Anjeru's hangout~

I'm back too! =3

I had some last minute work to finish, now I'm alll done =D

*glomps Selo*
*cuddles with Ronyo*

Okay, that was fun ^,.,^
*turns to his ferret form and curls in a ball in Ronyo's lap*
*Looks up to see Ronyo asleep*

Mhmm....*sighs softly then nips(not hard) his finger*
Wake up!
*snags the tip of Ronyo's finger before he taps his nose*

You no do that!
*lets go and scurries away, hiding under the couch*
*isn't there any more*
You forgot my Blank Burrow ability mate ^,.,^
*is now hiding in the rafters and ready to disappear somewhere else*
*claps his hands together and casts and anti-magic field, stopping him from moving around with magic*
Sorry mate, it ain't magic
Just natural talent made by my species
Hehe ^,.,~

*sticks his tongue out and disappears under some random furniture*
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