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Staff member
Jan 8, 2020
How could the darkness hurt? Taliesin could remember pain before the darkness.. The feeling of hands on her body, the pain as her body was violated, too weak to fight back. Raped, beaten... used again and again. For how long? She couldn't remember and when she woke, she wouldn't remember a thing. Only in this pain filled darkness could she remember what they had done to her. Her body being torn apart by liquid fire. Shadow claws toying with the tattered shields of her mind, worming through her thoughts, memories. Searching.. scouring for information. It had hurt, the woman had told her it didn't have to hurt, but where was the fun in that? She'd slowly picked her mind apart, like ripping the petals off a flower, the wings off a butterfly, shredding her past and remaking her as she wished.

Then the nothingness had taken her. Her mind and body fracturing into pieces. Even here in the dark, sensation had flashed through. Pain.. breathless drowning.. While those sensations had come and gone, she'd slowly begun to gather the shattered fragments of herself. Some parts were missing, as she put together the decimated picture of herself. Time here in the darkness seemed to have no meaning. Days, seconds? She didn't know one from the other. Each small razor sharp part of who she was slowly placed into the frame of her mind. Too many pieces were missing. The picture was fractured as the mind trying to place the razor sharp pieces together, each cut only adding to the loss. A tangled web.

That darkness was confusing. It was her reality, but was it? Her mind screamed at her that this wasn't where she was meant to be, but the small almost childlike part of her that bled to put the picture together seemed content to remain in this darkness. The darkness was safe. Here there was no pain. A floating feeling, warmth.. But no more pain. It was safe. No one could hurt them here. No more pain, no more hurt, no more fear. Safe. If I leave here.. there will be pain.. and I still don't have all the pieces.. not whole.. The voice was small, a quiet whisper that slithered through the endless dark, bouncing back towards her. Not whole...

The woman on the beach had once, perhaps been lovely. Laying in the sand, cuts and bruises covered her face, and any exposed part of her skin. It was safe to assume that the unexposed flesh had not been spared. She'd been beaten, tortured, perhaps more and left for dead. After a few long moments, her chest would rise, just barely as her body took a breath. Her skin was pale, marred in black and purple.. Blood crusted into cuts, the sea water not enough to wash all of it from her. Her hair was silver and grey, seaweed and sand tangled into it. Underneath blue tinged lashes, her eyes flickered. How long had she been there? It would be hard to tell. The sea water having dried out her lips, even relaxed it looked like she had a secret to share, the cut in her lip nor the rough appearance enough to hide it. Minutes would pass before another shallow breath was taken.

A small crab crawled from between her breasts, underneath the torn top, the knit of it rough. The skittering of it's legs against her battered flesh earned no sound from her. Whatever had happened, she'd been through the mill more than once. Waves lapped at her body as the tide came in, her hands lifted in the surf slightly with each pull and push of the water. Was it not for that slow, labored breathing it might be easy to mistake her for dead. Above her the sun beat down on her skin, slowly burning her. Patches of pale skin slowly turning pink and then red under its relentless gaze.
It was the Angler that sensed her first. It was his very purpose, even in this new fae form, to find things on the edge of the darkness, to lure those on the brink into the deep, from darkness and unto death. A year prior, he would have taken this soul quietly, without notice. Now, he was no longer the Angler. Instead, Cirrus served a different darkness, the Night Court. Without fanfare or malice, he lifted the fragile and broken creature from the sands. Without intervention, death would claim her soon enough and there were things to be done before that. The quiet of the morning beach was broken, magic opening space and time as Cirrus winnowed to the House of Wind.

It was here, in the depths of the royal home of Velaris, that High Lord Nyx first saw her. A silent nod from Cirrus, more conversation than most could stir from the death-god-turned-fae, was his only introduction to the situation. However, there was nothing to prepare him for the sight before him. On the other side of the enchanted bars, resting on an ornate bed, laid the most gorgeous fae he had ever seen.

For a moment, it felt like the air had been pressed from his lungs. His hand moved to push the unkempt black hair from his face, as if to clear his vision. Not that it had any effect, despite being long enough to touch the back of his neck, he kept it from his eyes. Those deep blue eyes were fixed on this creature. Yes, he saw the cuts and bruises, the sand crusted in her hair. She was a mess. But, she was a lovely mess. Standing transfixed, it was a few long moments before he realized just how foolish he must have looked.

Grateful to be alone, Nyx remembered his purpose. Immediately, the cell thrummed with boundless power as he called the magic within him. The shadows in the corners flared to life and a new darkness entered the room. It was a warm darkness, the dark you found on a summer night. It reached past the barrier of the cell, the one way enchantment giving him no issue. The bruises on the young woman faded a touch, the cuts closed. The magic sought the deepest damage, the most important things. His healing abilities were far from perfect, but they suited his needs. A prisoner need not be fully recovered to provide information.

While his magic worked, Nyx moved a bit closer to the cell bars. They had no door, only able to be opened by magic, so he stood nearly pressed to the metal. His height, and delicately folded Illyrian wings, made Nyx fill the space, nearly looming over the woman even from the distance between them. There was something about her that made him push his magic a bit harder. He wanted to fix her. So, his power vibrated the walls as he followed his instinct. Still not perfect, he could only fill her with magic, hoping to fix whatever kept her from waking, to satisfy the itch to help. Thus, he stood before the prisoner, face grim with focus, for a moment forgetting how dangerous she could prove to be.
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Lifted into unknown arms didn't move. No flicker of pain crossed her battered features, one might have questioned if she was alive had it not been for that labored breathing. Taliesin had no idea how lucky she was that Cirrus' no longer just a god of death, his allegiance lying elsewhere. Had he not served the High Lord of the Night Court how easily he might have snuffed out the sputtering flame of her soul. It might have been a kindness to have killed her where she lay on the beach, but it seemed the cauldron had other plans for her. There was no way for him to know just how broken the woman in his arms was, though as he winnowed her into the House of Wind, he took precautions. She was after all a stranger who had washed up on the shores of Velaris.

Laid on a soft bed, the softness of the mattress cradling her broken body, her head resting on plush pillows. To look at the room Cirrus left her in, one wouldn't think cell right away. The room opened to the air, wispy curtains swaying on a gentle breeze. The bed upon which she had been laid sat again one of the two solid walls of the room. At the other end sat a hearth, with a fire crackling gently. Across from the graceful arches that looked out along the mountains were delicate bars, though no one would be foolish enough to assume that the bars as ornate as they appeared were flimsy. Curtains lay along the barred wall, on the outside of them, drawn back at the moment to allow an unobstructed view of the room and the woman laying prone upon the rich bedding.

Darkness swallowed the room, power reverberating through the warmth of night. Slowly the cuts and bruises faded from her pale skin, as did the burns from the afternoon sun. Deeper, Nyx's power worked, mending things that he couldn't see, but felt as his power poured through her. Ribs healed, bones mended and the damage from being raped repeatedly melting away. With all of his power, her body was healed almost in its entirety. Only two things remained from the hell she'd survived. The first were the scars along her back, though the skin was more or less smooth, it would be clear upon inspection that the lady had once born wings, the positioning similar to where his own wings grew. The second thing that his power could not touch was the fractured remnants of her mind. If he tried to brush her mind with shadow claws he'd find a wall of adamant so thick and dark around her mind and not a single crack for him to exploit. This wall was not of her making, but there was no way to tell.

Her breathing evened out and a soft sound left Taliesin. A whimper. Healed, she wasn't whole and her mind knew it. The damage and pain was gone, but the childlike part of her still trying to put the pieces of her mind back together seemed to know that it couldn't linger in the darkness any longer. Beneath her lashes her eyes moved, flicking back and forth within whatever dream or nightmare held her, that latter more likely as she whimpered again, the sound pained. Slowly, so slowly she made her ascent. The lingering remnants of her nightmare drew her from her slumber with a cry, her body shooting up in the bed.

Confusion played on her face as her eyes searched the room. Where was she? Taliesin tried to remember where she was, her mind drawing a blank. Where had she been? Blank. Turning her head she found Nyx filling the bars, looking at her. Blue eyes, so bright, so clear like endless pools of glacial water stared at him, widening a fraction. The bars had been taken in, as had the open arches. Without even testing it, Taliesin knew she wouldn't be able leave though those arches. Besides, she couldn't fly. The memories of such a thing had been wiped from her mind, she couldn't remember the pleasure of wind ruffling through her feathers and the joy as she soared in the skies. They had taken much from her.

