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Coffee & Cocaine (Cyrano x Daleeria)

Every part of Penny had to resist the urge to text Theo while out with his cousins. She did snap some selfies of particular dresses she wanted him to see beforehand, but she didn't drop those to him until after dinner.

It felt like one of those movie montages, where she was in and out of a dressing room trying on every item of clothing handed to her. A lot of them were dresses, bikinis, even some expensive lingerie Penny didn't see much use for. After all, Theo liked her better with no clothes on at all!

Clothes shopping was followed by a delectable brunch and some mimosas at a fancy little downtown Cafe that Amelia had picked out specifically because they had an outdoor patio sat on the water and they could listen to the waves... If Amelia and Penny were capable of stopping talking. Mel groaned at the lack of silence as she ate. Even when the meal came both managed to alternate food and gossip at just the right rate that someone was always saying something while the other chewed.

Penny had a blast. Even if it's not how she planned to spend her day, she really enjoyed hanging out with the hungover Mel and the lively Amelia.

Amelia looked around the microscopic apartment curiously, and Penny could bet she had never been in such a small living space. Girls like her were too rich to live in dorms. "I have closets bigger than this!" she exclaimed while poking at random things on the kitchen counter, including Penny's favorite chipped tea mug. "And it's so dirty, Penny! You need a better maid!"

Mel rubbed her temples and sighed before looking over at Penny. The college girl just smirked. "I'll let her know my new friends don't like her handiwork!"

"Amelia, in what universe do you think a waitress at a diner can afford a damn maid?!" Mel finally broke and explained to Amelia that Penny was, in fact, her own maid too. What a world they must live in, for Amelia to look so fully and adorably confused at that concept. It awed Penny a little and reminded her of the unfathomable amount the girls had spent today. Of course they didn't have to pick up after themselves.

That didn't stop Amelia from further exploring the apartment. "Theo needs to get you a better couch!" she called from the living room as the other two women followed her deeper in. Melanie at least didn't seem so surprised by Penny's meager belongings. But Amelia let out a horrified gasp. "D-did... Did Theo fuck you on a mattress and boxspring on the floor?!?!"

Penny looked at her bed. "Yeah, what's so wrong with that?"

Both cousins had a mixture of amused and curiously horrified at that concept.

Once all the bags of clothes and accessories the three women bid farewell. Penny was finally left to her own devices. She shot Theo a picture back in reply to his question, a pretty smile on her face. "You have some interesting family! I had a great time and I got some cute outfits! I don't think I'm modeling material but I could always use extra money especially when it comes to summertime. No school to get in the way of me making money!"

And then: "Wanna hang out sometime this week? No party or club or nothin', just pizza, movies, and a lot of really wet sex?" she offered almost five seconds after sending the first text with a bright grin.

Penny blinked two days later when two guys knocked on the door from a local furniture company with a whole new queen sized bed with a proper frame that seemed comically oversized compared to her small room. "Dammit Amelia..."
Thursday was a long way away, but it was the first day that Theo could get away from his business schedule long enough to spend an evening with Penny and just get away from all of the stress that came with the life. Theo was salary for both parts of his career, and unlike most made men he actually needed to show up in person for his work. That was the entire point of having a messaggero, somebody that was able to go places and be seen without people without piquing law enforcement radar more than any other member of the family. Even less so if possible. It did not matter that Theo was meeting with hustlers, thieves, pimps and killers, because those were exactly the type of people who wanted to clean their money through legitimate enterprise. To live in the lap of luxury and be seen as the ones who both decided what was cool, but also what was real and authentic. Anyone who saw Theo out on the Street knew that he was there because he was selling alcohol and networking, more rappers referenced their liquor and had it showing in their music videos next to beautiful women the better the sales were.

Theo was always out there hustling, but that didn't mean he was a hustler. If he couldn't do his work with Penny on his arm, and he couldn't, then he was going to need to find a way to do his work and Penny and make it all work out.

Even letting Penny go three days without dick was a gamble. There was something stirring inside of Theo that he had never felt before. Jealousy. Possessiveness. Ego. Envy. Rage towards his family in a way that he had never truly felt before.

Certainly, there had always been the unspoken resentment towards the Di Capri family, grateful for them bringing him out of the projects and treating him like family should. Yet still there was the pressure of being bottled up and needing to be everything for everyone except who he was. No true identity except a lack of identity. Like the chameleon, always changing his appearance, but never changing his skin.

