Anjeru's hangout~

*plops down*

Sidenote: my ferrets don't purr : (
They make chicken-like noises when I chase them!
Side note someone is blaming goatse and yours truly for driving him from the safe harbors of bluemoon into the harsh seas of the interwebz... just called my Nii-Chan a Sir...

-San = Formal title for a male
-Chan = Casual title for anyone
-Kun = Casual title for friends

Or something along that line...
Either way, -San is only for males.
San isnt a "formal" title per se. It just denotes that you are not on a first name basis with said individual. And its gender neutral.
Lyra said:
San isnt a "formal" title per se. It just denotes that you are not on a first name basis with said individual. And its gender neutral.
Yeah, sorry I was wrong.

"Kochira(こちら)" means "this person". When addressing people, "san(さん)" (Mr./ Mrs./ Miss etc.) can be attached. "San" may be used with both female and male names, and either family name or first name. It can not be used after your name when referring to yourself.

And here is the link for that:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Its ok. I lived in Japan for a little while and hardly picked up anything while I was there but I do remember having those suffixes explained to me. "Sama" is the most formal title I can think of and is about the equivalent of putting Lord in front of someone's name in English.
*lights the fire in the firepit and plops on the couch(

If he read up on here, he would know I'm the fire starter. and that this is my couch. XD
*enjoys being saved* :3


*curls up and uses his smoke poking stick to toast a marshmallow in the fire*
*happily eats his marshmallow, and begins blueprints for a New Couch*

yes... a bigger couch, a stronger couch, a couch with over twice the cushions!

*rolls around scribbling designs, flipping fox tail around*
*Walks in as Kitsune form and cracks his knuckles*
Alright Raziel, you the fire starter?
Meet the Scorpio's element, Mizu!
*spits on the fire, putting it out instantly as his spit turns into pure water*
Hey there
Name's Selo, and I am Anjeru's younger twin ^,.,^
What's yours?
*holds out hand to shake*
*tilts head, happy to see a fellow kitsune* Twin?

*shakes hand, trying the word out* Se l o.... Selo, hi ^^

I'm Duo, just a friend of Anjeru's :3
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