"Wh.. where am I?" Her voice was husky, warm and honeyed as it burned between them. "Who are you?" There was a rising panic in her voice. Bars. Trapped. She couldn't place why the sight sent her into a down spiral, but she could feel the panic rise in waves.
At first, Nyx felt a wave of relief as the mysterious fae bolted upright. Whatever he had healed, whatever he had managed to brute force back together with his magic, had been enough to let her regain consciousness. That alone was enough to make his features soften, the grim concentration now unnecessary. However, it seemed he was fated to run a full gauntlet of feelings.

The first was when her eyes, wide with an understandable confusion, met his own. The pureness of that blue, the depth of them, pierced down into the deepest parts of him. They grabbed the core of his being and pulled him in. Nyx was unsure if he had ever seen such a striking pair of eyes, framed in such an impossibly beautiful face. Without the bruises, with those eyes open, he felt as though this must be the perfect face.

Next, the female shifted her expression, and with it, tore into his soul. Since his birth, Prythian had never been able to be considered a perfect place. Skirmishes with Hybern were a constant, if infrequent, threat over the last hundred years. Dark things crawled out of the worst places and tried to take from his people. Some had been creatures, a few human, and the most monstrous had been fae. Worst of all, with his parents appointing themselves the protectors of Prythian, it had mostly happened here, in the Night Court. Because of this, Nyx knew the face of panic the female wore. Whatever had happened was no accident. It had been done slowly, and with intent.

It was because of this that Nyx waved his hand through the air, the bars of the ornate room evaporating. He stepped over the threshold and was about to approach this new fae, to try to do something. However, a moment before he could do so, his reason caught up with him. He stopped after that first step, managing to maintain the fragile calm he possessed. Instead, Nyx answered her questions.

"You are in the Night Court." he said, voice calm and disarmingly smooth. "Velaris, to be specific. A cell in the House of Wind to be even more specific. As for me, I happen to be the High Lord of the Night Court. At least, that is what they tell me."

Now fully in the light of room, Nyx was a strange mix. He had little love for excess, dressed only in a plain black shirt, soft and comfortable, but hardly fitting of a lord, let alone a High one. His trousers were a matching fabric, hastily tucked into his soft leather boots in his rush to investigate his prisoner. His hair, which he had been sure to at least brush flat, hung shaggy, covering his ears and the back of his neck, the only style in how it was pushed to the side to show his face. Being his father's son, though, meant all this framed a strikingly handsome face and a casual grace that belied little of his power or station.

"Now, can you tell me who you are and why you were on the beaches, half dead? The House will give you water if you ask, if it is hard to speak."
Eyes like sapphire met her own wide eyes Taliesin stumbled over her questions. So deep, like the velvet night sky before the stars came out to play. Beautiful. Her lips parted slightly as even that beauty couldn't stave off the panic she felt. The bars vanished and despite the kindness she thought she glimpsed in his eyes, the understanding, she backpedaled on the bed. Putting distance between them. He didn't come closer and a fraction of the tension slipped from her shoulders. Much like the velvet of his eyes, she could hear it in his voice, smooth almost silky as he answered her questions.

Court of Night... Velaris? She knew the name, most did, at least now. Frowning slightly she counted her breaths, one after another as he answered further. A cell? His answer as to who he was drew a shadow of a smile to her face. "Are you unsure?" She quipped before she could stop herself, cheeks burning with the boldness of the words. He was a High Lord. While things were missing, pieces fragmented, she knew that one didn't talk to a High Lord like that. How? How did she know that? She seemed to understand things, but the why or how even seemed to be missing.

His question drew her attention from her thoughts and she gave a small shake of her head. "Not entirely, no." Her voice was hesitant. "I know my name is Taliesin." Shifting on the bed she looked to her hands, turning them palm up on her thighs. Half dead? "I haven't the faintest honestly. I don't think I have ever seen the ocean." Though, she didn't just seem to give him the answer and leave him with it, she was trying to remember. After a long moment she shook her head. Through the warm smell of the salty sand and the briny scent of the ocean, there was a whiff of something more; sweet strawberry and orange blossom distorted by a peppery, spice.

"May I have water?" As he'd told her a glass of water appeared on the small table beside the bed. Picking up the goblet she took a slow sip, eyes closing as she washed the taste of salt from her mouth and the grains of sand that had been trapped. Swallowing she grimaced and took another sip and then another before settling it down. Her eyes rose to meet his and she watched him, silently for a moment. "Cell." The word repeated, an echo of his words from before. "Am I a prisoner then?" A stupid question, to be sure.

Her eyes shifted from him to the curtains that swayed on a gentle breeze. Open air, wind. For a moment she could almost feel it on her face and when her eyes turned back to him she could feel her eyes pickle with tears. Dashing them away roughly she frowned. Why was she crying? She couldn't remember all that had been stolen from her. All that they had taken. Picking up the water she downed the contents, the empty glass vanishing from her fingers.
Just as Taliesin seemed to spend a moment or two studying his eyes, Nyx used that moment to really study her. Not just her eyes, but her whole face. It was beautiful. But, of course it was. He already paused to examine it before she was healed, and after. All he could do was internally chastise himself for being so distracted. There was something happening here that he was suspicious of. Something under the surface of his mind that made this creature an inescapable vortex for his attention.

Then, she did the unthinkable. She joked with him. A complete stranger picked up on the subtle jabs of humor that had infected him since childhood. The need to make everything play. It caused a little smile to peek out and show on his lips. A smile that felt so natural and right in this situation, despite how little they knew of each other.

The smile did not last, however. Her other replies were more vexing. A name and nothing more. No idea how she had ended up on the shores of his city, nor any recollection of the journey before. It was suspicious without doubt. Only the body language, the weight of the words as she spoke, kept Nyx from declaring her a spy outright. Taliesin was either a fantastic actor or telling the truth. Not that this gave him any assurance. All it meant was that, if she was a spy, she was a talented one.

With a subtle push, Nyx reached out with his power, attempting to brush the edges of her mind. Most would have some resistance, as push back against his attempt. Instead, he met a dead stop. Pushing a little harder, what Nyx found was perhaps the most suspicious thing. A solid defense, impenetrable even with his practiced talents. Yet, somewhere in that wall, there was a tiny crack. It was almost impossible to find, but it called to him. A spot that made him feel warm inside when he pressed his mind against it. It allowed no access, but gave a little comfort, a little trust, all of which he could not explain.

Soon, though, the cordial exchange of information shifted back to him. Watching her gulp down the water, he began to understand exactly how critical her wounds had been, why she had taken so much of his power to mend, and even why she had flinched away when Nyx had moved closer.

"The House can give you what you need. Food, water. Even wine and spirits if you like. As for all of this, you are unfortunately a prisoner." he spoke with more warmth than one would expect when calling someone a prisoner.

"You don't have to stay as one. But, there is some nasty business going on right now. Nothing close to a full war, but enough that you are quite a suspicious new arrival. I would prefer if we could figure this out quickly, so I will be..."

What was he saying? He was busy. Cirrus was much more effective without Nyx having access to their mind. She was a suspected spy and he was volunteering his time without question. Who was Taliesin? Then, like a bright rising sun, it hit. The warmth if this unseen bond, her ability to distract him just by existing, the fact that; even now; he could not stop drinking in her beauty. This mystery fae was his mate.

"Well, fuck."
She was lovely, to be sure, though had she known Nyx's thoughts, even before falling into the hands of Hybern, she would have laughed at him. In her eyes, there were others far lovelier than she. It wasn't thinking less of herself, no, but in a world of beautiful people, there were others she thought to shine brighter. Even through the grip on her mind, Taliesin found herself drawn to Nyx. The master of her mind wouldn't know what was hidden from her for a while yet, the distance between them would shield her for a while yet. It would also delay any orders given to her... not that she would ever know the shadowy hands that pulled her strings.

The push of his own shadowy claws along her mind were not felt, for it wasn't her walls that he pressed against. The pocket he found though, was her. A crack in the armor of her mind that allowed her to peek out. Unaware of his intrusion she gulped water hungrily. She hadn't realized how thirsty she was until she had finished the glass. Looking at him, her eyes sheltered. Drawn to him, she didn't quite understand why. Powerful and handsome, she brushed it off as the intoxicating combination of the two.