Theo rehearsed what he was going to do and say in his mind a thousand times all day. While he was showering and dressing in the morning, while he was jumping from meeting to meeting, from turf to turf. Selling here, signing there, never buying, never stopping. Lunch was grilled ham and cheese on rye, dinner was Chinese takeout. A little bit of everything, but plenty of noodles and crab rangoon to shove down Penny's throat while they watched whatever they settled on. The plan was simple, he was going to step into her door, place the food on the counter, then grab her by the hair, make her look into his eyes, and listen to what he had to say.

"I don't want anyone else buying things for you. I don't want you sleeping with other guys, or going on dates. I don't want you to feel like you need money, or need to work for it. If you want something, or to just want to feel the weight of money in your pockets or count the zeroes in your account. You do those things for me, and I'll do anything for you." It was short, banking on the impact of it to get his message across in a way that wouldn't send her running for campus police. The last thing he wanted was to come across as creepy and abusive, but he also knew that he could not tolerate another night worrying about whether she was with another man, whether some other person was putting money in her hands or leaving it on her nightstand.

Three thousand dollars of cash, two hundred dollars worth of Chinese, a suit tired out from being worked in all day, and thirteen inches of dick looking to make her day, Theo slipped through the side door behind some sophomores and then made his way up the back steps to her hallway and knocked on the door. Lines running through his head again and again waiting for her to open the door.

If only Theo understood how much he didn't need to worry about Penny's wandering eye... Theo's hands haunted her hips as she tried on every piece of sexy lingerie than Amelia had shoved into her hands. Every piece that Penny personally insisted on were the ones she could almost picture him rolling down her hips just enough to deep dick her in the room. And not just because there was a little wet spot on them after... but some part of her knew that Theo would appreciate the fact some of the things were to her taste and not his cousin's keen eyes.

Thursday felt like a long time to wait, but that didn't stop her from cleaning up the apartment Sunday night despite just really wanting to crawl into bed and crash and let that hangover officially get slept off. Instead, she picked up her clothes and tidied up the kitchen. Cleaned out her fridge, got rid of the clutter on the counter. Things needed to change around here if she was going to commit to the idea of just hanging out with one guy for a while. She slipped the money he had given her into the dresser drawer with the last bit of a cash and some money Amelia had slipped her with a demand of "Get some proper food in this house!" Mel had just rolled her eyes and herded Amelia away from her new doll-friend.

Even almost a day and a half later she found herself wanting to text him just to swing by and pick her up for a quickie in the car just to get even twenty minutes with those hands on her body. Every wet dream she had featured him and only him. Other boys seemed just like that: boys. Theo was something different. It wasn't just the money, or the fact he could ensure she never had to work again with the bat of her eyelashes... He was just hit different. The sex, the interactions, the way he looked at her like she was more than just a quick lay. Even if he paid her and Penny was slowly coming to terms that she might be getting even wetter with a price tag attached to what she did to him. The better she rocked his world, the more she seemed to get out of it.

And once again, she didn't REALLY care about the money itself. Hell, half of the money she had spent was spent on adding things to the apartment that seemed to keep him from staying in the morning. New sheets for the bed that Amelia had delivered, some snacks and food that weren't just ramen and cheap college food... and the biggest surprise of all she was so stoked for him to see and it seemed so fucking stupid to be so excited about a fucking coffee machine, but it was the thing that chased him away that first morning.

Oh, I've been dreamin' 'bout it
And it's you I'm on
So stop thinkin' 'bout it
Maybe if he had considered how frequently Penny was texting him nudes and outfit pics from the shopping trip, he'd have realized she didn't really have the time to be fooling around with other guys. Because it was pretty often. She didn't wear her nice shit to school, but he had received a couple of stereotypical college girl pics of her in a full length mirror with her HCU sweats slung low and some pretty colored g-strings hanging off those hips, at least two selfies of her with whatever book she was studying with at the time, and somewhere between forty and four hundred memes. Besides Porscha, Penny didn't really bother texting anyone else. She knew he was busy, but things were always sent with a casual "Hey hope you're having a good day, here's something funny!" or "Do these sweatpants make my ass look fuckable?" just to tease and let him know she was thinking about him. But she was sure other bitches texted him just as casually. Which is why she texted him mundane bullshit like complaints about classes or teachers, or pictures of random stuff on campus when she was sitting and having her study sessions. Part of her understood he was into her because she was a far cry from the world he was used to.

