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Anjeru's hangout~

If I recall correctly
Konichiwa is good day or good morning

So they are both greetings, but on different times of the day.

Ogenki desu ka
(how are you?)
*looks at the couch*
So civilized...sheesh
*turns into a ferret and sprawls out on the floor*
Ahhh....Nature, gotta love the chaos!
*glances at Selo*

You dun like couchs? D:

Shun! Shun the non-believer! SHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNN!!!
*lays on his back star-styled*

Shun me if you wish,
I don't really mind...

Nature is natural, chaos is nature,
I was born from chaos, and I shall live by it,
This is my pledge to my self,
And I shall abide.

Eh...felt like saying that aloud...don't ask
No worries,
I already rigged this place to fit me perfectly...
And so did many other people :evil:
Heehee.... Chaos... The force that propels the universe and everything within it =D

Could you also call it disorder? Because then it can be explain in scientific terms >.>
Life is about balance: Chaos - Order
So if the 'opposite' of Chaos is Order,
I assume Disorder could be another name for Chaos, yes
Disorder and Chaos are two completely different things. Chaos has it's own order. Disorder is just a representation of what is not expected. Chaos CAN be expected.
Actually, "chaos" can be used to denote more than one shade of meaning. There's scientific chaos, in the sense of "chaos theory" which is more about unpredictability of systems, etc., and there's also the sense of chaos as in chaotic mess, which is in fact more of the sense of "disorderly". So depending on the sense you intend, chaos CAN mean disorder.

That's the problem with English; words can mean more than one thing, depending on context and intent. Go figure!
I've lost count of how many times my little room here, or pieces of it (*coughCOUCHcough*), has been rebuilt.

*blinks and yawns, then curls up on the end of the couch to purr*
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