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The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons. Join Now!!!))

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RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Skye had to admit that Shade had a certain charm about him, and his smile had a very disconcerting effect on her, almost so much that she nearly missed his next comment. "Only 7? No kidding.." She felt as though she could have slept through the next day and longer, so the time surprised her. A blush crossed her face again as he grasped her hand, brushing it with a kiss before he walked away briskly. She stood for a moment longer in the doorway, not sure what to think, before she returned to her room.

Shade returned more quickly than she had expected, arms laden with a variety of foods. She let out a small gasp, her hand flying to her mouth in amazement. "I...all of that for me??" Her legs slid to the edge of the bed, now sitting to face the doorway. She noticed that he closed the door before he walked over, leaving the plates on the bedside table. Her wide eyes stared up at his from the bed, examining his face for thought. "I don't suppose you've eaten yet have you? I certainly couldn't finish this all myself..." she blushed at her suggestion, not knowing why she was comfortable with his presence now. "If you have a minute that is."
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

grendelsblueichor said:
Elle is a nekomimi employed as a maid/prostitute.
She is 22 years old, submissive, and new to prostitution, so she is very shy and unsure of herself and what she is willing or able to do.



Elle made her way down the stairs and into the receiving parlor, trying to be careful not to watch any sex scenes going on. She was new and not very comfortable with her choice of profession, but where else could she turn? She'd been thrown out on the street like a stray when she was unable to pay her rent and no respectable, normal place would hire her. She even had her bartender's license, but it seemed as if the bars only hired males. Specism, she decided. They were just jealous that she was an adorable little kitty cat.
She sat in the corner on a chair, her ears perked and tail swishing lightly.

Elle blushed as the loud and unmistakable sounds of sex permeated through the manor. Her ears laid back on her head and her tail swished back and forth quickly, indicating her unease.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Silver117 said:
"Hmmm...a jacuzzi. I've been to a hotspring befor in my travels, but never experienced a jacuzzi before" he tells her. He could be what he ment. Nothing like a nice hot bath to clense his body, and it got better with his maid by his side. "Okay you convice me. I have a funny feeling we'll be more dirtier than clen though" he joked and finishes rubbing her good spots. He got up and helps Candy up before giving her a quick kiss and lets her lead the way.

"No one can ever get clean here at the manor."She teased, kissing him and took his hand.She led him away from there little fun area and towards the bathroom.Inside was a bright banana yellow, the tub and shower a nice orange.She released his hand and went for the tub.Working the knobs she filled it with nice warm water, then started the jets and bubbles."Jacuzzi galor."she cheered, her little tail flickering, showing her excitement.She bent forward, feeling the water as it filled."Ahhh, nice and warm."She looked over her shoulder, then with her hand, she motioned for him to come forward."Let me clean you Master.As an apology for being a naughty little bunny."Candy pouted, though her ears and tail flinched with excitement still.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Whoami said:
Crystal blushed at his delicate movements and enticing speech. She felt the warmth between her legs get warmer. "A place of pleasure?" She asked as she planted his hand smoothly on her back. "Sex, hmm. Wouldn't you consider this place to be a whore-house then?" Crystal was getting even more turned on by his ministrations to her. "Mmm, I'm Crystal by the way."[/color] While Tye was standing behind her, she slyly lowered her hand to rub her warm pussy through her pants, which were starting to get damp from the pleasure Tye was giving. She quickly drew her hand away after a a minute of rubbing and turned around to look him in the eyes. "I think I get the idea," a small grin drew across her face, "Wanna find a room?"

He chuckled lightlyl."A whore-house, please. Say no such thing.If you do, the Mistress will surely have your eyes."he mused."No, this is not a whore-house.The woman and men that work here are free to leave whenever they wish and are also entitle to say yes or no to a patron.Most of the people here are also married.So you see my lady Crystal, this is not a whore house."He chuckled again looking at her."Do you? Do you still think this is a whore-house...if so, then that makes me a whore my lady."He leaned in close behind her, his lips pressing against her ear."For I been coming here for many seasons with my brother, which makes us both."His hand slowly moved around and pressing against her stomach, then he slowly drew it up, his fingers brushing the underside of her breasts."Playfull kitten.A room already.We have yet to get to know each other,unless....being in a room with a man is your way of getting to know someone."He teased, kissed her ear gently.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Lustfull_Sin said:
He chuckled lightlyl."A whore-house, please. Say no such thing.If you do, the Mistress will surely have your eyes."he mused."No, this is not a whore-house.The woman and men that work here are free to leave whenever they wish and are also entitle to say yes or no to a patron.Most of the people here are also married.So you see my lady Crystal, this is not a whore house."He chuckled again looking at her."Do you? Do you still think this is a whore-house...if so, then that makes me a whore my lady."He leaned in close behind her, his lips pressing against her ear."For I been coming here for many seasons with my brother, which makes us both."His hand slowly moved around and pressing against her stomach, then he slowly drew it up, his fingers brushing the underside of her breasts."Playfull kitten.A room already.We have yet to get to know each other,unless....being in a room with a man is your way of getting to know someone."He teased, kissed her ear gently.

