how nervous she was suddenly. Realistically, she could back out now; find some excuse to change her mind. But then...would he think badly of her? Would he think she didn’t like him enough to sing with him? Oh God, yeah she was starting to panic a little.


Lizzie sent that to JKL, her back against the wall so that Eric wouldn’t see what she was texting on her phone. As she waited for her best friends to reply back, her nails nervously tapped against the back of her phone. Why did this line feel so damn long?



Nope. Didn’t help one bit.

Finally, it was their turn. Lizzie let out a shuddering breath as she took to the stage while Eric punched in the song into the machine. Once again, the mic stand had to be adjusted for her height. At one point while she watched the microphone drop below eye level, she contemplated the possibility of just holding the damn thing. At least she could hold something to attempt to calm her nerves.

She tried to breathe the nerves away while watching Eric come up to the stage to join her. Any moment now, the music would start and she would determine if this - them - would go well. Oh shit.

“Is love so fragile
And the heart so hollow
Shatter with words
Impossible to follow
You're saying I'm fragile I try not to be
I search only for something I can't see”

Okay, doing good so far. Lizzie breathed a quick sigh of relief that she had successfully made it through the first verse without butchering any of the lyrics. Jane would be so proud of her.

Unlike with her first song, Lizzie didn’t spend the first half of this with her eyes closed. She couldn’t. Not with the most perfect guy standing right beside her. So to combat the urge to shut her eyes, she ignored the audience with the attention span to watch them. Instead, she kept her eyes solely on Eric. Something about the way he looked back at her made her weak, but also strong and confident. Like, even if she totally blanked on the next lyrics, he would still think the world of her.

“Lovers forever face to face
My city your mountains
Stay with me stay”

Okay, they actually sounded pretty good harmonizing. Lizzie felt her heart leap in her chest. There was definitely something between them. More than happy glances in the few hours they spent together on Tuesdays. More than the hugs and snuggles of the past two days. More than the realization that Lizzie was developing the deepest crush on the very man standing on stage right beside her.

And as their song came to an end, she felt herself descend from Cloud Nine with the hope that he felt the same way too.

The cheers from her flatmates and others that watched faded into the distance as she followed Eric off the stage. She was stuck in her head as it wrestled with her heart over this new revelation. Suddenly her cousin’s words from earlier popped into her head: Talk. To. Him.

Would it be that simple? After all the mixed signals and Instagram stalking, can simply talking it out with him clear everything?

“Eric, wait…” Lizzie blurted out, reaching for his arm to stop him. Wow, deja vu. Why did this scene feel so familiar? “Can we talk?”

A cool breeze swept against her bare shoulders as she pushed the exit door open. She shook off the shiver while keeping the door open for Eric. Once they were both outside, she let go of the door and watched it close. She realized she was stalling time. At the time, this seemed like a good idea. Now? She wanted to throw up then curl up under a rock and never show her face to Eric ever again.

It was now or never though, Lizzie knew this. This was Irene’s golden advice. All she needed to do was talk to him; clear up this entire mess she called her feelings. This was do or die.

“Soo…” she started awkwardly. “Well, that was fun. You sounded amazing, naturally.”

Lizzie cleared her throat again. “Okay, I guess I should just get this over with,” she continued, pushing her glasses up. “I think, um, there’s...something here, um, between us. I don’t know if you feel it too, but ever since...God...I don’t know exactly…. That first Flat Night? Our lunch at the ABC? Whenever it was, I’ve tried to figure out what it is about you that makes me...want to constantly be around you.” Lizzie’s heart was pounding so painfully in her chest, she was so nervous. The more she spoke, the more she found it difficult to look at Eric. So she focused on the center of his shirt. It was pathetic, but it was better than staring at his shoes.

“And, to be honest, these past couple days I’ve been a mess reading between the lines to get some kind of, like, clear answer. It really doesn’t help that I have very little recollection of what happened last night; save for whatever I had posted on Insta during that time.” She took a deep breath at her pause. She attempted to pluck up the courage she needed to say what she needed to say now.

After one more deep breath, Lizzie slowly lifted her head up to look at Eric; straight into his perfect blue eyes. “I’m not saying that we need to, like, decide on whatever it is we want out of...this,” she started slowly, waving her hand between them. “But I would like for us to slowly figure that out, together. On the same page? Ya know, start from a common base, get to know each other more and go from there?” Lizzie paused again as the next words got stuck in her throat. The image of Diana and Eric posing together weakened her courage. “That is...of course...if you want to. I could be wrong. This could just be me...and I’m just standing here like a total idiot. For all I know, you could be unavailable and just really friendly towards others.”

There it was, Irene. Lizzie talked to him. It was now out in the open. Heart on her off shoulder sleeve.
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()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 091418----------- LOCATION — in the flat----------- COMPANY — flatmates + mr. quinn

For a brief moment after their first harmony Eric couldn’t hear the music. You could blame it on the cheers from the crowd, the alcohol, or even his own heartbeat echoing in his ears. But the truth was much simpler than that: he wasn’t listening to it. He was completely distracted by the smaller girl sharing the stage with him. But not even just distracted. He was lost in Lizzie.

Lost in her eyes, lost in her voice. Held in place by the magnetic pull he felt from standing so close to her. Right now for these few seconds it was just the two of them up on that stage. No cheeky flatmates watching, no audience voicing how much they were enjoying the song, it was just them; just Eric and Lizzie. It was like last night all over again, and suddenly everything felt just right. It was so familiar being this close to her, like this was how it was supposed to be, how it always was supposed to have been, like he couldn’t remember his life before she entered it.

”You in the moonlight
With your sleepy eyes
Could you ever love a man like me”

Something had reminded him to continue singing when his verse came along, let’s call it instinct because he knew this song so well that he just naturally started up on cue. While the last song he hadn’t known where to look or what to do with himself, this time around it was easy; all he wanted to do was watch Lizzie, so that’s all he did. His eyes never left her, his memory archiving every time she blinked, adjusted her hair, smiled, everything.

He’d already had a couple drinks courtesy of the flat, but he wasn’t exactly drunk, not by the usual definition at least. No amount of alcohol could compare to the feeling he got being with Lizzie. They should be singing Drunk in Love rather than Leather and Lace. He couldn’t think straight around her, but as nervous as she made him feel she also brought that sense of relief and purpose to him. She was the only person he needed right now. She was his everything and nothing else mattered. Nothing. Not one single thing— ”Can we talk?”

When had they gotten off the stage? He vaguely remembered ending the song with her, the cheers and applause, but leaving the stage? Eric had no recollection of that, the only thing in his head were the Lizzie archives he had been working so hard at over the past three minutes and forty-nine seconds.

He didn’t need to look to know that Olivia was watching him. He could feel her eyes on the back of his head as he followed Lizzie outside. Olivia’s earlier warnings tapped on his left shoulder, reminding him to be cautious and rational. To not impulsively give his heart away to the first person that was nice to him. Eric had asked if she didn’t like or trust Lizzie, which Olivia had been quick to clarify wasn’t the case. But she had never quite pinpointed why she was so hesitant about the new girl. “Just be careful Eric.” Yeah okay Mum, whatever you say.
Meanwhile Lizzie sat on his right shoulder humming away to a familiar tune. Something about a bit of your heart...was she the Devil on his shoulder in this internal debate?

Well here he was standing outside the pub with Lizzie feeling very much like the main character of a rom com. Eric was rather used to being overlooked by just about everyone, both romantically and not, and so he wasn’t sure how to handle all this new attention he’d been receiving the past couple weeks. Was this, normal? Getting summoned to talk in private like this? Truthfully most of Eric’s relationship experiences were very one sided and open, everything on the table, he knew exactly what he was getting dragged into. Secret talks like this were always reserved for Olivia and usually only happened when he had messed up. Like if she was worried about him or came to attack him for his lack of self care. Was Lizzie going to attack him now? He thought they had been great on stage. Had he missed an important social cue? That would be just like him to be completely oblivious to something important. He was feeling sick now trying to make sense of all the possibilities circling in his head, that nervous butterfly feeling from the car ride was back but Eric still kept his full attention on her.

She said it had been fun. Yes it had. And that he sounded amazing. As did she. Great, so they were in agreeance, what was the issue? Eric’s fidgeting from earlier was settling in the longer they stood here. Back inside he could hold the mic, or his drink or Lizzie, but out here he had nothing and so he adjusted his hair. A typical Eric response while he anxiously awaited Lizzie to get to whatever she had wanted to say.

“Something between us”. Yeah he had felt it alright, in fact he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it—to stop feeling it. It was more than just getting along with someone, more than just chemistry. There was some invisible force physically pulling them together. When they were apart he felt her absence and when they were together he felt drawn to her as though she were some mythical being that held him entranced. If she said to follow her he would follow her, if she said to leave he would leave, if she said to jump he would matter what he was jumping from. But all this time Eric hadn’t a clue what to do with this “feeling”, he’d never felt it before. During moments of clarity his mother used to speak similarly of heroin; that addiction was more than just liking something a lot. It was more like feeling as though your life couldn’t go on without it. Was that what this was? Was he addicted to Lizzie? He’d watched what addiction did to his mother for years up until it took her from him. He knew he was predisposed to it; thank you genetics. Was history just going to repeat itself now? Was he going to end up just like his mother: funneling all his time and money into short term happiness? Was that all this was? Was Lizzie just his escape? way. Eric wasn’t that naïve or stupid. He knew his mother’s drug addiction and his feelings for Lizzie were in different categories.

