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The Vampire Hunters Mistake (LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Kyle looked at her “ I want you comfortable with the date chosen if you want my input on something I’ll give it but this is suppose to be your day”
Circe was just looking for a brief moment before she spoke in a soft voice, "M...Maybe next s...spring...." Still a year away but the marriage would still happen in the two years that it is suppose to happen as per the will.
Kyle nodded and then thought about which month “what about May if we make sure that all the flowers are planted in time we could do and out door event” Kyle hoped she liked his suggestion
Circe was looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was speaking in a soft voice, "Y...Yes... I like that idea."
Circe was just looking for a brief moment in time then looked at the little dragons that were running around. There was a faint smile on her lips before she was stating that she did like that idea.
Kyle smiled “I though you would cause in their own way they are your babies” Kyle had no issues with this as he adored them as well
Circe was just smiling before she spoke, "Shockingly... Ren is a bit older than what one would think." Soon enough they came charging back over to the pair of them, Ren going straight to Kyle while the baby dragon was going to Circe. "What should we name you little one? Hmm.... how about... Saylla." she was speaking in a soft voice, which had the little dragon seeming to chirp a bit gently.
The little dragon seemed a bit unsure before she started to purr as though she was a cat. It seemed like she was happy with her new name, and was nuzzling against Circe's cheek.
Ren and Saylla just looked at him and chirped a bit. Ren was confirming that he was in fact hungry, and he was letting Kyle know that Saylla was saying that she was hungry as well.
Circe was getting to her feet as well which had Saylla skittered after her as well, the woman just picking up both the dragons to follow after that of Kyle.
Ren was just chittering at him and huffing a bit but in the end he was calming down, having more done that in a joking manner. No the boy had no issues with being with Kyle at all. Yet walking into the palace, the tiny dragon was hissing at somebody that came past them. A rather violent thing for him to do. And Circe just seemed to keep her eyes on the ground, hurrying after Kyle, seeming to just be avoiding the person.
Ren was just looking at Kyle before he was speaking to him only, 'He was harassing mom earlier.... telling her that she wasn't good enough for you, and that she needed to leave this place. I think he had left a bruise on her wrist when he had done that.'
Kyle moved to Circe and looked at her wrists and was able to see the bruises "stay with your m other and if someone tries to harm her again bring them a world of pain" Kyle then set Ren down and then went after the male his anger growing with each step
Circe was a bit startled when he was grabbing her and looking at her wrists, which just had her quivering a bit when he spoke. Well it was definitely evident that he was angry and she was apologizing to him for not saying anything. Ren was chittering a bit and reassuring her that everything was fine.
"it is fine my dear you are not to blame" Kyle soon caught up with the male and he would find out very soon how bad of an idea it was to mess with his fiancé
Circe was just giving a small nod although in the end she was following after him, the two dragons in her arms. She was a bit surprised when Shayne was coming up as well from another hallway, so she was going over to him. Oh there was Romeo as well it seemed. "Oh hello brothers." she was speaking with a smile. "Another dragon....?" Shayne was speaking as he gestured to the little one and she was explaining what had happened.
Romeo nodded his head "well I am glad you were able to save at least one of the eggs Drake seems to be a little upset that most of them died but when he talks you can hear he is glad she survived"
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