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The Coming Storm (Zaila & Alvis)

"Lying bitch!" One of the three picked roared, shooting to his feet, and siezing her throat. "I'll kill you!" His voice was tinged with desperation. Elrane was already moving, sword coming free, and bringing it down on his elbow. The arm came free in a welter of blood, coating the ground. His blade reveresed effortlessly, taking the throat out of the man. The other two lunged forward, one of them siezed and held by his fellows, while the other had Elrane's sword piercing his knne, and twisting, popping the joint loose. The man shrieked like a cat of fire, and toppled to the ground.
"Tenescowri." The General said coldly. The living and the dead were taken away, the former screaming in pain and fear. Thier own squads would deliver them to their fate. Elrane turned to Ananya, seeing the hand still around her neck, despite the arm not being attatched.
"Stand more away from them. For your safety." He warned.
Ananya knew that should she spare the men the cruel fate they were sure to experience as a result of her designation that she would only be killed or given to the Tenescowri should their true purpose for joining the Panron Dominae become clear. Right as she was preparing to leave the squad and get ready for the next one, the first man she'd picked out charged after her, his fingers encircling her throat. Eyes widened as she coughed, fingers trying desperately to pry his off before Elrane came to her aid.

The shock of seeing the man's arm cleaved cleanly off at the elbow left her standing there, frozen, eyes locked on the severed arm of which the fingers still wrapped around her throat. The screaming ensuing from the man due to the severed arm was quickly extinguished by a swift cut to the throat, removing the organ from the man's neck. The other two she'd called out lunged at this time and were met with Elrane's sword as well. One word came forth from the general and it was strong enough to jar her from her stupor, a shiver coursing through her as she came crashing back to reality, her eyes watching as the men were dragged off, fingers wrapping around the hand still around her throat and pulling it off before shaking in disgust. "I...I will..." she stammered, walking to the side now, out of striking range, to watch the third squad come up.

The third, fourth, and fifth proceeded with all true followers, but the sixth held those not true to their allegiances. One of the voices stuck out among the rest, one which shook her to her very core. It was a man she knew from the village, William Marsin, but he'd gone off on a trip a couple years back. No one knew what had happened to him and now she knew... The man's allegiance was true, his words carrying allegiance to the most foul and cruel military group she'd ever heard about or experienced. Her stomach roiled as she fought to keep her mind on the task. "The second and third men of the first line and the fourth and sixth men of the second line are lying." They would be given to the Tenescowri as well. A part of her was glad William was true to his allegiance this way he'd be spared from a fate worse than death and would live until a battle death claimed him.
Elrane watched her move through it all. She was well poised to the task. It was clear to him that something hadoccurred to set her slightly off center, but what it was he couldn't guess. Through what hues of light did she see the world? And further more, what did she see? Did she see much as others did, or did she see something else? Did she see past the flesh, and into the very soul of men? It was not a thought designed to cultivate comfort. But then, it was one that might allow him to maintain his focus, and his alertness. Regardless, he gave calculated looks to the men, silently daring any of them to attempt to lay hands on Ananya again. None offered. Several of the men revealed as not committed actually left quietly, accepting their fate. Had they thought that this might throw suspicion onto the veracity of the Truth Seer, they were sadly mistaken. The last squad made it's departure. Elrane sighed, restless.
"Dismissed. You have done well to keep her in such condition Captain. I recommend you do so in the future." The General said quietly. Elrane nodded.
"Yes sir." He replied tersely. "Come Ananya, we depart."
"Do so. I have an audience to attend." Elrane slowed his pace, about to speak, but thought better of it. He had a very good idea who was petitioning.
William had taken a few moments to register just -how- he knew that voice and finally turned his gaze toward her. Since she couldn't see facial expressions, she didn't know he was grinning, or what not so noble intentions lied behind the grin, but she knew it was him looking towards her. It was that sense someone gets when they can just feel a connection with someone. A shudder slid down her spine before she turned her attention to the last squad, that one commencing with them all true to their allegiance.