When she wasn't texting him or working at the diner, she was balls to the walls focusing on her homework. She wanted to make sure that she had nothing to worry about that weekend just in case she could convince him to stay in bed all weekend. Finals would be all too soon and getting these general education classes finished up meant she could REALLY start on the nursing portion of her learning. The part she really wanted to be doing.

Being a nurse hadn't always been her dream, but when she had enrolled in HCU and found herself suddenly having to decide what to do she had to find something to aspire to. She loved the idea of getting to work in pediatrics in specific. She loved working with kids, but being a teacher these days seemed like a new form of torture, and she had no intention of putting herself through that for a bare minimum of a wage. Sure, nursing was hard... but it required moving non-stop and that was something Penny had found inviting. Getting to save people, to help inform and educate people on health, and finding she had a very good memory for the medical terminology helped.

Now it was her biggest goal, and of all places to want to be a nurse, Haven City was facing a constant shortage.
Can we just talk? Can we just talk?
Talk about where we're goin'
Before we get lost
Lend me your thoughts
Can't get what we want without knowin'
I've never felt like this before
I apologize if I'm movin' too far
Can we just talk? Can we just talk?
Figure out where we're goin'
Penny had told him she'd consider the modeling thing but that she actually enjoyed her job at the diner because the owners had been so kind to her when she was first struggling after moving to Haven City in the first place. He didn't know the full history behind her circumstances, but she knew if this was going to grow into a regular thing that eventually she'd have to give him her story and hope that didn't turn him off from spending time and money on her. And these people had been good to her. It kept her active and busy even when he couldn't give her constant attention.

Also there was the silent worry of: "What happens to me when Theo gets bored of me?"

She'd never say that out loud to him though.

Penthouse view, left some flowers in the room
I'll make sure I leave the door unlocked
Now I'm on the way, swear I won't be late
I'll be there by five o'clock
Oh, you've been dreamin' 'bout it
And I'm what you want
So stop thinkin' 'bout it

Penny had some plans for their little date night in: he had volunteered to bring the food if she provided the entertainment and she had a nice little marathon lined up for them to fuck and cuddle to. It was going to be a nice time, even if she had no clue what he actually liked watching. Instead she was focusing on what she enjoyed watching to let him get a bit more insight into her.

The door opened about a minute after he knocked and his shirt was pulled into the apartment by a bodiless hand before the door was shut quickly. When he was finally stepping into the kitchen he'd see the reason for her rush; even with a three day lead up Penny had still been having difficulty choosing between her way-too-many options of lingerie and sexy dresses... and at the end of the day this was all meant to be a nice comfy, cozy movie date with some food and wet ass pussy sliding up and down all thirteen inches of his cock like he was the last dick in Haven City. "Heya!" the topless girl popped up on her tip toes and offered him a kiss that almost felt romantic in nature. "I was trying to remember how to put on a bra when you knocked!"

Obviously she was making a joke, but she was standing there in her kitchen barefoot and top-free with nothing but some sexy lace panties covering her ass. This particular pair she had picked up on a solo shopping trip just the day before. "But now that you're already here I guess why dress up when I'mma just undress you in a few minutes anyways! Ooooh is that Chinese?! God, I'm starving!" Penny jumped from sex to food in 4.5 just like she was some college frat boy. Penny pointedly took the bag from him and set it on the counter right next to the newest purchase his money had bought.

While not the most expensive model on the market, she had found an all-in-one machine that could brew a pot of coffee or make shots of espresso. It even had the fancy milk steamer on it in case he wanted fancy lattes or some bullshit that Penny didn't know about. The younger woman looked up at a him. "Felt bad about lying to you and I have this new job fucking this really hot tall dude so I used the money he slipped into my bra last Sunday to buy this fancy coffee thingie. Now there's no reason for you to leave right away in the morning! And, since I know nothing about coffee I just got a little of everything!"