Wait, feelings? Yes Eric, feelings. Feelings are what you two are currently discussing. Come on back to the present now and stop staring at her like a bloody idiot. Close your mouth, blink a couple times—are you breathing? Ok good. Don’t fix your hair, you just did that—oh, okay well too late already doing it again. Nod that you agree with her. Yes. Together. Same page. Common base. Get to know each other. Yes. Yes to all of it. But Eric couldn’t find his voice to respond. Admittedly he sort of wasn’t in the right mental state to process any of this right now. A little bit tired. A little bit tipsy. A little bit confused. A little bit overwhelmed. A little bit caught off guard. A little bit of your heart.

Hold up, what did she just say? Unavailable? Eric? Oh Lizzie, ohhh little Lizzie. Eric Oliver was so available he might as well be one of those shelter dogs paraded around with an “Adopt Me” vest on in hopes that someone, like Lizzie, would fall in love and take him home with them.

Alright Eric, no matter what it is crucial that you do not start your sentence with— ”Uhm,” so much for starting off strong. After having watched her the entire time she spoke, and maintaining eye contact when she had initiated it, Eric was now glancing away as he struggled to formulate his own sentences on the spot. Lizzie had the courage to speak her mind, why couldn’t he do the same? ”It’s been fun, yeah.”

Idiot, that sounds like an ending statement. Like the equivalent of “compliment compliment but”. It’s been fun, but
”I mean—I’ve enjoyed being with you—I do—I do enjoy being with you.” There was a pause. A moment of silence for Eric as he regretted everything he just said. God he was awful at this, truly awful. He would do just about anything to rewind and start all over, ”Sorry.”

His hair had fallen in his efforts to avoid facing Lizzie directly so yet again, Eric’s fingers traced through his hair to push it out of the way. This time squaring himself up with Lizzie and forcing himself to at least look at her, even if he couldn’t meet her eyes just yet, ”Truthfully, I don’t remember much of last night either. I don’t really know what’s real and not real—it’s all a little hazy,” okay Eric, get back on topic, you were doing well, ”But I do know the past two weeks have been extraordinary—” Wow, strong word choice, hope you have something to follow that up, ”I mean—it’s been a long time since I’ve looked forward to anything this much.” Looked forward to seeing you.

And there it was. The but. He trailed off, feeling like he had gone beyond what he was ready for. She literally just said she was struggling to read between the lines, and there he went being as unclear as ever. Stop dancing around it Eric and just tell the poor girl what she wants to hear.

Another pause. Lizzie looked like she was ready to say something but Eric was quick to interject, ”Okay—” Eric finally focused back on Lizzie’s eyes and did his absolute best to maintain that eye contact. He knew he probably sounded all over the place and might not be making much sense. Alcohol? Psh, the Lizzie effect was at least five times stronger and had him stumbling over all his words. But hopefully looking at her and holding her gaze would help show that he was serious about this, even if he didn’t sound very convincing. All he could do was pray she would see past his poor wording and give him a chance to prove himself.
”We can see what happens—” unsure as ever, you can do better than that, ”—figure it out...together.”

There, was that really so hard? Yes, yes it was. He wanted nothing more than to run and hide right now. This wasn’t like him at all. Well, somewhat. It was all very true Eric fashion, he really wasn’t great with words. But he had never struggled this much to talk to a girl before, ever. It really was something about Lizzie that had him acting like a shy fan girl at a meet and greet. He’d never had this much trouble talking to other girls, but maybe that was because at the end of the day he didn’t care what they thought of him. While Lizzie, as Eric was just now finding out, he cared a great deal what she thought of him.

He apologized again. Not entirely what for, but it just felt necessary after that train of words he just derailed. They exchanged smiles, the mood lifted and a certain feeling of closeness between them. When they had had enough alone time it was Eric’s turn to lead the way inside, holding the door for her and then nodding as she mentioned she was going to the restroom real quick.

Eric returned to the table and sat in silence, staring at a napkin left sitting out on the table. It took a few tries for Olivia to finally get his attention and when he did finally hear her and look up she looked just about ready to explode with all the questions she was fighting to hold back, ”Where’d Lizzie go?” He gestured back to the corner of the pub where the bathrooms were located but Eric was too slow to offer an explanation as his best friend was already leaning across the table to be close enough to keep their conversation between them. She spoke in a low voice, asking what had just happened—why they had gone outside together. Eric however clammed up, reaching for a drink as it appeared next round had been bought while he was outside. She tried again, Eric—“

But suddenly Angel was wrapping himself around Eric’s shoulder and insisting he go up to sing with him and whining something along the lines of “Lizzie can’t have you all to herself.” Normally Eric would probably protest against being pulled back on stage for a third time that night. Especially with Angel of all people. But as it was he hopped on the opportunity to get away from Olivia, and even away from Lizzie. He should have been feeling relief after they both determined they felt some type of way for each other. But it was having the opposite effect for Eric and he was more stressed now, even borderline regretting everything he had just told Lizzie. What had he gotten himself into?? After chugging a good half of his glass he got to his feet with the intent to follow Angel to the stage however a tug at his sleeve had him stop and look down to a slightly concerned yet intimidatingly stern Olivia holding him in place to grab his attention, ”We’re talking later.” That was neither a question or suggestion. There was no getting out of that.

That was the last song Eric sang that night. He didn’t even finish his drink when he got back to the table. While the rest of the flat conversed Eric stayed quiet, stuck in his head and replaying everything that was said. Everything he should have said—or shouldn’t have...why had he agreed with her? It was like ordering food with your eyes and being unable to finish in the end. Eric wanted this, he truly did. But now that he wasn’t alone with Lizzie and he wasn’t put on the spot to give an answer...oh god Eric. She’s an international student. And lives in Olivia’s flat. What were you thinking agreeing to this? One of the voices in his head reasoned that it was okay to date without commitment. Love didn’t last. His non existent father was proof of that. Maybe she just wanted some fun while abroad? They were both consenting adults. They could be involved without it meaning anything. But did he want that? This whole crush feels thing was a new experience for him, but he knew enough that he didn’t feel that way about her. That he held her higher in his heart than a summer fling. But did she? She must feel the same or else she wouldn’t have made such a speech and would have been more direct. Right? So they were on the same page, but Eric also wasn’t actually ready to let someone into his life like that. What would she think of him once she learned literally anything personal about him??

So he was going in circles in his head fighting both sides of this argument all on his own. Then he realized he was staring at her and blinked away real fast. This was pretty much how the rest of the night went.

By the time they had returned to the flat everyone was about ready to turn in for the night. Eric still hadn’t had a proper conversation with any of the others. He hadn’t ignored any one by any means, but he had definitely checked out and did not speak unless spoken to. Not typical tipsy Eric behavior at all. But while everyone grabbed snacks and water and settled in, Eric continued his slightly out of character behavior by emptying the trash. Anything to not be there in the common space with everyone and his thoughts.

”Sit.” Eric turned to see Olivia, a lit cigarette between her fingers as she gestured to the chairs placed by the fire pit. She had followed him outside, cornered him, there was no escaping this now, ”So you wanna explain what happened tonight?” She passed him the cigarette and waited patiently while he took his turn, giving him a moment or two to compose his thoughts a little.

Eric explained how Lizzie asked him outside to talk and how she had essentially confessed to having some sort of feelings for him. How she asked if they could explore those feelings. ”I knew it—“ Eric faltered in his story, Olivia’s interruption having broken his momentum, ”Sorry, go on…”
”Well what did you say to her?! I thought you two had a fight or something the way you looked when you came back. But no you two love birds were out there—no don’t give me that look. You fancy her, don’t bother trying to deny it.”
Eric forced her to wait while he took his time with the next drag of their shared cigarette. He couldn’t lie, not to Olivia. Not that he wanted to, but there was like an immense pressure from her and it made it difficult for Eric to find the words she wanted to hear.

”I said that I like being with her,” Olivia was hand motioning for him to keep going, she wasn’t about to let him leave out any important details, ”That she makes me happy…?” Olivia was really out here fishing to get the word for word story, ”...that it’s been a long time since I’ve had something to look forward to.” There it was, not just pleastries and enjoying someone’s company. But that he himself was affected by Lizzie’s presence. Olivia was trying to hide her smirk, Eric was wishing he was drunk, ”And?”
”I told her we could see what happens—between us.”
“So you said all that. You agreed to like explore your feelings or whatever—and then you panicked, avoided her, and treated her like shit the rest of the night.” Well that was one way to put it, thanks Olivia, ”Eric…” she let out a sigh, ”You can’ can’t just…”

You can’t just shoot down any and everyone who tries to enter your life because you’re afraid of getting left or hurt. Relationships are a two way street, the other side has feelings too and you can’t go around hurting others to avoid getting hurt yourself.

She couldn’t get the words out, not this time around. But now feeling extra awful about the entire thing, Eric pressed his back against his seat and looked away from Olivia in hopes that he would just vanish off the face of the Earth in that moment.

”It’s okay Eric, we can fix this.” Fix this how? Olivia had clearly called him out on it, he’d treated Lizzie like shit the rest of the night compared to yesterday when he had been all over her, ”You told her yes, now its time to do something about it. Show her you meant it and you’re not just some English prick.” Wow. ”Take her to lunch on Monday or something, you know where she works right? Meet her and—“ Olivia stopped herself once she realized what she was suggesting. This was the very root of his fear, the thing holding him back to most: money.
”I’ll order something and you can bring it to her—“
This time it was Eric’s turn to cut her off, ”I can’t, the show opens Friday. I’m working double shifts with rehearsal every night.” She nodded along, the wheels clearly turning in Olivia’s head as she processed this change in events, ”I probably won’t be coming by the flat at all this week…”

“Okay, and have you told her that?” Eric fell silent, his eyes slowly trailing to the side, ”So that’s a no. “
By the time the two friends returned inside Olivia had said her piece on why it was important he be clear with Lizzie if he truly did want to see something happen between them. Those weren’t her exact words, she spoke a little harsher. But as before continued her warning him to be careful. Why? Why did she keep telling him to pursue this….whatever it was between him and Lizzie, but then in the same breath reminded him to be careful as she had before. Be careful of what. Who exactly was she worried for in this scenario?

