Bad Habits (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Good. You make sure he's a right fit for her."
"Daddy, please, it probably won't go anywhere anyway..." Annella said, "he thinks you're intimidating."
"Me?" He asked, and Annella nodded, "I dannae even know the lad!"
"He knows who you are, ye tube!" She giggled.
Munro gave her a soft glare. Goading him at the table? Bold. “Like I said, I’ll see him soon enough.”
"Well, see to it that ye do." Charles said before finishing his scotch, "Who's for dessert?"
"Oh, I couldn't eat another bite.." Annella whined softly, "I'm probably just going to go to bed." She stood and kissed Munro's temple, which wasn't uncommon, even before they were dating it was something she did as a token of appreciation. She moved to Charles, who held his arms out to her, holding her and kissing her cheek and wishing her good night. She waved as she headed out of the dining room and Charles sighed.
"Oh, that one'll be the death'a me..."
“She’s a good kid, Charles.” He said with a smile. “I think I’m gonna make my rounds before calling it a night.”
He nodded, giving a soft smile, "More dessert for me then." He said playfully, "Thank you for looking out for her, Munro. I owe you."
His phone buzzed in his pocket, and when he looked, it was from Annella.
"Oh, if only my big, strong, handsome, brooding, rude boyfriend would come tuck me in and kiss me goodnight."
After he knocked, she let him in, only wearing a thin sports bra and tiny pajama shorts, "Oh, there you are, I thought for sure you didn't get my text.."
“Had to make sure I wasn’t spotted..” he said, looking her up and down with an effort to keep his hands to himself.
She smiled, "I'm sure we're safe for at least ten minutes...~" She whispered, making sure the door was shut all the way before moving closer, "Thank you for fulfilling my request...~"
She deepened the kiss a little, doing her best not to touch him in case he thought she was trying to trap him there.
He made a low noise and placed his hands gently on her hips. Damn it all she was soft. He pulled back slowly. “Maybe best served for later..” he said.
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