The general dismissed them and commended the captain on how good of a condition she was in. It made her feel like an object rather than a person and her hands rubbed up her arms uncomfortably as she bowed her head reverently to the general. The order to depart was welcomed and she nodded, slipping into line behind Elrane, the general's words heard from behind them. Once outside, she decided to put to rest the questions that -had- to be sifting through her protector's mind.

"You're wondering how my gift works, I know you are. Everyone always does. See...I'm blind, but I see the world by the energy fields everything gives off. I don't see colors other than person's auras, otherwise everything is black and white. The auras tell me if someone's lying or not by how much they spike when the person's speaking. Also, a change in color tells me of that person's intentions behind what they speak, even if it is the truth." She rubbed her arms again, remembering having seen William's aura change from a pastel color, that of innocence, to a dark red, that of maliciousness, the moment he saw her. It made her wonder what kind of man he was now and if the William she once knew, and had feelings for, still existed somewhere in the monster the Panron Dominae had made him into.
Elrane listened to Ananya as they left the pavillion. This made a lot of sense in his mind, though a part of him rejected the idea wholeheartedly, not really trusting in anything he could not see, or hear, or touch. But then, he was not so foolish as to think that there was no unseen forces in this world. The powers that some of the preists he'd met showed that the Gods did grant power to mortals. And some of those pwoers were horrifying in the worst way. He mentally shook himself. he was getting carried away in his thinking, and this usually led him to paths he didn't enjoy. He had a charge to protect, and his right to do so was likely being challenged right at that moment. Anaster was not one to take a dismissal well, and would try and use what influence he had against the General, to try and get Ananya sent to stay with the Tenescowri. This would likely prove disastrous in many ways.

Cuttle was on his stomach, looking out across the plains, at the uncountable mass that was the camp of the Panron Dominae.
"How many you think Stormy?" He asked.
"He don't know, he aint got that many fingers." One of the others, Truth, jeered. Stormy swung around, and dropped a fist onto the top of his helm. Turth cursed, and rolled away. Cuttle rolled his eyes. At least morale was high. They were still miles away, and the army was still large enough they couldn't really comprehend the numbers.
"It'd take seven legions, at least, and a prepared field to route these guys. I don't know if we can stop them before they reach a city."
"And yer point thar lad?" Stormy asked.
"Ananya's the target, sure, but long term Stormy, we're going to have to get this army killed, and get it killed right and proper."
"Ah still cannae believe ye go through awl this, jis fer a lass."
"Stormy, it's not about that."
The fact that he didn't say anything after she'd responded could have meant two things. Either he didn't believe her and decided not to say so, or he -did- believe her and was letting his thoughts run away with him as to what she meant by auras and the like. Either way, their walk was a quiet one which left her time to think about all that had happened. William was now part of the Panron Dominae... A man that had a kind heart and a compassionate spirit was now nothing but a bloodthirsty monster. Granted, Elrane didn't fall under the latter description, but she knew he was battle hardened and thought only in the military context. She couldn't bear to see that happen to William, yet it already had. Despite not being able to see his facial features, she could see his stature and the way he moved. It was always straight, always regulated. He was nothing but a tool for these vile creatures now. The thought made her growl softly, fingers curling into fists at her sides as she fought for something else to think about. Something positive.

Annabelle May entered her mind, talking in that soothing voice and telling her of her day with the kids. They were always driving her crazy, but she loved them dearly and would do anything she could to protect them. She could hear Annabelle yelling at little Norton because he let the horses out again and little Allie for running away with the dress of her mother's that she liked so much. She'd gotten it dirty again by going outside with it. As the images played through her mind, she wiped at a tear that was sliding down her cheek, sniffling softly. Her city was gone, everyone was likely dead and no one was coming for her...