As usual Eric was the first one awake Sunday morning. He had showered and was in the middle of pouring tea for himself when a noise had him glancing over his shoulder to see none other than little Lizzie herself, ”Morning…”
Panic gripped his heart as it quickly dawned on him that they were alone here in the kitchen. All of last night’s mistakes flashed through his head as he fought with himself over how he should be reacting. Yes you could place partial blame for last night’s behavior on the few drinks he’d had, but at the end of the day he was in fact responsible for himself and Eric knew he was at fault. How to go about this…
He couldn’t just ignore last night and carry on as if nothing happened. But he wasn’t prepared to sit down and explain himself and why he had completely flipped on her immediately after they had just had their talk. And honestly he didn’t really know what had gotten him so spooked in the first place. In actuality it was almost like getting a first tattoo. To want something for so long, to want something so badly, to be unable to picture your life without it. But then you sit in that chair and you watch the artist prep his gun and suddenly you cant help but wonder if this is truly the right choice for you. Eric had experienced first tattoo nerves, he’d clearly gotten over them. He could get over this too. He just needed to push himself.

”Tea?” Oh bravo Eric, way to simultaneously be completely normal but also avoid the elephant in the room. She accepted his offer so Eric silently went to work preparing a second mug for her and then passed it over with a soft, ”Here.”

Leaning against the counter now he picked up his own tea to take his first sip, eyes on Lizzie over the brim of his mug as he contemplated how to get through this. He really did need to leave soon, he had errands to run before work. Last minute arrangements for the show, printed programs to pick up, it was a busy life being both the playwright and the director. But Lizzie’s magnetic pull was strong as always and he honestly wanted nothing more than to go sit down with her. Even if they sat in complete silence; he just wanted to be near her, to touch her, to feel her…

”You’re up early—do you have plans today?” She didn’t. Cool...okay Eric, now what? Stop forcing small talk and just—just talk to her. When the question was rephrased and directed back to him he stood there blinking at her for a second: she had remembered he worked Sunday nights, ”Yeah I have work tonight—overnight—“ And then his added shifts...he was tired just thinking about this week.

While they spoke Eric managed to put together a breakfast consisting of a slice of toast and he grabbed a banana to bring with him. His bag was across the room by the couch, having actually brought it this time, but in order to put the banana in his bag he would have to walk over there, which meant passing Lizzie—who seemed to have picked up on the fact he was getting ready to leave as opposed to just waking up, ”Yeah I’m heading out—I have some errands to take care of—I’ll just go straight to work after.” That was his cue, he had finished his tea by now and crossed back to the couch to grab his bag and step into his boots.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
Tomorrow? Oh...this was what Olivia had meant by insisting that he tell Lizzie that he wouldn’t be coming by at all for the rest of the week.
“Umm actually— I got asked to cover at work—tomorrow—and opening night is Friday— for my show—I have rehearsal every day this week…” His anxious rambling of valid excuses finally came to an end and there was a moment of silence between them then. Not necessarily awkward, but just, where could the conversation go from there? Lizzie had nodded in understanding but Olivia’s voice rang out in the back of his head, this was about to become a missed opportunity if he didn’t act on it. Like right now this instant, ”Uhm,” he was stalling now as he reached for his backpack and rummaged inside briefly until he found the notebook he needed. When he opened it a pair of tickets were visible, having been kept safely between the pages, ”If you don’t already have plans,” he passed the two over, ”I know it’s so last minute. I’m sorry, you probably have work or school or something—“ Oh my god, Eric. Breathe. Inhale, exhale. Now quit rambling excuses and just invite the girl in a single sentence. ”You should come watch—I mean, only if you’re interested. Don’t feel like you have to go. It’s fine if you don’t—or can’t.“

He technically still hadn’t apologized for last night. Did he need to? Like, was it a necessary step for them? Had he hurt her last night? Or would he be better off just moving on and not bringing it up? He didn’t want her to think that he was only inviting her in an effort to make up for being a jerk last night. Lizzie had reached for the tickets but rather than letting go immediately he waited for their fingers to brush against each other before taking her hand in his and holding her there for a moment. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her.

”I think I owe you an apology,” he couldn’t exactly tell her why he reacted the way he had. He was still figuring that out himself, he just knew going from arms around her to zero contact was not how it was supposed to have been. Eric inhaled, as though preparing to speak his mind, only nothing came out. He needed that extra pause apparently.

”Could we start over?”
Yes he was into her, he knew that much at least. Yes he wanted to spend more time with her. Yes he wanted to explore their feelings or however she had put it. Yes he was terrified of this and might still regret it again in ten minutes time when he was alone again. But being around Lizzie gave him this calm strength that had him pushing on to finish what he was trying to say, ”I would like to be with you—er—be closer...see what happens—“ he was losing himself again and sighed, loosening his hold on her hand but unable to lose contact with her as he fought the panic off and looked away to try and ground himself before continuing on, ”So I’m sorry...for last night, and I’d still like to…” he’d like to what? What do you call this? Oh well there was no way she didn’t know what he was referring to, ”If you do…”

Well, there it was, are you happy Olivia? Was this enough? He really did try. This was all well outside his comfort zone. Eric was never opposed to apologizing when he was in the wrong. He had been raised to say sorry and not to be the bigger man or anything. The hard part here that left him a stuttering mess was that he had never had feelings for the person he had wronged.

When it did come time to say goodbye, it was on a much better note. Less awkward or uncertain. More on the same page, like they had agreed to be. Eric still hadn’t fully released her hand, his clingy nature peeking through even while completely sober. But it was finally time to go, and so he broke contact with Lizzie to wear his backpack properly with both arms through the straps. This was when a person would normally do the phone keys wallet dance to check their pockets. Even Eric did normally confirm his belongings but he was too distracted with how close he was standing to Lizzie. Could she hear his heart still racing from his apology? When did they get this close to each other? He couldn’t just slide past her, that would be so awkward and he didn’t want to do that anyways. Before he knew it his arm was slinking around her for a hug, and his other arm joined shortly after he made contact. Well that happened, ”I’ll see you later then?” Of all the things he could have said...well it was better than nothing. When he pulled away his eyes caught hers and Eric froze for an extra second, unable to look away and once again just wanting to stay there with her. But he had errands and work. He needed to go. It was a little later than he had initially planned for, but Eric eventually managed to get out of the flat and was off to the car to start day one of his hell week.

Luckily Lizzie was a theatre nerd and knew what a hell week was; a term coined for rehearsal binging the week or two before a show’s opening night. What she didn’t know was that it was literally a week from hell for Eric. Extra shifts left and right to refuel his wallet followed by rehearsals that ran late into the night. Then he was either crashing on a mate’s couch or going straight back to work. Eric. Was. Exhausted. It was near impossible to keep track of the day of the week as everything just blurred together. He wasn’t normally an excessive coffee drinker but this week he found himself heavily relying on it to stay awake. He napped when and where he could and ate what he managed to get his hands on at work. As busy as he was though Eric still had managed to get distracted from everything he was supposed to be doing. He could not get that tune out of his head all week. Those lyrics he had started some few weeks ago. He couldn’t get Lizzie’s face out of his head either and even caught himself at work glancing into the restaurant as though she might be there. Stress and depression work wonders for artistic creativity. By the time Friday came around he had finished a good 90% of his lyrics and had most of it written out in his notebook with the chords. He hadn’t actually been able to sit down with his guitar and work, so all his notes were still a little up in the air and just what he thought would sound good. Hopefully after opening weekend he would have time to properly flesh it out but at least it had a title now: Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart

Well it was finally Friday, opening night. Eric had worked his usual shift till 4pm and then rushed straight to the theatre where his stage manager had been hard at work all day with last minute prep work. He was dressed from head to toe in black. He wasn’t dressed up though, he didn’t have the time nor clean laundry for that. So Eric had settled for just a basic black henley and black pants. It wasn’t like this was a large scale production anyways. The target audience was mostly other university students. There wouldn’t be anyone important to meet and he wasn’t going to be paraded around. There was no reason to dress up, so he opted to blend in with the other production staff. He also took blending in to the next level by staying out of sight and watching the audience file in from his hiding place backstage. Eric wasn’t usually this nervous for his shows, excited nervous maybe but never anxious nervous. But he had never invited a girl he liked to a show he had written before. This was a whole new experience for him and his throat closed in on itself when he finally caught sight of Lizzie and Olivia entering from the back of the house. Oh god what had he gotten himself into?

The entire show he was absolutely wracked with anxiety but none of it was related to his playwright baby. Eric was completely consumed by his fear of seeing Lizzie again after having not seen her at all all week. He hadn’t even spoken with Olivia since their little smoke break chat in the yard. And here they both were and Eric felt like he was going to be sick. A part of him was truly looking forward to being reunited with them, but right now the initial fear was just too strong so Eric would stay in the wings till the end of the show when he knew he wouldn’t have a choice because Olivia would have someone bring him out if he didn’t go on his own.