"Thank you," she offered softly for the knowledge, as a prisoner, it seemed unusual, but she wasn't going to question it. She didn't quite understand why she was a prisoner. Her cheek flushed softly and she nodded. Her mind still felt fuzzy, but she seemed to recall the nasty business he spoke of. Just like she had a foggy relocation of him, who his parents were. It felt like having to walk through fog though, to access such a simple thought.

"I understand," It was a lie, but it wasn't because she wished to withhold the information from him. It was self-defense, her mind feeling like swiss cheese and it was unsettling. Not knowing how she'd come to be on a beach, what had happened. With her wounds healed, she didn't even know that she'd been tortured.. raped. All she knew was she'd not been in great condition. Blinking, she nodded. He seemed eager to dismiss her as a threat, while odd, she didn't see a reason to question it. As plush as her life as a prisoner may be, she didn't like living in a cage.

Lifting her brows, that smile played along her lips. "Is that an offer, High Lord?" Her voice playful, an almost purring tone to it. That bond was missing on her end, though how long could shadowy claws an ocean away hold back that bond? That feeling. A mating bond wasn't insignificant and the power behind it, it was wild magic. Something that wasn't ever quite the same. He might know the history of his own parent's bond, how it had allowed Feyre to survive death. She doubted it had been an offer though and her mind drifted to another matter altogether.

Her eyes moved around the room and she frowned, a delicate downturn of her lips. "Could I have a bath?" Taliesin could see the door and while healed, she felt the ick of the seafoam, salt and sand clinging to her hair, body. "And perhaps a change of clothing?"
It took Nyx a long second to realize exactly what Taliesin meant by offer. After all, it had been a slip of the tongue, an accidental outburst. Then, realization dawned on him. First, a creeping heat ran up his face, mostly embarrassed at how much he had let show. Then, he thought for a moment exactly how fantastic it would be if they were to simply ravage each other right here, in the luxurious cell. But, composure won out eventually and he smiled a wry smile back.

"You have to show me you aren't a spy before I make that offer. Can't have you stabbing me once I take my clothes off."

The next question was the most reasonable yet, given the circumstances. His mind, however, already drifted to the idea of Taliesin in the bath, nude. Only a moment after his realization and he was fantasizing. Damn this mating bond. While the stories of the powerful connection were quite moving, Nyx had also grown up seeing how his parents drooled over each other no matter how many years had passed. Centuries of seeing the two make cow eyes at each other was enough to make him wary. He really needed a moment to think.

"Uh, yes. I will leave you to that. I will have something brought for you to wear. I'm sure there is something left that doesn't have wing holes. And, Taliesin... I truly hope you are not here to hurt my court. Very badly, I wish for it... Enjoy your bath."

With a hasty turn, he walked over the threshold of the bars and they materialized behind him. Barely down the hallway, he paused and let out a gusty sigh, trying to release the weight suddenly pressing on him. His mate. She was his mate.
The smile that had been flirting along the edges of her mouth slowly spread as it took Nyx a moment to get the joke. She watched his cheeks heat and she couldn't help but find that color cute. Could High Lords be considered cute? They were meant to be fearsome, powerful. Yet the way he'd blushed had been indeed cute. His smile made her own grow and she lifted a brow playfully.

"Ah, but there is a chance?"

What was wrong with her? How come she couldn't keep her mouth shut? Taliesin seemed to recall she had always been flirty, playful.. at least.. she thought so. With Nyx though, she seemed to have problems restraining herself. She had been able to stop herself before joking further, her eyes shiny with the effort.

Her question seemed to distract him, but she waited for a moment before nodding. "Thank you." Taliesin slowly rose, showing herself to be much shorter than Nyx. His words caused her to falter a step, her head cocking to one side, her silvery hair falling with the motion and she grimaced at the feeling. "I don't think my sincerest promise would help." Her eyes held his for a moment. "Everything is foggy though. My memories feel like a miasma."

A small nod and she watched him turn and leave the bars falling into place. His absence was felt, but it made no sense. Looking to the window she had the absurd desire to test it. Of course, even if it wasn't spelled, she couldn't fly. That hollow feeling made her frown and her eyes flickered to the bars before she slipped towards the bathroom.

As a prisoner Taliesin saw no issue with taking her time in the bath. The first had been to wash the debris and salt from her body. The second she'd allowed herself to soak while slowly working the knots from her hair. It was tedious, but almost an hour later her hair was free of knots and one more felt silken under her touch. She was rising from the tub and reaching for a towel with the door pushed in.

"Hey there," A bright hello came from an unknown Illyrian female. "Hello.." If Taliesin was shocked at the intrusion, she didn't show it. Roshani's back was to Taliesin, wings tucked in. "Nyx asked me to bring you some clothing." turning her ash blonde curls bounced and she offered a smile to Taliesin as she wrapped the towel around herself. "You came in wearing pants, so I figured you'd like something similar." A bundle of cyan was set down on the counter. "I will leave you to get dressed."

Without another word Roshani left the bathroom. The top was fitted, it's sleeves sheer, gather at the wrist with golden cuffs. It fell to just above her belly button. The pants had a thick golden band and the pants were silken around her legs. It was surprising to Taliesin that they fit her when the Illyrian had been taller than her by several inches.

From outside there was a humming, indicating that the Illyrian was waiting for her. Pushing the door open she found her lounging against the wall. "There, you look a spot better." Motioning to a chair she smiled. "Sit, I will do your hair." Taliesin wondered if it was really a request. Roshani smiled, "I am Roshani" Taliesin couldn't help but smile as she moved to sit. "Taliesin, it's nice to meet you." Roshani was dressed similar to her, though her own clothing was a rich deep purple with silver accents, on her hands were syphons of deep mauve.

Hands deftly began to weave her hair, Roshani humming behind her. Roshani didn't feel the need to explain to Taliesin that she didn't have a lot of female friends, that this simple act brought her joy. Cirrus had told her what they suspected of Taliesin and she knew better than to underestimate the High Fae. Not that she was a pushover, far from it. The first female to be awarded syphons in a world dominated by men... She'd fought tooth and claw for them and she now led Nyx's armies. She had enough power to command respect, begrudgingly or otherwise.

"There," the pair had been sitting in silence for a while, both their minds elsewhere. Though unable to leave well enough alone, "Do you know who hurt you?" Taliesin shifted in her seat and looked at Roshani. "Hurt me?" A brow lifted and Roshani nodded. "Do you really not remember? Nyx healed you." The surprise was clear and Roshani shook her head. "Never mind." A smile was offered. "I should be going, though I have to say you look lovely in night court dress."

She left with a wave, the bars opening and closing behind her. "Bye," Taliesin offered as she left. Despite the oddness of the interactions Taliesin found herself liking Roshani. Rising she found a pair of beautiful shoes that matched the outfit, though she ignored them, padding towards the open window. A breeze played across her face as she leaned against one of the pale pillars, the sheer curtain playing with the wind. She'd been hurt? Seemed she owed Nyx more of a thank you...
"You're pacing, High Lord." the death god sat at the table of the dining hall, watching Nyx walk from one end to the other.

The High Lord, however, seemed to barely hear him. Instead, he waved a hand to dismiss the comment. It was strange to think that the only one he could turn to about such a thing was, until fairly recently, a creature of impossible power from another plane. Not that Cirrus was weak. He could likely tear this house to the ground and Nyx would be hard pressed to stop him. But, cool-headed was, thankfully, an understatement of how patient the fae-god hybrid was.

"My mate." As Nyx spoke, Cirrus looked confused, shifting in his seat. "She is my mate Cirrus! The bond isn't in place completely, for some reason, but it is halfway at least. I know nothing about her! At least mother and father were friends, allies, something to each other."

Nyx could not believe what he heard next. Cirrus had the audacity to chuckle. He turned, his temper flaring just a bit. This was, to exaggerate in no way, one of the most serious things that had ever happened to him. Now, his closest male friend, the lover of his oldest friend, had the gall to laugh. Then, before he could even be outraged, Cirrus cut him off.

"Does that not solve the problem? Give the bond a nudge. Be charming. I can teach you all the things I say to Roshani, if you need..."

Now, Nyx was on the verge of yelling, part hysterical and part in jest. "I don't need relationship advice from a corpse collector! You didn't even have a heartbeat two years ago."