"Elrane, I know you don't like this arrangement, but...there is something I have to ask of you. I know somewhere inside that hardened military exterior of yours, there's still a shred of compassion. I have nowhere to go once my service here is done... Do you really want my fate to be with the Tenescowri?" These words were spoken in hushed tones since she didn't want to risk one of the aforementioned men hearing her words or risking one of the soldiers hearing him speak in a moment of weakness. She had to know that despite him being her protector she could count on him when it came down to the moment when she was no longer needed.
Elrane pulled the flap to his tent open, and jerked his head to the side, signalling her to enter. His mind was racing. If anyone else had heard her, then they could very well contemplate him commiting treason. And that would mean a swifft, merciless end.
"You ask me to commit treason against the General. And through him, my Lord. There is no possible victory against them. The Tenescowri will not be your fate, unless you prove tratiorous. Your fate will be in the hands of the Lord of Panron. What he chooses to do is beyond my fathoming." Elrane warned. His mind was torn now, between outright fury at the question, and the logic that he should well know that somone in her position would likely try and seek what allies she could, and do what was possible to secure her own survival. The logic side of his mind won out. Her words on compassion sent a ripple of pain through his back memeories of his past coming to him. Ones he was not pleased with. It dawned on him that she couldn't have known about it, since she saw no details of a person. She would be blind to the markings.

"Is it not?" Stormy asked.
"No. Why would you think that?" Cuttle countered.
"Ye plan te strom into the enemy camp, fight yer way through 'em, and save the lass from 'em. If ye were worried aboot her gifts bein' used fer ill, then why noot git a Marine detatchment, and stick a crossbow shot inner eye? End it awl right swift it would." Cuttle hesitated. Stormy had a point.
"Because Shard is dead. And he died to save her. And his last request was to get her back." Stormy nodded.
"The last request ahve a fallen mon. Thot I kin git behind lad. We'll be needin' more men t git in there."
At the jerk of Elrane's head she quickly shuffled into the tent knowing a silent order when he gave one. It was about evening by this point, but not late enough to settle in for bed yet, so she moved over to one of the chairs set against the side of the tent and sat down, contemplating silently while he spoke. She didn't want anything to happen to him, but she had to know at least -something- along the lines of an assurance that no harm would visit her while she was here.

This brought to mind a new question... As of now she hadn't disobeyed Elrane. No, she'd been nothing but obedient, following when told to, standing where she was instructed, never stepping a hair out of place, but she needed to see how he reacted if she disobeyed. The weapons he'd taken off still lied on the table. She could easily take one up and stab it into his chest once he'd removed his armor, but...she'd already figured out the result of that and no doubt she'd be given to Anaster for protection, a thought that caused her to shudder with both fear and disgust.

"I didn't mean that. I'm sorry...It's just, well, you think strategically all the time. I'm simply doing the same. I've been nothing but compliant and why do you think that? I left your weapons out, open for me to wield and sufficiently end your life, yet I didn't. I'm doing what I have to in order to live through this ordeal, save the trauma I've already endured. I just want to know there's someone here I can trust." The news of William had brought that hopelessness back and now she was desperate to know that there was at least someone she could find solace and trust in within this wretched place.
"You did not seek my death, because you are not stupid. To kill me is to leave yourself at the mercy of the General, and his is not known for that. Any rebellious acts towards him, he would simply have that defiance removed from you by mkaing you serve a night in the soldiers tents. assuming you were even alive, much less sane by then, I have little doubt you would be endlessly eager to do as he pleased. That being said, I will fight to defend you from what threats are posed to you. Maintain the status between us, and I will do likewise." He turned from her, and hesitated. "For what little it is worth, I do not believe that it is just for you to be forced into this role." He sighed. "I will return. Do not stray from the tent." He left through the flap. He had a hunch to play.
He was right and he had basically stated resolutions she'd already come to within her mind, save for the punishment in the soldiers' tents. After seeing what they did to the women of her village, the thought of being in a tent an entire night with them and violated in every way possible almost made her throw up. Her fingers gripped the chair she sat in, eyes closing tightly so she could concentrate on changing her thoughts and forcing the stomach sickness back down. Memories of her town came flooding back, effectually quelling the sick feeling and allowing her to open her eyes again.