Well thankfully for everyone there was no need to have him summoned tonight. Eric went out on his own free will after the ending bows and braved his way over to where the girls had been sitting.
”There you are! Way to keep a girl waiting. “
He couldn’t tell if this was a figure of speech or if Olivia was literally referring to him making Lizzie them wait until the very end to see him? Well either way, he was still thankful Olivia was there to bridge the gap between him and Lizzie. Congratulations and compliments were handed out, as to be expected when one goes to view another’s art but Olivia was quick to refocus them on well...them as she insisted they all take a group photo.

Shortly after while they were all just talking, a couple actors came up to Eric excitedly raving about the after party. Now Eric wasn’t one to normally turn down a party or drink, but with Lizzie on his other side the hesitation was clear as all he wanted was to go back to the flat with her and Olivia. Surprisingly though it was Olivia who insisted he go out with the troupe, ”Go celebrate with your mates,” she had said, ”Just be sure you come over tomorrow for dinner. “
She fought him when he mentioned that there were shows all weekend. Olivia said they could survive without him for one night, but she never said why it was so important that he show up to this dinner in particular. So they separated, the girls went back to the flat while Eric went out drinking on his limited hours of sleep. He was going to crash again as soon as he caught a break in his schedule…

So Saturday he showed up at the flat for dinner after work as promised. The butterflies were back at the prospect of seeing Lizzie but before he could even see her he was hit with a bit of a roadblock, ”Oh, BT is here!”
So that’s why Olivia wouldn’t tell him why it was so important for him to come over. She knew that Ricki’s father would be here and that Eric likely wouldn’t show if he found out. It wasn’t that Eric didn’t like Mr.Quinn, or that they didn’t get along. Honestly there was no real negative experience between them, it was purely a clash of personalities. Ricki’s father made him kind of uncomfortable to be around. Too many jokes? Too friendly? Eric never had a solid male role model in his life, and as such he didn’t know how to interact with someone like Ricki’s father who was a genuinely good person. So see, there was nothing bad between them, Eric was just ten types of awkward all by himself. That wasn’t to say he would go deer in headlights or run for the hills, Eric worked in a hotel, he could get through most social situations without letting on how he truly felt.

Right, feelings. He looked past Mr. Quinn, eyes taking quick roll call in his head: Ricki was next to her father, Olivia on the other couch, Angel was nowhere to be seen but Malcolm seemed to be up to something in the kitchen. A glance away from Malcolm and Eric was able to spot Lizzie sitting at the dining room table with her eyes glued to her phone.
”Eriiiiic~” Oh Angel had surfaced, the whole gang was here. It was then Lizzie seemed to have noticed he had arrived and even if he had tried Eric wouldn’t have been able to hide the growing smile on his face as she rushed over to greet him. This. This was it. This was what he had craved all week. This was the feeling that he got being around Lizzie. She made him feel wanted. No one else had left their seat when he walked in the room. Eric was ready to collapse under her touch. The week’s exhaustion was hitting him hard but the adrenaline rush from seeing her was just strong enough to keep him on his feet and once she was in speaking range he greeted her with a smile and a: ”I made it. “
As if that wasn’t obvious.


()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 091818----------- LOCATION — the flat----------- COMPANY — eric

If Lizzie was making it obvious that she was staring at Eric, she didn’t care. She was confused, and honestly a little hurt. She couldn’t understand why he was acting this way. All she did was take a detour to the bathroom, but upon her return it was as if they hadn’t just spoken outside a moment ago. In fact, it was like their first meeting all over again. As this thought circled around in her head, she felt the regret swell up inside her. Had she been too bold? Had she made a mistake talking to him? She was going to kill Irene for this.

As Eric continued to make it obvious he was avoiding her, Lizzie found it difficult to keep up with the morale of the group. That didn’t mean she didn’t stop trying. She followed along with the girls when they joked and laughed. She cheered for Angel when he returned on stage for a fifth, sixth and seventh time. But anything outside of the bare minimum required to not dampen the spirits of the others around her? She couldn’t pluck up the energy. The longer Eric chose to remain across from her at the table instead of beside her, the more she just prayed for the night to be over. The emotional pressure squeezing her chest fueled her loneliness and all she wanted to do was talk to her friends.

Her emotions only became worse when they all returned to the flat. Lizzie was exhausted having kept a cheery facade in front of the others the rest of the time they were out. But the moment the front door to the flat opened, she walked right into her room to grab her US phone. From the other side of the closed door, she could hear the other flatmates still on their high from such a fun-filled night. She envied them. She wished that for just one moment she could forget the talk...and then the aftermath.

But Eric was on the other side of that door doing only god knows what. The trip back to the flat from the city was a trainwreck. Halfway through the commute, Lizzie had completely given up making an effort to get through to him. She couldn’t pluck up the energy any longer to act like nothing was wrong with them. Had she dreamt their talk outside the pub? Had her heart imagined that he had said yes to giving them a chance? Was her brain finally catching her up to reality? Through the haze of her deepest desires...had he said no? Was it because of Diana after all?

A lump formed in her throat as she sniffed back the threat of tears. She couldn’t believe she had been so naive and stupid. How could she had let herself get her hopes so high up in such a short amount of time? Why did she have to read between every single line; every little clue? As she waited for her US phone to turn on, Lizzie rewind through every interaction she had with Eric since their first accidental meeting. He had been so friendly, or at least tried to in the beginning. Had she pushed too hard to try and get to know him? Was it wrong of her to be so persistent? Did he even give her a sign that he wanted her to back off?

No. No, he hadn’t.

And if the past couple of nights had told her anything, he did the total opposite. Lizzie suddenly remembered the weight of his arm around her shoulders tonight and the warmth between their bodies. She recalled her Instagram story from last night. He could not keep his hands off of her almost every second. He was so attached to her. No, they were so attached to each other. So then what was the problem? How did she end up from having constant physical contact with Eric Oliver to him practically running in the opposite direction?

Guys...I think he has a girlfriend…

Of course, the answer was that simple. It had to be. What else could explain Eric’s sudden shift in behavior around her? It was her fault. It was all her fault. She had pushed too hard. She had overstepped in a place she should not have. She had become the very person she hated.

Lizzie’s hand shook as she clenched the phone, staring at her last Skype message to JKL many nights ago; the night she found out about Diana. The longer she stared at the message, the stupider she felt. It was reaching a point that it was just too painful to take in a breath.

She couldn’t talk to her friends first; not while she was this emotional about tonight. She could imagine everything they would say in that conversation; especially Jade. And she just was not prepared for any of that attitude. Not while she was feeling like this.

There was only one person she could talk to about all of this: Irene. It was her idea for Lizzie to talk to Eric. It should be Irene that gets the raw recap of the results. But before she did that, she needed to change out of her outfit and wash up. It was a complete mystery how long she would be talking to Irene and JKL tonight. After all, it was about mid to late afternoon in California right about now.

Lizzie completely avoided peeking her head into the common room to check what Eric was doing. It was just best for her emotional state right now to play his game; pretend that he didn’t exist. It was tough, naturally. The very pull that constantly had her looking into the common room was pulling her now and harder because she knew he was actually in the room. But she accomplished her goal. She walked down to the end of the hallway toward the bathroom. Luckily, it was vacant and she walked right in.

After changing into her night clothes and before returning to her room, Lizzie decided to brave a trip to the kitchen. She figured she would need some sort of comfort snack and maybe a water for the hours she would most likely be spent talking. Much to her surprise, there were a couple of her flatmates still up and socializing. The television was even on as background noise. After a quick glance at the living room area, she was surprised to see that Eric wasn’t with that group, but his backpack was on the couch.

As a matter of fact, Olivia wasn’t anywhere to be found either.

The answer to that mystery came to Lizzie quickly. Immediately after grabbing a water bottle from the refrigerator, she noticed that the lights in the backyard were on. Considering how late it was already, it was definitely odd. Lizzie walked over to the sliding door and cupped a hand on the glass to clear her view into the backyard. The first thing she noticed was a thin line of smoke gravitating upward.

She watched with pure shock as Eric passed the cigarette over to Olivia. It hadn’t even crossed her mind that there was a possibility that Eric was a smoker. Sure, it was somewhat of a minor stereotype that many English people smoke, but she didn’t want to think too much into it. After all, her friends from school had never pulled out a cigarette - or even an e-cigarette - when they were hanging out. So to watch as Eric and Olivia shared a smoke together was surprising. But, okay, so Eric smokes. Good to know.

Lizzie watched the two friends for a brief moment. Neither of them once looked back into the flat for...any reason. They just seemed so focused on each other as they spoke words that she could not hear nor read. And when she watched Eric speak to Olivia, she realized this was probably the most he had spoken the entire night. The two went back and forth in their A and B conversation; as if it was just the two of them in the world.

Eric just looked so comfortable speaking to Olivia. He always looked so comfortable speaking to or being around Olivia. And it made Lizzie realize that she really was kidding herself thinking that she was getting through to Eric in the short amount of time they had known each other. He and Olivia had been friends for years. The two always looked like the moment they were in the same room they could fall into the million routines they shared together. Why couldn’t she have that with him? What did she have to do to have that with him? Could she even have that with him?

Lizzie knew that answer. Of course not. She could never have that with him. First off, he already has that with Olivia. And secondly, he made it perfectly clear after their talk that he was not interested….

