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The Vampire Hunters Mistake (LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

"your going to rest and take a couple days off no training or anything like that actually rest Chriss" Romeo was worried about her as well
Chrissanth just looked at him for a moment before she questioned, "What makes you think I need to rest? I'm fine."
"you and Rose have been working overtime keeping the walls safe while we train up more guards you both need to rest" Romeo didn't want them to burn out as they were their two best fighters.

Rose sat and watched as Shayne finished bandaging her hands but before he could move she slummed against him exhaustion finally catching up with her and causing her to essentially pass out on him
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Shayne was shifting to catch her and was easily scooping her up to carry her off towards the room that she was staying in.

Chrissanth looked at him for a brief moment in time before she was letting out a breath then spoke, "Alright. Fine."
Romeo smiled “thank you“ he didn’t want her passing out of them even more so when she was on patrol as there would be no one there to catch her if she feel from somewhere
Chrissanth was nodding her head before she was brushing off her clothing so that she could head off to her room to rest for the evening.
Romeo walked with her to make sure that she arrived with out any issues. Once she was settled in her room he headed to his own as he needed the rest as well
Romeo looked at her and then nodded before heading to her side so that he could settle in next to her to rest. ROreo didn’t mind resting next to her as it kept them both calm and content
While they were resting Kyle was taking over some of their jobs but not before he checked in on everyone, seeing the Romeo and Chrissanth were curled together was nothign new but he did find it interesting that Rose and Shayne were together as well but it looked like the male was awake while Rose was out cold "do you need help escaping?"
Shayne was in fact awake although Rose had seemed to almost latch onto him in her outcold state, just as Kyle seemed to be coming past. "Escape... Or finding a maid to bring me a couple of tablets and some food. Either one works." Shayne was speaking after a moment in time. Although if he was asking for tablets, just helping him get away was probably a better idea, especially as she was actively bleeding. While they had control, there was definitely a chance that it could slip... sadly it did happen to the best of them at times. But as long as they regained control and didn't kill somebody that is what mattered.
Kyle nodded and then moved to his side looking over how she was clinging to him and with a nod he took a large and firm pillow and slipping it between Rose and where she was clinging to Shayne smiling when she released him "sorry sir I didnt realize that they were both so tired"
Shayne was chuckling a bit before he was speaking, "I don't think anybody truly did. Thanks for the help." he was speaking after he had gotten free.
Kyle nodded his head lightly “I am glad go and feed and then rest my prince I’ll keep watch over the castle and the people while you do”
while he went to rest Kyle headed off so that he could check everything over and see how it was going till the castle and its grounds were secure. Kyle walked around the wall and noticed it was almost done and smiled, happy they would be able to relax. Kyle stopped and spoke with several kids who were asking if they were going to have a festival soon. Kyle nodded his head and stated that he would talk to the prince's and the princess about it and see if it could be done
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As Kyle was talking with the kids, Circe was wandering outside towards them. This had a few of the kids get rather excited and they were running over so that they could hug her tightly. This had her giving a small giggle before she was kneeling down to hug them back gently as well.
Kyle walked over and kissed the side of her head before speaking "the kids are asking if we are going to have a festival once the wall is fixed I said I would ask you and your brothers"
Circe was just looking up for a moment in time before she was commenting, "I think that would be a grand idea."
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