Location headers can be helpful at the beginning of posts, I also wouldn't be afraid to tag people like
@xavierrol to help guide folks to posts where some response is expected from them, especially if it is a new encounter.
Combat: as we are nearing our first little
battle we will soon see how things work. My intent as 'moderator' is to referee the non-consensual, contested encounters between players. So we can handle this blow by blow or more summarized. We will try to find a balance that keeps things moving but also gives each player autonomy over their character. In this case, the goblins and elf have positioned themselves, Tabitha has taken
action in response. So far so good, it is Red's move for the goblins and Ada and this can be very specific with each attacker having an action or simply a mad rush to get her bound. I can work with either level of detail and will respond relatively quickly with a brief result. If the 'victim' simply wants to concede the battle, they are welcome to simply write that out, assuming I haven't already answered. Hopefully this isn't too vague but let's just try it out and see how it goes, I'm always open to constructive criticism.
Just a small nudge here:
Tathariel can use a response from Betty, and then I can have her welcomed into the Inn (welcome might be a strong word given the management) if she doesn't get side tracked with our alchemist. (The Griffon isn't a very nice Inn by the way, so it might not be the preferred stop for an elf of any means.)