"Thank you, I appreciate that," she replied, a little breathless from the mini attack, while watching him move around the tent. The words he said before moving away from her caused her brows to raise. It had caught her off guard and it took a moment for her to find her voice again. "Oh...thank you." She smiled softly before lifting from the chair and moving over to her furs and settling onto them, but stood again startled when he made to leave the tent. "Wait wh--" but he was already gone. Her heart pounded against her chest... If he moved too far off someone would see and come into the tent. She gulped and backed away from the flap and went over to the bed, settling on it. She didn't want to be on the furs, on the ground, so close to the entrance.
"You make an excellent case for this request Anaster. However, i am reluctant to remove Captain Elrane from his position. He does an exemplary job. And I doubt you could protect her from an angered Urdoman without a mob of your Tenescowri, and I will not have them in my camp." The general said plainly.
"Then perhaps after the test of loylty is done, I could be given this task." Anaster offered.
"That may be more likely. Elrane would likely prefer to be with his command."
"No." Elrane said from the entrance to the tent.
"Your pardon Captain?"
"No. This task was given to me. I will see it through to the end sir. The very end. When she is delivered to the Court of our Lord, then i shall surrender her. Until then sir, I see this task through."
"Well spoken. The matter rests. We may reopen it at a later date." Anaster went red at the comment, and glared at Elrane. Th captain unconciously dropped his hand to the hilt of his sword. Anaster stormed from the tent. Elrane knew he had made a bad enemy that night.

"Where are we going to find enough people to penetrate that camp?" Truth asked.
"All over. There's posts all over that we can get people out of. And there's bound to be mercenaries and the like we can recruit to the cause. Ulricians, maybe some others. We have to try. An army that size can't move fast. Meet at Baker Ridge in a weeks time? We can each take a few riders with us to send word of anything we find that the Empire needs to know." Cuttle laid out. One of the riders stepped forward.
"I'll stay. Watch the army in case it tries something unexpected." He offered.
"If they find you here-"
"Yeah, dyin'll be the fun part, I know. But someone has to you know." Cuttle cocked his head, looking at him.
"What's your name boy?"
"Sorry. I was Imperial Outriders for a season. Won a discharge with honour for running off with the enemy battle standard in the Meeting of Three Armies." Cuttle broke into a grin.
"Corporal Sorry. Good to have you. Kepp watch, and if they see you, ride like all hell's chasin' you. Cause it will be."
"Good luck Cuttle. Bring back an army of your own." The teams split up, and rode off.
As soon as Elrane had left Ananya remembered the general having said he had an audience with someone. She racked her mind to try and figure out who it was, but only arrived at one possible candidate, Anaster. He would present an excellent case, she knew that much, because of how much he desired her. Had that been why Elrane left? Had he gone to ensure that Anaster didn't get permission to be anywhere near her? Hmm...she'd ask when he came back. For now she had nothing to do and couldn't leave the tent since Elrane wasn't around to protect her. There was no telling who was outside of her little sanctuary and she wasn't going to be foolish and find out.
Elrane walked from the pavillion, fighting the urge to whistle. He had made enemies with a dangerous, psychotic man. But at the same time, he'd pulled it off, and kept himself a step ahead of Anaster and his manipulations. That was not an easy task. But he'd managed it, and while the threat of prying Ananya into his lunatic care was always going to be present, he could at least say he had ways of fending it off. Whlie he was not sure what the Lord would do when he was shown Ananya, he was surprised to note that he held some hope that she would not be given to Anaster. He shook himself. Feelings would simply land him in difficulty agaion. His back flared again with a ripple of pain, memories of what compassion had given him. He re-entered the tent, and blinked. Ananya was there, but on his bed. Images of the implications to this raced through his mind. His logical side took over, and pushed them down. There would likely be an explanation, and it would be simple. Barring that, if she was in fact making an offer, it was likely a ploy to gain his trust, to better be able to manipulate him. The thought did not appeal to him.
"Is there something you wanted?" He asked. His voice was flat, emotionless, showing nothing in it.