Crystal looked him in the eyes, "I don't know what this place is doing to me, but I'm really getting turned on, by you, and the atmosphere. Come, let's go find a room." Crystal grabbed his hand and started guiding him down the hallway until they came to an empty room. As she pulled him in she closed the door and sat down on the bed, "You said you come here seasonally, so what's the harm of being with another woman?"
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Drake smiled and followed her there. His eyes widened seeing that the bathroom was colorful like the main room. "So wonderful..." he thought as he sees his bunny start it up. "Of course I'll let you. It's a sutiable punishment" he chuckled and kissed her lips. It was a good thing he was already naked, putting on clothes would only just waste time. He got in and sighed feeling the warm water hit him. He soon held her body in the water and rubbed her favorite spots before he let her begin.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Skylias said:
Skye had to admit that Shade had a certain charm about him, and his smile had a very disconcerting effect on her, almost so much that she nearly missed his next comment. "Only 7? No kidding.." She felt as though she could have slept through the next day and longer, so the time surprised her. A blush crossed her face again as he grasped her hand, brushing it with a kiss before he walked away briskly. She stood for a moment longer in the doorway, not sure what to think, before she returned to her room.

Shade returned more quickly than she had expected, arms laden with a variety of foods. She let out a small gasp, her hand flying to her mouth in amazement. "I...all of that for me??" Her legs slid to the edge of the bed, now sitting to face the doorway. She noticed that he closed the door before he walked over, leaving the plates on the bedside table. Her wide eyes stared up at his from the bed, examining his face for thought. "I don't suppose you've eaten yet have you? I certainly couldn't finish this all myself..." she blushed at her suggestion, not knowing why she was comfortable with his presence now. "If you have a minute that is."

Shade was taken aback by her sudden request.""he stuttered, blushing a bit." haven't, but this was brought for you Mistress.Tis not intended for me to consume as well.I didn't mean to bring you so much, but you don't have to eat it all."Shade looked down, blushing still.It was uncommon for patrons to offer their servers food and such, so to have his Mistress her food to him was almost like an honor." want me to have some food Mistress.I can eat whatever you don't want, no worries.I can wait, I just want you to enjoy yourself and relax."
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Whoami said:
Crystal looked him in the eyes, "I don't know what this place is doing to me, but I'm really getting turned on, by you, and the atmosphere. Come, let's go find a room." Crystal grabbed his hand and started guiding him down the hallway until they came to an empty room. As she pulled him in she closed the door and sat down on the bed, "You said you come here seasonally, so what's the harm of being with another woman?"

"By me, my sweet.Well that sure makes me happy."He chuckled and let her take his hand, guiding him to an empty room."Ah mademoiselle it is not eye or the atmosphere, not even the manor.It's simply you maybe.Woman are prone to get turned on quicked then males....tis been proven true."He said and followed her inside an empty room.He watched as she made herself comfortable and he might as well.He slipped off his jacket and threw it on a nearby chair.He loosened his tie and unbuttoned a few buttons on his dress blouse.Walking over to her, he settled himself between legs and resting his hands on her shoulders, he pushed her back on the bed."Mmmm, there is no harm in being with a woman...nor being with a man.Being with both is fun, depending maybe, though I prefer woman over men any day."He said, smoothing his hand along her smooth leg, up her thigh and resting his fingers on the button of her pants."Do you wish to work this off...or should I.Maybe I should get you to strip for me."
Silver117 said:
Drake smiled and followed her there. His eyes widened seeing that the bathroom was colorful like the main room. "So wonderful..." he thought as he sees his bunny start it up. "Of course I'll let you. It's a sutiable punishment" he chuckled and kissed her lips. It was a good thing he was already naked, putting on clothes would only just waste time. He got in and sighed feeling the warm water hit him. He soon held her body in the water and rubbed her favorite spots before he let her begin.

