Bad Habits (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

And she was never wanting. She even managed to get him out on dates under the guise of needing a watchful eye for a night of fun, as young women are known to do in the States.
They were in his room just enjoying each other's company when his notification for the front door went off.
"Annie!" Annella jumped up right away, "Where are ye, me wee bon?"
"Daddy!!" She shot out of the room like a rocket, racing down to greet her father. Charles grinned at the sight of her, spinning her around when she threw herself at him in a hug.
"What are you doing home, you aren't expected for another couple of weeks?" She asked excitedly. Charles smiled as he held his daughter.
"We finished early, and I wanted to surprise ye." He replied, "Where's that no good Highlander'a yers, eh?"
"Ah," Charles couldn't smile more, clapping Munro on his upper arm like a proud father would as he shook his hand, "ye been keepin her outta trouble, boy?"
He laughed and turned to Annella, pinching her sides playfully and cackling when she tried to squirm away from him, "He cannae know peace with ye, bon!"
"Daddy, stop!" She squealed before moving to stand behind Munro, laughing softly. Charles chuckled and sighed.
"Well, I'm goin tae take this time tae unpack and relax from the flight." He said.
"Let's have a nice dinner tonight, the three of us! We haven't sat together in a long time." Annella offered. Charles nodded.
"Aye, I think the last time was when we first brought ye over, lad." He agreed, nodding to Munro.
"It's a date." He said and moved to kiss Annella's head before taking his things to his room. Annella turned to Munro with a mischievous smile.
"I suppose we have to be extra cautious now...~" She whispered.
When he came into the room, she shut the door behind him, "Do you really think you could keep your hands off me the whole time daddy's home...~?" She asked, moving to press against him.
"Anyway, if you feel a need overcome you," she shook her phone gently as she headed for the door, "you have my number." She moved to leave before blowing a kiss, "Love you." She whispered and dipped out.
He groaned and rubbed his face. “Fuckin complicated woman..” he said quietly and went about his rounds.
Dinner that night was lovely, Charles sharing a good laugh with the both of them after being away for so long. Annella was over the moon to have her father back, despite that it would most likely be short lived; Charles was a busy man, doing all that he could to provide a beyond comfortable life for his daughter.
"Any suitors, me wee one? Yer a rather fetchin lass." Charles asked. Annella hummed, making a sad show of playing with her food.
"No, not really." She replied, "I don't think the boys like me at Uni..."
"Wh!!" Charles looked appalled by the notion, "I'm sure Munro has waved many ovvum away with a stick!"
"If he has, I wouldn't know, daddy.." Annella replied.
"Ach!! Y'see!" He grinned, "The boys like ye. Ye haven't met any ye like?"
"There's one..." Annella replied, "but you wouldn't like him, he's a bit gruff and rude."
"Has Munro seen him?" Charles asked. Annella became embarrassed.
"I don't want Munro to see him, he would scare him away." She said, "But I like him...he's gentle with me."
"Gentle how?" Charles became rather protective and Annella flushed.
"N-Not like that, daddy!! I meant he's nice when it's just me and him!"
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