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Becoming My Brother's Lover (LustfulSins&n.oiz)

Harley's moans spur Nova on, encouraging his rough thrusts. When Harley's legs nearly give out, Nova's left arm wraps tightly around his waist to keep him up. And when the boy moans loud with his climax, Nova's mouth finds his throat, biting down and sucking on the skin.

In general, alphas have great stamina and endurance. Nova is no different. When Harley lifts his hips, pushing back against Nova, the older brother leans into him. Rutting harder, leaning into his thrusts, Nova truly bends Harley over the counter after his right arm abruptly sweeps their breakfast out of the way. Harley's barely touched plate of pancakes crashes to the floor, along with the bottle of syrup, with thankfully doesn't pop open. Nova doesn't care, leaning against Harley as he pushes him chest down on the island counter.
It seemed that Harley had only encouraged his brothers aggression as he pushed him down into the island counter. His eyes grew wide as he kept on going, his member having no issue getting hard again. Harley had heard things from his friends about alphas, about how they could get in rut, how even the slightest trace of an omega in heat could send them into an animalistic frenzy. But he had never believed it, not once. He always believed it was just his friends trying to scare him or over exaggerate.

However, today he had clearly been proven wrong. Harley tried to squirm to touch his now throbbing length, but he could not move. All he could do was push his ass against Nova in hops he could cum again
Nova's hips continue to rut hard, cock striking and rubbing Harley's prostate. His left hand still digs fingers into the boy's hip, right hand pressed to the back of his right shoulder to hold him bent over tye counter. Nova's mouth trails bites along Harley's neck and left shoulder, bites that leave marks, which would be visible for a couple of days. He's growling, rapidly approaching his own climax.

When Nova hits his climax, his hips buck hard, burying his cock to the hilt with a loud groan. But he doesn't stop entirely. His hips still jerk hard, tight against Harley, as if the motion could sink him deeper. Leaning against the boy, hips jerking, creates pressure inside Harley. As this is happening, Nova releases thick spurts of hot seed into Harley's body, which serves to fill him further. Leaning so firmly against him and creating the pressure acts as a plug, cock preventing anything from leaking out.
That was all it took to send Harley over the edge yet again. His hips bucking upwards against the other, following his movement as Nova came inside him, followed by Harley reaching his climax once again. The boy let out those lustful moans yet again as he came, whimpers trapped underneath said moans.

Once he had reached his second climax, it was all too much for Harley. Panting like he had ran a marathon, practically collapsed against the counter. “N-Nova..” He stammered, face red with blush
Nova stays leaned against Harley as he basks in the aftershocks of his orgasm. His lips brush back and forth across the heroes bite marks decorating his younger brother's neck and shoulders. His left hand has at least relaxed it's grip on the boy's hip, just resting there loose now. Nova is practically purring in satisfaction.

After several minutes of resting there on top of Harley, Nova blinks, coming back to himself. He takes a deep breath, eyes scanning the marks he made. He straightens, hands running along Harley's skin as he slowly pulls back from his body. His arms are there to catch his brother if he's unsteady, to keep him from sliding to the floor if his legs give out. "Are you okay, Harley? Did I hurt you?" Nova is calm, almost too calm for someone who just fucked their little brother against the kitchen counter.
Harley didn’t know what to say. He felt so...embarrassed and flustered. Not only were his dreams of being an alpha being crush, but he had been fucked by his own brother- and what made it worse was that he enjoyed it. Something primal inside him preened at the way Nova littered his unmarked body with little bite marks, almost like an artist painting a blank canvas.

All he could do now was whimper out a small “Yes.” legs trembling as he meekly held onto whatever he could on the counter, despite Nova’s grip keeping him in place still. “Wanna lie down..” He whispered, after all it wasn’t uncommon for omegas, especially young ones after their first heat, to feel drained after their heat.
Nova grimaces, uncertain if the yes was in answer to his first of second question. He quickly fixes himself, tucking himself back into his sweats. Then Nova wraps his arms around Harley, picking him up to cradle him against his chest. Nova turns, carrying Harley upstairs to his bedroom. He lays the boy out on his bed, brushing his hair out of his eyes. Nova takes a moment to pull off Harley's shirt, hanging from his arms, and his pants and briefs, hanging from his ankles. "I'm going to get you some advil, okay? I'll come right back, I promise."

Nova hurries to the bathroom to get advil, stopping in his own bedroom to grab a water bottle from the pack he keeps there for late night gaming. Back into Harley's room, he props the boy up and sits behind him, though with his feet still on the floor. "Here, take this." Nova places the advil into Harley's hand, and the water bottle. Nova is calm, because someone needs to be. Yes, he fucked his little brother in his first heat. He could apologize for years, but it wouldn't change what had happened. So he does what he can, taking care of Harley in the aftermath.
Harley was still rather disoriented, slowly coming down from the high of his heat and into the docile and dazed part. He didn’t reply or squirm as Nova lifted him, carrying him to his bed. The moment he hit the bed, Harley whined and rolled over, trying to get under the covers to sleep. He hadn’t even processed what his older brother had said as he crawled towards the top of his bed.

