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What Bad RP Habits Do You Have?

Sometimes I feel like the RO has been played out during the OOC discussion/planning phase and I feel like there’s no point in starting the RP itself.

On the other extreme I don’t like it when people seem to just want to start a RP without any discussion or planning at all.
Want to know a bad habit I have? Not being clear. Or caving. Or probably some combination.

Someone will suggest a RP and I try to tell them I am not feeling the character and I am not understanding the scene they have in mind. I suggest perhaps they would prefer a different partner. They swear I'm doing great, that I'm exactly the kind of RP partner they are looking for. So, I try, and we both end up posting one-sentence replies.

At least those RPs usually fizzle out pretty quickly.
I find myself compromising once I find someone who fulfills a single, specific need, and then I find that those compromises are well beyond my comfort zone, but only once we're a ways into the RP. Can feel devastating to have to shoot an RP in the head, horse-style.
Never getting past the OOC conversation because most people annoy me with the way they talk about sex or smut. I feel their horniness before the roleplay even starts. Where’s the fun in that?
Mm, I am terrible at ghosting people. I don't mean to do it, but it happens probably more than it should. 🤭👻

I also am dreadful at plotting. Give me a premise, and let's go. 😶‍🌫️
I can dominate my partner in terms of dictating story ideas and plot details.

I will immediately lose interest in partners over little things.

I get nitpicky over partners not paying attention to minute details related to the setting (such as not being period accurate with technology or cultural references).

I lose interest once the sex happens.
I hate making my partner wait and end up rushing a reply sometimes only to feel I could have done much better.
Look, I don't ask for much. Just an interesting plot with interesting characters, with an appropriate amount of smut that is informed by the plot. And caters to my preferred dark kinks. Oh, and includes romance! But does not overlap the darker kinks and the romance. And, of course, top notch prose, that isn't overly descriptive or introspective, that gives me enough to respond to without overwhelming me. Oh, and respond frequently enough to keep my interest, without posting so often I am also overwhelmed by the constant back and forth.

Hmm, okay, I may be a tiny bit picky about my partners. 😅
I think my worst habit is apprehension when I approach a person for a roleplay. I tend to get really nervous over my ideas and that leads to me delivering plots in a times, often terrible, way. I have GOT to work on my communication, haha...
My bad rp habit is honestly not getting the notification for the new post, so I tend to not know if my partner has posted or not. Then I forget to post, when I assume that it's their turn when in actuality it is mine.
I sometimes bite off more than I can chew. If I have some sort of "dry season" with my RPs I tend to over-estimate how many plays I can do, and end up overwhelming myself by accepting a lot of them. Been getting better at this, but still tends to cause some problems from time to time.

I'm not very good at conveying my plot-ideas. Most of the time I think I present them uninteresting way, or I think that no-one is interested in what I have to offer. This led me to be half-hearted and accept stuff even remotely interesting to me. Also gotten better at this slowly but surely and now try to bring my ideas more out there and throw my two-cents on my partners plot ideas.

I guess I could say I'm not the best in communicating in general. I think I come out like a stick-in-the-mud to many people who look at my thread and the way I type, chat etc. usually seems overly "professional" to myself at least.

I'm pretty insecure and unsure of my writing in general. I haven't found a style that fits for me the best, and I rarely tend to get criticism of my writing, so I'm not sure where I should focus when trying to improve my creative writing, or if I even should try to improve anything and just roll with what I know already. There are as many writing styles as there are people, but I still can't shake off the feeling that I'm lacking as a creative writer, and make a pretty dull roleplaying partner.

So I guess the bad habit in this is worrying about how I write too much, instead of just writing how I feel the best in any given situation.

My pace in my plays is often inconsistent to say the least, and I think that has been the reason of many potentially great plays dying on me.


These are something that came to my mind. There are probably a handful of others I could've think of, but I think these would be the "big four" of my personal bad habits.
I sometimes bite off more than I can chew. If I have some sort of "dry season" with my RPs I tend to over-estimate how many plays I can do, and end up overwhelming myself by accepting a lot of them. Been getting better at this, but still tends to cause some problems from time to time.

I'm not very good at conveying my plot-ideas. Most of the time I think I present them uninteresting way, or I think that no-one is interested in what I have to offer. This led me to be half-hearted and accept stuff even remotely interesting to me. Also gotten better at this slowly but surely and now try to bring my ideas more out there and throw my two-cents on my partners plot ideas.

I guess I could say I'm not the best in communicating in general. I think I come out like a stick-in-the-mud to many people who look at my thread and the way I type, chat etc. usually seems overly "professional" to myself at least.

I'm pretty insecure and unsure of my writing in general. I haven't found a style that fits for me the best, and I rarely tend to get criticism of my writing, so I'm not sure where I should focus when trying to improve my creative writing, or if I even should try to improve anything and just roll with what I know already. There are as many writing styles as there are people, but I still can't shake off the feeling that I'm lacking as a creative writer, and make a pretty dull roleplaying partner.

So I guess the bad habit in this is worrying about how I write too much, instead of just writing how I feel the best in any given situation.

