The doorbell rang, which was a little odd, there weren't any packages due. Did Annella order something without telling him? She might have forgot on accident.
"Hey, is Annella home?" There was a boy at the door, holding some flowers, "Uh...I just wanted to...bring her these..." He seemed incredibly intimidated by Munro.
"That's what trust is, have to trust that despite all these people trying to get in my bed, I won't let them...for fuck's sake, I broke a guy's nose for putting his hand up my skirt.."
She moved in and shut the door behind her, "Munro, I..." She looked down, embarrassed, "I love you, ok...? I always have...since you first got here..."
"You never seemed interested..." She said, "I get it, your job is really important, so I never wanted to try and get close like that...and then mom died..." She paused for a second, "I guess I just used them to try and...make myself feel friend in psychology says that hypersexuality is a symptom of trauma..."
She lowered her gaze, "Alright...fine..." She said, "I'll leave you to it..." She turned for the door, starting to think this whole thing was a mistake.