Nyx took the opportunity to stop his pacing and turn toward the door. Cirrus, in as boisterous of a mood as he got, chuckled again.

"If it really is there, you just have to give a little nudge." Cirrus called after his friend. "I'm sure even you can't mess up a mating bond, my High Lord."

Nyx pushed into the hall with an aggressive shove to the door, nearly toppling Roshani as she returned from Taliesin's cell. He did not even bother to greet her as he stormed down the hall, his wings spreading as he hurried toward the nearest window. It was the only thing that helped when he was in a mood, and he was grown enough to admit this was certainly him being in a mood.

A good two hours of mindlessly flying around the city later, Nyx returned to his chambers for a change of clothes. The anger and frustration had turned sullen and sour, making him feel like a child. Cirrus, as he always was, had been right. If she really was his mate, then she would not be likely to hurt him or the court. If this was something else, well he could deal with that after.

So, a bath of his own and a fresh set of clothes later, Nyx found himself at the entrance to the cell. Unlike when he had rushed, his clothing was now the black and silver tunic and pants that befit the High Lord of the Court of Dreams. His hair was combed flat and smooth, stylishly brushed to the side to reveal his eyes. He was confident, handsome, powerful, a perfect man to have for a mate. Then, he waved open the cell door and saw her.

"You look... Incredible."

While he still managed to be powerful and handsome, it was hard to be confident as his eyes greedily drank in the sight before him. So small and pale, he wanted to scoop her off her feet and pin her onto the plush bed. Her exposed naval was especially distracting and, despite how foolish it made him feel, Nyx knew he was openly staring.
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Roshani had left the lovely fae in her cage, bushing past an unusually irritated Nyx. She had debated for a moment poking at it, to see what answer's he'd give but she heard the chuckle of Cirrus down the hallway. There was more than Cirrus behind the mood, but why prod the clearly irritated male, when he could coax answers out of one in a far better mood with much more entertaining methods?

Slipping through the doors, she took in Cirrus, with a small smile. Slowly she talked around the table before pushing his arms out of her way, collapsing into his lap. "Enjoying tormenting our High Lord?" She asked, her voice a purr. Only one got this voice out of Roshani. Her lips brushed the corner of his mouth. "I will trade you a kiss for what has ruffled his feathers." Not that she wouldn't have kissed him for the sake of kissing Cirrus.

Curling into him, her wings tucked behind his arm she looked towards the door, to where Nyx had left, to where he was going. "Do you think she is a threat?" Her words were softer. She'd seen the fae which had washed up on their shores... Roshani found conflicting feelings in regards to Taliesin. On one hand, she had seemed truly unaware... innocent almost. Yet there was something there that made her feel a bit uneasy.

Turning from the window, Taliesin gave Nyx a soft smile. "Is that so?" her back pressed to the cool pillar, the phantom breeze catching tendrils of her washed, silver tresses, they danced on that wind. Taliesin found difficulty treating him like a High Lord. She wondered if he'd like that. Her eyes traced his form and finally settled on his eyes, such a deep sapphire.

"You know, I have this feeling you're an incorrigible flirt." Taliesin found this amusing, it shone in her eyes as she pushed off the pillar, walking towards him. A hand brushed against the silver in his tunic, circling him. Peeking around his arm she flashed him a smile. "While I do clean up nice, so did you. Is there an occasion or did you get all spiffy for just me." Slipping past him she moved to look back out at the view her cell provided.

There was something about the open air, the wind that tickled across her face that made Taliesin sad. She didn't know why, like a memory just out of sight begged her to remember. "Did you come for a reason, High Lord?" her voice less playful now, her back to him. Nyx had heal every physical injury, save one.. Twin scars hidden beneath her top where wings had once lived.
The amused little smirk on Cirrus' face turned into a full smile when Roshani came into the room. Nyx may have left, but he was replaced by much preferred company. With no resistance, he allowed the Illyrian to make her way into his lap. Once she was settled, one hand moved to rest on her thigh, the gently pressing into the lovely platinum of her hair. When she mentioned his torment of Nyx, he once again adopted that mischievous little smirk.

"I was not tormenting him. I was giving perfectly reasonable advice with an edge of humor that he failed to appreciate." he gently pressed his lips to Roshani's for a moment before continuing. "We have a bit of a complication with the possible spy. It turns out, she may just be our High Lord's mate. So, he is thoroughly ruffled, as you saw. I just ruffled a little more."

Cirrus stole another kiss, this time lingering on her lips. However, her next question made his expression change sharply. It a blink, he was gravely serious. His golden eyes shone like a predator as he considered the possibility of danger.

"Honestly, Ro, she might be more dangerous than we can believe. You don't just show up on a beach with no memory. It does not happen. Which would be no issue, she can be kept prisoner or... Removed. Except if she really is his mate. Then, who knows?"


At this point, it was most certainly a problem how much Nyx enjoyed simply looking at her. His eyes, no matter where he put them, drifted back to Taliesin. At first, it felt like curiosity. Now, he was drinking in every curve and feature of her figure. Incorrigible flirt felt like an understatement. Still, her playfulness made him feel the need to defend himself.

"I promise you that I am actually rather tame most of the time. My incorrigible flirting is exclusive to you. As for the clothes, I wish I could say that was all for you as well." he sucked in a quiet breath at the feeling of her hand. "But, I am the High Lord and I do have to look the part when I'm not rushing to visit a strange woman."

The way she looked out the window struck Nyx somewhere deep inside. He was Illyrian. Of course he knew the feeling of yearning for the sky. Without quite knowing why he felt so much sympathy for that look out the window, Nyx waved his hand again. This time, the bars disappeared from the window. So far as he could tell, there was no harm in letting her be a little closer to the world.

"I want to know you a little better." his playful edge dropped to match her as he spoke. "You can't remember who you are, but you still are that person. Maybe we can figure out a piece or two if you talk to me."

And see if you really are my mate, he though to himself.

"You can ask questions as well, if you want. So, first question. Why do you look out the window so often?"
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She loved the way his face could change, just by entering a room. Curled in Cirrus' lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck as his own slid to her hair and thigh as she questioned him. His smirk made her smile grow and she cocked a single brow. "No?" Came the teasing reply. A snort left her even as she leaned into the kiss. There may have not been a bond between the pair, but Roshani was sure there was no one else for her. It was complicated, but in the sweetest of ways. The tips of her nails scratched along the back of his neck and into his hairline as he explained the complications.

Exhaling, Roshani bit her lower lip in thought. "Well, fuck.." Her eyes moved to his and she smiled softly. "Leave it to a death god to poke easily the most powerful fae in the realms... likely the world." His face fell into somber lines and Roshani frowned. "What is it, love?" She nodded as Cirrus explained and sighed, her forehead falling to rest against his temple. "That will complicate things. For what it is worth, I really don't think she knows how she ended up on that beach." Roshani trusted that at least, but it didn't make her any less a spy, a threat.

"The bond is only on his end then?" It was the only explanation really. Her eyes moved back to the doorway and she felt for her High Lord... But this wasn't something she could help him with. Instead, she shifted in Cirrus' lap, straddling him, arms still around his neck. Her wings flared slightly, blocking them from view. "It isn't something we can kill our way through, at least not yet.." Lowering her head she kissed him, nipping his lower lip. "Until then..."


Brows lifted and she tilted her head. "And why would that be High Lord?" It would be odd for him to focus on her like that. The only explanation was held in that fog. Mate. It was a word she couldn't seem to think of and the fact that his attention was on her, not all females.. The more he explained the less sense it seemed to make. "I see. Strange am I?" The words were prickly, but her tone was not. She seemed bemused with a touch of laughter in her voice.

She'd walked away and she blinked as the bars vanished. Taliesin moved closer to the world that had lingered just beyond, eyes closing. Inhaling she scented the wind. Rain, the smell of thunder playing through her senses. "Thank you," the words a whisper, her eyes slowly opened and she turned her head, her chin resting on her shoulder, lashes lowered. "If you'd like, I am willing to try." Her voice had leaked that playfulness and she turned to look out the window again.