Though before he could get under, Nova had returned and was propping him up, sitting behind him. He whined and moved slightly, but the poor boy was too tired to start a real struggle. All he did was whisper again “Wanna go to bed..” Having the advil and water bottle placed in each of his hands, he reluctantly took the pills with some water “There. Now I wanna sleep.”
Nova nods, laying Harley back down. He pulls the blankets up around Harley's shoulders, brushing back his pink hair again. "Sleep, Harley." Nova sighs as he leaves the room. He has to call Harley's school and let them know Harley won't be in. He also must tell them his little brother is an omega. All secondary genders must be registered, so incidences like the one downstairs don't happen.

After the phone call, and much convincing that Harley is well cared for to sit out his heat, Nova sets to cleaning up the mess of their breakfast on the floor. Technically, an omega can endure their heat alone. It's uncomfortable, and very disorienting, but after 24 hours, the heat does fade. However, it's often far easier and faster for the omega to submit to an alpha or beta. Most omegas find friends they can trust to carry them through their heats when it happens. Harley didn't have that choice. Nova rubs his forehead as he throws out the food that he had cleaned up from the floor, moving to fill the mop bucket to clean the syrup that had already been on the plate of pancakes.
Being left alone, Harley gave a small sigh. He was already a very attached person, he loved his brother so much, he was so kind and sweet to him...though, he at the moment he was having mixed feelings. Those feelings he decided not to dwell on as he slowly climbed under the covers. Sure, he was still a mess but he was just so tired he wanted to rest.

So, Harley crawled under the blankets with a small smile, grabbing a pillow like he usually did and cuddling into it. And it wasn’t long until the worn out boy had drifted off into a sweet slumber
Nova spends the remainder of the morning, after having cleaned up the kitchen, settled in his bedroom at his desk. He's working on ideas for the upcoming assignment. He has to present the idea he chooses to his professor for approval before he can start working on it.

It's nearly 2pm before Nova stands and stretches. Glancing out the door, he sighs, then leaves his room to go check on Harley. He had left the door open, just in case, so he walks in. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Nova sets his hand on the lump that is his needed brother beneath the blankets. "Harley? Are you awake?"
Hearing a voice, Harley began to stir. He rolled over and groaned, before he eventually woke up. The boy moved to go and sit up, the covers slipping and revealing to himself that he was indeed naked. It seemed the memories of before suddenly came back to him in that instant as he began to blush before backing away.

A string of frantic apologies left his mouth as he did back away, crying out in a slight stammer “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do it...I didn’t mean any of that. I didn’t ...I didn’t know what was going on. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Nova just smiles gently, tugging the blankets over Harley's lower half. His hand settles on Harley's thigh, the blankets between their skin. "Harley, relax. You have nothing to apologize for. It's not your fault. I should be the one apologizing. I'm the one that went into rut. You know it's never the omega's fault." Nova rubs Harley's thigh reassuringly.

He sighs lightly, grimacing. "I'm sorry you didn't get to be an alpha like you wanted." Nova keeps his voice gentle, soothing. He's trying not to think too much about what happened, but right now, he can't help but think his little brother looks cute when he's blushing.
Harley couldn’t help but freeze as the other placed his hand on his thigh, slowly rubbing to reassure him. But he doesn’t comment on it. Instead he just listens to Nova and slowly nods. Once he had finished, Harley sniffled slightly and moved forward, quickly wrapping his arms around him as he said “Okay...can we just hug for a bit? I like when you give me makes me feel safe.”
Nova wraps his arms around Harley as the boy practically throws himself forward. His hands rub Harley's back, cheek resting on his head. "It's going to be okay, Harley. I'll take care of you, just like I always have. I promise."

After a few minutes, Nova lifts his head to look down at Harley. "I already called your school and told them you went into heat. Don't worry, I didn't tell them what happened, only that you were safe. So you're not going to school today. You'll be ready to go back to school on Monday." Nova pauses, his hands still rubbing Harley's back to comfort him. "Harley, you were so focused on being an alpha, did you do any research into omegas?"
Harley tensed up a bit at that at realisation. He hadn’t actually done any kind of research into omegas.After all, the thought of even being an omega hasn’t crossed his mind. Harley gulped, shaking his head in reply “No...I don’t actually know much about being an omega. I thought I’d be an omega..”

But he stopped once a second realisation came to him. “Koda..” He whispered, looking up as he cuddled into his brother “Will I have to leave now? I-I don’t want to, but... it’s wrong for us to be like that. I mean, with you being an alpha me me being an omega , another situation like this is bound to happen.”
Nova tightens his arms around Harley, shaking his head. "I won't let anyone take you away from me. Nobody is going to find out what happened. And yes, maybe it could happen again. But I promised to take care of you, and that's what I'll do."

