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The Pirates Curse (Lunarwolf and GuardianAngel)

"Shall we have some fun then I do belive we can take these bastards now" Cobra knew how to attack with out harming civilians and wouls use that skill
Sin was just looking up with a rather eerie smile on her lipa before she was getting to her feet and humming "Let's get going then."
The pair of them took out the guards although the king had managed to retreat away. As this happened Selena managed to get the cell unlocked and was opening it up for the men to leave, the poor female still a bit shaken from being in that torture room earlier
Selena looked at him a bit startled before she was stating that she wasn't sure where Lord Isaac had gone off too.
"head to his office and the third book on the third shelf pull it it will open to a hidden room he will be there" Richard smiled at her and then urged her to go
Selena was a bit hesistant but she was doing as she was told. No it was an order from royalty. she knew better than to argue with that.
Selena was finding Isaac's office although she didn't actively seek for him right away, was just sucking under the desk to hide as some guards came barging in. One of them was stating for them to tear apart the office. "There has to be a hidden room here somewhere."
Well the office was being pulled apart and when he did leave he would find the office in shambles. Yet what would probably have him leaving was the startles shriek that would come from Selena when she was found. And some very nasty comments were being made towards the young maid.

The king was just stepping back as his guards were slaughtered and then it seemed like Richard had arrived with Mikael. "You know... Quite the scheme you had. Trying to force this marriage so you could gain control of Avalor. Shame that it wasn't my signature." Sin was commenting to the king.
Richard nodded his head lightly in agreement

Issac stepped out of his hidden room and ended the guards lives before that could do anything more
Sin was just tilting her head a bit before she was commenting "You mind as well just surrender now."

Selena was a bit startled and was just collapsing onto her knees, looking away from the blood.
The king was cornered but it definitely seemed like he had something planned. And it was discovered when the princes moved forward. There was something bothering Sin, which had her moving forward and she was pushing Richard off towards Isaac, knocking them both down. With good timing to as a hidden guard came up out of the shadows. Instead of hitting the boys, the guard was managing to get Sin across the side, pretty deeply, before her dagger was going through his neck.
Sin just watched for a brief moment in time as she pressed her hand to her side. "Well i guess with him dead... Since we are "married" you are king. Time to rewrite some laws."
"Take care of your people. I'll be fine." Sin was waving it off before she was commenting that Cobra wasn't going to be happy his jacket was stained, since she was still wearing it. "Since things are resolved... I shall be taking my leave of this place. I have been away from the sea for far too long... I am a caged bird here."
"your getting tended to first once your healed and your friend is back you can head out" Richard picked her up and headed ot the medical wing
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