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Zavodila (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He rolled his eyes a bit. "You're still mainly human, not a throned damned cogitator.." he said with a smile. "Learn to relax a bit. I'll be back to show you to your room later."
Learn to relax. He wouldn't know what it was like on Mars, everything had to be to the point. Oh well. She would relax when her job was done. Maybe.
The next few vehicles in line were all built on the chimera chassis as well. A few transports, a squadron of hellhounds, and a chimera that had been converted into a med-evac craft. Almost none of them matched any single forgeworld pattern, which in and of itself was very strange.
Did they salvage these vehicles? She would have to sanctify each and every one of them if that were the case.
"Trooper," she called, looking over the chassis carefully, "why do these vehicles look so...amalgamated?"
The trooper looked over and offered a simple shrug. "Warp if I know, ma'am, we just found 'em in the basement like that." He said.
In the basement? They just...they were stored like this? Who on Mars said that was ok? If she were completely metal, her ears would have began to whistle. "Thank you, that'll be all." Her voice was strained, almost angry sounding.
She would have a field day turning the techpriests into servo skulls who lost all the data for every Chimera and Hellhound on this planet. To allow such disarray was like spitting in the face of the Omnissiah. And these men probably didn't even know how mashed together their vehicles were. It wasn't harmful so much as it was disrespectful.
As if signaled to, a wall of sound came rumbling down the nearest major roadway. What was that?
They found a baneblade? Or did they always have it? She had no idea. She made a noise as she moved to try and meet up with the massive weapon, wanting to make sure it hadn't been so grossly disrespected as well.
It rounded the corner fully, and for the most part the tank was intact. But.. it seemed too bulky. What had they done to it? Loose camo netting, baggage racks, seemingly carelessly welded all around the hull? Two sponson guns?
Her metal hand dragged slowly down her face woefully as she looked it over, taking note of every offense made to this blessed machine.
Deep claw marks were rent from some parts of the armor, and troopers were riding on top of the tank, and as they departed, she could see "Jewel of Uldiah" on a gilded plate welded to the hull just under the turret basket.
The trooper nearest to her smiled. "Drove the ole' Jewel right into a stealer nest!" He said with pride.
Into a nest? They drove it straight into a Tyranid nest? Well, she supposed that was its purpose as a weapon, but to be so reckless with it? "The...Jewel...?" She tried to be understanding.
The trooper smiled and smacked the side plating of the massive tank, before pointing to the embossed plate.
"C...Can I ask...why give it that name?" She looked over the name plate with slight distress, like she was about to blow a fuse or something.
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