She sighed and streddled him, kissing him deeply as her hands moved over his shoulders, then down his chest, smoothing water over his skin."Mmm..what should I wash first Master."She asked with a smile on her face. She grabbed a yellow wash cloth and a banana shaped soap bar and began sudsing up the cloth.She smooth the bubbly cloth all over his shoulders, working his neck, then down his chest.She moved her hand even lower, working his stomach and as her hand submerged under the water, she ran the cloth along his cock, working the fibers along the head, then down the base and along his balls.She giggled as she worked him, leaning in and rocking her body, her breasts slipping along his his chest, her nipples hard and achy.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Lustfull_Sin said:
"By me, my sweet.Well that sure makes me happy."He chuckled and let her take his hand, guiding him to an empty room."Ah mademoiselle it is not eye or the atmosphere, not even the manor.It's simply you maybe.Woman are prone to get turned on quicked then males....tis been proven true."He said and followed her inside an empty room.He watched as she made herself comfortable and he might as well.He slipped off his jacket and threw it on a nearby chair.He loosened his tie and unbuttoned a few buttons on his dress blouse.Walking over to her, he settled himself between legs and resting his hands on her shoulders, he pushed her back on the bed."Mmmm, there is no harm in being with a woman...nor being with a man.Being with both is fun, depending maybe, though I prefer woman over men any day."He said, smoothing his hand along her smooth leg, up her thigh and resting his fingers on the button of her pants."Do you wish to work this off...or should I.Maybe I should get you to strip for me."

Crystal was blown away by how delicate he was with her. Every part of her body was sending good feelings to her brain. Crystal was already enjoying his touching, it made her wonder what she'd expect later. She was so wet as it was, and she was getting wetter with every thought. Crystal liked the idea of receiving the pleasure, she always got off to the idea of being helpless and cared for.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

"Anywhere you wish..." he whispered and smiled. He love the treatment she was giving him. The warm bubbly water was just right for the both of them as she begins to wash him. He felt himself getting clean as she starts from the top and worked her way down. His abs twitched with every soft touch she gave him. He moaned quietly as she washed his cock and balls. He could tell she was enjoying this as much as him. He poured some of the warm water on her breasts and begins to suck on them. "Make sure my hard cock gets fully cleaned" he tells her as he bit her erected nipples softly.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

To say she was nervous would be the understatement of the century. A more appropriate phrase might have been 'scared out of her mind'. It was Melody's first day of work at the maid manor, and as she grew nearer and nearer to the vast building, only one thought was going through her mind: "Why did I agree to do this?" She had never, never, done something like this before. She was still a virgin, for god's sake! Yet as she reached the front entrance, hand briefly hovering over the door knob, she remembered. Nothing else she had tried even came closer to covering the bills, let alone the debt her parents were in. Besides, Melody had heard that this was a comfortable life style, living among men and women alike, serving those that so desired it. With that thought in mind, she clenched tightly onto the handle, swinging the door open.

There were people milling around the entryway, talking and drinking, and no one even seemed to notice her appearance. And now the wait began...
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Whoami said:
Crystal was blown away by how delicate he was with her. Every part of her body was sending good feelings to her brain. Crystal was already enjoying his touching, it made her wonder what she'd expect later. She was so wet as it was, and she was getting wetter with every thought. Crystal liked the idea of receiving the pleasure, she always got off to the idea of being helpless and cared for.

With a smile he looked at her."Seems I shall be the one working this garments off then."He mused as he undid the button with a simple flick and slowly drew the zipper down.Before he tugged at the pants, he worked off her shoes and socks, then playfully tugged at her pants, slowly seeing her delicious panties and creamy thighs."Mmm, am I to assume that is a thong you are wearing?"He teased as he pulled off her pants and tossed them to the floor.Next her worked her shirt off, loving her flat stomach and bouncy breasts.With the shirt tossed to the floor, she was left in nothing more then bra and underwear, which he debated whether to strip off sensually or simply rip the damn things off her.