The apartment was spotless compared to the first time he had entered. It was obviously she had spent as much time cleaning as she had doing homework that week. The counters were cleared off, dishes were put away, and the coffee machine sat where there had once been a bunch of packs of ramen and boxed stuff stacked for ease of access when she got home from work. Amelia's comment about needing a maid had irked the southern belle.

Penny opened the cabinet above the coffee pop and all her boxes of teas were organized, and on the other half of the cabinet there were about seven different brands and roasts of coffee and two brands of espresso. "I even bought milk so we can try making one of those cool latte things if you wanted. I don't know much about this stuff but I figured since I didn't know what you actually liked, I'd just give you all the options!" there was an unspoken hope for praise and approval in her eyes as she excitedly showed him the amendments she had made in the kitchen to make room for him in her life. While she wasn't sure where things were going, she knew she planned on Theo hanging around more if he was down for that. She knew his dick was the only one she found fully interesting in almost a solid year and every part of her wanted to wake up with him tomorrow and eat left over Chinese and play around with the coffee machine almost like a normal couple.

Can we just talk? Can we just talk?
Talk about where we're goin'
Before we get lost
Lend me your thoughts
Can't get what we want without knowin'
I've never felt like this before
I apologize if I'm movin' too far
Can we just talk? Can we just talk?
Figure out where we're goin'
Figure out where we're goin'
There was really no other way to put it. Theo was in lust with this girl. She made him feel like a teenager again. Fumbling around in the dark. Ruled by his passions and his cock. Looking for sensation and looking for pleasure and looking for everything. Messy hair, no clothes but a little bit of lingerie to cover her mons and a pretty smile at seeing him in her space.

It took a few moments for Theo to peel his eyes way from her lithe, little body. Just before she took the Chinese from him and laid it out on the counter he started to notice the differences in the apartment from the last visit. Clean, organized - maintained like it was a space for her soul to thrive and not for it to just be. Part of him did not love the change towards something resembling functional humanity, if only because it was such a contrast from the hot mess who had fucked him stupid their first night together. The part of him that cared for her humanity, for her personhood separated from the slut who drained his cock to dust for fun and came back for more in fifteen minutes, could not help to correlate the cleaning and changes around here with the new couch and the new mattress he knew they were going to be fucking on in the near future.

Was this new clean apartment a choice that Penny had freely made? Or was it something that she felt pressured into doing by the influence of his meddling, but loved, cousins?

Before he could fully process that concern he was giving something resembling an answer, when his eyes were able to peel themselves away from the bounce of her ass. The coffee machine, a meaningful gift and and an inside joke all in one. A thoughtful, almost loving gesture to show that all of the changes that she was making in her home were changes that were happening so that he could feel more comfortable in his skin in her space. The implication being that she expected him to spend almost as much time in her little hideaway as she was spending in fancy dresses up in his penthouse.

As always with Penny, being in her presence was a whiplash of emotion as his heart started pounding and the blood began to flow in so many directions at once. It wasn't until she had finished her coffee tour, looking at him so much like a little girl in need of Daddy's praise, that he knew where his attention needed to go. "This is the one." He told her, reaching over her shoulder and tapping a commercialized version of the Colombian roast that he preferred every morning. For a moment he considered buying the good stuff and bringing it next time, but then he decided that they would shop around the coffees and decide which one they both liked best. Then he'd buy the good good stuff and let her live a little bit more into luxury.

Giving coffee to Penny was likely something akin to feeding cocaine to a hamster. But considering he might just keep her all to himself tomorrow, that wasn't a problem.

Two horses ran in his mind on which words to flow from his mouth. The praise, or the problem he wished to discuss. Nothing stopped his hands though. A light squeeze on her ass, putting her up on her tiptoes, then that soft hand traced its way up her spine to play with her hair. Bringing her body into his chest so that she was looking up at his eyes and inhaling his expensive cologne. It had probably taken him as long to decide on his scent as it had for her to decide what clothes to wear.