Cuttle rode, starting to smile. For the first time, his insane idea of gtting Ananya back seemed within his reach. They would just need some help, and there was bound to be some around. Every village around might only be able to spare two or trhee soldiers, but that would add up in a hurry, and there were dozens of small villages around. And he might even find some fortune, and find mercenaries to be hired. The thought struck him as a good one as he head to the south. He passed a great mound, and he purposefully avoided it. He suppressed a shudder at passing it. A barrow, one that had stood longer than any human civilization. He did not relish the thought of what it might contain.
Over the hours that Elrane was gone, she'd become bored and had eventually fallen asleep, the covers pulled up over her as if it were her own bed. Elrane's voice permeated the dream she was having about her town causing her to outwardly wince before she came crashing back to reality, her eyes snapping open to see Elrane's featureless face aimed directly at her. She gulped and shook her head, tiredly moving from the bed and back over to her furs, yawning since she was still half asleep. "Got bored...Didn't want to be where people could get me... Sorry for going on the bed." She smiled softly, dreamily, before turning and settling into the furs, fluffing the one she'd used for her pillow before closing her eyes and returning to the dream she'd been having prior to his entrance.

Meanwhile, in the camp, William was making friends with some of the Panron Dominae. Oh yes, he'd seen Ananya in the tent and had set to work in getting as much information about her situation as he could. "So...this Captain that has her, he's bedded her aye?" One of the men grinned and nodded, having been told by the soldier that entered their tent that Ananya could hardly walk. Apparently her bluff had been believable enough. William's fingers curled into fists before he stood from the stump he'd been sitting on. He wanted to ask so many more questions, but doing so would reveal the feelings he held for the girl and make it difficult for his plan to come to fruition. Ananya would be his, he'd make sure of that, whether she was willing or not.
Elrane grimaced, adn sat on his bed, thinking on how best to approach this. He set about removing his armour. The lighter armour he wore for around camp was not overly heavy, but after a full day of wearing it, he longed for the absence of it. Piece by piece is made a heap at the side of his bed. Stern words may make a point with her. As might out right threats. But then, she was likely starting to feel comfortable in his presence, and thusly, his threats may go unheeded. Another option was to simply have his way with her, and be done with it. be harsh, and cruel, and make sure her fear of his displeasure was always formost in her mind. Elsewise, simple physical pain could be an excellent way of making a point known. After all, she only needed her eyes. His rendering one of her hands relatively useless would not impair her. He stood, lifting a long bladed dagger as he did so, drawiong it free, he advanced on her.

Cutle made camp for the night, keeping a small fire going. It was more of a coal bank really, made for heat, not light. He'd not let his guard down in this land. He packed the bowl of a pipe with tobacco, needing the feeling of a smoke at the moment. It was a habit he'd picked up from Stormy, and had spread to most of the squad by the end of the campaign. He lit it carefully, and puffed away, trying to relax a little. As his trail rations warmed on the coal bank, he set to rehoning the edge of his longsword. He'd nicked it a few times in the fight, but that was hardly surprising, given that he'd cut through skulls, arms, and bone was not known to be forgiving to metal. He only hoped Ananya was all right.

Elrane sank the blade of the dagger into the ground, a few inches from Ananya. A bared blade, beside her in her sleep should serve to remind her that her postion was precarious, and not to take his kindness as a constant. Satisfied, he lay down to rest.
Ananya couldn't see the grimace, partly because she was turned from him, and partly because people's faces were featureless masks to her. The latter part was really the all encompassing part. Unaware of the thoughts sifting through the Captain's mind, she settled into sleep again, pulling the furs close around her since tonight was especially cold and she had only her dress to keep her warm despite the blankets. After tossing and turning for a few moments to get comfortable, she finally settled and started breathing evenly which meant she was slipping into a deep sleep.

Elrane's advance was unsensed, as well as the stab of the knife into the ground, her body not reacting to either even after Elrane had moved back over to the bed. Since he'd removed his armor, the movement has been near silent and was impossible to pick up if her senses weren't attuned at that particular time. When the girl was sleeping, she was weakest, her senses turned off to allow her a peaceful sleep instead of her getting disturbed by every tiny sound in her environment. Yawning, she turned, stretching an arm out and feeling her fingers hit something cold. Startled, she yelped softly, her eyes snapping open to see what it was she'd bumped into.