When she returned to her room, Ricki was in the middle of setting up her laptop for her nighttime routine. She didn’t say much to her roommate and only offered shrugs and mumblings if she needed to give any responses. The previous image of Eric with Olivia in the backyard was causing her heart to race. And as Ricki logged onto her Netflix account to watch whatever show she was currently obsessed with, Lizzie grabbed a blanket and picked up her phone from the bed and sent a text to her cousin to let her know she was calling. She then took one last look over at her roommate before opening the sliding door that led to the girls’ balcony in front.

Was she being a little over dramatic taking her calls outside well past midnight? Sure. But it was better to talk to her friends on the balcony than in the backyard. That space was already taken and for God only knows how long. She couldn’t wait that long.

Once she was sure the sliding door was fully closed, she ignored the feeling of eyes on her back as Ricki pulled the curtain away and took a seat at one of the chairs on the balcony, placing the water bottle and snacks she brought on the small table beside her. She then wrapped the blanket around her before scrolling to her cousin’s contact information. After checking that she was in fact still connected to the flat’s wifi, she tapped the FaceTime Audio option next to Irene’s name and brought the phone to her ear.

“Hey, how was karaoke night?” came her cousin’s cheery voice over the phone. The tone was such a stark contrast to Lizzie’s own feelings right now. It was a Saturday afternoon in California. For all Lizzie know, Irene was having the best day of her life today. Could she really risk ruining that just so that she could talk to someone?

But just like all things between the Darcy cousins, it only took Lizzie’s unintentional pause for Irene to recognize - over the phone, mind you - that something was just not right.

“Hello? Everything okay?” Irene then added.

Lizzie sniffed then took a deep breath. Well, here goes nothing. “So, I talked to him like you said…” she forced out, her voice low from the small fear that someone in the flat could possibly be listening.

From there Lizzie was forced to recap what had happened throughout the talk. Or, at least what she thought happened. Until now, she still could not figure out if she had heard Eric right during that talk; if she had heard him agree to her proposal to explore their feelings for each other. But she told Irene all that she knew, making sure not to leave a single piece of information out. At first, Irene expressed hopefulness over the phone. After all, Eric seemed to agree that there was something between him and Lizzie. He agreed to see if something could come out of those mutual feelings.

And then, Lizzie described to the ever patient Irene the real reason she called her cousin after midnight, when she could have saved that conversation for the morning. She told her cousin how Eric’s behavior completely shifted. How she watched as he basically avoided looking at her the rest of the night. How he had remained at the other side of their table. How he had basically reverted to how he acted when they first met officially. How he made her feel that she must have imagined or fantasized everything that he had said during their talk. How she now felt like such an idiot for thinking that he could like her the way she liked him.

After that, Irene would not stop apologizing. Lizzie could practically feel the guilt through the phone. When she wasn’t being extremely apologetic, Irene was attempting to be as consoling as possible considering they were both talking over the phone. At one point, she had even suggested that she buy a plane ticket to London right now so that she could be with Lizzie. Even in her own distressed state, Lizzie still managed to talk her cousin out of that foolish decision. She reassured her cousin that just being on the phone was enough for now.

“I just feel like such an idiot. I don’t know why I started that talk the way I did. Why didn’t I ask if he was seeing someone first? I practically poured my heart out to him without warning him.” Lizzie sighed, pulling the blanket tighter around her.

Irene was quick to argue against that. “No, I pressured you to talk to him when you were nervous,” she interjected. “And now he’s been an ass.”

Lizzie sighed again. “I can’t even remember if what he said and what I heard was real or not real. Like, was I so in my head that I wanted to hear what I wanted to hear? If it was real, did he agree just to be nice, but he really didn’t mean it?” Lizzie knew if she kept going at this rate, she was going to dig herself deep into an emotional hole she would struggle to climb out of.

“No,” Irene chimed in again, “he’s just being a dumb boy.” As the two cousins remained on the line in silence, Lizzie vaguely heard something being shuffled about as if Irene was moving stuff. None of them sounded like paintbrushes.

When Irene asked of Eric’s whereabouts, that brought on another wave of distress that Lizzie had been dreading. She turned her head toward the flat, as if she would be able to see through her closed bedroom door into the backyard. Then, she told Irene all that she saw earlier when she caught Eric and Olivia talking privately in the backyard. She chose to leave the shared cigarette out; it didn’t seem relevant.

“It’s like, he barely talks while we’re all out together. But then, the moment he and Olivia get some alone time, suddenly he knows how to say more than a couple sentences,” Lizzie complained, a strain in her voice while she fought to control her tone and volume. “Like, Katie had this theory the other day that Olivia has been pushing me and Eric together since that day I helped him with his script. But then she shoves it right in my face that all she has to do is walk into the fucking room and Eric clings to her like a damn magnet.” Lizzie let out another sigh, frustrated.

The rest of the phone conversation turned into Lizzie’s vent session with Irene offering agreeable responses. At one point, Lizzie stopped mid-sentence when she noticed that the light in Olivia’s room suddenly turned on. She had to wait until she was certain her flatmate would not check outside before continuing. But even then, she had to wait a while and speak almost at a whisper to keep the conversation going. God, Olivia, did you have to be such a goddamn grandma getting ready for bed?

It was about half one when Lizzie reluctantly ended the call with Irene. It was all Irene’s fault. Upon realizing what time it actually was in London, her cousin went right into mothering mode and demanded that Lizzie get off the phone to go to bed. Even when Lizzie argued that she was too upset to sleep, Irene put her foot down.

Lizzie didn’t go to bed like Irene asked. Instead, she messaged JKL’s Skype group chat to check if any or all of them were online and available.

“You know, you could have waited ‘til the morning to tell us about your match made in heaven duet with Superman,” Lacey said when all four of them were presently on the group call. “Isn’t it, like, one in the morning, or something?”

Lizzie bit down on her lip. Why was she so nervous to tell her friends about tonight? Earlier, she couldn’t wait to return to the flat to talk to them.

“Um…” she started slowly as she switched her phone to her other ear. “Tonight didn’t really go like I thought it would?”

“Why? What happened?” Katie asked, always the one to get right to the point.

“Did Superman suddenly not know how to sing?” Jade added. There was some giggling. They all knew that Eric was a great singer. Lizzie, however, remained silent while they all enjoyed Jade’s little joke.

“No. I...uh...I sort of told him how I felt about him…” Lizzie finally explained. And the call went quiet for a solid three seconds as her friends processed this information. But before any of them could say anything, Lizzie added, “It didn’t go like I expected it would.”

She then explained to JKL the events of her and Eric’s talk, offering the same details she had told to Irene earlier. Unlike her cousin though, JKL had no problems offering verbal commentary and reactions when they felt like it. This, of course, made retelling the story a longer task. By the time she reached the part about Eric’s sudden turn around in behavior, she had heard just about any and every reaction appropriate for this conversation. That was the art of speaking to three different minds at once.

“He really ghosted you, like, five seconds after you two agreed to start dating?” Jade asked with a scoff. Lizzie could feel the eye roll over the phone. “What a dick.”

“Wait, you two agreed to start dating? I thought it was that they were gonna test the waters and all that?” said Katie. Test the waters? She is such a swimmer.

“Isn’t that basically the same thing?” argued Jade.

“Not really. Maybe for you?” countered Katie. Lizzie and Lacey remained quiet as the two friends went back and forth over their personal definitions. It would have been easier if Lizzie just stepped in and cleared it all up, but sometimes there was no stepping in when her two friends were playing dictionaries with each other.

“I think in this case, Liz meant they’re going to see where they’re feelings for each other will lead them,” Katie finally concluded, her voice a bit louder in her effort to out argue Jade. “Not every crush leads to a relationship. Look what happened with Ian? He and Liz shuffled around their feelings for two months with neither of them defining the relationship.”

“Granted, that wasn’t Liz’s fault!” Lacey finally chimed in. “They just couldn’t find the right opportunity to make if official.”

“Okay, but the difference between Ian and the Jerkwad is that Ian didn’t just up and change his mind five seconds after,” Jade chimed in, matter of factly. “At least Ian took Liz on plenty of dates. That boy spent so much on her at Disney than even Brandon has in their entire relationship.”

It should be noted at this point that Lizzie felt her friends weren’t helping the situation. In fact, it made her feel worse that they were comparing Eric to one of her old crushes. But she didn’t have the courage nor the energy to interject and bring them back on topic. It only meant that she had to talk some more about how this entire situation made her feel. If she could, she would have just left the call now that she had vented to her friends. But that wasn’t Lizzie. She could never do that to her friends...even if their ability to steer off tangent meant they would end up making matters worse.

“I’m still confused though,” Lacey started some minutes later. “If he was going to be acting like that, why did he say yes to exploring your feelings?” Good job, Lacey. Way to bring the conversation back on track.

Lizzie sighed, switching her phone to her other ear. “Honestly, I’m not even entirely sure he said yes. Like, we all know I have a history of being all in my head and imagining what I want to hear. For all I know, he could have said he was not interested, but I wanted to hear him say yes.”

“But...that’s not possible. Girl, he was all over you last night,” Katie reasoned. “We have photo evidence of that kiss on the cheek from when y’all went live!”

Jade’s scoff silenced everyone. It always did. “I’m telling you! That guy is up to something! I don’t care if he’s British. There is no excuse for being that...mysterious. Especially if you’re supposed to like someone. I’m telling you, he’s hiding something...and that makes him up to no good.” In Jade’s dramatic pause - to let the others process her words - Lacey cut in to ask Jade’s opinion on what Lizzie should do then. “Dump his ass. You gave Ian like two months to do something. The English Prick already gave you a reason to not bother.”

Lizzie froze, shocked by the abruptness of Jade’s words. She made it sound so simple. Eric’s not interested? Fine. Move on. Go to the next guy that will actually act on his words.