"I-" He started to say, then reconsidered how he wanted to continue. " When you say 'new job' it makes you sound like you're -" He didn't finish his sentence, but she did. And this time the praise was instantaneous. Both hands jumped down to grab her perky ass, lifting her not just to his waist, but almost to his shoulders as their lips collided. His mouth opened when theirs collided, but his tongue did not glide in to take possession. Instead it teased hers out and dared her to shove it down his throat like the whore-meat it was. They spun and spun in her kitchen, moaning and contented with their joy until he plopped her ass down on her stove top, just slightly lower than the counter and he let her hands decide how long she could wait before he was inside.

it was going to be fast, fierce, and fucking fantastic like every fuck with Penny was. He owned her, and she knew it and was okay with it, and there was no need for his speech today. What's understood does not need to be explained. He had the money. He had the power. He had possession. But when she took hold of his cock all of that slipped away to the mercies of her body. She could have him however she wanted for as long and short as she wanted with her on that stove top. Theo only offered one piece of resistance to her ravagings until they were sweaty and ready for Chinese.

He didn't cum inside of her this time. That pretty pussy was going to be fucked but clean when he ate it for dessert.
Every choice the pretty whore had ever made was purely for her own selfish goals, except for the most major decision in her world that Theo didn't even know about yet. That would be a conversation for another day, though. Today they had plenty of other things to fuck about and avoid deeper discussions. The cleaning up, the coffee, everything she did was because she wanted to, not because she felt like she had to. It brought her joy to see the look on his face as he eyed up the coffee stuff she had spent his money on. Besides, even she had to admit it was nice to have the place cleaned up. It wouldn't take long for it to get messy again, but to Penny this was almost something of a first official 'whore date'. She knew there'd be money in it for her if she worked him right, and obviously she had every plan to work him better than any of his other bitches ever had.

"- a whore?" Penny finished his sentence on her new job, a playful little grin on those soft lips. The girl had come to accept that something about getting his money after he gave her that top-tier BBC had her wetting her panties more than any other man ever had. "Oh yeah, I'm Daddy's little whore alright! My ass is too cute-"

She didn't get to finish her statement about her own ass when he suddenly lifted her up and showered her with the exact type of praise that she had been actively seeking since the moment he walked in to her apartment. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she didn't hesitate to accept his invitation to slip him tongue. Penny had picked up on the way he liked to kiss her and be kissed by her, the only difference this time was that the interaction was in his mouth instead of hers as she shoved her tongue down his throat whore-mantically. "Mmm fuck, Daddy, I'm so glad you got to stop by today," Penny moaned into his mouth as he sat her ass down on the stove.

You had to give it to the whore, she had a knack for getting everyone naked in a flash. With his belt already off and the dress pants dropping to the floor, Theo was just the newest victim of her nude-gility. It was like agility, but exclusive to making sure they were comfortably in their birthday suits. A moment later he was buried inside of her tight cunt and she had her eyes rolling back a little as they started to fuck like crazy college students. The moment his cock hit her cervix they were thrusting and grinding and moaning into each other's lips, the young co-ed running her nails down his chest as she unbuttoned his dress shirt. The once pristine kitchen littered with expensive articles of clothing and them oblivious to anything other than each other's bodies.

The first three orgasms in that position were nice, but not as nice as the next two that had her bent over the stove and screaming loud enough to alert the neighbors that Penny had found a new cock to entertain herself with. "Oh FUCK! Daddy!" her unmarked back, free of the type of ink he was probably used to seeing on the fuck toys he had played with before. "Cum on my ass, I'm getting hungry, Daddy! And I got movies picked out for us!!"

Even though her stomach and mind had turned to food, her hips and cunt kept bouncing and gripping until he was ready to choose exactly when and where he'd cum on her gorgeous body.
Time just vanished when you were in Penny's cunt. It was an unexplainable law of the universe that once your head slipped passed those tight lips your brain lost all sense of thought. It must have been hell for the men and boys who had her before. Forgetting about their wives, their girlfriends, their jobs, their grades, every but the pleasure that Daddy's dirty little whore was giving them and baseball, but if she wanted that gone then there was nothing you could think about but hoping that none of those o's were fake since she was the one deciding when and where you came.

Theo could have been fucking her in the kitchen with thirteen inches for thirteen minutes or thirteen hours, and he truly did not know or care. His dress pants were wrapped around his ankles, she'd never given him a chance to take his shoes off, and that pretty new lingerie was just pushed to the side over the swell of her ass. Neither of them had wanted to waste the time of her slipping them off one ankle and then the other, plus Theo wasn't the type of cruel fuck who would have just ripped them off her like dental floss.

"Cum on my ass, I'm getting hungry, Daddy! And I got movies picked out for us!"