Her heart leapt into her throat to see a dagger there. A slight glance up revealed Elrane still laying there peacefully which meant no one had come into the tent. It was him that had put the dagger there... Had he wanted to stab her and chickened out at the last minute? Fingers curled around the hilt, pulling the weapon free of the ground and laying it down flat, pushing it further away from her makeshift bed before closing her eyes again and trying to force herself back to sleep.

William dipped into the tent he'd been assigned and spent some time sharpening his blades. Tomorrow he'd make a case to the general for getting protection rights to Ananya. Maybe he could work out shifts with Elrane since the man no doubt wanted some of his life back. Grinning now, he finished polishing his dagger and went to sleep, dreaming of wondrous images containing a frightened Ananya, cowering to the power he held now.
Elrane let his dreams wander, seeing time and time again the tides of blood and glory he'd ridden for so very long. From the first time he'd driven a bronze balde into a living thing, all the way to the fight against Cuttle, his life was a roadmap of war. He'd clawed his way up from the skirmishers, past teh Betaklites, all the way up to his captaincy in the Bekalites, where he felt he'd found his place. The Urdomen were made up of larger men than he and the Seerdominae were trained for their role since birth. There were times he'd laughed as he killed, adn others when he screamed aloud at the injustice of it all, holding a fallen man, hands covered in blood. He'd fought his way through life, and had only his future of death to look forwar to. His eyes opened slowly, taking in the coming dawn. There would likely be another wave of examinations this day, unless they chose to march on instead. He began his quiet preparations for the day.
When the sunlight stung her lids, she rose to a waking state, yawning and stretching, trying to get her composure back and relieve herself of the sleepiness. The dagger was still where she'd pushed it which either meant he hadn't seen it or he had and would punish her for it... Punishment, that was something she hadn't even fathomed from the man, but she had a feeling things would be different now. Gulping, she shifted into a kneeling position and pulled her furs straight, making up her bed like she did every time she awoke in the morning with her protector. Now that things were different, she didn't know how to handle the situation... She didn't know if she should talk with him or just remain obedient and silent.

Deciding the latter was best, she stepped off to the side and patiently waited for a soldier to come in to tell them what their assignment was for today. What the soldier said had her stiffening for an entirely different reason, however.

"Captain, the general seeks an audience with you. One of the new pledges, William, is trying to get care of the seer handed off to him. He's proposed shifts and the general seems to be considering it." Ananya's heartbeat quickened, so much that it hammered against her chest as she turned to Elrane, watching his movements carefully. Either William would die this day or he'd be sufficiently taught a lesson and learn not to challenge the Captain's authority.
Elrane calmly crouched, and rached under his bed, withdrawing a beautifully crafted box made of a dark, glossy wood. He slowly opened it, as though there was meaning in the very action. He reached in, and withdrew the object within. A shaft of polished wood, close to nine inches long, with heavy bands of lead wrapped near the top. A leather strap was at the base of the handle, allow a firm grip, or possibly something else to swing it by. Letters were carved into the side of it in a strange, golden meterial that burned the eye to lookupon. It read, Discipline. He tucked the club into his belt, and stood. He strapped on his sword, and casually lifted his dagger from the floor. Without a word, he departed his tent. In his mind, he was fuming. A common soldier had defied the chain of command, adn sought t take his duty from him. How dare he? And now, more than ever, he was determined to see his duty through until the end. The soldier was not going to forget this lesson easily. He entered the General's pavillion, his face a mask of calm.
"Captain, wlecome back. This is the soldier who has petitioned t share your new duty.." The general said calmly. Elrane looked at him coldly.
"I would hear his reasoning." He answered.
Ananya simply watched as the captain crouched, curious as to what he was reaching for and then having her curiosity further piqued by what lie within the box. With the sight she was awarded, she couldn't tell exactly what the object was, but noting the length and the way it was wielded, she knew it was some kind of discipline device. Her spine stiffened, at first thinking the weapon would be used on her and then remembering what the soldier had said which meant it would be used on William!