But JKL didn’t know nor understand. Or, at least Jade didn’t. Even if Lizzie wanted to follow her friend’s advice and move on from Eric, she couldn’t. Lizzie knew deep down that if Eric ever had a change of heart, she would go back to him. Everytime.

“Hey, Liz? Can you clear something up for me?” came Katie’s voice suddenly. It snapped Lizzie out of her thoughts to refocus on the phone conversation. “Did Eric clearly answer your question if he was dating someone?”

Before Lizzie could even answer, Jade jumped on the next opportunity to basically talk shit about Eric. “Shit, you’re right! Maybe that’s it! Maybe that’s his secret! What if he’s actually a player and is using Liz to cheat on his girlfriend?” Jade. Not helping. “It’s not like he’s posted anything on his Insta about the last two days. Or anything involving you two hanging out. So, like, if he really is dating that Diana girl, then obviously he would want to keep all the time he’s been spending with you secret so that it doesn’t go back to her.”

“Wait, Jade, slow down. You’re jumping to conclusions here. And, besides, you’re missing the most crucial part of that whole conspiracy theory.” Way to go Katie for being the brave one.

“And what is that?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Liz’s roommate.”

Lacey gasped. “Oh, my God. You’re right. Wouldn’t she have, like, told her sister by now that her best friend was cheating on her? Hey, Liz? Has your roommate been treating you differently the last couple days?”

Lizzie had to think about this for a moment before she ultimately answered that, no, Olivia hasn’t changed her attitude around her one bit since last night. And if there was a chance that she could have told Diana about her and Eric, she didn’t show it.

“Although…” Lizzie started slowly, hesitantly. “I did see them talking privately in the backyard a couple hours ago…” That statement was enough for JKL to demand for more details.

“Jesus Christ, this bitch is sneaky,” Jade spat. It just seemed like the more Lizzie disclosed, the more annoyed her friend was getting. “It’s seriously like that two-faced slut last year. Acting all sweet and supportive, but at the same time rubbing it in your face that she outranks you no matter what you do. The bitch.”

Much of this content continued well into three in the morning. At that point, Lizzie had lost track of time and could only tell that it was getting late by the fact that her eyes were growing increasingly heavier the longer she sat outside. But her friends kept going. They seemed to have completely forgotten the time difference between them and Lizzie. It had reached a point when Ricki had to intervene and remind Lizzie that it was actually much later than she was acting. At which point, Lizzie had to leave the call. She was sure that despite the subject of their situation no longer on the call, they were still talking about her and Eric. She predicted she would be seeing a wall of text messages from them in the morning.

Truthfully, Lizzie couldn’t even go to sleep that night. Despite how exhausted she felt, her thoughts had her tossing and turning. What the hell was she going to do about Eric? There was no way she could face him in the morning...or any other day for that matter. Her friends said that he had made it clear he was probably not on the same page as her. But he saw her hand. He knew more about her than she knew about him. He had the upper hand between them and she was terrified he would use it against her. Why did she have to talk to him? Why did she have to listen to her Irene? Why did her all of her friends’ arguments sound valid?

Lizzie had been staring at the wall and up at the ceiling since half past five. In total, she probably got a total of two hours of sleep in-between her tossing and turning. But she couldn’t just get up and loiter around in the common room to kill time until she ultimately passed out. Eric was still there. At least, she figured he was based on the patterns she had observed since they met.

It was only at the threat of needing to use the bathroom did she take the chance of stepping outside her bedroom. The first thing she noticed after opening the door was that the double doors to the common room were open. Okay, that must mean that Eric was awake at least. A quick glance at the time on her phone told her that it was close to eight. Okay. That had to mean Eric was gone by now. He was never in the flat after eight. At least, not that she was aware of.

After her trip to the bathroom, she shuffled her tired feet down the hall once more and turned into the common room. She was cautious at first, just in case Eric was actually still in the flat. If she was still at the doorway and noticed he was there, she could easily turn right around and run back to her room. However, from her vantage point, she saw that the blankets were all folded up on the couch and she couldn’t find Eric’s backpack. Okay. Looks like he’s--“Morning…” Shit.

Lizzie was stunned silent as she turned her head slowly toward the kitchen. The moment her eyes fell on Eric - noticing that he was looking right at her - the same heart wrenching pain from last night returned. She couldn’t stand recalling the way he avoided her. She told herself that it wasn’t too late to turn around and go back to her room until he left.

Except that it was too late. He had already seen her. He had already greeted her. And, crap, she hadn’t said anything back. Was it too late to say something now?

She had no choice. It was either look like a coward and run back to her room, or pretend to be a big girl and act like the events of last night don’t phase her...even though they did...excruciatingly. So, with a hesitant step forward, she made her way toward the kitchen with intention to prepare something to eat for breakfast.

“Tea?” Eric had asked. Lizzie had just grabbed a clean bowl still on the drying rack. She looked at Eric briefly to check if he had been talking to her. There was no one else in the kitchen or the common room and he had glanced over at her. He must have been talking to her. “...Sure. Thanks.” Did she sound unphased enough?

She didn’t know about Eric, but Lizzie felt awkward with it being only the two of them in the kitchen. She tried her hardest to keep herself busy between sipping the tea he had prepared for her and eating small spoonfuls of the Weetabix she decided to have for breakfast. Side note, she was still adjusting to the whole concept of was nothing like Quaker’s oatmeal. She did try to make light conversation with Eric; keeping up the whole unphased act. Was it working? She had no idea. Eric looked as unphased as she pretended to be. Did he really move on that quickly from what happened last night? Did she really not matter to him that he could act so…normal?

When Eric explained that he would not be dropping by the flat this week, Lizzie fought the urge to breathe a sigh of relief. She could not have asked for a better getaway from this whole situation with Eric. A whole week not seeing him was exactly what the doctor ordered. She could use that week to possibly take Jade’s advice and move--“Uhm.”

Lizzie looked up from her bowl to watch as Eric rummaged through his backpack for a notebook. She kept watching him as he flipped through the pages until he pulled out what looked to be two pieces of paper. As he walked back over to her at the kitchen island, Lizzie held her breath as a million scenarios ran through her head. Considering her current mental state, most of them didn’t end well.

Then he outstretched the papers to her and, oh, they were admission tickets. Lizzie stared dumbfounded at the tickets as he spoke. Wait, was this the play he said had its opening night this Friday? The one he had mentioned his company was currently rehearsing? And...he was inviting her to go see it? What?

“” Smooth, Lizzie. “I-I mean, thanks,” she tried again, now reaching out for the tickets.

As she tugged the tickets toward her, ignoring how her fingers gently brushed against him accidentally, she felt a bit of resistance against her. She focused her attention on her hand holding the tickets just as Eric’s hand inched closer until it was holding hers. What?

Lizzie didn’t know what hurt more: how quickly her heart was beating or how long she had been holding her breath. She felt lightheaded and wired at the same time. But the one thing that remained constant the entire time was the fact that she clung to every word Eric was saying. That and how he was still holding her hand while he spoke. All together, Lizzie was confused. Sure, she heard every word Eric said, but she needed a moment to really comprehend. Also also, she wanted to make sure she wasn’t imagining everything he was saying in her head. Please, please let this all be real.

It had to be real. This can’t be all in her head. If this had been all in her head, the fantasy would have faded away by now and she would be all alone at this kitchen island with her sad excuse of a breakfast getting cold. But no. She was still sitting on this stool and Eric was still standing in front of her. His hand was still holding hers and she watched as the tickets in her hand shook slightly. No, come on now, don’t show weakness while there is still physical contact. Don’t let him see that last night had phased her. She was supposed to appear unphased--Oh, who was she kidding? He knew. He wouldn’t be apologizing for what happened last night if he didn’t know.

Now came the real dilemma; it was Lizzie’s turn to say something. Still shocked they were suddenly touching again, she slowly looked away from their hands to once more look up at him. Maybe she was imagining things - Lizzie, didn’t we agree that your imagining was not the best time for this? - but she thought she saw a twinge of nervousness on his face. Wait, was his hand shaking against hers?

“Y-Yeah,” she started clumsily. “Sure.” At least she said something. But, did this mean they were okay now? If this was all real, did this mean they were finally on the same page?

Before she knew it, Eric pulled his hand away and it was only the tickets she was holding in hers. She watched still slightly dumbfounded as he put on his backpack. Did he have to leave now? She had so many questions to ask him...if she could say more than just “sure”.

Then, almost as if he had teleported over to her, she felt herself being pulled forward away from the back of the stool. One arm wrapped around her, followed by another. The sudden scent that filled her nostrils was familiar and she had to fight the urge to melt into it. For now, she returned the hug.

When Eric finally left to do his morning errands than go to work, Lizzie was left alone in the kitchen. Her breakfast was now completely abandoned and the tea he had prepared for her was cold. But Lizzie just sat there, confused by the last twelve hours. But also, a growing warmth of happiness swelled in her. He had really said he wanted to see this through. It was gradually sinking in that it happened. The tickets to opening night of his show was proof of it.

Once she finally caught up to her senses, Lizzie placed the tickets down on the island and pulled out her phone. She took a photo of them on Snapchat to send to Irene and JKL. It was sometime after midnight in California so she wasn’t expecting any or all of them to see it until some hours later.

And then Jade’s name popped up on her phone on Facebook Messenger. “You told him you’re not going right?” Uh oh.