His question made her frown, her eyes still on the open air. "Honestly?" She chuckled and turned to look at him. "I don't know. Frustrating to hear, I am sure. It's no less frustrating to say." Her back pressed to the cool pillar and she shifted so she rested along its side. "I can't explain it, but I feel drawn to it. Like the call of a siren, it plays in my bloodstream." A small smile curled at the corner of her lips. "I don't have wings, like Roshani. Yet..." Her voice changed and there was a deep sense of longing.. sadness.
The way that Roshani moved, throwing her legs to straddle him and spreading her wings, showed the graceful and dangerous warrior she was. It was all he could do to simply return the kiss as she reminded him exactly why he had chosen to give up everything about his old existence. Then, she nipped his lip and lightning went down his spine. Seemed like time for serious talk was passing.

"I doubt that we would be seeing them any time soon if the bond connects on both ends. Or that we would have a problem with her spying." his voice was low and his breathing quickened. "But, I still don't think there is anything you can't kill your way through."

His eyes were drinking in Roshani's features now, still intoxicated by looking at her. Lean, strong, fast, and powerful. But, most importantly, all his. In their own private world behind her wings, Cirrus kissed first the bottom of her lip, then her cheek, and her jaw, before finally moving to her neck. With a deep breath, he inhaled her amazing scent. His lips lingered for a long moment before breaking away, once again meeting her eyes.

"Am I to understand that you are trying to seduce me right here? In the dining hall?"

Cirrus moved his hand down her back, trailing his fingers around the base of one wing before drifting to her rear, which he cupped to pull her body even closer in his lap.


Strange was most certainly the word that he would use to describe her. The way she spoke about the sky, the outside world, the way the open air called to her, was all so strangely similar to himself. To all Illyrians. There was no denying that he understood her feelings well.

"Join me then." His tone became playful as he moved to the open window. "I promise I won't let you fall."

Thanks to his height, Nyx had no trouble sitting on the edge of the window. Then, without hesitation, he threw his legs over and spun so that they dangled in open air. Just as he would never deny an Illyrian access to the sky, at least one only suspected of crimes, he could not deny it to someone who understood that same longing to fly.

"I understand. More than you could ever know, I understand. I used to sneak out to fly at night. My father did the same. I still occasionally fly around the city when I feel tense."

With a long sigh, Nyx looked out at the sky, the city below, down the myriad steps of the House of Wind. Peace was not meant to be so stressful as this.

"I believe you, you know. I believe you can't remember. But, do you understand why I can't just let you roam free? It does not make me happy to keep you in a cage just because I need to be suspicious to keep my court safe."
Time for serious talk was indeed passing and Roshani gave a feline smile as Cirrus spoke. "Perhaps not, though, we have never fought." Her voice was playful. She had little doubt that had they gone up against one another who would win.. assuming Cirrus actually wanted to kill her. He was a god of death, which meant if he really wanted her dead, there was no way she'd walk away... The same question could have been posed to Nyx, who would win if they fought. Roshani was powerful, much like Mor had been Nyx's aunt. If she put her mind to it, the would would serve underneath her. Lucky for the world, she had no such aspirations.

Cirrus distracted her with his kisses and she was giggling when he asked her if she was planning to seduce him in the dining room. "Why not? Nyx is busy... no one else is here." The trail of his fingers along that tender skin near her wing made her moan softly, her body pulled closer. "Doesn't seem like you mind much either, love."

Roshani bent her head, capturing his mouth, her eyes closing. Should they move to their room? More than likely. Would they? Perhaps. Though, for the moment, Roshani had no such plans. Her hips rolled, teasing him as their tongues danced.


Watching as he sat on the edge, Taliesin couldn't help but smile. Shifting from the pillar she crossed just behind him before sitting on the edge. Carefully she removed her shoes and joined Nyx in dangling her feet over the edge. Hands behind her, Taliesin reclined some, eyes falling half closed. "Yes, but you have wings, I don't." A hand lifted and motioned behind her. "Never have as far as I know."

She smiled though and tilted her head. The image of him sailing through the sky as a much younger Nyx was charming and she chuckled. "Didn't your mother join you?" Long lashes blinked and she nodded some, the smile fading. He believed her, but he couldn't trust her. It hurt for some unknown reason. Rather than acknowledge that feeling, she nodded again, her silver hair sliding along her back. "You're a high Lord, your people's safety should come first."

She didn't like being in a cage either, but for now, perhaps it was the safest place for her to be. Someone had hurt her, that was what the pretty Illyrian with the blonde hair had said. Nyx had healed her. Her head turned towards him and she studied his profile. Would he tell her how badly she was hurt? Only one way to find out. "Roshani said I was hurt when I was found.."
The way she kissed him, the feeling of her hips grinding against his body, it made all of the other worries and thoughts drift away. There was no reason to think who would win in a fight between Cirrus and his lover. The truth was that Roshani had won long ago. From the first moment he had seen her, barely a physical being in his true form, it had been her victory. Now, nearly two years after their first true meeting, she still had the death god wrapped around her finger. With a groan, he returned her kiss, his tongue exploring her own like it was the first time again.

Underneath her rolling hips, Cirrus began to swell and harden. His other hand moved to join the first in cupping her firm rear, applying a little more pressure to the point they met. When he finally pulled back, now too intoxicated by her body to consider stopping, his breathing was heavy and he was fully erect.

"You know I can't resist you, Ro. If you ask to be bent over this table, I will be happy to oblige. But, I know how to make you melt." he spoke with a hungry growl in his voice.

Cirrus once again moved a hand, this time burying his fingers in her hair, gripping a handful and tugging sharply. This tilted Roshani's head back and sent a shock of delicious pain through his Illyrian lover while his mouth moved to assault her collarbone, kissing with a hungry while occasionally mixing in a gentle nip to the sensitive area.


When Taliesin motioned behind her, Nyx genuinely wondered about her wings. His father was able to conceal his wings, though Nyx refused to ever learn the trick. Perhaps her wings were hidden, or simply removed, though the second thought was horrific to consider. Either way, Nyx felt it would be less than helpful to mention this theory now.

"My mother and father would both fly with me on occasion. But... Have you ever been near a mated pair? They never made me feel neglected, mind you. They just very much crave the other's attention. So, when night fell and I was old enough to mind myself, I saw little of them. They are truly in love and it made me happy to see it never fade over the centuries."

Next seemed to be a less wholesome topic. He could hear the implied question when Taliesin asked about her injuries. Nyx, thinking back to earlier that day, which felt like a lifetime ago already, realized this was another chance to make sure his new obsession, likely his mate, favored his side. It seemed the truth would be the best weapon.

"The one who found you, Cirrus, is not a normal fae. He can smell death like a shark with blood. The only reason he found you is because he could sense you were about to die." Nyx said in a surprisingly serious tone. "I healed you, but I'm no specialist. All I could do was use power to compensate. It took quite a lot to even get you to regain consciousness."

He moved closer on the windowsill, reaching out tentatively toward her. Then, seeming to have finished some internal struggle, his hand moved to the back of her neck, rubbing gently to offer some comfort.

"Whoever or whatever did that to you, they couldn't care less if you lived or died. Do you think you would ever be able to accept that, even if your memories came back? Or would you like to stay here, where we would never treat someone like a tool?"
She had no shame when it came to Cirrus. Had someone else been in the room she would have moved... But only out of courtesy, not shame. She felt much the same as Cirrus, each kiss was like their first. Her passion, love... all bubbling up with abundance and wild abandon. Like a moth to his flame, Roshani was more than willing to burn herself to be close to him. It was more than a want, a need. She would never stop needing her Death God turned fae. Never not desire him like the first time they had tumbled into bed with one another.

He pulled her closer still and a low chuckle left her as Roshani ground herself against him. Even with layers of cloth and leather between them, she could feel his excitement for her. That alone spiked her own excitement and as he pulled back, his words breathy. "I'd be very disappointed had you found some magic that made you impervious to my charms," Her words playful even as she added a pout to the end of them. She knew he'd never search for something of the kind... She was happy to have him wrapped around her little finger as he was to be there.

The change in his voice made a sound, soft, feminine lift from her throat. That hunger the cause of her whimper. Cirrus wasn't wrong, he new exactly how to make Roshani tremble. The hand that curled in her hair made her gasp and moan, the pangs of pain only adding spice to the building pleasure. "Mmn~" The pleased sound low as her nails moved further into his hairline, scraping along his scalp. "Indeed you do," Her voice slowly became huskier.