"Lovely.Simply lovely my dear sweet Crystal.Though lovely as you are, I'm wondering how lovely do you taste."He smirked, raising her legs, his hands placed behind her knees, raising them a bit and spreading them apart.He saw a damp patch slowly growing on the fabric of her panties."Ah, is my mademoiselle growing wet?"He teased, tugging her more to the edge of the bed.He fell to his knees before her, hands keeping her legs spread."Yes.You are getting wet, though I have yet to touch you."He blew cool air against the damp patch, seeing her body shuddere."Lets make your panties even more wetter."Tye smirked and leaned in, running his tongue along the fabric, tasting a bit of her delicious nectar.He watched as the fabric of her panties clinged onto her pussy.He licked her again and again, then sucked on her through the panties, tasting her as he got her panties more and more soaked by the second.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Silver117 said:
"Anywhere you wish..." he whispered and smiled. He love the treatment she was giving him. The warm bubbly water was just right for the both of them as she begins to wash him. He felt himself getting clean as she starts from the top and worked her way down. His abs twitched with every soft touch she gave him. He moaned quietly as she washed his cock and balls. He could tell she was enjoying this as much as him. He poured some of the warm water on her breasts and begins to suck on them. "Make sure my hard cock gets fully cleaned" he tells her as he bit her erected nipples softly.

She let out a soft squeak almost as her nipple was nipped."Y-Yes..Master."She moaned and worked the cloth all along his cock, running the material along his cock head and down his shaft.She worked his dick, moaning herself, loving the feel of how hard he was."I-I...think my pussy...wants to clean your cock."she said, her voice shaky from the excitement.With out warning the moved the cloth and raised herself up, then felt his dick slip inside of her very easily.She moaned, her head tossing back as she felt him all the way inside of her.With a soft smile, she kissed his lips, running her tongue along his lip."your clean."She mused, rocking her hips."I think your cock wants to clean my pussy master....don't you think?"She giggled as she rocked her hips slow and sensually.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

"Mmm your doing well Candy..." he moaned out as she continued the handjob and him sucking her tits. This was, by far, the best thing to happen to him. It could probbly be better than getting a record deal for his music. He closed his eyes and groaned more as she works on his now hard cock more and more, ignoring her first comment. He soon felt the washcloth removed and was replaced by something else. It was soft, wet, and it made his dick throb feeling it. He opens his eyes as she kissed him, toungue and all, and he sees her hungry pussy riding his cock and asking for her area to be 'cleaned' as well. He begins to thurst in her more before slapping her left ass cheek hard. "You naughty rabbit, I never told you to fuck me!" he said before giving her a more passionate kiss then slapping her right ass cheek hard. Even though he act like he was scolding her, he wanted her very badly. "I'll think about a good punishment for you, but for now...let's fuck" he said and give it to her fast and hard.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Lustfull_Sin said:
She chuckled."Something glorious inwhich you shall tell your friends no doubt.And if they do not believe, feel free to send them my way.I can pull away from my work for a moment to give your friends equal....service."she quirked, smirking."And since I did you the favor of pleasing you with your mouth...would it not be fair if you did the same.What's the phrase humans use now a days."she pondered then smiled."Ah yes...tit for tat."She turned her chair, facing him a bit, though made it look still as if she payed attention to the play.She proper her feet on his chair, next to his thighs, showing him that she wore nothing under her skimpy attire.She was bare, then again, all vampire had no body hair on them, cept for their hair , lashes and eyebrows, other then that, you will not find."Go ahead, explore to your hearts content."

darkuss smiled getting down off his chair he went over to her spreading her legs with a bit of force hed push her skimy skirt up a bit and move in lightly kissing her folds hed look up at her for a moment. "hmmmmm i wonder how a vampire will taste....." he said lightly giving a blush at his worlds with his fingers hed spread her slits lips and move in his toung lightly dancing around her iner folds licking and tasting, hed thin move his toung up to play with her clit a bit toying with it making shure and hoping she felt good as he did this. hed then move down and dart is toung into her wetness his thum would come up to play with her clit.

((sorry i was in japan for a business trip. could read or post with everything in jap, didnt feel right. lol))
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Silver117 said:
"Mmm your doing well Candy..." he moaned out as she continued the handjob and him sucking her tits. This was, by far, the best thing to happen to him. It could probbly be better than getting a record deal for his music. He closed his eyes and groaned more as she works on his now hard cock more and more, ignoring her first comment. He soon felt the washcloth removed and was replaced by something else. It was soft, wet, and it made his dick throb feeling it. He opens his eyes as she kissed him, toungue and all, and he sees her hungry pussy riding his cock and asking for her area to be 'cleaned' as well. He begins to thurst in her more before slapping her left ass cheek hard. "You naughty rabbit, I never told you to fuck me!" he said before giving her a more passionate kiss then slapping her right ass cheek hard. Even though he act like he was scolding her, he wanted her very badly. "I'll think about a good punishment for you, but for now...let's fuck" he said and give it to her fast and hard.

