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Devotion Like None Other (1x1 W/PoisonousIvee)

He heeded every warning, oddly enough, until he reached the next town. People were horrified by the dried blood on his armor but he didn't care, moving into the tavern and buying board.
She smirked to herself, feeling very self satisfied. She had no idea what she'd done to him.
He sat at the bar and ordered food and drink, looking mildly annoyed and unhappy. People were rather wary of him, it was odd to see a man with such fiery hair; it was viewed as an ill omen, a mortal favored highly by demons. He ignored the discomfort, he never believed such things.
In reality, funny enough, he was favored by one very peculiar god. No one was aware of it, but eventually, a petite woman approached him. "Don't see too many from the knighthood out this way.."
"Silent type?" She asked, tapping the bar and smiling at the bartender as he handed her an ale.
She smiled a bit. "I see.. so, you think that you have some.. magical charm over women?"
She made a noise. "Alright, alright, I can take a hint.." she said. She paused. "Before I leave, I'm not a barmaid.."
"You have no idea.. nice to see you still wearing my pendant, Derek." She said before suddenly leaving and disappearing into the crowd.
He choked hard and wheezed before he regained himself, looking at where she left before trying to go find her.
She had seemingly.. vanished. It seemed like multiple voices called out to him. A male voice? Another woman? What was happening? Suddenly, he felt a tap on the shoulder from behind.
"I..." Something felt wrong. Different. It was her but it wasn't...her. "Yeah...I'm fine. Suppose my travels have finally gotten to me.."
She smiled and nodded as she left to the bar again. What just happened? As he went back to the bar, someone new was there. Or.. had he just not noticed them before?
"No, I'm suffering from battle fatigue, I don't even really think I was talking to anyone.." He replied, "If you don't mind, I wish to be left alone.."
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