She desperately wanted to save her friend from the pain that wooden weapon was sure to bring, but challenging the captain now would only land her in the reign of fire. As he made ready to depart, she stepped forward, not sure if she was permitted to go with him or not. After a couple moment's deliberation, she rushed from the tent and joined his backside, following him back to the general's pavillion and staying off to the side as he spoke to the general. Already she could feel William's eyes on her, a feeling that made her squirm on the inside and resist the urge to cry out from discomfort.

Hearing the Captain speak of wanting to hear his reasoning, William grinned, confident in the soon to be given explanation. "Of course." After bowing in reverence to the general, he began. "General, I wish to inform you that I lived in the same town as Ananya. I left a few years ago in search of a higher purpose, at which point I found the Panron Dominae, but before my leaving I was in charge of the truth-seer. I believe, given my previous experience with the girl, that I am both more equipped and more knowledgeable in what she needs to survive and operate at full capacity." Ananya felt sick to her stomach. He was lying, plainly, and he -knew- he was unsettling her.

So now she was faced with a decision...tell the general he was lying or allow the general to mull over the man's words and then decide who she was to be given to. Elrane was going to be more cruel from now on, she knew it, but to go with William... She shivered at the thought. Elrane seemed the most favorable out of the two, so she stepped forward. "Excuse me General, but he has lied to you. We grew up in the same town, yes, but he was never charged with the duty of watching me. If my opinion matters any in your decision, know that I will be more rebellions and at a lesser functioning capacity should you choose William." Her piece said, she backed towards the side again and dropped her eyes, waiting for the deliberation.
The general nodded slowly to Ananya.
"The Truth Seer has read you now soldier, and you have been false to your general. I pass your judgement on to Captain Elrane." The man said coldly. Elrane smiled wolfishly.
"Normally, lying to the commnaer of an army would warrant banishment to the Tenescowri. However, in light of his service to our people, he will be spared this fate, and be given a discipline action from myself." he said. He loked to the general. "Is this acceptable to you sir?"
"No. You seem to have far too much personal interest in this manner captain. I see you carry Discipline with you again. The last time you made use of that tool, the soldier never waked again. He will be given to the Seerdominae for punishment. They will make him suffer, but leave him intact." The general announced. Elrane closed his eyes.
"Very well sir. Am I dismissed?"
"You are." Elrane turned.
"Come Ananya." His voice was cool, no anger, or really, no emotion at all. He led her from the pavillion. They wree outside it a fair distance before he spoke again.
"You opted to stay alongside me. Why?" He asked.
Hearing that his judgment was going to be passed to Elrane, William stiffened. The captain was much larger and definitely much stronger than him. He was hard pressed to believe he would survive a lesson from the higher ranked man. The man waited patiently for his fate, not daring to look over in Elrane's direction. His stiffness relaxed at hearing the captain wouldn't be allowed to exact discipline on him, but now he had a new fear...the Seerdominae. No doubt he would suffer. Suddenly he was wishing that the general had gone for Elrane's suggestion, but he couldn't object to the general's orders.

When she was told to come, she stepped forward obediently, not even sparing a look to William over her shoulder as she walked out. William was taken out by a couple soldiers a few moments after and brought into the Seerdominae encampment. Ananya could hear his pleas as he was practically dragged over there. She swallowed, in essense trying to swallow the lump that was forming in her throat at what fate she'd brought the man. She was so focused on that aspect that she barely heard Elrane's question, but she was able to piece together the parts she -did- hear well enough to tell her what the question had been.