The question about a mated pair drew a soft smile to her lips. She knew how mates were, when they worked out. Mated pairs didn't mean more than they were drawn to one another, it didn't mean they fit well... Though she couldn't find any memory of knowing a mated pair. Her smile faltered. "No, I don't think I have.." her voice trailed off and she looked away from him and back into the slowly pink tinged world as the sun began to sink behind the mountain. "It's so odd," Taliesin said softly.. "That I know what a mated pair is, know how it can go horribly wrong... Yet, I can't think of a single couple."

Missing pieces...

The childlike voice she knew as her own and she drew one leg to her chest, arms around her leg, her chin resting on her knee. "What your parents have sounds beautiful though." There was raw honesty in her voice. Though she might not know any... it was something she hoped for herself someday. A love like Nyx's parents had.. Not the mismatched pairing that some found. Though, at this rate, Taliesin wondered if the cauldron would give her just that...

The answer Nyx gave to her injuries made her pale completion fade to something shallow and sickly for a moment. The amount of power he'd had to push into her body to heal her? She couldn't remember anything, which was just as frustrating. While she was thankful for his healing, a small part of her wished he hadn't. He'd had to though, if she'd been so close to death that Cirrus.. whoever that was, had sensed her.

She hadn't seen his struggle, but when his hand found her neck, Taliesin stiffened for a moment, before relaxing. The touch was gentle, soothing and it made her want to purr like a kitten. Taliesin leaned into his touch some, unable to help herself. Something about Nyx appealed to her, almost in a primal fashion. Had she not known better, known she should feel a bond between them, she might have thought them mates.. yet there was no bond that she could feel. A small part of her was saddened by the lack of the bond, wishing for it; an almost childish wish.

Nyx's words made Taliesin smile, her eyes moved to his face once more. "I'd like to stay here." She didn't know why she'd been hurt so much, but in her eyes, there was little excuse for such a beating... She didn't feel like a bad guy, though her memories were a blank slate. perhaps he'd once been horrible. "If you'd have me... I don't know if I could forgive whatever was done to me. I can't say I wasn't a monster before now, but I don't feel like I was." Her words were soft, honest. "I certainly don't think I am now. Cauldon knows why my memories have vanished.. Perhaps for the best?"
The sounds coming from Roshani were simply too much for Cirrus to bear. Not to mention how adorable her little pout was. His mind was full of only the single most important thing to him, his beautiful Illyrian.

"No need to pout, my love. There is no magic strong enough to take us apart. A mating bond is nothing compared to us. We chose this."

The sweetness of his words was eclipsed by the desperate need in his eyes. Waiting simply was no longer an option. Getting a more firm hold on her rear and bracing her with his grip on her hair, he Cirrus stood sharply. With a lean forward, Roshani was now sitting on the edge of the table. Then, just as quickly, Cirrus was attacking.

His hands, now free, pushed Roshani back a little, his fingers shoving her top higher to reveal the beautifully trained body. He pushed the cloth higher until her breasts were revealed and the throb that ran through his lower body was painful with his need. His mouth soon followed his hands, teeth dragging across soft skin as he nipped her breast, so close to her nipple his lips brushed it with every tiny bite.

It was simply not enough. He needed more relief or he would lose his mind. So, without stopping the assault of his teeth, which were soon joined by a hungry tongue, he pulled the belt of his trousers loose, tugging them down to fully reveal his erect cock. He was painfully swollen with need, his length thick and needy where it came to rest, pressing greedily at her thigh.


From how she described it, Taliesin certainly matched what he knew of memory loss. Not a complete loss. A person could still function because the mind knew how to keep itself going. But, the pieces that were not so necessary, yet just as important, could be lost. His musing on her memory were cut short though, as she pressed herself into his touch.

It went right to the soul, cleaving his mind and leaving him dumbfounded. Just the press of her skin to his own had the High Lord's heart pounding in his chest. Whether or not this was a true mating bond, he had feelings for this woman. She was beautiful, beautiful beyond reason in his eyes, mysterious, and fun. Everything pulled him in like a vortex and when she agreed to stay, he was lost forever in her gravity.

"It would make me very happy to have you stay. I don't think you were ever a monster, and everyone has done something wrong for one reason or another. This can be a fresh start for you. Even if you remember, we will all help you forget again if you want." there was a smile on Nyx's lips as he spoke and he found himself drifting closer to Taliesin.

With his hand still gently massaging the base of her neck, Nyx guided her gently toward him. Without a single thought about self control, or about the dangers, his lips met Taliesin's. It was a gentle kiss, but the affection in it was so genuine, bordering on need, that it frightened even himself. Then, reality hit and the High Lord pulled away, a burning blush showing through on his tanned skin.

"I'm sorry... "
Her heart sang with his words, they way it always did when he mentioned that while there was no bond, they'd been fated to be together. That bond, while pretty in theory and she had seen Nyx's parents so in love... She didn't feel cheated. Roshani had that with Cirrus, she didn't need the caldron to provide her with some sort of proof of it. There would never be another for her.

A low chuckle left her at the need in his eyes as his words were so sweet. Arms linked around his neck as he lift her into his arms. She was only held aloft for a moment or so before her rear found the table. Leaning back, she felt his hands push her top up and her breath quickened. Moaning, Ro let her head fall back, her breasts offered up to her ravenous lover as her back arched some, her wings flattening to allow the motion. His mouth was hot against her skin, nipping, licking trailing across the swell of her breasts.

She heard the belt, her eyes opening and she sat up a fraction, watching with her own needy eyes as his cock was revealed. A groan left her and she shifted, her hips rising, her own pants, panties following his as she pushed at her clothing. His cock pressed to the softness of her thigh and she pulled at his shirt, yanking up, her urgency palpable. There were times where they were sweeter, though normally they came together like this. Need and desire like wildfire, consuming them.

"Cirrus," His name a soft demand, her voice full of her need.


His touch was warm against her skin, and her eyes closed for a moment, savoring the feel of his fingers as they gently kneaded her skin. Taliesin felt nothing telling her to hold back. no warning bells telling her to not get entangled with a High Lord.. No, her instincts seemed to encourage her and without memories or a reason to avoid such a desire, Taliesin could see no reason to abstain.

His words made her smile, sweet as they were. Her eyes found his, the clear ice blue of her own gaze meeting the sapphire of his. Why did it make her stomach feel funny when he seemed to make a point of saying he'd be happy if she stayed. Something inside her relaxed when he agreed she wasn't a monster. The implication of his words, about helping her forget again, had she been a monster made her heart beat a little quicker. The connotation to her seemed sexual, though it likely was in her own mind.

That was until he gently pulled her in and his mouth found hers. This kiss was chaste and ended before it really began but her heart raced at the small innocent kiss. Eyes wide, Taliesin watching him pull away. Her mouth slightly parted as she stared at him. She wanted to lean back in, kiss him again... That need was so raw that she'd started to lean back in. "Are you really sorry?" Her words were playful.

Her body shifted, hands resting on the marble below her, her body arching slightly.

Do it, kiss him...

The voice was silky smooth and she moved without thinking further. Her lips brushed his, lashes falling as she lingered there, lightening trailing down her spine. Slowly pulling back, her cheeks burned much like his own. "I know I wasn't.."
If Cirrus had understood what attraction truly was before Roshani, he never felt it. Sometimes it was hard to remember when he was in his old form, barely thinking, wandering from place to place drawn only by his instinct. The day he saw Roshani had changed the entire path of his fate. Now, he was tangled with that same beautiful woman in the most intimate ways. He did not understand attraction before, but now he loved every little feature of Roshani's body.

His favorite, however, was the sound of her moans. She was truly perfect and he wanted to show her body how perfect it was to him. He could have spent all day simply touching and teasing her. That is, until she almost tore her pants and panties off before saying his name, half way between pleading and demanding. There was one way to answer that tone.

Gripping his length at the base, making it swell even more with the pressure, Cirrus adjusted his body so they were properly aligned. With a soft press forward, the head of his cock found the warmth of her womanhood. Slowly, he rubbed the head back and forth until it spread her, coating the tip with her hot wetness. From there, it took only the barest of movements to enter her.

Cirrus almost hissed at the searing heat and incredible pleasure as she wrapped around him. Each small movement pushed him further inside, pulling back just a touch before going further, her body eager to squeeze him as he filled her. Finally, his body met hers and his cock brushed against the back walls of her incredible pussy. Perfect together in every way.

"Ro, it feels so good inside you. I feel ready to break this fucking table just trying to be deeper inside."