It took Lizzie a couple days to fully update Irene and JKL on all that happened that Sunday morning. While Irene, Lacey and Katie seemed relieved and happy that she was happy, Jade was still stubbornly sulking in her Anti-Eric Corner. And she did not let Lizzie forget it.

Just as he had explained, Eric didn’t stop by the flat that following week. This was fine by Lizzie. Since he had given her the heads up, she focused her attention and energy on work. The manuscript her editor had assigned her was a tough cookie to get through. Much of the material was...well...not that great to read. It was like a weird take on fantasy meets young adult; like if Lord of the Rings crossed with teen drama. And it just was not working.

When she wasn’t struggling through her manuscript or trying not to strangle her intern partner - if there was a picture definition for “pompous ass” it would be his ugly face - she was, well, obviously thinking about Eric. The first couple days after that Sunday morning left Lizzie terrified to reach out. During that time, she consulted Olivia on how Eric was doing during his company’s hell week. As a college athlete, she knew all too well the hell that was hell week. And with his extra shifts on top of that, she didn’t want to be a bother. At least, that was the plan until Olivia told her point blank that if they were supposed to be trying out being a couple, to act like a bloody couple. Lizzie may have grown slightly more terrified of her flatmate after that. But she at least followed her advice.

That Wednesday morning, Lizzie sent Eric a DM on his Instagram to check in; ask how he was holding up. It took him a bit to respond back, but he did and she was elated. Something was always better than nothing.

And just like that, the week flew by. On her lunch that Friday afternoon, she found two text messages from the flat waiting for her. The oldest one was from Olivia, reminding her that they need to be ready and leave the flat by five to make it to Eric’s opening night. As if she needed any more reminders on that. The second text was from Ricki in the flat’s group chat. She was giving them all the obligatory notice that her dad would be stopping by Saturday night to treat them to dinner. Something about celebrating the upcoming first day of school on Monday. Well, free food was free food.

As promised, Lizzie was ready to leave for the city at five. They made it to the theater early and with enough time to get comfortable in their seats. When Olivia caught Lizzie trying to find Eric, she was informed that he typically didn’t show his face until after the show. Okay, good to know. But at the same time, you can’t blame her for being a little too eager. She hadn’t seen Eric all week. She was allowed to miss him...more than she let on.

The theater was about empty by the time Eric popped out from the back to meet them. Almost immediately a bright smile spread across her lips. She wanted so badly to just meet him half and give him a hug. But she controlled herself. It wasn’t just her coming to see him. Olivia took the reins during their interaction. From their group photo to the brief time they had to catch up. Lizzie was honestly glad her flatmate was with them. As much as she missed Eric and was glad to finally see him, she realized the moment they moved past saying their congratulations on a successful opening night, she didn’t really have much else to say to him. At least, not things she wanted him to hear...yet.

From there, Eric split from the two of them to meet up with the rest of the troupe for an after party. Lizzie went back to missing him.

That Saturday before the scheduled dinner at the flat was busy for Lizzie. As it was the last weekend before school starts, she found herself completely booked with plans. After her Saturday morning meeting at her internship, she went to have brunch with Beth and Patricia. Around noon, she met up with Anna and Sophia at the shopping center for some last minute school shopping. Outfits, not school supplies. From there, they met up with the boys for a late lunch. Lizzie didn’t return to the flat until after four. An hour later, the vibrant presence that was Ricki’s father shook the flat with energy...and the smell of delicious food.

No one was allowed to help set up dinner, at least not any of the girls. So while Mr. Quinn pulled out trays of food from the multiple paper bags he had carried in, Lizzie took a spot at the dining table and spent this chill time scrolling through Instagram. She hadn’t had time to browse social media all day having gone from one hang out to the next.

She once again came across the post Olivia had made that morning about Eric’s opening night. The photo she had chosen was the group photo they had taken. For a split second, Lizzie was a ball of nerves. When she viewed the list of people that had liked the post, Diana was one of them.

Congrats, Ricky! Diana’s comment said with a red heart emoji. Wish I had been there!

She was in the middle of contemplating sending a screenshot of this post to JKL when Angel declared to the entire flat that Eric had arrived. Her ears perked at the sound of Eric’s name and her head immediately popped up from her phone to look for him. Naturally, when you’re in love attracted to someone, finding them in a group was an effortless task.

Her smile upon catching sight of Eric mirrored his. It made her heart leap at the possibility that he was just as happy to see her as she was to see him. Although, she would gladly argue that she missed him more.

Screw control. They were supposed to be exploring their feelings after all. How could she explore if her feelings for him were more than just a crush if she was going to be keeping her hands behind her back the entire time? After turning off her phone and placing it on the dining table, Lizzie got up from her seat and skipped over to where Eric was standing. She stretched out her arms with two more steps between them and immediately wrapped them tightly around his waist. His warmth and his scent enveloped her and she could have melted into him then and there. God, she missed him and this so much. Ages could have gone by and Lizzie wouldn’t have cared. Being in Eric’s arms was all she needed.

“Alright, dig in!” Mr. Quinn suddenly said, his voice breaking through her moment of pure bliss.

Lizzie pulled away from their embrace, her smile still across her lips. “I’m glad you made it!” she told him. “Come on, let’s eat.” She waited as he dropped his backpack in the living room - saying a brief greeting to Olivia - then slipped her hand in his and led the way to the kitchen. She was quick to grab plates for the both of them, handing one over to him. As she scooped food for the both of them, she briefly glanced up to find that Mr. Quinn was looking at them with a strange look on his face. And even when he realized that she had caught him, he did not once falter or look away. Quirky man, Mr. Quinn is.

She led them over to the dining table where she had left her phone. But instead of picking it up, she simply pushed it out of the way of their plates then refocused her attention on Eric. “How was work?” she started in her effort to begin conversation. She hadn’t properly spoken to Eric all week, she was ready to catch up. Plus, she was ready to do more than rave about his show like she had last night. Basically, she had spent the last twenty-four hours preparing bullet points of topics so that she could spend as much time with Eric as possible. Sorry not sorry, Olivia.

Throughout the night, the flat was in constant movement. Flatmates moving from one spot to the next to interact with someone or other. All the while, the food was being devoured until everyone could hardly take another bite. However, the one thing that remained constant was that Lizzie never once left Eric’s side. By the end of the night, they had managed to gravitate from the dining table to the long couch. They had talked through almost all of Lizzie’s mental bullet points. And honestly, she could have thought of more if it wasn’t for the fact that she noticed how Eric’s energy seemed to have depleted almost drastically the moment they collapsed on the couch. When Mr. Quinn finally said his farewells and left the flat successfully empty handed, Lizzie balanced Eric’s head on her shoulder to keep him from rolling off. Poor thing must be so exhausted.

She didn’t attempt to grab more minutes with him that night. With Olivia’s help, they persuaded Eric to pluck up enough energy to change out of his work clothes so that he could wash up and change before going to sleep. While they waited for him to return from the bathroom, Lizzie helped Malcolm with dishes while Olivia grabbed some clean tupperware from the cabinet and loaded them up with leftovers before putting them in the refrigerator.

Since everyone in the flat agreed that they were all suffering from food comas, it was safe to say that as soon as everything was cleaned up in the kitchen, they were all ready to call it a night. Before she retreated to her room, Lizzie made a detour to the living room to bid Eric good night.

On Sunday morning, Lizzie woke up fairly early with the intention of catching Eric before he had to leave for work. She wasn’t exactly sure if he needed to leave earlier like last Sunday. When she stepped out of her room - feeling more refreshed compared to last Sunday - she caught Eric in the middle of preparing his morning tea. A smile immediately appeared on her face. “Good morning,” she greeted cheerily, walking over to him to offer him a hug. This was nice.

Turns out Eric had some time to stay and hang out at the flat before work. He explained to her that last Sunday’s morning errands were because it was opening night week.

However, Lizzie learned that seeing Eric at the flat on a Sunday after ten the latest was strange to the rest of the flatmates. Olivia in particular stood at the doorway to the common room for an extra couple seconds just staring at them both before tossing a slightly groggy comment about something involving bringing the leftovers in the refrigerator. She had to be talking to Eric.

For the rest of Sunday after Eric left for work, Lizzie spent it on her phone on her weekly calls to friends and family. With school starting the next day, many of them were excited to talk about it.

Since it had been a while since she last visited the campus, Lizzie was a bit fuzzy on the commute that Monday morning. Luckily Ricki had an early morning appointment with her advisor and offered to commute with her. As expected, Lizzie was a ball of nerves. Even if she had made a good handful of friends, this was still her first day at a new school. She could already predict she was going to get lost at least once today.

Between surviving her first day jitters that Monday and realizing how much she would need to adjust to her time management during her internship that Tuesday, any thoughts of Eric were a welcome relief. She knew that he wasn’t going to be swamped with covering shifts or extra rehearsals, so she was anxiously waiting for four to arrive so she could head home.

Lizzie had abandoned all efforts to hang out with Beth and Patricia after they got off from work so that she could go home. She arrived at the flat earlier than normal. As expected, no one else was for the sleeping lump on the couch.

Fine, she’ll admit it. She was gazing at the sleeping Eric for a while before he showed signs that he was about to wake up. “Good morning, sleepyhead~” she teased, scooting closer to him on the shorter couch. “Did you eat lunch? There might be some leftover Chinese from when Angel had this meeting the other day. Or I can order us a couple sandwiches from the cafe? Get it delivered.”