Somehow, this whore could tell him that she was getting bored of his cock and it would still sound sexy. He slowed down his thrusts, like finishing a max out work out and your body still wanting to move just so it wouldn't collapse it took willpower to pull himself away from her vice grip and silky lips. Once his bitch breaker was able to free itself from her lovely confines it didn't fire his kids off like a rocket launcher onto her back and ass, just collapsed with a meaty slap one her juicy ass and purged. Exhaustion setting in almost instantly as white hot love painted all over her cinnamon swirl skin. Rivulets of seed rolling down her ass to stain her new panties as he tried to bring himself together again.

Leaning in he trapped her mouth with his, playing with her sweat hair as he sloppy kissed her with his tongue. Anything to get close enough to her to not collapse. "How many?" He asked her while playing with her nipple. Then when she answered he finally pulled away and smacked the underside of her ass where his cum had not flowed. "How did you know that I was thinking about pulling out?" He asked her curiously, conversationally, as he stepped back and out of his pants, slipping his briefs back up. Who knew what kind of nonsense she would get into with uninterrupted access to his cock.

Crouching down he found his wallet and slipped it into his wasteband, folding and hanging up his fancy clothes while she started to get out the food. Taking the money out and putting it behind his back while she wasn't looking he had fifty dollars in one hand and five hundred in the other. Multiplied by the times she'd came.

"Left or right?" He whispered in her ear, kissing on her neck as the food was distributed. Whichever amount correlated with the answer was slipped into the waistband of her panties. Then he tapped his fingers against the money on her skin.

"Tell me why you want this."

His first real command to her. And from any other man it would be an order to tell him what a filthy little fuck-whore she was for his pocket change. From him, it was a supplication for moral justification. Tell me it's okay, tell me I'm good and right for doing what I'm doing to you, using you and turning you into my personal toy. Changing you.

"I figured since you said you don't really watch much that I'd pick out a nice selection of the classic college movies: we got Legally Blonde because Elle Wood is like if JT had beat the meanness and blackness out of Porscha, and Hot Tub Time machine because it's just fucking hilarious, and a few others that are quintessential college watches!" Penny answered him while already grabbing an egg roll and stuffing it in her mouth.

It wasn't that she was bored of his dick, it's that she was already pretty fucking hungry when he walked in that door and now sure was absolutely starving and needing to fill the tank back up so she could go full force next round! Which is why when he smacked her ass the adorable squeak was muffled by food. She reached over for a wash cloth and wiped the cum dribbling off her ass and panties.

Penny grinned with a half full mouth of crab rangoon that she was supposed to be dolling out between them instead of shoving them between her pretty little lips. "Well if I told you then it wouldn't be a secret and then you'd change your habits and then I wouldn't be able to read the signs anymore, and that just seemed counterproductive," that was her Penny answer, but her whore answer came next before he ever told her to choose a hand: "But even secrets have a price, don't they? So the better question is 'how much is that answer worth to you', isn't it?"

Keep playin' my heartstrings faster and faster
You can be just what I want, my true disaster
Keep playin' my heartstrings faster and faster
You can be just what I want, my true disaster

Those lips on her neck distracted her from the food as she closed her eyes and let out a soft purr at the sensation. "Mmmmm left!" Penny moaned out and tried to keep opening up the containers of fried rice and lo mein while pressing her ass against him. Once he pulled away she felt the cash in her waist band before dropping her panties on the floor. She didn't have the same concerns about uncovered body parts and what he could or would do with unadulterated access to them.

And then he asked her the question to beat all questions: "Tell me why you want this."

Why did she want this?

That paused her for real this time, her hands stopping moving while she considered the weight of the question.

The words were charged with an energy that lifted the hairs on the back of Penny's neck and compelled her to look up at him in serious consideration. He wasn't asking her for the dumb bimbo answer that a lot of other girls would have given him to keep him handing out the cash. He wanted her to dig deep for this. To give him all the good reasons why this wasn't wrong, why he wasn't corrupting her in any way that she wasn't enjoying. It was all easy for her to see and understand, but it was so much harder to look him in the eye and put it in words.

Penny pulled out a couple of beers from the freshly stocked fridge and offered him one before taking all of their loaded plates and leading him into the living room.