Gulping, she looked down at the ground, shuffling her feet. "William looks at me like I'm a morsel he wants to eat...His lust is very clear and I don't think he'd respect me as you have. I understand you can do the same, but...I don't believe you would." She looked off to the side and then to the ground again before meeting his gaze with her white one. "In actuality, he scares me...Also, I don't think he'd be caring toward my well being while I was in his care." She was fully aware that Elrane could easily force himself upon her and she wasn't exactly sure how their time would be together, given the dagger that had been stabbed into the ground, now that his feelings toward her were clear.
A snarling sound came from his right, and Elrane turned slowly to meet it. Sure enough four men from his detatchment were standing there, one of them looking rather angry.
"Something I can do for you soldier?" He asked.
"Yes sir. Give me ten minutes with that little bitch. She tried to wreck my manhood the other night, and I'll show her what happens when you try that." He replied. Elrane shook his head.
"No. Move on soldier. Pursuing this will not end well for you." As he spoke, Elrane casually slipped his wrist into the leather strap of Discipline, and pulled it free.
"Screw it! She's mine!" The soldier lunged forward, clearly too lost in his own anger to realiz the stupidity of the move. Elrane swung almost casully at him, the lead bands at the head hitting home with a loud snap of breaking bone. The man cried out, and dropped, his collar bone broken cleanly. Elrane stepped to beside him, and swung. The blow hit his side, and the snap of ribs breaking straight past the light armour was audible at a few paces. The man crumpled to the side, adn Elrane calmly put a foot to his wrist, pinning the arm to the ground. Three methodical blows came, shattering the elbow, forearm, and hand in quick succession. The cries of pain became piteous whimpering. Elrane romaved his foot, and took a step back, before making a final blow to his hips, breaking it cleanly.
"Do any others which to take issue with my orders?" He asked them all coldly. The others shook their heads vigorously. "Then take him from my sight." They sprung into action as Elrane tucked Discipline back into his belt.

Stormy smiled up at the sky, seeing that day was well and truly there. He rose, stretching, glad to be on the move again. He hated the old garrison duty, the monotony of it all. This was more like it, a job to do, and a way to do it. His gaze returned to the land, and he saw a small group of people marching in ragged order. The poise, and grace of their motions showed a great deal of martial training. He quickly packed his camp up, knowing that he might not get another chance like this. He swung onto his horse, adn set off at a canter. When he was getting close enough to make out features, several of them broke off, and moved to intercept them. He rose i his stirrups, and waved to them. He looked at them all, and noticed one thing was in common to them all. All of them wore masks that covered their faces. All of them were armoured. And they all carried twin swords. It all pointed to one that froze Stormy's heart in his chest. They were Seguleh.
"Ulric save meh noow..." He muttered
Ananya looked up to see the source of where the snarling was coming from, eyes widening to see the vibrant red aura coming off the one that approached Elrane. That meant purely evil thoughts...Nothing good, at all, was going through the man's mind at that particular moment. Not wanting to get in the middle of the captain's business, she stepped off to the side, unaware, until the man verbally made it known he was after her, that she was actually the subject of the man's anger. Color drained from her face as the soldier proceeded to say just -who- he was. The one she'd punched in between the legs...The one that had grabbed her hair so hard it made her kneel... She rubbed her scalp in remembrance while shuffling behind Elrane for protection.

Already she could see his fingers reaching for the Discipline weapon in preparation for the man's next move. He should have listened...He should have just taken off as ordered, but no. He -had- to try and get past the captain. Ananya closed her eyes and put her hands over her ears to try and block out both the sounds of his bones breaking and the accompanying wails. The snaps and cracks permeated her hands and made her sick to her stomach. She turned entirely from the show and walked a couple feet away, trying desperately to focus on something happy, something enjoyable. Annabelle Maye came to mind and she held onto that image, remembering hugging her and how safe she felt. It would have to be her security blanket now that she was completely terrified of Elrane and how swiftly he handled that weapon. He could break a hand and not care since it's her eyes she needs.

Hearing him ask the others if they wished to challenge him, and then his order to remove the man, she turned, walking back towards him and standing at his side obediently, her heart still hammering against her chest.
Elrane led her back to the tent, and calmly replaced Discipline back in the glossy wood box, and stored it back under his bed. It was a fine weapon, but t use it frequently would iminish it's reputation. The club had never taken a life. But it had made many people wish that it had.
"Your sight Ananya. Are you capable of reading?" He asked her. His mind wandered to what would likely come next. She would need something to do in the meantime, since it looked as though there would not be another reading of the army this day. There was not a great deal that he could think of to do with her, barring something that would push her farthr over te edge. A part of him actually regretted his actions last night. It was hasty of him, but what was done, was done, and nothing he could do could change that now. He shook himself. Compassion. It was still trying to get to him, but each time, his back rippled.
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