She giggled,kissing him deeper, even groaned when he spanked her."Mmm, but my pussy wanted your cock.What else could i have done."She said, as she rocked her hips, loving the way he thrusted into her so hard and raw.She groaned again when he spanked her once mroe and Candy simply raised her body, letting it drop down hard, her hips grinding agaisnt his."Oh Master, this feels so fucking amazing."Candy moaned, her head tossed back, her nipples brushing and gliding against his chest, hard and sensitive they were to touch.She licked her lips, her rabbit ears twitching, then one flattened ontop her head, while the other stood straight up.She could hear the water splashing out of the tub and hitting the tiled floor, no doubt someone will be pissed when they see so much water.
YamiMarik1991 said:
darkuss smiled getting down off his chair he went over to her spreading her legs with a bit of force hed push her skimy skirt up a bit and move in lightly kissing her folds hed look up at her for a moment. "hmmmmm i wonder how a vampire will taste....." he said lightly giving a blush at his worlds with his fingers hed spread her slits lips and move in his toung lightly dancing around her iner folds licking and tasting, hed thin move his toung up to play with her clit a bit toying with it making shure and hoping she felt good as he did this. hed then move down and dart is toung into her wetness his thum would come up to play with her clit.

((sorry i was in japan for a business trip. could read or post with everything in jap, didnt feel right. lol))
((No worries,also.......spelling....please =^-^=))

Ebony gave a slight smirk as she watched Darkuss slip off his seat and kneel before her.She let him be forceful, though not as much.Her cunt was wet, twitching and waiting for whatever to slip inside and tease it."All vampires taste differently."She mused with a smile.Ebony felt his fingers spread her, and she gave a slight sigh, though she did not breathe, the sigh would no doubt make him feel good to hear.He probed and teased, then she felt his hot tongue glide and probe her pussy, making it throb and hunger for more." good..."she gasped, bucking her hips a bit when she felt his tongue slip within her a bit, his thumb doing wonders on her sensitive little clit."Ah yes...keep it up with the tongue..."She whispered, making sure not to disturb the play, for it seemed everyone was getting into it.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Lustfull_Sin said:
With a smile he looked at her."Seems I shall be the one working this garments off then."He mused as he undid the button with a simple flick and slowly drew the zipper down.Before he tugged at the pants, he worked off her shoes and socks, then playfully tugged at her pants, slowly seeing her delicious panties and creamy thighs."Mmm, am I to assume that is a thong you are wearing?"He teased as he pulled off her pants and tossed them to the floor.Next her worked her shirt off, loving her flat stomach and bouncy breasts.With the shirt tossed to the floor, she was left in nothing more then bra and underwear, which he debated whether to strip off sensually or simply rip the damn things off her.

"Lovely.Simply lovely my dear sweet Crystal.Though lovely as you are, I'm wondering how lovely do you taste."He smirked, raising her legs, his hands placed behind her knees, raising them a bit and spreading them apart.He saw a damp patch slowly growing on the fabric of her panties."Ah, is my mademoiselle growing wet?"He teased, tugging her more to the edge of the bed.He fell to his knees before her, hands keeping her legs spread."Yes.You are getting wet, though I have yet to touch you."He blew cool air against the damp patch, seeing her body shuddere."Lets make your panties even more wetter."Tye smirked and leaned in, running his tongue along the fabric, tasting a bit of her delicious nectar.He watched as the fabric of her panties clinged onto her pussy.He licked her again and again, then sucked on her through the panties, tasting her as he got her panties more and more soaked by the second.

