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One More Night (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He finished his food and sipped on his water as they chatted, letting her enjoy her cocktails and wine with a soft loving gaze.
She looked at him like she would die if she looked away, her eyes going a bit half lidded as a flush crawled across her cheeks.
“I want to be a mother, but.. also to give you a child..? I’m not sure how best to say it..” she said.
He chuckled and called for the check, paying for dinner and letting her finish her drink before walking out with her.
He smiled softly before looking up to watch they were going, only to stop when a rather beautiful woman stopped ahead of them. She had long wavy brown hair and gentle blue eyes. Derek huffed, brows furrowed.
"Why can't y'all leave us alone...?" He muttered. She smiled brightly.
"Don't be like that, Derek, I merely wished to check on you."
"Ah, shit..." He knew that tone well, scratching the back of his head, "Raven, this is Jophiel..."
"Archangel Jophiel. It's a pleasure to finally see you with my own eyes. Gabriel was rather miffed when he came home."
"One job, couldn't even roast a bird right.." Derek muttered under his breath.
Raven, who was too far gone to really make sense of anything, simply glared. “I don’t know who this is, what the hell kind of name Jos.. Whatever it was, is, but I think she needs to leave.” She said. “Besides, it seems like you two have.. history.”
Derek coughed out of embarrassment, "History? Babe, be so for real right now." Jophiel smiled more.
"No, not at all. Derek and I are friends. He would come to me for guidance." She said.
"Jophiel is the patron of the arts, beauty, and wisdom.." Derek told Raven.
"I wish to impart wisdom on him one last time." Jophiel said.
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