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One More Night (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

“Regardless, I’m not entirely sure I like your tone.” She said flatly. It was obvious that the alcohol was taking a much stronger effect.
Jophiel's smile didn't falter once, "Do forgive me, chuld, I mean not offend." She said kindly.
"What do you want, Jophiel?" Derek asked. Jophiel made a soft noise.
"I only wish to express how unwise it would be to sire children with a human. Don't you recall when your brothers created the Nephilim when humans were first created? Our Father was displeased, and refused to allow our brothers home." She said. Derek rubbed the back of his head.
"Well, not like I can go back anyway." He replied.
"Your offspring will be hunted." Jophiel frowned, "The Nephilim were a mistake."
“Excuse you, I am going to give this man however many children he wants. Who are you calling a child?” Raven asked.
"Compared to me, you're still a child, my darling." Jophiel's kindness was disgustingly sweet, way too genuine to be human. Good thing she wasn't, or it would be unsettling, "And I'm not here to tell you what you can and cannot do. I just want to give you some small warning should you choose to follow through with your plans."
"Then we have nothing more to discuss. It was good to see you again, Derek. I'll pray for you, as I always have." She said.
"Thanks, Jophiel...take care.." Derek frowned softly and Jophiel left.
He reached to tilt her chin up gently, "In every life, I'll find you and love you as endlessly as I always were created only for me, Raven.."
"Ah," he smiled sheepishly, "I've been having so much fun with trying naturally that I forgot I could just knock you up at any time I feel like.."
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