()----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ERIC JAMES OLIVER ⋮⋮
------ DATE — 091818----------- LOCATION — the flat----------- COMPANY — lizzie

“Hey...” His previously unused voice cracked slightly and left Eric hesitating to respond to her question. Okay, maybe hesitating wasn’t the right word, he just had a serious delay in response time as he both adjusted to being awake and processed what she had asked him. When he did finally speak he mumbled about “maybe the leftovers” as he positioned himself upright and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before pushing his hair out of the way so he could better see Lizzie. No, Chinese food didn’t sound very appealing right now especially while his stomach was sick with disorientation from his graveyard shift. But it went against every fiber in his body to agree for her to order something else. Why spend money when they had food here already? It wasn’t justifiable. And especially after their previous war over letting her pay for his meals. Maybe after he stood up and got some water he would feel up to the leftovers. But sandwiches with French bread sounded so much more appealing.

”What time is it?” How much of the day had he slept away? Immediately after speaking he could see his watch where he’d left it on the coffee table next to his wallet and open songbook, so he could’ve just checked his watch but it was too late. Plus this way gave him an excuse to talk to Lizzie. Not that he needed an excuse, he could just say whatever and she would listen attentively. But small talk was hard—not that he was trying to small talk with Lizzie. Oh god he was spiraling and getting all worked up over having asked her a simple question. Take a breath Eric, then excuse yourself and go pee so you can come back and properly focus on her.

It was when he reached his hand over to take hers that Eric caught sight of his sleeves: a dress shirt. He had fallen asleep in his uniform again. Great. It would probably be best to change clothes before they ate too. ”Do you mind if I shower first?” Always asking permission, as though he needed to be allowed to do things. It was slightly ingrained in him so as to never overstep his boundaries. It wasn’t safe to assume anything, even when he was in a safe space and in the best of company. Eric just couldn’t shake his survival instincts. It took many months before Eric stopped asking Olivia each time he wanted to stay over. He knew where the key was, and Olivia had told him to come by whenever he wanted. But he had still been too uncomfortable to just show up unannounced. Now it was just the opposite. He had essentially told Lizzie he would stick around with her. Olivia had made him warn her when he was going to be gone for hell week. He had made a commitment to stay and now he had this feeling like he needed to tell her everything he did. Well, obviously not everything. Not even close to everything actually…
Once her hand was in his he automatically leaned in towards her for a long overdue proper British greeting: a quick peck on the cheek before continuing on, ”I’ll be right back love.”

Rather than awkwardly standing there rummaging through his bag for clothes, hopefully he had clothes in his bag because he honestly couldn’t remember right now if he’d packed any, Eric took it with him as he made his way out of the common space and towards the bathroom. But not without a glance back at Lizzie and was that, a smile on his face? Eric? Who are you? It honestly all happened so fast though, he was struggling to recall anything after opening his eyes. Not that he forgot the last two minutes of his life, but it was replaying in his head so quickly that he couldn’t single out any one moment in particular. It was a little overwhelming honestly. What just happened?

The shower helped immensely. He could finally think straight as the fog had left his head and instead taken up residence on the bathroom mirror in the form of condensation. Eric towel dried his hair to the best of his ability, then put it up in a loose bun to keep it off his neck while it was still wet. Yes, he was aware that it would take longer to dry this way, but he just really, really did not want to have to feel it right now. His stomach was still churning somewhat but that would settle with water, food and time. In that order. Getting dressed however he didn’t have a whole lot of options—he didn’t have any options actually. He could only slip into a pair of shorts(that were long enough to cover his hidden tiger) and his usual hoodie. It seemed he had packed sleep clothes but nothing for daytime wear so he was just going to look especially homeless for the rest of the day. But at least he would be comfy. Ankle socks protected his freshly cleaned feet from the flat’s floors and then he was ready to return to Lizzie.

Wait...was he? Was he ready to go back to her? Maybe that feeling in his stomach wasn’t from his overnight or not eating, maybe it was a ball of nerves over being alone with Lizzie. It wasn’t like he was scared or uncomfortable to be with her or anything. But there was definitely an anxious feeling attached with the thought of her. Afraid to ruin everything or upset her. To let her down in someway. He had always been a little nervous around her, but ever since their talk, and his reconcile, there was now this like pressure he felt from her. Not a bad pressure, it was sort of hard to explain. Like a responsibility? They had made a commitment of sorts to each other, they were no longer just strangers or acquaintances in the same circle. They were—well...what were they?

His internal questioning got put on hold the second he walked back through the open double doors and saw her busying herself around the dining room table. He suddenly was more aware of how lazily dressed he was, but it would have been worse to come back out still in his uniform, right? He really needed to get himself in order and plan his days better….
But oh well. Nothing else truly mattered right now, simply seeing her helped put his worries at ease and all he wanted was to go to her and hold her and—whoa now slow down Eric, go put your bag down. Okay good, next you need that water before your upset stomach turns into real nausea, ”Uhh…” he stared into the fridge for a moment trying to locate the waters, then glanced back to Lizzie after grabbing one, ”What would you like to drink?”
Soda? Okay umm…well hopefully this would do, as he grabbed one from the fridge door

Crossing over to the table now with their drinks in hand it dawned on Eric that he didn’t smell reheated Chinese food. One look at the table set up and he felt his mood jump up a couple levels. There were sandwiches sitting out for the two of them! Had he really been in the bathroom long enough that she ordered food and got it delivered? Wow. Well he did end up lost in his thoughts for a good while so maybe he did take longer than he normally would have.

”Sorry it looks like someone finished the last of the Chinese food, I hope this is okay?”
“Okay?” Eric, King of not saying what he really wants, was thrilled with this outcome. He hadn’t had the heart to tell Lizzie earlier that he would prefer sandwiches, but it seemed like someone up above was looking out for him today. He was quick to offer a smile, his eyes meeting hers for a moment as he spoke, ”It’s perfect, thank you.”
A typical “cheers” just didn’t feel appropriate. Had anyone else in the flat bought him food it would have been cheers worthy. But somehow when it was Lizzie it just seemed more important, genuine, she needed to be thanked appropriately. He set their drinks down and took his seat but waited to eat until he saw Lizzie pick up her own sandwich. Perhaps manners, you could say it was manners, but honestly Eric was just too busy trying to watch her without obviously watching her. Even though they had just had dinner the other night at the flat, it had been a while since it was just the two of them and Eric wanted to take in every second of it.

His appetite had other plans. While he wanted for time to slow down, to savor their time alone, he was starving and finished his sandwich a little too quickly which then left him a little empty handed while Lizzie finished her’s. ”Uhm,” One day he would kick that habit and just start a sentence normally, but at least it wasn’t just a Lizzie thing, Eric just seemed to always start speaking before knowing what he wanted to say. It was also so out of the blue, this wasn’t related at all to what they had been talking about but it just popped in his head and so Eric couldn’t help but topic hop, ”So we never finished The Chamber of Secrets.” Yes, well spotted, bravo Eric. He took a sip from his water, eyes on Lizzie suggestively—suggesting that they continue the movie, gosh, nothing more. He quickly added on, ”Do you have time to watch?” But he had already seen Lizzie’s eyes light up at the mention of Harry Potter and he knew that was confirmation in itself. And if they started now they would probably still have time to get through at least most of, if not the entire film before one of the other flatmates got home. Looked like finishing the series might take a while but that was okay, it would give him something to look forward to rather than binge watching and finishing too quickly...just like his sandwich.

After clearing the dining table, Eric went straight to the coffee table to put away his stuff he’d left out. Watch and wallet got dropped into his bag, song book closed and also stored away but not without staring at the page it had been opened to, specifically the last line he’d edited; I heard a little love, is better than none. Yeah okay, not right now Eric, put that away.

Table was clear. Couch clear. Disc was in and started. Lizzie sat on the little couch with Eric on her left side. His right arm was already resting behind her, not quite touching, but rather across the back of the sofa. His left hand was abandoned on his lap— in the beginning at least. It wasn’t long before his hand found hers because Eric really just couldn’t seem to keep his hands to himself. He wasn’t even aware at first that he had taken her hand. He held it pretty loosely and honestly he was still pretty tired and was trying so hard to concentrate on Harry Potter. But when he did notice her hand he glanced down to see his own cross tattoo alongside a small assortment of ink on her own hand; specifically her fingers. He had noticed them before, he was fairly observant on details like that. But honestly the only times they had been in a situation for him to observe were when he was drunk so who knows if he really had looked at them before. He absentmindedly traced over the cloud just above her knuckles. It was a bit of an old habit he’d developed after his own entourage of tattoos. He really liked feeling the ink raised beneath his fingers when it was still healing. It felt cool, he knew perfectly well he wasn’t supposed to touch them. But he was always gentle and washed his hands. So now here he was treating Lizzie’s hand as an extension of his own. A part of him was curious and wanted to ask about her minimalist finger tattoos. But the rest of him knew better than to just openly ask about someone’s tattoos like that. He certainly didn’t like feeling so on the spot and exposed when people asked about his. How could he possibly explain them to a stranger that without painting himself as a masochistic train wreck? His life was literally drawn in pieces all over his body but the story wasn’t meant to be shared.

So Eric held his tongue, his grip weakening upon his internal realizations. There he went, scaring himself back into his shell. Shit. Olivia would kill him if she found out he ruined everything, again. Was it acceptable to talk during movies? Would it annoy her? Well here goes— ”Have you visited since?” That was just dreadful...
He nodded towards the screen as Ron and Harry failed to make it onto Platform 9 ¾ , ”King’s Cross.” Cross. Like on his hand, holding hers. Around his neck, where her phantom touches still lingered. Why did everything circle back to Lizzie? He literally couldn’t keep her out of his thoughts for even a second.
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