My pace in my plays is often inconsistent to say the least, and I think that has been the reason of many potentially great plays dying on me

Literally all of these apply to me as well. It's like, you're speaking my language here. Especially the dry season thing! Oh and the not knowing how to improve!
One of my bad habits is sometimes writing what I think I "should" write, rather than what I enjoy. I guess in other words, overthinking things and making it into too much of a chore, in order to do what I think "needs" to happen in the story... bad!
I also lose interest in partners over little things. I drop people without a word. I don't personally consider it a bad habit, but considering how almost everyone who contacts me fails at it, I guess expecting a partner with an actual grasp of grammar is just too much.
My bad rp habit is being extra. Every scene needs camp, extra flair in scenery, and just going on and on about the little things. Feeling each scene needs to be perfect. Im toning it down in some stories, focusing on other aspects.

Picking up where I left off. I don’t usually like picking up where my partner left their post off, and I favor recalling unless it’s better not to.

I do what I want. Sure we may have discussed a particular detail, but while I was writing I got a better idea. Thankfully, my partners are great at handling curveballs.

Sometimes I’m repetitive and don’t even realize it? Oops. :3

Getting bored easily with stories and partners.

Only wanting to write with flowery prose and avoiding easy, common words sometimes to my detriment. :(
One bad RP "habit" (I'm not sure habit is the right word, here) I have is when I get a particular image or idea in my head for the story, and I don't want to let it go.

I don't necessarily push that idea or image onto my partner, but I do tend to negotiate towards getting close to what I've thought up, and while I'm happy to compromise the compromise may hurt.

But, hey...the first step in solving a problem is being aware of its existence, right? I do my damnedest to not be pushy about plot points.
Forgetting some character background info or details I introduced about them in the beginning later on in the story.
Forgetting some character background info or details I introduced about them in the beginning later on in the story.
I’m bad sometimes in that I overlook details my partner may have put into their post, because my brain is running 1000 miles an hour or I want to write in something else and forget the other stuff. I usually catch it after I proofread.
I have a horrible habit of letting outside influences take me out of my writing. I really need to learn to separate the two.
Being less fragile then others I'm more into the darker side of things. I can also get others into things as well. But the "real concerns" have to be addressed. Not ignored. People that "separate" often "ignore" (without meaning too probably). When combining can produce better results both with RP and self improvement as people.

It's also hard to post with someone that doesn't consider my real viewpoints. If I don't know they're keeping "me" in mind then my "character" struggles to interact with the other person too. It's the being "blind" to each other. Which prompts communication. Just got to be clear about the wants/needs and such.

Those that ask me have fun times with me. I also know I can get people to enjoy things they say they're "not interested" in. The next time someone spoonfeeds you that line, ask yourself, did they even ask for context or your viewpoint before making a snap judgement?

I'm so glad some people can ask. That person didn't just become a RP buddy, we became gaming buddies too. Even after they insulted and degraded me when they called me a comical enigma. I just laughed it off. Long as I'm amusing them. I think people are drawn to me because of my strong desire to make it about honesty. No matter the cost. No trust without it. Makes me feel good about myself. Knowing the results it brings. That can lead to being a bit egotistic at times, but eh, if I can ask and others can't then why shoudln't I be? Never get the full story unless you ask.
Letting outside burnout caused by outside forces affect how much effort I put into things. Then to not communicate when I get overwhelmed. I'm getting better though! One of the many steps in fixing something is admitting the problem is there in the first place. GO thread! Wooo!
I also have a bad habit of telling myself "Most people aren't worth the effort because they'll just shut down communication". I loath fragile people that shut down communication. Cowards in other words. I know it sounds mean, and it is. But I have good reason for saying it. Any time someone acts like that it's a painful reminder. I think these painful reminders are why people are reluctant to reach out to people at times.

Right. Pain. Ok, I can work with that. Face. Confront. Embrace. Wait a moment, would I be the coward if I didn't try when I'm afraid? Alright, I'm going to try then. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't.

Today I kicked myself up the ass, put games on hold for the moment and looked at the 239487293472974334 people on F-chat (On the bright side, more options). I opened up who knows how many character pages and ended up having a nice understanding talk with someone. Talked about ideas and interests and got RP planned. Not once did they dismiss an idea or show any close minded traits. They asked me lots of questions. And want to ask more later too. I love this. They're clearly asking and being understanding. It's great.

A million people with closed minds there might be. But those gems in the dirt are woth digging up. It can be hard to keep that in mind sometimes. Just got to think back on how I get results with others is all. What happens when people can't draw on that though? Must make people feel pretty helpless.
I immediately know if I don't want to rolepaly with someone based on how they approach me/ respond to my board.

- If it's linking me to your own request thread, immediate no,
- If your request is sparse, immediate no,
- if your writing is calculated/ immediately suspicious.. no

Also, I ghost when I get bored. I've been ghosted plenty. It doesn't matter lol
I immediately know if I don't want to rolepaly with someone based on how they approach me/ respond to my board.
That sounds like you're making snap judgements and taking things at face value. Though what you say is true it's "at that current point in time". I point this out because I change the minds of stubborn people.

Also, I ghost when I get bored. I've been ghosted plenty. It doesn't matter lol
You're stooping to that level when you do it yourself. Isn't that being hypocritical? I can fall into the habit of ghosting too when all people say is hello. But I don't like myself for that. At the same time there's no questions or anything to challenge so...

Hmm... Maybe I should at least try to challenge those "simple" people more. This has giving me something to think on.
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