Crystal shuttered when he blew some cool on her wetness. She felt his tongue travel across her damp panties. His tongue was extremely skilled and fast. It traveled every inch of her panties before she felt him start sucking on the fabric. Crystal let out a cry of pleasure as she felt the warmth in her legs increase ten fold. "Now- uhh, I can see why- ahh mmm, my friends sent me he- eeerre." her breathing increased. Her chest raised and lowered as she inhaled and exhaled. Crystal started tracing her fingers along her breasts which were concealed by her bra, she lightly drew her fingers on the exposed bottoms of her tits, letting out a light moan at both Tye eating her out, and her attention to her breasts.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Drake moaned along with her as he fucks her hearder. He notice her breasts boucing everywhere, so he sucks on them to keep them in place. "So..tasty" he said and bit her nipples as part of her punishment. He had a few ideas, including the S&M show in the Tea Room he thought of earler. As the water splashes about onto the floor, he increases his raw deep pace insise her. He pulls out of her and bends her over the jacuzzi. "Now for your punishment for fucking me too early" he grinned. He fucks her pussy a few time before pulling out again. His cock moved up till it's head reached her tight anal. He push at it a few times before the cock head entered. The shaft soon followed untill he was all the way in her ass. "So very tight!" he groaned and starts fucking her.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Zeke walked into the manor.He checked in his coat and went to the owner's office.Then he asked
"are there any free maids?"
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

As Melody was meandering the room, making small talk with some customers and other maids, she couldn't help but overhear Zeke as she passed by the office. "Excuse me, sir." She called out, going up to him and giving him a polite curtsy, "I'm free. Is there something I could do for you?
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

IndefiniteEnd said:
As Melody was meandering the room, making small talk with some customers and other maids, she couldn't help but overhear Zeke as she passed by the office. "Excuse me, sir." She called out, going up to him and giving him a polite curtsy, "I'm free. Is there something I could do for you?
just like every time he was coming to the maid manor he was only with his jeans and shoes,wings hidden.he looked at the maid and said:
"yes please,how about the show room first?"but his purpose of being there wasn't pleasure.He was ordered as a musician.But his shift starts tomorrow so he wanted to relax until then.He went to the show room with his maid."i would like a dirty dance"he said to his maid
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

As Andol stepped through the door he found himself to be a little unsure and nervous as he usally was when he came to new place, much less a place like that this. Though inwardly he knew that he was hear for a reason and didn't want to leave until that reason had been met and he felt better about it. As he stepped through the door he found that the place did indeed look quite nice, but he was also left a little unsure on where he was supposed to go as he began to wonder down the hall towards the Show Room. His main prepose was to find one of the maids... or whatever they called the male maids... ethier one would do in his mind. His voice was a little nervous as he spoke the words, "Hello..." Trying to see if he could get someones attention.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Lustfull_Sin said:
Skylias said:
Skye had to admit that Shade had a certain charm about him, and his smile had a very disconcerting effect on her, almost so much that she nearly missed his next comment. "Only 7? No kidding.." She felt as though she could have slept through the next day and longer, so the time surprised her. A blush crossed her face again as he grasped her hand, brushing it with a kiss before he walked away briskly. She stood for a moment longer in the doorway, not sure what to think, before she returned to her room.

Shade returned more quickly than she had expected, arms laden with a variety of foods. She let out a small gasp, her hand flying to her mouth in amazement. "I...all of that for me??" Her legs slid to the edge of the bed, now sitting to face the doorway. She noticed that he closed the door before he walked over, leaving the plates on the bedside table. Her wide eyes stared up at his from the bed, examining his face for thought. "I don't suppose you've eaten yet have you? I certainly couldn't finish this all myself..." she blushed at her suggestion, not knowing why she was comfortable with his presence now. "If you have a minute that is."

Shade was taken aback by her sudden request.""he stuttered, blushing a bit." haven't, but this was brought for you Mistress.Tis not intended for me to consume as well.I didn't mean to bring you so much, but you don't have to eat it all."Shade looked down, blushing still.It was uncommon for patrons to offer their servers food and such, so to have his Mistress her food to him was almost like an honor." want me to have some food Mistress.I can eat whatever you don't want, no worries.I can wait, I just want you to enjoy yourself and relax."
Skye laughed lightly, the sweet sound carrying gently across the room. She gestured to the bed beside her, pulling the tray onto her lap. "Please, I'll have to insist. You've been too kind." She smiled, realizing that he must be shy as she was when it came to some things. Her hand immediately reached for a fork, taking care of the issue of her growling stomach. The tray remained offered to him, though she noticed he still seemed hesitant. "Take whatever you like, really. I couldn't imagine going without breakfast and there's no way I'll eat all of this," she offered between mouthfuls.