The growl of his voice was a barely controlled groan as he began to move. Inside of her, his cock was throbbing with pleasure, the head filling her so completely that the pressure of her walls around him was making him breath heavy. With the amazing sight before him and the pleasure she gave him, all Cirrus could do was sink his fingers roughly into her upper thighs and keep that grip tight as he began to speed up his thrusting, the table making the lightest protests already.


The first kiss had been pure bliss, even in spite of the shame it had brought. Her reaction, though, eclipsed the kiss completely. She was playful, smiling. She had liked the kiss. Even her body language was suggesting it had been more than pleasant. Then, a second kiss came, this time at her hand. That one, it was sweeter than anything he had ever tasted and he wanted infinitely more. The word sorry was completely gone from his mind.

"I can't say that I am either. Not after that." his smile had spread to his voice and his tone had changed. "Do you mind..."

Half way through asking permission, his body decided it was tired of waiting. Quickly, his lips caught her own again, this time in a much less chaste kiss. Though he kept his tongue to himself, he pressed his lips to her own with force and intent. Some part was afraid he would bruise those beautiful lips with the need in his kiss.

The hand gently massaging her neck now took hold, aggressively claiming her for a moment. Using his body, he moved into her space, guiding her back to rest against the side of the window. For a few moments, he kissed her, his mouth parting with a need that he was keeping barely restrained. Then, just as quickly, he pulled away, retreating fully to the other side of sill before throwing a leg over and moving fully into the room again.

"That was... Too much. I find it very hard to control myself around you Taliesin, but I won't let myself be completely wild. We have to stop."
In a way, Roshani felt the same. Before Cirrus she'd been with others, but never ones that made her stir the way Cirrus could. There had been lust, but that was all, nothing deeper. Since Cirrus had become fae and they had in their own way courted and then fallen in love... There had been no other, would never be another for her. No other man, woman would ever hold her attention the way Cirrus did.

Roshani couldn't say exactly what drove her to the need that burned inside her... Perhaps a small desire to have Nyx walk in and complain that they'd decided to fuck on the dining table. More so, there was never a time that she didn't want to be with Cirrus. They might not have been a mating bond between the two, but they acted as if there was. The way they craved one another, the affection and love they shared. It wasn't far off from Nyx's parents.

His name, was answered with the same urgency it had been demanded in. Roshani moaned, as Cirrus teased, her the tip of him sliding again her slick folds. Ro knew there was a reason, but it didn't stop the soft growl that slipped from her. As the tip of him pressed into her... Ro moaned again, already wet with her need for him and he'd find that out as he pushed his cock into her eager cunt.

Slick as she was, it would still take him precious moments to sheath himself in her. She could feel the resistance of her body, even with her wetness. Gripping every inch of him and as their hips met, Roshani moaned again.. Low, needy. "We can always buy Nyx a new table..." She wanted that roughness, that desperation of their joining.

Her head fell back as Cirrus' hands gripped her thighs and he began to thrust into her, the table making its low protest as she moaned. Full breasts were offered up to Cirrus once more, a hand at the back of his neck, pulling him to feast on her flesh.


The smile along her lips grew as Nyx admitted that he hadn't been sorry. Warmth blossomed in her cheeks and she bit her lower lip, as he began to question her, not that Nyx finished his question. "Mind?" Taliesin prompted even as his head lowered and his mouth found hers again. This kiss was not nearly as innocent as their first two and while neither of them deepened their kiss, it was passionate. The hand at the back of her neck, rubbed any tension that lingered in her muscles away and Taliesin couldn't help the soft groan that left her. The way he touched her, even in what could almost be seen as completely innocent held something else... Possession. As if for just for the moment, she belonged to him. The thought went through her like lightening.

His body pushed into her space, crowding her in a way that made her want to do more than groan... Her back pressed firmly into the pillar behind her, his own, so close, she could feel the warmth of his skin through her top. This kiss lasted longer than both of the previous ones combined and when Nyx reigned himself in, Taliesin was left breathless. Heavy lidded eyes watched as he pulled himself back from her, giving her space once more and some part of her mourned the distance that he'd put between them.

Gulping down greedy breaths, Taliesin nodded to his words. Too much... Perfect... Slowly her heat slowed and her breathing became normal. "Water," the word whispered and the house provided her with a goblet. Her mouth felt dry, aired.. and she lifted the glass drinking as greedily as she had gulped down air moments ago. Question rose in her mind. Why was it so hard to control himself? Why.. stop. Neither were asked, instead she watched him with those bright glacial eyes.

"Agreed," The words offered, though something in her tone might stand out as being off. The goblet rested between them and she gently pushed the half full crystalline goblet towards him, almost like a peace offering. "What now?" Was it odd to miss his fingers around her neck, his mouth on hers? Her lashes lowered some, and Taliesin searched inwards, looking for that link, that mated couples had. She found nothing, though, it was said that not all bonds appeared right away... Or they were not mates. Just attracted to one another. The latter far more plausible in her mind. Though the word, Mates, lingered in her mind and soul.
There were always things one could never hear without some kind of intense response. Phrases that simply tickled an emotion. Today, Cirrus learned a new one. We can always buy Nyx a new table. It was not something he expected to spur intense feelings. However, he knew Roshani could never mention this table again without him feeling something.

He breathed something between profanity and a groan. There was no need for Roshani to guide him to her breasts as he dove onto her. Not only did his mouth capture her nipple, he also forced her back completely onto the table, sliding his hands behind her knees to push them up high. He was achingly hard inside of her, swollen so much that he was sure she had never been so full of his cock before. He would change that.

Now practically laying on the table, Cirrus moved the rest of the way, his body forcing her knees even higher. Once he was fully on top of her, his knees resting on the table as he pressed himself down on her, his hips and mouth began anew.

His teeth caught her nipple for a moment, tugging just enough to cause a jolt of mixed pain and pleasure. Then, he moved quickly to bite over every inch of her breasts, leaving little red teeth marks all over. Cirrus' hips were more orderly, though no less savage. From his angle, his cock thrust straight down into her dripping pussy. The sound of flesh on flesh filled the room. His arms stretched out to grip the far edge of the table to brace them as he fucked his beloved Ro like they were two animals in heat.

"I bet you want me to break you too, don't you? Your pussy won't stop squeezing me." he spoke between rough bites, his breathing heavy as he slammed his full length into her over and over.


Nyx would have been ashamed go admit that the kiss had resulted in a subtle tenting of his trousers. He had not become fully aroused, thankfully, though it would not have taken much more. Eager for something else to think about, he took the glass with one hand, keeping the other in his lap to hide his shame until it managed to calm.

Unfortunately, half way through his drink, he thought of the lips that had been on it moments before. His eyes drifted to Taliesin, still beautiful beyond reason and a bit flushed as well. His arm shifted to make sure his erection remained hidden as he thought of those lips. What they could do. How good they could feel elsewhere besides his own mouth.

With an impressive show of willpower, Nyx turned his eyes away again. One more kiss and they would be tangled up on the floor. One more kiss and that nice, new outfit would be ripped apart. He found himself drinking heavy swallows of water, draining the remainder. His arousal faded enough that he was no longer visibly erect, his heart and mind slowing to an acceptable pace.

"Now, I guess we decide on living arrangements. I can't keep you in a cell, even if it is rather nice." he looked sheepish as he finally managed to meet her eyes again.

"You can stay on the top floor of the House. There are plenty of rooms to pick. Except, I would stay on the west end of the hall. Cirrus and Roshani, two of my closest friends, are loud. The furthest room is mine, Eldin lives there as well, though he isn't in the city at the moment. You can go wherever you want, including the open court on the roof, but you I cannot allow you out into the city."

For a few moments, Nyx got to feel like he was in control. He felt like a High Lord making the choices he needed to. Then, his eyes fell on those lovely lips again. All of his reclaimed dignity was gone. He felt like a horny young man again, wondering why he felt it so strongly. One word came to mind. Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate. Fucking mate!

"I think... If you kissed me again right now, I would lose all my self control." his words held an implication, almost like he was begging for an excuse.
Pressed flat against the table, Roshani gave another whimper. It wasn't a sound that left her mouth for anyone but Cirrus. It was almost sweet, that need that she made him aware of, as if he wasn't already, with that whimper. Her nipple in his mouth, he pushed her further back along the table as he soon joined her on top. Her knees bent like they were, they allowed Cirrus to rest between her thighs. The angle in which he pressed into her, her nails biting into his back, almost clawing at his skin with that mounting need. He was buried to the hilt in her, yet as they adjusted, there was no movement. The lack thereof was slowly driving Roshani insane. Illyrians were not always known for their patience, and Ro far less so.