Nova threads his fingers through Harley's pink hair, brushing it back from his face. "You still look tired. Do you want me to bring food up here for you? Are you still sore?"
Harley gave a small smile at that, nodding almost approvingly as he wrapped his arms around him 9nce again, resting his head in the crook of his neck. “I don’t wanna leave you. I-It’s scary out there without you. I know...I know what they do to omegas, I don’t want that.” Harley whispered.

He leant his head up into his brother’s touch, delighted by the sensation of how his fingers weaved through his soft pink hair. “Can I have some food in bed?”
Nova presses his lips into a thin line. Omegas that can't be cared for by either a dedicated partner, or their family, are considered a disruption to society. They're taken away, generally sterilized so they can't go into heat and put off pheromones, then reintegrated into society as simple not having a second gender. Most of them end up in therapy.

When asked for food in bed, Nova blinks and smiles. "What do you want? Proper pancakes, since you didn't get to eat yours yesterday? Or something else?"
Harley kept close to Nova, placing his head in his hands as he thought about it. Some pancakes might be nice, well, way nice than anything Harley could make. “Okay, pancakes it is.” He smiled, bringing his head out of his hands.

“But will you eat it in bed with me? It makes me feel...” He paused, a faint blush turning his cheeks a soft pink “Safe.”
Nova grins and nods, rising from the bed. "Yeah, of course." He ruffles Harley's hair, then leaves the room. Shortly after, the smell of fresh pancakes wafts up to the bedroom. When Nova returns, he's carrying a tray with two plates of pancakes, now freshly made.

"Harley, I'm sorry your birthday didn't turn out the way you had hoped." Nova still feels bad that he hadn't paid attention to the, now in hindsight, obvious clues that Harley was leaning toward omega. But somehow, he doesn't feel bad about, or regret, what happened in the kitchen. He blinks to clear his thoughts. If he thinks about it too much now, it might become.. obvious.
When Nova returned, Harley couldn't help it as his face lit up. Even before his birthday, seeing his just made him happy, as if he were all warm and tingly inside. It was a childish way of putting it sure, but it was the best way he put it across. Harley took tray with a soft thank you, shuffling closer to his brother, despite what had happened only hours ago. Before, one wouldn't think nothing on it. But now he was an omega, it was certainly something to think about. How he clung to his alpha brother, always wanting to be close and spend time with him, even more now after the morning. Which once again, was rather odd. Who would want to spend their time with the person who took advantage of them during their heat?

Harley didn't quite like the idea of thinking about it too much, but with his mind absent from the confusion and worry from that morning, now he was left with the thought....what would happen now that he was an omega. An alpha and an omega living together was never a good combination, made even worse with the fact he was still very much in heat that week, but he was satisfied for now.
Nova sits quietly, letting Harley lean against him and watching him eat. His thoughts drift, though he doesn't let it show on his face. How long can he keep this new development hidden? The staff at Harley's school know Nova is his primary caretaker, since their parents are never home. Nova would have to figure out a way to convince them someone else is looking after Harley through his heat.

Nova idly plays the fingers of his right hand through Harley's soft pink hair while the boy eats. He's balanced by half leaning on his left hand, slightly behind him. Harley seems so delicate right now, still naked and his lap only covered by the blankets. Even during the lull in his heat, when it's satisfied and not potent, his little brother smells good. And he's so close, leaned against him. Nova's thoughts move in an entirely different direction. He's not paying attention, and the train of his thoughts becomes obvious, the front of his sweats tenting.
Harley noticed his brothers stare again, looking up from his food with a mixture of anticipation and worry. It was in his instincts, a freshly made omega so close to an alpha, even in the temporary calm of his heat, he would only be satisfied for so long. The anticipation and suspense from awaiting for either himself or the alpha to pounce on him was killing Harley.

But of course, he was held back by one thought; the fact that were siblings. This was his brother, the one he looked after and cared for him even when the both of them could hardly walk all the way up to his senior year of high school. Well, that did until his eyes curiously drifted down and he laid eyes upon the tent forming in Nova’s pants. A blush made its way across Harley’s cheeks as he could barely stammer even a word out, but from the way his scent only grew worse and his chest began to rise and fall as he panted was evident enough it had gotten him...excited
The change in Harley's demeanor immediately catches Nova's attention, and he freezes. His brother's heat is already rising again? Usually it's 24 hours between spikes in pheromones. But it's only been roughly 8 hours. He's aware he's half hard again, his thoughts had caused that. But Harley doesn't have control over his pheromones, so.. Nova moves one hand to Harley's lower back, the other dropping to the tray of food, moving it to the nightstand.

"Harley.." Nova's voice comes out a half growl and he blinks. Why is Harley's heat so strong when it's not even at its peak? "Harley, I need you to listen. If you don't want me to touch you, you need to tell me right now. I'll go for a walk or something. But.. But if your pheromones keep rising like this.." Nova leaves the rest unsaid. Harley is smart and can figure out what he means.
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