She was done quickly, setting aside her empty plate on the nightstand as she observed her guest.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Whoami said:
Crystal shuttered when he blew some cool on her wetness. She felt his tongue travel across her damp panties. His tongue was extremely skilled and fast. It traveled every inch of her panties before she felt him start sucking on the fabric. Crystal let out a cry of pleasure as she felt the warmth in her legs increase ten fold. "Now- uhh, I can see why- ahh mmm, my friends sent me he- eeerre." her breathing increased. Her chest raised and lowered as she inhaled and exhaled. Crystal started tracing her fingers along her breasts which were concealed by her bra, she lightly drew her fingers on the exposed bottoms of her tits, letting out a light moan at both Tye eating her out, and her attention to her breasts.

((*Takes a deep breathe*I HOPE EVERYONE HAD A FANTASTIC X-MAS. And because of the holiday, I have been gone, but now I am back.))

Tye could only pull away, a warm smile on his face."I'm glad you are enjoying yourself.But I do wish to hear more of the exquisite voice of yours."He chuckled and placed his mouth, open, against her damp panties, pressing his tongue hard and along the fabric, tasting her delicious nectar.He even nipped at her clit, knowing that with the rubbing from the fabric, it was driving her insane.Finally though, he pulled away, his hands reaching up, fingers hooking onto the sides of her panties and he gently pulled the garment down her thighs and off her legs, tossing it behind him.He spread her legs as far as he could without hurting her, staring the glistening pink color of her cunt, seeing it twitch almost."Delicioud."he whispered and leaned in, slowly running his tongue, loving the fact that he could taste her better without the panties in the way.Tye slipped his tongue in and out of her pussy, even circling her clit, sucking on the little nub, scraping it a few times with his teeth, before sucking on her folds and nipping on them lovingly.
Silver117 said:
Drake moaned along with her as he fucks her hearder. He notice her breasts boucing everywhere, so he sucks on them to keep them in place. "So..tasty" he said and bit her nipples as part of her punishment. He had a few ideas, including the S&M show in the Tea Room he thought of earler. As the water splashes about onto the floor, he increases his raw deep pace insise her. He pulls out of her and bends her over the jacuzzi. "Now for your punishment for fucking me too early" he grinned. He fucks her pussy a few time before pulling out again. His cock moved up till it's head reached her tight anal. He push at it a few times before the cock head entered. The shaft soon followed untill he was all the way in her ass. "So very tight!" he groaned and starts fucking her.

She tossed her head back when he bit her nipples, the pain sending delicious pleasurable prickles down her spine.She bit her lip hard, his hips working against his harder, until he pushed her away, pulling out."Ahh, no."he gasped and let out a soft mew when she was bent over the edge of the tub, her ass sticking out, breasts, hanging over the tub, her nipples just barely touching the floor."M-Master..w-what...are you.-ahh~"Candy couldn't help, but arch her back when she felt his smooth cock head tease the entrance of her tight little asshole."M-Master...w-wait..I'm not ready there."She squirmed, but to late.He pushed in a bit, then out, then back in and out.She cried out his name, srpeading her legs a bit more, her hands holding onto the edge so she couldn't fall forward.Finally though, he was fully inside, rocking his hips.He felt bigger in this hole, then again, she rarely had anal sex."F-Fuck master....."she gasped, loving how her insides churned from his cock being thrusting in and out of her.
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Skylias said:
Skye laughed lightly, the sweet sound carrying gently across the room. She gestured to the bed beside her, pulling the tray onto her lap. "Please, I'll have to insist. You've been too kind." She smiled, realizing that he must be shy as she was when it came to some things. Her hand immediately reached for a fork, taking care of the issue of her growling stomach. The tray remained offered to him, though she noticed he still seemed hesitant. "Take whatever you like, really. I couldn't imagine going without breakfast and there's no way I'll eat all of this," she offered between mouthfuls.

She was done quickly, setting aside her empty plate on the nightstand as she observed her guest.

Rule one for maids, always do whatever your patrons wants, unless its something you don't like.But being offered food wasn't bad.With a nod, Shade went over to the bed, sitting himself beside Skye and took the extra fork that was on the tray.He picked at a piece of strawberry, making sure to leave all the good looking ones for her.Thinking, he stabbed a sliced melon and raised it for his Mistress to bite."please....allow me to feed you then Mistress."he smiled, bringing the fruit closer to her lips.She did have nice lips.Full kissable lips.He could imagine such a mouth on his skin or against his own mouth and such a though got him excited.Shade blushed slightly, telling himself not to think such things or else.
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