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Coffee & Cocaine (Cyrano x Daleeria)

Theo hadn't smiled so wide in weeks. Laughing and shaking with mirth at how quickly she stole away all of the stressors of the journey. Completely removed any idea of secrets being kept or wars being raged. The numbers of the deals he would be making were painted across her skin, but she would sweat them off in no time at all. That was the beauty of Penny, all of the world that was not her, simply faded away in her wake. Even when she was scared and fawning, talking with her worries on her face. There was fun, and a life, and an escape from all of the world's pain. They were going back to the first place where Theo had killed a man, for the second time since he had done so. And he knew that the police in this country knew about it.

Some of them anyway. And it was his job to make sure that that money stayed good for them. If not, well, he had met their families. Knew one of the Commandants daughters went to a private school in the Pyrenees. Knew people who knew what company paid her bodyguards. Wine. Right. That's what he needed to be focusing on.

"I think I can find room in your budget for dancing lessons. Or is it an allowance now?" Theo asked, the word 'now' slipping into an accent that was somewhere French, but definitely not Paris. Maybe he would take her there next. Or a stop in the Swiss Alps,. They weren't quite ready for the Aspen lodges though. Who wanted to be neighbors with Magic Gun Kelly anyway? Two glasses of chilled wine, with the bottle staying in the ice. A joint hung between his knuckles and a lighter in his pocket as he sat down on the bed next to her. Wondering how long it would take before she started wripping off his clothes.
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