Pretty girls, they like it fancy
But you don't keep it clean (No)
We get dirty and we go hard
Some things, we don't mean
Tell me, "No one's gonna get ya"
I'm just straight up mad
A fool in love, roll up beside me
And you're just as bad

"Theo, the last time you were here my apartment was a mess and I didn't even have viable food in the fridge, much less coffee or anything outside of cup ramen in the cupboard," she laid it down real for him as she set everything on the cheap Walmart coffee table and then patted the spot next to her on the couch. "I was able to take off a shift this week to do some studying in a class I'm struggling it and needed extra time with my tutor just to get through the test. I would have NEVER been able to do that an pay my rent without the money you gave me last time we saw each other. I've been trying to figure out how to balance school with all the hours I need just to handle my shit. So I know you're probably worrying you're pretty boy head over the transaction part of what we're doing, but you're saving my ass and making it fun to do while you're at it," Penny didn't let him speak until she had said her piece, and he would know she was done with her end of it at the moment she picked up her chop sticks and dunked a bit of tempura chicken into her sweet and sour sauce, not realizing how deeply she had managed to read his concerns.

"Besides, my car's about to die and needs some help... and besides someone's gotta pay for my birth control, and it might as well be the one testing it as much as you do." The last part was said with a large grin crossing her face as she grabbed the mouse to her laptop and woke it up. It was HDMI'd to a little 32 inch screen TV she used as a pseudo-monitor when she wanted to watch her Korean drama shows without having to squint for subtitles. "But also just so you know, I genuinely like hanging out with you. Not just for the sex and the pretty shiny cash that bought me a nicer wardrobe and food for the week, but because you're different from the other guys I've fucked around with. And I like that. Now come on, the food is getting cold and we got MOVIES TO WATCH!"

She effectively ended his ability to vocally worry about it by clicking onto her Netflix and turning on Legally Blonde while nakedly pressing her side against him in a loose cuddle so they could still eat freely, a bit smile on her face and the panties and money left on the floor of the kitchen.

I said, come on, give zero fucks about it
Come on, I know I'm gonna get hurt
Come on, give zero fucks about it
Come on
Keep playin' my heartstrings faster and faster
You can be just what I want, my true disaster
Keep playin' my heartstrings faster and faster
You can be just what I want, my true disaster
Fifty dollars for a quick fuck in the kitchen. If Penny was real about how she was feeling about their arrangement then she was going to be working her pussy off to pay for that car the way that her luck was going.

But, her answer gave him some amount of peace. Knowing that he was not taking this pretty little college girl and turning her into a goomah against her will. And he certainly wasn't suave enough to be the one grooming anyone here. Not to mention, as dumb as she seemed like she could be for so many other things that made sense to him, she proved that she was more educated than most of the whores in the city. Even if she could be a bit ditzy. Theo found himself loving every aspect of her as they moved their feast towards the living room and the couch. His hands were full when she sat her bare ass down on the couch that he was intending to return to buy her a new one that wasn't tainted by his cousin's money. Then, he just took a deep breath and reminded himself that discomfort was the price he paid for the wild shit that Penny did to him. And the peace that she gave him afterwards.

Something that Penny might not have noticed about Theo before this moment was that he was left handed, taking up the chopsticks in his left hand and working to avoid their arms brushing together as they both worked at eating their lo mein and rice. The slut had taken a good portion of the crab rangoon, but Theo balanced it out by getting his portions in while she was busy shoving her face with lo mein. Legally Blonde was one of those movies that he had heard about, maybe seen his cousins watching, but had never really watched himself. It was an easy one to watch and eat though, there were moments of comedy and nothing that was too stressful. Something that could make him forget about all of the things that he had going on in life and just focus on the food and feral slut rubbing up to him on the couch.

The empty bowls stacked up next to the laptop, better than on the floor, and once the food was gone Theo wrapped his arm around Penny. Not saying a word and just cuddling up to her. Watching the movie and the moment through her eyes and enjoying something resembling bliss. Then he heard his work phone go off from the clothes he had hung by the door.

"I have to check that." Theo said reluctantly as he slowed pulled his arm away from Penny and groaned from bloat as he rose to his feet. There was a slight tiredness in his eyes from the way that 'work' (underworld work) had intruded its way into the moment of bliss. But what could you do? A mafioso's job was never done.
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