- Joined
- Jun 9, 2021
One day youβll call her Dr. Fruit, but for now, itβs @Forbidden Fruit on todayβs Interview!
Hi Fruit, welcome, make yourself at home!
*jumps on sofa*
Thank you for having me! Oh my god its so cozy in here! .... meanwhile my partners, who've been patiently waiting for weeks, are probably reading this and going "This bitch.." while shaking their fists at the sky.
For real, though, I'm a big fan of your interviews. I think you're doing an amazing job and should keep it up! c:
You're part of our design crew here on BMR! How long have you been involved with the team and what's it like?
I'm actually a founding member of the design team! I went back to the super duper secret staffy archives and saw that the team was founded back in 2016. I remember @Mitsu was tasked with assembling the team and he recruited @Chai (formerly known as Ariamella), @lait and yours truly as the four founding members of the design team. He probably picked Chai and lait and then realized there was too much talent in the team so he dragged me aboard to balance things lmao
I remember originally the admins wanted to name us "Artists" and we thought it was too pretentious and preferred "Designers". The role color changed multiple times as well through the years as well but I think the team has always felt the same to me even with the staff changes. We're all really chill friends who are, y'know, friends. We help each other out and I never felt any sort of animosity nor competition within the crew through the years.
My role is honestly super fun. I enjoy graphics design as a hobby and a creative outlet. Being part of the design team gives me the opportunity to utilize that hobby to make people slightly happier. The admin team also gave us full freedom to accept and complete requests at our pacing and even turn down requests if we choose to (although we rarely do that). That really helps us not get burned out or overwhelmed with requests. Its honestly the perfect staff position for me!
How would you describe your artistic style?
I always try to cater to whatever the requester specifies but I adore minimalism. Simpler designs tend to look better in my opinion although more complicated designs are a fun creative process as well. I also really enjoy fiddling with contrast so you'll see a lot of my pieces are either super faded and soft or dark and high-contrast.
If you were a font, which one would you be?
Oh god I'm awful at questions like this lmao
Well, I'm not really that expressive despite working on it. I'm almost deadpan irl, naturally almost apathetic, but I also enjoy deviating from what is considered the norm and slightly standing out. I'm not flamboyant, though, you'd have to look very closely to find interesting details about me that make me unique and that's because I'm very private. I think the font would then have to be mostly standard and boring, but with little unique details that give it character.

What's a typical day like for you?
I have a tough work schedule and a busy life with a lot of moving parts and on-going projects. Outside of work, I don't really have a typical routine. Sometimes I have errands to run but if I'm free I either game with my boyfriend, go on walks to de-stress, read a book, or watch Netflix. Oh and I've been known to work on a post once every blue moon.
What are your other, non-RP hobbies?
I really enjoy reading and watching movies. I used to game a lot but now, outside of a few select games, I only play for the 'social' element. Graphics design has always sort of been in the background for me. I take any opportunity I get to whip out PhotoShop and play with it but I don't often get to do that. Oh, that's another reason as to why I enjoy being in the design team - it gives me a reason to get on PhotoShop.
What's one of your all-time favorite games?
Growing up I was a huge fan of stealth games and ended up playing dozens of various games in that genre. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is probably my favorite game of all time. Resident Evil 4 is a close second (although that one isn't stealth). Out of the newer games, I think Dishonored is a criminally underrated masterpiece. The art in that game, including music, is breathtaking.
How did you get your start writing and RPing, and what is your favorite thing about the hobby?
I remember when I was a kid I used to be a member in a forum that was centered on video games. They had a small role-play section and I think that was when I first dipped my toes in the pool. Later when I became an adult, I found BMR with a quick Google search. I think these days I maintain the hobby primarily to improve my creative writing skills but my favorite thing about the hobby is the collaborative dynamic behind it. Its super interesting that the partners are both the authors and the audience. Very unique when you think about it; you two work and plan together in a project where you want to entertain/impress one another.
How do you tend to find your writing partners?
I rely on bumping my RT and carefully selecting prospective partners. Sometimes I'll hit up people but that rarely happens and only because I have such limited time and I'd rather write specific things I'm explicitly craving.
What would be your advice to someone interested in designing their own artwork for the site?
- 100% go for it. GFX software apps can be overwhelming and confusing at first but with experience and trial and error everything gradually becomes more manageable.
- Don't be scared to mess around. Most experienced users I know, including myself, rarely go in with a solid plan. We might have a vague vision of the final product in mind but we often stray from it and experiment.
- Put a lot of effort into working with high quality images with well placed focal points that make the whole piece flow well.
- There is beauty in simplicity.
- No text is better than illegible text written in an awesome font.
Some days you're the statue. Some days you're the pigeon.
What's one thing that's high on your bucket list?
Traveling! I really really want to keep traveling around.
Special mentions:
- Publishing at least one novel.
- Getting a Ph.D (I'm applying for admission these days. Wish me luck! ;-; )
- Having/adopting kids.
Wow, that's awesome! Good luck on your applications! What part of grad school is your favorite, and when you finish your studies, will you change your name to Dr. Fruit?
Haha! I think @Fentanyl mentioned that Dr. Fruit would be a sexy name and I laughed it off but now I might just consider it for discord at least. While I enjoy research, I think what draws me the most to grad school is that the type of information you get in there is extremely pertinent to whatever you're most interested in. It's also very 'current'. In undergrad classes, they focus primarily at teaching you information that had been tested and proven for decades. Grad school gives you exposure to things that have been suggested/discovered within the last year, even if not 100% empirically proven or explained. From receiving that kind of information you get an insight at the research trends, and what scientists are consolidating their efforts towards. This helps you understand where we, mankind, are headed, and what newly developed technologies might be commercially available in the future.
[interviewerβs note: I maintain that the user βFentanylβ is an urban legend.]
If money/time/etc weren't an object, where would you travel first?
Oh I have a list of places I need to visit before I hit the bucket. New Zealand, Iceland, and Alaska - in that order of importance.
What's just a random, interesting fact about you?
I'm an engineer! I guess that's interesting?
That is interesting! What do you usually engineer?
I currently work in a water plant project. After the project is complete, the plant would treat and desalinate seawater to make it potable for people in the region. I think I gained a lot of information in this field working this job, but I ultimately want to work in academics. My long term goal has always been to teach at university level.
Thanks again Fruit, and thanks for reading!