Anjeru's hangout~

VIII made me want to kick a puppy. If I had to pick a PS version FF to like, I'd say IX or X (not X-2). Personal favorites were IV and VI. <3 those two games so much!
Bah... all this FF talk is just reminding me that they're making Advent Children again... -.-;
Generally I prefer Final Fantasy games with characters with set roles or classes. FFX had this if you didn't really over-level your characters. IX and IV both had very conformed character classes, while VI was the most free form of them, with anyone able to learn magic, but even then you had certain roles for characters, like Locke being a Thief and Sabin being a Monk.
Kaziel said:
Generally I prefer Final Fantasy games with characters with set roles or classes. FFX had this if you didn't really over-level your characters. IX and IV both had very conformed character classes, while VI was the most free form of them, with anyone able to learn magic, but even then you had certain roles for characters, like Locke being a Thief and Sabin being a Monk.
This is one reason I liked both FFXI and Tactics.
75RDM, 75PLD, 40BLM, 37WAR, 37WHM, 37THF plus a handful of other jobs in middling levels before I logged out last time (quit... temporarily?)
Anjeru said:
Kaziel said:
Generally I prefer Final Fantasy games with characters with set roles or classes. FFX had this if you didn't really over-level your characters. IX and IV both had very conformed character classes, while VI was the most free form of them, with anyone able to learn magic, but even then you had certain roles for characters, like Locke being a Thief and Sabin being a Monk.
This is one reason I liked both FFXI and Tactics.
Tactics FTW
Raziel99 said:
Anjeru said:
Kaziel said:
Generally I prefer Final Fantasy games with characters with set roles or classes. FFX had this if you didn't really over-level your characters. IX and IV both had very conformed character classes, while VI was the most free form of them, with anyone able to learn magic, but even then you had certain roles for characters, like Locke being a Thief and Sabin being a Monk.
This is one reason I liked both FFXI and Tactics.
Tactics FTW
You play the remake on PSP?
A bit. I think I got it into the 20s, let me check. The LS I was a part of had custom made sigs that you could update on the site and it would transfer to the image. Gimme a sec and I'll link it.


Can't see it (behind the firewall again), so it might not work, but there's my full job list. I did unlock Dancer and Scholar, but never leveled them.

As for Dragoon, it was kinda fun, but I started out as a RDM, and became used to the frantic activity of a RDM (you're CONSTANTLY busy), and most melee classes were too boring for me. >.>; Tanking is an exception, since you're tracking cooldowns, your health, the duration of short buffs, plus struggling to hold onto aggro.
Hm. I dunno, I never really got into FF too much. I guess I liked SRW And PSO much more. ^.^;
That's one reason I didn't take on the Red Mage. For what times I did get to play, I was primarily leveling White Mage, Monk, Dragoon, and Ninja.

I miss my file D:
And Kaziel, you're totally badass XD

Zal: What is SRW and PSO?

Raziel: Yeah, I figured, but I asked just in case because I've got the one on PSP and thought it was pretty good.

Kaios: T____T I would like to play it again some day. *hint*
SRW is Super Robot Wars, a a turn-based strategy game, kind of like Advance Wars or Fire Emblem.

PSO is Phantasy Star Online, the first console online game. It's just a generic RPG, but I love it to death. ^ ^
SRW has AMAZING sprite-animation in it. Like to the point where it's just drop-dead sexy. o.o

-Goes in search of links-
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