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Behind Closed Doors (1x1 w/ PoisonousIvee)

"F-Fuck yeah scream my fucking name, Kitten." He hissed into his ear as he slammed into his spot.
He arched hard and drooled, Morgan could see a faint twisted smile start to form, "Y-You make me feel so good, Morgan~!!"
He grunted and tugged at his tail, keeping it still as he slammed faster into him. "G-Good because I ain't lettin' you get off anywhere else. We got work cut out for us."
A twisted smile fully split his face, rocking his hips with Morgan's, eyes crossed hard as he drooled. His cock was aching to burst, moans feral and throaty.
The tip of Morgan's tail teased Kit's balls slowlt, before moving to wrap around his shaft tight. "Good Kitten." He grunted out.
"God you're perfect for me~" he moaned in Kit's ear as he nipped it gently, huffing and panting hard.
"You'd be so much more perfect with just one little thing~" he said, his own cock throbbing hard.
"You could cum..~ Nice and hard..~ And not stop until we're done..~" he said in a tone that sent a shudder up Kit's spine.
He pulled his head back by his hair and pushed his fingers into Kit's mouth with a loud moan. "G-Good boy..~!!"
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