I hate being the reliable, dependable person.
I think I've said this before, but right now it's hitting home again. At work, at home...I'm the one who does things, I'm the one who gets things done, I'm the one they turn to.
I get it - it means I can be trusted, my input is valued, my presence is valued, my output is valued.
But for the love of all that's Holy, I wish it didn't come with the burdens and pressure and workload that it does.
I've got my own shit to do, I don't need yours as well. I've got my own work to do, I don't have time for that "urgent favour" you need. If I'm doing your work, who's doing mine? Oh, wait - me. That's okay, I'll help you out, I apparently don't need help with anything. I've barely got enough time to get my own work done, but sure I'll drop everything to help out with your insignificant task. You only have to push two buttons, why the fuck do I have to push them for you? Would you like me to wipe your ass for you as well?
"You want me to do this urgent task for you? Sure - what would you like me to stop doing?" I'd love to say that to someone who asks me to do an "urgent" task for them. Of course, if I did that, I'd likely also get a "please explain" from my team leader. And maybe a query from HR. But damn it's tempting.
Some days I wish I could be as "sick" as one of my colleagues who - when I have a look at the leave register we run - has only done two or three full 5-day weeks for the entire year. If he's not taking an RDO or a day of annual leave here and there, or the occasional public holiday, he's "sick". He may be legitimately sick, I don't know, but it happens so damned often. And when he's not in...I end up covering his late shift. Instantly turns my 8-hour day into a 9-hour day.
I've had enough. But I won't - can't - stop.