Once he'd fully mounted the table and her body, that agony of waiting ended and her moans filled the dining room as Cirrus began to fuck her in truth once more. This potion, with her wings splayed across the table, spoke of her trust in Cirrus. It left her vulnerable and exposed. She felt teeth around her nipple and Roshani cried out, the sounds coming from her, slowly losing the awareness of where they were. His mouth traveled along her pale skin, leaving perfect imprints of his teeth. Shifting beneath him, Ro lifted her hips to meet each hard thrust, her nails biting into his skin, grounding herself in a way.

"If you think you can, " came her growling moaned reply. If anyone could, it would be Cirrus and she welcomed him to try. Things between them were always like this and never once had Roshani missed that sweeter love making. It wasn't quite who she was. She was a wildling at heart, a warrior and Cirrus knew just how to worship her as she needed, desired. "I welcome you to try."


His own desire was matched in Taliesin, though her evidence of arousal was far less evident than his own. Though Nyx hid it from her and while she might have been interested to know, her eyes stayed on his face, refusing to dance lower. If she looked and found the same evidence she felt blossoming between her own thighs. Shifting slightly against the pillar her eyes slipped away as he took the goblet from her, her eyes on the slowly darkening sky. "It's beautiful," Taliesin offered of the view before her.

The bright blue eyes didn't leave the view as he spoke. A smile played on her lips. "While I didn't favor the bars.. the view.. made up for them" Her eyes shifted then and she smiled, feeling more at ease, less riled up. "Are any of the views in those rooms able to rival this one?" Her head tilted and her smile grew at the mention of Roshani and Cirrus. "I see, thank you for the advice." She could see the beautiful Illyrian being loud.. And she bit back a small, girlish giggle at the thought. A part of her hoped she and Roshani might become friends. While their meeting had been brief, she had found herself liking Roshani.

"I understand, I promise to abide by your rules." Inclining her head slightly, a rush of silver hair fell past her face. A hand moved to push the hair behind one delicate arched ear. Her eyes had come to rest on his face again and his words made her eyes flicker up. She couldn't help the smile that came to her lips any more than she could stop herself from asking. "Is that a request High Lord that I do kiss you... Or that I avoid the desire to kiss you as well. Be strong for the both of us or allow you to join me in madness?" A brow lifted playfully and she shifted.

Rising with feline-like grace she held a small hand to him to help him to his own feet. "Perhaps in order to be on our best behavior, then you can help me pick the best room?" She wanted to kiss him again, test his resolve, her own. "You after all will know which has the prettiest views."
In truth, Cirrus was not violent by nature. Even before becoming fae, he was more a witness than anything. That all changed when Roshani got involved. It was a different kind of violence. While it hurt, no one was harmed. Instead, it brought the two into a world of more intense pleasure than they could have with anyone else. The pressure of her nails, biting into his skin almost hard enough to draw blood, hurt. However, it made every other nerve in his body burn for Roshani. She had where she wanted. Now, all that was left was to take what he wanted.

He released the edge of the table and reached over his shoulders. His hips slowed, making his cock ache for more, but he had plans to focus on. Grabbing her wrists firmly, Cirrus forced Ro to release her tight hold on his back. He put his weight behind his arms, forcing Roshani's hands to the table, just above her wings. Despite her strength, Roshani was helpless in this position, her wings unable to move with her bent arms holding them. It was not the first time he had restrained her with only his strength. It was a practiced thing, keeping her sensitive wings safe while he embraced their rougher desires.

"You should not tempt me. Now, I have to be mean. Try not to scream too loudly when you cum, my love." his voice was low, those golden eyes bright with hunger and mischief.

Running his tongue from the latest teeth marks to her neck, stopping just below her jaw, Cirrus was ready to begin his torture. First, he ceased the gentle rocking of his hips that he had maintained, instead withdrawing his cock until only the barest amount remained inside. Without warning, his hips slammed down with ferocious need, her pussy so dripping wet that he slid with ease. While his cock slammed her down into the table, his teeth sank into the side of her neck, biting repeatedly and hungrily. This began to repeat, a slow withdrawal, a vicious thrust, and all the while he groaned and bit. The table bucked in protest each time Roshani was filled, echoing in unison with the sound of their bodies meeting.


Nyx felt a momentary bit of shame at the implication of Taliesin's question. It was most certainly an invitation. He was almost begging the woman to break their little truce, momentary as it was, and kiss him. It took a swell of effort to suppress the almost animal urges Nyx felt, but, in the end, he took her hand with all the dignity he could muster and stood.

"It was a request. One you declined for the better, I'm sure. It seems like something beautiful has come around and impaired my judgment today."

With a short, sharp breath to calm himself, the High Lord led Taliesin to the exit of the cell. He waved it away effortlessly again, taking a moment to let her walk through on her own. It was seemed only fair to give her the freedom to leave on her own, since she had been given no choice when she arrived.

"Almost every window in this building has a view like this. Or, if you take the room I have in mind, you can see the whole city and the bay." there was a bit of smugness in his voice as he spoke. "You are in the Night Court, Taliesin. In Velaris, the Court of Dreams. The view during the day is not what we treasure here. Let me show you Velaris at night. Then, you can decide if you like my city."
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As Cirrus shifted, Roshani knew what was coming and she made him fight, just a little, to capture her wrists and then to pin them above her head, trapping her wings. This was the most submissive position for her and it was something that she'd never let another do to her. This was Cirrus' alone and Ro knew from personal experience just how it made her feel. With another, she'd have fought back tooth and nail, with Cirrus? It made everything all the sweeter. It was here, when she gave up her control, that she had the best orgasms.

A low growl slipped through her lips at his words, a sort of defiance flashing in her eyes. Roshani would indeed scream with her release... They both knew it, but this little struggle of wills, until she finally gave in? It was part of the fun for at least her. In the end, Cirrus would win. Be it she really gave in or she'd had her fill.. She saw the mischief in his eyes seconds before his head bent, his tongue trailing along the fresh marks on her neck. Moaning, the sounds louder than before she felt Cirrus pull his hips back, the length of him leaving her. She felt the absence for but a moment before he thrust himself back into her without mercy.

As they found a rhythm, Cirrus fucking her with hard, deep thrusts, their hips slapping together. Cirrus' mouth found her neck and she felt the sharpness of his teeth, it made Roshani feel lip putty in his arms. She could hear everything. The growling of Cirrus, the sound of skin on skin, her throaty, lusty moans and the sound of the table struggling with their weight and abuse. Roshani's moans were no longer restrained, the sound of her pleasure could be heard drifting down the hallway. Already on the edge, Roshani was forced to fight her orgasm, though that fight would be lost as she cried out her pleasure, all but a scream. Around him, her body trembled, squeezing him as she rode her orgasm.


Her hand in Nyx's, Taliesin smiled softly. Her body, her mind still demanded she kiss him. "I see," her voice purred softly, "You are far too kind," smiling as she shifted for a moment. Her lips brushed his cheek. This kiss was far sweeter and lasted a heart beat before she stepped back. "I can remember something I was told once. That waiting makes everything sweeter." She gave a shrug as she chuckled. "Now, if it is true, I couldn't say."

Led to the cell doorway. She watched the bars vanish with a wave of his hand and as she walked past him, she brushed her body against his. It seemed that while she wasn't ready to give in, she wasn't against teasing them both. In the hallway she waited for him to join her. Her head tilted to the side, her eyes moving down the hallway. She thought she'd heard something. Dismissing it, she looked back to Nyx as he began to explain.

"If I can't visit it, being able to gaze upon its beauty will soothe the pain." Smiling she allowed him to lead her further, occasionally her hand would brush against his own. There was no reason to walk so close to him, but Taliesin didn't feel like putting distance between them, their closeness soothing in it's own way. As they wandered closer to the dining room, they could hear what was going on. Taliesin didn't know where they were heading and she blinked as they walked in on Cirrus and Roshani. Taliesin's mouth opened in surprise, blush burning in her cheeks. Had she and Nyx been closer, she might have stepped closer, hidden her face against his shoulder.
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